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1. JUSTIFICACIÓN.- Toda máquina existente necesita de una fuente motriz que le transmita movimiento
y potencia para realizar un trabajo específico, en otras palabras necesitan de un motor. En la actualidad se
presenta un problema muy común que consiste en tener un motor con características estándar pero que no se
adecua a las condiciones de funcionamiento de una máquina dada, pues, puede que el motor gire a mucha
mas velocidad que la que realmente necesite la máquina y para solucionar este problema se diseña un
sistema reductor de velocidades que acopla motor y máquina de tal manera que esta última funcione bien
con sus respectivas condiciones de diseño con dicho motor.
En el presente proyecto se pretende enfocar uno de estos problemas y dar una solución alternativa mediante
el diseño de un conjunto de elementos de máquinas de transmisión que forman parte de un sistema reductor
de velocidades.

2. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA.- Diseñar un reductor de velocidades que se empleara en una

máquina textil, se dispone de un motor eléctrico de eje horizontal ,estime las condiciones de servicio, horas
de servicio, condiciones ambientales la potencia que requiere es 37 HP y la velocidad de rotación que
requiere la máquina es 550 + 10 rpm diseñar los elementos reductores de velocidad: engranes, todos los
ejes, los elementos de fijación como ser chavetas o pernos, elementos secundarios como ser acoples, cubos,
etc. Y seleccionar la carcasa.

a) Calculo de la Potencia de Diseño.

Pot = 37Hp

Ko = 1.5

Potencia de dieño = 37 ∗ 1.5 = 55.5

Factor de corrección

Potencia nominal = 55.5 ∗ 0.95 = 52.725

b) Selección del Motor Eléctrico.

- Dimensiones del Motor.

50 Hz. 60 HP 2965 rpm

c) Diseño del Sistema Reductor de Velocidades.

- Valor de los Trenes.

n1 = 2965 rpm (Número de revoluciones del eje de entrada)
n2 = 1300 rpm (Número de revoluciones del eje intermedio)
n3 = 550 rpm (Número de revoluciones del eje de salida)
VR1 = 2.28 (Relación de velocidades del primer tren)
VR2 = 2.36 (Relación de velocidades del segundo tren)


a) Diseño de los Engranes. Se calcularan las dimensiones de los pares de engranes con la ayuda del
programa de diseño “Mdesing”.
Engranes Conicos:

Program : MDESIGN User: Customer :
Version : 0 LINE 10 %lf 20
%lf 30 0.0 11 %lf 21 %lf 31 Date : 18.05.2016 Proj. Nr :

Bevel Gearing

Input data:
Bevel Gearing

Pressure angle 20°

Diametral pitch Pd = 7 teeth/in
Transmitted power P = 60 hp
Rotational speed of pinion np = 2965 rpm
Number of pinion teeth Np = 26

Desired output speed ng = 1300 rpm

Design life L = 25040 h
Number of load applications per revolution q = 1

Elastic coefficient Cp = 2300

Overload factor Ko = 1.3
Load-distribution factor Km = 1.5
Factor of safety SF = 1
Hardness ratio factor Ch = 1
Reliability factor Kr = 1


Actual output speed ng = 1306.610 rpm

Actual number of gear teeth Ng = 59
Gear ratio mg = 2.269
Qualty number Qv = 11.000

Geometry parameters

Pinion Gear
Pitch diameter D = 3.714 8.429 in
Pitch cone angle  = 23.782 66.218 °

Outer cone distance A0 = 4.605 in

Face width F = 1.381 in
Mean cone distance Am = 3.915 in
Mean circular pitch Pm = 0.382 in
Mean working depth h = 0.243 in
Clearance c = 0.030 in
Mean whole depth hm = 0.273 in
Mean addendum factor c1 = 0.266 in

Pinion Gear
Mean addendum a = 0.178 0.065 in
Mean dedendum b = 0.095 0.209 in
Dedendum angle  = 1.391 3.049 °
Outer addendum ao = 0.215 0.081 in
Outside diameter do = 4.108 8.494 in

Bending geometry factor J = 0.262 0.223

Pitting geometry factor I = 0.086

Force and speed factors

Torque on the pinion Tp = 1274.874

Tang., WtRadial, Wr Axial, Wx

Forces on the pinion W = 807.550 268.966 118.527 lbf
Pitch line speed vt = 2883.159 ft/min

Dynamic factor Kv = 0.951

Size factor Ks = 1.000

Pinion Gear
Number of load cycle Nc = 4.5e+009 2.0e+009

Bending stress cycle factor Yn = 0.913 0.926

Pitting stress cycle factor Zn = 0.869 0.886

Expected bending stress St = 27276.794 31974.383 psi

Expected contact stress Sc = 82439.287 82439.287 psi

Allowable bending stress number Sat = 29877.656 34516.021 psi

Allowable contact stress number Sac = 94852.423 93081.467 psi

After computing the values for allowable bending stress number and for allowable
contact stress number, you should go to the data in AGMA Standard 2001-C95, to
select a suitable material. Consider first whether the material should be steel,
cast iron, bronze, or plastic. Then consult the related tables of data.

For instance use through-hardened steel with hardness, HB

Pinion Gear
Grade 1 = 220.927 280.932
Grade 2 = 180.000 180.000

Program : MDESIGN User: Customer :
Version : 0 LINE 10 %lf 20
%lf 30 0.0 11 %lf 21 %lf 31 Date : 18.05.2016 Proj. Nr :

Helical Gearing

Input data:
Helical Gearing

Normal pressure angle 20°

Helix angle  = 25 °
Normal diametral pitch Pdn = 9 teeth/in
Face width F = 1.651920336 in
Transmitted power P = 58.8 hp
Rotational speed of pinion np = 1306.61 rpm
Number of pinion teeth Np = 30

Desired output speed ng = 550 rpm

Design life L = 25040 h
Number of load applications per revolution q = 1

Rim thickness of pinion and gear tr = 1 1 in

Bending geometry factor of pinion and gear J = 0.9 0.9

Pitting geometry factor I = 0.7

Gear application Commercial enclosed gear

Elastic coefficient Cp = 2300
Overload factor Ko = 1.3
Factor of safety SF = 1
Hardness ratio factor Ch = 1
Reliability factor Kr = 1


Diametral pitch Pd = 8.157 teeth/in

Transverse pressure angle t = 21.880 °

Actual output speed ng = 552.089 rpm

Actual number of gear teeth Ng = 71
Gear ratio mg = 2.367
Qualty number Qv = 9.000

Geometry parameters

Pinion Gear
Pitch diameter D = 3.678 8.704 in
Outside diameter Do = 3.923 8.950 in
Root diameters Dr = 3.371 8.398 in
Base circle diameter Db = 3.413 8.077 in

Addendum a = 0.123 in
Dedendum b = 0.153 in
Clearance c = 0.028 in

Circular pitch p = 0.385 in

Normal circular pitch Pn = 0.349 in
Axial pitch Px = 0.826 in
Whole depth ht = 0.276 in
Working depth hk = 0.245 in
Tooth thickness t = 0.175 in
Center distance C = 6.191 in
Fillet radius in basic rack rf = 0.037 in

Force and speed factors

Pitch line speed vt = 1258.107 ft/min

Tangential force Wt = 1541.696 lbf

Normal force Wn = 1810.245 lbf
Radial force Wr = 619.140 lbf
Axial force Wx = 718.905 lbf

Size factor Ks = 1.000

Load distribution factor Km = 1.181
Dynamic factor Kv = 1.218
Face width/Axial pitch F/Px = 2.000

Pinion Gear
Rim thickness factor Kb = 1.000 1.000
Number of load cycle Nc = 2.0e+009 8.3e+008

Bending stress cycle factor Yn = 0.926 0.941

Pitting stress cycle factor Zn = 0.886 0.903

Expected bending stress St = 15817.934 15817.934 psi

Expected contact stress Sc = 59884.485 59884.485 psi

Allowable bending stress number Sat = 17075.298 16815.456 psi

Allowable contact stress number Sac = 67615.039 66288.494 psi

After computing the values for allowable bending stress number and for allowable
contact stress number, you should go to the data in AGMA Standard 2001-C95, to
select a suitable material. Consider first whether the material should be steel,
cast iron, bronze, or plastic. Then consult the related tables of data.

For instance use through-hardened steel with hardness, HB

Pinion Gear
Grade 1 180.000 180.000
Grade 2 180.000 180.000

b) Diseño de los Ejes.

- Eje de Alta Velocidad: En este eje solo se encuentra el Piñón del par de engranes cónicos.

Piñón Cónico:

Angulo del Cono de paso: γ = tan = tan = 23.8°

. .
Radio Medio: r = − ∗ senγ = − ∗ sen(23.8°) = 1.58"
∗ ∗
Par Torsor en el Eje: T= = = 1274.9 lb ∗ in

Esfuerzos en el Eje: W = = .
= 806.9 lb

W =W ∗ tgθ ∗ cosγ

= 806.9 ∗ tg20 ∗ cos23.8 = 268.7 lb

W =W ∗ tgθ ∗ senγ

= 806.9 ∗ tg20 ∗ sen23.8 = 118.5 lb

Momento Provocado por Wxp:
M =W ∗ = 118.5 ∗ = 220.05 lb ∗ in

Diagrama Fuerzas Cortantes y Momentos Flexores:

Coordenadas “x-z”

Coordenadas “x-y”
Fuerzas Cortantes y Momentos Flexores Resultantes:

V = √432 + 10759 = 10768 lb

V = √732 + 18828 = 18842 lb

M = √120 + 0 = 120 lb ∗ in

Propiedades del Acero AISI 1144OQT 1300:

Sy = 200 ksi ; Su = 220 ksi ; Sn = 65 ksi

Entonces S´n = Sn ∗ Cst ∗ Cr ∗ Cs = 65 ∗ 1 ∗ 1 ∗ 0.81 ∗ 0.9 = 47.39 ksi

Factores de Diseño y Concentración de tensión:
N = 2.5 ; K = 2.5 ksi

Cálculo de los Diámetros del eje:

2.94 ∗ K ∗ V ∗ N 2.94 ∗ 2.5 ∗ 10768 ∗ 2.5

d = = = 2.04"
S´n 47390

2.94 ∗ K ∗ V ∗ N 2.94 ∗ 2.5 ∗ 18842 ∗ 2.5

d = = = 2.7"
S´n 47390

/ /
32 3 T KM 32 3 1274.9 2.5 ∗ 220
d = N + = 2.5 + = 0.69"
π 4 sy S´n π 4 200000 47390

Normalizando los Diámetros:

d = 2.5"
d = 2.5"
d = 1"

- Eje Intermedio 1: En este eje se encuentran el engrane cónico y el piñón helicoidal.

∗ ∗
Par Torsor en el Eje : T = =
= 2892.98 lb ∗ in

Engrane Cónico:

Angulo del Cono de paso: τ = tan = tan = 67.09°

. .
Radio Medio: r = − ∗ senτ = − ∗ sen(67.09°) = 3.45"
Esfuerzos en el Eje: W = =
= 838.54 lb

W =W ∗ tgθ ∗ cosτ

= 838.54 ∗ tg20 ∗ cos67.09 = 118.81 lb

W =W ∗ tgθ ∗ senτ

= 838.54 ∗ tg20 ∗ sen67.09 = 281.13 lb

Momento Provocado por Wxp:

M =W ∗ = 281.13 ∗ = 1159.52 lb ∗ in

Piñón Helicoidal:

∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ .
Velocidad tangencial: V = = = 2883.3 lb
∗ ∗
Esfuerzos en el Eje: W = = .
= 686.7 lb

W =W ∗ tgθ/cosφ

= 686.7 ∗ tg20/cos25 = 275.8 lb

W =W ∗ tgφ

= 275.8 ∗ tgφ = 128.6 lb

Momento Provocado por Wxp:
M =W ∗ = 128.6 ∗ = 541.98 lb ∗ in

Diagrama Fuerzas Cortantes y Momentos Flexores:

Coordenadas “x-z”
Coordenadas “x-y”
Fuerzas Cortantes y Momentos Flexores Resultantes:

V = √178 + 574 = 601 lb

M = √1017 + 3269 = 3424 lb ∗ in

M = √481 + 2712 = 2754 lb ∗ in

V = √21.38 + 952 = 952 lb

Propiedades del Acero AISI 1144 Laminado en caliente:

Sy = 51ksi ; Su = 94 ksi ; Sn = 34 ksi

Entonces S´n = Sn ∗ Cst ∗ Cr ∗ Cs = 34 ∗ 1 ∗ 1 ∗ 0.81 ∗ 0.9 = 24.786 ksi

Factores de Diseño y Concentración de tensión:
N =2.5 ; K = 2.5 ksi

Cálculo de los Diámeros del eje:

2.94 ∗ K ∗ V ∗ N 2.94 ∗ 2.5 ∗ 601 ∗ 2.5

d = = = 0.67"
S´n 24786

/ /
32 3 T KM 32 3 2892.98 2.5 ∗ 3424
d = N + = ∗ 2.5 ∗ + = 2.07"
π 4 sy S´n π 4 51000 24786

/ /
32 3 T KM 32 3 2892.98 2.5 ∗ 2754
d = N + = ∗ 2.5 ∗ + = 1.93"
π 4 sy S´n π 4 51000 24786

2.94 ∗ K ∗ V ∗ N 2.94 ∗ 2.5 ∗ 1610 ∗ 3

d = = = 0.84"
S´n 24786

Normalizando Diametros:
d = 1.5"
d = 2"
d = 2"
d = 1.5"

- Eje de Baja Velocidad: En este eje solo se encuentra el engrane helicoidal.

∗ ∗
Par Torsor en el Eje : T = =
= 6846 lb ∗ in

Engrane Helicoidal:

∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ .
Velocidad tangencial: V = = = 1258.05 lb
∗ ∗
Esfuerzos en el Eje: W = = .
= 1573.9 lb

W =W ∗ tgθ/cosφ

= 1573.9 ∗ tg20/cos25 = 632.07lb

W =W ∗ tgφ

= 1573.9 ∗ tg25 = 733.9lb

Momento Provocado por Wxp:
M =W ∗ = 733.9 ∗ = 3193.9 lb ∗ in

Diagrama Fuerzas Cortantes y Momentos Flexores:

Coordenadas “x-z”
Coordenadas “x-y”

Fuerzas Cortantes y Momentos Flexores Resultantes:

V = √469 + 421 = 630 lb

M = √3659 + 3285 = 4917 lb ∗ in

V = √163 + 1153 = 1164 lb

Propiedades del Acero AISI 1144 Laminado en caliente:

Sy = 51ksi ; Su = 94 ksi ; Sn = 34 ksi

Entonces S´n = Sn ∗ Cst ∗ Cr ∗ Cs = 34 ∗ 1 ∗ 1 ∗ 0.81 ∗ 0.9 = 24.786 ksi

Factores de Diseño y Concentración de tensión:
N = 2.5 ; K = 2.5 ksi

Cálculo de los Diámetros del eje:

2.94 ∗ K ∗ V ∗ N 2.94 ∗ 2.5 ∗ 786 ∗ 2.5

d = = = 0.76"
S´n 24786

/ /
32 3 T KM 32 3 6846 2.5 ∗ 4084
d = N + = ∗ 2.5 ∗ + = 2.22"
π 4 sy S´n π 4 51000 24786

2.94 ∗ K ∗ V ∗ N 2.94 ∗ 2.5 ∗ 1091 ∗ 2.5

d = = = 0.92"
S´n 24786
Normalizando Diámetros:
d = 1.5"
d = 2.5"
d = 1.5"

c) Calculo de Chaveteros: Se debe calcular chavetas para cada engrane y el acople con la ayuda de

Especificación de dimensiones de un chavetero:

Piñon conico

Input data:
Square and Rectangular Parallel Keys

Variant of load input Torque

Torque transmitted by hub-linked T = 848.5
Diameter of shaft at keyseat D = 1.18 in

Key material selection

Material designation = 1340
Condition = Annealed
Yield Strength Sy = 63 Ksi
Shaft material selection
Material designation = 1040
Condition = OQT 1300
Yield Strength Sy = 61 Ksi
Hub material selection
Material designation = 4130
Condition = WQT 1000
Yield Strength Sy = 132 Ksi

Design factor N = 3
Length of hub = 1 in


Resulting Key Characteristics

Proposed key type Square Key

Width of key W = 0.250 in
Height of key H = 0.250 in
Minimum required length of key Lmin = 0.566 in
Proposed key length L = 0.875 in

Dimensions for Keyseats

Chordal height Y = 0.013 in

Depth of shaft keyseat S = 1.042 in
Depth of hub keyseat T = 1.297 in

Suggested Fillet Radii and Key Chamfers

Suggested fillet radius = 0.031 in

Suggested 45° key chamfer = 0.047 in

Engrane Cónico

Input data:

Square and Rectangular Parallel Keys

Variant of load input Torque

Torque transmitted by hub-linked T = 1423.26
Diameter of shaft at keyseat D = 1.9 in

Key material selection

Material designation = 1020
Condition = Cold-drawn
Yield Strength Sy = 51 Ksi
Shaft material selection
Material designation = 1144
Condition = Hot-rolled
Yield Strength Sy = 51 Ksi
Hub material selection
Material designation = 4130
Condition = WQT 1000
Yield Strength Sy = 132 Ksi

Design factor N = 3
Length of hub = 0.62 in


Resulting Key Characteristics

Proposed key type Square Key

Width of key W = 0.500 in
Height of key H = 0.500 in
Minimum required length of key Lmin = 0.353 in
Proposed key length L = 0.563 in

Dimensions for Keyseats

Chordal height Y = 0.033 in
Depth of shaft keyseat S = 1.617 in
Depth of hub keyseat T = 2.122 in

Suggested Fillet Radii and Key Chamfers

Suggested fillet radius = 0.031 in

Suggested 45° key chamfer = 0.047 in

Piñón Helicoidal

Input data:

Square and Rectangular Parallel Keys

Variant of load input Torque

Torque transmitted by hub-linked T = 1423.26
Diameter of shaft at keyseat D = 1.7 in

Key material selection

Material designation = 1020
Condition = Cold-drawn
Yield Strength Sy = 51 Ksi
Shaft material selection
Material designation = 1144
Condition = Hot-rolled
Yield Strength Sy = 51 Ksi
Hub material selection
Material designation = 8650
Condition = Annealed
Yield Strength Sy = 56 Ksi

Design factor N = 3
Length of hub = 2.43 in


Resulting Key Characteristics

Proposed key type Square Key

Width of key W = 0.375 in
Height of key H = 0.375 in
Minimum required length of key Lmin = 0.525 in
Proposed key length L = 2.250 in

Dimensions for Keyseats

Chordal height Y = 0.021 in

Depth of shaft keyseat S = 1.492 in
Depth of hub keyseat T = 1.872 in

Suggested Fillet Radii and Key Chamfers

Suggested fillet radius = 0.031 in

Suggested 45° key chamfer = 0.047 in
Engrane Helicoidal

Input data:

Square and Rectangular Parallel Keys

Variant of load input Torque

Torque transmitted by hub-linked T = 2358.56
Diameter of shaft at keyseat D = 2.12 in

Key material selection

Material designation = 1020
Condition = Cold-drawn
Yield Strength Sy = 51 Ksi
Shaft material selection
Material designation = 1144
Condition = Hot-rolled
Yield Strength Sy = 51 Ksi
Hub material selection
Material designation = 8650
Condition = Annealed
Yield Strength Sy = 56 Ksi

Design factor N = 3
Length of hub = 2.43 in


Resulting Key Characteristics

Proposed key type Square Key

Width of key W = 0.500 in
Height of key H = 0.500 in
Minimum required length of key Lmin = 0.524 in
Proposed key length L = 2.250 in

Dimensions for Keyseats

Chordal height Y = 0.030 in

Depth of shaft keyseat S = 1.840 in
Depth of hub keyseat T = 2.345 in

Suggested Fillet Radii and Key Chamfers

Suggested fillet radius = 0.031 in

Suggested 45° key chamfer = 0.047 in

Piñón Recto

Input data:

Square and Rectangular Parallel Keys

Variant of load input Torque

Torque transmitted by hub-linked T = 2358.56
Diameter of shaft at keyseat D = 2.12 in

Key material selection

Material designation = 1020
Condition = Cold-drawn
Yield Strength Sy = 51 Ksi
Shaft material selection
Material designation = 1144
Condition = Hot-rolled
Yield Strength Sy = 51 Ksi
Hub material selection
Material designation = 1144
Condition = OQT 400
Yield Strength Sy = 91 Ksi

Design factor N = 3
Length of hub = 2.44 in


Resulting Key Characteristics

Proposed key type Square Key

Width of key W = 0.500 in
Height of key H = 0.500 in
Minimum required length of key Lmin = 0.524 in
Proposed key length L = 2.250 in

Dimensions for Keyseats

Chordal height Y = 0.030 in

Depth of shaft keyseat S = 1.840 in
Depth of hub keyseat T = 2.345 in

Suggested Fillet Radii and Key Chamfers

Suggested fillet radius = 0.031 in

Suggested 45° key chamfer = 0.047 in

Engrane Recto

Input data:

Square and Rectangular Parallel Keys

Variant of load input Torque

Torque transmitted by hub-linked T = 3897
Diameter of shaft at keyseat D = 2.2 in

Key material selection

Material designation = 1020
Condition = Cold-drawn
Yield Strength Sy = 51 Ksi
Shaft material selection
Material designation = 1144
Condition = Hot-rolled
Yield Strength Sy = 51 Ksi
Hub material selection
Material designation = 1144
Condition = OQT 400
Yield Strength Sy = 91 Ksi

Design factor N = 3
Length of hub = 2.44 in


Resulting Key Characteristics

Proposed key type Square Key

Width of key W = 0.500 in
Height of key H = 0.500 in
Minimum required length of key Lmin = 0.834 in
Proposed key length L = 2.250 in

Dimensions for Keyseats

Chordal height Y = 0.029 in

Depth of shaft keyseat S = 1.921 in
Depth of hub keyseat T = 2.426 in

Suggested Fillet Radii and Key Chamfers

Suggested fillet radius = 0.031 in

Suggested 45° key chamfer = 0.047 in

d) Cálculo de Rodamientos: Se seleccionaran los rodamientos con la ayuda de el catalogo electrónico

de SKF. Este catálogo también nos dará las horas de vida y el tipo de lubricante que se usara para el
Rodamientos Eje de Alta Velocidad:

Rodamiento 1:

Desingnation 360

 Bearing life : 306

Fr 1.72 kN
Radial load

Fa 0.43 kN
Axial load

ni 2970 r/min
Rotational speed of
the inner ring

Operating 40 °C
Bearing outer ring

ηc specification Cleanliness
method classification(recommended)

Lubricant type and Slight-typical contamination (open

cleanliness bearing/light dirt ingress)

Grease used in the GE2


Viscosity at 40 °C 25.0 mm /s

Viscosity at 100 °C 4.9 mm /s

L10mh 576800 hour
SKF rating life

aSKF 6.28
SKF life modification factor aSKF

κ 2.57
Viscosity ratio

P 1.15 kN
Equivalent dynamic bearing load

ηc 0.14
Factor for contamination level

ν1 9.74 mm /s
Required kinematic viscosity for κ=1

L10h 91900 hour

Basic rating life

C/P 25.4
Load ratio

Rodamiento 2:

Bearing life : 6207/W64

Input parameters

Select bearing internal radial Normal internal radial clearance


Fr 0.72 kN
Radial load
Fa 0.43 kN
Axial load

ni 646.8 r/min
Rotational speed of the inner

Operating temperature 25 °C
Bearing outer ring

ηc specification method Cleanliness


Lubricant type and cleanliness High cleanliness (sealed bearing)

Viscosity calculation input type Viscosity input at 40 °C and 100 °C

Viscosity at 40 °C 1000 mm2/s

Viscosity at 100 °C 1000 mm2/s


L10mh >1000000 hour

SKF rating life

aSKF 50
SKF life modification factor aSKF

κ 42.4
Viscosity ratio

P 1.24 kN
Equivalent dynamic bearing load

ηc 0.82
Factor for contamination level

ν1 23.6 mm2/s
Required kinematic viscosity for κ=1

L10h 266000 hour

Basic rating life

C/P 21.8
Load ratio

Rodamientos Eje Intermedio 1:

Bearing life : 6405

Input parameters
Select bearing internal Normal internal radial clearance
radial clearance
Fr 0.95 kN
Radial load
Fa 0.826 kN
Axial load
ni 1770.5 r/min
Rotational speed of the inner
Operating temperature 25 °C
Bearing outer ring
ηc specification method Cleanliness
Lubricant type and High cleanliness (sealed bearing)
Viscosity calculation input GJN
Viscosity at 40 °C 1000 mm2/s


L10mh >1000000 hour

SKF rating life
aSKF 50
SKF life modification factor aSKF
κ 255.7
Viscosity ratio
P 1.78 kN
Equivalent dynamic bearing load
ηc 0.82
Factor for contamination level
ν1 12.3 mm2/s
Required kinematic viscosity for κ=1
L10h 76600 hour
Basic rating life
C/P 20.1
Load ratio

Rodamientos Eje Intermedio 2:


Bearing life : 6405

Select bearing internal Normal internal radial clearance

radial clearance
Fr 5.156 kN
Radial load
Fa 0.93 kN
Axial load
ni 1770.5 r/min
Rotational speed of the inner
Operating temperature 25 °C
Bearing outer ring
ηc specification method Cleanliness
Lubricant type and High cleanliness (sealed bearing)
Viscosity calculation input Viscosity input at 40 °C (VI is 95)
Viscosity at 40 °C 1000 mm2/s

L10mh >1000000 hour
SKF rating life
aSKF 50
SKF life modification factor aSKF
κ 255.7
Viscosity ratio
P 1.78 kN
Equivalent dynamic bearing load
ηc 0.82
Factor for contamination level
ν1 12.3 mm2/s
Required kinematic viscosity for κ=1
L10h 76600 hour
Basic rating life
C/P 20.1
Load ratio
Rodamientos de Baja Velocidad:
Designation: 4208

Bearing life : 4208 ATN9

Bearing life : 4208

Input parameters

Fr 1.65 kN
Radial load

Fa 0 kN
Axial load

ni 646.8 r/min
Rotational speed of the inner ring

Operating temperature 25 °C
Bearing outer ring
ηc specification method Cleanliness classification(recommended)

Lubricant type and cleanliness High cleanliness (sealed bearing)

Viscosity calculation input type Viscosity input at 40 °C and 100 °C

Viscosity at 40 °C 1000 mm2/s

Viscosity at 100 °C 1000 mm2/s


L10mh >1000000 hour

SKF rating life

aSKF 50
SKF life modification factor aSKF

κ 45
Viscosity ratio

P 1.65 kN
Equivalent dynamic bearing load

ηc 0.83
Factor for contamination level

ν1 22.2 mm2/s
Required kinematic viscosity for κ=1

L10h 292900 hour

Basic rating life

C/P 22.5
Load ratio

e) Selección de Acoples: Por las ventajas que ofrecen usaremos acoples flexibles.
El acoplamiento SKF Flex provee una excelente capacidad de amortiguación de vibraciones y alta
carga de choque, además de resolver los problemas de desalineación. Implica “la solución” de alto
rendimiento en esta gama de acoplamientos.
Función: Conectar y transmitir la potencia de un eje conductor a un eje conducido
Proteger el sistema
Conseguir compensar un total de 4 desalineaciones del eje:
Combinada (angular + excéntrica)
Movimiento axial

Estas desviaciones del eje son inevitables, ya que las máquinas están descargadas durante la alineación.
Durante el funcionamiento, las fuerzas resultantes hacen que se doblen los ejes. Otras causas pueden ser,
por ejemplo, la dilatación térmica, el desgaste de los rodamientos o los errores (humanos) de instalación.
Se distinguirá la selección de los Acoples con recuadros diferentes:
Acople de entrada
Acople de salida

Tamaño de Acople:

Características físicas:

Selección del Acople

f) Tolerancias:
Eje de alta velocidad:
Piñón cónico:
Diámetro nomina 2.5 in
Orificio del piñón:
2.5 in + 0.0008 = 2.5008 in máximo
2.5 in + 0.0000 = 2.5 in mínimo 2.0014

Diámetro del eje: 2.5008


2.5 in + 0.0019 = 2.5019 in maximo

2.5 in + 0.0014 =2.0014 in minimo
Límites de interferencia:
2.0014 in – 2.5008 in = 0.4994 in minimo
2.5019 in –2.5000 in = 0.0019 in maximo

Eje intermedio:

Engrane cónico:
Diámetro nominal 2 in
Orificio del engrane: 2.0024
2 in + 0.0010 = 2.0010 in máximo
2 in +0.0000 = 2.0000 in mínimo 2.0000

Diámetro del eje:

2 in + 0.0024 = 2.0024 in maximo
2 in + 0.0018 = 2.0018 in minimo
Límites de interferencia:
1.89 in - 2 in = 0.1100 in minimo
1.889 in - 2in = 0.1110 in maximo
Piñón helicodal:
Diámetro nominal 2 in
Orificio del engrane: 2.0024
2 in + 0.0010 = 2.0010 in máximo
2 in +0.0000 = 2.0000 in mínimo 2.0000

Diámetro del eje:

2 in + 0.0024 = 2.0024 in maximo
2 in + 0.0018 = 2.0018 in minimo
Límites de interferencia:
1.89 in – 2 in = 0.1100 in minimo
1.889 in – 2 in = 0.1110 in maximo

Eje intermedio baja velocidad :

Engrane helicoidal:
Diámetro nominal 2.5 in 2.5024
Orificio del engrane:
2.5 in+ 0.0012 =2.5012 in máximo 2.5000

2.5 in + 0.000 = 2.5000 in mínimo

Diámetro del eje:
2.5 in + 0.0024 =2.5024 in maximo
2.5 in + 0.0018 =2.5018 in minimo
Límites de interferencia:
2.1272 in – 2.5 in =0.3728 in minimo
2.126 in – 2.5 in =0.3740 in maximo
3.71 1.50




Dise o de Revisado por Aprobado por Fecha Fecha


U.R.P.S.F.X.C.H. Edici n Hoja
1 Pi on Conico 1/1




Dise o de Revisado por Aprobado por Fecha Fecha


U.R.P.S.F.X.C.H. Edici n Hoja
2 Engrane Conico 1/1
3.68 2.00




Dise o de Revisado por Aprobado por Fecha Fecha


U.R.P.S.F.X.C.H. Edici n Hoja
3 Pinon Helicoidal 1/1
8.70 3.00



Dise o de Revisado por Aprobado por Fecha Fecha


U.R.P.S.F.X.C.H. Edici n Hoja
4 Engrane Helicoidal 1/1
5.50 2.00 2.00

2.50 2.00 1.50 2.50 3.00 3.00


1.50 1.50

Dise o de Revisado por Aprobado por Fecha Fecha


U.R.P.S.F.X.C.H. Edici n Hoja
5 Eje de alta velocidad 1/1
2.00 1.00 2.00

2.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50


6.00 3.65

Dise o de Revisado por Aprobado por Fecha Fecha


U.R.P.S.F.X.C.H. Edici n Hoja
6 Eje intermedio 1/1
2.00 3.00

2.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 3.00 3.00


4.00 3.65

Dise o de Revisado por Aprobado por Fecha Fecha


U.R.P.S.F.X.C.H. Edici n Hoja
7 Eje de baja velocidad 1/1

4.59 2.68

3.00 3.15
14.65 10.65 3.15



6.16 5.83 9.50 .50

6.00 4.97
4.91 5.33 4.77 .50

.50 .50 3.14

Dise o de Revisado por Aprobado por Fecha Fecha


U.R.P.S.F.X.C.H. Edici n Hoja
8 Caja 1/1

2 5

1 1 Engranaje biselado1
2 1 Engranaje biselado2
3 1 1 Eje de baja Velicidad
4 1 2 Eje intermedio
10 5 1 Engranaje recto1
6 1 Engranaje recto2
7 7 1 3 Eje de baja velocidad
10 8 1 Caja
9 2 33010/Q BT1_001_101-Tapere
d roller bearings,
single row
10 4 4208 ATN9 Double row, design
ATN9-Deep groove
ball bearings
Dise o de Revisado por Aprobado por Fecha Fecha


U.R.P.S.F.X.C.H. Edici n Hoja
9 Ensamblaje total 1/1

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