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{"title":"Adaptive Python","id":568,"is_adaptive":true,"is_public":true,"sections":

[1785,1786],"instructors":[],"my_authors":[],"summary":"This is a Stepik Adaptive

course.\n\nAdaptive problem set to learn Python. \r\nJoin the course and you can
try out the first prototype of the adaptive engine! \n\nInitially, the adaptive
system may behave somewhat randomly, but the more problems you solve, the smarter
it become!","course_format":"Adaptive course with only programming assignments for
Python","update_date":"Jun 16, 2017 11:58:54 AM","is_idea_compatible":true}
{"title":"Introduction to Classic
on implementations of classic text ciphers.Appropriate for python beginners who
have had some practice with manipulating strings and lists, writing \"for\" loops,
and organizing code into functions.","course_format":"pycharm Python
2.x","update_date":"Dec 15, 2016 4:03:09 PM","is_idea_compatible":true}
go Tutorial based on Django Girls Tutorial (
and Django official documentation
Python","update_date":"Dec 21, 2016 10:59:01 AM","is_idea_compatible":true}
{"title":"Logging in
[459,2510],"instructors":[],"my_authors":[],"summary":"This course provides an
introduction to the standard Python logging module. It includes basic and advanced
examples that can help you debug your Python software. Best practices are
demonstrated to help you get the most out of Python logging. This course was tested
using Python 2.7 and Python 3.4.","course_format":"pycharm
Python","update_date":"Sep 7, 2016 3:22:29 PM","is_idea_compatible":true}
{"title":"Introduction to
oduction course to Python","course_format":"pycharm Python","update_date":"May 4,
2017 8:43:51 AM","is_idea_compatible":true}
ogenerated by","course_format":"pycharm
Python","update_date":"May 18, 2017 11:05:15 AM","is_idea_compatible":true}
{"title":"Python Unit-Testing
introductory interactive course about unit testing in
Python.","course_format":"pycharm Python","update_date":"Aug 5, 2016 9:29:42

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