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' GASES ALCOHOLICS PLAY the Analysis of Life Senipts Claude Steiner, Ph.D. SEEEEEEICEEEEIEccsERREREASASSSSRE ee EEEEE Es SSSSSSSS EEE cceEEEEEEEEEEeeerEEEEE EEE EEeeeeeEEE EEE Sab of hs Bok 0s font ever maybe unautriae. It this book is covets 8 oy have ben eared to the poster ae unzldo deste the author nor the puss aay Rae resins pet frie ‘Pulled by The Paliaaine Pblshing Group CCopyight © 1971 by Clade Sener Monty: Youth and Crs by Bee Hees, copyeght © 1968 by 1W.W. Norn & Company. Is. Austen Rigs Monograph No.7 extac eps pression of the autor and publi, AID rights eesesy-2/wader International and PanrAmercan Copyciht Convio. Published in the United Sates by The Ballanse Publishing Group ison of Random Howe, oe, New York and sirulaneousy in Canada by Random Howse of (Canad Limits Peron tpdtwwntandos asc brary of Cong vag Cad Number: 74139384 ISBN 045908651 ‘Thisedon pubis by srangamet wid Groe Pres, In. Paatedia Cn ist Battin in: Smuary 1974 0 9 ” To my mother, Vally, ‘Who told me what t0 do And my father, Wy, Who showed me how. 8 co [PAR 9!" VIMENY OF ALCOHOLISM, AL Myo of Sooso Treatment / 19 B2/ The Uae cs 12 13/80. 136 6 / Tress ofthe Newly Abstaiaing Patent 144 15 Aleootom and Serpe Anan /152 16/ How to veld Paying the Osme / 158 A7/ Treat Sateen im Set Anais / 168 sume 167 BIBLiG skeen 7 199 INDEX 96 Foreword - ‘Tas worn “alcoholic” s only about a hundred years ld (1856), 1 is one of those words ending in “ic ‘sed by clinicians fo meta a poneperson ike “seam phrenie” and ” What Dr, Steer bas dons ‘eros give back to “alcoholics” their membership cards ‘nto aman rca. = In genera, tho les people know about a subject, Jonge i aks them to explain fe Bm? tl us more ‘bout tho universe than the whole Alexandrian Hbrary sa beter soltion 32 medieval universes ia “STranecona nays i now aproach to th count coy an = ny of Jem, ‘Through its consent Geatents Fovonoed /3x Preface Insrodston 20 PART I / TRANSACTIONAL, Fae Or PeRsonaren 1 / Structural and Trensctional Anas / 3 2/Second Onder Seu Analysis / 19 PART I / SCRIPTS 3 /Oodipus Rovited / 27 43/'Te Existenla Prisumeat of Chiba / 32 $5 / Decisions / 39 66 Diagnosis 751 41 wort Antcsdets to Sx: Tosoy / 71 PART III / THE ALCOHOLIC GANT 8 [Drak and Provi, Las, and Wino / 3 PART IV / SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF GAMES | SS Sour mony 9/'The Game of HIP / 107 10/ Afr Sexips, Want? / 15 x sone Alcoholics Play the tranact=- they engage fo, As with all game do- feripdoas he vel of hs inf he ecopion factor, ‘Aayons layin oc proessonal, wo has t deal wit bes, a8 is liom withdrawal sleknem. By conra- eouily porlsiag ia Be therapeu effors beyond the pint were meet ciherefinicians retreat he beings the patent out of wat frst appeas to bo To Tnowedee, ‘substan enc original dscovees, Dr, Steines no atreduees the reader, almost in pase (ng, two cir vunble Ideas which maybe ew to ‘thoce who aiv aot alia with the recent progres of ‘wancactonal aralyse. These are dhe Drama a ‘Karpman, which cucinely portrays the ols that can tako place fa the aleobo games (a8 well 8 nother gare! en tn traturo and drama), and the 1 break 0p ur alcsole games snd seriot,eportions wile in show, slow te patent to sop deakiog, ‘There with ro professonai, be ale nt only what to do, but also sr nat to do, De Sein: Be. ueatized dese Hes i an atte ip nnnnnnRDDTOrr errr reer reer reer rear eee etee eee eee reenter eee eae eee ieee eee ee eee eee Foreword x thoy aoated a athe temestous cone, st most (Fe ertcions were a hominem rater thea a em, Shad some of deo eis wero cid st moa! 2s rel, Tea nly ny tat Iam pad be placed beside ‘Emin septa to hae ha some nd lathe mater, tnd to have to peeps of wang this Force. TAS halen are that sort mala, Tory sind, tadestod, and applied, i the ort erie cenit porch to date de eaont of Te yet of ea i om poste, They Wl inet etn the geass Btw vlog roe In {tc game (Alles Ano), ate pres” (Gil caaonlpoaberap), sa eg sp SSS tot sod spon wi te bet Tis ‘oof tate te end, and terete ih proper cine obj ow fo the es 1 io Bes the thre pomion ty Re work, SHEET ie tne comin Se Profaco “Tims nooe spray an extension ofthe theory and pravie of transactional analysis into the specie ae ‘St ergs, Ia dion, tis hoped that it will provide fay and profesional teader wid information Teading to the ubdentanding and more effective trestment of slcoboliam end othr addictons, The theoretical back- | = 1 xv ‘whom peistsk read th orga amuse nd ‘offered tyson eh were used wtboot free “vay> thank Mi, Peter Watfld who, with ‘afooet Tayman and edie, pt the book 1971 Introduction rn a pont er i tt site Se te Say Hapa a hace Seat Seca cy hp sat Sedstiperton ere Buel ee Fer Alt ncayce (AN i ees i ‘Sulina ea ¢Fdepony wai pan Ste ere coastmption of singe nk. Persons who Sistecar ta ie esata Sy aiaueret cee tase SCOR SMS SL iow oe ayia Fe Bot pe mc ta mre co ei a Syeda eee Stat IS PLR “6g ls Neat ah see a eee creo i of ok oie e mee fit aloeao of oriype arene pp a rosrnte ‘hse Over sy per fn weft wots ave beet "ponicns who are fame with slob ares ‘aa dee pnp tach tog ws mang moro Cake ot of am Sea x sacs Alcoholics Play Accondny, <2 she Manual on Aleokolion of the ‘American 1. Avsooaton? eleholisa is & ‘eg gopue tem came by pense ‘erro (220 oe ly to mean when den egos oy ‘cain, progreioey and by ensy ‘ond rao ‘To say 0+ stella i an Mnese Simple that a . cannot = ce siren of futon of ‘rg sd mold ehamge a any tsa ‘The above claldon, howevet, does not seem t8 {describe luge sumber of bona fe alcoholics. For “Bastanes, can I be nid convincingly that a year aftr his ‘ast dei and dhe dy befor his wext Bago a young, ‘alaholc i srtsiog rom an interopion oF perversion "le fan of ta rp o ht thee a ed “able morbis ° lnany of his bodily thste? De- flatng lean os aa Het pis thats teatnent 4s basially « iui of physi! medeine. Porter, (defining fens © yeopissve or ehvnle Hinss implies ‘that ls treatmcat sould be approached, a the Manual recommends,” "Tcl fin wh eal ores Vochellom as aa incurable disease is aye needy to be fsggred by ths ‘cosumpnn o¢scoal e wi ‘ones Alcoholics Play toe tim a s:nene ho decded ea i fe to Tad Seeder ie bed on agate of “Alco” tik ceria cours and onteome, Yer many persons ‘i pss ssoesve oral character do nt become cohol, and in seer pnchomalyy explanations fof alcobolsn have been regarded wth bemed it beta by mort slesbolan worker ‘Vavioas pysinogisal theorie Bave attempted to sezotat for slostolien onthe bass of personality tits + ‘ich a depentoy, rel ation, or tnt mone: Saliys howe |” vnderableresach.iverdpting {Ber thore nied fo show any sweat relation ‘hip betmeen the ‘rail and sleobola. n't other Saas, McCord and Mord found that wile “sical: wer, in eidbood, not paged by {Bevo feeling, oral endentn or homoveral eae {age more then ‘al men there dd seem to bo 3 Drvalenco of cra stuaons that characteris the EBtubood fous" fate lobule, Sept ory Serces with ie aa gs on fo say tat, forte loo aig is th snssony noneing fo serie thy, that etd to eosin deons cally ld 10 a alae vite cams rsicncue can be made aboot oer Kinds of ditarbancss ich are parte of fe srg, such a ule, Romosortalts, dag eto, or mena ie Bess eoc a shizgbrens ‘Considering scoboiom a cpt rather than an focar- ale deste mes pontble'n more through wnder- Standing end’ weabmont approach which enables 9 omptent roi to cure de alobole so thst be fay clore 3 he show and pot a new one om he foal” Ovel! uy tho avunpdon that elsbollmn Iocurats ls» ornsscspontveexpectaney sod heps, owe pore Trend Gola fave amy Scemoed, o e i H cae at ot ion of chtoniity and ines om the part of workers wil have Ss elt of gsnertng bony sion, will bring to bear the pote eft of postive ‘expectancy on thelr testment. "Tae following pages describe the vasioue aspects and stoges of ie supe an thelr eaten, Examples from tse histries of elcobolic willbe wsed Uheougbout, ak {Hough not exetusively Secdons en te sleshote game fad the treatment of alcobolics ae inctued. 2 cart | Transactional Theory of Personality 3 i f L g f : = i og ei ere ey aa ts t SEES atti Costas When» yoaea tn oe ofthe tire ep states, for instance the Cid, dh ob (reer is able fo soe nd hear the Child, wile no one tas ever aa the i or superego. TA focses on the 9 3 4 Come Alcoholic Play came these concepts explain batter than the usual pyeho- and on coax ‘nd pani. analyte cones. k ‘STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ‘A person operates in one of thee datinct ego states st any one tim | ‘e cronaoas, 8 well as cera “elated wih one of the tires «is own behavior, an observer soot his emollona ato and ‘thoughts whieh acs poet of tho eg stato being observed. feo has infor 0 ‘Diagnosis of est is mde by observing the vb ‘and andible ch. -sndoe of m peeons appearANC OF ow. oe Cm boy, bt etn, eng, end ning af boy, "Be the Cilla opp eal, a person tends to se short words and explelives like "golly" "gos," and "ace;” Salvered fa bigh-plshed woe. He agops stances char fotos of edren: a dowaward tt of the head, up| fred ope, fet apart or pigeonfoed. When siting, the| person may balance oa the edge of the chal, fidgeting foeking, of slouohiag. Jumping, clapping, loving es 6 Ganes Alcoholics Play gram, and maker predictions when necessary. Is per- pion Gat, Wile te Cid poco a alo, i eps su Hom one point of view ata tin fhe Adult ein lack and wheat a tro ensone ni ceverl poets of Mow at in fais ins, "ago etal, a pon in lled? ftom his ¢ © ave and ote iattnl protec enon {= "1 fee the proper ebeervation cad Prediction ct v9.9. Tis, inthe Adult cpp rate the ise" even toveh be may beable Cluld or Patent fesiage ten the tet confused with the Adult ceo ‘dle is not oaly rational but aso s dtated discussion of “formal sag poe ee ae ie ri Uawen he pon ad te cal The Pret ic exaly made wp of behavior caplet trom arto fees hs tear Wha os fea ol etn Ae Eniteres spiaeer git {aperecrt fiat o leer wor ce "he Facute i tay ome sora op a ey meer SBicoy ts iu sone Gena in ta ee, a ed Siti Gin opt ae ae gots eo Ata can he oi i epee eas ‘Aut fosafen EON i ot ar sen vil tom eh, at At eg tess ean aes over, Te, peor Se ene ae Seer oe Transactional Theory of Personality 7 frstorn child will greatly increase the range of re- sponses ofthe Parent. In general, the Parent ego stato teem to change thoughout Lie, fom sdaosceace to ‘ld ego a8 tha person encounters new situations that ‘demand pareatal behavior, and as the perioa finds ‘ste gst whom exp och bt troctural enalyis Is organized around the fanda- ‘mental concepts of those epo sates, Some further con- ‘copa inerwcural analysis wil bo advanced. Ho states ‘operate ono ata timo, tats, person is stays ia one ‘and only cas of ts threo ego states. This eg) sito is ings owa bavi. To olga th sl {be go sate in the excoative tally accor when fhe ‘Calor Paratha exes power, whe he "reael* fein tr Ad eet tee ho. Kye ‘Ths, ent one eg sat cathe that Sted with he eery nse to cats mace {ee compctslnvelved im tshirt posible for toler ego sat fo be clic eitecd fo become oncow 10 the ponen,eveu ogi i sense to Sette be muscle ‘Sass pow an operate fa ono eo state we nother safe oboe, itral daoguesbetern these go wate become posible. For example, alr 8 for ‘Eins a a party, # maa may be swept by ts me into an expaiv, cio dace, His Cis aia tho executive whl the Pazet observes is gyraons fd mere sometig Hk, "Youve Dans # fol of Yount, Chas” on Th ell very vel, tat whet ‘bout your slp ds” Otten tis comect by tn ‘oust eo fa dectet the Ga cad Ga fest ecole to he Pann Wie ese Chalo ‘il top deneng, prkaps Hn, nd rede to his scat ‘hee the staan wil be reese aad Chat, tow ® Gamer Alois Pay {nto Parent os, lok datpprovinly a ther dancers, Beco a ons that spanttl end lan ‘hi ange 4 oe ‘may seem 12 powered by ive inti oo He es te Gi Foriastance = = vere vole and fatal smseles may Indicate an Aft +. ae, wile an impadeat toss of fhe band rv" vost opp sat, In ach ase, fs ikely thats. isvieg fs Parent ia Adult tad therefor: or thst Parent tad Ada a0 ee ee Transactional Theory of Personally 9 {ng and computing data dupassonately, would dster the | pry’ purpose. A father with an excloding Adult pro ‘eas the more adaptive Parent trom propecy raling Is cidren, For example, when Johny asts hi father, “Dodd, wy do T have fo go to bed?” the Adal re= sponse would be a lecture about the phyiolony, pey- chology, and sociology of eleep. ‘The more adaptive. Parent Would simply say, "The reason you have to 29 to sleep is because 7 said soy" or, "Because Its bed tine” an answer which mach more appropriate to the stusion. ‘On the other hand, exteme permesbilty is another form of patlogy ote salsa by the ina fo romain ia the Adult eo sate fr a suliieat ptiod of ‘Bory ego state, being substructure ofthe eg, i isomer balg sacs Satin tte demande of ral ow een asa | Tptvly Bas been cacdsted by Hate | Seas 2 hc 9 sates shar int fn, each ot. I ight be Su er te Parca yee he Secu coud fell, stenoses | (of fears, of unwanted expression of people, and of ts ‘Chld. The Adal i suited to stualons ia which ace tate prediction is nesesoy. The Child i iealy suited wt Ts dssiv—creation of new ies, pro= oa of ew expedences, recreation, and passve erestures® could be part ofa person's Adal e20 fate. Of the Adult might be costaminated by 2a dea tach as “prownups eat be ted" Desontaination ‘ofthe Adults aneary therapeutic requirement in es ear Sova afebareaa Fort Transactional Theory of Personality 11 sent and js ssomplhed though an acutely ded fontronaion by the therapists Adult with the In Srey ofthe ds whieh a exbg te Comino, ‘A very suocesfl technique to decontaminate €g0 states is having the person alternately speac ft for fone, then another, of his ego sates. This technique, odin pevehodrama and later adapied by Gestalt ‘heraps, 18 # Wey convinelag demoastation of the realy f eg sats. A person Who fels gully becouse fof masturbation could be asked 10 speak (om his Parcot aboot the evs of masturbation, fom his Child bout the git aod feersof insanity due to his mastr~ baton, aod from his Adult about the wellknown oct that masturbation ig harmss and noma. Veroalizing ‘hose diferent points of view tends t separate the (0 eng sates, a process which falitatés decontamination ofthe Ada ‘Ts, the theory of TA is based on variables observ= able and veriable by patients as well as therspist or theorists, ‘The wish to ined the patient in the undete standing, observation, and verification of behavior theories generates the extensive we of coloqu fad the insistence that mot of the relevant voribles i {ceatmeat are conscious sod thetefore evalable 0 the patent hinsel by simple atetion to cetain seas of Hs behavior. ‘TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS, Jost a the ogo state is the nit of structural analysis, fo the tassacton isthe unt of transaconal anal: ‘Tho theory holds that a person's behavior is best under stood if examined in tomas of eg0 sate, end tat he tehavior between two or more pessoas i best under ‘stood if examined in terms of transactions. A trans faction consists ofa stimulus and a response beeen two Specific epo rates. Ina simple watsactin, oaly {70 go sates operate. Ose example Is a transaction be= te eta n func. Aleoholis Play tween to Slt so laert “How much i Sve des seven?” "Thinive.” All other combinations of 50 ‘Hates may o.-tr ing anstcUon, Transactions follow fone anodhersviocthly a long as the stimulus and fe sponte ate paleo complementary CFigute 1). Th any sci of rasactons, eommunieation proceeds it the reopen 'o 4 previous stimulus is addressed to the ego ts ft vat the eoare of the etimalis and fe fied fro be oge stato to wich Gat source ade, Hi, Any cee esponso creates a crossed gis communication. Ia Figure 1, tinnesction Ai arlementay and wl lead to Furth ‘Somminieaios, ue tansaction Bis erosed and vill break off coniatnicaton, rowed wansaclons ot foalysesoun Lor Us inteerapton of communication but fo are anol pare of eames, ‘a adi, vile ead erossed transactions, an- other ery fsoton Ho foaled Ia Fe tet work atch dane: Si say tothe offs"; snd between C fod Cr "Lee avo canner and drake togotber, Sally, fd maybe sl got some work done later” In 2 ‘leo tansactoa, che soeial level usually covets the eal (pejehoioi!) meaning of the transaction; thes {ierperonal tso:vlor isnot understandable uni the ‘ler level sod ego sates lnvelved ae understood. GAMES A game ie « {havior sequence which 1) is an condely seis of tunearions wih a Beginning nd ea ends 2) conti sa vlleior moive, that & peysho- evel diferent from the social level; and 3) tos ina pv or bth Transactional Theory of Personality 13. psyol, To use an analogy, stractural analysis deserves fhe relevant parts of tio pesonaly, just a a pats lst | tect pr fan noe Tanaa le Sic als ens et ages tate aw teagae tte outavay’ uch oder. Batt und ple ranact wich ach other a al some att be postulated ‘od tls explana ‘in the motivational cone ‘nung ‘age, of payol, ofthe game. Smrui0s Hoxom | z { f e i E “ A: Hi BH A: How ave you? Br Fine, sed our At Pie ll you, Br Yeab, 2 yn road, Gomes Alcohols Play A game is raarectonaly more complex then the ste its tit fe sll exchange of stoke He Bight bene in posiog that “Go to bel” ech drake a "Hi" aod people wil ete forthe former fom wien they canoes he inter. ‘Cerin pss. ars able t amp overt of diet reggie ins ore. dae ore ad otis woman who reel adi: tn of het lepeting ther es seta adres, Dar aap ste abou ee sewing aii Peo- Be Sn oe Sie pin {ce renion o acter wil ad to otal By pa [Famer whic ic eres of sakes Suxverore Hwan ‘The station of tractte bungee th sail agtenags oe ease, Srotre hunger i the Sel to Stabs bso tee wthin wb the pecon can fresact wil wv, To sty sete Banger, th fool acs cil aunts win wc tie Sfrctred oo aed for he pape of ebaaing Strokes Tse so fort siuetre a elaboration lsd, vod therefore jr a BORE Comoe {orate ii uc A game trutres Gea many Ways Foriancs ae of "tt Wore For You? {GWVFY) provides for eosgerable tne store ith is edie facoso-ace reciminaios. It provide foe onal ine scare in hae makes onl the Panne of "i 1 Werent Ror Hi (Het) payed 1A pon si of sal, empleenay tanto te Soh Sag et Soe” | | | | Transactional Theory of Personality 6 Gans Aeoboles Pay 2 prefered metiod of obtaining amuitin, Ths, ton ping wp 2 sme hast desop nse EF obenniagonclzs and sacar Ga, and en oust wil bs veto dept resemblng marasnas inven wo 2 not rede enough stoking. ‘wo games wil Lo devil, The in Is a “ott game lot "sy Dont You-—Yer Bat” and ‘hegecond es “nies bad venon (oon does) Sf "Repo. Tio sot or bandas of game flet {3c ajnly wi wich We played ond moby tk cHSS Vict des tb eo verso, and id Sige tie “ha voron of a peme™ ‘by Dot vous But CYDYE) i a common same Played vtever people ater in groupe, and eer pro floss utero aeons, bs coma th FTA sectag bat i= Wa hats 4 aa so cal May? Shad Be a oa fo say a, tat he too youne You ie bapdng Sve They te ia along to he mening? ‘SR aera foe Be ony “tr taometloae tae He eos “tee! by ote Feta “a et ro when you ate id, YDYB, fist anayzed by Boro fulfils he sree parts ‘of the definition of 3 game. Is a eves of transactions Deginning with question and ending with ax ‘legos, It consias 9 ulterior motive becatse, at the ‘bei fever, is wis of Adult questions and Adit ‘wes, Where a the psychological Level eis a serie snd.a woman, elthough fe may be ‘Sexual as well I proceeds typically, as follows: 8 Genes Aleoholes Play _ebued by We, Ou the pepholgial led, betmcen ‘Cue and iV, White as Bt ea hoe ae vai cue ain reap sheers rele Renee “oe baer ers tee ‘Sng tampa Trading sto, oF oneoung feigs such as ager, spree {Sogo este, sadness ety" are “collected and faved op by peeons who Bay games so tit when Gough ee eceulted they ean be traded fa For a “defined a the persons existential ‘oa through the aly f ellect- The person, for instance, whose ‘nse "Tm no good” can contavaly Bisson ag tt em ein a ce ‘sera Jt rape eles, or dpeesion (oe, ‘cuarTER TWO Second Order Structural Ansiysis ‘Scar axatyas requires an understanding of second onder ervctural analy, or the analysis ofthe siruture ofthe Child. Lat us consider a five-yeai-old child, Mary (Figure 2A), mo ie cpable of in threo go sites Inde Parent ego state (Py) the aeods and codes ber slab A ap ieee oe Sucuree Sie sc aes Sze Oeeuar as eee as a ee epee Ries SESE Eee ae eee ide araenesan Beecieds co lcs ears with the five 20 ‘nw Aleoholles Play aseipt whl soe dof he pasa bbavlee wea ‘Mary’ was, 3, joe old, Sho wil Bebave fa Ways sxeapliied cad Zo-ed on her by her parents, This Gil epo atte, in Ce, as also teen called the ‘Adaptod Child becsute, while sil a Child epo state, it ide torent demands Inthe ease of persons will eltdesirosuve scoters ao called letifying manner in whieh it cco mental fs and bebo 1 sli ell ho "teh motbee® or {Mary's Cla (C.) behaves mostly a An the ‘Prfeson, sho yl be iaguittve and lively. (biight- ‘eyed and bushy tiled"), ap contrasted to the more ‘motive, poweril, perhape overwbelming behavior of ‘Gy iwhich is called the Natural Cid, othe “pence” “When in the Notwral Child ego state (Ci) the indie seals “ras a0” in a speak expeience.” Some i frm a Rebar tong, the Cl i vary fow pple operate a hat fore The sc-> parol sno i which 9 cottid ‘Neural GAL! Gass over comply si comme the Erekthoogh ci ts Narard Ch ater & peted of Sonia by th Pazeat oan ace serially sea in ia bara pee fal auch as cee cela and cerain words sich as ough” “shou” «= Upon ease examination, how he difcazesuscome deat, Py in Cz ie a ite ‘Gil acing Uke other wile Pes he lie. Pia Cy Transactonal Theory of Personailty 2 | Games Alcohols Play aod inate er (ohn, 1 ie We eetng fe reste he sec ne ply oa ae tie pon ‘ohare “tt papa adeandng ‘ha er te i an extem2 "The Patent fn di Child (,) ina inated og sate not amenable to chase, Unlike the Pereat (P,) which 8 Transactional Theory of Personality 23. ‘wat explained overtime, Ps in Ce previously, changes Sm ot ade ty commis i Ta, eae ‘ent ts vefored to as the door?" and implies that ‘ei Hot alowed | ersoaalty. or ther 1 ro lowed to exert its Infuence oa the rest ofthe Scripts ‘CHAPTER THREE Ocdipus Revisited A sont is esentlly the blueprint for fe cou. Like theatrical tragedy, he aleobobicstipt follows the ‘Aristotelian prneples’ of deamaturgy. According to ‘Arto, the plot of a. good trapedy contains three ‘ers: ptlogns, elmer, nd eataguophe. These three ‘ages ofthe sip corespond oie ase, conse, and ‘ufsome of diseate, Because ofthis the characterization life courses se inesos hs been Possible, The pro- fogue in the alcoholics life i his eldhood, sad its protagonists aro his two parents, The climax is the Detod in adulthood daring which tho alcohol strugeles east the scrip end appears to be escaping his destiny for entastrophe, Tho climax is eseatally a highly woe ‘table situation, It represents the bate between two fe th soo desman een, ae wih to 500 "The climax suddenly Yields to the catastrophe when the person sclaes his bate aginst the svipt and allows his destiny to take its "indi to this tripartite requirement fr the plot ‘ot ood trie drama, Aso postulats that he tragic 2 8 lanes Alcoholics Play eto is & good saan with but one basic daw or enor (Gamaria)® Besase persons wit tragic septs also ‘rom a base aw, thet scp aro fem 0 eu: “noting, elds, “nena nes stve sexual deviations may al be ip a well 2 betmeen modem life courses aid dag is rocogaze, tis posible ‘Beir ond can alicdons by Tooking into the fhonghts lca Avistate and subsequently Freod had fate eblnc of ged. hie ip, and tn the Oedipus Rex eye in ful, nell known tall, does something Flares.» fo il forehand and does it in a relent Tes, pred. noe kai. of forane, 62 1 ‘een th cvs axcursing inthe tragedy aad the events {tir ov tos, bat also by the manner in which the (Laie {allt pies» lad maa/ Who as hi eyes now; & ‘ena iaen vio eich now All predictions of th npedy come tre, snd laevitably adds to tho fascia tion of de Codie: eye, Te ter, ‘come. Fo tient repo Jn afeos sm ‘8 Oedipus nelievingly saw Tizesiss' prediction come topes. ‘Ascrpt tae plan, containing within its ines what of eigntfcance wit bappen to the person; 8 plan not Sesided upon by gods, but Nag it origin erly in ie, fet, cold bs makes. decsion about bis ifs caret, bt the statement mock more staring when sed wlihoat prejadice oa Ait case, he alcolic and the suiida aswell | {he engineer aad the lawyer. 30 Genes Alcoholics Play show, Aristotle desrbes the tage "vise misfortaae is brogght upon bee by. vee or ev y, But one whose inner aw 1 reat eerr of jadgment. Ac Goeding to Ay lath pout wetng a true tragedy must Se about ssions hare dhe tage ded is done oF Thedlated by bxoiber on brother, by som on father, by fmotber on so oc sn om mother, Because only ee fitutone will arouse the audience to tue pity offer. “Judging frm Freud comments in The Intrpreta- ton of Drews" va hs tne Oedipus Rex was see {a tngedy of desay, one". whove tragi effect i faid tobe i cv crataat Betwean the supreme wil of fhe gos td the vsin stomps of mankind to escape the fil tha thea oon” This lew has is origin Ja ‘Rristte's Pooi* sad Prevd rejected tis notion of ‘esting vewos nna ia favor of the hypothesis that tho acesigous conteat ofthe tragedy moves the aulence rather than tho trasedy-of destiny spect, "Fread postultet tint the frequent wish of his malo potens 1 iil thie (hers and bed down with thei others fad itr s»snterpart inthe Oedipus tle" Ace cording fg)" she Oodlpus cycle i a eouree of Sieatousfex 1 Gocause tefl a base hous old drama esess sd by all eileen who grow U9 sith their ps However, =) theory, with doe regard to the ie portance of fe Umno complex, focuses rather on th Fred predicis, ov olag destinyaspet of Oedipus Rex. Te bids the reader observe and reconsider the theory ejected by Freed tthe mestage spectators lean from {he tapedy a! th. aspect whieh deeply moves them he fealaticr i, so sobmisson fo, divine wil and ie teat Slt om impo tm he feo "Tho, Ca ctator is moved both by the ior of pe tengedy and the events in bis ‘own householo, sv y tbe manner in which extn Serie 31 peciled destinies unfold in what sms en inevocable Greek: tragedies and ei, or shoud lea, at baman begs te affected by and submissive to the will of the ete st See ‘aay fet ala el janes. \aoren FOUR Coys at Be tine, decides that ‘tfan postion ssl Life coun ae a reasonable oltion {o the extent predicament fa which be finds hist is predleamen! comer (rom the conlct between his fown eutonomovs (deals and the Hnjuetlons so ‘ved from his pa.zy family group. ‘The most rips. Laluence or pressure impinging spon he yume rites fom te past CS “Tht, to Cab ego sts inthe. pared aa ar the determina Thcion in the formation of sep. WITCHES, OGRES, AND CURSES "the won of fry tales provide the stadeut of ho- san nator wi well luc to personaly, Fay tales {end fo incioge a witch cr sn ope, a fact which, jst 26 fsthe cae wih Cedipun tragedy, is an ftutve bulfseye, Ths nc ld parallel crsesponding to ‘witches sad ove is, of courte, mothers and fathers 2 Sovpts 3 ‘That come children are affected by theie motbers or fathers as if by witches or ogres, and this view of them ‘cn Become aa important factor in th make-up of their personality. ‘Every perton hat thre ego states, and In trying to understand that person, te thre ego sats ofboth his ‘other and father have to be understood a well Figur 1 3 Fees Aloholice Psy Ss Sort Mae everyting ‘nodes ancoumcaly enobainable: So kamed ‘hat if she did not express Hr wishes, the chance they sight come tru was enhanced, She. asc. observed 36 Goon leaker Play fd malgnan, v‘luntns act very anal ano of al 2rd eng x “ont ag foal” or = eat (oo many mvcea” Oth tte exten conti range mach "dont be happy,” “don't think,” or “don’t do anything.” "Fe int of fontns varies proportion to th canseqmn’>#¢daobodence, Tuy, tcton “oat te fap” a be given nent, fo eek now te ise oman an ng fore repre! sor vane pen eh mia ae eS lay ne appa ee fajoneion of «ols mama was “dont do anytlag but work” TE... ao. ony Toog-range injustion, ot one 9 m tbe eventally found Rinse able to eval jx ealied wary amueh except by fompletely Gece through dak. ‘On te fhe, pares are always enjolaing thle le eds, sich njnctos ar neler Sexe ‘ve aor longs neat "Parent afc, ks cure, aro often introduced fnto apoio is te day of bth For example, soften pit sets earned sgl 1 Bo ‘ean, fuck, or unucly. ‘One aleaboies ss eon his fare sleottem in ts ‘farm, fang #/to obs often on i his ilbood. byte ootaaing the elements of what the parents would iz ia child to do ia fe are often ‘sed down to cildcen. One man, who prides hinselt 38 ner Alcohols Play ‘where betneen the extreme sociologicel one that ses & ‘Peron’ beso os the revue of eltora nuece only, nd the lew tht reeards behavior s stl the conse- ‘uence of tnrapersoal dynamic. CHAPTER FIVE Detisions So ran we have been speaking ofthe predicament of the young child both trough the eyes of the. psy tholdglt ia terms of injunctions, ego states and pes- fovea, and through the ees of tbe youngster in terms | Siwtcheratt and curses, witches and ogres, pncas {hd princescs Its important o realize ant, wile the pychologi' terms are more respectable fo the profes~ ‘Bopal community, the C's terms carry te fll mpi fextonr rod meanings of the creumstnces in which {be youngster find binsell, Because of his, tran factional saalyts will speak in terms of the Cid as wall ag ia the terms of the adult peycbooyst. This preference ie rooted ko ho belt that for therapeutic [tceventioos tobe meaning! to the patient, hey mst be meaaingfl to his Child aswel a 0 his Aut ‘Adoption of @ script occurs when the youngster’ cespectitons ‘od tendencies are ot met. Tasted, foures ali to tho Child sem to apply considerable | presute ia overnbelming ways which, unless yielded 0, {ake Ife extremely diftelt, Thus, the Child i forced fo abdcats his birtight and be docs this by readjsting i 8 o 1 Aleoilee Play is expactatios sea ithe to 6 the sation. This proces Isa crc at in he development of serps nd it isealle the ion, "The decison i odo when the youngster, sppying ‘a ofthe odapive rsoieces of his eB, modes is ex ip liga them with the sealites of it Acsordingly, de deson has «90 tert ie Been desribed hore ceils tthe process of ego catty formation, sikson, in Wis epigenetic view ot Dersontlty, posite hat ia onde o ar ea proper fe Heit ida sf ma eral ‘loos “peyche-secll ese." Mastery of each depends fon mastery che pcvints ones. in otder {= sellsy ego entity, o te plea, ‘he person hes so uote ens of rst, stare, (gl, eutoasay, 4 productivity, Having mastered ‘hes, the foc! 1, Babson feels, will probably be fable to Band’ iocmation of ogo Weaty in oa ‘pproprite vc. kon iples tat failure in one tf thee prev! = ads to a malformation of €=0 deniy, Ase: sstaly each @ malformation. 0&2 0 THE DECISION ‘suet of tho synthetic function of ‘ho ts ade aes from person arse Which develope normaly, a _Siaase a8 what ooe Way 10 -i wl pus should be made late 1 tut 2 cena measure of knowledge soncnber i Series a mature and forced, because itis made under presse od Gators Tong tse a ection can te Proety ‘ade, In Elson view, this means thatthe proces of [deatity formation is forced to occur st only ener than Reallby development demands, but also ts based ‘on improperly mastered previous sages of development. ‘Such decisions are indications of a sresul Ronse sta ‘ion. It would appear, for instance, thatthe pathology ‘encountered in aus childen may be based on avery ‘any decison to reject buman stimslation Beons of {is sresfuness. tn autitis children th stress may not be entely due to th parents behavior but also 10 8 efet in the child's perceptual and sensory mecheaisas ‘which do not provide an adequate barter agalast exc five slain Nevertire ery dein leads to clearly malignant sip. Psyehopathologies can be graded on a Uist by depree of malimancy, the more malignant tnd to be based oa ‘tee decsons in fie. "The decison Is as good and as viable os tho sis of the Professor at the time of the decision, The Professor opecats ata diferent fvel of lpi, perepton, and opulon than the Adult ofthe erowaop. 10 addon, the Profesor is fored to operate wit incomplete data because of his Tinted souees of fflormatio, In gen ‘eral, the younger the perion makiag tho éclon, tho ‘mor likely thatthe Professor operated oa ‘ata and imperfect logs. "Maing the decision eases preeure and jocreases satisfaction, For example, ons young homeseral reals ‘hat wen ke was aT boy his mother showed great ‘discomfort when be played with the rough lilren in ‘the neghborhood. He also noticed that if e imitated ‘hore rough boyy, his mother expressed consisrable sapproval. He found no support for any boyish Bex havior from his father who aoqlesed to his mother's ‘Phobia of manliness and hyperactivity, He wanted vo be one of the boys” but this wish encountered co auch a Somes Aleoholice Play orate amon oppose 000 made at a sesult a Serpe “6 ality development must Be Both tne and au Emomout amy, a proper scr eg tomato, {Go date of donsion la tach that proves for ru {ent information, lack of pressure, and auecony- FORM OF THE DECISION In Fscksou's terminology, the basic postion of the lnfant can be said to be ons of asic tut. As be de ‘seb I, this comes from a situation in which the {nfant fel that be is st one withthe world sod that ‘everything sat one with hn. Tiseleaestwhea mother nd child are most basicaly interacting, as whe feding ‘or nursing atthe breast; even more basics the mutealty of mother and offspring Yn ura, ‘Transactional analyeis would deere this base trast the fist of fou possible existential posiiens a person n0t OK," and "Tim sot OLK, youre not OK “The sriginal posidoa, “Tim O.K, you's OX," is rooted inthe biclogical mutually of mother snd tld ‘which provides for the unconditional rerponse of ths ‘an expression of a motherig instinct, but it ean also be ‘ca asa fly etznuls-bound behavior pattem the ‘uplestant meowing of the Elles producce an igs a {he mother cat to ote heral for nung in oder 0 ‘ring about the cesaton of the unpleasant stimu ‘This example simply emphases that there is a Bolog- Jealy gvea responsiveness in the mammalisa mothe 19 “ see Alcoolics Play s hungry offs, ond thet this biolgialresponive- ess amos tena primary mualiy whic i Ihoman bes -oesates a basi tmst of a positon of *PmOK, «0 OK? The tes ove yoddon, “Tim OK, youre OK," categorize: 72 tall hp positon of the “prince” Sind thle idoa 5+ co thr the infant tends to adhere for The.» ison a youngster gves up this poston fer ether "act or “You're not O.K,” oF both is tha (ie saa, peimary morualy i iter uple, ani she peotecdon whlch at fist was given « anvondilioely ie wihdrawa, ‘Te insecurity of uncer {ain protetic wih condo brings the youngstes to the cones dat eltber bes not OXK, mother is not ‘OKorbots sie not O4. Needs os, this decision snot rashes siibout a erogee TE egules conser ble presse cn loce th place Chat he ot after ‘A a pis. ss tc came hi @ belevo that he i, fsiced, 2 {6 “portant (© not the diferenss ‘emmeen ice who Wel dat he is OAK bat is rather wed siwable became of the ereumstances in fo remain. scat otable peace orto become a com feble + souls ot only a transom rom "ol OU" but algo dh adoption of fat th nd of frog the younestee [FROGS AND PRINCES, DUCKLINGS PRINCESSES ‘AND a oe os nda behaves asi he were someone ot shan Biase, The Ig touch more tha tase ee em a tae an eles wag eclectic Serna 4s sere diximuaton or surface musing. Tho younpze ‘ho ne imal table to mate set of he renres ‘der which ho ves needs to syne his dion {tems ofa conslondy undetood model This modal ‘Susualy Based ons peson in Scion, mythlouy, cole took moves, television, of possibly fal de. This ‘Dyed peso emboutrewlion ote line fa ‘ich the youngster Mads Bim For exaple, eae ‘ant, Me Salvador, contour ought he was Sets ‘Gita end reals tht ae «young boy hs pueats had seemed i of ling bis ounget bot. Tur east, {esous for dong th are noe car, and whctber they | Tiron i aa je or seouly was never understood. | FHomeve, ho pleat os a ouoger found nsf ba dog to aks teno of tis austin, Rested ‘Catolico had read he Bibl and ho decided that be | Suid redeem til of hs ol tn by ving apa {Utah an ated y Jena Cee Tots Nt Sara {oven was Ure on hea es Cir, 8 pod cumple ‘of te way jowopiets shes and make ‘Smpbensive ust oe sation by way of a come Soul evallab myth or fig tals, Th tea was | cnsclogsy miaaned by the patent throughou is Aifyand Ne, Salvador reported at tes oe four times ‘cing soy one day bo would have conscious Howes | shoot hs Chrbke Senty. Asan exaapl, when he ros once seeking aa oversight seeping place at Hols hose and wasted down, bo ou, "NO foom atts an” Ow ania ocetion, at paone {ni unkappy tie nf he sve re is fore | ‘rad whi dew blod above his eyes, and formed | vision of the crown of toms; onc agin this was 4 {onerous entnton nla ke tsa which the ‘Stipes mythical character bosomes a consciously under- en tay am ements Whi ite choice of a mya charac, fog that 1 yrs cin emule t adap to is preiumeat Is $ 6 Aimiless, 1 fps: the oil she Jere andthe Peck, The Salk and Be Terk have ven desstbod by. Berae previously.® Briefly he Sik sas been angry at one or both of fis paren since clldbeod, usually because he was ited Ep them, Fis [avovts way of paling strokes i to sl Ina corr bol someone seeks him out and attempts eso him, The Jetk fs a person whose paren were ‘ery dem" ood who toroughy trained him to do The sight thin,” namely, what they wanted hit f0 dor His primary sy sf esiing sakes ip always t0 try (© Govern. «sis sat he often winds up a 9 Rescuer fo the ull The seck is qnury at bis pareats, not bee ‘Guse they led Sin, but bees hey treated him. ls pene)" nthod of ebtalnig stokes isto attack peotle ea vite thom to pesecue bin. While Saks Fre urully women and Peeks ate usually men, there is och a thing ar» male Sulk aod female Prick, For Example, an ileoblis Suk ured vo go toa bar and very onmplcon!y en sloney bie mtieal ero was {Quando hes achbock of Noe Dame. An example (fe fel” Prick is a woman who makes a bobby of Sele she mea ele Wonder SA Terk i wo moe Likely #9 Be mate than female, A good exam lof Jerk ie man who chose Otello as {ie mies bev sad who conioually terminates love tila and tiendhips because he is unable to accept Peoples wealness. The same slavish adherence to pateatal wits Tor perfection operated in female Jerk ‘tbo chove as her sythcal heruse tbe Virgin Mary. “The entent to which persons inte large ates ofthe ‘behavior of veal oe atgined charscters varies within thee dines us lily complexity, and adaptivenes. Reaure Within ci yo which may te called reality, the cara chown for imitation can bea highly syed, Seripte ” partially through the. Biteroweet memories of his other, At the other extreme of realty, Br, Nietsche {hose as his mythical character Captain Marvel, a ‘anerstod by him st ago twelve, throagh tis reading ‘coms, books, Mf, Junior, when betaviog as be Mong his dead father behaved, Had uma, fe Soueblood appearance; Me. Nietzsche, on the ober and, ad an etrmely ware, and aliostrobot- Tike appearance. comrrmerty “The mmyhical character coven can vary in. com plenty, For example, recall Me. Salvador, wo chose esas Chet as his bial character, His view of Jesu ‘ran fairly complex elaboration of what he knew about Jom atthe tig be made his decsion. He gined Bis “dsetaading of the personality of Teous Christ by ‘ending the estckiom and the Bible, bat his extensive ‘trad se Me powaal coe act from whst exyous might expect, For example, 04 fs had come fo the conclusion that Jesus “was making Ii Mary Magn ad ht in pene Hewat hot chest, Buta sexualy active man who Bot {th females in etree and tended to protect and cae {or them, His particlar understanding of the mythical ‘Shsracet was ater turned into action and he was there= ore quite atv sexally with females wo rexied ima i Soungter making : “The uncomplicated o Zower end of the complexity continuum can be exemplified by Mi. Brato who based 4s ct Alcolles Play his choice of ¢ sie character on a panting, The ‘Man with 0.0 ich represented spy an over= twheinisgly bus''uc3, slant subboman male. Me. Bruto consequently lied a feof hard work as @ com son labore. “ahould be noted ot his pot that youngsters choos fing a mythic tee sways elaborate the available materia and a0 i (0 Be Dele own eieumstances, feeds and ye Becanse of this, es portant In diagnos = ot (9 Kiow how to reve the Datla ite von ofthe charaeer be tas adopted, {bd not to moles uae of aeuing thatthe pops Tar version Is te onc th patient has adopted. Aparriveness “abe third valals of the mythical characteris adp~ fivenet, While the cholee of myiical characters ‘always Adaptive {ote home stuation, that i tothe demas ofthe wits) mother oF ogre tf not always fdaplve to the sci! ecvzonmeat into wich the person wil grow. This, ss, Cagney, who chose Al Capone os Fs myth cusses und tht eke behavior detsted by dhe choice waz nsnpive within the small conics of ls home. Hes, b- Camey’s mother, hustandless and Sgr at Whe ws, expected er sa to be tough, ea ‘tered, and vod Hisosed toward other, lowere, this behavior became esiemely maladaptive a8 2000 88 be fe home, not only Because the community into longer ad a viable lt for 8 ig-tine Eyiate bows ot“ Beene teased im to value fd to sot whlch were dnl frowned {pen by the poe Ou the otber handy a6 young gc ‘Miss Felix eb ya Moneoe es ee meal ebar~ fcr abe foun’ 1 cholce was not eal adaptive ‘thin th bons, but ao being a sexy, feminine woman, whose only web = to submit to poweetal mea, wos adaptive in the world at lags. Another example of a ‘ote exible aazpive mythical character Is doctor, Serptr 0 lawyer, of scientist, This choice would probebly bo adaptive tothe home station aswell ase word {Satan asiegear-, whl cbasing Bris eer wt & butcher inl, is mower repeinndos Nn by sang {ndigandy, onda wn inured fon, Busy, yu a0 08 our BS chasing your ster wi a mest caver” It Stra atten Gat t,o would sae se ct beaviorappeopetie a 200 Solsd "Not shat thaqay” when Baldy, e pesosoat Jonny 8 cs Aleoholies Play iol character on 8 plating, The vik represented spy en over= whelmiogly burns, moat subbuman male. Me. Bro conseqacay lived a Ife of hard work ss 8 com- ted st this point that youngsters choos {ng a mythic! ester sways elaborate the svalale mated and sci to Ot Bele ow eeumstances, feeds and ony, Roaauee of hs, Bes important {in diagnsiny == ot to kuow how to resiwe the pallens infer sion of the character he has adopted, Abd not slic (1c take of aarung thatthe popu lar version i the one th patent as adopted. Apxrriveness ‘The thid variable ofthe mythical characteris adap tiveness, While the choice ef mythical character is ‘lave idaplie (0 the home situation, that i, to the demands of the wch mother oF ogre it not slays feaptive to hee ervironment into which the petsoa fel grow. Ths, ax. Cagney, who chose Al Capone #8 His mythical cusacic, iuad that she behavior dictated by dis ehoice vas ssnpive within the small eonines of ‘Me home. Hess, - Camey’s mother, busbundless and fogry st fe ws, expected er a Yo be tough, ex ire nda ied town ten Hemet behavior becsmo extemal ie ag sooa 8s be eft his home, not only because the commuaity into hich he pres’ no long hada viable lt fora bigtime lve seo Beene I caused Bim fo value jose wh were ‘pea by he a youne pct ‘Mss Fetx ei 4:t'u Mouroe as her mytialehar= ‘ctr he fons i his eles was not only adaptive ‘thi the Hose, bat also Beng a sexy, feminine woman ‘whose only ci to submit to powerful men, was [Rdapive nthe would at large. Another example of a Imore flexible acrpive myfhidl charac is & doctor, Sorts ” lawyer, of scletiet. This choice would probably bo adapted ome sua a wel so he word at are. NOT THAT SHAGGY In relating parental Injunctions tothe decisions ehit= ‘rea uldmately mako, tts common 19 fod what has fcome to be. tnown in transactional anys at the “Not shat Sbagay™ pheaomenon. “Not char Shagey” sefers to the fact that parents want their children to ‘baw in @ coral way, but when th elldea follow the injunctions, modied by their own elaborations, the ‘arent often are borifed ut th fouls and ery, “Not that shaggy” in hee words, “Ob, my God, thats ‘ot what Thad in mindl" The phrase comes from a hageyog story in which s prosptve dog bayer ro-

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