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The Pathophysiology of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and


Article in Gastroenterology Nursing · November 2005

DOI: 10.1097/00001610-200511000-00003 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Paul Baker Marsha L Cirgin Ellett

University of Kentucky Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis


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3214-03_GN280604_Baker.qxd 12/16/05 3:14 PM Page 469

The Pathophysiology of
Nausea and Vomiting
Paul D. Baker, MSN, RN
Sandra L. Morzorati, PhD
Marsha L. Ellett, DNS, RN, CGRN

Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting is a major debilitating side effect of oncology treatment despite
recent advances in pharmaceutical management. Nurses who provide care to patients experiencing nausea
and vomiting are often only marginally aware of the pathophysiological processes involved in the treatment.
A better understanding of the science behind current interventions to reduce nausea and vomiting may
help nurses use those interventions more effectively. This article reviews current knowledge about the
pathophysiology of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. By understanding the pathophysiology behind
this patient experience, gastroenterology nurses can develop a better understanding of the common symptoms
of nausea and vomiting in general. When a nurse understands the complexity of factors causing nausea and
vomiting, he or she will be better able to provide appropriate interventions to reduce these symptoms.

hemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting implemented (Fromer, 2005). A better understanding of the
(CINV) is a major debilitating side effect of on- science behind current interventions to reduce nausea and
cology treatment despite recent advances in the vomiting might help nurses use those interventions more effec-
pharmaceutical treatment of nausea and vomit- tively. More effective relief of the symptoms of nausea and
ing. In the past, patients ranked nausea and vomiting as the vomiting can in turn lead to better compliance with treatments
top two most difficult side effects of chemotherapy treatment. and, possibly, lessen morbidity and mortality in patients.
Today studies show nausea is still considered the worst side This article reviews the current understanding of the patho-
effect, with vomiting ranking from third to fifth (Wickham, physiology of CINV. By understanding the pathophysiology,
2003). As a result, patients may conclude that alterations in gastroenterology nurses can develop a better understanding
their quality of life from nausea and vomiting overshadow of the common symptoms of nausea and vomiting. The dis-
the need to remain compliant with their cancer treatment. cussion begins with the definitions of nausea, vomiting, and
Nurses who provide care to patients experiencing nausea retching, followed by a discussion of the mechanism of vom-
and vomiting are often only marginally aware of the patho- iting, the various anatomical structures involved in CINV, and
physiological processes involved in the treatment. Yet nurses how these work together. The article concludes with a discus-
are often directly involved in how antiemetic interventions are sion of the complications of CINV and presentation of useful
classification schemes related to the pharmaceutical manage-
ment of nausea and vomiting.
Received April 16, 2005; accepted May 25, 2005.
About the authors: Paul D. Baker, MSN, RN, is Staff Nurse in the Pediatric
Intensive Care Unit, Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis, Indiana, and Terminology
Clinical Instructor, Ball State University School of Nursing, Muncie, Indiana.
Sandra L. Morzorati, PhD, is Associate Research Professor; and Marsha L. Definitions
Ellett, DNS, RN, CGRN, is Associate Professor; Indiana University School
of Nursing, Indianapolis.
Nausea and vomiting actually refer to three different con-
Correspondence to: Paul D. Baker, MSN, RN, Riley Hospital for Children, cepts: nausea, vomiting, and retching. Nausea is defined as the
720 Barnhill Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46220 (e-mail: “subjectively unpleasant sensation associated with flushing,

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tachycardia, and an awareness of the urge to vomit” (Ameri- vomiting, there is little experimental evidence for this; how-
can Society of Health-System Pharmacists [ASHP], 1999, ever, treatment for vomiting is usually effective for nausea
p. 729). The experience of nausea is a subjective determina- (Andrews, Rapeport, & Sanger, 1988). All references to the
tion by the patient because there generally is no obvious out- causation and treatment of vomiting discussed in the remain-
ward sign of the sensation by the patient until vomiting occurs der of this article, therefore, can be assumed to also apply to
(Purl & Wickham, 2002). Physical symptoms associated with nausea unless otherwise stated.
nausea are increased salivation, swallowing, and tachycardia Physiological symptoms of nausea can include cold sweat-
(Hogan & Grant, 1997). ing, flushed skin, intercostal dilation, tachycardia, and hyper-
Vomiting is “characterized by contraction of the abdom- salivation (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993; Veyrat-Follet et al.,
inal muscles, descent of the diaphragm, and opening of the 1997). These symptoms indicate autonomic nervous system
gastric cardia, resulting in expulsion of stomach contents (ANS) involvement in the nausea process (Morrow, Roscoe,
from the mouth” (ASHP, 1999, p. 729). Because vomiting Hickok, Andrews, & Matteson, 2002). When a patient is
can be quantified by frequency of occurrence and by the vol- nauseated, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is undergoing
ume of emesis, it is a more objective measure than nausea changes to prevent the digestion and absorption of any
(Purl & Wickham, 2002). noxious substances that have been ingested. The GI tract
Retching “involves spasmodic contractions of the slows down and begins to prepare itself for an emetic
diaphragm, thoracic, and abdominal wall muscles without action (Naylor & Rudd, 1996).
expulsion of gastric contents” (ASHP, 1999, p. 729). Retch-
ing is often not assessed and frequently not present as part Retching
of nausea and vomiting symptoms even though it may be Retching is a rhythmic contraction of the diaphragm, the
an important element for certain patients and in particular rectus abdominis, and the external intercostals muscles. The
chemotherapy regimens (Morrow, 1984; Rhodes & internal intercostal muscles also contract, but this occurs
McDaniel, 1999). “out of phase” with the others. The net effect is a decreased
intrathoracic pressure and an increased intra-abdominal
pressure (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993). Retching does not,
Phases of Nausea and Vomiting however, relieve the subjective feelings of nausea (Hogan &
There are three phases of vomiting associated with chemo- Grant, 1997). Three possible purposes for retching are: (a)
therapy, all of which apply equally to nausea. Acute vomit- to overcome the upper GI reflux barrier by relaxing the
ing is the direct response to initial administration of lower esophageal sphincter, (b) to sample the contents of
chemotherapy. Acute vomiting is traditionally referred to as the stomach to see how fluid they are, and (c) to “wind up”
any emetic episode occurring within the first 16 to 24 hours the neural circuitry that creates an emetic episode (Leslie &
after administering the chemotherapy (ASHP, 1999). Vomit- Reynolds).
ing that occurs after the acute period is generally referred to
as delayed vomiting and can last as long as 6 or 7 days
The purpose of vomiting is to expel noxious contents from
(ASHP). Anticipatory vomiting is a learned or conditioned
the GI tract. Once the individual is exposed to enough ini-
response. It generally occurs before symptoms of nausea and
tial stimuli to the VC, the usual sequence of events begins
vomiting would be expected and is the result of cognitive
with nausea. This is followed by retching, then by vomiting,
associations with previous negative experiences of nausea
although retching is frequently absent from the sequence.
and vomiting (ASHP).
Nausea does not always lead to vomiting, and patients can
vomit without ever experiencing the sensation of nausea.
Mechanisms of Nausea and Vomiting There appears, therefore, to be individual and situational
variations associated with the sequence of events leading to
The existence of a vomiting center (VC) was initially con-
vomiting (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993).
firmed by Borison and Wang (1953). The VC is the portion
There are three phases to vomiting (Table 1). The first
of the brain responsible for collecting emetogenic stimuli
phase is the pre-ejection or prodromal phase. This phase is
from throughout the body and coordinating the develop-
often accompanied by nausea and sometimes retching. The
ment of nausea and vomiting. Individual differences in
GI tract prepares itself for an emetic episode. The second
response to emetogenic stimuli can be explained by consid-
phase is the ejection phase or the actual expulsion of stomach
ering that each individual may require a different degree of
contents. The final phase is the postejection phase. Vomiting
stimulation to the VC to reach the threshold of nausea or
has stopped, nausea dissipates, and the individual generally
vomiting (Hockenberry-Eaton & Benner, 1990).
feels better. Figure 1 illustrates the physical mechanisms that
create an emetic episode.
Nausea is the most difficult symptom to quantify, mainly
because of its subjective nature. It can be difficult to describe Anatomical Structures Related to
to a patient what to expect, especially if he or she is naïve to Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea
nausea, has cultural differences related to the concept of nau- and Vomiting
sea, or has decreased cognitive abilities because of age or dis-
ability (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993; Veyrat-Follet, Farinotti, & Vomiting Center
Palmer, 1997). The VC is the primary structure for coordinating nausea and
Although it is generally assumed that nausea is a symp- vomiting (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993). Rather than being in a
tom of emetogenic stimuli not significant enough to cause specific location, the VC is a collection of neurons distrib-


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T A B L E 1

The Three Phases of Vomiting

Term Description

Prodromal The vomiting center (VC) sends out motor stimuli to the GI tract to prepare it for emesis. Vagal efferents
stimulate the proximal stomach to relax, mediated, in part, by the neurotransmitter vasoactive intestinal
polypeptide (VIP) (Vayrat-Follet, Farinotti, & Palmer, 1997). The VC also initiates a retrograde giant con-
traction (RGC) in the small intestine to move the contents of the upper small intestine up into the stom-
ach. This serves to move any contaminated contents up into the stomach to be ejected and also helps
lower the acidity of the stomach contents to prevent damage to the upper GI tract during vomiting. These
events must occur before vomiting can occur. Any contents in the lower small intestine are moved down
into the colon (Vayrate-Follet, Farinotti, & Palmer).
Ejection The actual expulsion of stomach contents. There is a coordinated contraction of the diaphragm, rectus
abdominis, and external intercostal muscles, although the rectus abdominis contraction is longer and
more intense in vomiting than in retching. The internal intercostal muscles do not contract, and the
periesophageal diaphragm relaxes. The net result is a compression of the stomach from the bottom up,
leading to the ejection of stomach contents (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993). Increased salivation helps provide
an alkaline buffer in the mouth against acidic stomach contents (Freeman, Bountra, Dale, Gardner, &
Twissell, 1993).
Post-ejection Vomiting has stopped, nausea dissipates, and the individual generally feels better. The assumed purpose
of feeling better is to make sure that the actual act of vomiting and the resulting ejection of noxious con-
tents is not an aversive experience (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993).

uted within the medulla oblongata (ASHP, 1999). Several cause damage to the EC cells (Andrews, Naylor, & Joss,
different neurotransmitters have been associated with neural 1998), possibly by the generation of free radicals (Rudd
signals to the VC (Hogan & Grant, 1997), including sero- & Andrews, 2005). This damage leads to the release of the
tonin, dopamine, histamine, acetylcholine, and substance-P neurotransmitter serotonin (5-hydroxy tryptamine, or 5-HT)
(ASHP) (Table 2). Of these neurotransmitters, serotonin from the EC cells, which stimulates the vagus nerve via 5-HT3
and substance-P are considered the primary mediators, and receptors (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993). Venous blood from the
dopamine a secondary mediator, of nausea and vomiting GI tract passes through the liver via the hepatic portal vein,
induction (Dupuis & Nathan, 2003). Figure 2 illustrates the which is also innervated by the vagus. Metabolites from the
various inputs into the VC and how they relate to each other. GI tract could directly affect the liver to send its own neuro-
logical signals via the vagus to the CTZ (Freeman, Bountra,
Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone Dale, Gardner, & Twissell, 1993).
The identity and location of the chemoreceptor trigger zone The vagus nerve is the primary afferent nerve of the GI
(CTZ) were confirmed in the 1950s (Borison & Wang, 1953). tract. Most of the messages from the gut transmitted via the
The CTZ is a specific location in the brain directly sensitive vagus nerve involve the neurotransmitter serotonin. In fact,
to chemical agents with known emetogenic potential. The 80% of serotonin in the body is located in EC cells (Veyrat-
location of the CTZ in the brain has been identified within Follet et al., 1997). These cells mediate messages to the brain
the area postrema (AP) region on the bottom edge of the via the vagus nerve to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS)
fourth ventricle (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993) (Figure 3). The AP (Naylor & Rudd, 1996). Messages from the EC cells can
is described in additional detail in this section. also activate reflexes in the gut to regulate secretion of diges-
tive enzymes and peristalsis. Serotonin, along with several
Vagus Nerve tachykinins, can have direct local physiological effects, such
The vagus (vagal) nerve is an important source of stimuli as smooth muscle relaxation, vasodilation, and secretion of
to the CTZ and to the VC with regard to emetogenic water and electrolytes (Ahlman & Nilsson, 2001).
potential. The vagus nerve receives sensory information from Because serotonin mediates messages about normal phys-
organs of the abdomen, including the GI tract. The gut wall iological and pathophysiological stimuli from the gut to the
contains mechanoreceptors to detect overdistention of the brain, there must be something specific about the signal sent
gut and chemoreceptors to detect abnormal stimuli, such as by the EC cells in response to cytotoxic drugs. That signal is
acidity, alkalinity, hypertonic fluids, temperature extremes, believed to be a unique “pattern and intensity” of stimulation
and irritants. Enterochromaffin (EC) cells in the gut respond at the vagus nerve to the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
to toxic substances within the contents of the gut or in the (DMV) and the NTS (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993; Rudd &
blood perfusing the gut (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993). Andrews, 2005). The support for the thesis that the primary
Enterochromaffin cells located in the GI tract are primarily emetogenic stimulus comes from the EC cells is the success of
responsible for the emetogenic potential of most chemother- the drugs referred to as 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in reduc-
apy agents. Active metabolites of chemotherapy agents pass ing and preventing CINV. Their ability to block 5-HT3 recep-
through the bloodstream to the GI tract, where they directly tors in the gut and in the NTS and CTZ revolutionized our

VOLUME 28 • NUMBER 6 471

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F I G U R E 1 . The main inputs

into the vomiting center and the
motor outputs that lead to vomiting.

ability to reduce CINV. Additional support was provided evolved from the subnucleus gelantinosus after migrating
with the measurement of 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid (5- below the blood-brain barrier (Leslie & Reynolds). Emeto-
HIAA) as a urinary metabolite of serotonin. The elevation of genic stimuli from the EC cells in the gut are transmitted via
5-HIAA in the urine correlates to the onset and increased 5-HT3 receptors on vagal fibers to the DMV and NTS (Leslie
intensity of acute nausea and vomiting (Wickham, 2003). & Reynolds). Substance-P released in the NTS activates NK-
1 receptors in the NTS to pass the signal on to the CTZ, and
Nucleus Tractus Solitarius then to the VC (Diemunsch & Grelot, 2000).
The nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) is considered the main
site for the termination of vagal afferents from the gut. It lies Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus
directly adjacent to both the DMV and to the AP that con- The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) is the part of
tains the CTZ (Andrews & Davis, 1993; Leslie & Reynolds, the brain where motor efferent signals from the brain to the
1993), as shown in Figure 3. A portion of the NTS that lies abdomen originate. Neural signals via the DMV to the gut,
directly against the AP is the subnucleus gelantinosus. The diaphragm, and abdominal muscles prepare the body for
cell structures of the subnucleus gelantinosus and the AP are emesis, and later coordinate the physical act of vomiting
virtually identical, indicating the possibility that the CTZ (Stahl, 2003).


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T A B L E 2

Neurotransmitters of Nausea and Vomiting

Neurotransmitter Description

Serotonin Primary mediator of neural signals from the gut (EC cells) to the NTS. Activates 5HT3 receptors on
vagal afferents in the gut and the NTS to induce nausea and vomiting (Naylor & Rudd, 1996). Med-
ications referred to as 5HT3 receptor antagonists (e.g., ondansetron, granisetron, palanosetron)
reduce nausea and vomiting by blocking serotonin from binding to these receptors.
Substance-P Activates NK-1 receptors, primarily found in the NTS and DMV, that transmit signals from the vagus
nerve to the CTZ to induce nausea and vomiting (Diemunsch & Grelot, 2000). Medications referred
to as NK-1 receptor antagonists (e.g., aprepitant) reduce nausea and vomiting by blocking sub-
stance P from binding to these receptors.
Dopamine Its role in nausea and vomiting is unclear. Dopamine receptor antagonists (e.g., promethazine,
metoclopromide) have been used somewhat successfully in the past to treat CINV. Their effective-
ness may be related to their anti-dyspeptic effects (Rudd & Andrews, 2005)

Area Postrema The AP is also located outside the selectively permeable blood-
The AP is a U-shaped structure located on the caudal side of brain barrier while still in contact with cerebrospinal fluid
the fourth ventricle (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993). The CTZ is (CSF). This allows the CTZ to sample the chemical content of
located within the AP and is responsible for the transmission both the CSF and blood from the systemic circulation (Leslie
of most of the emetogenic stimuli to the VC. The AP is an & Reynolds). In fact, the AP is a richly vascularized section of
ideal location for CTZ for many reasons. The AP is directly the brain (Veyrat-Follet et al., 1997). Thus, the CTZ is well
connected to the NTS and the DMV that receive direct vagal designed to detect emetogenic substances either centrally via
afferent signals (specifically emetic signals from the EC cells). the bloodstream and CSF or peripherally via nerve impulses.

F I G U R E 2 . The structures
that provide emetogenic stimulus to
the vomiting center. Adapted from
Andrews, P. L. R., & Davis, C. J.
(1993). The mechanism of emesis
induced by anti-cancer therapies. In
P. L. R. Andrews, & G. J. Sanger
(Eds.), Emesis in anti-cancer ther-
apy: Mechanisms and treatment
(p. 135). London: Chapman & Hall

VOLUME 28 • NUMBER 6 473

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F I G U R E 3 . Location of the
dorsal motor vagus nerve, nucleus
of the solitary tract, and chemore-
ceptor trigger zone in the area
postrema of the brain’s fourth ven-
tricle. Adapted from Freeman, A. J.,
Bountra, C., Dale, T. J., Gardner,
C. J., & Twissell, D. J. (1993).
The vomiting reflex and the role
of 5-HT3 receptors. Anti-Cancer
Drugs, 4(Suppl. 2), p. 10. Used with

If the CTZ does indeed determine its emetogenic stimulus nausea and vomiting response. The vestibular apparatus is
from sampling the systemic circulation, it is reasonable to involved in the detection of body motion and balance and
consider there is a “common factor” that accumulates in the has been directly implicated in creating emetogenic stimuli
bloodstream in response to chemotherapy agents. This com- (Andrews & Davis, 1993). Examples of vestibular stimuli
mon factor has yet to be identified, although two suspects are with emetogenic potential are motion sickness and the
vasopressin and serotonin (Cubeddu, 1992). It is also possi- dizziness and nausea associated with inner ear imbalance.
ble the CTZ is able to detect a variety of toxic substances or Individuals predisposed to motion sickness have a higher
endogenous substances released in response to toxins (Naylor potential for CINV (Andrews & Davis). Some chemotherapy
& Rudd, 1996). agents may directly damage the vestibular afferents, thus
Serotonin is highly unlikely as the common factor because increasing their emetogenic potential (Andrews & Davis).
it has a short half-life (Naylor & Rudd) and is rapidly taken Other individual characteristics associated with increased
up by platelets in the blood (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993). Ele- risk for developing CINV are female gender, adults younger
vated plasma levels of vasopressin have been detected in nau- than 50 years, children older than 6 years, anxiety, and low
seated subjects (Andrews et al., 1988; Morrow et al., 2002). alcohol intake (Marek, 2003; Schnell, 2003). There is also
Vasopressin has been implicated as a possible candidate as growing evidence that small genetic variations can affect
part of the mechanism that creates the sensation of nausea, emetogenic potential and response to treatment. One identi-
although studies have shown it does not work alone (Rudd & fied example is associated with the cytochrome P450 (CYP)
Andrews, 2005). enzymes known to metabolize the antiemetic medications
It is considered unlikely that toxins provide a significant referred to as 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. There is evidence
direct stimulus to the CTZ via the systemic circulation. For certain individuals may have CYP 450 enzymes that are
one thing, if this were the case, there should be a more rapid “ultrarapid metabolizers.” These individuals have a much
onset of symptoms after administration of chemotherapy higher incidence of acute vomiting despite administration
(Leslie & Reynolds, 1993). Instead, CTZ stimulation from of the 5-HT3 antagonist ondansetron. Granisetron, another
CINV is most likely primarily a result of peripheral stimu- 5-HT3 antagonist, is more resistant to these ultrarapid
lation of EC cells in the gut transmitted via vagal nerve metabolizers and therefore is a more effective antiemetic
afferents. Vagal afferents may actually extend all the way with those individuals (Schnell). Several other genes have
into the AP (Leslie & Reynolds, 1993). been identified as deserving investigation into possible
implications in determining individual emetogenic responses
Other Factors Affecting CINV (Hesketh, 2004).
There are a variety of factors that can potentiate CINV. These A variety of higher brain centers can contribute to stimu-
factors may help explain the individualistic nature of the lation of the VC. Several experiments with direct electrical


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stimulation to a variety of cerebral locations have demon- chemotherapy and the development of nausea. Anticipatory
strated emetogenic potentials throughout the higher brain nausea and vomiting is a classical conditioning response that
centers (Andrews & Davis, 1993). The limbic system, which also involves cerebral pathways (Andrews & Davis, 1993).
is involved in emotional responses to events or sensory stim- Both response expectation and anticipatory nausea and vom-
uli, has also been implicated in a variety of situations directly iting can contribute to the overall emetogenic potential of the
inducing vomiting. In general, any situation involving an individual undergoing chemotherapy.
intense stimulus or emotional response can contribute to Two other influences on emetogenic potential are pharyn-
stimulation of the VC. Some stimuli that can put an already geal and auricular. The pharyngeal stimulus is also referred to
stimulated VC “over the edge” include taste, smell, pain, and as the “gag reflex,” in which placing a direct physical stimu-
distress (Andrews & Davis). Table 3 provides a review of lus (such as a finger) against the back of the throat can create
anatomical structures related to CINV. a “gag” or retch that can result in vomiting. This stimulus is
Two examples of higher brain influences as emetogenic transferred to the VC via the glossopharyngeal nerve
stimuli are “response expectation” and anticipatory nausea (Andrews & Davis, 1993). The auricular stimulus involves
and vomiting. Response expectation (Morrow, 2003) theo- the auricular branch of the vagal nerve that innervates the
rizes that individual emetogenic potential is partially deter- tympanum of the ear. Direct stimulation of the tympanum
mined by preconceived expectations. According to Johnson can also induce immediate emesis (Andrews & Davis).
and Leventhal’s self-regulation theory (Johnson, 1999), an Another factor that can be considered in the emetogenic
individual internalizes a structure of expectations (referred to potential of individuals receiving chemotherapy is cortisol
as schema) based on previous sensory experiences and edu- levels (Wickham, 2003). The hypothalamic-pituitary axis is
cational exercises. When the individual receives a new set of involved in the regulation of cortisol via the adrenal glands.
sensations, he or she attempts to place the new sensations CINV has some of the same symptoms as adrenal insuffi-
within the framework, or schema, he or she already has. If ciency (which leads to decreased serum cortisol levels), includ-
the sensations do not fit the schema, then the individual must ing nausea, vomiting, and fatigue (Morrow, 2003; Morrow
adjust the schema. et al., 2002). Studies have shown decreased cortisol in the
With response expectation, the patient may interpret a blood corresponds to increases in the incidence and magni-
new sensation as part of an expected symptom and from that tude of CINV. It has been proposed that circadian rhythm
point on associate that sensation with the symptom, whether fluctuations in cortisol levels might be used to determine the
it is related to the symptom or not (Morrow et al., 2002). most efficacious time to administer chemotherapy to the
Roscoe et al. (2004) noted several reports that demonstrated patient (Morrow, 2003; Wickham). One possible explanation
a relationship between patient expectations of nausea from for the antiemetic effects of the corticosteroid dexamethasone

T A B L E 3

Anatomical Structures Implicated in Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting

Structure Description

Area postrema (AP) U-shaped structure located in the fourth ventricle that houses the CTZ. The AP is
an ideal location for the CTZ because it can receive signals directly from the
vagus nerve, and also sample the chemical content of both the cerebrospinal
fluid and blood from the systemic circulation.
Chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) A collection of neurons contained in the AP sensitive to chemical agents.
Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) Portion of the brain that transmits motor neural signals to the abdominal organs
via the vagus nerve.
Enterochromaffin (EC) cells Cells in the gut that respond to toxic substances by releasing neurotransmitter-
mediated signals via the vagus nerve.
Higher brain centers Refers to parts of the brain involved in analytical thought. Can contribute to stim-
ulation of the VC, such as an intense somatic experience or emotional response.
Nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) Termination of sensory information from the vagus nerve, located directly adja-
cent to both the DMV and the CTZ. The NTS transmits information to the CTZ
and the VC.
Vagus (vagal) nerve The primary nerve transmitting sensory information from the abdominal organs,
including the GI tract. The vagus nerve also contains motor fibers to abdominal
organs involved with emesis.
Vestibular apparatus Structures in the ear involved in the detection of body motion and balance that
has been directly implicated in contributing to nausea or vomiting.
Vomiting center (VC) Primary structure for coordinating nausea and vomiting; a collection of neurons
distributed within the medulla oblongata.

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is that it is providing some of the metabolic actions normally dures conducted over the course of treatment, including
provided by the missing cortisol (Rudd & Andrews, 2005). MRI and bone marrow aspiration (Andrews & Davis,
Most antiemetic studies have used the chemotherapy agent 1993). Pain is a common symptom of cancer and cancer
cisplatin as the agent of choice because of its high emetogenic treatment, and the side effects of many pain medications can
potential but also because of the assumption that most contribute to nausea and vomiting, either through constipa-
chemotherapy agents have a similar mechanism of emetogenic tion or the accumulation of their metabolic by-products
action. Recent studies with cyclophosphamide, an agent clas- (Hogan & Grant, 1997).
sified as having moderate to high emetogenic potential, have Gastroenterology nurses frequently encounter nausea and
created a “cyclophosphamide paradox.” Cyclophosphamide vomiting in their practice, usually as a result of anesthesia or
creates an initial CINV experience that is responsive to 5-HT3 from many of the medications used in gastroenterology
antagonists over several days, instead of the 16 to 24 hours practice. Table 4 provides a list of medications known to
seen with most other emetic agents. This would seem to indi- sometimes cause nausea and vomiting. In general, gastro-
cate a prolonged peripheral response on the EC cells of the GI enterologists treat nausea and vomiting with the medication
tract. Yet the level of 5-HIAA metabolite in the urine of promethazine, switching to ondansetron if vomiting persists
patients receiving cyclophosphamide is relatively normal, sug- (G. Waltz, personal communication, June 21, 2005).
gesting a more central source of the emetic response (Rudd &
Andrews, 2005). Phases of Nausea and Vomiting
The mechanisms previously described help explain why
Complications Affecting Nausea patients experience nausea and vomiting during the acute
phase, which lasts during the first 16 to 24 hours after admin-
and Vomiting
istration of chemotherapy. Patients have a high response to 5-
Nausea and vomiting associated with oncology patients are HT3 receptor antagonists during this time, demonstrating
not necessarily the result of chemotherapy treatments. Sev- their effectiveness in combating a peripheral-based emeto-
eral complications of the disease process or other side effects genic stimulus (ASHP, 1999).
of chemotherapy can contribute to nausea and vomiting. After the acute phase, 5-HT3 receptor antagonists rapidly
Increased intracranial pressure (IICP) is a frequent cause of lose their ability to prevent CINV. This is believed to indicate
nausea and vomiting in patients with cancer, especially in a second mechanism is involved as a cause of the onset of
those with brain tumors (Andrews & Davis, 1993). Brain delayed CINV (ASHP, 1999). This is also demonstrated when
tumor growth can crowd the brain inside the cranium to measuring the serotonin urinary metabolite 5-HIAA. 5-HIAA
cause IICP. Cerebral edema can also occur as part of levels no longer correlate with the onset and intensity of
chemotherapy treatment, either by disruption of the blood-
brain barrier or through electrolyte imbalances (Andrews &
Disordered gut function is another common side effect of
chemotherapy. Initial bouts of CINV can lead to delayed gas-
tric emptying and anorexia. Chemotherapy can also cause
direct damage to the rapidly growing cells of the GI mucosal T A B L E 4
lining (Andrews & Davis, 1993). For this reason, prokinetic
agents such as metoclopramide (Reglan) may help treat nau- Gastroenterology Medications That
sea and vomiting by counteracting slow-down of the gut May Cause Vomiting
(Hogan & Grant, 1997). Other complications of chemother-
apy that may interfere with gut function are hepatomegaly Category Medications
and splenomegaly. Tumor growth or adhesions from surgical Antacids Calcium carbonate
interventions related to cancer treatment can even lead to
Anti-diarrheals Atropine, Imodium, Loperamide,
bowel obstructions (Hogan & Grant). Motofen (Atropine/Difenoxin),
Chemotherapy leads to the destruction of large numbers Octreotide
of cells within the body, causing a buildup of products of cel- Anti-spasmodics Bentyl (Dicylcomine), Donatal
lular breakdown, many of which are toxic to the body and (Atropine/Hyoscyamine/
can contribute to nausea and vomiting symptoms (Andrews Phenobarbital)
& Davis, 1993). The cellular destruction can lead to small Constipation Bisacodyl, Miralax, Lactulose
tears or areas of increased permeability along the GI tract Enzymes Pancrease
that may best be treated by dexamethasone and other corti-
H2 blockers Axid, Cimetidine, Nizatidine, Zantac
costeroids (Andrews & Davis; Hogan & Grant, 1997). Vom-
Irritable bowel Azathioprine, Azulfidine, Colazal,
iting during initial phases of chemotherapy treatment leads to
disease Dipentum, Immuran, Purinethol,
the loss of water and electrolytes that can cause dehydration Remicade, Sulfasalazine
and metabolic disturbances, further complicating the initial
Mouth/throat Mycelex (Clotramazole), Pilocarpine,
CINV (Andrews & Davis). Chemotherapy can also directly Itraconozole
create metabolic disturbances, such as uremia and hyper-
Miscellaneous Ursodiol, Misoprostol, Glycopyrrolate
calcemia (Hogan & Grant).
Other aspects of cancer treatment that can contribute to Information provided by Gail M. Waltz, MSN, RN, CPNP (per-
nausea and vomiting are anesthesia and pain medications. sonal communication, June 21, 2005).
Anesthesia is frequently used during the traumatic proce-


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delayed CINV symptoms (Wickham, 2003). One possible therapy (Rudd & Andrews, 2005). Once it begins, it is noto-
explanation for the cause of delayed CINV is that it is the riously hard to treat (Wickham, 2003).
result of several factors related to the complications of
chemotherapy treatment (Andrews et al., 1998) described
Conceptual Model of the
previously. The intensity of delayed CINV symptoms is
directly related to the level of poor control during the acute Mechanisms of Emetic Effects
phase and to the patient’s anxiety level during treatment Rudd and Andrews (2005) have developed and refined a
(Rudd & Andrews, 2005). graphical conceptual model to represent the variety of mech-
A new class of antiemetic medication shows promise in anisms that may contribute to emetic response to chemother-
treating both acute and delayed CINV and may provide a apy (Figure 4). Bars across the top of the graph represent
clue to the mechanism of delayed CINV. These medica- when each class of antiemetic medications is most effective.
tions, referred to as NK-1 receptor antagonists (Fukunda, The 5-HT3 receptor antagonists are most effective during the
Nakamura, Koga, Furukawa, & Shiroshita, 1999), bind to first 24 hours after chemotherapy administration, correspon-
the receptor sites of the neurotransmitter substance-P. Studies
ding to the acute phase of nausea and vomiting. Antidyspep-
have shown NK-1 receptor antagonists bind to substance-P
tic medications, such as metoclopramide, are effective begin-
sites within the NTS to effectively decrease CINV (Fukunda
ning by the end of the first day through the third day by
et al.). When combined with 5-HT3 receptor antagonists,
counteracting the altered GI motility effect of chemotherapy
NK-1 receptor antagonists are more effective in treating acute
(Rudd & Andrews).
nausea and vomiting than 5-HT3 antagonists alone. NK-1
In a previous version of the model, a prokinetic-sensitive
antagonists are also more effective in treating delayed nausea
and vomiting than are 5-HT3 receptor antagonists and phase was described in which the patient may discover that
dopamine antagonists (Stahl, 2003). any large or rapid body movement leads to nausea or vom-
Multiday chemotherapy regimens are used in many oncol- iting (Andrews & Davis, 1993). During this phase, patients
ogy treatment protocols. Treating CINV for patients under want to remain as motionless as possible, usually preferring
these regimens is complicated by the fact that, after the first to sleep (Purl & Wickham, 2002). NK-1 receptor antago-
day, the patients may be experiencing both acute and delayed nists and glucocorticoids are effective throughout the emetic
CINV (Mehta, Reed, Kuhlman, Weinstein, & Parsons, 1997). response to chemotherapy (Rudd & Andrews).
Anticipatory CINV occurs in approximately 30% of all The model also demonstrates the mechanisms behind the
chemotherapy patients (Morrow, 2003). Anticipatory CINV two main phases of nausea and vomiting. The acute phase is
is considered to be a classical conditioning response to poor generally the result of 5-HT release from EC cells in the GI
experiences with previous chemotherapy sessions. The condi- tract. The delayed phase begins with dyspepsia from altered
tioned responses are stored in the limbic regions of the brain gut motility and secretion, and intensifies as inflammatory
(ASHP, 1999; King, 1997). Anticipatory CINV usually begins reactions and cell breakdown products begin to accumulate
around the fourth or fifth session (Hockenberry-Eaton & in response to direct cellular damage from the chemotherapy
Benner, 1990), but can occur after just one round of chemo- agents (Rudd & Andrews, 2005).

FIGURE 4 . Conceptual
model of mechanisms involved in
phases of nausea and vomiting.
From Rudd, J. A., & Andrews,
P. L. R. (2005). Chapter 2: Mecha-
nisms of acute, delayed, and
anticipatory emesis induced by
anticancer therapies. In P. J. Hes-
keth (Ed.), Management of nau-
sea and vomiting in cancer and
cancer treatment (p. 33). Sudbury,
MA: Jones and Bartlett Publish-
ers. Available:
Reprinted with permission.

VOLUME 28 • NUMBER 6 477

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Pharmaceutical Management of
Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea
and Vomiting
T A B L E 5
In the late 1990s, attempts were made by various groups to
develop guidelines for the pharmaceutical management of Emetic Risk of Chemotherapy
nausea and vomiting (ASHP, 1999; Gralla et al., 1999; Multi-
national Association of Supportive Care in Cancer [MASCC], High risk
1998; National Comprehensive Cancer Network [NCCN], Carmustine (> 240 mg/m2) Cisplatin
2001). Follow-up surveys revealed, however, these guidelines Cyclophosphamide Dacarbazine
were frequently not followed and patients were often being (>1500 mg/m2) (> 500 mg/m2)
over- or under-treated (Gralla, 2002; Mertens et al., 2003). Lomustine (>50 mg/m2) Mechlorethamine
Reasons proposed for this include: the guidelines were too
Pentostatin Streptozocin
complex and not readily adaptable to practice (Gralla, 2002);
lack of awareness of the guidelines or confidence in the guide- Dactinomycin
lines; and comfort with previous practice (Mertens et al.). Moderate risk
Adherence to the guidelines was more evident in treating Cyclophosphamide Carmustine
acute nausea and vomiting than in treating delayed nausea (<1500 mg/m2) (<250 mg/m2)
and vomiting (Mertens et al.). Guidelines often did not take Doxorubicin Cisplatin (<50 mg/m2)
into consideration certain individual characteristics that may Epirubicin Cytarabine (> 1 g/m2)
greatly affect drug effectiveness, such as hepatic or renal dys- Idarubicin Irinotecan
function (Goodin & Cunningham, 2002).
Ifosfamide Melphalan
The primary factor to consider in relation to whether a
particular chemotherapy session will lead to nausea or vom- Hexamethylamine Procarbazine
iting is the emetogenic potential of the chemotherapy agent. Carboplatin Mitoxantrone
Hesketh et al. (1997) developed a table ranking chemother- Low risk
apy emetogenic potential into five levels based on the per- Aldesleukin Doxorubicin (<2 mg/m2)
centage of patients who experience emesis when a particular
Methotrexate Fluorouracil
chemotherapy agent is administered. More recently, pub- (>100 mg/m2) (<1000 mg/m2)
lished tables separate chemotherapy agents into the four cat-
Mitoxantrone (<12 mg/m2) Gemcitabine
egories of emetic risk: 1, high; 2, moderate; 3, low; and 4,
minimal (Koeller et al., 2002) (Table 5). Temozolomide Mitomycin
Each group’s guidelines include evidence-based descrip- Etoposide (p.o.) Paclitaxel
tions of pharmaceutical interventions for acute and delayed Asparaginase Thiotepa
nausea and vomiting for various categories of chemotherapy Cytarabine (<1 g/m2) Topotecan
(Koeller et al., 2002). Koeller et al. published a review of Docetaxel
the guidelines and organized a simplified treatment plan
Minimal risk
that summarizes the majority of options available to treat
nausea and vomiting. Methotrexate (<100 mg/m2) Bleomycin
For high-risk chemotherapy, the recommended nausea Capecitabine Rituximab
prophylactic is a 5-HT3 antagonist with a corticosteroid dur- Vincristine Trastuzumab
ing the acute phase (day 1), and either a 5-HT3 antagonist or Vinblastine Vinorelbine
metoclopramide combined with a corticosteroid for the
delayed phase (day 2 and later). The moderate category is (intravenous)
treated with a 5-HT3 antagonist on day 1, and during the
delayed phase, one or two of the following: a 5-HT3 antago-
nist, a corticosteroid, or metoclopramide (Koeller et al.).
Low-risk chemotherapy should be treated with a corticos-
teroid or any of the well-known antiemetics. Minimal risk
agents do not require any antiemetic treatment (Koeller et al.) provides improved protection against acute nausea and vom-
Recently a new 5-HT3 antagonist, palonosetron, has been iting, as well as significantly improved protection against
introduced that shows great promise. Palonosetron is espe- delayed nausea and vomiting (Dando & Perry, 2004; de Wit,
cially interesting because of its long half-life and effectiveness 2003; Hesketh et al., 2003; Schnell, 2003). Traditional ther-
in controlling nausea and vomiting as long as 120 hours with apy of a 5-HT3 antagonist with a corticosteroid loses its effi-
one dose (Siddiqui & Scott, 2004). It has been shown to be cacy over multiple rounds of chemotherapy. Adding aprepi-
more effective in treating delayed nausea and vomiting than tant improves antiemetic control that is sustained over
other 5-HT3 antagonists (Fromer, 2005; Siddiqui & Scott). multiple rounds (Dando & Perry; de Wit; de Wit et al., 2003).
With the introduction of aprepitant, the first approved Grunberg (2004) recommended modification to the con-
NK-1 receptor antagonist, healthcare professionals have sensus guideline recommendation of Koeller et al. (2002).
another promising new tool for treating CINV. When added For high emetogenic chemotherapy agents, he suggested
to the current standard of treatment for chemotherapy with adding a NK-1 antagonist during the acute phase, and dur-
high and moderate emetic risk (Stenger, 2004), aprepitant ing the delayed phase, giving a NK-1 antagonist with dex-


3214-03_GN280604_Baker.qxd 12/16/05 3:14 PM Page 479

amethasone instead of a 5-HT3 antagonist or metoclo- therapy. Trends in Pharmacological Research, 9(9),
pramide (Grunberg). 334–341.
Side effects from aprepitant closely resemble those noted Borison, H. L., & Wang, S. C. (1953). Physiology and phar-
with 5-HT3 antagonists and include fatigue, anorexia, con- macology of vomiting. Pharmacological Review, 5(5),
stipation, diarrhea, nausea, and hiccups (Dando & Perry, 193–220.
2004). Several drug interactions have been noted, including Cubeddu, L. X. (1992). Mechanisms by which cancer
those with corticosteroids, midazolam, warfarin, and oral chemotherapeutic drugs induce emesis. Seminars in
contraceptives. Corticosteroid doses should be reduced dur- Oncology, 19(Suppl 15), 2–13.
ing aprepitant administration (Dando & Perry). Patients Dando, T. M., & Perry, C. M. (2004). Aprepitent: A review of
taking oral contraceptives should use alternative contracep- its use in the prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea
tion while taking aprepitant (Dando & Perry; Olver, 2004). and vomiting. Drugs, 64(7), 777–794.
Currently, aprepitant is offered only in oral form, although de Wit, R. (2003). Current position of 5-HT3 antagonists and
an intravenous version is in clinical trials (Dando & Perry). the additional value of NK1 antagonists: A new class of
antiemetics. British Journal of Cancer, 88(12), 1823–1827.
de Wit, R., Herrstedt, J., Rapoport, B., Carides, A. D., Elmer,
M., Schmidt, C., et al. (2003). Addition of the oral NK1
Nausea and vomiting associated with cancer is complicated antagonist aprepitant to standard antiemetics provides
and multifactorial. Although a goal of chemotherapy treat- protection against nausea and vomiting during multiple
ment should be to prevent CINV, this is not always possible. cycles of cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Journal of Clinical
Individual variations, complications from the cancer itself, Oncology, 21(22), 4105–4111.
and behavioral issues of the patient together create an intri- Diemunsch, P., & Grelot, L. (2000). Potential of substance
cate web of factors that determine the patient’s emetogenic P antagonists as antiemetics. Drugs, 60(3), 533–546.
potential to a particular chemotherapy treatment. Other Dupuis, L. L., & Nathan, P. C. (2003). Options for the pre-
causes of nausea and vomiting, such as anesthesia, certain vention and management of acute chemotherapy-
medications, GI illnesses, and increased intracranial pressure, induced nausea and vomiting in children. Pediatric
may have many of the factors described here for CINV. Drugs, 5(9), 597–613.
Recent advances in pharmaceutical management of nausea Freeman, A. J., Bountra, C., Dale, T. J., Gardner, C. J., &
and vomiting show great promise in improving outcomes Twissell, D. J. (1993). The vomiting reflex and the role of
throughout the patient’s treatment. Some of these new 5-HT3 receptors. Anti-Cancer Drugs, 4(Suppl 2), 9–15.
advances in antiemetic treatment may have application to the Fromer, M. J. (2005). Chemotherapy-induced nausea &
treatment of gastroenterology patients. When a nurse under- vomiting: Research update on improving control. Oncol-
stands the complexity of factors causing nausea and vomit- ogy Times, 27(1), 19–23.
ing, he or she will be better able to provide appropriate inter- Fukunda, H., Nakamura, E., Koga, T., Furukawa, N., &
ventions to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of nausea and Shiroshita, Y. (1999). The site of the anti-emetic action of
vomiting. tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonists may exist in the
medullary area adjacent to the semicompact part of the
nucleus ambiguus. Brain Research, 818(2), 439–449.
Acknowledgment Goodin, S., & Cunningham, R. (2002). 5-HT3-receptor
This study was funded by a grant from the Society of Gas-
antagonists for the treatment of nausea and nausea and
troenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc.
vomiting: A reappraisal of their side-effect profile.
Oncologist, 7(5), 424–436.
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