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3. Introducing your product or service

Esta evidencia contribuirá al desarrollo del siguiente resultado de aprendizaje:

• Establecer parámetros para el diseño del empaque y envase del producto o servicio de acuerdo
con las características del mismo

• Leer textos muy breves y sencillos en inglés general y técnico

¿Qué se debe entregar?

• Texto de 150 palabras en el cuál presenten su producto o servicio para su nicho de mercado

En dicho escrito, se debe describir el mercado objetivo. El producto puede ser, si lo prefiere, el
mismo que usted ha propuesto diseñar y presentar inicialmente.

¿Cuáles son los criterios de evaluación asociados a esta evidencia?

• Toma parte activa en debates informales dentro de contextos de trabajo habituales.

• Pronuncia adecuadamente el vocabulario y modismos básicos del idioma.

¿Cuál es el procedimiento?

• Para iniciar, debe estudiar el material multimedia “Market Segmentation”, en el cual se desarro-
llarán diversas actividades referentes a las variables de la segmentación de mercados.

• Una vez entendido el tema, piense en introducir el producto o el servicio que ha desarrollado
desde el inicio del programa dentro de la ciudad descrita por Albert Roberts. Tenga en cuenta las
características principales de esta ciudad para seleccionar su nicho de mercado.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2012.

• Redacte un documento de 150 palabras en inglés, en el cual presente su producto o servicio
para su nicho de mercado. Exprese por qué considera que sería o no exitoso en la ciudad
del caso y, finalmente, describa el modo como lo presentarían en el mercado de la ciudad.
Incluya el vocabulario y los tiempos gramaticales comprendidos en esta unidad de The mar-
ket thing.

Puede utilizar este formato para la redacción del texto o puede hacerlo en formato Word. Debe
atender las instrucciones de su instructor.


The Internet café company will be located in the city of Ibague with a total of 605 496 inhabitants, of the total population of
Ibague 47.1% are men and 52.9% women, 92.6% of the population Of 5 years and over Ibagué can read and write, 41.5% of
the population aged 3 to 5 years attend a formal educational establishment; 88.6% of the population aged 6 to 10 years and
81.8% of the population aged 11 to 17 years, 32.7% of the population residing in Ibagué has reached the primary basic level
and 34, 5% secondary; 10.0% have reached the professional level and 1.6% have done studies of specialization, masters or
doctorate. The resident population without any educational level is 8.0% and 12.3% of the establishments are dedicated to
industry; 54.7% to trade; 32.1% to services and 0.8% to another activity. In most establishments (0 to 10 jobs), Commerce
(56.9%) is the most frequent activity and in the group of 10 to 50 people the main activity is Services (57.2%).
The immediate availability of the necessary resources that we have as an advantage for the creation of the company, since
the raw subject (in technology and information, as well as in primary resources such as coffee that for this land tolimense is
easy to get due To which there are municipalities whose main crop is coffee, we also have some more resources to have
some cattle land we have milk) Talking into account that the project is based mainly on an internet cafe that not only offers
internet, but also Offer a good Colombian coffee and other products that delight a little rest or work study or work of the client
or the consumer or customer of the establishment and other supplies, until the availability of human resources trained by
certified institutions of the region and SENA , As a disadvantage you really have the economic part, as there are still no
significant contributions to the implementation of this project.

Ibague is a good consumer of technological resources and internet, as well as consume cultural resources since most of the
population are students or professionals anxious and desirous of a good service where the opportunity to meet their proposed
objectives is provided, a Best service that provides comfort to the client, for this reason through the implementation of efficient
marketing strategies is seeking recognition of the product offered since there are very few companies or establishments in the
market that have the convenience and services that are Lending, a project that seeks total satisfaction to the local consumer,
this service would be presented to the market as a very appropriate business to meet the current and future needs of the
client, since with an internet cafe where not only can study, work or have fun and relax , Take a cup with milk or a coffee or
any other product that is offered while doing this work or any other activity on the internet like reading a book in the virtual
library or consulting on a topic on the internet or just have fun playing or A social network because it is a way of offering a very
competitive product or service in the market and can be very successful and that national and international is made known
this service with high quality standards so that in case of any foreigner in the City conosca the project and take for yourselves
its best concept as well as the inhabitants of the country as visitors or tourists of the city, because this is a product or service
that children, adults, elders and young people should know as it is of vital importance and Utility in general.
In the process of positioning our brand, we will work hard to promote the product through the press, television and radio
channels, doing days of tasting and promotion of products in the stores of the city chain.
With the above you can demonstrate the viability of our project, you should only strengthen the research of key strategies that
will ensure a good start, find a good logo and the name of that company, the initial budget, know the current market in more
detail and Inform us before the competition.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2012.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2012.

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