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Internal Medicine Journal 44 (2014)


How to diagnose amyloidosis

P. Mollee,1,3 P. Renaut,2 D. Gottlieb4,5 and H. Goodman6
Haematology Department and 2Anatomical Pathology Department, Pathology Queensland, Princess Alexandra Hospital, and 3School of Medicine,
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, 4Haematology Department, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, 5Sydney Medical School,
University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, and 6Haematology Department, Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, New Zealand

Key words Abstract

amyloidosis, diagnosis, immunohistochemistry,
genetic testing, proteomics. Amyloidosis is a rare but devastating condition caused by deposition of misfolded
proteins as aggregates in the extracellular tissues of the body, leading to impairment of
Correspondence organ function. High clinical suspicion is required to facilitate early diagnosis. Correct
Peter Mollee, Haematology Department, identification of the causal amyloid protein is absolutely crucial for clinical management
Pathology Queensland, Princess Alexandra in order to avoid misdiagnosis and inappropriate, potentially harmful treatment, to
Hospital, Ipswich Road, Brisbane, Qld 4102, assess prognosis, and to offer genetic counselling if relevant. This review summarises the
Australia. current evidence on which the diagnosis and subtyping of amyloidosis is based, outlines
Email: the limitations of various diagnostic techniques, particularly in an Australian and New
Zealand context, and discusses optimal strategies for the diagnostic approach to these
Received 12 February 2013; accepted 5 patients. Recommendations are provided for when particularly to suspect amyloidosis,
September 2013. what investigations are required, as well as an approach to accurate subtyping of

Introduction etc. In amyloidosis, these normally soluble proteins

misfold and aggregate to form protofilaments and fibrils
For the majority of physicians, amyloidosis is a mysteri- by virtue of a common cross beta-pleated sheet structure.
ous disease, often only considered following an unexpec- The fibrils then co-deposit in the extracellular space with
ted pathology report. Over the years, variations in serum amyloid P protein (SAP) and other components,
classification systems have not helped the understanding such as glycosaminoglycans, to form the insoluble
of the disease. This is a pity because fundamentally amyloid deposits.
amyloidosis is a simple disease characterised by tissue Like a group of naughty children, each amyloid-
deposition of a protein able to assume an insoluble beta- producing protein produces its own form of mischief.
pleated sheet structure. This tissue deposition ultimately Some cause chaos rapidly, others in a slower but never-
interferes with normal organ function. The physician theless relentless fashion. Some have predilections for
faced with a patient with a new diagnosis of amyloidosis particular organs such as the myocardium, the kidneys or
initially must ask himself or herself only three important the nerves. It can be difficult to recognise these patterns
questions: what is the protein that is causing the amyloi- outside the few centres reviewing large numbers of
dosis, where is it being produced, and finally, in what patients with this rare disease and therefore centralised
tissues of the body is it being deposited? All therapeutic review if not management of all such patients should be
decisions will logically follow. considered. In the meantime, amyloid can be demysti-
Approximately 25 proteins currently are recognised to fied. The aim of this paper is to provide physicians with a
cause amyloidosis and the amyloidogenic protein is the framework for the assessment and diagnosis of suspected
basis for the current classification (Table 1). Each type of and proven amyloidosis. Management of amyloidosis is
amyloid has the prefix ‘A’, for amyloid, followed by an beyond the scope of this article, and readers are referred
abbreviation derived from the name of the protein; thus, to recent reviews on this topic.11,12
AL designates amyloid derived from immunoglobulin
light chain, ATTR is amyloid derived from transthyretin
(TTR), AFib indicates amyloid derived from fibrinogen, When to suspect amyloidosis
Amyloidosis can present with a bewildering array of
Funding: None. symptoms depending on the organs involved (Fig. 1).
Conflict of interest: None. Initial symptoms are often non-specific, such as fatigue

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Table 1 Amyloid subtypes and their associated clinical phenotypes

Amyloid type Other names Protein Mechanism Organs involved Associated

Kidney Heart Liver GIT Nerves Soft tissue Other
AL Primary (no longer Monoclonal Ig light Acquired, abnormal, ++++ ++++ ++ ++ +++ ++† Acquired factor X Plasma cell
favoured chains amyloid-forming deficiency ++‡ dyscrasia/older
terminology) protein people
AA2 Secondary/reactive Serum amyloid A Normal protein at ++++ — + ++ — — NA Any cause of systemic
(no longer favoured supra-normal inflammation
terminology) concentration
AB2M3 DRA (dialysis related Beta-2 microglobulin Normal protein at — — — — — ++++§ NA Dialysis
amyloidosis) supra-normal
ATTRwt Senile systemic Transthyretin (wild Normal protein, — ++++ — + — — Carpal tunnel Older age (>80),
(wild type)4 (cardiac) type) normal syndrome +++ usually male
amyloidosis concentration,
prolonged exposure
ATTRm FAP or FAC (familial Transthyretin Hereditary, mutant + +++ — + +++ — Leptomeningeal + Different population
(mutated)5 amyloid (mutated) protein Vitreous opacities + groups depending
polyneuropathy/ on mutation
AFib6 NA Fibrinogen A-alpha Hereditary, mutant ++++ — + — — — NA NA
chain protein
ALys7 NA Lysozyme Hereditary, mutant +++ — +++ +++ — — Splenic rupture NA
AApoA1 NA Apolipoproteins 1 Hereditary, mutant ++++ +++ +++ — ++ — NA NA
and 28 and 2 protein
ALect29 NA Leukocyte Hereditary, mutant ++++ — — — — — NA Hispanic Americans
chemotactic protein
factor 2
AGel10 Finnish; Meretoja Gelsolin Hereditary, mutant — — — — Cranial — Corneal lattice NA
syndrome protein neuropathy dystrophy ++++

++++, 50–100%; +++, 25–50%; ++, 10–25; +, <10%; -, organ involvement not reported or uncommon. †Symptomatic macroglossia and skeletal muscle involvement are highly suggestive of the AL subtype.
‡Factor X deficiency (or, rarely, other factors) has only been reported in AL subtype. §Amyloid deposits in bone cysts and joint synovium. ¶Facial paresis, also often associated with a sensory peripheral
neuropathy. GIT, gastrointestinal tract; NA, not applicable.

© 2013 The Authors

Internal Medicine Journal © 2013 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
How to diagnose amyloidosis

Figure 1 Organ involvement in common

subtypes of amyloidosis (++++, 50–100%;
+++, 25–50%; ++, 10–25%; +, <10%). Illustra-
tion modified from Anatomica, the complete
home medical reference44 and used with per-
mission from Global Book Publishing. AFib,
amyloid derived from fibrinogen; AL, amyloid
derived from immunoglobulin light chain;
ATTR, amyloid derived from transthyretin.

and weight loss, but as the disease progresses, symptoma- normal appearance on ultrasound or computed tomog-
tology reflects the impairment of the organs involved by raphy (CT) imaging. As the most common type of amy-
the amyloidosis. Certain clinical presentations require a loidosis is AL, the combination of an appropriate clinical
diagnosis of amyloidosis to be considered (Table 2). These scenario and an immunoglobulin free light chain (FLC)
include nephrotic range proteinuria, cardiac failure with abnormality (see later discussion) provides a high suspi-
left ventricular hypertrophy in the absence of hyperten- cion of AL amyloidosis necessitating further histological
sion or aortic valve disease, sensorimotor peripheral neu- investigation.
ropathy without obvious cause, and hepatomegaly with a The amyloidoses are most often systemic that is where
the production of the amyloid-forming protein is distant
to the amyloid deposits (e.g., monoclonal immunoglobu-
Table 2 More common clinical scenarios where amyloidosis should be lin production in the bone marrow depositing as amyloid
suspected in the heart, or variant fibrinogen produced in the liver
Nephrotic range proteinuria depositing as amyloid in the kidney). Localised amyloi-
Cardiac failure with left ventricular hypertrophy in the absence of dosis, amyloid deposits occurring only at the site of
hypertension or aortic valve disease amyloid-forming protein production, is another well-
Sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy without obvious cause recognised entity. Localised amyloidosis has a range of
Hepatomegaly with a normal appearance on ultrasound or computed well-recognised presentations, particularly those because
tomography imaging
of localised AL amyloid that is a non-life-threatening
Autonomic neuropathy
disease with rare progression to systemic AL amyloidosis

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but frequent local recurrences.13 Localised amyloidosis

results from the local production and deposition of
amyloidogeneic proteins, with AL type deposits thought
to be produced by foci of low-grade monoclonal B-cells or
plasma cells that secrete monoclonal immunoglobulin
light chains in the immediate vicinity.14 These amyloid
deposits are commonly located in the airways (including
nasopharynx, larynx and bronchi) and lungs, orbit and
adnexae, bladder, gastrointestinal tract, lymph nodes,
and skin.15 Localised amyloidosis can and has been
reported to occur in almost any organ of the body. It is
also seen infiltrating plasmacytomas and, in this situa-
tion, is not necessarily indicative of systemic disease.
Occasionally localised amyloid can be seen in the skin
comprised of insulin around injection sites of insulin-
dependent diabetics or of keratin in areas of excoriation
or trauma.

Making the diagnosis of amyloidosis

The diagnosis of amyloidosis requires a tissue biopsy. To
date, the gold standard test for histological confirmation
of amyloid deposits is the Congo red stain used in con-
junction with polarised light microscopy. Congo red Figure 2 (A) Congo red staining demonstrating amyloid deposition in a
results in a pale ‘salmon-pink’ staining that shows typical cardiac biopsy sample (×40); (B) Congo red staining demonstrating that
birefringence and dichroism effects when examined the deposits exhibit apple-green birefringence under polarised light (×40).
under polarised light microscopy (Fig. 2). It is essential
that a reliable staining protocol is used to avoid non-
specific staining.16,17 In some cases, multiple sections may of light microscopy, Congo red staining and immunofluo-
need to be examined as amyloid deposits can be focal and rescence or immunohistochemistry.
irregularly distributed.18 In circumstances where there is Not all monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition in the
a high index of suspicion for amyloidosis and Congo red tissues is due to amyloidosis. In rare cases, monoclonal
appears to be negative, an alternative dye such as crystal immunoglobulin can be deposited particularly in the
violet may be used but can be non-specific. The fact that kidneys in a non-amyloid form.22 These diseases (e.g.
SAP, which is a normal plasma glycoprotein, is present in light and heavy chain deposition disease) do not have the
all types of amyloid,19 has been exploited to aid in the typical Congo red staining under polarised light, have a
diagnosis of amyloid by immunohistochemistry, but the tendency towards kappa rather than lambda light chain
staining pattern that is obtained with antibodies to SAP deposition and in general have more restricted organ
can be difficult to interpret. Hence, this test should not be involvement than AL amyloid with which they are often
used in isolation for the diagnosis of amyloidosis. Elec- confused. Like AL amyloid, however, they are frequently
tron microscopy (EM) is often used in conjunction with associated with myeloma or other lymphoproliferative
histology for the diagnosis of amyloidosis, although this is diseases.
not always necessary. Ultrastructurally, amyloid deposits
are composed of haphazardly distributed, non-branching
What to biopsy
fibrils with a mean diameter of 10 nm (range 8–12 nm)
and an electron-lucent core.20 This feature is characteris- For the diagnosis of amyloidosis, biopsy of the clinically
tic, but not specific, as fibril deposition may be seen as involved organ is the most sensitive method and has the
other conditions, such as fibrillary glomerulonephritis, advantages of providing larger amounts of tissue for sub-
immunotactoid glomerulonephritis, glomerular sclerosis, sequent subtyping and detecting concomitant pathol-
diabetic fibrillosis, fibronectin glomerulopathy and ogies. However, such biopsies can be associated with
collagenofibrotic glomerulopathy.21 These are differenti- discomfort and the morbidity of bleeding and rarely
ated according to fibril appearance and diameter, and the organ perforation. Thus, if amyloidosis is suspected, a less
findings should be interpreted in conjunction with those invasive biopsy may be preferred and can be taken from

© 2013 The Authors

10 Internal Medicine Journal © 2013 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
How to diagnose amyloidosis

a distant site such as the abdominal fat, bone marrow, consideration of the patient’s presentation and pheno-
rectum, gingiva or minor salivary glands. Reports from type, the presence or absence of associated diseases, and
reference centres suggest high sensitivity – for example, findings of histopathology, genetic testing and direct
amyloid deposits can be detected in the bone marrow analysis of fibril proteins.
trephine in 70% of cases23 and in fat pad (aspirate or
biopsy) and rectal biopsies in over 80%23,24 – but in our
Importance of clinical phenotype
experience, this is difficult to replicate in more general
settings.25 Amyloid deposits on such screening biopsies Systemic amyloidoses may affect any major organ, with
are often very small, and there is the disadvantage of the notable exception of the brain parenchyma, and the
limited material for subsequent subtyping that may clinical phenotypes are therefore protean. Patients must
necessitate the need for further biopsy. Nevertheless, therefore be assessed for organ involvement as there are
abdominal fat pad aspiration has been used increasingly some broad subtype–phenotype associations that help
in recent years, and a description and instructional video inform diagnosis of amyloid subtype and subsequent
of the procedure can be found online.26 Careful collabo- treatment choices. The clinical and laboratory/imaging
ration with the pathology service is required when features of involvement in various organs are summa-
setting up this procedure. If initial screening biopsies are rised in Table 3. Work-up must include clinical assess-
negative and the clinical suspicion of amyloidosis is high, ment considering all the features in Table 3, in particular
then screening biopsies may need to be repeated or the investigations of renal function (serum creatinine, 24-h
clinically affected organ should be biopsied. proteinuria), heart (brain natriuretic peptide (BNP),
troponin, electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiogra-
phy) and liver (liver function tests and ultrasound scan
Key points related to diagnosis
for span if clinically uncertain).
of amyloidosis
For assessment of heart involvement by amyloid, the
• Early diagnosis is the key to effective management cardiac biomarkers are important. Similar to its role
• The diagnosis of amyloidosis requires a high index of in heart failure, a N-terminal prohormone of BNP
clinical suspicion, particularly in certain clinical presen- <332 ng/L effectively excludes important cardiac
tations (Table 2) amyloid.27 Echocardiography remains an important
• Amyloidosis cannot be diagnosed without biopsy of screening tool, but it should be noted that the classic
either an affected organ or an amyloid-containing but ‘speckled appearance’ in the myocardium is a late feature
clinically silent site and its absence by no means excludes significant cardiac
• Screening biopsy of abdominal fat may be useful to involvement. Typical features are a thick-walled left ven-
confirm the diagnosis and avoid biopsy of major organs, tricle because of amyloid infiltration, a preserved ejection
but sensitivity is only moderate fraction, biatrial enlargement and restrictive filling pat-
• Congo red staining of a biopsy sample remains the gold terns on Doppler studies; however, no echocardiographic
standard diagnostic test. appearance is specific for amyloid heart disease. Cardiac
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a useful investiga-
tion in select cases to confirm the presence and potential
Subtyping of amyloidosis: getting the
severity of cardiac involvement in AL and ATTR,28
diagnosis right
although significant renal dysfunction is a relative con-
Once amyloidosis is confirmed, it is of critical importance traindication because of the rare risk of nephrogenic sys-
to identify the subtype accurately, as management differs temic sclerosis. Late gadolinium enhancement is a
substantially depending on the nature and source of the characteristic and relatively specific finding.29
amyloid-forming protein ranging from supportive care The relationship between clinical phenotype – that is,
through to aggressive chemotherapy or organ transplan- the patient and their organ involvement – and amyloid
tation. The approach to subtyping has evolved dramati- subtype is summarised in Table 1 and discussed briefly as
cally over the last 30 years, moving from limited, follows.
uninformative histology stains through more specific • AL amyloidosis is more common in older patients as the
immunohistochemistry supplemented by genetic analy- incidence of monoclonal gammopathies, from which the
ses and, latterly, including direct identification of the amyloid-forming monoclonal immunoglobulin light
amyloid-forming protein in biopsy specimens using chains are derived, increases with age. It can affect one or
tandem mass spectrometry. Every amyloid patient now many organ systems, the multitude or pattern of which
can – and should – have his/her amyloid protein identi- often makes other amyloidoses unlikely. Periorbital
fied to a high level of confidence. This requires careful and other bruising perhaps because of the fragility of

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Table 3 Investigating organ involvement in amyloidosis

Organ Clinical finding Useful investigations and findings that ISA consensus definition for organ
suggest involvement involvement in AL amyloidosis†27

Kidney Oedema Proteinuria 24-h urine protein >500 mg/day,

Renal failure predominantly albumin
No particular imaging features
Heart Breathlessness on exertion Raised NT-ProBNP and/or troponin ECG NT-proBNP ≥332 ng/L, in the absence of
Heart failure often characteristic in AL (low-voltage, renal failure or atrial fibrillation
Arrhythmias less common poor R-wave progression) Mean left ventricular wall thickness
Echocardiograph: ventricular and valve >12 mm, no other cardiac cause
thickening, biatrial enlargement,
diastolic physiology
MRI (late gadolinium enhancement
Liver Hepatomegaly Abnormal liver function, usually ALP/GGT Span >15 cm in the absence of heart
USS for size (if clinically uncertain) failure
No other particular imaging features ALP >1.5 × ULN
GIT Symptoms can be difficult to distinguish No particular imaging features Direct biopsy verification with symptoms
from autonomic neuropathy Biopsy, but do only if clinically important to
Gastrointestinal bleeding establish involvement
Nerve Peripheral neuropathy (distal, symmetrical, Formal nerve conduction studies not Clinical diagnosis
sensory neuropathy; motor neuropathy usually helpful.
uncommon in AL) Nerve biopsy, but do only if clinically
Autonomic neuropathy (early satiety, important to establish involvement.
irregular bowel habit, erectile
dysfunction, postural hypotension)
Soft tissue Macroglossia Biopsy, but do only if clinically important to
Arthropathy establish involvement
Claudication (vascular amyloid)
Myopathy (pseudohypertrophy)
Lung Breathlessness, cough CT, interstitial pattern (in absence of Interstitial radiographic pattern in absence
pulmonary oedema) of pulmonary oedema
Biopsy, but do only if clinically important to Direct biopsy verification with symptoms
establish involvement

†Organs are considered involved if amyloid present in a biopsy of that organ (excluding blood vessels as the sole site of amyloid deposition), or proven
in another site and meeting the clinical criteria above. ALP, alkaline phosphatase; CT, computed tomography; GGT, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase; GIT,
gastrointestinal; ISA, International Society of Amyloidosis; NT-ProBNP, N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide; ULN, upper limit of normal;
USS, ultrasound scan.

amyloid-affected vessels are more common in AL ducing some phenotypic heterogeneity.5 The commonest
amyloidosis than other subtypes; symptomatic mutation worldwide is the Ile122 that is found in ∼4% of
macroglossia, skeletal muscle involvement and coagula- west Africans (including African Americans) and causes
tion factor X deficiency, and subtle thickening of the slow-onset cardiac amyloidosis in the 7th and 8th
tissues of the lower face are highly suggestive of AL decades.30 Many mutations, including Met30 and Ala60,
amyloidosis but are each seen in only a small minority.1 are seen at low frequency in the Australasian population.
• AA amyloidosis primarily affects the kidney with later • AFib amyloidosis is one of the more common hereditary
involvement of the liver and sometimes the gastrointesti- amyloidoses in Australasia.31 It is a renal-dominant amy-
nal tract. Symptomatic cardiac and nerve involvement are loidosis with characteristic presentation of slowly progres-
rare.2 sive nephrotic syndrome and renal failure in the 6th–7th
• ATTR amyloidosis primarily affects the heart and decades.6
peripheral and/or autonomic nervous system. The • Many other hereditary amyloidoses are recognised and
unmutated TTR molecule causes senile systemic amyloi- are summarised briefly in Table 1. ALect2 amyloidosis was
dosis (also known as senile cardiac amyloidosis) that has a only described recently,9 and it is likely that novel
cardiac-dominant presentation in the very elderly.4 There amyloid-forming proteins will be identified as direct
are at least 100 recognised mutations of the TTR molecule protein identification techniques are implemented more
that increase its amyloidogenicity, understandably pro- widely.

© 2013 The Authors

12 Internal Medicine Journal © 2013 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
How to diagnose amyloidosis

A small number of centres internationally, but not in Table 4 Underlying disorders associated with AA amyloidosis2
Australia or New Zealand, has access to targeted scin- Chronic inflammatory arthritis 60%
tigraphy of amyloid deposits using I-131-labelled SAP.32 Rheumatoid arthritis 33%
This allows identification of amyloid in larger viscera Juvenile idiopathic arthritis 17%
such as the kidneys, liver and spleen, as well as bones. Chronic sepsis 15%
Resolution is generally low, but the distribution of Bronchiectasis 5%
Injection drug use 4%
amyloid may provide a clue to amyloid type. While SAP
Complications of paraplegia (infected pressure sores, urinary 2%
scintigraphy is a very useful ancillary technique, the
majority of diagnostic and monitoring information Osteomyelitis 1%
required for patient management can be gained from Tuberculosis 1%
other investigations. The heart is also not imaged by Periodic fever syndromes 9%
this technique, but reports over many years suggest that Familial Mediterranean fever 5%
technetium scintigraphy (e.g. technetium(99mTc)3,3- Crohn disease 5%
Other chronic inflammation 6%
diphosphono-1,2- propanedicarboxylic acid) may allow
Malignancy 1%
identification of cardiac involvement.33
Castleman disease 2%
Vasculitis 1%
Unknown 6%
Searching for associated diseases
As one considers the patient and their phenotype, so must
a search begin for any potentially associated diseases such
as a plasma cell dyscrasia or chronic inflammation. as appropriate) is indicated only if a plasma cell dyscrasia
However, it must be appreciated that association is not is identified and, along with other markers of aggressive
evidence of causality. For example, a monoclonal plasma cell behaviour like hypercalcaemia and the
gammopathy of uncertain significance (MGUS, or benign plasma cell burden, allows one to determine whether the
paraprotein) is found in ∼3% of Australian adults in their AL amyloidosis is due to an MGUS or myeloma.
50s, rising to 9% in their 80s,34 so some patients with The inflammation underlying AA amyloidosis can have
systemic amyloidosis will by chance have an MGUS that is many causes (Table 4).2 A careful clinical enquiry for
coincidental to their non-AL amyloidosis.35 Conversely, evidence of chronic inflammatory arthropathy or bowel
not all cases of true AL amyloidosis have a paraprotein disease, infection and hereditary fever syndromes should
detectable by conventional serum protein electrophoresis. be made. Systemic inflammation is usually present for
Screening for the immunoglobulin light chain many years before the clinical onset of AA amyloidosis,
abnormality that accompanies AL amyloidosis requires a and its likelihood is, in general, related to the severity and
combination of serum protein immunofixation electro- longevity of the inflammatory process. The normal
phoresis, urine protein immunofixation electrophoresis inflammatory protein serum amyloid A (SAA) is the
and the serum free light chain (FLC) assay. A clonal amyloid-forming protein, and ideally, serum levels
abnormality (serum paraprotein in ∼80%, urine Bence- should be measured. However, in practice, this assay
Jones proteinuria in ∼70% or abnormal FLC ratio in is not routinely available and the C-reactive protein is
∼75%36) will be apparent in 95–99% of cases, and omis- an adequate substitute. Serial measurements may be
sion of one of these testing modalities produces a signifi- required if AA is suspected. In a small but well-recognised
cant reduction in sensitivity.27,36 Nevertheless, 2–5% of group of patients with proven AA amyloidosis, there is no
true AL cases have no detectable paraprotein or FLC identifiable inflammatory disease clinically.
abnormality because of inability of these assays to detect
very low levels of monoclonal FLCs among the normal
Role of genetic screening
polyclonal background.
Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy for quantitation of Although uncommon, a genetic cause for amyloidosis
plasma cell burden is recommended only for those with should be considered in all patients, as many cases have
suspected AL amyloidosis; additionally, occasionally the no family history because of incomplete penetrance,
trephine biopsy may be a useful site in which to search unrecognised onset or death from other causes in previ-
for vascular or interstitial amyloid if its presence has not ous generations. The exclusion of hereditary amyloidoses
yet been proven. Cytogenetics (metaphase and/or fluo- is often very useful in helping solidify the diagnosis of AL
rescence in situ hybridisation) are recommended only if amyloidosis. Testing for most hereditary forms of amyloi-
there is a significant plasma cell burden. Bone imaging dosis is available in Australia (ATTR, AFib, ApoA1, ALys.
(skeletal survey, MRI or positron emission tomography, Contact: Associate Professor David Booth, Pathology

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Mollee et al.

West, Department of Immunology, Level 2, ICPMR Occasionally the histological appearance of the
Building, Westmead Hospital; Email: david.booth amyloid deposits may give a clue to the amyloid subtype. and New Zealand (ATTR, AFib. For example, in AFib, the distribution of the amyloid is
Contact: Canterbury Health Laboratories, Christchurch, somewhat unique possibly because of the relative selec-
NZ) or internationally (contact: Professor Philip Hawkins, tivity of this type of amyloid for glomeruli. In this con-
National Amyloidosis Centre, London, UK; Email: dition, the glomeruli have a characteristic appearance, Blanket testing of all patients is being markedly enlarged by amyloid, while the renal
inappropriate on grounds of cost and long turnaround interstitium and blood vessels contain almost no amyloid
times but should be considered where (i) hereditary amy- at all.6 It should also be noted that potassium
loidosis is suspected or (ii) one cannot rule it out on permanganate pretreatment followed by Congo red
phenotypic grounds. For example, standard practice staining is unreliable for subtyping and should no longer
should be to test for TTR mutations in isolated cardiac or be used.18
mixed cardiac/nerve cases and for fibrinogen mutations
in isolated renal amyloidosis. Alternatively, however,
Tandem mass spectrometry
investigation of unknown cases is more appropriately
done by direct identification of the target protein, for In the past decade, new methods have been developed
example by tandem mass spectrometry. that have enabled the use of FFPE tissues to be used in the
study of proteomics by mass spectrometry, the first report
being in 2005.41 Laser capture microdissection has been
Immunohistochemistry and other
used to procure the usually small amounts of amyloid
histological techniques
deposits and to ensure that the sample is relatively pure,
In most centres, apart from renal biopsies where there is with minimal protein contaminants present from the
the added luxury of a fresh frozen sample for direct normal surrounding tissues.42 Advances in high-perfor-
immunofluorescence, the subtyping of amyloid is usually mance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry
performed by immunohistochemical staining (IHC) of technologies have led to greater sensitivity for low-level
formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. Many samples. This is particularly salient to the subtyping of
laboratories report stains using antibodies to SAA, TTR, amyloid, as in some biopsy samples, the amyloid deposits
and kappa and lambda FLC. Although IHC, when well may only be present in a few blood vessels. Early reports of
performed on optimally fixed and processed tissue, can the use of laser capture microdissection and tandem mass
be reliable in a significant percentage of cases,18 problems spectrometry in clinical biopsy specimens suggest that this
are not infrequently encountered35,37,38 even in the hands method will soon become the gold standard for accurate
of international centres performing the technique fre- subtyping of amyloidosis.43 The technique can be used to
quently. Common problems include weak staining for κ identify any of the amyloid subtypes whether they be
and λ light chains in AL amyloidosis,35 false-positive acquired or hereditary variants. Currently, tandem mass
staining of light chains in non-AL amyloid,37 background spectrometry-based techniques are available in the
staining of light chains because of ‘locking-in’ of serum research setting in Australia (contact: Dr Patricia Renaut,
proteins during fixation,39 and false-positive staining for Department of Anatomical Pathology, Princess Alexandra
TTR in AL amyloid.38 False-negative and -positive results Hospital, Brisbane;
are common, and positive results for several different and New Zealand (contact: Dr Hugh Goodman, Haema-
stains on a single biopsy specimen may be observed. tology Department, Waikato Hospital, Hamilton; hugh
Although other more reliable histological techniques are
available, such as direct immunofluorescence on fresh
frozen tissue samples39 and immuno-EM40 (only available
Key points related to subtyping
in Italy), recent developments in the use of mass spec-
of amyloid
troscopy (see later discussion) and its availability in both
Australia and New Zealand mean that it has become the • Correct subtyping of amyloidosis is critical in all cases
investigation of choice to resolve difficult cases where • The combination of a monoclonal immunoglobulin
IHC is inconclusive or atypical. Clinicians treating abnormality on serum or urine testing, and amyloid
patients with amyloid should be aware of the limitations on a biopsy is highly suspicious but not diagnostic of AL
of IHC and discuss difficult cases with their nearest amyloidosis
amyloid referral centre. Where appropriate, a joint deci- • Potassium permanganate pretreatment followed by
sion to refer biopsies for mass spectroscopy is the best Congo red staining is unreliable for subtyping and should
approach. no longer be used

© 2013 The Authors

14 Internal Medicine Journal © 2013 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
How to diagnose amyloidosis

Amyloid confirmed on ssue biopsy

Assess all of

Phenotype Associated disease Histology / Immunohistochemistry

Person Plasma cell dyscrasia • All cases – light microscopy & Congo
• Age and ethnicity •Serum immunoglobulins, FLC, SPEP red, review of paern (characterisc for
Organs •UPEP for Bence Jones proteinuria AFib)
• Clinical assessments of heart failure, liver span, •Bone marrow aspirate / trephine if suspect AL • If available – immunohistochemistry for
splenomegaly, so ssue involvement, neuropathy Inflammaon (see Table 4 for associated inflammatory SAA, kappa/lambda, transthyren,
• Creanine, 24hr urinary protein, BNP/Troponin, ECG, diseases) fibrinogen
echocardiography (+/- cardiac MRI) and LFTs •CRP (and SAA)


Clear AL syndrome Isolated renal amyloidosis Isolated cardiac amyloid; or with Other scenarios
neuropathy or carpal tunnel
Consider AL / AA / AFib / Other genec syndrome
Consider AL / ATTRwt / ATTRm

Has PCD (with abnormal FLC) Fibrinogen gene test TTR gene test Data (phenotype, FLC, IHC,
Mulple organs (parcularly kidney
– – – – –
genec studies) may be
and heart +/- others)
+ Other + sufficient to allow
(+/- any pathognomonic features, e.g. ↑CRP Has PCD Age <60 Age >75 confident subtyping
macroglossia, factor X deficiency) No PCD +ve κ or λ Has PCD No PCD
No other incompable features +ve SAA by IHC Test other +ve κ or λ +ve TTR by
on IHC genes if by IHC IHC If uncertain discuss
Likely AA Likely AL clues Likely AL Likely ATTRwt with authors

TandemMS oponal Consider TandemMS Should have TandemMS Consider TandemMS

Treat as AL AFib AA AL Other AL ATTRwt ATTRm Amyloid subtype

Figure 3 Overall approach to amyloid subtyping. κ, kappa light chain; λ, lambda light chain; AFib, amyloid derived from fibrinogen ; AL, amyloid derived
from immunoglobulin light chain; ATTR, amyloid derived from transthyretin; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CRP, C-reactive protein; ECG, electrocardio-
gram; FLC, serum free light chain assay; IHC, immunohistochemistry; LFT, liver function test; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PCD, plasma cell
dyscrasia; SAA, serum amyloid A protein; SPEP, serum protein electrophoresis with immunofixation; TandemMS, tandem mass spectrometry; TTR,
transthyretin; UPEP, urine proten electrophoresis with immunofixation.

• Subtyping of amyloid using immunohistochemistry of as the diagnosis must be sufficiently certain to justify
biopsies may give false-positive or discrepant results proceeding with chemotherapy. Most patients with amy-
• Subtyping of amyloid using mass spectroscopy is loidosis and a paraprotein do have AL, but unfortunately,
becoming the new gold standard and is available in the absence of a routinely available high-quality con-
Brisbane and Auckland on request firmatory test means that assumptions must be made.
• Assessment of clinical phenotype, associated diseases, Cases with a phenotype that is highly likely to be AL (e.g.
immunohistochemistry, genetic testing and tandem mass the combination of heart, kidney and nerves, or a feature
spectrometry will allow identification of the type of such as macroglossia or factor X deficiency) when present
amyloid (Fig. 3). with a paraprotein can be treated as AL without further
testing as long as other clues (e.g. family history, concur-
rent inflammatory illness) are not present. Cases with an
Overall approach to amyloid subtyping
ambivalent phenotype, even when a plasma cell dyscra-
An approach to subtyping is summarised in Figure 3. As sia is present, must be further investigated.
tandem mass spectrometry is not yet routinely available Second, isolated renal amyloidosis is common. Most
and immunohistochemistry has limitations, amyloid are AL and have a plasma cell dyscrasia, but there may be
subtyping currently requires a multidisciplinary synthesis clues to other subtypes that should be pursued. Fibrino-
of information. Fortunately, however, the multitudinous gen gene testing should be considered, and many patients
amyloid subtypes present as a smaller number of will need tandem mass spectrometry for a firm diagnosis.
common scenarios. Third, isolated cardiac amyloidosis, with or without
First, how much proof is needed to diagnose AL amy- neuropathy (peripheral and/or autonomic), can be a dif-
loidosis? This is the commonest conundrum encountered ficult problem, particularly in the elderly. In younger

© 2013 The Authors

Internal Medicine Journal © 2013 Royal Australasian College of Physicians 15
Mollee et al.

patients, the differential diagnosis is between AL and Conclusion

hereditary mutations of TTR (ATTRm) that is readily
solved by TTR gene testing. In those over 60 years, both Amyloidosis is a rare but important disease that must be
senile systemic/cardiac amyloidosis (wild-type TTR; suspected, especially when typical clinical presentations
ATTRwt) and (potentially coincidental) MGUS become are present. Early diagnosis allows access to all treatment
increasingly common, and therefore, in the elderly with options before advanced organ dysfunction develops.
a cardiac +/− neuropathic phenotype, AL and ATTRwt Accurate subtyping is central to the management of amy-
cannot be distinguished reliably without tandem mass loidosis. In certain cases, the diagnosis may require a
spectrometry. series of advanced diagnostic techniques and experience
There are many other patterns of phenotype, histology, to identify correctly the causative protein. However,
associated diseases and other data, some of which may accurate subtyping of the amyloid is critical for correct
allow amyloid subtyping with confidence. Tandem mass management of the patient and should be sought in all
spectrometry is an invaluable tool for diagnosis in cases of cases so that all patients can have their amyloid protein
uncertainty. In the event of difficult cases, the authors are identified to a high level of confidence.
always happy to be contacted for advice.

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