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ALICE IN THE WONDERLAND THEATER SCRIPT. Alicio: Mr. rabbit? You are here?

Alicio: Mr. rabbit? You are here? (Enters the hallway) (Alice leaves the
hallway and is in a narrow gallery)
Alicia: There, weird .. What will this be? (It is located in front of a small
(A pleasant morning in March, Alicio and his brother proceeded with Alicio's entrance door, much smaller than what you should be for this
history class in the field, Alicio's brother was heard reading the story book for
Alicio, while he was playing and distracted, his brother scolded her) Cupiese. Try to open the door and a voice is heard.)

Sister of Alicio (sitting on the grass with a gesture of disgust): Alicio! Want to Door: Auuchh !! (Makes gesture of disgust)
put your story class on target?
Alicia: Forgive me, but I wanted to move to the other side.
Alicio: alas! How boring! How can I pay attention, if that book has no
drawings? Gate: There is no care, but you are too big to pass by here, there is unfrasco
on the table, try.
Brother: But what an occurrence, the best books of this world have no
drawings! Alice: Which table? (Suddenly behind Alice appears a small table with a
Alicio: In this world perhaps, but in my world, the books would have pure
drawings! Door: Read the instructions, it will direct you directly to where you want to go.
(Alicia reads the jar in whose indications it says "get me".)
Brother: Your world? JA! But what nonsense ...
Alicia: Well, what is the worst thing that can happen? (He drinks it) (Alice with
Alicio: (referring to your cat Diana) That's it! Nonsense, Diana! In my world, a face of surprise and terror at the same time, she grows smaller and more
everything would be nonsense ... You, you would be a person, like everyone surprised.)
else, and in my world, the flowers would sing and the singing birds would
dance ... (Alicio sits down, What appears to be a white rabbit) Alice (while drinking from the bottle): It tastes like chocolate, cherry, vanilla,
banana, there's my god!
Alicio: Ah, but if it's just a rabbit ... (turns up excited) dressed, and with a
watch! (Alicio gets up and runs after the rabbit) Door: Have not you forgotten the key?

White Rabbit: (exalted) I'm late! I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving! Alicia (stubborn): What key !? He goes to the other side of the door by force,
between stumbles.
Alicio: (doubtful): Mmmm how weird, why can a rabbit be late?
Alicio: lord rabbit, lord rabbit! Please wait for me!

(Alice is already in the forest, looking everywhere to see if she can see the
SECOND ACT rabbit, behind her suddenly appear the twins Tweedledum and Tweedledee)

(The rabbit runs down a long narrow corridor in a hurry, Alicio reaches the Alicia: Where will you be? Are you hiding? Where has he gotten? (As he
entrance of this, and hesitates to enter) turns to the side, the twins go the other way)

Alice: Hmm, here it is not. Where would I go? Well .. (turns and meets the
twins facing her again.)
Alicia: Hey, what a strange little man! Rosa Mayor (begins to move his rod and gives the tone to the flowers, you
hear in the background that the song starts, the flowers sing and Alice
Tweedledum: If you think we're a lie, pay us to see us. (Nudges Tweedledee) participates, they finish, Alicia applauds)
Tweedledee: If you think we're right, you have to talk to us. Alicia: Bravo! That beautiful!
Both: Of course! Rosa Mayor: Thank you dear.
Alicia: Well then, nice to meet you and goodbye! Yellow flower and fiusha: And what garden are you from?
Tweedledum: Goodbye is the last! Alice: I'm not from any garden
Tweedledee: Yes, because the first thing on a visit is a handshake! Flor Fiusha (Towards Greater Rosa): There may be a flower of the field!
(Alicia leaves the stage very absentmindedly and runs so that the twins do Alice: I'm no flower in the field.
not entertain them, while they stayed singing. Alicia sees to run in front of her
to the white rabbit, to which it goes in haste until losing it of sight and to be Major Rose: Tell us what species, say, gender, you come, my dear.
found among many shrubs, sees a Mushroom with the legend "eat me" in it
and eat it, suddenly its size begins to change until small) Alicia: Well I guess I'm from the human gender, Alicia!

Yellow flower: Have you seen a flower with a cocoon like that? And look,
what a crown! What a peculiar smell!
(Alicia looks up and down and Katia teases him to smell it and make a
Alice (Trying to get out of the bushes): I'm so little! So this size can never gesture of disgust)
reach it But that butterflies so rare ... (In front of them a lot of butterflies line
up on a large leaf and form a pancake) Alicia: But if I'm not a flower!

Rosa Mayor: You mean pancake butterflies? Flower Lilac: Act! But I suspected it! (Whispers pink wing): It is but a simple,
Alicia: Yes, pancake! Or what?
All flowers (surprised): There is no!
(The flowers behind her are immobilized)
Alicia: A simple that?
Where did Esavoz come from? But what nonsense the flowers do not speak.
Flower Lila: In case you do not stay clear, a yerba !!
Rosa Mayor (leaning toward Alice): Of course we talk, my dear.
Alice: That I'm not grass! (Crosses arms) (Flowers are whispered between
Lilac flower (Katia, with refined appearance): If someone is worthy of our them offensive comments)
Small flower group: I would not be able to admit it!
Flower Pink pastel (Lizeth, looking cheerful and carefree): Let go of the
tongue! Hahahaha! Group of small flowers Yellow flower: (the flower fiusha) It does not deserve to be among us!

(Jessica Lizet, Lizbeth, Ceci, Denisse): And we also sing! Small flower group: We do not want to weed here! Go away!

All Flowers: If you want we will sing our best song!

Alicia: They're spoiled! What happens is that they have no education! If I had Alicia: Exact, esactica, hum, I would like to grow a little more.
my height I would normalize! (Ceci whispers something to denisse and they
point her out)

(The yellow flower pushes Alicia and this one is going forward stumbling, the (Everything is filled with smoke and on the mushroom appear the shoes of
flowers laugh, Alice falls, she gets up and leaves. the caterpillar, she lies already in the airconverted in butterfly

He begins to walk and soon he hears a voice record that recites aloud the Alicia (still does not see that it turned into a butterfly): There is, but it opens it
past .., (turns towards elcielo and sees wing caterpillar)
Vocal letters, walk a little more and you will find a caterpillar on a large
fungus. Alicia approaches him.) Caterpillar: I have some advice to give you, one side to grow, and the other
will shrink you
Caterpillar: From the fungus, silly! (The caterpillar leaves)
Alice (go to the fungus and take 1 piece from each side, keep them): one
Caterpillar (yawning): Who are you? side will grow? Perocual will be? I do not care! (He eats from one of the
pieces of the fungus, he grows too large, he eats another, he grows smaller
Alicia: No, sir, I've changed so many times that I do not know. until he finds his ideal height): That's fine.
Caterpillar: I do not know either, explain yourself.

Alicia: You could not explain, sir, because I'm not me anymore. SIXTH ACT
Caterpillar: Are you entangled? Alice comes in front of what looks like a little house, perplexed I watch her.
Alicia: I can not explain myself more clearly because I do not understand Suddenly a servant appeared and this sack from under his arm a thick
myself either. envelope, and said with ceremonious voice :)

Caterpillar: You? Who are you!? (The caterpillar releases a kind of dust that For the Duchess. An invitation from the queen to play the croquet (a door
causes Alicia to sneeze. opened that led directly to a kitchen filled with smoke, the duchess stooped
on a stool, with a child in her arms, the cook leaning over the fire and stirring
Alicia: Achu! Ahh (face of displeasure, it leaves). something Which seemed to be soup, the servant left the envelope on the
floor and went away.There, on a corner, was Chester's cat, lying, smiling.)
Caterpillar (screaming): Hey girl! Girl come here! I have something important
to tell you! Alice (shy): Could you tell me, why does that cat smile like that?
Alicia: (returns): What do you want to tell me? What does he want!? Duchess: Because it's a Chester cat, that's why.
Caterpillar: Do not be angry. Alice (animated): I did not know that Chester's cats smiled, I did not even
know that cats could laugh.
Alicia: And that's it ?!
Duchess: Well if they can, and most of them do. Now, do not bother me, or
Caterpillar: No, exactly, which is what worries you.
make your head spin. "(The cook stirred and stirred and looked real and
strangely furious.
SEVENTH ACT Alice (disgusted): The rabbit!

Let's see where I came from? Here they point out so many paths (he sees a Cat: Which rabbit? (smiling)
tree in which there are many indications of different paths, he turns to all
sides and walks a little, he looks at each side and hears a voice behind him, Alicia: But if you just told me that there is me god! (Crosses arms)
he turns.) Cat: Well, if I looked for a white rabbit, I would ask, the mad hatter! (He
Gato: Are you looking for something? (The cat appears standing with one points to the sign with a sign that indicates where the hatter is)
hand resting on a tree, looking closely at Alicia and with the big smile that Alice: The mad hatter? No ninth, better not, (denying with hands and head)
represents it)
Gato: Or, there it is the hare, by this, side (it points the opposite side of the
Alicia: Hehe, not ninth, just me. sign)
Cat: It does not matter.jajaja Alicia: Thanks, I think I'll go visit her.
Alicia: But, if you're nothing but a cat! Gato: You can go, although I warn you that she is crazy too!
Cat: A cat, rison! Alicia: But I with crazy do not want to have any deal!
Alicia: I just want to know, which way should I take. Jack: Oh, you can not help it! Here, almost everyone is crazy!
Gato: Well, it depends, wherever you go. Hahahahahaha (the air and lotoma are gone) you may notice, that I do not
have them all with me (points to their stripes) hahaha ...
Alicia: That does not matter, if you me
(The cat disappears)
Cat (interrupts Alice): Then it really does not matter which path you choose!
(The cat advances in front of Alice, hindering him, laughing, stands in Alicia: My God, it's better to be nice to these people, apparently they're all
another tree to speak to him crazy...

Cat: Oh, I forgot, but if you're interested, he went there (he puts one hand
between his ears and with the other he points the direction the white rabbit EIGHTH ACT
(Alicia walks and meets the party of tea of the hatter and company, is
Alicia: Who? approaching. In the mesase find the hatter and the hare of March, singing his
Jack: The White Rabbit. non-birthday song)

Alice (bowing): Really? Mad Hatter and March Hare (singing): Happy Happy Birthday! Happy happy
birthday you doyyy !!!
Cat: Really?
March Hare: Happy Happy not birthdays!
Alice: That's gone!
Hatter: Me?
Cat: Who?
Hare: To you !! Happy happy birthday! Celebrate the day with 2 cups of good Hare (singing): Happy happy birthday!
Alicia: Me?
(Alicia looks at them in surprise, they finish singing and she applauds.) They
notice her presence, and she is sitting on one of her chairs.) Hatter: To you!

Hatter and Hare: There is no place there is no place you do not feel !! Hare: Happy Happy birthday!

Alicia: But if there are many empty places. Alice: For me?

Hare: (speaking very fast) Aaa but he should not have sat uninvited! Hatter: For you!

Hatter: It's a lack of education! Very bad, very rude! Ha! Both: Happy happy birthday on tiiiii !!

Alicia: Excuse me, I really liked how they sang and I would like to know if you Hatter: Now, my dear, what did you say? What are you looking for? (Take a
cup of tea and lobebe)
Hare (interrupts Alice): Do you think we sing well?
Alicia: Oh yeah, I wanted to know whereabouts.
Hatter: There! What a lovely little girl! (She puts her elbows on the table) we
invite you to join her! Hare (interrupting Alice): from whom, from whom ?! Come on girl! Speaks

Hare: Ah sisi a cup of tea! (Takes the teapot and a cup and serves Alicia elte) Alicia: Well, I can not talk if you're interrupting me.

Alicia: I would love to, but a hundred have interrupted your birthday party (the Hare: Interrupting? Who is interrupting you? Watch out! You have symptoms
hare gives you sweat) thanks! of insanity! (Behind the hatter)

Hare: (snatches the cup from Alice) Birthday? My dear girl, this is not a Alice: Madness? If you are crazy! I'm leaving! Because I do not want to
birthday! waste my time! (Alice leaves, walks a bit, and confused, she says aloud)

Hatter: Of course not! This is the birthday party! Alicia: I'm tired of seeing nonsense! Do not make fun of me! I'm going home.
That white rabbit, I care where I'm gone! Haber, if you come this way, here I
Alice: No birthday? Forgive me, but I do not understand. have to return.

Hare: Look, a non-birthday is eshahaha does not know what a non-birthday

Hatter: What a fool! (Laughs maniacally covering his mouth) Well, I'll show
you. Imagine you have a birthday, every year. (Alicia walks without finding an exit, and sits on a log wanting to sob.) Behind
her, the cat comes, who mockingly asks her)
Hare: But you still have 364 days of no birthday! And they are the ones we
celebrate here! Cat: Who are you waiting for? To the white rabbit, perhaps?

Alicia: So, it's also my birthday today!

Alice: I do not want you to tell me about him! I want to go! But I do not know
Hare: Really? Hatter: How small is this world!
Cat (playing with his hands): Of course you do not know, because nobody Alicia: I know your royal majesty. But I wanted to know if
here knows anything. Only you can know what the Queen has! (This last
sentence with macabre tone) Queen: I'm the one asking! Do you know how to play croquet?

Alicia: But if I've never seen a queen! Alicia: Yes, your royal majesty.

Cat: What? It's not possible! Aaah you're going to like it a lot! You'll love it! Queen: Let the game begin!
Hahahaha (Everyone prepares for the croquet game, but the queen falls to the ground
Alice: Where is the queen? because of one of the losases and they blame Alicia.)

Cat: Sometimes here (pointing to the left) and sometimes here (pointing to Alicia: There is no!
the right) come follow me! (The letters are arranged around the queen so that it rises and when it grabs,
TENTH ACT shouts faintly):

(Alicia arrives alone where the letters are and sees them pacing impatiently) Queen: Roll the head of the guilty! Tuuu! (Pointing to Alice) You were! Cut off
his head !!!
They are formed horizontally and one of them screams take a list! And they
begin to count each one of the 1 to 10. Alicia looks at them. The rabbit goes Alice: Your royal majesty! You're not even a queen! She's just a fat old
through the aces) woman, smug, and very rude!

Alice: The rabbit! Reina: Córtenle la cabezaaaaaaa !!!

Rabbit: With you, your most serene highness! Your Majesty! The queen of
hearts! (Enter the queen with one hand, she holds the dress and with the DECIMOPRIMER ACT
other she holds her fan.) The king enters and stings the rabbit with his fan,
indicating that he should present it to him. (The letters, the queen, the king, all the characters go after Alice when she
suddenly falls, and finds herself asleep in the place where her sister gave her
Rabbit (discouraged): And the king (a poor voice is heard in the background kind of story, apparently everything was just a dream.)
while the king greets saying alive!)
Alice's sister: Alice, Alice, do not fall asleep anymore!
Queen of Hearts: And what is this?
Alice (awake): But the Lord Caterpillar! And Mr. Rabbit!
King: Let me see my queen, (holding Alice's chin with her fan) does not look
like a two, not a three. Sister of Alice: Lord rabbit? It's useless, come on, it's time for dinner.

Queen: Aaa, if it's a little girl. (With a kind gesture) Tell me darling where you (They leave, the work ends.).
come from, and where you're going.

Alicia: Well, I wanted to know.

Queen (angry): Know ?? !! Nobody knows more than me!

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