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未来世界 100 年-200 年全球特别重大技术革命技术创新------新的世界,新的人类,新的社会(方瑞达)

未來世界 100 年-200 年全球特別重大技術革命技術創新------新的世界,新的人
類,新的社會(方瑞達) 中文繁體,英語,法語。
——————————————— —100 年的世界將會這樣麼? 100 年世界將會
如何? 100 年後的人類和社會又是如何呢? 100 年內,人們有各種預測預言,世
界面貌和今天有何變化呢? (如果離題太遠,預測 10,000 年,100,000 年,
現實些可信,100 年或 200 年為限,人們完全可以真實感受到未來。科學技術革
不言自明。 —2080 年:宇宙電站向地球供電?這些驚人之語皆來自喬治·弗里德
曼這本讓人期待已久的著作。這位預言大師把目光投向遙遠的未來,為 21 世紀即
將發生的巨變勾畫出一幅清晰的圖景和可讀性極強的百年語言。 序曲迎接美國時
代 美利堅崛起成為真正的全球超級大國是 21 世紀最重要的標誌。如果對未來 100
年只能下唯一個論斷,那就是:歐洲時代已終結,北美時代已開始,而在未來 10
0 年,北美將由美國主導。 第 1 章 美國時代的黎明 第 2 章 大震盪:美國-伊
斯蘭聖戰者戰爭 第 3 章 文化戰爭、人口爆炸和計算機 第 4 章 新斷層線 所謂
大陸、歐洲、伊斯蘭世界和墨西哥。 第 5 章 2020 年: 第 6 章 2020 年:美俄
再次博弈 俄羅斯地處歐洲東部,多次與歐洲其他國家發生衝突。它的存在對歐洲
來說是一個潛在的巨大挑戰。 第 7 章 美國強權與 2030 年危機 第 8 章 偷獵時
代 第 10 章 太空戰即將打響 第 11 章 第三次世界大戰 第 12 章 21 世紀 60 年
代:黃金十年 第 13 章 2080 年:美墨的全球心臟地帶之爭 (引自作者書文,海
天出版社 喬治·弗里德曼(George Friedman) 魏宗雷 傑寧娜 譯)2009 年版
(中文) The 100 Years:A Forecast for The 21st Century) 轉引百科網站,360,百
度,維基百科等網絡資料。 --------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------- 100 年,其實很短,一世紀,地球轉動幾萬圈,世界發
榷和探討。總而言之,有一定參考性,研讀性。也許不止 100 年,或者 150 年-20
0 年,世界發生變化可想而知。 A.地球革命,科技革命,宇宙革命,星球革命。
或者火星等。幾萬人幾十萬人移居月球或火星基本成局。 B。人工智能,智慧生
物機器人,可能面世,極大改變社會和世界。 C.核能的大規模開發利用,譬如,
能。 D.海洋的深度開發利用,北極南極深度開發利用等。 E。世界人口的增長,
資源的匱乏等。 F。工業革命,智慧工業革命,新技術充斥普及全球,新技術新
產品日新月異。 F.社會結構,社會模式的逐步轉變,變革。 G。電子信息革命,
計算機信息技術的深度發展,廣度普及等。 H。農業革命的發展。 其他有很
類社會產生巨大影響。 100 年,200 年,時間很短,也就是倆個半人的生命壽
對。預言可能成真,也可能難以兌現,關鍵在於人類的實踐和工作如何。 喬治·

(参考资料:维基百科,谷歌百科,大不列颠百科全书,新浪百科,360 图书馆,360 百科,智库百科,百度

百科 ,互动百科,搜狗百科,等网站)。

世界未來 100 年-200 年全球特種重大技術革命技術創新------新世界,新人類,新
社會(方瑞達)繁體中文,英文,法文。 --------------------------------------------------
----百年的世界會這樣嗎? 100 年後世界會發生什麼? 100 年後的人與社會呢? 1
00 年來,人們有各種預測預測。世界和今天有什麼變化? (如果你離題太遠,預
此,它仍然是現實和可信的。 100 或 200 年來,人們可以真正感受到未來。科技
些原因是不言而喻的。 - 2080 年:宇宙電站向地球供電?這些驚人的話都來自喬
來的 21 世紀的變革繪製出一幅清晰的圖畫和一本百年不遇的語言。迎接美國時代
的序幕美國崛起成為真正的全球超級大國是 21 世紀最重要的象徵。如果你只能作
出關於未來 100 年的唯一結論,那就是:歐洲時代已經結束,北美時代已經開
始,並且在未來的 100 年中,北美將由美國主導。第 1 章美國時代的黎明第 2 章
大振盪:美國 - 伊斯蘭聖戰戰爭第 3 章文化戰,人口爆炸和計算機第 4 章新斷層
亞大陸,歐洲,伊斯蘭世界和墨西哥。第五章 2020:第六章 2020:美國和俄羅
來說是一個潛在的巨大挑戰。第 7 章美國的力量與 2030 危機第 8 章偷獵的時代第
10 章太空戰即將開始第 11 章第三次世界大戰第 12 章 20 世紀 60 年代:黃金十年
第 13 章 2080 年:美國和墨西哥之戰全球心臟地帶(引自作者的書,海天出版社
喬治弗里德曼魏宗雷(Jinningna)(2009)(中文)百年:21 世紀的預測)轉
--------------------------------------------------在 100 年中,它實際上很短。在第一個世
考和研究。世界將發生變化的時間可能超過 100 年,或 150 年至 200 年。 A.地球
The Future of the World 100 years -200 years The global special major technolo
gical revolution Technological innovation ------ New world, new humanity, new so
ciety (Fang Ruida) Traditional Chinese, English, French. ——————————
————————— Will the world in 100 years be like this? What will happen to
the world in 100 years? What about people and society after 100 years? In 100 y
ears, people have various forecasting predictions. What changes in the world an
d today? (If you digress too far, predicting 10,000 years or 100,000 years will be
a bit illusion, or that Earth humans may become extinct after tens of thousands o
f years. Anything extravagant is meaningless. Biological robot world? Pure robot
world? The collapse of the universe is all zero?). Therefore, it is still realistic and
credible. For 100 or 200 years, people can truly feel the future. The revolution in
science and technology, the new industrial revolution will further lead the world a
nd change the world. This is a technological revolution that does not shift with th
e will of anyone. It is also a revolutionary social revolution. The significance cann
ot be underestimated. The technological revolution and the industrial revolution
will gradually change the human social structure, industrial structure, agricultural
structure, lifestyle, etc., as well as the cultural changes in ideological concepts a
nd culture, which are unstoppable. For example, atomic energy technology, aero
space technology, and computer technology are examples. Others, too, have gr
eat influence and far exceed people's imagination and thinking. The huge econo
mic and commercial value will inevitably bring new ideas and ideas to human bei
ngs. No one will be able to put them outside and resist the flood of the industrial
revolution and scientific and technological revolution. It should be noted that the
technological revolution and the industrial revolution are no less than the traditio
nal social revolution, the cultural revolution, and the ideological revolution. The r
evolution in science and technology is a very important new type of industrial rev
olution and wisdom revolution in modern human society. His strength is directly r
elated to society, economy, culture and other aspects. Whoever underestimates
and despises these things will fall behind or even be abandoned by the times. T
hese reasons are self-evident. - 2080: Cosmic Power Station supplies power to t
he Earth? These amazing words all come from the long-awaited work of George
Friedman. This prophetic master set his sights on the distant future, drawing a cl
ear picture and a highly readable 100-year language for the upcoming changes i
n the 21st century. Prelude to meet the American era The rise of the United Stat
es into a truly global superpower is the most important symbol of the 21st centur
y. If you can only make the only conclusion about the next 100 years, that is: Th
e European era has ended, the North American era has begun, and in the next 1
00 years, North America will be dominated by the United States. Chapter 1 The
Dawn of the American Era Chapter 2 The Great Oscillation: The United States - I
slamic Jihadist War Chapter 3 Cultural Warfare, Population Explosion, and Com
puters Chapter 4 New Fault Lines The so-called fault line is the Chuhe Han boun
dary that may conflict with each other. Where is the world's most unstable place i
n the next era? According to the geopolitical fault analysis method, there are curr
ently five candidates: the Pacific region, Eurasian continent, Europe, Islamic worl
d and Mexico. Chapter 5 2020: Chapter 6 2020: The United States and Russia P
lay Again Russia is located in eastern Europe and has repeatedly fought conflict
s with other European countries. Its existence is a potentially huge challenge for
Europe. Chapter 7 American Power and the 2030 Crisis Chapter 8 The Age of P
oaching Chapter 10 Space War is about to start Chapter 11 The Third World War
Chapter 12 The 1960s: The Golden Decade Chapter 13 2080: The Battle of the
United States and Mexico in the Global Heart Region (quoted from the author's
book, Haitian Press George Friedman Wei Zonglei (Jinningna) (2009) (Chinese)
The 100 Years:A Forecast for The 21st Century) Transmitted encyclopedia websi
te, 360, Baidu, Wikipedia and other network information.
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- In 100 years, it
was actually very short. In the first century, the earth turned tens of thousands of
revolutions, and the world has undergone drastic changes that are beyond imagi
nation. The author's predictions may come true, perhaps to be verified by history,
perhaps to be discussed and discussed. All in all, there is a certain reference an
d research. It may be more than 100 years, or 150 years to 200 years, that the w
orld will change. A. Earth revolution, scientific and technological revolution, unive
rsal revolution, and planetary revolution. Humans will first construct a planet city
or planet life zone on the Moon or Mars. The most likely is the moon, or Mars an
d so on. Tens of thousands of people moved to the Moon or Mars as a basic ga
me. B. Artificial intelligence, intelligent biological robots, may be available to the
world, greatly changing society and the world. C. The large-scale development a
nd utilization of nuclear energy, such as atomic energy rockets (composite rocke
ts) and atomic energy spacecraft (polymer nuclear energy spacecraft), will often
return to Earth-moon-mars and other space in the future. The cost of man's retur
n to the moon is greatly reduced, which will make it possible for humans to enter
the space in large numbers. D. In-depth development and utilization of the ocea
n, and the development and utilization of Arctic Antarctica. E. World population g
rowth, lack of resources, etc. F. The industrial revolution, the wisdom of the indu
strial revolution, new technologies flooded the world, and new technologies and
products are changing with each passing day. F. The social structure, the gradua
l transformation of the social model, and change. G. The revolution in electronic i
nformation, the in-depth development of computer information technology, and t
he widespread popularity. H. The development of the agricultural revolution. Th
ere are many other, not much to explain. The natural revolution, the industrial re
volution, and the cosmic revolution are all swift and violent and will have a treme
ndous impact on the world and human society. In 100 and 200 years, the time is
very short, that is, the life of two and a half people. The world has undergone en
ormous changes, and the pattern and situation of the world will change dramatic
ally. The industrial revolution, the wisdom revolution, and the planetary revolutio
n have intensified the competition. Of course, it also includes various kinds of cri
ses and challenges. For example, war, environment, resources, population, pove
rty, human rights, etc., all need to be seriously thought about and start to solve a
nd respond. Prophecy may come true or it may be difficult to deliver. The key lie
s in how humans practice and work. George Friedman, a Jewish, born in Hunga
ry, studied at the City College of New York in the early years, majored in political
science, received a doctoral degree from Cornell University, taught at Dickinson
College in Pennsylvania for more than 20 years, and had a lot of writing. .

(Reference materials: Wikipedia, Google Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Great Britain, Sin

a Encyclopedia, 360 Library, 360 Encyclopedia, Think Tank Encyclopedia, Baidu Encyclop
edia, Interactive Encyclopedia, Sogou Encyclopedia, etc.).

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