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Legal Counseling and Social Responsibility Atty. David L.

Group 2 Report (Aceron, Alvañiz, Azas, Bawa)

Chapter II private practice with a precarious prospect of

The Lawyer in Maiden Practice earning a stable income.

I. A new lawyer who just hurdled the bar has Government Employment
several options to pursue in order to start a A similar predicament poses for a young
law practice, among which are the following: lawyer who enters the government service.
After years of spending spree in the college of
Solo Private Practice law and reviewing for the bar examinations, you
A new lawyer who steps into the field of are practically drained of ready cash with which
actual practice for the first time will encounter to your immediate needs. It might appear a
difficulty in going into solo private practice. A wise decision to enter the government service
solo practitioner who starts from scratch will and stay there for a few years to gain
surely encounter hardships in meeting the experience and specialization in a particular
soaring cost of rentals, equipments, travel and field.
representation and other expenses. A solo
practitioner oftentimes finds difficulty in II. Charting an Ideal Law Office
attracting good clients not being able to The following are considered essential
establish a name for himself during initial factors that may be of help in upgrading a ideal
practice for lack of success in litigation. Without law office:
a strong recommendation, it is hard to find a a.) Accessibility
client who will gamble his rights and interests b.) Readily Identifiable
with an inexperienced lawyer. Solo private c.) Neat and Orderly Appearance
practice is fraught with risks but also has d.) Sufficient Light
advantages. A solo practitioner enjoys being his e.) Ample Room
own boss, owing acquiescence or debt of f.) Adequate Ventilation
gratitude to no one. As long as he comports g.) Decoration
himself as a trustworthy lawyer before the eyes h.) Cleanliness
of the public, he will reap dividends in the long i.) Drinking Water Facilities
run. j.) Near Parking Areas
k.) Near Washroom Facilities
Assistant or Associate in a Private Law Firm l.) Modern and Interesting Reading
Joining a private law firm usually offers Materials
better opportunities. Organizing a law firm with III. Dealing with the Client
classmates or joining a partnership with some Approach. The first order of business in
familiar friend lawyers who are financially dealing with a client is, frankness and tact
well-oiled and capable of satisfying the should be the climate during the first interview.
overhead expenses of maintaining a law office With respect to the fixing and payment of
would be really helpful. In defraying expenses attorney’s fees, a business-like approach should
such as office rentals, communication services, be the criterion, so that the client should not
and secretarial services, you may agree with feel cheated or taken advantage of.
each other to contribute equal amounts, or take
sufficient amount from the common fund Availability. Be there when the client
accumulated from early earnings. wants you. Your client is your breadbasket so to
speak. It will make your client happy if he knows
Joining a Corporate Law Department that you are there when he wants you. Service
The advantage of joining a corporate law to your client sometimes includes getting up
department is that if offers a high salary aside and going out in the middle of the night, or even
from fringe benefits and perks not usually cancelling your vacation plans.
enjoyed from a private law firm. The drawback
is the fear of losing a high paying job rather than Good human relations. Not all lawyers can
speculating on a new venture of private practice. guarantee a sure victory for his client’s cause.
Once a lawyer is stuck up with a corporate legal Of course, there is no substitute for winning a
position he would find it difficult to go into case. However, good human relations, a lot of
psychology and tact and diplomacy are
considered essential ingredients that can IV. Jurisprudence: Small v. Banares 516 SCRA
guarantee satisfaction to a distraught client. 323
Even with the sad news of losing a case, the
client would not feel disappointed and would Facts: A complaint for disbarment was filed by
still come back to the same lawyer who is Small against Banares for failure to render legal
loaded with encouragement to soothe his services and to return the money received for
client’s feelings and reasonable explanation why his legal services. First, respondent received the
they lose in the case. amount of P20,000 from complainant as
acceptance fee. Later, complainant delivered to
The key to a satisfied client. The client respondent P60,000 allegedly to defray filing
must be treated with cordiality and compassion, fees. Complainant consistently communicated
with sincerity and honest intentions, and with with respondent regarding the status of the
the spirit of not giving up even when all the case. But respondent repeatedly told
odds seem to shatter the brightest of hopes. complainant to wait as respondent was still
preparing the document. The IBP made findings
Making the client happy and comfortable. that respondent failed to render any legal
A lawyer must keep his clients well posted service despite having been paid.
about the development of the case. A good trial
lawyer should not be interested only in his fees, Held: The Code of Professional Responsibility
but one who places the welfare of his client and provides that a lawyer shall serve his client with
the interest of he smooth administration of competence and diligence. The Code states that
justice above self; by avoiding unnecessary a lawyer shall keep the client informed of the
delays whether in minimizing trial status of his case and shall respond within a
postponements and the filing of necessary reasonable time to client’s request for
pleadings in court. information. Respondent’s failure to
communicate with complainant was unjustified
Attorney’s fees. In fixing the amount of denial of complainant’s right to be fully
attorney’s fees, the following should serve as informed of the status of the cases. By his
guidelines: (a) the value of litigation involved; (b) inaction, respondent disregarded his duties as a
the professional standing of the lawyer in the lawyer.
community; and (c) the difficulty of the issues
involved. It must be based on the standard of V. Sustaining a Law Practice
quantum meruit meaning “as much as he Establishing a Reputation. Once a lawyer
deserved.” has acquired substantial number of clientele to
An agreement which requires the client to start with a maiden practice, the new lawyer
assign a portion of his property subject matter should strive to maintain their patronage while
of the litigation in favor of his lawyer as attracting some more clients. It is at this stage
contingent fee during the pendency of said that the new lawyer ought to establish a
litigation, is considered a violation of Art. 1491 reputation of professional responsibility and
of the Civil Code and constitutes an act of honesty.
The right to demand payment for the Enhancement of experience and skill. If a
lawyer’s services should be founded on the fact lawyer is to succeed in his practice, he must
of employment. At any rate, no formal contract keep abreast with recent legislations and their
is necessary in order to prove the fact of amendments, as well as with latest
employment. It may be express or implied, jurisprudence.
verbal or written. The Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
With respect to contingent fee contract, a program (MCLE) that the Supreme Court has
different rule governs, such that as long as the imposed on legal practitioners is a sine qua non
contract is not tainted with fraud, undue requirement before a lawyer is allowed to
influence, mistake or suppression of facts on institute an initiatory pleading and appear in
the part of the lawyer, the terms thereof shall court.
be fully implemented against the portion of the
client’s property subject of the contract, but Good public relations with the courts, the
only if the suit or litigation ends favorably to the bar and the public. Membership in different law
client. associations and lawyer’s organizations is
necessary for a lawyer in order to familiarize
himself with the recent developments in our (g) Spend time with your staff. It will open
legal and judicial system, and be able to imbibe up communication with your staff and keep
the warm fellowship that pervades among the them in the loop which is where they want to
rank and file of the profession. It also affords an be.
opportunity for you to observe the
idiosyncracies and temperament of those with (h) Paper the worlds. Furnish your client a
whom you brush elbows and tacks in court copy of everything. To you clients, these cases
everyday, including members of the bench, thus are big, maybe the biggest thing happening in
be able to adopt a more effective approach in their lives.
dealing with them.
(i) Send out an evaluation sheet. Ask clients
Specialization. A law practitioner should to evaluate your performance at the end of
seek light from his own evaluation of his every case. This will be a real learning
capabilities and assets whether the field he has experience.
chosen is really his favorite and that it is his
chosen field where he can show his skill and VII. Standards that client expects from lawyers
talent. Once having chosen a specialization, he
should restrict his practice therein by starting a.) Prompt and thorough communication
with few cases. to keep the client fully informed on the
progress of his legal matters;
VI. Norms of Conduct for Successful Lawyering b.) Prompt handling of the client’s work;
(a) Remember who you are working for. c.) Honest and straightforward dealing
Never lose sight of the fact that the real boss is with the client, including careful evaluation
the client. If you satisfy the clients, you stay in of the case, a full explanation of the
the business so be nice to them. particular problems and procedures
involved, and a frank and early discussion
(b) Define the relationship. Make sure from of fees;
the start that your clients understand what you d.) A courteous and sympathetic attitude
can and cannot do for them. Let them know toward the client, evidencing a personal
that you will get their consent before settling or and sincere interest in the client’s
taking other actions in their cases. problems;
e.) Competence and diligence in handling a
(c) Keep in touch. Never treat you clients client’s affairs.
like strangers. Give your clients courtesy calls
every now and then. Ask how they are. Give Chapter III
them updates. Workload of a Lawyer

(d) Keep at least two docketing systems. I. The standard yardstick of successful
You should have two docketing systems, one lawyering may be defined from the
that you manage and one that your staff accomplishment of the following work tasks of
manages. Always let your clients know when the practicing lawyer, to wit:
any special date is coming up. Let them know a.) Advice
about not just court dates, but also depositions, b.) Negotiation and conciliation
meetings, teleconferences, and the like. c.) Drafting, whether of pleadings to be
filed in court, or of documents and written
(e) Accept phone calls. Many clients feel contracts;
slightly uncomfortable about calling their d.) Litigation
lawyers; they may have the impression that e.) Financing
interrupting the lawyer’s day will only hurt their f.) Property management
own cases. If you only take calls during certain g.) Acting as executor or trustee of a will,
hours, let your clients know what these hours or special administrator in the case of
are. Be accessible. intestate succession;
h.) Specialization
(f) Promptly return your phone calls. An
unreturned phone call is a mark against you, II. Advice
and these marks add up. Be honest. Every lawyer is presumed to be competent
in giving spontaneous and off-hand advice to
prospective clients. On matters involving an written agreement in the course of business,
intricate question of law and the latest ruling of including the review and modification by others.
the Supreme Court, the lawyer should be frank A practicing lawyer may be called upon to draft
to the client, that the same cannot be answered many kinds of instruments, including originally
on the spot, hence, needs a reservation on your phrased documents tailored to a single
part to make research and verification. transaction or series or transactions.
A lawyer should never seek to coerce the
client or threaten to impose sanctions if the Clarity and precision writing. The ability to
client does not decide a certain way. His role is write with clarity and precision and to anticipate
to assist the client in deciding he has the power all relevant legal and factual considerations is a
to force him to do so. lawyer’s skill of high order. Nevertheless, one
Frankness is the name of the game. The does not need to be a gifted writer to be able to
best approach is to define right upon draft a nearly perfect document. What is
acceptance of the employment or before giving important is that it contains all the essential
any advice, the extent of the client’s role. He requisites and formalities provided by law. The
should be impressed that as a lawyer his wishes simpler the language is used, the better.
can be followed insofar as they appear to be
legally feasible and do not collide with the V. Litigation
lawyer’s oath. Definition. Litigation means proceedings
before any tribunal, whether judicial or
III. Negotiation and Conciliation quasi-judicial or administrative body vested
The following are the essential factors of with jurisdiction to decide issues involving
negotiation and conciliation: a) Proposals to the parties who are entitled to appear before the
other side; b) counter-proposals; c) decision-maker and prosecute their case.
reconsiderations; d) compromise; e) advice to
clients; and f) client instructions to counsel. Litigation and negotiation distinguished. In
litigation, a third party decides issues invilving
Special Power of Attorney. A lawyer must others; whereas, in negotiation, parties with
be equipped with a special power of attorney conflicting interests seek to resolve or
before sitting at the negotiating table. This is so accommodate to them by mutual agreement
because the essence of a lawyer and client among themselves.
relationship is likened to that of agent and
principal in a contract of agency forging out a VI. Property Management and Leasing
compromise agreement. A compromise In general. Considered of lesser lucrative
agreement without a special power of attorney value is a segment in the lawyer’s task
or special written authority from the client, especially patterned for small law firms and solo
renders the judgment based on a compromise practitioners, focusing on property
agreement null and void. But once approved by management for clients. A lawyer who is skilled
the court, a compromise agreement has the in this kind of specialization, can save his client
force of res judicata between the parties, unless from liability. In rent collection aspect,
vitiated by forgery or other vices of consent. whatever technique the lawyer may adopt to
(Wesca vs. Gilinsky, 526 SCRA 533) make it more effective and speedier should be
A general power of attorney does not pursued with no let-up.
include a special power to perform a particular
act. Nevertheless, the performance of the acts Ejectment. Be sure not to commit an error
without the consent of the client does not ipso in filing your ejectment complaint with the
facto render the transaction or deed void, but court of proper original and exclusive
only voidable until ratified by the client. jurisdiction in forcible entry and unlawful
detainer cases, which are cognizable by the
IV. Drafting MeTC, MCTC, and MTC. The Statute of
How the term is used in the profession. It Limitations requires the filing of ejectment
includes not only the preparation and drafting cases not later than one (1) year from final
of written documents, like deeds of conveyance, demand, after which the next remedy is accion
every written contract of sale, mortgages, publiciana to recover possession of the property
building contracts of Engineers and Architects, after the expiration of one (1) year, which is
memoranda of agreement for multi-faced cognizable by the Regional Trial Court.
negotiations involving public interest, and every
VII. Jurisprudence: Fortune Life and General pertain as aliquot share of each and every
Insurance Co., Inc. V. CA 224 SCRA 829 devisee and legatee in order to prevent
Facts: This case is about the application for
damages against the bond of private IX. Specialization
respondent Delsan Transport Lines, Inc. The sole Definition. It refers to the work task of a
issue raised by the petition is upon perfection of practicing lawyer who specializes or has vast
petitioner’s appeal of the trial court’s decision, expertise or is highly competent at performing a
does said court retain jurisdiction to hear the specific kind of work or practice. Specialization
application for damages against the bond that may likewise refer to trial lawyers who
was posted in support of private respondent’s specialize in a particular field of law, such as
motion for execution pending appeal. criminal lawyer, a civilist, a practicing lawyer
who specializes in naturalization proceedings,
Held: As a necessary consequence thereof, the immigration law, patent law, titling of
trial court was divested of jurisdiction over the properties, labor cases, special proceedings like
case. Section 9, Rule 41 of the Rules of Court adoption, guardianship, hospitalization of
mentions three (3) instances where the trial mentally retarded, agrarian law, transportation
court is allowed to exercise residual jurisdiction, law, tax cases, and SEC registration.
after the perfection of the appeal, namely, (1)
to issue orders for the preservation and General Practitioner. On the other hand, a
protection of the rights of the parties which do general practitioner refers to a lawyer who
not involve any matter litigated by the appeal; engages in general practice of law, incompatible
(2) to approve compromises offered by the with specialization, even though there are a few
parties prior to the transmittal of the record on kinds of clients and causes unacceptable to him.
appeal to the appellate court, and (3) to permit More specifically, a general practitioner is one
the prosecution of pauper’s appeal. Petitioner’s who is willing to represent almost any kind of
reliance on the first instance is misplaced. The client in almost any kind of matter if the client
provision speaks of “protection and will pay the practitioner’s goind rate.
preservation” of the rights of the parties. The
action for damages, in fact, and in actuality,
however, is an act of vindication, is punitive in
nature and not an act to protect and preserve,
but to punish and make one party, the private
respondent, herein, to pay damages.

VIII. Acting as Executor or Trustee

Logical Reason. It is very likely that when a
client hires a lawyer to draft his will, he will just
as well appoint the same lawyer to act as
executor of the said will. So also, the lawyer
who drafted the will and had acquired sufficient
knowledge and identification of the testator’s
properties and nature of his bounty, should be
the logical person to discharge the task of
trustee in the management of the real and
personal properties of the decedent in his
fiduciary capacity.

Qualities. A lawyer who drafts and acts as

executor of a will should possess a vast
knowledge of the law on wills and succession.
He must be conversant about how much
portion of the testator’s estate he is permitted
to dispose of by will without encroaching on the
legitimes of compulsory heir. He should be
precise about the specific area and kind of
property of the decedent’s estate that should

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