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One of the most important creatures in the andean mythical culture is, definitely, The Jarjacha.

Its name comes from the quechua term called Carcaq, that is understood as a leather bagpack
used to transport things by native people who lives in the Andes.

Andean people wonder if Jarjacha is a kind of animal or a devil´s manifestation. It could have
been considered as a devil manifestation because I´m convinced that it looks horrendous.

Natives suppose that this thing might have been the outcome of carrying out an incest act.

Incest must have been a common pratice for generations in Prehispanic Peru and it must have
caught on. Bear in mind that our ancestors were allowed to get married with relatives as part
of their prehispanic dogma. They must have understood it as something that was done

But now, time has changed. Thats why we arent sticking with this tradition. When spanish
people came, Christian religión could have found out that incest was taking off in some andean
towns, so they tried to get around it. Im pretty sure that they invented the Jarjacha story to
force natives not to commit those seemingly actions of abomination. There´s no doubt that
natives were frightened of facing the DEVIL, and got behind the new Christian dogma.

This story must have triggered natives forgot incest. But Jarjacha story stands nowadays. I
suppose this devil is willing to scare someone who wants to be involvement in the sin of incest.

Where is the jarjacha´s whereabouts? It´s imposible to figure out this enigma.

Thank you

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