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Modeling student thinking: An example from special relativity

Rachel E. Scherr
Physics Education Research Group, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park,
Maryland 20742
共Received 26 August 2006; accepted 17 November 2006兲
Our understanding of the nature of student ideas informs our instructional and research agendas. In
this paper, I characterize student ideas in terms of five observable properties 共determinacy,
coherence, context-dependence, variability, and malleability兲 and describe how those observable
properties correspond to the “misconceptions” and “pieces” models of student reasoning. I then
analyze instructional materials and student thinking in a particular topic area 共special relativity兲 in
terms of each of those two models. I show that specific instructional strategies reflect specific
theoretical orientations, and explore the extent to which observed student behavior corresponds to
predictions made by the theoretical models. The analysis suggests that while both the
misconceptions and pieces models are flexible enough to accommodate all of the data, some aspects
of student thinking seem best described in terms of pieces, and others seem better characterized as
misconceptions. The purpose of the analysis is to illustrate the effect of theoretical orientation on
instruction, instructional research, and curriculum development. © 2007 American Association of Physics
关DOI: 10.1119/1.2410013兴

I. INTRODUCTION 共that is, in the terms of practical utility for instructors兲, and
shows how the theoretical models inform research and in-
Science education research and physics education research structional agendas. Section IV reviews previous research on
in particular are concerned with the nature of student ideas. student ideas about special relativity, in particular, the rela-
The better we understand the properties of student ideas— tivity of simultaneity. Section V analyzes student ideas about
whether they are coherent or contradictory, context- special relativity in terms of the misconceptions and pieces
dependent or independent—the better we can explain and models of student thinking. I conclude with observations
predict student thinking. Such explanatory and predictive about the use and importance of theoretical models of stu-
power can help us be better instructors and curriculum de- dent thinking for physics instructors.
signers in addition to being of intrinsic interest.
Historically, much of physics education research has mod-
eled student reasoning in terms of misconceptions, which are
coherent frameworks of ideas that are stably present in stu- IDEAS
dents’ minds and present obstacles to instruction.1–4 More I describe here five observable properties of student ideas
recently, some researchers have proposed a model of student that I have found instructionally useful. I do not expect that
thinking in which student ideas are made up of flexibly com- they form a complete list. Because we do not access student
binable “knowledge pieces” that can be activated indepen- thinking directly, the proposed dimensions are based to some
dently or in networks and whose activation may change de- degree on inference. My hope is to limit the discussion as
pending on the situation.5–7 much as possible to observationally distinguishable proper-
In this paper I explore the ways in which a set of instruc- ties of student ideas in order to maximize the relevance of
tional materials in special relativity implements the strategies this analysis to physics instructors.
suggested by these two theoretical models. I then observe the
extent to which student thinking in special relativity has the A. Determinacy
properties associated with each of these two models. I find
that although both models are flexible enough to accommo- As instructors, we naturally characterize student ideas in
date all of the data, student thinking is more misconception- terms of whether they are correct or incorrect. However,
like for some subtopics and more piece-like for other subtop- some student ideas are not specific enough to be classifiable
ics. The purpose of the analysis is to illustrate the effect of in this way. For example, the idea that “more effort gives
theoretical orientation on instruction, instructional research, more result” is true if used to relate net force to acceleration,
and curriculum development. but false if used to relate net force to velocity. Until it is used
Section II describes five observable properties of student in a particular context, this idea has an indeterminate truth
ideas. Section III describes the misconceptions and pieces value. Other examples of truth-indeterminate statements
models of student thinking in terms of observable properties would be “closer means stronger” or “effects die away.”

272 Am. J. Phys. 75 共3兲, March 2007 © 2007 American Association of Physics Teachers 272
Student statements tend to be mainly determinate, because describe the ease or difficulty of the change that took place.
students are usually referring to a specific situation when Observing malleability presumes a relatively high degree of
they make them. We may infer student statements to be confidence about teaching methods, because an appearance
based on underlying ideas that are either truth-determinate or of rigidity may be created by ineffective instruction.
truth-indeterminate. This choice relies on inference, and dif-
ferent researchers may model student thinking differently in III. MODELS OF STUDENT THINKING
this respect.
In the following I describe two models of student thinking
B. Coherence in terms of the observable properties discussed in Sec. II and
show how these theoretical models may inform research and
We are often interested in the extent to which student ideas instructional agendas.
fit together logically. Researchers have observed cases in
which student ideas appear to be coherent and cases in which
students appear to have a loose collection of mutually inde- A. The misconceptions model
pendent, sometimes contradictory ideas. The latter is claimed Properties of student ideas. Many of us have observed, as
to be more typical of novices.6,7 instructors or researchers, that students express incorrect
Observational difficulties with coherence include the fact 共and therefore apparently truth-determinate兲 ideas. We have
that students rarely represent their own ideas as contradic- also observed that many of these ideas are rigid 共resistant to
tory; either they seem to see coherence where observers see instruction兲. It seems natural that rigid ideas would also be
contradictions, or they do not visibly concern themselves coherent; students are probably more likely to hold on to
with coherence. Another observational difficulty arises if ob- ideas that form a logical framework. It is also easy to imag-
servers prompt students to test their ideas for coherence, po- ine such student ideas being stable and context-independent.
tentially asking them to make connections on the spot. Aside In this way of thinking, students have an idea 共and probably
from these issues, inferences about coherence rely primarily have had it for a long time兲. A rigid idea lives pretty much
on the observer’s sense of what is logical, and therefore may permanently in the mind, constituting an intellectually solid,
tell us more about the stance of the observer than any inde- structured framework that students access in order to solve
pendent properties of the students’ ideas. problems.6
Such frameworks of ideas, for example, the impetus
C. Context-dependence theory of motion, are referred to as alternative theories, men-
For our purposes, context is the textual, social, and educa- tal models, or misconceptions, among other terms.12 As in
tional “surroundings” of a physics question, for example, the the example of impetus theory, misconceptions sometimes
wording and representation of questions, the social setting, parallel historical conceptions,2 and for this reason some
and the structure of the lectures and recitation section.8 Re- workers prefer the more neutral terms. However, because the
searchers have found that student responses to a question are focus of the misconceptions model is typically on students’
affected by questions that precede it,9 whether the question incorrect ideas, the negative term is appropriate. In this paper
arises in a classroom or in everyday life,10 and whether the I will use the term “misconceptions model” to refer to a
question is posed in a physics class or in a clinical model of student thinking in which student ideas are imag-
interview.11 Context-dependence may be employed as an in- ined to be determinate, coherent, context-independent,
structional resource, as in the use of relatively easy questions stable, and rigid.13
that prime students to answer more difficult ones. To the Research agenda. Theoretical models set the agenda for
extent that student performance is affected by what sur- investigation and provide a framework for interpretation. The
rounds the question of interest, student understanding is research agenda that accompanies the misconceptions model
judged to be more or less context-dependent. is to examine student data for incorrect but coherent ways of
thinking. If we imagine that students are responding to our
questions by accessing a single conceptual framework, we
D. Variability search a variety of student responses for the unifying pattern
I will use the term variability to describe the extent to that we believe underlies them. In this model context-
which students’ ideas change spontaneously within the same independence and stability are evidence of the robustness of
situation. I will describe student ideas as fluctuating when an idea and are evidence that the idea is “really there” and
they change frequently and without much provocation, and can be expected to appear often in a variety of classroom
stable when they do not. Observing variability requires ob- situations. Research attention goes mainly to ideas that are
serving students as they think aloud independently or talk to rigid, because the instructional focus is on correcting stu-
one another. Pre- and post-tests capture “snapshots” of stu- dents’ false beliefs 共and rigid ideas are by definition the most
dent responses to particular questions, but do not represent challenging to correct兲.
the persistence of their commitment to an idea. Instructional agenda. Our model of student thinking also
sets expectations for student learning. In the misconceptions
E. Malleability model we tend to imagine that in order for students to change
their ideas, incorrect ideas must be destroyed, dismantled, or
Malleability is my term for the ease with which student otherwise discarded, and correct ideas must be inserted or
ideas change in response to instruction. I will describe stu- constructed in their place.6,14 Instructional sequences based
dent ideas as rigid when they are difficult to reshape and on the misconceptions model favor an elicit, confront, re-
pliable when they are more easily molded. Pre- and post- solve strategy: students are first made aware of their initial
tests do not measure malleability. They provide evidence of ideas, then shown evidence that their initial ideas are inad-
the end result of the instructional effort, but they do not equate, and finally assisted in resolving contradictions.15 The

273 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 3, March 2007 Rachel E. Scherr 273
Table I. Properties of student ideas in the misconceptions and pieces models of student thinking.

Misconceptions model Pieces model

Determinacy True or false Indeterminate

Coherence Coherent Potentially mutually independent
Context-dependence Context-independent Potentially context-dependent
Variability Stable Potentially fluctuating
Malleability Rigid Potentially pliable
Research agenda Find coherent frameworks Find useful pieces
Instructional agenda Elicit, confront, resolve Refine intuitions
Changes in understanding Difficult, permanent Potentially easy, temporary

expectation is thus for student learning to be difficult and er’s questions or even the student’s spontaneous thought pro-
permanent. cesses. We may observe students change their minds and
then apparently forget that they changed them. Students may
B. The pieces model progress and relapse, revisiting the same ideas many times as
if from scratch each time. In the pieces model this behavior
Properties of student ideas. As an alternative to the mis- is normal and expected; this behavior in not expected in the
conceptions model of student thinking, we imagine that stu- misconceptions model.
dent ideas have properties complementary to those named; Instructional agenda. One account of an instructional
that is, we may model their ideas as being at least potentially agenda consistent with a pieces model of student thinking is
truth-indeterminate, independent of one another, context- given by Hammer and Elby, who suggest a process of “re-
dependent, fluctuating, and pliable. In this model of student fining intuitions.”20 This approach claims that students’ in-
thinking, student ideas do not necessarily form a stable, co- correct responses are attributable to the particular knowledge
herent framework. Instead, ideas consist of flexibly combin- pieces activated by the question. The pieces themselves are
able knowledge pieces that may be activated independently not inherently incorrect, but are inappropriately applied to
or in networks, and whose activation may change sensitively the situation at hand. In this model instruction should attempt
depending on the situation. Such pieces appear variously in to illustrate to students that their intuitions are correct, but
the research literature as phenomenological primitives,5 fac- need refining. Students studying collisions might be guided
ets of knowledge,7 resources,16 and intuitive rules,17 each of to recognize, for example, that their intuitive idea that “big-
which have somewhat different properties. I will use the gen- ger objects exert larger forces” 共perhaps an application of
eral term knowledge pieces to refer to any of these, without “more effort gives more result”兲 is incorrect regarding New-
intending to support any specific theoretical description. ton’s third law. However, a refinement of “more effort gives
Although knowledge pieces do not necessarily form a co- more result” is useful: more massive objects cause more ac-
herent framework, most authors using a pieces model of stu- celeration of a target object. Instead of rejecting intuitions,
dent thinking assert that in general knowledge pieces are in students are guided to find appropriate ways to incorporate
many cases coordinated with one another.18 Accounts of such them into their thinking.
coordination have suggested that misconceptions consist of The pieces model is more inclusive than the misconcep-
pieces, while also clarifying what is meant by a “concept.”19 tions model and makes a wider range of predictions about
A pieces model is more inclusive 共and in some cases more student learning. In addition to the possibility that student
theoretically careful6兲 than a misconceptions model. ideas will be rigid and truth-determinate, the pieces model
Research agenda. In the pieces model of student thinking, predicts that in some cases, gaining new insight will be rela-
students almost always have a good reason for thinking the tively easy, but also potentially temporary. In this model
way they do. That is, their thinking is based on an idea that is knowledge pieces may be sensitively activated or inactivated
useful in many situations. The research agenda that accom- by many factors. They are not permanently on or off, and
panies the pieces model is to identify the knowledge ele- student answers to instructional tasks can in some cases be
ments that might be guiding student reasoning. To do so, we expected to change accordingly.
examine student data for potentially useful, but inappropri-
ately applied, ideas that could account for their responses. C. Summary
For example, students who incorrectly treat force as increas-
ing with velocity might be seen as misapplying the knowl-
edge piece “more effort gives more result”—a piece that Neither the misconceptions nor the pieces models of stu-
leads to a correct conclusion when applied instead to the dent thinking set clear limitations on the kinds of ideas that
relation of force and acceleration. we may see in students, and neither model is sufficiently
If we hold a pieces model of student reasoning, we will well-formed to be verified or falsified. However, the models
not necessarily expect coherence among a student’s re- do set up norms of student thinking. The misconceptions
sponses to various questions. Instead, we are likely to imag- model does not rule out student thinking that fluctuates and
ine that different situations activate different, independent draws on everyday experience, but neither does it do a good
knowledge pieces, and we will be ready for the possibility job of reminding us that student thinking can have those
that they will be contradictory. We will take particular notice characteristics. The pieces model allows for student learning
of situations in which student responses are fluctuating and in which a new idea replaces a firmly held one after an in-
context-dependent, that is, easily disrupted by an interview- tellectual struggle, but it does not orient us toward identify-

274 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 3, March 2007 Rachel E. Scherr 274
ing such events as common. Table I summarizes the proper- “The spaceship is near Rainier, so he gets the sig-
ties that I associate with the two models of student thinking. nal about the same time Rainier erupts. So the
spacecraft pilot would say Rainier erupts before
Hood” 共graduate student兲.
SIMULTANEITY “Mt. Rainier erupts first because the light from Mt.
Hood takes time to reach the spaceship” 共introduc-
In this section I review what is known about student think- tory student兲.
ing about the relativity of simultaneity, in preparation for
discussing the properties of these student ideas in Sec. V. Responses consistent with these two examples were of-
This review draws heavily on Ref. 21. fered by 35%–75% of students in the various groups. In an
The special theory of relativity follows from a few key attempt to determine that students were not hindered by se-
ideas and definitions. A reference frame is defined as an ar- mantic misinterpretations of technical terms such as refer-
rangement of observers and measurement devices that deter- ence frame or intelligent observer, a modified version of the
mine the position and time of any event. Intelligent observers spacecraft question was given in which the correction for
correct for signal travel time to determine the time of events signal travel time was made explicit. This version stated that
that occur far from their own location. As a result of such all observers correct for signal travel time to determine the
corrections, observers at rest relative to one another make time of events in their reference frame. This change elicited
identical determinations of the times of events and are said to a different pattern of responses: with signal travel time taken
be in the same reference frame. These definitions, in combi- into account, students claimed that simultaneity was abso-
nation with the isotropy of free space and the invariance of lute. In making this claim students appeared to be regarding
the speed of light, lead to the conclusion that the time order- the relativity of simultaneity as an artifact of signal travel
ing of events depends on observers’ relative motion. This time.
idea is the relativity of simultaneity.
Student understanding of the relativity of simultaneity has “If we are in relative motion we will measure dif-
been investigated using a number of performance tasks. The ferent distances and so on but if we are all intelli-
spacecraft question is prototypical. Two volcanoes 共Mt. gent observers we will all figure out that the events
Rainier and Mt. Hood兲 erupt simultaneously in the reference were simultaneous in our rods-and-clocks refer-
frame of an observer at rest on the ground, midway between
ence frame” 共graduate student兲.
the volcanoes. A spacecraft moving at a relativistic velocity
from Mt. Rainier to Mt. Hood is directly over Mt. Rainier On the basis of student responses to questions such as
when it erupts. Event 1 and event 2 are defined to be “Mt. these, it was suggested that students construct a conceptual
Hood erupts” and “Mt. Rainier erupts,” respectively. Stu- framework in which the ideas of absolute simultaneity and
dents are asked whether, in the spacecraft frame, event 1 the relativity of simultaneity harmoniously co-exist. In par-
occurs before, after, or at the same time as event 2. ticular, we claimed that students held three beliefs that fit
A correct answer to the spacecraft question can be ob- together into a coherent, but incorrect, understanding of the
tained by qualitative reasoning, by quantitative reasoning nature of spacetime. The three beliefs were that events are
共such as application of the Lorentz transformations兲, or from simultaneous if an observer receives signals from the events
a spacetime diagram. A correct qualitative argument might at the same instant, simultaneity is absolute, and every ob-
run as follows. In the spacecraft frame, light from the two server constitutes a distinct reference frame.
eruptions moves outward at the speed of light in spherical
wavefronts whose centers are stationary in the spacecraft
frame. In this frame, the observer on the ground is moving
backward 共from the front to the rear of the spacecraft兲. The
observer on the ground receives the two signals simulta-
neously. According to the spacecraft observer, the observer V. MODELS OF STUDENT THINKING ABOUT THE
on the ground is closer to the center of the wavefront from RELATIVITY OF SIMULTANEITY
Mt. Rainier at the instant that observer receives both signals.
The spacecraft observer therefore concludes that Mt. Hood In this section I review previous research on student rea-
erupted first, because its signal travels farther in order to soning in special relativity in terms of the misconceptions
reach the observer on the ground at the same time as the and pieces models. The research results exhibit how the re-
signal from Mt. Rainier. search agenda associated with each model is implemented.
Shaffer, Vokos, and I gave the spacecraft question as a The observations of student learning are taken from class-
written task or in interviews to nonphysics students, intro- room observations and are intended to illustrate the ways in
ductory honors physics students, advanced undergraduates in which the instructional agenda associated with each model is
physics, and physics graduate students. The results were promoted by a particular set of instructional materials. The
similar for all groups, independent of whether the question instructional materials are described in Ref. 23.
was given before or after instruction, in an interview, or on a The results I describe in this section are preliminary and
graduate qualifying exam.22 Correct responses of any kind suggestive. The generalizations are too rough to establish the
共qualitative, quantitative, or diagrammatic兲 were given by ontology of student ideas, but are hopefully specific enough
less than one-quarter of the students in any group. Typical to illustrate the effect of our understanding of the nature of
responses tended to associate the time of an event with the student ideas on our instruction and on our instruction-
time at which an observer receives a signal from the event: focused research.

275 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 3, March 2007 Rachel E. Scherr 275
A. The misconceptions model of student thinking about player at the same instant, it remains silent. Students are
the relativity of simultaneity asked whether the tape player plays in Alan’s frame and in
Beth’s frame.
Research on student understanding of special relativity in- The analysis in Alan’s frame shows that Beth receives
cludes both theoretical work and studies of student concep- wavefront F before wavefront R, and thus the tape player
tual difficulties and has been largely framed by models of plays. The fact that if the tape player plays in any frame, it
student thinking that resemble the misconceptions model. plays in all frames is not immediately obvious to students.
The theoretical work explicitly models student ideas as co- Instead, many claim that the music plays in the ground frame
herent, many of which are incorrect and need to be replaced but not in the train frame. Subsequent questions in the tuto-
by correct ideas.14,24 Studies of conceptual difficulties do not rial ask whether Beth will hear the music and whether Beth
generally take an explicit theoretical stance, but use language will later observe the tape to have advanced from its starting
that strongly suggests a misconceptions model.21,23,25 Refer- position.
ence 21, summarized in Sec. IV, states, for example, that The design of this sequence of questions is consistent with
“evidence. . . suggests many students construct a conceptual a misconceptions model of learning. The instructional mate-
framework” 共emphasis added兲 consisting of the three incor- rials are meant to elicit the incorrect idea that sparks that
rect beliefs cited in Sec. IV. In identifying such a conceptual jump simultaneously in Alan’s frame also jump simulta-
framework, the authors were implementing the research neously in Beth’s frame. Students are then confronted with
agenda associated with the misconceptions model: find an the uncomfortable implication that if the sparks jump simul-
incorrect but coherent way of thinking that accounts for stu- taneously in both frames, the tape player plays in one frame
dent responses. and not in the other. Students are expected to resolve the
Researchers have found good evidence of both stability paradox by accepting the relativity of simultaneity.27
and rigidity of student 共mis兲understanding of special relativ- The tape player scenario provides evidence that learning
ity. Students’ responses to their probes change little during an the relativity of simultaneity is difficult for students, as pre-
interview, as a result of traditional instruction, or in the dicted by the misconceptions model. In the classroom, we
course of age and experience.25 However, researchers with a find three categories of student behavior that constitute evi-
misconceptions model of student understanding seek stabil- dence of difficulty: denial, withdrawal, and absurdism.
ity and rigidity; in this model, student understanding has Denial. Students openly refuse to change their minds
been identified only when a relatively fixed idea that students about simultaneity. When students see the implications of the
hold has been found. A misconceptions theoretical orienta- tape player scenario, they become very agitated. If a member
tion probably presupposes stability as an outcome.26 of a group begins to recognize the logical necessity of the
In the misconceptions model, learning is expected to be relativity of simultaneity, the rest of the group might make
difficult and permanent. It might seem obvious that learning loud verbal objections to this member’s conclusions, as in
the relativity of simultaneity is difficult, but most of what we the following example.
know 共from common experience and from prior research兲 is
that students do not learn it at all.21,23 In the following I Dennis: We just figured out that the tape player
document that when students do learn the relativity of simul- plays in Alan’s frame.
taneity using the instructional materials described in Refs. 21 Tom: But it can’t. In Beth’s frame they hit her at
and 23, they do so by a process consistent with the miscon-
the same time. So she won’t hear it.
ceptions model.
The instructional materials that my colleagues and I have Jane: But look down here, it’s asking if she hears it
described include a particular scenario that appears to be and if the tape will have wound from its starting
pivotal to student learning of the relativity of simultaneity. position. If the tape is going to play, that’s it, it’s
This pivotal scenario, which I call the “tape player” scenario, going to play.
is described in detail and in the context of other instructional
activities in Ref. 23. Tom: But it can’t play for Beth! She’s in the
The tape player scenario takes place in the context of a middle! They hit her at the same time!
modified version of Einstein’s train paradox. In this paradox Dennis: But we just figured out that it plays!
two sparks occur at either end of a train that moves with
relativistic speed relative to an observer 共Alan兲 who is at rest Tom: Right! And then a black hole opens up! And
on the ground. The sparks are simultaneous in Alan’s frame. God steps out! and he points his finger and says
Another observer 共Beth兲 is standing at the center of the train. 关shouting兴 “YOU CAN’T DO THAT!”
Students are asked whether, in Alan’s reference frame, Beth
receives the wavefront from the front spark 共wavefront F兲 This level of objection is a healthy response to the funda-
before, after, or at the same time as the wavefront from the mental issues raised by the special theory of relativity.
rear spark 共wavefront R兲. Most students recognize that in Withdrawal. In an interview students have no peers with
Alan’s frame, Beth receives wavefront F before wavefront R whom to conduct a debate, and their behavior tends to be
because in Alan’s frame she is moving toward the center of very different than in a classroom setting. Instead of denying
the front wavefront. or objecting to the implications of the tape player scenario,
The students’ next task is to determine the order of events they fall silent. Typically, they are unresponsive for 30 sec-
in the train frame. To assist students with this part of the onds or more and tend not to answer questions or make eye
analysis, we introduce a cassette tape player at Beth’s feet contact. When this period ends, they frequently have
that operates as follows: When wavefront F reaches the tape changed their minds, deciding, typically, that the tape player
player, it starts to play music. When wavefront R reaches it, must play in all frames of reference.
the tape player is silenced. If both wavefronts reach the tape Absurdism. Another common response to the tape player

276 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 3, March 2007 Rachel E. Scherr 276
scenario is for students to apparently give up on logic or on how that observer interprets those perceptions. We may in-
making their results consistent with one another. They will terpret these two perception-based beliefs as being special-
“resolve” a paradox by ascribing the results to magic or to izations of a single knowledge piece that I call visual reality:
quantum mechanics, as in the following example. the idea that what you see is what there is. This belief holds
Raj: Wait, so Alan hears it and Beth doesn’t? most of the time in our everyday lives, particularly with the
That’s one awesome tape player. order of observed events. If we see a red car pass and later
see a blue car pass, the red car really did pass first.
Marcus: That’s so cool!
The belief that simultaneity is absolute is not perceptual in
Teacher: But when you take the tape out, when you nature, and thus might be a specialization of a different
stop the train and you look at the tape, has it been knowledge piece: ultimate reality, the idea that things “really
wound or has it not been wound? happen” in only one way. Crime victims, police officers, and
Raj: This is what you were telling us last week. witnesses might report events differently, for example, but by
That in some universe Sara was wearing purple careful deduction we expect to be able to determine what
and in another one she was wearing blue or actually took place.
something. We can interpret some student statements about the rela-
tivity of simultaneity as being applications of these knowl-
The misconceptions model predicts that conceptual edge pieces. For example, a graduate student’s statement that
change will be not only difficult, but also, if achieved, per- “if I see 关the events兴 at different times, they occurred at
manent. Examination questions administered long after stu- different times in my reference frame” could be an 共incor-
dents complete the special relativity tutorials provide some rect兲 application of the visual reality knowledge piece. A
evidence that this change is permanent.23 More importantly, different student who stated, “If we are in relative motion we
the single intervention with the tape player scenario seems to will measure different distances and so on but if we are all
be the primary occasion for learning the relativity of simul- intelligent observers we will all figure out that the events
taneity. The instructional materials include opportunities for were simultaneous in our rods-and-clocks reference frame,”
practice, but later exercises have little of the dramatic impact might be 共incorrectly兲 applying the ultimate reality knowl-
of the first one. Hewson’s statement that “individuals replace edge piece. According to that student, things might look dif-
conceptions when faced with new anomalous experiences” ferent to different observers, but they really happen in only
共emphasis added兲 appears to be appropriate.14 one way 共in a “shared” reference frame兲.
Of course not all of student learning in special relativity, For many students, different tasks seem to activate differ-
even of the relativity of simultaneity, is difficult or perma- ent knowledge pieces. In particular, tasks in which people
nent. There are aspects with a very different character, as I see light signals elicit a very different pattern of responses
will show. However, this fact does not threaten the miscon- than tasks that are more disembodied, such as drawing a
ceptions characterization of student reasoning. The model spacetime diagram.21 In particular, the first class of tasks
does not claim that all student ideas are misconceptions of appears to activate visual reality, while the second class ac-
the caliber of absolute simultaneity; it encompasses a spec- tivates ultimate reality.
trum of possibilities, of which a misconception as rigid as We might equally well model student thinking in terms of
absolute simultaneity is an extreme case. But this extreme
knowledge pieces other than the two I have suggested here.
example illustrates the nature of this type of student idea.
My aim is not to demonstrate the existence and use of par-
Such extreme cases would also be the focus of the
misconceptions-oriented instructor or researcher. Stable, ticular knowledge pieces, but to illustrate that a pieces model
rigid, context-independent ideas would be the most crucial of student thinking can account for our observations.
obstacles to successful instruction, and therefore would de- The instructional materials summarized in Sec. IV and in
serve the most attention. Misconceptions that are “not Ref. 23 were designed by researchers with an implicit mis-
strongly held” might just take care of themselves, and so conceptions theoretical orientation. Nonetheless, the materi-
might never merit an instructor’s concern. als include activities consistent with the pieces instructional
agenda 共refining intuitions兲.28
The tape player scenario is preceded in the instructional
B. The pieces model of student thinking about the materials by exercises designed to guide students to formu-
relativity of simultaneity late appropriate procedures for the measurement of the time
Because no existing literature characterizes student under- of an event. In the first exercise, an observer wishes to know
standing of the relativity of simultaneity from a pieces theo- the time at which a beeper beeps but is constrained to a
retical perspective, I will undertake such a characterization. location far from the beeper. The observer is equipped with
The first task is to identify the knowledge elements that accurate meter sticks and synchronized clocks and has assis-
might be guiding student reasoning. Existing data on student tants who can help. Students are asked to describe two pro-
understanding of the relativity of simultaneity is rich enough cedures by which the observer can determine the time at
to make this identification plausible. In particular, the three which the beeper beeps using knowledge of the speed of
beliefs identified previously as forming “the misconception” sound in air and without using, knowing, or measuring the
can be recast in terms of two knowledge pieces: visual reality speed of sound first. In this way students articulate two op-
and ultimate reality. erational definitions for the time of a distant event: an ob-
The first and third beliefs—events are simultaneous if an server may record the time of arrival of the sound from the
observer receives signals from the events at the same instant, beeper, measure the distance to the beeper, and correct for
and every observer constitutes a distinct reference frame— the signal travel time, or an observer may place an assistant
both describe the perceptions of an individual observer, and at the beeper and have the assistant mark the time at which it

277 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 3, March 2007 Rachel E. Scherr 277
makes a sound. The exercise builds on student understanding als, the developers found it necessary to deal with this issue
of the finite nature of signal travel time, which generally by revisiting questions of observer location and signal travel
appears to be good. time repeatedly in the course of the exercises. This need for
In a subsequent exercise students generalize their mea- repetition is in stark contrast with the tape player exercise,
surement procedure and are asked to devise an arrangement for which a single iteration appears to be sufficient.
of observers and equipment for recording the position and Further evidence of fluidity is found in observations from
time of an arbitrary event. The term “reference frame” is individual student interviews in which we found that stu-
introduced to describe the system of observers. An “intelli- dents were easily able to shift between responses that we can
gent observer” is defined as an observer who takes into ac- account for with the visual reality knowledge piece, and re-
count signal travel time. After students have constructed the sponses that appear to draw on the ultimate reality knowl-
concept of a reference frame, they are asked to apply it. edge piece. Consider the interview protocol in which Mt.
Students are told that a horn is placed between an observer Rainier and Mt. Hood erupt simultaneously in the reference
and a distant beeper. The observer hears a honk and a beep at frame of the observer midway between them. In the follow-
the same instant. Students are asked to describe a method by ing sequence, a graduate student initially claims that an ob-
which the observer can measure the time separation between server 共Bob兲 closer to Mt. Rainier would measure Rainier’s
the emission of the two sounds in his/her reference frame eruption to occur first, but then changes his mind unproblem-
without knowing or measuring the speed of sound. They are atically when reminded to account for signal travel time 共I
also asked whether, in the observer’s reference frame, the ⫽interviewer, S⫽a graduate student兲.
beeper beeps before, after, or at the same time as the horn
honks. Students use the idea of a reference frame and the S: Bob, where is Bob. He’s at rest in the lab frame
definition of the time of an event to conclude that in order for at the base of Mt. Rainier. I would say that event 1
the signals to reach the observer simultaneously, the more 关Rainier’s eruption兴 would happen before event 2
distant event must have occurred first. 关Hood’s eruption兴 in that case since he’s much
We can model this sequence of instructional activities as a closer to Mt. Rainier. He would measure that.
process of refining intuitions. The intuition that “what you That’s what he’d measure.
see is what there is,” which I termed the visual reality knowl-
edge piece, has two competing specializations in this situa- I: What would be the measurement that he would
tion: the order in which you see events is the order in which do?
they occur, and the order in which you see events is the order
in which signals generated by the events arrive at your loca- S: He could just use that measurement, you know,
tion. The instructional materials are arranged so as to activate looks, well if you have very good sight, sees Mt.
students’ robust knowledge pieces about the finite nature of Rainier erupt and look and the light takes a finite
signal travel time, which support the second specialization.29 time to travel from Mt. Hood to him and then say,
I previously described the belief in absolute simultaneity Mt. Hood erupts some time later. So in his frame
as changing in a misconceptions-like way that appeared to be event 1 happens before event 2.
both difficult and permanent. The process of change for the
other two beliefs, which correspond to the visual reality 关Later in the interview兴
knowledge piece, appears to be different—the change is rela- I: Suppose that it takes some time for the signal to
tively easy and often temporary. In the classroom, categories
get from Hood to Bob.
of student behavior include common sense, comfort, and flu-
idity. S: Yeah. Bob’s at Rainier, yeah.
Common sense. Far from appealing to magic, students use
common sense when dealing with issues of signal travel I: So there’s the time that the signal actually gets to
time, bringing in everyday experience and easily reconciling Bob, and then there’s the time that Hood actually
physics definitions with their own interpretations. They know erupted, which was a while ago. However long
from their ordinary experience that signals take a finite ago. A thousandth of a second ago. Suppose that all
amount of time to travel from one place to another, and they of the observers corrected for that, so that they
extend that knowledge readily to light signals. figured out how long it took the signals to get to
Comfort. When students consider changing their mind them and so on, and then they subtracted that off
about the idea that every observer constitutes a distinct ref- from the time that they read at their location to
erence frame, they are quite comfortable with the prospect.
figure out when the eruption actually happened ac-
Although they initially tend to neglect signal travel time,
they are willing and able to include it when prompted. When cording to their measurement.
working through the first section of the instructional materi- S: You mean so they could determine the precise
als, in which issues of signal travel time are addressed, stu- time?
dents answer questions quickly and readily agree with one
another. I: So that they could determine the time that it
Fluidity. If anything, students agree with each other too erupted correcting for the amount of time it took
readily in the activities that involve signal travel time, some- the signal to get from the mountain to them.
times seeming to change their minds without actively con-
sidering alternatives. Students change their minds fluidly: S: I would say that since Bob and Alan are both not
they change, and then change back, progressing and relaps- moving the time would just be x / c. The time it
ing, revisiting the same ideas many times as if from scratch takes the signal to get there. So their correction
each time. In developing the described instructional materi- would be correct.

278 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 3, March 2007 Rachel E. Scherr 278
I: So suppose they did that correction, then what
pared to implement either intuition-refinement or elicit-
would they decide about whether event 1 happened confront-resolve strategies, depending on the nature of
before, after, or at the same time as event 2? student reasoning in particular situations.
S: For Alan 关the observer in the middle兴, I think it’s Many physics instructors and physics education research-
easy, if he corrects for both times the two effects ers 共perhaps implicitly兲 use either the pieces model or the
would just, I do not know if cancel is the right misconceptions model to inform their instructional and re-
word, but he measured them simultaneous anyway search agendas. We necessarily see our students through a
and then he corrects for the time it takes to get theoretical lens that shapes our interpretations. The data
about student thinking in special relativity suggest a chal-
there since the path lengths are equal he’ll still
lenge: to be aware of the extremes of student behavior that
measure them at the same time. For Bob, when he fall outside the norm suggested by our model of student
corrects, since he’s at rest, I believe he would then thinking. That means keeping the properties associated with
say yes they did happen at the same time. the pieces model in mind, because we tend to default to the
misconceptions model.30 We can keep ourselves open to ob-
The pieces model predicts that in many cases students serving diverse types of student ideas by thinking in terms of
have insights relatively easily, but that sometimes those in- individual properties of student ideas, including those out-
sights do not “stick”—students who have decided on a par- lined in this paper.
ticular conclusion do not necessarily stay committed to it for
very long. This lack of commitment is typical of student
responses to questions about the order of events for different
observers at rest relative to one another. Such questions recur ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
regularly in the instructional materials, and each time many
students revisit the idea as if considering it for the first time. The work described in this paper is a collaborative effort
Apparently, student understanding of reference frame issues by members of the Physics Education Research Group at the
is temporary. University of Maryland and other colleagues. The analysis
More evidence of temporariness comes from the fact that was inspired by insightful questions posed by David Ham-
in some implementations of the instructional materials, stu- mer. I am especially grateful for the intellectual contributions
dents take a diagnostic quiz after completing the activities of Michael C. Wittmann, E. F. Redish, Andrew Elby, Andrea
about reference frame, but before experiencing the tape- diSessa, and an anonymous reviewer. This research is sup-
player scenario. On that diagnostic quiz, students as a group ported in part by the National Science Foundation 共Grant No.
do much better than before the reference-frame activities, but REC 008-7519兲.
not nearly as well as they do after the tape-player scenario.23
Apparently the understanding they gain in doing the 1
J. Clement, “Student preconceptions in introductory mechanics,” Am. J.
reference-frame activities is not really “fixed” until they Phys. 50共1兲, 66–71 共1982兲.
learn the relativity of simultaneity. 2
M. McCloskey, “Naive theories of motion,” in Mental Models, edited by
The three properties of students’ interaction with the ma- D. Gentner and A. Stevens 共Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1983兲, pp. 299–324;
terial I have outlined are consistent with one of the possibili- D. Hestenes, M. Wells, and G. Swackhamer, “Force Concept Inventory,”
ties described by a pieces model of conceptual change. They Phys. Teach. 30, 141–158 共1992兲.
D. I. Dykstra, C. F. Boyle, and I. A. Monarch, “Studying conceptual
are not well characterized by the misconceptions formula- change in learning physics,” Sci. Educ. 76共6兲, 615–652 共1992兲.
tion. Of course, there are aspects of student learning that do 4
S. Vosniadou, “Capturing and modeling the process of conceptual
not have the properties discussed in this section. There are change,” Learn. Instr. 4, 45–69 共1994兲.
times that change is difficult and permanent, instead of easy A. diSessa, “Towards an epistemology of physics,” Cogn. Instruct. 10共2–
and temporary. The pieces model easily accommodates these 3兲, 105–225 共1993兲.
cases as well as the more exemplary case described in this J. Smith, A. diSessa, and J. Roschelle, “Misconceptions reconceived: A
constructivist analysis of knowledge in transition,” J. Learn. Sci. 3共2兲,
section. The pieces model does not insist that student re- 115–163 共1993兲.
sponses be fluctuating and context-dependent; it only allows 7
J. Minstrell, “Facets of students’ knowledge and relevant instruction,” in
for those possibilities. Research in Physics Learning: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Studies,
edited by R. Duit, F. Goldberg, and H. Niedderer 共IPN, Kiel, Germany,
1992兲, pp. 110–128.
A more theoretically precise definition of context 共and references to other
definitions兲 appears in D. Hammer, A. Elby, R. E. Scherr, and E. F.
The available data about student reasoning in special rela- Redish, “Resources, framing, and transfer,” in Transfer of Learning: Re-
tivity favors both the misconceptions and pieces models of search and Perspectives, edited by J. Mestre 共Information Age Publish-
student reasoning. For the fact that simultaneity is relative, ing, Greenwich, CT, 2004兲.
student ideas are more consistent with a misconceptions M. S. Sabella, “Using the context of physics problem-solving to evaluate
the coherence of student knowledge,” Ph.D. dissertation, Department of
model 共or with the misconceptions-like part of a pieces Physics, University of Maryland, 1999 共unpublished兲.
model兲. In contrast, students learning about the nature of a 10
A. Elby, “Helping physics students learn about learning,” Am. J. Phys.
reference frame behave more as predicted at the other end of 69, S54–S64 共2001兲.
the spectrum of possibilities in the pieces model. My analy- L. Lising and A. Elby, “The impact of epistemology on learning: A case
sis suggests that we might find it useful to explicitly recog- study from introductory physics,” Am. J. Phys. 73共4兲, 372–382 共2005兲.
nize both the misconceptions-like and the pieces-like ex- A review of various terms used in the literature appears in J. H. Wander-
see, J. J. Mintzes, and J. D. Novak, “Research on alternative conceptions
tremes of student behavior that we observe in instructional in science,” in Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning,
and research settings. Researchers should expect to locate edited by D. Gabel 共Simon & Schuster Macmillan, New York, 1994兲, pp.
both incorrect but coherent ideas and correct but inappropri- 177–210.
ately applied ideas in students. Instructors should be pre- This characterization of misconceptions is in contrast to the idea that

279 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 3, March 2007 Rachel E. Scherr 279
misconceptions are items on an unstructured list of wrong student ideas. G. J. Posner, K. A. Strike, P. W. Hewson, and W. A. Gertzog, “Accom-
An example of such a list appears at modation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual
具典. change,” Sci. Educ. 66, 211–227 共1982兲.
Hewson, for example, states that individuals “replace 关conceptions兴 when 25
S. Panse, J. Ramadas, and A. Kumar, “Alternative conceptions in Gal-
faced with new anomalous experiences.” See P. W. Hewson, “A case ilean relativity: Frames of reference,” Int. J. Sci. Educ. 16, 63–82 共1994兲;
study of conceptual change in special relativity: The influence of prior J. Ramadas, S. Barve, and A. Kumar, “Alternative conceptions in Gal-
knowledge in learning,” Eur. J. Sci. Educ. 4, 61–78 共1982兲, p. 63. ilean relativity: Inertial and non-inertial observers,” ibid. 18, 615–629
L. C. McDermott, “Oersted Medal Lecture 2001: Physics education re- 共1996兲; E. Saltiel and J. L. Malgrange, “‘Spontaneous’ ways of reasoning
search: The key to student learning,” Am. J. Phys. 69共11兲, 1127–1137 in elementary kinematics,” Eur. J. Phys. 1, 73–80 共1980兲; A. Villani and
共2001兲. J. L. A. Pacca, “Students’ spontaneous ideas about the speed of light,” Int.
D. Hammer, “Student resources for learning introductory physics,” Am. J. Sci. Educ. 9, 55–66 共1987兲; A. Villani and J. L. A. Pacca, “Spontane-
J. Phys. 68, S52–S59 共2000兲. ous reasoning of graduate students,” ibid. 12, 589–600 共1990兲.
D. Tirosh, R. Staby, and S. Cohen, “Cognitive conflict and intuitive 26
For more about the effect of the researcher’s agenda on data collection
rules,” Int. J. Sci. Educ. 20, 1257–1269 共1998兲. and interpretation, see R. E. Scherr and M. C. Wittmann, “The challenge
See, for example, the discussions of systematicity in Ref. 5 and patterns
of listening: The effect of research agenda on data collection and inter-
of association in E. F. Redish, Teaching Physics 共Wiley, Hoboken, NJ,
pretation,” and M. C. Wittmann and R. E. Scherr, “Student epistemologi-
19 cal stance constraining researcher access to student thinking: An example
A. diSessa and B. L. Sherin, “What changes in conceptual change?” Int.
from an interview on charge flow,” in Physics Education Research Con-
J. Sci. Educ. 20共10兲, 1155–1191 共1998兲.
20 ference Proceedings 2002, edited by S. Franklin, K. Cummings, and J.
See Ref. 10. For other accounts of intuition refinement as an instructional
approach, see A. diSessa, “Momentum flow as an alternative perspective Marx.
in elementary mechanics,” Am. J. Phys. 48共5兲, 365–369 共1980兲; J. Min- It is also possible to characterize this instructional sequence as a process
strell, “Explaining the ‘at rest’ condition of an object,” Phys. Teach. 20, of refining intuitions, consistent with the pieces model of student think-
10–20 共1982兲; J. Clement, D. Brown, and A. Zeitsman, “Not all precon- ing. The relevant knowledge piece is the one termed “ultimate reality.”
ceptions are misconceptions: Finding ‘anchoring conceptions’ for ground- The common 共inappropriate兲 refinement of that knowledge piece is
ing instruction on students’ intuitions,” Int. J. Sci. Educ. 11, 554–565 “Events that are simultaneous in one frame are simultaneous in all
共1989兲; D. E. Brown, “Re-focusing core intuitions: A concretizing role for frames;” the correct refinement is “Events that happen in one frame hap-
analogy in conceptual change,” J. Res. Sci. Teach. 30共10兲, 1273–1290 pen in all frames.” The classroom observations support the misconcep-
共1993兲; D. J. Grayson, “Concept substitution: A teaching strategy for tions characterization of the instructional sequence.
helping students disentangle related physics concepts,” Am. J. Phys. It should come as no surprise that the instructional materials are not
72共8兲, 1126–1133 共2004兲. perfectly theoretically consistent, especially when the theoretical orienta-
21 tion of the researchers was implicit. In any case, the goal of the materials
R. E. Scherr, P. S. Shaffer, and S. Vokos, “Student understanding of time
in special relativity: Simultaneity and reference frames,” Am. J. Phys. was not to enact a particular instructional agenda, but to teach students
69, S24–S35 共2001兲. particular concepts in physics. The approach was pragmatic.
22 29
As I discuss later, I had an implicit misconceptions theoretical orientation We may also model this instructional sequence in terms of misconcep-
at the time that the research was conducted, which may have biased me tions as done in Ref. 23. The classroom observations support the pieces
toward stability in the data. characterization of the instructional sequence.
23 30
R. E. Scherr, P. S. Shaffer, and S. Vokos, “The challenge of changing A. Elby, “Why teachers should care about cognitive theory,” abstract for
deeply held student beliefs about the relativity of simultaneity,” Am. J. 125th National Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers,
Phys. 70共12兲, S1238–S1248 共2002兲. Boise, ID 共2002兲.

280 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 3, March 2007 Rachel E. Scherr 280

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