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Tech holds great promise for students with autism. (2018, April 10).

Retrieved from

 The article talks about how research shows a high interest in visual materials. Technology can
help improve life for students on the autism spectrum. There are a lot of devices that are being
developed to offer assistance to students in the future. Augmentative and alternative
communication is one piece of technology that is being used with students with autism. It can
replace speech or writing and allows the students using them to communicate. Having tablets
with communication apps is one way that teachers are using this piece of technology. This is
relevant to teaching because it allows them to come up with creative lessons that give students
on the autism spectrum a chance to participate.

Using Technology to Empower Students With Special Needs. (n.d.). Retrieved from

 Students with disabilities go through a lot of struggles in school. If they don’t have good
academic experience, then they are not going to have much confidence. Today teachers can use
technology to provide in class, independent technology time. It will allow students to be creative
and talk to other students from different places using proper technology.

How special education technology improves learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from

 There is a difference in each student that has a disability. The article talks about how tablets can
be used to personalize things to the certain needs of a student. This allows students to learn
material that other students would, but it has been put in a way that best works for them.

Teaching With Tech. (n.d.). Retrieved from

 This article discusses different technology options for students with disabilities. Some of the
ideas or products it suggests are Ipads, Nova Chat, Dynavox Xpress, and Maestro. These devices
can be used in class as communication devices. Mangomon is a software that gives students a
chance to personally learn the information on their own but it also gives access to parents so
they can monitor their child’s progress.
eSchool News [@eschoolnews].( 2018, March 21 ). “How to help your students build digital fluency” [Tweet] Retrieved from

htps:// on April 30, 2018

 Digital fluency isn’t just about knowing how to use technology, but knowing how to properly use
technology to achieve their own interest. One way they discuss is dig deeper into your school’s
learning management system. The next is incorporate devices into your lesson planning. It will
allow students to use devices independently and learn to use it by direct instruction. The third
reason is use a classroom-management app. It’s a source of positive narration, feedback is given
to behavior that we want to see. It also allows you to add points for things that students do well
like participation and following directions.

What Is the Role of Assistive Technology in Special Education? (2017, June 08). Retrieved from

 Assistive technology can be used in a classroom to meet the individual needs of a student.
Teachers can make adjustments to how much information is presented and can present it in a
way that the student will understand. Using assistive technology in classrooms today gives
students with disabilities a chance to be included in an actual classroom.

Falk, L. (2016, July 22). Special Education Technology in Classroom Learning | Watson Institute.
Retrieved from

 In this article it discusses the use of SMART Boards in special education. Using SMART boards
gives students a chance to work their fine motor skills. It gives teachers a chance to work one on
one with each students, and gives them a chance to work towards their goal.

5 Ways to Use Technology in the Special Education Classroom. (2018, March 05). Retrieved from

 The technology options that are discussed in this article are operating systems, braille displays,
word prediction software, tablets/ IPads, and apps. These are five pieces of technology that are
continuously being improved for students with disabilities. There are many apps that can help
teachers have a chance to work one on one with students.
The Use of Technology in Special Education. (2017, September 15). Retrieved from

 The article begins by talking about assistive technologies used in special education classrooms. It
also talks about some benefits to using technology in special education classrooms. Technology
is a device that gives students support and most of them are comfortable using it. Some reasons
that technology is needed in special education classrooms are it increases independence, allows
for personalized learning, and improves their academic skill.

eSchool News [@eschoolnews].( 2018, April 5). “4 proven ways to get teachers to use technology” [Tweet]
Retrieved from htps:// on April 30, 2018

 . One reason teachers don’t use technology is because they are often worried about how the
students will behave and how they will do academically. One way the article suggests is lac of
functional knowledge about the tech their district uses. Teachers don’t always have proper
training of how to use technology. The second suggestion is belief that technology is a
distraction to students. Some teachers feel that students’ lives are so technology based that
when they are at school they think the day shouldn’t be based on technology or technology use.
Research has shown that students do better academically using technology at school. The third
way is overwhelm from the wide variety of apps and programs available. There are all types of
technology out there to help teachers organize their materials. The last suggestion is budgetary

Humienny, S. (2018, March 13). Inside the Special Education Classroom: How Tech Can Help Students
With Special Needs - EdSurge News. Retrieved from

 In a special education classroom, there may be adjustments made to the technology students
are using depending on the students’ needs. A student with low motor skills may have a large
keyboard at their computer. Again, this article discusses SMART boards and how they can be
used to make lessons engaging and give assistants to students who need help. Technology is
highly used at any school, it needs to be used to helps students access different types of

1., 3., 1., & 2. (2017, May 21). Using Technology to Empower Students with Special Needs. Retrieved
* It is hard for teachers to include students with special needs in their classroom activates. Technology
gives teachers a chance to adjust the activity. It can allow them to change the reading level or add extra
help if they need it. It also gives a chance to present information in a way that will be more appealing to
students. Teachers can change how they present their lessons and find what ways best work for the
students. Technology allows opportunities for students with special needs to show their talent.

L. (2017, September 20). Implementing Technology into the Special Education Classroom. Retrieved

* This article discusses three types of technology that are beneficial in a special education classroom.
One being fluency tutor for google, which can record a student’s progress each week. A second source
being FlipGrid, which allows students to make video responses to questions. This technology device
would give students a chance to be independent and creative. The final thing being Boom Learning,
which can be used for self-checking.

Sessoms, D. (n.d.). Technology in the Classroom Enhances Special Needs Students' Learning. Retrieved

 This article discusses how technology is beneficial for personalized learning. Children respond
well to technology today. Putting technology into a classroom setting can help increase students
motivation. TechMatrix helps teacher come up with resources for lessons on science, math
reading and writing. Sounding Board can be used on an IPad to allow students to be creative
with their writing and use symbols or sounds to create their personal book.

EdTech K-12 Magazine [@EdTech_K12]. (2017, November 7). “3 Ways Assistive Technology Supports
Students with Disabilities”
disabilities [Tweet] Retrieved on April 30, 2018

 Technology continues to evolve so it makes today’s classroom much more accessible. The first
way is assistive technology opens up student achievement. Teachers create lessons that are
flexible and let student’s complete assignments using their own strengths. Use assistive
technology such as Dragon Naturally Speaking, which helps students with their writing so they
can focus more on their ideas. The second is Microsoft’s OneNote. It helps students with text to
speech, speech to text, and text spacing assistance. The last thing is Assistive Tech Extends the
reach of STEM. Technology is giving students with disabilities a chance to pursue science
technology, engineering and math. Teachers are finding ways to incorporate technology to help
students with cognitive development. These technology tools help give students opportunities
for jobs in the future.
EdTech K-12 Magazine [@EdTech_K12]. ( 2018, February 13). “Technology Can Give All Students a
voice? [Tweet] Retrieved on April 30, 2018

 Teachers uses a tool called flipgrid to get immediate responses from her students. She can
upload a question to something similar to a discussion board and her students can respond with
videos of their thoughts on the question. She uses
So creative to create quizzes that can help get students engaged. Using technology such as
flipgrid gives students a chance to respond to a question in a video form and they can verbally
express their thought which is a lot easier to do than writing it down.

WeAreTeachers Staff on December 17, 2012 .contest-social .share-links svg,.share-links

svg{top:50%;left:0px}#atftbx p:first-of-type{display:none}.entry-content .addthis_toolbox,.entry-content
.addthis_button,.entry-header .addthis_toolbox,.entry-header .addthis_button{margin:0 !important}.at-
style-responsive .at-share-btn{padding:0 !important}. (2017, May 24). Assistive Technology in the
Classroom. Retrieved from

* IPads have become a big use of technology in special education classrooms. Special education teachers
like to use them because they can be adjusted to meet the needs to the student who is using it. The
apps that can be used on tablets are engaging to the students. The article says that “tablets have
opened up the world of technology to the average classroom and have been instrumental in helping
some of the most challenged students read, talk, and connect”. Students react well to technology and a
lot of them have access to it somehow. Whatever the device may be it can help students better their
reading and communication.

Team, T. O. (2016, July 23). Learning Tools are a game changer for my special education students.
Retrieved from

 Microsoft has released a lot of technology resources that can help teachers stay organized.
OneNote is a tool that was used to transfer everything that would be done on paper to a digital
binder. Students enjoyed this because it helped them keep up with work and stay organized.
Students with all disabilities enjoyed working with OneNote because it gives them a chance to
work independently with technology.
EdTech K-12 Magazine [@EdTech_K12]. (2018, January 31). “Digital Transforms K-12 Classroom
Collaboration and Culture.
culture?utm_source=Direct [Tweet]. Retrieved from htps:// on April 30, 2018

 Technology gives students a chance to have personal experiences. They can learn independently
how to use internet resources. It also allows students a chance to collaborate with classmates.
Students seem to learn better at times when it is being taught by their friend instead of the
teacher. It is important for me as a teacher in any classroom to teach my students how to
properly use the internet and online resources. Classrooms are becoming more technological, so
it is important for teachers to know the best ways to use it so that it will benefit the students.

EdTech K-12 Magazine [@EdTech_K12]. (2018, January 31). “Microsoft Unveils New Tech to Create
Personalized, Immersive Education”
immersive-education [Tweet] Retrieved on April 30, 2018

 This article mentions two things Microsoft has created to help educators create more
personalized experiences and lessons. OneNote is creating ways to support students with
disabilities. It will allow students to write without having to type. On PowerPoint teachers will be
able to record their lesson along with narration of the lesson. They have also came up with a
tool called “Immersive Reader Tool”. This will read things aloud to students but it also able to
translate more languages. Minecraft Education Edition will give teachers a creative way to
approach science in a safe hands on way. They are also trying to come up with a virtual reality
that will give students a chance to explore our world and much more. The article also says that
immersive educational experiences are going to continue to grow in demand because it gets
students active and engaged in what they are learning in class.

Edutopia [@edutopia]. (2017, January 17). “9 Ways to Inspire Student Inventors: A collection of ideas to
consider as you work to fire your students curiosity”

[Tweet] Retrieved on April 30, 2018

 The 9 ways the suggest are: supplies, motivation an time, ideas, mentors, opportunities to
show and discuss work, redefinition of invention, understanding of how to fail
successfully, properly handle fear, and hunger. Students don’t need to be afraid of fear or
to fail at something. The article ends with saying “if we don’t learn to invent, create, and
look forward, we will not move forward”.

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