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Find peace in solitude. Find Peace in the void.

In silence there’s a place to rest

In constant desire, ones mind constantly withers to a point of suffocation, with limited desires, one’s
mind is open and content. The greater the weight and the more complex the thoughts, the more one
mind gets straight jacketed. This over taxation can lead to stress, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. The
key is to free the mind of the superfluous; aka excessive idealism, unrealistic expectations, and fanciful

One knows they are healed by the quality of the silence. When one is in a silent room, one knows the
condition of their mental health by the voices in the mind. The more intense the screams, the greater
the suffering. This often comes by thinking too much of the self.

In order to find peace of mind with others, one must eliminate judgments. Avoid judging yourself or
others entirely. When one thing becomes good, another automatically becomes bad. When you enjoy
one activity over another, the other automatically becomes worse. By thinking someone else is better
than you, you automatically put yourself in a worse predicament and allow jealousy, self-hatred, and
abuse takes hold. By thinking you’re better than someone, you automatically put them in a worse
position, and arrogance, pride, and scorn take hold. Therefore we strive to be on equal terms with all,
and we regard ourselves an equal to the world.

Those who strive toward success shouldn’t gloat about it. They should do the task and continue on. By
lingering on a project, one loses respect and credibility. There is something astonishing about a person
who does something and asks for nothing in return. That person will eventually, and paradoxically, get
everything they strive for. If you love someone, love them without any projected returns, not because
you want something. This selfless attitude is how one goes far in life.

While others may be better in some things than you, this is no need to be jealous or hateful. Befriend
these people and learn their skills. If you’re on their good side, they’d be more than happy to share that
information with you. If you’re on their bad side, not only do you make an enemy, but you waste those
resources that you would have better spent learning the thing you were jealous about. If you befriend
all people, they will share the world with you. By being selfish, you isolate yourself and cause yourself to
decay. This is the first step of depression.

It is essential in this life to take care of the body and mind. Without these two components, one cannot
walk the path of excellence. First, the body must be well taken care of. Many behavioral and emotional
issues come from a lack of vitality, rest, and nutrition. It is essential that the body is eating natural
foods, that one is getting the proper amount of sleep, and that one is on a regular exercise routine.
Also, it is essential to drink plenty of water. Water deprivation can lead to a wide variety of imbalances
in the body, so one should take this with caution. Once the body is taken care of, it is now possible to
move to the mind. The more complex the thoughts, the more dysfunctional the mind. In order to heal
the mind, one must do some necessary rewiring. One must learn firstly about the path of virtue. In
order to silence disorder with others, one must strive to be on good terms with all. This doesn’t mean
you have to be their best friend, this just means that one should not have any ill will or poor judgment of
anyone of any kind. What you might find horrible someone else might find perfectly acceptable, so keep
that in mind, it’s all just a matter of perception. Once on has eliminated the need to judge others and
themselves, one can then strive to simplify their life. People tend to think that more things will make
them happier, this cannot be further from the truth. One should eliminate the excess from the
necessary. Generally, material things do not bring happiness. It is the immaterial things, such as love,
achievement, respect, affiliation, and security that lead to happiness. Another thing that will help heal
the mind is to seek to understand others. This is far more important than most people think. Your
success in life depends highly on how you treat and relate to others far more than any other factor.
Therefore, one should seek to be genuinely curious as to why peoples opinions differ. One may be
shocked to find out that people don’t differ as much as they think. Once the mind is silenced to a
degree, one can begin to walk the path of excellence. It is a very tough road to walk unless one has
done the proper training, but once one has ventured on the path, one will see its benefits. They will
escape the brutal pains of the physical and mental planes by walking the high road. On this high road,
one must be patient and maintain their balance. If one gets too distracted by lower level functions of
the sense such as lust, greed, arrogance, etc, they will lose their way off the path. Therefore, it requires
a great deal of mental discipline, but discipline that is well worth it. Other may judge you and try to rip
you down, but don’t give them any credence. Just continue to treat them with kindness. Don’t rub it in
peoples faces that you walk the high road. Remember, those who are successful don’t brag and don’t
feel they’re better than anyone else, this is how they keep their positioning. The moment one gets
arrogant, one falls.

When walking the path of life, one should never neglect their basic needs, such as their health,
psychological well being, or their relationships. It is essential to make sure that one is maintaining the
standards of excellence. Grab problems when they’re small before they become a big deal. If one does
not maintain and take care of issues in their early stage, they will suffer enormous loss. Therefore, it is
essential to keep all things healthy and properly maintained.

When interacting with others, be genuine. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Don’t try to be cool or
put yourself on display. Don’t put others down to make yourself feel superior. Don’t manipulate, force,
or trick others to get your way. By not doing these things, people will see you for who you really are,
and that is something to be respected. Very few people can attain the genuine state for long, those who
can are rewarded with abundance.

One must first accept that life isn’t always fair, some people just have it better than others in the start.
However, one must also realize that there are people out there that have it far worse. The thing to take
out of it is this, through adversity comes strength, and through strength comes character building, which
in turn yields success. If one feels continually feels shorthanded in a certain light, they must not use
their mental resources toward negativity, since this only makes the situation worse. One must first
balance their mindsets, think positively, and calculate their resources. If one doesn’t feel strong enough,
they should do some research or ask others for help. If done in a genuine manner, most people would
be more than happy to offer you assistance. If one continues to fight and doesn’t give up on the light,
one will find their way out of dysfunction.
One must continue to work toward forgiveness. This may not always be an easy task as long as we
continue to impose our self-righteous will on others. To them, they are right. To yourself, you are right.
Who’s really right? Maybe both, maybe no one? Does it matter? The first step to eliminating this
symptom is to understand that we all think differently. Conflicts arise primarily out of a
miscommunication. It is important to go into a conflict generously and with an open-mind. Do not seek
to destroy your opponent. Listen to their side entirely, ask questions about their inquiries, and seek to
find their perspective. If you agree, work toward resolution. If you don’t, you can kindly disagree and
either walk away or continue toward a mutual solution. Force only creates more force. In order for a
quarrel to be leveled, one must have a loving mindset.

Edwinn Facebook Quotes:

"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything" ~Alexander Hamilton~

You become what you think about.

If you seek something, first give it.

Clinging to memories, what a saddening action; Instead of holding onto what has
passed one should direct their efforts towards creating a better present.

"There cannot be perception without comparison. There cannot be comparison

without subjectivity" ~Deng Ming-Dao~

The world needs more healers, practical teachers, and ethical leaders.

By loving and understanding the self, one can love an understand all things.

Before venturing off into the vast world, one should know themselves thoroughly,
that way they don't lose themselves in the tides of humanity.

"Change your thoughts, and you change your world" ~Normal Vincent Peale~

Don't aim to be the perpetual student, strive to be the master.

"The key to the universe is love" ~Timo Tolkki~

"Wherever we go, wherever we remain, the results of our actions follow us"

Remaining detached, the most difficult of tasks.

Beware of those whose actions don't match their words.

"Sometimes the weak become the strong" ~Staind~

Time changes everything.....nothing can be held onto forever.

"He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

One dies when they hold onto life too tight.

We cannot become who we need to be, by remaining who we are.

Regret is the word of the coward. Triumph is the word of the strong.

Fire can be channeled but it can't be tamed.

Simplicity is the key to contentment.

Victory goes to the one who knows how to yield.

When the mind loses wisdom, that's when it becomes the most wise.

True love never dies.

Ultimately, what are we all in a hurry to do anyways?

In every disturbance there's a lesson to be learned.

"Benefit derives from what is there, actual usefulness, from what is not there" ~Lao

Failure is an opportunity.

"He who knows how to live has no place for death to enter" ~Lao Tzu~

"Success is not a mountain to be climbed but a high plateau to be walked" ~Bill


Instead of meeting force head-on, it's easier to redirect it.

Stop judging yourself and all other judgments will end. If you think you're up,
everyone else is down. When you're down, everyone else is up. Why not just refrain
from judgment all together. Afterall, who are we to judge anything at all?

Religion should not be used to anchor the soul, it should be used to put the soul into

"The clear path appears unclear, the advancing path appears to feel like retreat, the
smooth path seems uneven, high virtue appears like inadequate, great integrity
appears like disgrace, encompassing virtue appears insufficient, building virtue
appears inactive" ~Lao Tzu~

Invest in your life today for a better tomorrow.

It's easy to win when you've got nothing to lose.

In order to love others, we must first have a loving relationship with ourselves.

Maintain gratitude for both the good and bad in your life.

Keep the mind free of desire and be forever full.

Happiness comes from within, not from the outside.

When detached, one can see the world far more objectively.

Abolish "right" and "wrong" from your minds, these might exist in academia, but
they do not exist in nature. The only "right" way to live is to live according to "your"
true nature. The only "wrong" way to live is to live according to "others". No one is
right, no one is wrong, there are many paths to the final destination.

Fear is the only darkness.

In the end we're all different, yet equally the same.

True love is unconditional. It always gives and never gives up. It waits faithfully and
never faulters. It sacrifices everything but never complains. It's always improving
on the part of the other. True love cannot be broken. Even in the heart of darkness,
this love will always reside in my heart.

Expect the unexpected

“Movement overcomes cold, stillness overcomes heat" Lao Tzu

Good and evil, there are great lessons to be learned on both ends.

Too much success is just as dangerous as too much failure.

"It's not hard to fail, it's not easy to win" ~Cold~

Acceptance and Love are the gateways out of suffering. Firstly, one must first accept
the life they've been given; the good and the bad. Secondly, one must develop a
deep, loving relationship with oneself. Thirdly, one must not judge or compete with
others and must accept that everyone is different. Fourthly, if nurtured, all adversity
can one day be used as great tools, keep them close
Fortune and misfortune, what's the difference? Behind fortune lies misfortune.
Behind misfortune is fortune. Sometimes what you think is your greatest blessing
winds up becoming your most harmful burden. Sometimes what you think is your
most harmful burden winds up being your greatest blessing. So I ask again, what's
the difference? The truth often sounds paradoxical.

Follow the peace in your heart.

I know heaven only because I've lived in hell almost my entire life

Balance and moderation are keys to success. Clear the mind of poison, fixed
concepts, and restrictions. Stop comparing and competing with yourself and others.
It is only then will you see the divine light.

Your life is only as big as the goals you set.

"From yourself you can't run away" ~Killswitch Engage~

Don't let your senses guide you off course.

"Get busy living or get busy dying" ~Andy Dufresne~

There is no progress without failure.

The moment you think you're completely right is the moment you're completely

It takes more wisdom to profit from good advice than it does to give it.

Build your resources when the sun shines; conserve them when darkness falls.

Adversity is conquered by unwaivering determination.

When you're feeling weak, don't give up, you're so close to success......

Miscommunication, the root of 99.9% of problems.

Don't judge me by the man I used to be, Judge me by the man I am today.

The only thing in life that's guaranteed is death.

Those who "overglorify" themselves with excessive amounts of cosmetics, fashions,

and flashy ornamentations are using smoke screens to cover up their deep internal
weaknesses. The truly strong will never flaunt themselves so ostentatiously. True
beauty is subtle, not intrusive. Lesson: Don't glitter like rare gems or clatter like
stone chimes.

Watch out for great promises spoken by shallow minds and empty eyes.
Don't rush into a situation too quickly; being hasty it is likely to result in bloodshed
and disaster. Take it slowly, think it through, and prepare carefully; This is the
virtue of the warrior. He who runs out onto the battlefield before his training is
complete will fail on his mission. Lessons: Look before you leap, think before you
act, prepare before you battle.

Sometimes you have to take a few wrong paths to know when you've found the
right one.

You are the artist, the creator of your own destiny, before bringing the pencil to the
paper, think deeply about what it is you want to draw. In doing this, you avoid
unnecessary degrees of indecisiveness, error, and regret.

See things as they are, not how you want them to be.

Live life with no regrets.

When stagnation dwindles the spirit, action toward opportunity is the only

Love everyone with all of your heart, even if they've wronged you; Be an example
for the world.

Even the strongest people have their moments of weakness.

Sometimes it's hard to determine whether someone let you down or did you a favor.

"Along the way we learn things too hard, whisper out the way inside my heart"

With the thoughts closed and the mind open, one can grasp the entire universe.

Disciplined action is the key to happiness.

"I may not be perfect but I've always been true, I may not be worthy in your eyes,
climb up from the bottom for the last time..." ~Avenged Sevenfold~

Only in times of adversity do you know who you true friends are.

Before looking outside to change the world, it's wise to first look inside yourself.

Those who are deeply rooted will not be uptorn. This root is confidence and its
flowers are charisma.

When the world knocks down your sandcastle and you feel that no one really cares,
don't lose your hope. Instead, Look inside yourself; Use those emotions
constructively. Just stop, readjust, rebuild, use patience, and carefully construct
your walls stronger than ever before. When the process is done, you'll see that
you’re sometimes better from the experience. This is called Transformation.

"But everybody has a face that they hold inside, A face that awakes when they close
their eyes, A face watches every time they lie, A face that laughs every time they
fall" ~Linkin Park~

"I have seen the Light, it came into my life. There's no second chance, we should
have learned by now. But it's not too late to change the course, There's so much
more than this, oh Mother Gaia." ~Stratovarius~

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal
or greater benefit." Napoleon Hill

"Do not expend all of your vital energy prematurely; Do not attempt to obtain things
by force; Do not rush your precious harvest to completion. This will result in certain
death. When the time is ready, you'll experience little resistance, things will run
smoothly, and the fruits will taste oh-so spectacular."

The greatest leaders are often the most lonely.

"Follow the lead to failure, relinquish, and pay no mind." ~All that Remains~

The moment you think they're the problem, you're the problem. Pointing fingers
always rebounds on oneself.

Youth and ignorance go hand and hand; its like tasting a sweet fruit without
knowing it's poisonous. If it is known to be posionous, the youth will often continue
to indulge despite the knowledge and continue feasting until it's too late to escape
without great pains. Shortly after, the youth learns the painful lesson. The adage is
true, the exam often comes before the lesson; if one doesn’t learn, failure is certain.

You are a product of your actions, not so much your words. The adage is true, the
exam often comes before the lesson; if one doesn't learn, failure is certainou're
sometimes better from the experience. This is called Transformation.ap, think
before you act, prepare before you battle.he difference? The truth often sounds
paradoxical. Hold onto the center.rtured, all adversity can one day be used as great
tools, keep them close.rtured, all adversity can one day be used as great tools, keep
them close.tion, choose wisely.f life will be there waiting for you, just open your
mind and take them.f life will be there waiting for you, just open your mind and take

Constantly intaking the wrong foods is equivalent to having sex without love;
they're both harmful and insidious; toxic and addicting.
Discipline, a lost trait amongst the multitude of youth today. What a tragedy.
Procrastination, Self-Destruction, Overendulgence, Boredom, Arrogance,
Depression, Selfishness, Ignorance, Complacency, Malnutrition, and a lack of
Confidence are all by-products of this. Invest in yourself today and you will be
handsomely rewarded.

"I make decisions one at a time, no I never say I'm always right, I'm confident that
when I stand on my own you'll see the truest form of a man when I'm shining
through." ~Avenged Sevenfold~

"A violent man will die a violent death, this will be the essence of my teachings" Lao
Tzu -Tao te Ching

Lead a life of peace and love and your self will be forever full. Live a life of vibrancy,
keep an open mind and you'll never stop growing. Live a life of strength, integrity,
and discipline and you'll endure through the ages.

Children, don't stop dancing, believe you can fly, away.......away!!!! ~Creed~

In ones deepest sorrow lies the key to their greatest success.

Sometimes it's better forfeit than to fight. Sometimes it's better to give something
up than to hold onto it. Sometimes it's better fail than to succeed. Sometimes it's
better to be average than beautiful. Sometimes it's better to give than to receive.
Sometimes it's better to unlearn than it is to learn. Sometimes it’s better to love and
fail than to have never loved at all.

Even through the darkest days, this fire burns always, this fire burns, always.....
~Killswitch Engage~

Slow down this fast-paced world and you will see past the illusion. ~Killswitch

Knowledge is nothing without experience to test it. Experience is nothing if the

extraction of wisdom does not take place. Wisdom is nothing if it lacks its life
component, compassion. Compassion is nothing without the wisdom of guidance.
Wisdom is nothing without the experience of self. Experience is nothing without
knowledge gained along the way. The ones who refuses this goes astray.

Step out of your comfort zone, follow the "emptiness" in your heart, it will guide you
on your path of life. Reality has a way of making you feel insane when you're on the
wrong path, listen to the voice and readjust, it's the only way to serenity.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. :) ~Ghandi~

Life has a way of teaching us lessons in cruel and unusual ways. However, if it
wasn't for pain, we would never change our ways. If it wasn't for the fear, we
wouldn't humble. If it wasn't for discordance, then we would never find our place in
life. Pain is the ultimate teacher, without it, there would be no progress,
compassion, or appreciation. Life’s forms are mysterious in nature, sometimes it
eludes us, but it’s only by this way to do we learn and grow.

Even when you're afraid of failure, use the fear as a tool to rise above and conquer,
afterall, there are sweet fruits at the end if you do. Don't be afraid to look inside
yourself, admit fears, take action, and fail. This is where true growth take place.

Uncontrollable suffering gives wisdom to the compassionate and gives compassion

to the wise. Growth stems from adversity. Insight comes from wisdom; wisdom
from experience. Each day I use these as the gateway to the heavens, each day I
take a step toward salvation. For the first time in my life, I feel the radiance of its
light and the warmth of the sunshine on my face. Learning from pain is the pathway
to salvation.

Stillness of the heart is truth. Stillness of the mind is faith. Stillness of the spirit is

The greedy strive for happiness as if it were a possession that could be achieved or
bought. They do not understand that happiness is not a possession. It is a spiritual
quality, as elusive as the wind brushing your cheek.

Learn from the past, live in the present, lead for the future; love every stage in
between :)

Open your mind to what is, and what is not.

Honor your parents, love your children, help your brothers and sisters, be faithful to
your friends, care for your mate with devotion, complete your work cooperatively
and joyfully, assume responsibility for problems, practice virtue without first
demanding it of others, understand the highest truths yet retain an ordinary
manner? That would be true clarity, true simplicity, true mastery.

A man should not be judged by his position in life but by the obstacles he has

Salvation lies within.

Sometimes you need a part of you to die before you can become reborn

nary manner? That would be true clarity, true simplicity, true mastery.its light and
the warmth of the sunshine on my face. Learning from pain is the pathway to
salvation.look inside yourself, admit fears, take action, and fail. This is where true
growth takes place.compassion,or appreciation. It's forms are mysterious,
sometimes it eludes us; this is why we learn.out the knowledge gained along the
way. The one who refuses this goes astray.

es it's better to love and fail than to have never loved at all.ewarded. Neglect this
and prepare for a narrowminded existence of suffering. The choice is

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