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These are the recipes from the cookbook, but the instructions from are in wrong order.

You need to
decide what is the order of instructions for each recipe.


1 2
Ingredients: Ingredients:
150g plain flour 250g cherry tomatoes
100g butter or margarine 1 medium onion
50g caster sugar 1 medium cucumber
150g Feta cheese
Method : 3 tablespoons of olive oil
A. Put it on the baking tray 1 tablespoon of vinegar
B. Put the flour, sugar and butter into the
bowl 1 chopped clove of garlic
C. Remove from oven and let it cool down salt and pepper
D. Rub together firmly until it is mixed well
E. Bake it for 10 – 15 minutes or until it is
golden brown
F. Place the dough on a floured work surface Method:
and roll out to form a flat circle a) Mix oil, vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper, pour it
G. Place the baking tray into a hot oven over the vegetables
H. Preheat oven to 170oC b) Add crushed feta cheese on top. Your salad is
ready to serve
c) Cut tomatoes in halves, peel and dice the
cucumber and slice the onion and place them in
Now put the instructions in order: a bowl


1. B____ 1. _____
2. _____ 2. _____
3. _____ 3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
7. _____
8. _____
Primeros platos / first course
Gazpacho : classic cold tomato and cucumber soup
Salmorejo : a delicious cold creamy tomato and almond soup
Sopa castillana : a tomato and vegetable soup with bread and sometimes an egg in
Sopa de.... Soup of...

Vegetable dishes (cold or hot)

Alcachofas : artichokes
Espárragos, or trigueros : Asparagus
Ensalada rusa : Russian salad (mayonnaise based)
Ensalada verde : Green salad (lettuce based)
Ensalada de tomate y cebolla con huevo : Tomato and garlic salad, with egg
Fabada: white beans in tomato sauce with chorizo (hot)
Garbanzos : Chick peas
Guisantes con jamón : Green peas with ham
Judías verdes con jamón : Green beans with ham (hot)
Lentejas con chorizo : lentils with sausage
Setas : mushrooms

Other dishes:
Croquetas : Croquettes, rissoles
Embutidos : charcuterie, cold ham and sausages,
Espaguetis : Spagetti, pasta
Huevos : eggs
Jamon ibérico : the finest Spanish cured ham
Migas (extremeñas) : Croutons with pieces of chorizo
Paella : Paella (rice with pieces of meat or shellfish)
Tortilla : Spanish omelette

Fish dishes:
Gambas : prawns
Merluza : hake, whitefish
Pulpo : octopus

Descriptive adjectives / expressions:

Casero(s) /- a(s) : home made, "of the house"
Del dia : of the day
Revuelto(s) /- a(s) : scrambled, stirred, stir-fried
Salteado(s) /- a(s) : sautéd

Secundos platos / Main courses :

a) Fish & seafood:
Atun : tuna fish
Bacalao : cod
Calamares : squid
Corvina, lubina : sea bass
Dorada : sea bream
Espada : sword-fish
Merluza : hake, whitefish
Paella valenciana : Paella with fish and shellfish
Salmonete : red mullet
Trucha : trout
Salmón : salmon

b) Meat:
Cabrito : kid
Cerdo : pork
Conejo : rabbit
Cordero : lamb
Cordoniz : quail
Ternera, buey : beef
Pato : duck
Pollo: chicken
Perdiz: partridge
Venado : venison

Methods of serving ...

... and describing:
These terms can be applied to various meats or fish dishes.

A la plancha : grilled
Albondigas de... : Meatballs of
Asado : grilled, char-grilled, barbecued
Solomillo de... Surloin
Empanado : Breaded
Escalope de, Filete de ... Fillet of
Estofado (de) : stew, stewed
Guiso de: stew
Ibérico : (pork cuts) From top quality free-range animals
Lomo de... Loin of , tenderloin
Relleno de... : Stuffed
Con arroz : with rice
Con (su) guarnicon : with garnish (vegetables and/or potatoes)
Con patatas : with potatoes
Desserts / Postres:
Arroz con leche : rice pudding
Flan : caramel custard
Frutas : Fruit
(Fresas : strawberries - manzanas: apples - narancas ; oranges - uvas: grapes)
Helados : ice cream
Natillas: custard, blancmange
Queso : Cheese
Tarta de... : ... tart
Worksheet: Ingredients
Banana Cake
2 & ½ cups self‐raising flour
70g walnut pieces
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
125g butter (melted)
2 eggs
3 bananas
Beef Osso Bucco
4 pieces Beef osso bucco
2 tbsp plain flour
1 onion
1 carrot
1 stick celery
2 cloves garlic
1L Beef stock
400g can diced tomatoes
1/3 cup chopped parsley
1/4 cup plain four
salt & pepper to season
1/3 cup red wine (optional)
olive oil

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