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I love/ me encanta

I like/ Me gusta

I don’t like /No me gusta

I hate /Lo detesto

Activity 1

¿Cúal de estos tipos de comidas más te gustan? Complete el recuadro usando:

I love / I like/ I don’t like/ I hate.

_________________ cereals. ________________ pizza

_________________ fish ________________ cookies

_________________ fruit ________________ ice cream

_________________ meat ________________ beef

________________ milk and cheese. _________________ popcorn

________________ pasta and bread _________________ eggs

________________ shellfish _________________ steak

________________ vegetables. _________________ seafood

________________ chocolate _________________ garlic


Usamos would like/I’d like cuando se quiere decir que “me gustaría” algo o hacer algo.

Example: I would like to eat chocolates (me gustaría comer chocolates)

I would like to drink some water (me gustaría beber agua)

Usamos would you like cuando estamos ofreciendo algo.

Example: Would you like to drink some water? ( te gustaría beber agua)
Would you like to eat chocolates? (te gustaría comer chocoalates)

Activity 2

Complete las siguientes conversaciones. Use would you like or I’d like

1) Jim: What________________________ ?
Megan: I ___________________ ice cream, please.
Jim: _______________________ chocolate sprinkles?
Megan: Yes, please.

2) Server: Good evening, _______________________ something to drink?

Dan: Oh, just water, please-
Server: OK. And what ______________________ to eat?
Dan: Um, I __________________ salmon, please-
Server: _________________some green beans with it?
Dan: Actually, I ________________ some spinach, please.

3) Greg: Where ____________________ to go for dinner?

Sheila: Oh, I don’t know. I _______________ to go somewhere around here.
Greg: ____________________ to try the new Thai restaurant?
Sheila: Oh, yes! I ______________________ something spicy.
Recordemos el uso de SOME & ANY

Se puede utilizar SOME para construir una interrogación donde se espera una respuesta
afirmativa, estableciendo una manera educada para preguntar si alguien desea algo de
tomar o comer, por ejemplo:


Would you like some tea? ¿Te gustaría un té?

I’d like to drink some tea, please. Me gustaría un té, por favor?

Se emplea ANY en preguntas y también en oraciones negativas.


Do you have any chicken? ¿Tiene algún pollo?

We don´t have any chicken. Nosotros no tenemos ningún pollo.

Activity 3

Marque con una X la alternativa correcta.

1) Polly, try _____ lamb.

a. Some
b. Any

2) I need _________ water, now!

a. Some
b. Any

3) Here, drink _____ soda.

a. Some
b. Any
4) Do you have _____ cholate cookies?

a. some
b. any

5) Would you like _______ potatos chips?

a. some
b. any

6) I can’t buy _____ candies. I don’t have ____ money.

a. Some/ any
b. Any/some
c. Some/some
d. Any/ any

Activity 4

Complete las siguiente oraciones usando Some o any

1. We need _______ bananas.

2. You can't buy ________ in this shop.

3. We don’t have ________ oranges at the moment.

4. Do you have _______ tomatoes?

5. Peter buys __________ food.

6. She always takes _________ sugar with her coffee.

7. Is there ___________ lemonade?

8. I have ___________ coke for you.

9. There are ___________ apples on the table.

10. Pam does not have __________ cookies on her bag.

Activity 5

Complete el siguiente recuadro con el vocabulario correspondiente.

Apple onions steak sugar oil strawberries lamb coffee cheese

shrimp watermelon lettuce butter cereals garlic peanuts tomato

Meat and seafood Fruit Vegetables Other

Activity 6

Lea el siguiente párrafo y encierre la respuesta correcta.

This week’s restaurant: The Seafood Palace.

By Jill Heacock.

Last week, I want to the Seafood Palace- it’s a terrible / wonderful restaurant. I
love it. I was there on a busy night, and the atmosphere was fun/ formal. The food
was awful / delicious, and very dish came to the table cold/hot. I really liked the
shrimp. Very tasty! The service was excellent/slow, the servers were really friendly
/ lazy, and the meal was cheap / expensive. I only spent $121. The Seafood Palace
is a good Place to hang out with friends or have dinner with your family. Try it!

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