Está en la página 1de 18

Phyton (Auεtria) Faso.

3-4 | 26L-278

The Flora οt ΙΙοunt EgaΙeo (Attica,

George P. Seπτ,ιs *)
With I 6guro
Ιtocoivod Decombor 3, 19?9

Koy wordε ! Pιβri'dophyta, Sperιιιa.tophyta,, _ FΙoriεticε, loοal flora' _ SE

Europo, Grooco.

Sl&ιrs G. P. l98o. Tho flora of Mount, EgaΙoo (Atticε, Grοoco)' _ Ρhβon
(Αustria) 90 (3_4): 26L*278, Ι' figure. _ English'with Gorman summery'
EgaΙoo is a chain of hius in the W of Δthens; tho higheεt point roaοhoε
468 m- Tho moι:ntain a8 & .wholo is situated in the zono of oloo-Cοratonion.
Αt a hiusido tho now Botanical Gardon of tho Univorεity was foundod. Tho
papor contains an abεtraοt concorning goography, geology, ocology and condi-
iionε of the vegotation. Tho main part is a list of 443 εpocioε of traclreophβoε
'which hεvo boon found in tho Egaloo rogion.

Sιgιτs G. Ρ. 198ο. Dio Flora dos Borges Egaloo (Attikε, GriochonΙand)' -
Phβon (Auεtria) 20 (3_4): 26L_278, L Αbbildung. _ Engliεοh mit deutschor
Der Egaloo ist ein Eugelzug (hδchεto Erhobung 468 m) im'Woston von
Αthon, der zur Gδnzo iτn Boιeich dοs oΙeo-Coratonions liogt. Αn εoinom FΙang
.wurdo dor nouo Botanisοho Garten dor Univorsitδt angelogt. Die Αrboit enthδΙt
oinon kurzen Abriβ botroffend Goographio, Goologio, Φιologio und Zustand dor
Yogetation. Don IΙauptteil bildot sino Listo von 443 im Gobiot des Egaloo
beobachtoton Gofδff pflanzon.

'west of
Egaleo is εituated approx. ten kilometeΙ8 to tho Αthenε
the lasi wouthward ΘxtΘnsion of Mount Parnis to τrhich it is morphoΙogicaΠy
oonneοted. The end of tho S, Egaleo rango is the οap of Perama at the

*) Dr. Goorgo P' Sιnιrs, Dopartmont of Syεtomatiο Botεny, Αgτicultural

Collogo of Athons, Botanikos Kipoε, Ιora odog 7δ, Αthenε (301), Grooco'




channel of Salamina, the εouthern and greatest part of τrhiclι borders the
continuation of this mountain (Fig. t).
Egaleo is situated appΙox. ten kilometers to the West of Αthens
extenfing 17,5 km in south'rvestwardly diτeοtion. Ιt is divided in two
mountaineous bloοks by the baΠey dτiving from Dophni CΙoister to Skara_


Ιs 1 . Sa1arιina

D1oπld1os Bοtεnlca1
Gεrden 1n Daphnt.
Fig. 1. Map of tho Egaleo rogion

ma,ngδs. ono is the Northern Egaleo or Piki.lon Mountain, τvhose highest

point "Zaharitga" h&g an altitude of 453 m above sΘa, ΙΘ1rel and which is
joined by the hiΙl Dema to Parnis. The other is tho Southern EgaΙeo or
Mountain of Skaramanges or KorydaΙos, τrhoso highest point ,,PyrovoΙia"
ΙΘa,ches 468 m above sea leγel. The Southern and tho Noιthern Egaleo aro
united by the hilΙ of paphni,'while the rrestern, as'welΙ as the southern side
of the mountain abruptly slide down to the sοa.

Northern Egaleo εeparates tho plain of Αthens from the pΙain of Thrias-
sion and tho valΙey leaves a pessege, crossed by tho road from Αthens and
Piιaeus to Elefsis. This is probabΙy tho οncient passegΘ of Pβhion (tho
oοtual Dιphni).
Main characteristiοs of Egaloo are the gΙens, the τoughness, the aridity
ond the lack of vegetation, although it τvas woddy in anοient times (lst
οentuτy A. D.), as mentioned by Stlτros (Thibais XΙΙ,6,620; Α:ιnrαoπτ
ΙΙrom the geologiοal point of vie\η/ and according to the opinion of
certain τesoarchers Egaleo οonstitutes a "horst". Tho q/ork of Lτpsrus 1893
contains a geoΙogic map οomprising a great pa,rt of the Egaleo moιrntain.
Howover sinοe the time of Lppsrυs the οonοeptions about the geology of
Αttiοa hοve changed. Studies by lαter researοhers concerning Mount, Parnis
and clther areas found strata of foτmations oΙder than those to τvhich the
first researοhers of Αttiοa attributed tho sed'imentary formation.
Tho geologic formations that partiοipate to the structure of Egaleo
(Tlτeπrs 1967) are most probabΙy o,s folΙoτvs (from the o1der to tΙιe younger
a. A bedrock from rocks (more or Ιess altered) of upper PaΙaeozoiο age
(Caτboniferous-Permian). Within the strata of this shado-chert-sandstone
formations there are intercalations of fossiΙiferous morΙy Ιimestone rvith
fusulines, beΙonging to the Uralian stage of the cεrboniferous period.
b. Light_gray Ιimestones belonging to the Norian-Rhaetian stages of
the Triassiο-Jurassiο periods.
ο. Bluo-gray ptated marly Ιimestones of the lowor C'retaοeous containing
fossils of Toucαsi'a, Hωrpagod,es and Requieniα.
d. BΙack limestones containing Rudists of the young Cretacοous
e. Neogen marls, limestones, conglomorates and
f. Quarternaly deposits.
Serpentinized Peridotites interforo mainΙy betγρ'een strata of the Jurassic
and Cretaceous formations. As produοts of chemiοal vreathoring of peιidotito
iron-ores (mainly grained Ιimonite) have beon found at various plaοos of
EgaΙeo and particularly of Koryda}Ιos hiΙl.
Αs faτ as tho distribution of the aforementioned rocΙ<s iΙl conοerned, the
oldest (Triassiο, JuΙassiο, Ιorγor cretaοeous Ιimestone, older strata) ocοupy
the οentral mass of Egalοo, 'ιvhereas Upper Cretaceous Ιimestone ocοupy tho
eastern edges of it and the hill of Ι(orydalΙos, as welΙ &S a narroτv' band by
tho southern borders of Egaleo, separated from tho central maεs by a
fissure of east-φestern diroction.
Ιnformations concerning tho flora and vegetation of Egaleo published
up to dιte arΘ vΘIy limited. Some of them can be found in the mimeographed
study of Dτlroυιτs Ι968 about the Diomidios Botanical Garden in Daphni.
The mountain presents o rather poor flora and' vegetation and from

that point of violr it ca,n be compaιed only to that of Mount Ι{ymettus and
the hiΙ of Lycabοttus (Zπnιεπττs 1959, 196δ).
The main οhaτaοteristic of tho vegetation of Egaleo is that no cloar
physiognomiο d.istinction is possible between tho inferior and tho superior
zones of tho mountain. Consequently the vegetation of EgaΙeo belongs in
its whoΙe to the inferior zonΘ of the sοΙerophylΙous broad-leaγed shΙubs and
the meditorronean conifers.
Ιn general the vegetation is thiοker and stronger on tho eastern part of
the mountain in comparison w'ith the rrestorn part. Tho differenοo in thick-
ness is duo portΙy to tho general direction of tho mountain, w'hero the τπestern
part iο wa,rmΘr and ξrer, and partΙy to tho intensive grazing that resuΙted
in a doterioration ond a gτeat degradεtion of tho naturεΙ vegetation.
In winter both parts of this mountain aro exposed to εtrong rrinds,
'ιγhich οro not, favourable to high woody vegetation. Αnother reοson is tho
existenοe of compact rocks, aε 'τv'eΙΙ as the lack of suffiοient humidity.
x'inaΙΙy, tho lorγer eastern part of Egaleo has suffered a consideτablo
influenco of the anthropogΘnous fεctor up to ε certain altitudο.
Ιt muεt be noted that on the hiΙlg of Egaleo there aro untouοhed areaε
vrith ind.igonous a,ssociations of Θvergreen scΙerophylΙous broad-leaved
shrubs and Ιow-shΙubby xerophiΙes (phrygana) beΙonging to the oleo-
Lentiscetum of tho Oleo-Ceratonion closs.
Tho recovery of the natural vegetation of tho area of the Diomidios
Botaniοal Garden, that for many yΘars τres overgrezed by goats and sheep
and rras subject to the consequences offorest fires, εtarted after the fenοing
-in approximately fifteen yea,rs ago.
Thero are old cΙustors of aleppo pines εt the foothilΙs mixed τ,'ith c;φreε-
ses. Ιn the past different bare parts'w'ere reafforested by tho Ministry of
Αgriculturo w-ith calabrian pine (Pi,nιιε brutiα) and c5ryresS (Cupressus sp.),
οs 'well as recently w'ith evergroen oak (Qωerc'ιl's ileω), whl7e ot the higher
points of the hilΙs a primary vegetation of phrygana and sοlerophyll bushes
remainod, particularly thorny and aromatiο.zones, that are not touched by
animals. The great proportion of therophβes on the mountain Egaleo is the
result of the rocky soil and tbe dry cΙimate of the region.
Evidenco of tho vegotation existing in tho past is tho presenοe of tho
woody and bushy plants isolated in glenε, remnants of whiοh are still
existing, as Cupreεεus εemperυi,rerυs, Pinuε h,αlepenεi,s, Juniperιιs oryceiιrw'
J. phaeni'ceα, Rubus Φnesceng, Pistαciω lentiscuε, Pyrus αmygd'αliformis'
cαliοotome υilΙρsα, ΑnthylΙiε hermanniωe, Ι'oniοerω etrωycω, Neri,um oleωnl,er,
Quercιιs coοοi| erω a\c.
Some of the plants found in Egaleo are distingιιished by their preferenοo
for soils either riοh oΙ poor in calοium, constituting in a certain wοy an index
of the soiΙ quality. AΙthough many of them aro caΙοicolous pants,
o felr of them are gτovring exοlusivoΙy on οa,Ιcareous εoils, w'ith tho resuΙt
that they eppΘa,r both on soiΙs of sοhist and calοareous origin.

Also, a number of spoοies is found preferentiaΙly or Θven exclusively on

rocky groundg γrithin tho creviοes of rocks or on tho sides of steep roοkε.
IΙalophilouε εpeοios gTow nΘar tho sea, rγhiΙo other sensiblo to saΙt are found
in tho interior, reaching tho peak of the mountain. The abovo petrophiloμg
pΙant"s οonsituto interrupted associations.
Wo mgntion horeby a number of οalcicolous petrophilous εpeοies of
Egεleo that appear mainly on places of sοhist (siΙicous) origin:
Aethiorυemn εαrωtile Leopold,iω comρ*α
Allium αmpeΙοprωsum Onobrychis ebenoides
Αlyεsum εαοωti,le oryzopεis mil,iαι'eα
A, mαntωnumL, Phlomis |rutiοosα
Αnthylliε hermαnniαe Pεorαleα b'i'tuminosα
A s pαr αq ιιε αιuti t oliu s P tilo stemon chαma ep euce
Brωεεi,ω creticα Rh'αmnuε ly cioid'es subsp. g raec7ιs
Centrαnthug ruber Scα'biosα hyrnettiα
C hrozopl'ιnr α tinctoriα Sedum hiεpαniοum
coronil|n erΙLerus subsp. emeroid,es S, sed,iforme
Delphinium peregrinum S eptorhαmphιιs
t tωb ero εus
α myr a'init es
D ωplι,orbi |Γeucrium diυαricαtum
Gαlium incurυωm T. poli,um
Genistω ωcanthocΙad'ω Yerbαεcum unl'ulaturn
Lαqeoaiα cum'innides
Tho following οalοifugo εpocies &ppea,r iη tho area of Egaleo preforen'
tiaΙΙy on rocks of schist origin:
Αtr αctyli ε cωncell'αtω osyris αlbα,
σentωωrω, ωtt'i'ω' Ph'αgn'αlon graeοurfu
c. rαphωni,nα a'absρ' rnixtα Saωi|rαgα heiΙerαceα
c. εoktitiαli's B cr o phωl ωr i a h et er o phyll'α

ceterαηh offici'narum S elα g in elln d enti' culat α

cheilanthes |rαgrωns Silene behen

Ckmatiεci,rrhoεα, S. υulgαris
Cychmen grα'ecωm a mb ili cιl's pαr υ i f'o r'ιιs
Β uph orb i, ω αιa,ntbothnmn o s
Finalty within the rostrictod zono, occupied by military instalΙations on
tho southern region of tho mountοin Egaleo, rro found that tho flora com-
prises a great numbor of ammophilous and halophilous εpecies, suοh as:
Αm,αrωnthuε liυid,us Mq,lοolmia ma'riti.mω
cαki.Ιe mαritim'α Medicαgo littorαlis
cynod,on d'ωatylon M. ma.rina,
Drimiω mα'ritim'α o ryzop si s co eruleε cenε
fich'ium ωrenαr'ium Plαntαgo coronopΙu8
GΙaωciωm fl'αυum Ιribuluε terrestri,ε
Li'monium ainuαtum

The vegetation of Egaleo εho'ws a great degradation and is in general

not very different from that of the other mountains of Αttiοa (exοept
Mount Ρarnis, Dτeτouιτs 1958) due to the fires, the unfaiτ and avid exploi'
as 'well as the housing constructions. Αlready a οertain number of speοies
mentioned. in tho foΙΙorτ'ing ]ist seem to disappear, rrhile in oΙdor times
theiε density must haγe been muοh greater.
Ιf a neγr drsturbanοo of the present, vegetation does not foΠow boοauso
of the above exogΘnous factors, the aοtual low vegetation of phrygana wiΙ
givo its place to a new typo of vegotation consisting of high bushes and' low
Also, because of tho loqr altitude of the hills of Egaleo a reafforestation
by mediterranean οonifors (as Pinus hnl'epensis and Cupreεεu8 serΙιperυireηιs)
is indiοated, together with certain broad-leaved sοlerophyll specieε, suοh os
o|,eω eωropωe" iu'. εy|,υestris, Phitlμreω tαtifotiω, Quercιιs cοcciterω,
lentiscιιa and others; this lotter group prΘsent a great resist'anοe to fire ειnd
retard its extonsion to the conifers especialΙy if planted in bands.
Ιn order to reach suοh an improvement of the vegetation οertain
protective la.ιvs must bo applied by tho forest authorities to avoid a.ny
iurther destruction of tho natura1 environment of the τegion. Ιt is most
important to improvo the vroocΙy vegetation of tho hiΙs and mountains
wiΙnin the Attic basin by al1 means avaiΙιbΙe. Such a result cannot ho'τvever
bo aοhieved τv-ithout the sincοro οooperation of the wholo populaiion.
List of species found in the EgaΙeo region

Nomenclature a,grees πrith Flora Europaea γols. 1_4. For the speοies
not inοluded in this volumes, the names are in accordonce with Drιpoυιrg
1939_1949 or Rncπτlτοen 1943. Instead of authors' n&mes one οf the
reforonοes mentioned for nomenοlature is indiοated'
FΑe: Ιl,ncπτNοεR, Flora Aegaea; FE: Fiorπ Europaea; GF : DΙΔ'
?oσLΙs, Greece Τlora. Α : &ΠΠ11θ,1r B : biennial, P : perennial'
For many of the species mentione(Ι the vouc}rers ore deposited in ΑοA
The number of specios in the Egaleo region amountg to 443, from τπhich
178 aro aτrnuaιs, 23 bienniειls aπd242 pοrennials (1o6 woody and bushy).

Ι, Pteri'd'ophι1tω
|. Sel,αqineΙtω d,ent'i,culntω _ P; FE 1:6

2. Cheil,ιιnthes |rαgrαns _ Ρ; 3E 1 : 1Ο

3. Αd,iωntωmω,pillιu-υeneris _ P;FE 1:10

&. teterαch o!fiιina,rum _ P; FE 1 : 17

Ι.Ι. Spermαtophytα
A'' Gymnospermωe
5. Pinuε lnlepenεis _ P; FE I : 35
P; 1'Juniperus oιyοed'rωs _ P; FE
6' Cupresεus leπυperυNreτLt
FE 1: 37 1: 38
6a' C' 8. f. horizontαlis P; 8. J. oωyced'ruε subsp. mι'crocα'rpa
FE l: 37 -P;FE1:38
phoeniceω _ P; FE Ι:
9. J. 39

10. Εphed,rω |'rωgili's subsp. cαmpglopodω
_ P; FE 1 : 40

Β, Arιq'i'oεpermαe
a, Dicotyled'oneε

||. Querαι,s oorri1r:,r"_ P; x'E ,'IΖn""'i'i' Q. itex_ P; FE 1: 62

|3. Eicus cn'riοα _ P; TE 1 : 67

|4. t]rtiοαd,ioi,οα, _ 68
P;FE 1: Ls' U' pi'tωli|erα A; x'F 1: 68
* P;FE l:69
15. τ]' uren| _ e; pi: r: οg Ι1. Pωrietαri'αd'i'fiωsα
|8. osyri,s α,lbω _ P;FE 1:70
|9. Aristobchi,ω m'i.οrostoτnω _ P; FE 1 :74
αrenωrium A; 23' R' pulcher _ Β; FE 1: 87
20. Polygonum
1:78 Β' bucephalophoruε _ Α; FE
FE 24'
2L. P.αυiculωre A;_ FE 1:78 1:88
22. Ruraer αcetosell,α _ P; TE 1: 83

1: 94 123
_ A; FE 1:
26. C. ωtbωm _ Α; Ι'E Ι: 94 28' Sαtsolα kαti 105

29. Αm'αrωnthus d,eflerωε _ Ρ; FE 30. Α.tiυid,uο _ Α;FE 1: lΙ0
1: Ι10

37, Portulαcα ohrωceω _ Α; FE 1: 1Ι4

A; X'E

49. Ni7ella, dαma,εcenα Α; FE 62.clem,αtis cirrhosω P; n'E
1:210 J":22L
60, Delphinium pereφinum
FE l: - A; 63. Rαnuncωlιιs mωriοωtιιs Α:
215 FE 1: 230
6Τ. Α coronαriα, _ P; FE 54. R.mille|otiωtαs _ P; trE 1:23l
Ι: 219 66. R. lprunerα,nus _ Ρ; FE 1: 231

66, Lωωruε nobiΙis
- P; FE 1:246

62. Cωpqlaris sp,inosω _ P; FE Ιι259

63. Si'εymbriumirio _ A;FE |:264 16. cαpsellα' bursω plαstor'i,ε Α;
64. lryεi'mum puε'i'llum εubsp. pαr_ E'E 1: 316
ιιa,εεi'i _
P; x'E |:212 77. Aethionemn sαrαtile Α; _ FE
65. Β. grωeaum - Β; l'E Ι: 2?2 |ι 322
66. Mα,lcol,miω α|ricαnω _ A; FE 78. Βi'soutella d'i'dymα FE Α;
l:277 1: 329
67' M. mnritimω _ Α; n'E Ll 27'I 79. Cαrd'αriω drαbα _ P; FE 1: 333
6s. M. grαecq, _ A; n'E |: 278 8a' Βrωssiοω creticα _ P; n'E l : 337
69' Mαtthiola εinuαtω B; pE 8L. Β. tourne|ortii _
A; FE 1: 338
Ι: 280 82. Sinαpi's arυenεiε Α; FE Ι : 339
70' Cωrdαιιιi,ne grcιecι' Α; FE 83. firuοq' υesicαr'iα, subsp. εαtiυα _
t: 289 A; FE l: 340
1L' Αlyεsumεωιαtilο _ P; FE 1:299 84, Hirεch|etd,'tα incαnα. A; FE _
72. A. montαnum _ P; FE 1: 301
73. ClypeοΙ,α jonthlαspi Α; _85. Cαkilemα,ritimn, _ A;FE 1:343
t: 307 86. Rαphanus rωphaniεtrurτυ λ; _
74. σ' eriocq,rpα Α; _FE I: Ι'E 307
75. Neεl,iα, pωni,culαtω Α; FE
Ι: 31δ
87, Reεed'α αlbα _ Α; FE 1: 347 88..R.l,uteω - Α;3E Ι:348

89' Umbil,iοuε pωrυifl,orus _ P; x'E 9Ι' S. tenui|o|,ium _ P; FE t; 369
l:351 92. S.hiεpαnicum _ Α;x'E t:363
90. Sed'uιπ sed'i|orme _ P; FE 1: 3δ8

93. Sαri|rωgα, hed'erαceα _ Α; FE 94. S' tri'd'αctyli'teε _ Α; FE 1: 370
l: 370
95' PΙ'α'tα'nuτ ori'entαl,is _ P; TE 1 : 384

96. Rubus cα,nelcenτ P; FE 99. Bαrcopoteri,um spinosum _ P;
2: 17 FE 2: 34
97.Rosα semperυirenε _ P; FE l0}.Αphαnes αrυensiε Α; FE
Z:27 2:64
98. Sαnguiεorbω rιυi,ιιor
2:34 - P; FE |al' Pyrus ωmygd'ali|ormis P;
TE 2: 66
102' Prunuε prostrαtω _ P; FE 2 : 79

l03' cerci'ε _ FE FE 2: |45
2: 83
εil'iq,ιιa,strum P; L26' o. reclirτωtα
L27. o. plωbesceτιε
-_ A;
A; FE 2: Ι45
L04. Cerωtoniα siliqωω _ P; FE 2: 83 L28. MeΙ'i'lotus itωl'iω' Α; Ι'E
L05' Pωrkiτυεoniα, ωculeαtα _ P. 2ι L49
L06. Aτυαgyria foetida' _ P; FE 2: 85 L29, M ' neωpolitαnω _ Α; x'E 2: |49
L91'CαΙiοotome υilloεα _ Ρ; FE L30, TrigonelΙ'α sprunerωnα Α;
2: 86 FE 2: Ι51
la8. Genistω ωcαnthρclα,d'α _ P; FE 13i. r. coerulescenε _ Α; FE 2: 162
2: 10Ο Β2. r' gbd'iαtα
- A; FE 2: 152
La9' Spαrtium junceum _ P; FE L33. Med'icαgo orbi,cuΙαri,s _ A; FE
2:101 2ι |55
LLD. Lωpi'nuε αngωεti'foliuι -* Α; L34. M. mari,na - P; tr'E 2:166
FE 2: 1Οδ L35. M. rigid'uΙ'α' _ Α; tr'E 2: L56
LL|. Robi'niω pεeuiΙαcαci,α _ P; FE L36. M.littorαli's _ Α; FE 2ι L56
2: Ι06 L37' M' αrαb'icα _ Α; FE 2: |56
_ P; FE
LL2' co|'ωteα αrboreεcens
2ι L07
138. M. minimn
- A; FE 2: L57
|39. Tri'loli,um tomentosum Α;
1L3' Aεtrαgωlωε sinα,i,cus _ Α; x'E FE 2: 16δ
2:1t3 L40. T. α,r1)enle _ Α; FE 2: 167
|L4. A. hellenicιιε - P; FE 2: lΙ7 L4L. r' sfuΙΙntum _ A; FE 2: 168
1L5' Α. grαecu,s _ P; FE 2: L|7 U2' r' αngusti|oΙiuιn A; FE
116. /. spruneri,
- P; FE 2: L22
Ll7. Pεorαl'eα bi,tuminoεω _ P; ΤE
2: L10
l43. D orE cniωrn pentαphyll,ωm subsp'
2:127 herbαceum _ P; FE 2: Τ73
|1'8' Υiciω υill'oεa subsp. micro- l44' Lotuε peregri,nuε P; FE
phyllι, _ Α; FE 2ι L32 2: L76
tΙ9. Τ/. tenui,sεi,ma _ A; FE 2: L33 L45' ΑnthEll'i'ε herma,nni,ωe P;
|20. Υ. peregr'iιιn' _ Α; FE 2: L35 FE 2: 178
l2L. Lαthgruε εωταtilis _ A; FE L46. Coronillα, enιeru'τ subsp. enxeroi-
2: |4Ι deε _ P; FE 2: Ι83
L22. L. εphαeri,cuε
- A; FE 2: L4L 147, Hippocrep'i's uni,εiliqωosω _ A;
|23. L' c'icerω _ Α; FE 2: Ι42 FE 2: 18δ
|24. L. αphαια * A; FE 2: L43 P; FE
|25. ononi,s ornithopodioi'd,eε _ A;
L48. onobrychi,s ebenoid,eε
2: 188
FE 2: 145 149. o. caput-gωlli' _ Α; FE 2: 191

L50, orωlis cornicula,tα _ P; FE l1L' o. P; FE 2:
2ι l92
- 193

l52' Gerαni'ωm rotund,i|oliunι _ A; ].53. G. mοl[,e _ Α; FE 2: 198
FE 2: 198 L5{. G. Ι,ucil,um _ A; FE 2: 198
|55. Erod,ium l,αci,niαtum _ Α; tr'E l57. l.
gruinum _ Α; tr'E 2: 20L
2:200 L68. E. cicutαriurn _ Α; trE 2:202
|56. Β' malncoid,eε _ A; FE 2:200
l'59. Tribulus terreεtri,ε _ Α; FE 2:205
|60. Linuιn bi,enne B; FE 2ι 209 Ι6Ι. ,.
- trigynum
- Α; tr'E 2: 2Ι0
162. Chrozophorα tinetoricι Α; Ι65. E. helioεcopiω _ A;FΕ 2:22l
FE 2: 211 rc6. E. nτyrsini.tes _ P; FE 2:221
|63' Mercur'iαIiε ωnnuα. _ Α; Ξ'E |67. Β.riιgr*_ Α;x'6 2:222
2:2L2 t68. .E,. prq'ιu' _ e; r'ε 2:222
lB4. Euphorbi,α αcnnthothωmnoε
P; X'E 2:220
169, Rutq' grαυeolenε _ P; FE 2:221

l70. Αilαnthus αltiεεimι, P; FE 2:23L
17L. Polygαlαυenulosα
- P; FE 2ι233
|12, Pistαciα terebi,nthus _ P; FE 17g. P. lentiεcuε _ Ρ; FE 2: 237
a. .ιδι
L74. Schinus nιolle _ P; FE 2: 237
|75' Rhαmnuslyοioid,eε subsp. ?; FE 2:244
176' Mαlυω cretiοα _
Α; tr'E 2:250 l78' Alceq, ro*eα' * P; FE 2:254
|77. M. εylυeεtri,s _ B; FE 2:250
\79' Thyιnel'αeα hirgutω _ P; FE ?. P; EE 2:259
18O. tα,rtonrαi'rα
|8|' ΙΙgpericum empetrifoli,um _ P; Ι83. fl. triquetrifol,iuπι _ P; FE
FE 2:264 2:269
|82. H. perfoliα,tum P; FE 2: 266
Ρhyton, vol. 20, Ξ.asc. 3_4, 1980' 1ε

|84. ti'εtιl^s i,nω,nus εubsp. creti.cuε _ 789, Heti,αnthemurn Ιa'υα'nd,ul,i,fo-
P; FE 2:288 tium _ p; FE 2:287
|85. c' pωrυifl.oru,s _ P; FE 2:283
186. t. monεpelieιιsis _ P; FE
Ls}' H.
Ι9L. Iωm.αnα
- P; FEΡ;
2ι 290
2:288 Z:29L
187. α. εωlυi|oΙius _ P; x'E 2ι 284 |g2' E. tΙυymilol,iω * P; FE 2: 292
L88. Tuberαriα guttαtω _ P; x'E
L93' Tαma'riω gωlli,w, P; Fπ 2:293
L94, Εcbα'lliunυ elaterium _ Α; FE Lg6, Βryoni,α cretiω. εubsp. d,ioicω _
2: 297 B ; EΕ 2: 297
196. opuntiω fu'uε.ind'icα
- P; FE 2: 300
|97. LythrumhysεopifoΙi'ω * A; FE 2 : 3O1

L98. ΒucωΙyptuε robustιιs _ Ρ; tr'E 199. r' glοbutιιs _ P; FE 2: 306
200. Pωniω' grαnαtum _ P; FE 2: 30δ
20|. Hed,erω heli'c _ P; FE 2:3L4
202. Eryngi'uιn moτiti,mωm P; 209. ΒupΙ'eurum |rutiοoεum P;
FΒ2:322 FE 2:350
203. Β. cαmpeεtre _ P; FE 2:323 2L0. Ammi m,αjuε Α; FE 2:353
204. Lαgoetiα cuminoi,deε * Α; FE 2LL. Ierul'αgo no(loεα * P
FE 2 : 3δ9
_ A; FE
2:324 2l'2. Tord'ylium ωpιuΙum
205. Bcαnd,i'ι pecten-υeτυeris _ Α; 2:361
EΕ 2:327 2L3. Thαpεi'α gαrgαnieι, _ P; FE
206, Bmyrniωm oΙuεωtrurn B; 2:31O
FE 2: 328 2Ι4. Dαucus guttαtιιε _ Α; FE 2: 373
207. ,s. per|ol,iαtum _ B; FE 2:328 2L6, D, ω,rotω aιιbsp. ma,rimw _
208, Ioeniοulωm υulqαre * P; FE Α; FE 2:374

21'6' lri'cα αrborea - Ρ; FE 3: 7 2L8' Αrbutus unedo _ P;FE 3: 1Ι
2L9. Α' αnd'rαchne _ P; FE 3: ΙΙ
- P; FE 3:7
220' Cyclamenυ grα'ecurιυ _ P; x'E 22L, Αnαgαlliε ωrυenε'i,s _ Α; FE
3:25 3: 28
222, A. |oeminω _ P; FE 3: 28

223' Αrrneriω und,uΙntα _ P; FE 224, Li,mοni'uιπ εinιιatum _ P; FE
3: 33 B:40

226' oΙeα europα,eα, _ P;TE 3:5δ 226. PΙυilLEreα latitoliα _ P; FE
226a, o' europαPΛ, vat εyl,υestris _ 3: 5δ
P; FE 3: 55
d27 ' Nerium oleαn'd,er - P; x'E 3 : 68

228. Asperulα αrυerιεi,ε _ A; 3E 230. α' ωpαri,ne _ Α; FE 4: 35
4: Ι3 23l' G. murαle _ Α; Ξ'E 4: 36
229, GωΙiurn inοurυunτ _ P; Ι'E
4ι 2B

23B. Heliotropiuιn europωeum
- A; 242. fr. pΙatαgineuιn
- Α; FE 3: 99
FE 3:85 243. Β. pαrυifl,orιm _ Α; FE 3: 100
237. Βugloεεoi'des αrυensiε Α; 244' r,
α,renα,rium _
B; l'E 3: 1OO
X'E 3: 37
238, oιιasma' |ruteεcenε _ P; n'E
245. Αnοhιιεα unl,ula.tω
3: 107
FE - B;
3: 91 246. Α. υαri.egatα
- Α; FE 3: 109
239. Ceri.nthe m'i,nor _ Α; FE 3: 94 247' Cynοgloεεum columnαe _ A;
240,Αlkαnlιa' tinctoriα _ P; tr'E tr'E 3: 120
3: 9θ 248. c' creti,cum _ B; FE 3: Ι20
24|. Echiumitαl;i,cum
- B;FE 3:98

249. Υiter αgnuε-cι,stuε _ Ρ; FE 250. Verbenω offιinnΙ'ia _ P; FE
3: L22 3ι L23
25|. Αjιιgα iυα' _ Pi FE 3: 129 264. Bαturejω thymbrω P; FE
252. Teunrium diυαricαtum P; 3: 164
FE 3: t32 2a5.Cα'l'αminthω nepetα _ P; FE
253. T. polium _
P; tr'E 3: Ι34 3: 166
254, Prαεi'ιιmmαjor _ P;FE 3: 137 266. Micromeriα ωerυoεq, _ P; FE
255, Mαrrιιbium υulgα're P; - r'E 3: 169
3: 138 267, M. juliαrιa _ P; FE 3: l09
256. Phbmiε |ruticoεα P; FE 268' ori,gαnum herαcΙιoti,aum _ P;
3: i45 X''E 3: 171
251. Lαmium garqαniοum _ P; FE 269. Thymωε cαpitαtιιε Ρ; _ FE
3: Ι47 3: 174
258. L, αmplericαul,e Α; TE 270' Menthn pωl'egi'um P; FE
3: Ι48 3: 184
259' Βωll'otω αοetαbubsω _ P; FE 27L' Rosmι,ri'nus otf'cina,li'ε P;
3: 150 FE 3: 187
260' Stαchyε cretiω' _ P; FE 3: 153 272' SαΙ'υiω trilobω _ P; FE 3: 189
261. B. spruneri _ P; FE 3: 1δ5 273. B. pomi|erα _ P; FE 3: 190
262, Glechom'α hed,erα'ceα _ P; FE 274, S'υerbeτι,ωcα * P;FE 3: 192
3: Ι61 276' B' υi'rid'is _ P; FE 3: 192
263. Melissα o|fninαΙ,i'ε _ P; FE
3: Ι62

- A; FE
Hyoscyαmw niger 278' Dαturω strαmoni,um _ A; Ι'E
3:195 3:200 '

277' Solωnurn ni,grum A; FE 2'Ι9. Nicotiωιια, gΙι,ucω P; FE

3;197 3:201

280. Υerbαscωιτυ und,ulntum B; 284. Mi,sopωteε orontium _ Α; FE
FE 3: 213 3: 224
28L' v. εimuαtum _ B; FE 3: 213 286' Υeronicn glauω' _ Α; FE 2ι248
282' Bcrophωlαriω peregriιυα _ A; 286, v, ωrυenεia _ A; x'E 3: 249
FE 3: 2l8 287. l ' cymbω|a'riα'
- A; FE 3: 250
283. s. heterophylΙ'α _ Ρ; FE 3:2i9 288' Βellard,iω tri,rαgo Α; FE
289. Gbbulari.α αlypωm _ Ρ; FE 3 : 283

2}}.orobωnche crenωtω * Α; FE 29L'o. pubeεcenε _ P; FE 3:290
292. PΙa'ntαgomaior _ P; FE4:39 296. P' αlbicατυε _ P; FE 4: 43
293. P. coronopψs _
Α; FE 4: 40 2g7. P. bellard'ii _ Α; FE 4: 43
294. P.l'anceolαtω _
P; x'E 4:42 298. Ρ. αre'nari,α _ Α; FE 4:43
295. P.logopuι _
P; n'E 4: 43
299. Lonicerαimplerω_ P;FE4:4? 300. ,. etruεc'α _ P; FE 4:47
30|. Centrαnthuε ruber _ P; FE 302' c' cαlci'trαpαe _ Α; FE 4: 56
4: 55
303. Κn'αutiω integrifoliω _ A; TE 304. Scαbiosα hymettiα P; FE
4;67 4: 69

305. cωmpαnul,α,celεii _ B;tr'E4:8Ι 307. c' d'rαbi|oli'ω * A; FE 4: 88
306. cι. rupestri,s _ B; FE 4: 82

308. BeΙΙis α,nnucΙι - Α; FE 4: 111 3ι9. /.. chiα' _ Α;FE4:1δ5
309. conyzω c'αnαilensis _ Α; FE 320. Chαmomill,ιι recutitω _ A; FE
4: L2O 4: L6'l
3l0' ΙΙelichrysunι εtoechωs εubsp. 32L' Chrysαnthemum εegetum _ A;
bωrrelier'i, _ P; x'E 4ι L29 FE 4: 168
3l|' PhαgnαΙon grαecum * P; I'E 322' C. c'ororυαriunι _ Α; FE 4: 169
4: t33 323. Senecio υulgαriε _ Α; FE 4:204
31'2, Dittrichi,α υi'sοosω P; FE }24.cαlendulα αrυensis _ Α; FE
4: l37 4ι 20'Ι
- _Α;P; FE
D. grαυeolew 4ι L37 325' Cαrlinωcorymboεω subsp. grqecα
3L4. Pul'i,cαriα, od,orω FE 4: 137 _ B ; I'E 4: 209
3L5. PαΙ'lenis spi,noεa Α; FE 326' ΑtrωctyΙis cβ'ncel,ι'α.tα' _ A; FE
4: 139 4:2ll
3|6. Χωnthium εtruma,ri,um _ Α; 327' frchinopε εphιιerocephαIus
x'E 4: 143 subsp. αlbi,dιιs
- P; FE 4:2|4
317. x. εβιυosum _ Α; Ι'E 4: 143 328' Ε. microcepha,lus P; FE
3L8' Αnthem'is tomentosα _ A; FE 4: 2L4
4: L54 329. cαrduuε pycnocephαl'us _ Α;
FE 4:231

330. σirεiωm creticum P; FE 343. Ci'chorium i'ιτtybuε _ Ρ;

ιΥ! 4:242 4:304
33L. Picnomon α,οαrnα, -- A; FE 344' Rlι,ωgαd,iol'us εtell,αtuε Α;
4:242 FE 4: 308
332. Notobωεiε syriωcω A; FE 345. Picriε pαuciflnrω Α; FE
4:242 4:317
333. Ptilostemρn chamaepeωce * P; 346, Bοorzonerω οroci|oli,α, _ P; FE
l,'r: FE 4: 243 4:320
334. Onopordon ill,griaum _ B; FE 347. B. lαnωtq, _ Ρ; tr'E 4: 322
4ι 247
335' Silybum mnriαnum _ Α;
348. Ιrαgopogon porrifotius _ $;
FE FE 4: 328
4:249 349. Reichαrdiα pli,croideε
336. σentαureω rαpha'nina, subsp.
4:325 - P; FE
}'''t miιtα - P; FE 4:269 350. Sonchus οlerαceuε _ Α; FE
337. c. αtti,cα
- P; FE 4: 275
338. α. εpinoεω subsp. tomentosω _
35Ι. Bteptorhαmphωε tuberaεuε _ P;
P; Ι'E 4:282 FE 4: 328
339. C,. solstitiatis _ B; Ι'E 4:284
352. Lαctucαεerriolιι _ Α;FE 4:330
340' Crωpinα crupiιυαεtrurn _ A; 353. Tαrαrωcωm megαbrhizon _ P;
tr'E 4:30Ι FE 4: 334
311. Cωrtha,mu,ε Ι,αnqtuy -- Α; FE 354. r'offiairιa,le _
P; n'E 4: 342
342. Bcolymuε hispωιιicuε _
365. Chond'rilΙ,ιι rα,mosi,sεimω _ Β;
B; FE FE 4: 343
4:304 356. Crepis foeti'd,ω * Α; FE 4:364
357. a. micrωnth,α _ Α; FE 4: 365
b. Monocotyled,oneε
358. Merend,erααtti,cα
- ?9 369. Lloyd'iα grα,ecα, _ P; FAe: 722
359. Cokhicum pusitΙuπι P; iio' υri*to λri,timα _ P; Srnenπ
FΑe:709 Ι978
360' σ' lαti|olium _ P; FΑe: 709
37L' Bοit'la αωtumna,li,a _ P; trΑe:
36l. Αεphod'elus mi,οroοαrpus _ P;
FAe;71Ο 372' ornithogαlum αttiοuιn P;
362' Gα,geω ped,uncuhri,s
363. G. ωrυensis _ P; FΑe: 712
:Ιx''3.'ffi!;;ffi: i; $i:; fi;
364. AΙlium αmηιeb7lrαεum
' P; 375. o. nα'nun _ P; FAe: 726
FAe:715 376' ΒelkυαΙiα
A. n"opoιitonu*_ Ρ; FΑe: 7Ι8
/ roseuιιι _ P; FAe: 718 377. l'##:#rirP,
:99 Leopotd,iω οornosa
''-Bo*rrr* p.
367. A. εtαnιi,neum * P; FΑe: 7Ι8
Ι973: 7δ
368, Iri'tillar,iω grαecα _ P; tr'Ae:
378, Muεοαri commωtωtum p.
Δ ,


379. Αεpωrωqus αcutifol'iuε P; 38L. Ruεcωε αculeαtuε _ P; FAe:

FAe:732 ?33
380.,4, αphyl'luε * P; F733 Αe: 382. Sτni'la'a α,lperα, * P; FΑe: 734
383. Stenbergiω ε'i'cula _ Ρ ; FΑe : 735
384' Αgαυe αmer'i,οαna' _ P; FΑe: 736
385. Crocuε l,αeυi,gαtus _ P; FΑe: 389. Romuleω coΙumnαe _ Ρ; FΑe:
738 'ι40
386. cl. sieberi, _ P; FΑe: 738 390. Iris pumi'l,cι subsp. αtt'icι' _
387. o' c,αrtωr'ight'i'αnυs * Ρ; FΑo: P;FAe: 741
738 39L. Glα'd'iolus segetum
- P; n'Αe;
388. α. aαncellαtωs _ P; x'Αe: 738 742
392,Juncuε cσιnpressus * P; FAe: 393. J, mιιriti'mus * P; FΑe: 746
745 394. Luzul'α'noiΙulosα, _ P; x'Αe:747
395. Cωreω' d'iεtαchyω _ P; FΑe: 754 396. t. hispidα _ P; FAe: 755
B97 . Βromωε mαd,ritenεiε _ Α ; FΑe : 4L4. Lolium temulentum _ Α; FΑe :

759 787
398.3. ruberυs _ Α; FAe:759 4l5. L. perenne * Ρ; FΑe: 788
399. B. steriΙ,is _ Α; FΑe: 760 4|6. Ιζoeleriα phleoid'es * Α; FΑe:
400. J9. interrned'iuε _ Α; FΑe: 761 790
40L. Αgropyron repenl * P; FΑe: 4L7, Αυenα, εteri,Lis * Α; FAe: 792
164 4L8. A' bωrbαtω _ Α; FΑe: 792
402. Αegilops oυαtω _ Α; FΑe: 766 4L9. Αirω cαpi.llαris * A; FΑe: 794
403. Αe. triαristαtω _ Α; FΑe: 766 420' Lαgurιιs oυα,tωl _ A; FAe: 797
404. Hord'eum cri,nitum _ A; !Αe: 42l.. Sti'pωbromoid'es _ P; FΑe: 801
768 422' S.lαgαεcαe _ P; FΑe: 802
405' Ιl' murinum * Α; FΑο: 769 423. s. torti'lis - Α; FAe: 802
mi,liαceω _ Ρ; FAe:
406' Αrund,o d,onαι
- Ρ; FAo: 771 424.oryzopsi,ε
401 . Βrizι' mαti,mω _ Α; n'Ae: 774 8ο2
4ο8. B. εpicαtα _ Α; TΑe:775 425'o. coeruιelcenl _ P; FΑe: 803
409. Dαctylis glomerωtω _ P; FAe: 426. Digitαriω sαnguinαlis A;
775 !Ae:806
4L0, cynoεuruε ech'i'nαtωs _ P;FΑe: 421 . Cynod'on d'αctylon * P; FAe:
717 8ο6
4||. Poω _ A; tr'Ae:778
α,nnuα, 428. Pαnicum crus-gαlΙi, _ Α; FΑe:
4L2. P. bulboεα' _ P; FAe: 779 806
4Ι3. Scleropoαrigi,d,ω _ Α;FAe:786 429. Setαriω υirid,is _ A; FAe: 807

430. ophryε ωpi,|erω Ρ; FΑo: 8il 435. s. Ιingιn _ Ρ; FΑe: 824
431. o. |uscα _ Ρ; FΑo: 815 436. Anacαrιυpti's pyrαmid'αliε _ P;
4g2. o' held'reichii, - P; FAe: 817 FΑe: 828
433. o' l,uteα _ P; x,Ae: 817 437, Neotineαintωctα _ P;FΑo: 830
4B4.Serαpi,αε la,tifl,orω - P; FΑe: 438'orahislαιifl.orα
439. o' quα.d,ri,punctωtα _ P; FΑe:

440, Αrumitαlicum _ P; n'Αe:844 442' Βiαrunτ εpruneri - P; GE'Α:
44L, Drαcunοuluε υulqαriε Ρ; 242
FAo: 845 443, Arisαrum υulgωre * P; FAe:

Aππταoxτ E..197Ι. Elomontg for tho roprosentation of tho Atiica landscapo
- Αthons. (in Grook).
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Bεπτzrπ B, ι9?3. Taxonomy, variation and ovolution in roproεontativos of
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Pπnssoπ K. & WpπpELBo P' |979' Βetleυαliα hyαιinιhoideε, a norv namo for
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Tιrιπτs A.t96?. Romaιks on tho gtructuτo of tho Skaroτnango-Egaloo Moun_
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