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MAT: 05202167754 ANT

GENERALIDADES ............................................................................................................................................................................3
PROGRAMA DE ANÁLISIS Y DISEÑO. .......................................................................................................................................3
DOCUMENTOS DE REFERENCIA ................................................................................................................................................3
1. CARGAS DE DISEÑO ..............................................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Carga Muerta Cubierta. ...................................................................................................................................................4
1.2. Carga Viva Cubierta. ........................................................................................................................................................4
1.3. Carga Muerta Mezanine. ..................................................................................................................................................5
1.4. Carga Viva Mezanine. .......................................................................................................................................................5
1.5. Carga de Sismo. .................................................................................................................................................................6
2. ANALISIS DE SISTEMAS DE RESISTENCIA SISMICA. ..................................................................................................8
3. MODELO DE ANALISIS BODEGAS. ....................................................................................................................................9
4. MODELO DE ANALISIS MEZANINES................................................................................................................................12
5. CARGAS SOBRE ELEMENTOS. ........................................................................................................................................15
6. ESFUERZOS EN ELEMENTOS. ..........................................................................................................................................18
6.1. Combinación 1.2D + 1.6L. ...........................................................................................................................................18
6.2. Combinación 0.9D+Ex+0.3Ez. ....................................................................................................................................21
6.3. Combinación 0.9D+0.3Ex+Ez. ....................................................................................................................................24
7. DISEÑO DE ESCALERA METALICA. ................................................................................................................................26
8. DEFORMACIONES EN ELEMENTOS. ...............................................................................................................................45
A continuación se las deformaciones ......................................................................................................................................45
9. SALIDAS DE RAM ELEMENTS. ..........................................................................................................................................46
10. DISEÑO DE CONEXIONES. ...........................................................................................................................................304
Anclaje de Columnas de Bodega .............................................................................................................................................304
Diseño metaldeck Mezanine. .....................................................................................................................................................317
Diseño End plates conexion. ....................................................................................................................................................319

La presente memoria de cálculo contiene los criterios y análisis utilizados para el diseño de (5)
cinco bodegas con sus respectivo mezanines metalicos para el Proyecto Centro de Distrubucion y
Logistica Pereira, las estructuras estaran conformadas por conformados por Porticos Resistentes
a Momentos con capaciada de Disipacion Minima (DMI) y en en el sentido longitudinal de la
bodega Porticos Ariostrados Concentricamente con capaciadad Especial (DES), en los mezanines
se usaran Porticos Resisntente a Momentos Especiales (DES) en el sentido transversal (fachadas)
y en el sentido corto Porticos Ariostrados Concentricamente con capaciada Especial (DES).

Todos los sistemas estructurales estaran conformados por perifles armados tipo H, incliuyendo
vigas y viguetas secundarias, para los elementos de cubierta se usaran perfiles doblados en frio
tipo PHR.

Para los analisis estructurales y de ejecucion los mezanines y bodegas son estrcuturas
independientes, por lo tantos se analizan por separado.


Los análisis y cálculos se realizaron mediante el siguiente software de análisis y diseño:

RAM Elements 13.0 y para el diseño de conexiones Ram Connections 9.0 ambos programas
desarrollado por Bentley.

Ayudas de cálculo en hojas electrónicas desarrolladas por Gonvarri MS Colombia.

Programa de diseño para pernos en concreto HILTI.


 American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc; “Steel Construction Manual”, 2010.

 Seismic Design Manual Second Edition 2010.
 American Iron and Steel Institute. (AISI S100-07) North American Specification for the
Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.
 Normas Colombianas de Diseño y Construcción Sismo Resistente, NSR-10.

1.1. Carga Muerta Cubierta.

Se considera una carga muerta sobre la estructura de bodega, el peso propio se considerado por
el software de análisis.


Teja tipo sanduche 0.12
Red contra incendio 0.05
Luces 0.05
Peso propio 0.40

Peso cerramiento: Cerramiento teja metalica + Estructura: 0.12 kN/m2

1.2. Carga Viva Cubierta.

La carga viva se analizara de acuerdo al uso de la edificación:


De acuerdo a uso 0.5

1.3. Carga Muerta Mezanine.
Se considera una carga muerta sobre la estructura, el peso propio se considerado por el software
de análisis.


Tablero metalico +concreto 1.90
Acabados 1.00
Particiones livianos 0.50
Cielo raso 0.25
Peso propio 0.50

1.4. Carga Viva Mezanine.

La carga viva se analizara para uso de oficinas:


De acuerdo a uso 2.00

1.5. Carga de Sismo.
Para el análisis de la carga de sismo se tomaron los datos de una microzonificacion de la zona
(ver abajo) de acuerdo a decreto 932 de 9 de cotubre de 2011, el analisis implementado es un
analisis por fuerza horizontal equivalente (FHE).

A continuacion se indica las fuerzas aplicadas sobre la estructura de bodega.


Dirección X-X y Z-Z para Bodegas
piso wi hpiso hx wi x hx cvx Fx ax
cubierta 5194.2 12.20 12.2 66008 100.0% 4675 120%
5194 12.20 66008 100% 4675 0%

Aa 0.25
Av 0.25 PRM -DMI
Fv 2.4
Fa 1.44
I 1.0
Cu 1.03
α 0.8
Ta 0.53
T 0.55
Sa 0.90
Vs= 4674.78
K 1.02
Ct 0.07
AaFaI 0.36
hequiv 9.15

A continuacion se indica las fuerzas aplicadas sobre la estructura de mezanines.


Dirección X-X y Z-Z para mezanine
piso wi hpiso hx wi x hx cvx Fx ax
Mezanine 857.6 6.00 6.0 5145 100.0% 772 120%
858 6.00 5145 100% 772 0%

Aa 0.25
Av 0.25 PRM -DES
Fv 2.4
Fa 1.44
I 1.0
Cu 1.03
α 0.8
Ta 0.30
T 0.31
Sa 0.90
Vs= 771.80
K 1.00
Ct 0.07
AaFaI 0.36
hequiv 4.50

Del analisis anterio se obtiene que el valos de Sa = 0.90


Para el dimensionamiento de los elemntos que conforman los sistemas de resistanecia sismica, se
tubieron en cuienta los siguientes criterios.

Porticos en el sistema Transversal resistentes a Momento DMI, se toma un valor de R0=3, este
criterio obedec a:
I. Estructuras de bodegas (estructuras que no presentan ocupacion de personas) que no hagan
parte del grup de uso IV y que no superen los 12.0m de altura, se pueden usar porticos DMI
como sistema.
II. El manual de provisiones sismicas del AISC de 2010, permite el no cumplimiento en el
detallado de conexiones alto y relaciones ancho espesor cuando se usen sistemas con
disipacion de energia R=3.

Porticos Longitudinales Ariostrados Concentricos DES, el valor de R0=5.0

Conservadoramente se toma el menor de los dos valores para el dsieño global de las bodegas
R0=3.0, obteniendo finalmente R=0.9x1x1x3 = 2.7

Con estas hipotesis se dimensionan las columnas y vigas de cubierta en la bodega que cumplan
relacion de compacidad para DMO
H/tw = 776mm/9mm = 86.2 < 3.76√E/Fy CUMPLE.

b/t = 122mm/12mm = 10.1 < 0.38√E/Fy CUMPLE.

Para los porticos ariostrados concentricamente se deben cumplir relaciones ancho espesor para

Riostra Circular 5SCH 40, diametro exterior 141.0 mm, espesor 6.55mm calidad ASTM A53 Gr-B

D/t =141/6.55= 21.5 < 0.038 E/Fy CUMPLE.

H/tw = 570mm/9mm = 63.3 < 2.45√E/Fy CUMPLE.

b/t = 145mm/15mm = 9.6 < 0.38√E/Fy CUMPLE.


Para el análisis de las bodegas se desprecia la rigidez de las perlines de cubierta y de fachadas,
si se tienene en cuenta para los pesos, pero solo se modela los elemntos de los sistemas de
resistencia sismica.
Modelo Tridimensional.

Secciones usadas en el modelo.

Modelo con longitudes y materiales usados.

Secciones uadas en el modelo.


Para el modelo de mezanines se realiza un modelo tridimensional en el cual se tienen encuanta

los elementos del sistema de resistencia sismica.
Modelo Tridimensional.

Secciones usadas en el modelo.

Modelo con longitudes y materiales usados.

Secciones uadas en el modelo.


A continuación se indicaran los casos de carga, (kN/m o kN)

Carga Muerta Bodega:

Carga Muerta Mezanine:

Carga Viva de mezanine y de cubierta:
Carga Sismo:
A continuación se indicaran los esfuerzos últimos (momento, Cortante y Axial), con los que se
procedió a realizar el diseño, (kN). Se inicia con el caso 1.2D+1.6L, posterior se mostrara el resto
de combinaciones dominantes.

6.1. Combinación 1.2D + 1.6L.

D: carga Muerta
L: Carga Viva.



6.2. Combinación 0.9D+Ex+0.3Ez.

D: carga Muerta
Ex, Ez: Sismo en X y Z.
6.3. Combinación 0.9D+0.3Ex+Ez.
A continuación se los esfuerzos y resultados
Caso de carga Muerta

Caso de carga viva

Porcentaje trabajo (OK)

Current Date: 7/03/2018 2:03 p. m.

Units system: SI
File name: G:\Tecnica\Cotizaciones\2015\36774 CMC LOGISTICA BODEGAS PEREIRA\02 Ingeniería\01 Memorias de Cálculo\Ejecucion\RevE
(Diseño naves ind)\Model RAM Mezanine\Mezanine h=5.78 m.etz\

Steel Code Check

Report: Comprehensive

Members: Hot-rolled
Design code: AISC 360-2010 LRFD

Member : 73
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: C 10X15.3 (US)

bf = 66.040 [mm] Width
d = 254.000 [mm] Depth
k = 25.400 [mm] Distance k
tf = 11.074 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.096 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 2890.317
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 2.80E+07 9.45E+05
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 2.80E+07 9.45E+05
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 142.741
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 98.447 18.080
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 98.447 18.080
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 86992.357
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.22E+10
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] -38.524 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.21E+05 18845.122
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.21E+05 64307.835
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.21E+05 18845.122
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.21E+05 64307.835
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.61E+05 38345.726
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.61E+05 38345.726
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 106.426
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 1464.513 1548.384
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 6806.729

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.85

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
5.85 5.85

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.85 0.40 5.85 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway


Axial tension

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 645.66 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 7.45 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 645.66 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 7.45
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 717.41 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 536.08 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 2.95 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 536.08 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 2.95
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.85
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 59.44 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.56 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2890.32 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 595.65 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 395.58 [KN] Reference : Sec. E4
Demand : 2.95 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 629.24 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 2.95
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 0.40
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 22.12 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 4.03 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2890.32 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.24 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 699.16 Eq. E3-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 395.58 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.85
Flexural constant (H) -- 0.87 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E4-5
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2890.32 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E3-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 439.53 Eq. E4-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.83
Capacity : 20.42 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 16.93 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 58.20 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 64.67 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 16.93
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 20.42 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 0.90 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 22.04 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.07 Eq. F2-8b
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 3.34 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.13 Eq. C-F1-3
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.10 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 22.68 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 6.74 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.26 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 6.74 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 7.48 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.26


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 196.29 [KN]
Demand : 0.08 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 196.29
Web slenderness (w) -- 5.96 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1464.51
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 218.10 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 207.54 [KN]
Demand : 11.35 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 207.54
Web slenderness (w) -- 33.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1548.38
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 230.59 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.83
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.83 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 16.93
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 20.42 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.03
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 6.74 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 395.58 Sec. E4

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.84
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 16.93
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 20.42 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.03
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 6.74 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 2.25
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 645.66 Eq. Sec. D2
Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis
Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 74
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: C 10X15.3 (US)


bf = 66.040 [mm] Width

d = 254.000 [mm] Depth
k = 25.400 [mm] Distance k
tf = 11.074 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.096 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 2890.317
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 2.80E+07 9.45E+05
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 2.80E+07 9.45E+05
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 142.741
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 98.447 18.080
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 98.447 18.080
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 86992.357
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.22E+10
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] -38.524 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.21E+05 18845.122
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.21E+05 64307.835
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.21E+05 18845.122
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.21E+05 64307.835
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.61E+05 38345.726
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.61E+05 38345.726
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 106.426
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 1464.513 1548.384
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 6806.729

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.85
Distance between member lateral bracing points
Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
5.85 5.85

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.85 0.40 5.85 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 645.66 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 7.88 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 645.66 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 7.88
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 717.41 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.02
Capacity : 536.08 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 9.39 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 536.08 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 9.39
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.85
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 59.44 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.56 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2890.32 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 595.65 Eq. E3-1
Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.02
Capacity : 395.58 [KN] Reference : Sec. E4
Demand : 9.39 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 629.24 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 9.39
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 0.40
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 22.12 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 4.03 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2890.32 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.24 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 699.16 Eq. E3-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 395.58 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.85
Flexural constant (H) -- 0.87 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E4-5
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2890.32 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E3-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 439.53 Eq. E4-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.47
Capacity : 28.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -13.19 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 58.20 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 64.67 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -13.19
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 28.34 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 0.90 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 22.04 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.07 Eq. F2-8b
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 3.34 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.57 Eq. C-F1-3
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 31.49 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.08
Capacity : 6.74 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.57 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 6.74 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 7.48 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -0.57


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 196.29 [KN]
Demand : 0.16 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 196.29
Web slenderness (w) -- 5.96 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1464.51
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 218.10 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 207.54 [KN]
Demand : 13.36 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 207.54
Web slenderness (w) -- 33.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1548.38
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 230.59 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.52
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.52 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -13.19
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 28.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.27
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 6.74 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 9.39
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 395.58 Sec. E4

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.51
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -13.19
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 28.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.27
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 6.74 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 645.66 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 67
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: C 10X15.3 (US)


bf = 66.040 [mm] Width

d = 254.000 [mm] Depth
k = 25.400 [mm] Distance k
tf = 11.074 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.096 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 2890.317
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 2.80E+07 9.45E+05
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 2.80E+07 9.45E+05
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 142.741
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 98.447 18.080
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 98.447 18.080
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 86992.357
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.22E+10
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] -38.524 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.21E+05 18845.122
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.21E+05 64307.835
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.21E+05 18845.122
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.21E+05 64307.835
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.61E+05 38345.726
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.61E+05 38345.726
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 106.426
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 1464.513 1548.384
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 6806.729

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.33

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
6.33 6.33

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.33 0.40 6.33 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 645.66 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 8.74 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 645.66 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 8.74
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 717.41 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 519.43 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 5.10 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 519.43 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 5.10
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.33
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 64.28 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.48 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2890.32 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 577.15 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 389.60 [KN] Reference : Sec. E4
Demand : 5.10 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 629.24 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 5.10
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 0.40
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 22.12 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 4.03 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2890.32 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.24 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 699.16 Eq. E3-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 389.60 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.33
Flexural constant (H) -- 0.87 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E4-5
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2890.32 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E3-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 432.88 Eq. E4-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.68
Capacity : 20.06 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 13.71 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 56.25%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 58.20 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 64.67 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 13.71
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 20.06 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 0.90 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 22.04 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.07 Eq. F2-8b
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 3.34 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.21 Eq. C-F1-3
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.10 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 22.29 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 6.74 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.01 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.96
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 6.74 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 7.48 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.01


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 196.29 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 196.29
Web slenderness (w) -- 5.96 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1464.51
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 218.10 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 207.54 [KN]
Demand : 12.73 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 207.54
Web slenderness (w) -- 33.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1548.38
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 230.59 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.68
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 56.25% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.68 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 13.71
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 20.06 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 6.74 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 389.60 Sec. E4

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.68
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 56.25% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 13.71
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 20.06 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 6.74 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.96
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 645.66 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Members: Cold-formed
Design code: AISI 2001 Sup. 2004 LRFD

Member : 91
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: PHR CC 160x60x2 (US)


a = 15.000 [mm] Lip

b = 60.000 [mm] Flange width
c = 160.000 [mm] Depth
r = 4.000 [mm] Inside bend radius
t = 2.000 [mm] Thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 1170.459
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 4.55E+06 2.68E+06
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 62.364 47.853
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.99E+06
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.68E+08
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 56902.617 44670.990
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 56902.617 44670.990
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 78.608

Material : A570 Gr50 cold form

Description Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Major axis Minor axis

Effective length factor (K) -- 1.00 1.00
Effective length factor for torsion -- 1.00
Unbraced compression length (Lx, Ly) [m] 3.30 3.30
Length for torsion and lateral-torsional buckling [m] 3.30
Lateral bracing -- No No

Additional hypotheses
Bearing length [mm] 0.00
Positive flange fastened No
Negative flange fastened No
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No


Verification Unit Value Ctrl EQ Reference
Maximum geometric slenderness (L/r) -- 68.98 (Com. C4F)
Geometric slenderness (KL/r) -- 68.98



Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.33
Capacity : 17.60 [KN*m] Reference : (Sec. C3)
Demand : 5.86 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Nominal flexural strength (Mnx) [KN*m] 18.53 (Sec. C3)
Nominal flexural strength with Fy (Mnxo) [KN*m] 18.53 (Eq. C3.1.1-1)
Elastic section modulus of effective section at Fy (Sex) [mm3] 53745.26 (Sec. C3.1.1)
Lateral torsional buckling nominal flexural strength (Mnc) [KN*m] 18.53 (Sec. C3.1.2)
Elastic buckling stress for bending (Fe) [KN/mm2] 53.85 (Sec. C3.1.2.1)
Critical buckling stress (Fc) [KN/mm2] 0.34 (Sec. C3.1.2.1)
Elastic section modulus of effective section at Fc (Scx) [mm3] 53745.26 (Sec. C3.1.2.1)
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.26
End moment coefficient in interaction formula (Cm) -- 0.85

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.03
Capacity : 9.75 [KN*m] Reference : (Sec. C3)
Demand : -0.33 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Nominal flexural strength (Mny) [KN*m] 10.83 (Sec. C3)
Nominal flexural strength with Fy (Mnyo) [KN*m] 10.83 (Eq. C3.1.1-1)
Elastic section modulus of effective section at Fy (Sey) [mm3] 31410.89 (Sec. C3.1.1)
Lateral torsional buckling nominal flexural strength (Mnc) [KN*m] 14.22 (Sec. C3.1.2)
Elastic buckling stress for bending (Fe) [KN/mm2] 87.92 (Sec. C3.1.2.1)
Critical buckling stress (Fc) [KN/mm2] 0.34 (Sec. C3.1.2.1)
Elastic section modulus of effective section at Fc (Scy) [mm3] 41236.31 (Sec. C3.1.2.1)
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.21
End moment coefficient in interaction formula (Cm) -- 0.85


Shear parallel to minor axis, V2

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 87.49 [KN] Reference : (Sec. C3.2)
Demand : 3.40 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D7 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 92.09 (Sec. C3.2)

Shear parallel to major axis, V3

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 75.46 [KN] Reference : (Sec. C3.2)
Demand : -0.16 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 79.43 (Sec. C3.2)



Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 364.38 [KN] Reference : (Eq. C2-1)
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Nominal tension strength (Tn) [KN] 404.86 (Sec. C2)


Ratio : 0.28
Capacity : -188.63 [KN] Reference : (Sec. C4)
Demand : -52.08 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Nominal compression strength (Pn) [KN] -221.92 (Eq. C4.1)
Axial elastic buckling stress (Fe) [KN/mm2] 0.41 (Sec. C4.2)
Effective net area at stress at stress Fy (Ae) [mm2] 826.33 (Sec. B)
Nominal axial strength with Fy (Pno) [KN] -284.87 (Sec. C4)
Nominal buckling stress (Fn) [KN/mm2] 0.24 (Sec. C4)
Effective net area at stress at stress Fn (Ae) [mm2] 911.59 (Sec. B)



Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 14.53 [KN*m] Reference : (AISC, Sec. H)
Demand : -0.06 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Nominal torsion strength [KN*m] 15.29




Combined bending and web crippling ratio

Ratio : 0.00
Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

*The equation has been modified for a maximum ratio equal to 1.0

Combined bending and shear ratio (x-x)

Ratio : 0.34
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%
Reference : C3.3.2-1

Combined bending and shear ratio (y-y)

Ratio : 0.03
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%
Reference : C3.3.2-1

Combined flexure and tension ratio

Ratio : 0.35
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%
Reference : C5.1.2-2

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Nominal flexural strength with gross properties (Mnxt) [KN*m] 19.73 (Sec. C5.1)
Nominal flexural strength with gross properties (Mnyt) [KN*m] 15.44 (Sec. C5.1)

Combined flexure and compression ratio

Ratio : 0.51
Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00%
Reference : C5.2.2-1

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Elastic buckling strength (PEx) [KN] 829.79 (Sec. C5.2.1)
Elastic buckling strength (PEy) [KN] 487.08 (Sec. C5.2.1)
Magnification factor (x) -- 0.95 (Sec. C5.2.1)
Magnification factor (y) -- 0.91 (Sec. C5.2.1)


Ratio : 0.51
Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00% Reference : C5.2.2-1

A continuación se las deformaciones


Las deformaciones de la bodega se toman de acuerdo a las consideraciones del ASCE-10 para naves industricales, para la cual por
los elementos de divisiones (teja metalica) se permite un limite de 2% como deriva maxima.


Marcacion de elementos

Current Date: 10/02/2017 9:16 a. m.

Units system: SI
File name: G:\Tecnica\Cotizaciones\2015\36774 CMC LOGISTICA BODEGAS PEREIRA\02 Ingeniería\01 Memorias de Cálculo\Ejecucion\RevE
(Diseño naves ind)\Model RAM Bodega\36774 CMC 4.0 (@ 6.85) completo Reacciones (+ muros mamp).etz\

Steel Code Check

Report: Comprehensive
Members: Hot-rolled
Design code: AISC 360-2010 LRFD

Member : 635
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 725.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 12285.675
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 287.860 50.468
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 287.860 50.468
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.58E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 292.251
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 6285.675
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 38142.768

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27
Laterally unbraced length
Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3285.98 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3651.09 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 2029.09 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 124.36 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2029.09 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 33.43 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.77 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9619.59 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.98 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.98 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2254.55 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 1146.70 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 124.36 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1146.70 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 111.37 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.13 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1274.11 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1522.15 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1691.27 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.69
Capacity : 1115.86 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -770.63 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1132.78 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 1064.30 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1258.65 Sec. F4.2
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1115.86 Sec. F1
The ratio of the web area to the flange area (aw) -- 2.93 Eq. F4-12
Radius of gyration of the compression flange (rt) [mm] 59.76 Eq. F4-11
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 1.87 Eq. F4-7
Calculated stress used in the calculation of nominal strength (FL) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. F4-6a
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 60.03 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 6.55 Eq. F4-8
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.60 Eq. F1-1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.30 Eq. F4-5
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 1239.84 Eq. F4-2
Factored compression flange yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1127.29 Sec. F1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Compression flange yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1252.55 Eq. F4-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.07 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 83.33%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.22
Capacity : 603.73 [KN]
Demand : 131.41 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 603.73
Web slenderness (w) -- 108.44 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8709.68
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 670.81 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.75
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.75 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -770.63
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1115.86 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.06
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 131.53
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1213.57 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.69
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -770.63
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1115.86 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.06
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 636
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 725.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 12285.675
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 287.860 50.468
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 287.860 50.468
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.58E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 292.251
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 6285.675
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 38142.768

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3285.98 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3651.09 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 2029.09 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 124.53 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2029.09 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 33.43 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.77 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9619.59 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.98 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.98 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2254.55 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 1146.70 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 124.53 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1146.70 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 111.37 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.13 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1274.11 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1522.15 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1691.27 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.72
Capacity : 1104.35 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -793.62 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1132.78 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 1064.30 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1258.65 Sec. F4.2
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1104.35 Sec. F1
The ratio of the web area to the flange area (aw) -- 2.93 Eq. F4-12
Radius of gyration of the compression flange (rt) [mm] 59.76 Eq. F4-11
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 1.87 Eq. F4-7
Calculated stress used in the calculation of nominal strength (FL) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. F4-6a
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 60.03 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 6.55 Eq. F4-8
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.58 Eq. F1-1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.30 Eq. F4-5
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 1227.05 Eq. F4-2
Factored compression flange yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1127.29 Sec. F1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Compression flange yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1252.55 Eq. F4-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.07 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 16.67%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.22
Capacity : 603.73 [KN]
Demand : 132.78 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 603.73
Web slenderness (w) -- 108.44 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8709.68
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 670.81 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.77
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.77 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -793.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1104.35 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.04
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 131.71
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1213.57 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.72
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -793.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1104.35 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.04
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 637
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)

D = 725.000 [mm] Calculation depth
bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 12285.675
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 287.860 50.468
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 287.860 50.468
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.58E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 292.251
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 6285.675
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 38142.768

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway


Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3285.98 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3651.09 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 2029.09 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 126.04 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2029.09 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 33.43 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.77 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9619.59 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.98 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.98 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2254.55 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 1146.70 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 126.04 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1146.70 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 111.37 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.13 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1274.11 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1522.15 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1691.27 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.72
Capacity : 1098.60 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -792.64 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1132.78 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 1064.30 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1258.65 Sec. F4.2
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1098.60 Sec. F1
The ratio of the web area to the flange area (aw) -- 2.93 Eq. F4-12
Radius of gyration of the compression flange (rt) [mm] 59.76 Eq. F4-11
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 1.87 Eq. F4-7
Calculated stress used in the calculation of nominal strength (FL) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. F4-6a
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 60.03 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 6.55 Eq. F4-8
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.57 Eq. F1-1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.30 Eq. F4-5
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 1220.67 Eq. F4-2
Factored compression flange yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1127.29 Sec. F1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Compression flange yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1252.55 Eq. F4-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.08 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 83.33%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.22
Capacity : 603.73 [KN]
Demand : 131.60 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 603.73
Web slenderness (w) -- 108.44 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8709.68
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 670.81 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.78
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.78 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -792.64
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1098.60 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 133.22
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1213.57 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.72
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -792.64
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1098.60 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 638
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 725.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 12285.675
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 287.860 50.468
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 287.860 50.468
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.58E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 292.251
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 6285.675
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 38142.768

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34

Description Unit Value
Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3285.98 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3651.09 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 2029.09 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 126.12 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2029.09 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 33.43 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.77 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9619.59 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.98 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.98 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2254.55 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 1146.70 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 126.12 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1146.70 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 111.37 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.13 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1274.11 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1522.15 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1691.27 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.73
Capacity : 1094.11 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -802.36 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1132.78 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 1064.30 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1258.65 Sec. F4.2
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1094.11 Sec. F1
The ratio of the web area to the flange area (aw) -- 2.93 Eq. F4-12
Radius of gyration of the compression flange (rt) [mm] 59.76 Eq. F4-11
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 1.87 Eq. F4-7
Calculated stress used in the calculation of nominal strength (FL) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. F4-6a
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 60.03 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 6.55 Eq. F4-8
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.57 Eq. F1-1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.30 Eq. F4-5
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 1215.68 Eq. F4-2
Factored compression flange yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1127.29 Sec. F1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Compression flange yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1252.55 Eq. F4-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.07 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 16.67%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.22
Capacity : 603.73 [KN]
Demand : 132.18 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 603.73
Web slenderness (w) -- 108.44 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8709.68
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 670.81 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.79
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.79 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -802.36
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1094.11 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 133.30
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1213.57 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.73
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -802.36
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1094.11 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 639
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 725.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 12285.675
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 287.860 50.468
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 287.860 50.468
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.58E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 292.251
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 6285.675
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 38142.768

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3285.98 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3651.09 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 2029.09 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 123.23 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2029.09 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 33.43 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.77 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9619.59 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.98 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.98 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2254.55 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 1146.70 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 123.23 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1146.70 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 111.37 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.13 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1274.11 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1522.15 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1691.27 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.72
Capacity : 1103.66 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -799.56 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1132.78 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 1064.30 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1258.65 Sec. F4.2
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1103.66 Sec. F1
The ratio of the web area to the flange area (aw) -- 2.93 Eq. F4-12
Radius of gyration of the compression flange (rt) [mm] 59.76 Eq. F4-11
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 1.87 Eq. F4-7
Calculated stress used in the calculation of nominal strength (FL) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. F4-6a
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 60.03 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 6.55 Eq. F4-8
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.58 Eq. F1-1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.30 Eq. F4-5
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 1226.29 Eq. F4-2
Factored compression flange yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1127.29 Sec. F1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Compression flange yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1252.55 Eq. F4-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.11 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 66.67%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.22
Capacity : 603.73 [KN]
Demand : 133.53 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 603.73
Web slenderness (w) -- 108.44 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8709.68
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 670.81 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.78
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.78 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -799.56
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1103.66 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.06
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 130.41
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1213.57 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.73
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -799.56
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1103.66 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.06
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 640
Design status : OK
Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 725.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 12285.675
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 287.860 50.468
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 287.860 50.468
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.58E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 292.251
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 6285.675
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 38142.768

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3285.98 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3651.09 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 2029.09 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 122.90 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2029.09 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 33.43 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.77 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9619.59 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.98 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.98 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2254.55 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 1213.57 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 130.08 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 11.26
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1213.57 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 135.94 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.11 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12070.79 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.82 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.82 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.09 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1348.42 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1651.26 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 11018.14 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.75 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.75 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.12 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1834.73 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.67
Capacity : 1125.24 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -757.46 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1132.78 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 1064.30 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1258.65 Sec. F4.2
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1125.24 Sec. F1
The ratio of the web area to the flange area (aw) -- 2.93 Eq. F4-12
Radius of gyration of the compression flange (rt) [mm] 59.76 Eq. F4-11
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 1.87 Eq. F4-7
Calculated stress used in the calculation of nominal strength (FL) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. F4-6a
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 60.03 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 6.55 Eq. F4-8
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.61 Eq. F1-1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.30 Eq. F4-5
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 1250.26 Eq. F4-2
Factored compression flange yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1127.29 Sec. F1
Web plastification factor (Rpc) -- 1.18 Eq. F4-4
Compression flange yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1252.55 Eq. F4-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.13 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 16.67%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.22
Capacity : 603.73 [KN]
Demand : 131.02 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 603.73
Web slenderness (w) -- 108.44 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8709.68
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 670.81 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.73
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.73 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -757.46
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1125.24 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.09
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 130.08
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1213.57 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.67
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -757.46
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1125.24 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.09
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 641
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 725.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 12285.675
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 287.860 50.468
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 287.860 50.468
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.58E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 292.251
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 6285.675
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 38142.768

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.18

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 3.18

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.18 3.18 3.18 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3285.98 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3651.09 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 2218.02 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 88.57 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 11.26
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2218.02 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 8.33 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 28.42 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9953.55 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.68 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.68 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2464.47 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1950.06 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 88.57 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 11.26
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1950.06 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 68.96 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.42 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 10423.71 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.71 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.71 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 2166.73 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 2060.69 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.18
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.70 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.70 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 10223.01 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.69 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.69 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2289.65 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.53
Capacity : 386.15 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -205.33 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 382.96 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 2.81 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 66.62 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 8.07 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.32 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 1.20 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.16 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.16
Capacity : 603.73 [KN]
Demand : 98.14 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 603.73
Web slenderness (w) -- 108.44 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8709.68
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 670.81 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.56
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.56 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -205.33
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.12
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 82.97
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1847.03 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.53
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -205.33
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.12
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 642
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 725.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 12285.675
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 287.860 50.468
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 287.860 50.468
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.58E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 292.251
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 6285.675
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 38142.768

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.18

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 3.18

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.18 3.18 3.18 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3285.98 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3651.09 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 2218.02 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 87.59 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 11.26
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2218.02 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 8.33 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 28.42 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9953.55 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.68 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.68 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2464.47 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 1950.06 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 87.59 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 11.26
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1950.06 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 68.96 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.42 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 10423.71 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.71 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.71 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 2166.73 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 2060.69 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.18
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.70 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.70 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 10223.01 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.69 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.69 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2289.65 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.48
Capacity : 386.15 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -185.80 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 382.96 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 2.81 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 66.62 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 8.07 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.21 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 1.10 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.16 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.15
Capacity : 603.73 [KN]
Demand : 93.23 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 603.73
Web slenderness (w) -- 108.44 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8709.68
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 670.81 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.49
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.49 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -185.80
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.07
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 32.85
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1847.03 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.48
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -185.80
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.07
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 643
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x300x15x9 (BR)

bf = 300.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 14130.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 9.09E+08 6.75E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 9.09E+08 6.75E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 253.646 69.134
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 253.646 69.134
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 8.14E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 5.78E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 3.03E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 3.03E+06 4.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 3.03E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 3.03E+06 4.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.36E+06 6.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.36E+06 6.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 262.899
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 9000.000 5130.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 54234.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.15

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
9.00 9.00

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
9.00 6.15 9.00 1.18 1.90 -

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type Recommended
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway


Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3156.49 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3156.49 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3507.21 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.08
Capacity : 2646.03 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 207.80 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.88
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2646.03 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 9.00
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 41.87 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.13 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12884.89 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2940.03 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.27
Capacity : 768.01 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 207.80 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.88
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 768.01 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.90
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.15
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 169.28 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.07 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 14130.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.06 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 853.35 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1884.14 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 9.00
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 13549.07 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.96 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.96 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2093.49 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.72
Capacity : 751.37 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -538.94 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.85
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 751.37 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 752.13 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 834.86 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 751.37 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.45 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 80.73 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 9.52 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.97 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.38 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 834.86 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 150.79 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -2.06 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : id18 at 68.75%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.85
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 167.54 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1206.30 [KN]
Demand : -0.70 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : id18 at 68.75%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1206.30
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 9000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1340.33 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 687.59 [KN]
Demand : 76.98 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 687.59
Web slenderness (w) -- 63.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 5130.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 763.99 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.80
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.80 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -538.94
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 751.37 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 126.99
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 768.01 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.72
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -538.94
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 751.37 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 3156.49 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :
Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis
Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 644
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 500x300x15x9 (BR)


bf = 300.000 [mm] Width

d = 500.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 13230.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 6.07E+08 6.75E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 6.07E+08 6.75E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 214.249 71.444
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 214.249 71.444
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 7.89E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.68E+06 6.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.68E+06 6.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 225.847
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 9000.000 4230.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 52614.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.15

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
12.30 12.30

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
12.30 6.15 12.30 1.18 1.90 -

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type Recommended
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2955.44 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2955.44 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3283.82 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.13
Capacity : 2282.60 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 285.86 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.51
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2282.60 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 12.30
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 67.74 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12942.21 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.98 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.98 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2536.22 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.37
Capacity : 767.95 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 285.86 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.51
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 767.95 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.90
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.15
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 163.81 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.07 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 13230.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.06 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 853.27 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1601.29 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 12.30
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 13230.00 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.13 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1779.21 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.73
Capacity : 598.58 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -434.96 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 23.98
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 602.94 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 665.08 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.57 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 82.10 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 10.13 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.32 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.30 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 665.08 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 150.79 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 2.24 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 100.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 23.98
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 167.54 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1206.30 [KN]
Demand : -0.70 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1206.30
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 9000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1340.33 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.12
Capacity : 566.96 [KN]
Demand : 70.77 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 566.96
Web slenderness (w) -- 52.22 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 4230.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 629.96 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.86
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1a

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.86 Eq. H1-1a
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -434.96
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 164.26
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 767.95 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.73
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -434.96
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2955.44 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 645
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 500x300x15x9 (BR)


bf = 300.000 [mm] Width

d = 500.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 13230.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 6.07E+08 6.75E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 6.07E+08 6.75E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 214.249 71.444
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 214.249 71.444
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 7.89E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.68E+06 6.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.68E+06 6.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 225.847
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 9000.000 4230.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 52614.000

Material : A36
Properties Unit Value
Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.15

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
12.30 12.30

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
12.30 6.15 12.30 1.18 1.90 -

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type Recommended
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2955.44 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2955.44 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3283.82 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.14
Capacity : 2278.83 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 321.06 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.51
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2278.83 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 12.30
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 68.00 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12944.89 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.98 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.98 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2532.04 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.42
Capacity : 767.95 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 321.06 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.51
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 767.95 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.90
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.15
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 163.81 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.07 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 13230.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.06 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 853.27 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1601.29 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 12.30
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 13230.00 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.13 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1779.21 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.57
Capacity : 598.58 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -343.08 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 23.98
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 602.94 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 665.08 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.57 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 82.10 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 10.13 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.30 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.30 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 665.08 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 150.79 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 2.23 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 23.98
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 167.54 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1206.30 [KN]
Demand : -0.70 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1206.30
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 9000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1340.33 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.09
Capacity : 566.96 [KN]
Demand : 52.02 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 566.96
Web slenderness (w) -- 52.22 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 4230.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 629.96 Eq. G2-1

Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.75
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1a

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.75 Eq. H1-1a
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -343.08
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 184.16
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 767.95 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.57
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -343.08
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2955.44 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 646
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 500x300x15x9 (BR)


bf = 300.000 [mm] Width

d = 500.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 13230.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 6.07E+08 6.75E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 6.07E+08 6.75E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 214.249 71.444
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 214.249 71.444
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 7.89E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.68E+06 6.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.68E+06 6.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 225.847
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 9000.000 4230.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 52614.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.15

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
12.30 12.30

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
12.30 6.15 12.30 1.18 1.90 -

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type Recommended
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2955.44 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2955.44 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3283.82 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.14
Capacity : 2278.83 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 319.96 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.51
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2278.83 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 12.30
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 68.00 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12944.89 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.98 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.98 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2532.04 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.42
Capacity : 767.95 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 319.96 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.51
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 767.95 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.90
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.15
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 163.81 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.07 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 13230.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.06 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 853.27 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1601.29 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 12.30
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 13230.00 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.13 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1779.21 Eq. E7-1

Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.54
Capacity : 598.58 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -325.82 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 23.98
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 602.94 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 665.08 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.57 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 82.10 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 10.13 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.32 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.30 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 665.08 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 150.79 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 2.23 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 23.98
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 167.54 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1206.30 [KN]
Demand : -0.70 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1206.30
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 9000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1340.33 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.09
Capacity : 566.96 [KN]
Demand : 50.61 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 566.96
Web slenderness (w) -- 52.22 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 4230.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 629.96 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.72
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1a

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.72 Eq. H1-1a
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -323.92
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 183.15
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 767.95 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.54
Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -325.82
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2955.44 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 647
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 500x300x15x9 (BR)


bf = 300.000 [mm] Width

d = 500.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 13230.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 6.07E+08 6.75E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 6.07E+08 6.75E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 214.249 71.444
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 214.249 71.444
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 7.89E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.43E+06 4.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.68E+06 6.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.68E+06 6.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 225.847
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 9000.000 4230.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 52614.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.15

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
12.30 12.30

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
12.30 6.15 12.30 1.18 1.90 -

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type Recommended
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2955.44 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2955.44 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3283.82 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.13
Capacity : 2282.60 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 296.25 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.51
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2282.60 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 12.30
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 67.74 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12942.21 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.98 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.98 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2536.22 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.39
Capacity : 767.95 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 296.25 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.51
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 767.95 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.90
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.15
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 163.81 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.07 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 13230.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.06 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 853.27 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1601.29 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 12.30
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 13230.00 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.13 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1779.21 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.47
Capacity : 598.58 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -283.02 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : id19 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 23.98
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 602.94 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 665.08 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.57 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 82.10 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 10.13 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.32 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.30 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 665.08 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 150.79 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 2.24 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 23.98
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 52.22
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 167.54 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1206.30 [KN]
Demand : -0.70 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1206.30
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 9000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1340.33 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.08
Capacity : 566.96 [KN]
Demand : 42.74 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 566.96
Web slenderness (w) -- 52.22 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 4230.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 629.96 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.69
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1a

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.69 Eq. H1-1a
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -234.24
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.39
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 261.35
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 767.95 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.47
Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -283.01
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 598.58 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2955.44 Eq. Sec. D2
Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis
Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 648
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 725.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 12285.675
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 287.860 50.468
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 287.860 50.468
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.58E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 292.251
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 6285.675
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 38142.768

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.49
Distance between member lateral bracing points
Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 3.49

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.49 3.49 3.49 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3285.98 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3651.09 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 2217.20 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 99.69 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 11.26
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2217.20 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.49
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 9.14 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 23.60 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9954.90 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.68 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.68 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2463.56 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1895.28 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 99.69 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 11.26
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1895.28 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.49
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 75.67 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.34 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 10526.74 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.72 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.72 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 2105.86 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 2029.05 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.49
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.59 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.59 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 10279.43 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.70 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.70 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2254.50 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.60
Capacity : 386.15 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -231.08 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 382.96 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 2.81 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 66.62 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 8.07 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.33 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 1.02 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-2
Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.14 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : -0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.18
Capacity : 603.73 [KN]
Demand : 107.87 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 603.73
Web slenderness (w) -- 108.44 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8709.68
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 670.81 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.63
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.63 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -231.08
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.11
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 94.09
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1792.05 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.60
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -231.08
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.11
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 649
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 725.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 12285.675
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.02E+09 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 287.860 50.468
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 287.860 50.468
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.58E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.97E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.81E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.24E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 292.251
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 6285.675
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 38142.768

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.49

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 3.49

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.49 3.49 3.49 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3285.98 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3285.98 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3651.09 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 2217.20 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 98.98 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 11.26
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2217.20 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.49
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 9.14 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 23.60 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9954.90 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.68 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.68 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2463.56 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1895.28 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 98.98 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 11.26
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1895.28 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.49
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 75.67 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.34 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 10526.74 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.72 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.72 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 2105.86 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 2029.05 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.49
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.59 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.59 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 10279.43 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.70 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.70 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2254.50 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.49
Capacity : 386.15 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -189.62 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 382.96 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 2.81 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 66.62 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 8.07 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.36 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 1.04 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.15 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 19.97
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 108.44
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : -0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.17
Capacity : 603.73 [KN]
Demand : 103.93 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 603.73
Web slenderness (w) -- 108.44 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8709.68
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 670.81 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.52
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.52 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -189.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.11
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 93.37
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1792.05 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.49
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -189.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.11
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 650
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x300x15x9 (BR)


bf = 300.000 [mm] Width

d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 14130.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 9.09E+08 6.75E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 9.09E+08 6.75E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 253.646 69.134
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 253.646 69.134
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 8.14E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 5.78E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 3.03E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 3.03E+06 4.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 3.03E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 3.03E+06 4.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.36E+06 6.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.36E+06 6.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 262.899
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 9000.000 5130.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 54234.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.15

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
9.00 9.00

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
9.00 6.15 9.00 1.18 1.90 -

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type Recommended
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3156.49 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3156.49 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3507.21 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.08
Capacity : 2646.03 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 210.60 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : id18 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.88
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2646.03 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 9.00
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 41.87 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.13 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12884.89 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2940.03 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.27
Capacity : 768.01 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 210.60 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : id18 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.88
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 768.01 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.90
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.15
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 169.28 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.07 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 14130.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.06 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 853.35 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1884.14 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 9.00
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 13549.07 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.96 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.96 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2093.49 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.57
Capacity : 751.37 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 425.86 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.85
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 751.37 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 752.13 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 834.86 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 751.37 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.45 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 80.73 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 9.52 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.21 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.42 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 834.86 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 150.79 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -2.02 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 68.75%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.85
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 167.54 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1206.30 [KN]
Demand : -0.68 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 68.75%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1206.30
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 9000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1340.33 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 687.59 [KN]
Demand : -78.81 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 35.42%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 687.59
Web slenderness (w) -- 63.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 5130.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 763.99 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.67
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.67 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 425.86
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 751.37 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 153.05
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 768.01 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.57
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 425.86
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 751.37 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 3156.49 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 651
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 450x250x12x6 (BR)


bf = 250.000 [mm] Width

d = 450.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 8556.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 195.344 60.443
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 195.344 60.443
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.19E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.50E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 204.482
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 2556.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 26556.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.96

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.96

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.96 6.96 6.96 1.0 1.0 1.0
Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1911.32 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2123.68 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1628.26 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 87.73 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1628.26 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.96
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 35.63 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.55 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7743.38 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1809.18 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.09
Capacity : 939.93 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 87.73 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 939.93 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.96
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 115.16 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8245.35 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.96 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.96 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.12 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1044.37 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1196.97 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.96
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.24 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.24 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8022.84 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.94 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.94 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1329.97 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.65
Capacity : 354.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -231.08 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.02 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 68.68 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 8.18 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.44 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.56 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.11 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : -0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.25
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 84.18 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2556.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.70
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.70 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -231.08
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.11
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 87.73
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 939.93 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.65
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -231.08
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.11
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 652
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x6x12 (BR)


D = 625.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 9602.882
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 6.72E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 6.72E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 264.529 57.056
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 264.529 57.056
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.31E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 2.94E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.38E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.38E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 270.612
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 3602.882
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 27602.882

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34

Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.48

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 3.48

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.48 3.48 3.48 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1915.52 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1915.52 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2128.36 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1700.06 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 80.36 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1700.06 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.48
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 17.83 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 6.21 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7725.97 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.22 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1888.96 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1492.36 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 80.36 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1492.36 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.48
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 57.71 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.59 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7842.65 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1658.17 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1538.71 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.48
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.75 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.75 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7815.08 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1709.68 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.41
Capacity : 355.30 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 146.62 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 355.30 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 361.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 394.77 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.03 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : -0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.08
Capacity : 339.34 [KN]
Demand : 28.42 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 339.34
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2574.83
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 377.04 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.44
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.44 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 146.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 355.30 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.03
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 80.36
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1492.36 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.41
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 146.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 355.30 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.03
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1915.52 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 653
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 450x250x12x6 (BR)


bf = 250.000 [mm] Width

d = 450.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 8556.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 195.344 60.443
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 195.344 60.443
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.19E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.50E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 204.482
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 2556.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 26556.000
Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.96

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.96

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.96 6.96 6.96 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1911.32 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2123.68 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1628.26 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 87.33 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1628.26 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.96
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 35.63 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.55 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7743.38 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1809.18 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.09
Capacity : 939.93 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 87.33 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 939.93 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.96
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 115.16 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.15 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8245.35 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.96 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.96 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.12 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1044.37 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1196.97 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.96
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.24 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.24 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8022.84 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.94 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.94 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1329.97 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.54
Capacity : 354.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -189.62 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.02 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 68.68 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 8.18 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.06 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.47 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.11 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : -0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.24
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 80.20 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2556.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.58
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.58 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -189.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.11
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 87.33
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 939.93 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.54
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -189.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.11
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 654
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x6x12 (BR)


D = 625.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness
Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 9602.882
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 6.72E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 6.72E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 264.529 57.056
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 264.529 57.056
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.31E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 2.94E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.38E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.38E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 270.612
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 3602.882
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 27602.882

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.48

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 3.48

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.48 3.48 3.48 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1915.52 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1915.52 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2128.36 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1700.06 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 80.15 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1700.06 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.48
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 17.83 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 6.21 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7725.97 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.22 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1888.96 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1492.36 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 80.15 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1492.36 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.48
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 57.71 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.59 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7842.65 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1658.17 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1538.71 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.48
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.75 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.75 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7815.08 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1709.68 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.45
Capacity : 355.30 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 160.38 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 355.30 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 361.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 394.77 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.04 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : -0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 339.34 [KN]
Demand : 24.43 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 339.34
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2574.83
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 377.04 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.48
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.48 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 160.38
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 355.30 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.04
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 80.15
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1492.36 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.45
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 160.38
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 355.30 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.04
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1915.52 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 656
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)

D = 650.000 [mm] Calculation depth
bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 11624.653
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 261.295 51.880
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 261.295 51.880
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.40E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.18E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 266.396
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 5624.653
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 36655.470

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 4.18

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 4.18

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
4.18 4.18 4.18 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway


Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2203.12 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2447.91 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 2085.67 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 114.97 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2085.67 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 22.29 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 3.97 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9576.62 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.97 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.97 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2317.41 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1647.98 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 114.97 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 74.26 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.36 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1831.09 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1801.60 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 4.18
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9802.41 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.99 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.99 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2001.77 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.56
Capacity : 386.15 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 214.84 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 382.96 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.02 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 517.67 [KN]
Demand : 32.50 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 517.67
Web slenderness (w) -- 47.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3862.25
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 575.19 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.59
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.59 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 214.84
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.02
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 114.97
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.56
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 214.84
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.02
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Member : 658
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 650.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 11624.653
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 261.295 51.880
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 261.295 51.880
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.40E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.18E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 266.396
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 5624.653
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 36655.470

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 4.18

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 4.18

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
4.18 4.18 4.18 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2203.12 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2447.91 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 2085.67 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 115.02 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2085.67 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 22.29 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 3.97 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9576.62 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.97 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.97 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2317.41 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1647.98 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 115.02 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 74.26 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.36 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1831.09 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1801.60 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 4.18
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9802.41 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.99 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.99 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2001.77 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.54
Capacity : 386.15 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 209.11 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 382.96 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.02 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 517.67 [KN]
Demand : 33.89 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 517.67
Web slenderness (w) -- 47.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3862.25
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 575.19 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.58
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.58 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 209.11
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 115.02
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.54
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 209.11
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 660
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 650.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 11624.653
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 261.295 51.880
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 261.295 51.880
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.40E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.18E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 266.396
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 5624.653
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 36655.470

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 4.18

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 4.18

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
4.18 4.18 4.18 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2203.12 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2447.91 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 2085.67 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 116.63 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2085.67 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 22.29 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 3.97 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9576.62 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.97 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.97 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2317.41 Eq. E7-1
Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1647.98 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 116.63 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 74.26 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.36 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1831.09 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1801.60 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 4.18
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9802.41 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.99 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.99 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2001.77 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.51
Capacity : 386.15 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 195.62 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 382.96 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.02 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 33.33%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 517.67 [KN]
Demand : 32.84 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 517.67
Web slenderness (w) -- 47.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3862.25
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 575.19 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.54
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.54 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 195.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 116.63
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.51
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 195.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 662
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 650.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 11624.653
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 261.295 51.880
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 261.295 51.880
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.40E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.18E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 266.396
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 5624.653
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 36655.470

Material : A36
Properties Unit Value
Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 4.18

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 4.18

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
4.18 4.18 4.18 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2203.12 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2447.91 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 2085.67 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 116.65 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2085.67 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 22.29 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 3.97 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9576.62 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.97 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.97 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2317.41 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1647.98 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 116.65 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 74.26 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.36 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1831.09 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1801.60 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 4.18
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9802.41 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.99 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.99 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2001.77 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.50
Capacity : 386.15 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 193.19 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 382.96 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.02 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 83.33%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 517.67 [KN]
Demand : 33.43 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 517.67
Web slenderness (w) -- 47.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3862.25
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 575.19 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.54
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.54 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 193.19
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 116.65
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.50
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 193.19
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 664
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 650.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 11624.653
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 261.295 51.880
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 261.295 51.880
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.40E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.18E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 266.396
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 5624.653
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 36655.470

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 4.18

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 4.18

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
4.18 4.18 4.18 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2203.12 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2447.91 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 2085.67 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 113.65 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2085.67 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 22.29 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 3.97 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9576.62 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.97 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.97 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2317.41 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1647.98 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 113.65 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 74.26 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.36 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1831.09 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1801.60 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 4.18
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9802.41 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.99 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.99 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2001.77 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.55
Capacity : 386.15 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 212.17 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 382.96 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.02 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 33.33%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 517.67 [KN]
Demand : 34.51 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 517.67
Web slenderness (w) -- 47.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3862.25
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 575.19 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.58
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.58 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 212.17
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.01
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 113.65
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.55
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 212.17
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.01
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 666
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x250x9x12 (BR)


D = 650.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 11624.653
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 7.94E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 261.295 51.880
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 261.295 51.880
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.40E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.18E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.44E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.79E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 266.396
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 5624.653
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 36655.470

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 4.18

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 4.18

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
4.18 4.18 4.18 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2203.12 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2447.91 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 2085.67 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 113.56 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2085.67 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 22.29 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 3.97 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9576.62 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.97 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.97 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 2317.41 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1647.98 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 113.56 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.85
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 4.18
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 74.26 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.36 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9862.25 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1831.09 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1801.60 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 4.18
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.53 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 9802.41 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.99 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.99 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2001.77 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.58
Capacity : 386.15 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 222.68 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 382.96 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 429.06 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.04 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.57
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 47.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 517.67 [KN]
Demand : 31.98 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 517.67
Web slenderness (w) -- 47.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3862.25
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 575.19 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.61
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.61 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 222.68
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.03
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 113.56
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1647.98 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.58
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 222.68
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 386.15 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.03
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2203.12 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 667
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 450x250x12x6 (BR)

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width

d = 450.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 8556.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 195.344 60.443
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 195.344 60.443
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.19E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.50E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 204.482
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 2556.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 26556.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.34

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.34

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.34 6.34 6.34 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway


Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1911.32 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2123.68 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1643.47 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 76.60 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1643.47 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.34
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 32.45 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.87 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7735.08 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1826.08 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1048.50 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 76.60 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1048.50 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.34
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 104.87 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8144.72 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.95 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.95 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1165.00 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1255.47 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.34
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7979.06 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.93 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.93 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1394.97 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.58
Capacity : 354.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -205.33 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.02 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 68.68 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 8.18 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.56 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.68 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.12 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1

Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.23
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 77.02 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2556.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.62
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.62 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -205.33
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.12
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 76.60
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1048.50 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.58
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -205.33
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.12
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 668
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 500x250x12x6 (BR)


D = 650.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 500.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 9733.478
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 7.31E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 7.31E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 274.042 56.672
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 274.042 56.672
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.33E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.18E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.25E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.25E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.25E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.25E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.49E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.49E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 279.840
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 3733.478
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 27733.478

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.17

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 3.17

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.17 3.17 3.17 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1978.33 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1978.33 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2198.15 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 1710.04 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 69.41 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.17
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 79.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1710.04 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.17
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 14.72 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 9.10 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7731.65 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.87 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.87 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1900.04 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1532.94 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 69.41 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.17
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 79.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1532.94 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.17
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 53.41 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.69 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7837.45 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.88 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.88 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1703.27 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1572.96 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.17
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.88 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.88 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7812.33 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.88 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.88 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1747.73 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.28
Capacity : 402.96 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 112.15 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.60
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 79.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 402.96 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 408.27 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 447.74 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.04 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.60
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 79.33
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.08
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 25.90 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 79.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2856.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.88 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.30
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.30 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 112.15
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 402.96 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.04
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 69.41
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1532.94 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.28
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 112.15
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 402.96 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.04
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1978.33 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 669
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 450x250x12x6 (BR)


bf = 250.000 [mm] Width

d = 450.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 8556.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 195.344 60.443
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 195.344 60.443
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.19E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.50E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 204.482
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 2556.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 26556.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.34

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.34

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.34 6.34 6.34 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1911.32 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2123.68 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1643.47 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 76.05 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1643.47 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.34
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 32.45 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.87 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7735.08 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1826.08 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1048.50 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 76.05 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1048.50 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.34
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 104.87 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8144.72 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.95 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.95 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1165.00 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1255.47 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.34
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7979.06 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.93 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.93 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1394.97 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.52
Capacity : 354.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -185.80 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.02 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 68.68 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 8.18 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.81 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.48 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.12 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.21
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 72.05 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2556.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.54
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.54 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -185.80
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.07
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 29.63
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1048.50 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.53
Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -185.80
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.07
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 670
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 500x250x12x6 (BR)


D = 625.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 250.000 [mm] Width
d = 500.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 9587.219
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 6.70E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 6.70E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 264.450 57.102
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 264.450 57.102
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.31E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 2.94E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 2.15E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.37E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.37E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 270.545
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 3587.219
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 27587.219

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.17

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 3.17

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.17 3.17 3.17 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1913.01 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1913.01 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2125.56 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 1701.49 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 68.93 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1701.49 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.17
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 16.25 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 7.48 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7712.66 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.22 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1890.55 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1527.92 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 68.93 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1527.92 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.17
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 52.54 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.71 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7808.86 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1697.69 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1564.53 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.17
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.89 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.89 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7787.57 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1738.36 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.36
Capacity : 354.72 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 126.00 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.72 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.57 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 394.14 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.04 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 337.85 [KN]
Demand : 21.45 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 337.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2563.56
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 375.39 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.38
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.38 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 126.00
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.72 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.04
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 68.93
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1527.92 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.36
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 126.00
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.72 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.04
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1913.01 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 942
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x300x15x9 (BR)


D = 800.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 300.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 15883.019
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.72E+09 6.75E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.72E+09 6.75E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 329.252 65.213
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 329.252 65.213
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 8.61E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.04E+13
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 4.31E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 4.31E+06 4.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 4.31E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 4.31E+06 4.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 4.85E+06 6.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 4.85E+06 6.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 335.648
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 9000.000 6883.019
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 57389.434

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.15

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
3.30 3.30

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.30 6.15 3.30 1.18 1.90 -

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type Recommended
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3156.49 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3156.49 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3507.21 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 2818.80 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 116.55 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.88
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2818.80 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.30
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 15.35 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 8.37 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12760.53 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.22 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 3132.00 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.15
Capacity : 768.01 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 116.55 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.88
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 768.01 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.90
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.15
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 169.28 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.07 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 14130.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.06 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 853.35 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 2648.08 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.30
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 1.14 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 1.14 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12883.36 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2942.31 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.31
Capacity : 1161.89 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 362.36 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 61.11%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 20.90
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 90.49
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1161.89 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 1142.64 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1290.99 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1161.89 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.22 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 77.99 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 8.75 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.25 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 1.40 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 1290.99 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 150.79 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 2.23 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : id18 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 20.00
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 107.78
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 167.54 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1206.30 [KN]
Demand : -0.70 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : id18 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1206.30
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 9000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1340.33 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 606.08 [KN]
Demand : 68.84 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 606.08
Web slenderness (w) -- 107.78 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8636.36
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 673.42 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.39
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.39 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 337.58
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1083.01 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.23
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 111.96
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 768.15 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.31
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 66.67% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 374.75
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1202.04 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.30
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 3678.65 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Member : 960
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 600x300x15x9 (BR)


D = 800.000 [mm] Calculation depth

bf = 300.000 [mm] Width
d = 600.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 9.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 15883.019
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.72E+09 6.75E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.72E+09 6.75E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 329.252 65.213
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 329.252 65.213
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 8.61E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.04E+13
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 4.31E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 4.31E+06 4.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 4.31E+06 4.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 4.31E+06 4.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 4.85E+06 6.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 4.85E+06 6.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 335.648
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 9000.000 6883.019
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 57389.434

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.15

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
3.30 3.30

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.30 6.15 3.30 1.18 1.90 -

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type Recommended
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 3156.49 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 3156.49 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 3507.21 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 2818.80 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 127.20 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.88
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 2818.80 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.30
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 15.35 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 8.37 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12760.53 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.22 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 3132.00 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.17
Capacity : 768.01 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 127.20 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.88
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 63.33
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 768.01 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.90
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.15
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 169.28 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.07 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 14130.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.06 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 853.35 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 2648.08 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.30
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 1.14 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 1.14 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 12883.36 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 2942.31 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.38
Capacity : 1006.01 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -384.06 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 38.89%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.51
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 80.62
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1006.01 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 995.85 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 1117.79 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 1006.01 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 3.30 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 78.94 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 8.97 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.24 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 1.42 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 1117.79 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 150.79 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 2.14 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 20.00
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 107.78
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 167.54 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1206.30 [KN]
Demand : -0.68 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D13 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1206.30
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 9000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1340.33 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.13
Capacity : 606.08 [KN]
Demand : -78.81 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 606.08
Web slenderness (w) -- 107.78 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 8636.36
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.52 Eq. G2-5
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 673.42 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.46
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 33.33% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.46 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -369.61
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 968.22 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.19
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 124.17
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 768.10 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.38
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 44.44% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -398.51
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 1044.27 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.24
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 150.79 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 3504.58 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 979
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 450x250x12x6 (BR)


bf = 250.000 [mm] Width

d = 450.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 8556.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 195.344 60.443
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 195.344 60.443
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.19E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.50E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 204.482
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 2556.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 26556.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34

Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1911.32 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2123.68 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1645.17 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 119.49 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1645.17 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 32.08 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.92 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7734.16 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1827.97 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 1061.15 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 119.49 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 103.67 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8133.68 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.95 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.95 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1179.06 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1262.50 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7973.94 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.93 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.93 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1402.78 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.63
Capacity : 354.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 222.68 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.08 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.24
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 80.45 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2556.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.68
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.68 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 222.68
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.03
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 114.96
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.63
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 222.68
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.03
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 1001
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 450x250x12x6 (BR)


bf = 250.000 [mm] Width

d = 450.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 8556.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 195.344 60.443
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 195.344 60.443
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.19E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.50E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 204.482
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 2556.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 26556.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1911.32 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2123.68 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1645.17 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 119.70 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1645.17 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 32.08 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.92 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7734.16 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1827.97 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 1061.15 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 119.70 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 103.67 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8133.68 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.95 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.95 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1179.06 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1262.50 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7973.94 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.93 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.93 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1402.78 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.60
Capacity : 354.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 212.18 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.07 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.01 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.25
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 82.98 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2556.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.65
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.65 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 212.18
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.01
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 115.17
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.60
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 212.18
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.01
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 1023
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 450x250x12x6 (BR)


bf = 250.000 [mm] Width

d = 450.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 8556.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 195.344 60.443
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 195.344 60.443
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.19E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.50E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 204.482
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 2556.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 26556.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1911.32 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2123.68 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1645.17 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 122.65 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1645.17 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 32.08 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.92 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7734.16 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1827.97 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.12
Capacity : 1061.15 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 122.65 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 103.67 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8133.68 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.95 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.95 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1179.06 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1262.50 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7973.94 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.93 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.93 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1402.78 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.55
Capacity : 354.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 193.20 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.05 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.24
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 81.75 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2556.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.60
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.60 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 193.20
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 118.12
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.55
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 193.20
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 1047
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 450x250x12x6 (BR)


bf = 250.000 [mm] Width

d = 450.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 8556.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 195.344 60.443
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 195.344 60.443
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.19E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.50E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 204.482
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 2556.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 26556.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1911.32 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2123.68 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1645.17 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 122.60 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1645.17 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 32.08 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.92 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7734.16 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1827.97 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.12
Capacity : 1061.15 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 122.60 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 103.67 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8133.68 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.95 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.95 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1179.06 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1262.50 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7973.94 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.93 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.93 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1402.78 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.55
Capacity : 354.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 195.62 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.05 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.24
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 81.17 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2556.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.61
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.61 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 195.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 118.07
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.55
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 195.62
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 1069
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 450x250x12x6 (BR)


bf = 250.000 [mm] Width

d = 450.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 8556.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 195.344 60.443
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 195.344 60.443
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.19E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.50E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 204.482
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 2556.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 26556.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway


Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1911.32 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2123.68 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1645.17 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 121.04 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1645.17 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 32.08 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.92 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7734.16 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1827.97 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 1061.15 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 121.04 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 103.67 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8133.68 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.95 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.95 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1179.06 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1262.50 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7973.94 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.93 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.93 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1402.78 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.59
Capacity : 354.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 209.11 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.05 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.24
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 82.29 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2556.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.65
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.65 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 209.11
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 116.50
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.59
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 209.11
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Member : 1093
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 450x250x12x6 (BR)


bf = 250.000 [mm] Width

d = 450.000 [mm] Height
tf = 12.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 8556.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.26E+08 3.13E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 195.344 60.443
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 195.344 60.443
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 3.19E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.50E+12
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.45E+06 2.50E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.59E+06 3.75E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 204.482
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 2556.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 26556.000

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 6.27

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
1.70 6.27

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
6.27 6.27 6.27 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1911.32 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2123.68 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.07
Capacity : 1645.17 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 120.92 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1645.17 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 32.08 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.92 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7734.16 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.21 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1827.97 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 1061.15 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 120.92 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.52
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 6.27
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 103.67 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 8133.68 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.95 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.95 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1179.06 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1262.50 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 6.27
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7973.94 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 0.93 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 0.93 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.16 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1402.78 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.61
Capacity : 354.34 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 214.84 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 360.17 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 393.71 Eq. F2-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 83.77 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.04 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 10.42
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 22.20
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 71.00
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 804.20 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D16 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 804.20
Web slenderness (w) -- 20.83 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 893.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.24
Capacity : 336.85 [KN]
Demand : 80.91 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 336.85
Web slenderness (w) -- 71.00 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2556.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 0.98 Eq. G2-4
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 374.28 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.66
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.66 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 214.84
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.02
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 116.39
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 1061.15 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.61
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 214.84
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 354.34 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.02
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 83.77 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1911.32 Eq. Sec. D2
Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis
Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Marcacion elementos Mezanines

Current Date: 10/02/2017 9:27 a. m.

Units system: SI
File name: G:\Tecnica\Cotizaciones\2015\36774 CMC LOGISTICA BODEGAS PEREIRA\02 Ingeniería\01 Memorias de Cálculo\Ejecucion\RevE
(Diseño naves ind)\Model RAM Mezanine\Mezanine h=5.78 m.etz\

Steel Code Check

Report: Comprehensive

Members: Hot-rolled
Design code: AISC 360-2010 LRFD

Member : 80
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: IPE 240 (US)


bf = 120.000 [mm] Width

d = 240.000 [mm] Depth
r = 15.000 [mm] Ratio
tf = 9.800 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.200 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 3910.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.89E+07 2.84E+06
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.89E+07 2.84E+06
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 99.770 26.951
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 99.770 26.951
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 1.29E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.74E+10
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 3.24E+05 47300.000
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 3.24E+05 47300.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 3.24E+05 47300.000
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 3.24E+05 47300.000
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.67E+05 73900.000
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.67E+05 73900.000
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 103.274
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 2352.000 1427.240
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 9549.292

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 0.30

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
0.30 0.30

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
0.30 0.30 0.30 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 873.45 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 873.45 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 970.50 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 873.04 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.12
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 30.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 873.04 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 0.30
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 3.01 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 218.26 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3910.00 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 970.04 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 867.77 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.12
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 30.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 867.77 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 0.30
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 11.13 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 15.93 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3910.00 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 964.19 Eq. E3-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 868.90 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 0.30
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 19.88 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 19.88 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3910.00 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E3-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 965.44 Eq. E4-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 81.98 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.02 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.12
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 30.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 81.98 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 91.09 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -0.02

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 16.51 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.12
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 30.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 16.51 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 18.34 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.00


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 315.25 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 315.25
Web slenderness (w) -- 6.12 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2352.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 350.27 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 212.55 [KN] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : -0.13 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 212.55 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 30.71 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1427.24
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 212.55 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.00
Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.00 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.02
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 81.98 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 16.51 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 867.77 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.02
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 81.98 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 16.51 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 873.45 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 81
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: IPE 270 (US)

bf = 135.000 [mm] Width

d = 270.000 [mm] Depth
r = 15.000 [mm] Ratio
tf = 10.200 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.600 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 4590.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 5.79E+07 4.20E+06
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 5.79E+07 4.20E+06
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 112.314 30.250
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 112.314 30.250
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 1.59E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 7.06E+10
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 4.29E+05 62200.000
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 4.29E+05 62200.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 4.29E+05 62200.000
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 4.29E+05 62200.000
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 4.84E+05 97000.000
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 4.84E+05 97000.000
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 116.191
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 2754.000 1714.680
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 11804.497

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 1.90

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
0.30 5.70

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.70 1.90 5.70 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1025.36 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1025.36 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 1139.28 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 895.34 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.62
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.27
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 895.34 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.70
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 50.75 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.77 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 4590.00 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.22 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 994.82 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 700.04 [KN] Reference : Sec. E4
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.62
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.27
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 833.06 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 1.90
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 62.81 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.50 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 4590.00 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.20 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 925.62 Eq. E3-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 700.04 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.70
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.27 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.27 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 4590.00 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.17 Eq. E3-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 777.82 Eq. E4-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.55
Capacity : 108.12 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 59.59 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.62
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.27
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 108.12 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 120.13 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 59.59

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 21.67 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.62
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 33.27
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 21.67 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 24.08 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.00


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 369.13 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 369.13
Web slenderness (w) -- 6.62 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2754.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 410.14 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.17
Capacity : 255.36 [KN] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : -43.10 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 255.36 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 33.27 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1714.68
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 255.36 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.55
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.55 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 59.59
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 108.12 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 21.67 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 700.04 Sec. E4

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.55
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 59.59
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 108.12 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 21.67 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1025.36 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :
Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis
Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 82
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: IPE 240 (US)


bf = 120.000 [mm] Width

d = 240.000 [mm] Depth
r = 15.000 [mm] Ratio
tf = 9.800 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.200 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 3910.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 3.89E+07 2.84E+06
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 3.89E+07 2.84E+06
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 99.770 26.951
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 99.770 26.951
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 1.29E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.74E+10
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 3.24E+05 47300.000
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 3.24E+05 47300.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 3.24E+05 47300.000
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 3.24E+05 47300.000
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 3.67E+05 73900.000
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 3.67E+05 73900.000
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 103.274
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 2352.000 1427.240
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 9549.292

Material : A36

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.25
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.40
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 0.30

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
0.30 0.30

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
0.30 0.30 0.30 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 873.45 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 873.45 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 970.50 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 873.04 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.12
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 30.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 873.04 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 0.30
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 3.01 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 218.26 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3910.00 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 970.04 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 867.77 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.12
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 15.89
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 30.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 42.29
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 867.77 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 0.30
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 11.13 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 15.93 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3910.00 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 964.19 Eq. E3-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 868.90 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 0.30
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 19.88 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 19.88 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3910.00 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E3-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 965.44 Eq. E4-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 81.98 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.02 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.12
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 30.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 81.98 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 91.09 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -0.02

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 16.51 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.12
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 28.38
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 10.79
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 30.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 161.78
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 106.72
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 16.51 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 18.34 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.00


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 315.25 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 315.25
Web slenderness (w) -- 6.12 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2352.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 350.27 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 212.55 [KN] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : 0.13 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 212.55 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 30.71 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1427.24
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 212.55 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.00
Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.00 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.02
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 81.98 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 16.51 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 867.77 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.02
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 81.98 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 16.51 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 873.45 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 83
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 280x200x15x6 (BR)


bf = 200.000 [mm] Width

d = 280.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 7500.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 122.889 51.646
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 122.889 51.646
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.68E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.51E+11
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 133.300
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 1500.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 31200.000

Material : A572 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.78

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
5.78 5.78

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.78 5.78 5.78 1.25 1.18 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2326.97 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 7.13 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 7.13
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2585.52 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 1799.44 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 64.04 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1799.44 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 64.04
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.25
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 58.93 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.57 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7468.28 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.27 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1999.37 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.10
Capacity : 667.88 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 64.04 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 667.88 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 64.04
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 132.25 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.11 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.10 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 742.09 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1669.14 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.78
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1854.60 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.16
Capacity : 275.75 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -44.59 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 278.90 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -44.59
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 2.19 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 57.24 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 7.17 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.24 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.72 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.23
Capacity : 93.08 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -21.71 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 103.42 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -21.71


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 1116.94 [KN]
Demand : 5.68 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1116.94
Web slenderness (w) -- 13.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1241.05 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 279.24 [KN]
Demand : 13.95 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 279.24
Web slenderness (w) -- 41.67 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1500.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 310.26 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression
Ratio : 0.37
Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.37 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 36.69
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -18.59
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 49.09
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 667.88 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.33
Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 36.69
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -18.59
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 84
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 280x200x15x6 (BR)


bf = 200.000 [mm] Width

d = 280.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 7500.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 122.889 51.646
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 122.889 51.646
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.68E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.51E+11
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 133.300
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 1500.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 31200.000

Material : A572 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.78

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
5.78 5.78

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.78 5.78 5.78 1.25 1.18 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2326.97 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2585.52 Eq. D2-1

Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 1799.44 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 94.37 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D6 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1799.44 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 94.37
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.25
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 58.93 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.57 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7468.28 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.27 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1999.37 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.14
Capacity : 667.88 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 94.37 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D6 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 667.88 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 94.37
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 132.25 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.11 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.10 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 742.09 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1669.14 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.78
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1854.60 Eq. E7-1

Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.16
Capacity : 275.75 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -44.58 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 278.90 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -44.58
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 2.19 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 57.24 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 7.17 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.24 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.72 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.23
Capacity : 93.08 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 21.71 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 103.42 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 21.71


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 1116.94 [KN]
Demand : -5.68 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1116.94
Web slenderness (w) -- 13.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1241.05 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 279.24 [KN]
Demand : 13.89 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 279.24
Web slenderness (w) -- 41.67 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1500.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 310.26 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.38
Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.38 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 36.63
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 18.74
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 67.26
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 667.88 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.33
Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 36.63
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 18.74
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 89
Design status : OK
Section information
Section name: SCH 40x168.3x7.11 (CN)


D = 168.600 [mm] Diameter

t = 7.110 [mm] Wall Thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 3640.244
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.18E+07 1.18E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.18E+07 1.18E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 56.982 56.982
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 56.982 56.982
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 2.31E+07
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 9.31E+06
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.87E+05 1.87E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.87E+05 1.87E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 80.585
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 2344.338 2344.338
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 2.90E+05

Material : A53 GrB

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.24
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.41
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 76.90


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.98

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
3.98 3.98

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.98 3.98 3.98 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 790.60 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 45.95 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 790.60 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 45.95
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 878.45 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.02
Capacity : 615.81 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 14.80 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 615.81 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 14.80
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.98
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 69.87 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.40 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3640.24 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 684.23 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.02
Capacity : 615.81 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 14.80 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 615.81 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 14.80
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.98
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 69.87 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.40 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3640.24 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 684.23 Eq. E3-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 40.53 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.60 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 45.04 Eq. F8-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -0.60

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 40.53 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.41 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 45.04 Eq. F8-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -0.41


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 237.18 [KN]
Demand : 0.10 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 237.18
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3640.24
Critical shear stress for round HSS (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 263.53 Eq. G6-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 237.18 [KN]
Demand : -0.71 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 237.18
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3640.24
Critical shear stress for round HSS (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 263.53 Eq. G6-1



Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 37.77 [KN*m]
Demand : 0.32 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored torsion capacity(Tn) [KN*m] 37.77
Critical torsional buckling stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal torsion capacity (Tn) [KN*m] 41.96 Eq. H3-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.03
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.03 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.51
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.15
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 14.80
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 615.81 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.05
Ctrl Eq. : D4 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.56
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.17
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 42.93
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 790.60 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined torsion, flexure, shear and axial compression

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined torsion, flexure, shear and axial tension

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 90
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: SCH 40x168.3x7.11 (CN)


D = 168.600 [mm] Diameter

t = 7.110 [mm] Wall Thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 3640.244
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.18E+07 1.18E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.18E+07 1.18E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 56.982 56.982
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 56.982 56.982
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 2.31E+07
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 9.31E+06
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.87E+05 1.87E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.87E+05 1.87E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 80.585
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 2344.338 2344.338
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 2.90E+05

Material : A53 GrB

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.24
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.41
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 76.90

Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.98

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
3.98 3.98

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.98 3.98 3.98 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 790.60 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 790.60 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 878.45 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 615.81 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 65.95 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D6 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 615.81 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 65.95
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.98
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 69.87 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.40 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3640.24 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 684.23 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 615.81 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 65.95 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D6 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 615.81 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 65.95
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.98
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 69.87 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.40 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3640.24 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.19 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 684.23 Eq. E3-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 40.53 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.59 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 45.04 Eq. F8-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -0.59

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 40.53 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.40 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 45.04 Eq. F8-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.40


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 237.18 [KN]
Demand : -0.06 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 237.18
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3640.24
Critical shear stress for round HSS (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 263.53 Eq. G6-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 237.18 [KN]
Demand : -0.71 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 237.18
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3640.24
Critical shear stress for round HSS (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 263.53 Eq. G6-1



Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 37.77 [KN*m]
Demand : -0.32 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored torsion capacity(Tn) [KN*m] 37.77
Critical torsional buckling stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal torsion capacity (Tn) [KN*m] 41.96 Eq. H3-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.07
Ctrl Eq. : D6 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.07 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.49
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.20
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 65.95
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 615.81 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.02
Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.59
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.40
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 790.60 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined torsion, flexure, shear and axial compression

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined torsion, flexure, shear and axial tension

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 95
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: SCH 40x168.3x7.11 (CN)


D = 168.600 [mm] Diameter

t = 7.110 [mm] Wall Thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 3640.244
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.18E+07 1.18E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.18E+07 1.18E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 56.982 56.982
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 56.982 56.982
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 2.31E+07
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 9.31E+06
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.87E+05 1.87E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.87E+05 1.87E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 80.585
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 2344.338 2344.338
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 2.90E+05

Material : A53 GrB

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.24
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.41
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 76.90


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 4.14

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
4.14 4.14

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
4.14 4.14 4.14 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 790.60 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 46.63 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 790.60 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 46.63
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 878.45 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.03
Capacity : 603.59 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 16.40 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 603.59 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 16.40
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 4.14
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 72.62 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.37 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3640.24 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 670.65 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.03
Capacity : 603.59 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 16.40 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 603.59 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 16.40
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 4.14
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 72.62 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.37 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3640.24 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 670.65 Eq. E3-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 40.53 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.56 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 45.04 Eq. F8-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -0.56

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 40.53 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.44 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 45.04 Eq. F8-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.44


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 237.18 [KN]
Demand : 0.10 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 237.18
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3640.24
Critical shear stress for round HSS (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 263.53 Eq. G6-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 237.18 [KN]
Demand : 0.70 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 237.18
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3640.24
Critical shear stress for round HSS (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 263.53 Eq. G6-1



Ratio : 0.02
Capacity : 37.77 [KN*m]
Demand : -0.57 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored torsion capacity(Tn) [KN*m] 37.77
Critical torsional buckling stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal torsion capacity (Tn) [KN*m] 41.96 Eq. H3-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.03
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.03 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.46
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.16
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 15.40
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 603.59 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.05
Ctrl Eq. : D4 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.53
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.17
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 44.16
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 790.60 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined torsion, flexure, shear and axial compression

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined torsion, flexure, shear and axial tension

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 96
Design status : OK
Section information
Section name: SCH 40x168.3x7.11 (CN)


D = 168.600 [mm] Diameter

t = 7.110 [mm] Wall Thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 3640.244
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.18E+07 1.18E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.18E+07 1.18E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 56.982 56.982
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 56.982 56.982
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 2.31E+07
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 9.31E+06
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.38E+05 1.38E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 1.87E+05 1.87E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 1.87E+05 1.87E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 80.585
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 2344.338 2344.338
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 2.90E+05

Material : A53 GrB

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.24
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.41
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 76.90


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 4.14

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
4.14 4.14

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
4.14 4.14 4.14 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 790.60 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 790.60 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 878.45 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.12
Capacity : 603.59 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 69.81 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D6 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 603.59 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 69.81
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 4.14
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 72.62 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.37 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3640.24 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 670.65 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.12
Capacity : 603.59 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 69.81 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D6 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 91.14
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 603.59 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 69.81
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 4.14
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 72.62 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.37 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 3640.24 Eq. E3-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.18 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 670.65 Eq. E3-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 40.53 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.55 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 45.04 Eq. F8-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -0.55

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 40.53 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -0.44 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 23.71
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 256.86
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 58.00
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 45.04 Eq. F8-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -0.44


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 237.18 [KN]
Demand : -0.06 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 237.18
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3640.24
Critical shear stress for round HSS (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 263.53 Eq. G6-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 237.18 [KN]
Demand : 0.70 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 237.18
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 3640.24
Critical shear stress for round HSS (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 263.53 Eq. G6-1



Ratio : 0.02
Capacity : 37.77 [KN*m]
Demand : 0.57 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored torsion capacity(Tn) [KN*m] 37.77
Critical torsional buckling stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Sec. H3.1
Nominal torsion capacity (Tn) [KN*m] 41.96 Eq. H3-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.07
Ctrl Eq. : D6 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.07 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.45
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.22
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 68.76
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 603.59 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.02
Ctrl Eq. : D3 at 0.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -0.55
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -0.40
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 40.53 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 790.60 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined torsion, flexure, shear and axial compression

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined torsion, flexure, shear and axial tension

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 19
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 280x200x15x6 (BR)


bf = 200.000 [mm] Width

d = 280.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 7500.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 122.889 51.646
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 122.889 51.646
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.68E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.51E+11
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 133.300
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 1500.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 31200.000

Material : A572 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34

Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.78

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
5.78 5.78

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.78 5.78 5.78 1.36 1.17 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2326.97 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2585.52 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.08
Capacity : 1726.45 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 144.06 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1726.45 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 144.06
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.36
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 63.81 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.48 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7491.22 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.26 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1918.28 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.21
Capacity : 677.36 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 144.06 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 677.36 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 144.06
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.17
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 131.33 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.11 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.10 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 752.63 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1669.14 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.78
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1854.60 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.15
Capacity : 275.75 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -41.62 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 278.90 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -41.62
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 2.19 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 57.24 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 7.17 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.22 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.71 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.27
Capacity : 93.08 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -24.89 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 103.42 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -24.89


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 1116.94 [KN]
Demand : 6.59 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1116.94
Web slenderness (w) -- 13.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1241.05 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 279.24 [KN]
Demand : 12.33 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D7 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 279.24
Web slenderness (w) -- 41.67 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1500.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 310.26 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.45
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1a

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.45 Eq. H1-1a
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -1.02
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -24.89
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 140.05
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 677.36 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.34
Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 30.91
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -21.22
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 20
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 280x200x15x6 (BR)


bf = 200.000 [mm] Width

d = 280.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 7500.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 122.889 51.646
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 122.889 51.646
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.68E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.51E+11
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 133.300
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 1500.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 31200.000

Material : A572 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.78

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
5.78 5.78

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.78 5.78 5.78 1.36 1.17 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2326.97 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2585.52 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.08
Capacity : 1726.45 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 145.96 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1726.45 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 145.96
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.36
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 63.81 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.48 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7491.22 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.26 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1918.28 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.22
Capacity : 677.36 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 145.96 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 677.36 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 145.96
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.17
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 131.33 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.11 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.10 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 752.63 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1669.14 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.78
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1854.60 Eq. E7-1

Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.15
Capacity : 275.75 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -42.39 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 278.90 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -42.39
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 2.19 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 57.24 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 7.17 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.22 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.71 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.27
Capacity : 93.08 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 24.87 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 103.42 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 24.87


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 1116.94 [KN]
Demand : -6.58 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1116.94
Web slenderness (w) -- 13.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1241.05 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 279.24 [KN]
Demand : 12.65 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 279.24
Web slenderness (w) -- 41.67 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1500.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 310.26 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.45
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1a

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.45 Eq. H1-1a
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 0.69
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 24.87
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 141.95
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 677.36 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.35
Ctrl Eq. : D5 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 32.38
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 21.59
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 44
Design status : N.G.

Section information
Section name: W 10X12 (US)


bf = 100.584 [mm] Width

d = 250.698 [mm] Depth
k = 12.954 [mm] Distance k
k1 = 14.287 [mm] Distance k1
tf = 5.334 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 4.826 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 2283.866
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 2.24E+07 9.07E+05
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 2.24E+07 9.07E+05
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 99.020 19.932
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 99.020 19.932
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 22767.856
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.37E+10
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.79E+05 18025.769
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.79E+05 18025.769
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.79E+05 18025.769
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.79E+05 18025.769
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.06E+05 28513.489
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.06E+05 28513.489
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 101.016
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 1070.966 1212.901
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 3631.297

Material : A572 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.50

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
5.50 5.50

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.50 5.50 5.50 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 708.60 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 708.60 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 787.33 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 542.86 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 542.86 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.50
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 55.54 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.64 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2167.32 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.95 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.95 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.26 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 603.17 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 46.72 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 46.72 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 5.50
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 275.93 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.03 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2283.87 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.02 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 51.91 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 208.74 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.50
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.12 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.12 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2283.87 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.10 Eq. E7-3
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 231.94 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 4.50
Capacity : 12.80 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 57.59 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 64.06 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 71.18 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 57.59
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 12.80 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 0.84 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 24.97 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 2.45 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.14 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.08 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 14.22 Eq. F2-3
Factored compression flange local buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 63.59 Sec. F1
Flange local buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 70.66 Eq. F3-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 8.76 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 8.85 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 9.83 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.00
Factored compression flange local buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 8.76 Sec. F1
Flange local buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 9.73 Eq. F6-2


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 199.37 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 199.37
Web slenderness (w) -- 9.43 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1070.97
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 221.52 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.17
Capacity : 250.88 [KN] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : 41.89 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 250.88 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 46.58 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1212.90
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 250.88 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 4.50
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 4.50 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 57.59
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 12.80 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 8.76 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 46.72 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 4.50
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 57.59
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 12.80 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 8.76 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 708.60 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 45
Design status : N.G.

Section information
Section name: W 10X12 (US)


bf = 100.584 [mm] Width

d = 250.698 [mm] Depth
k = 12.954 [mm] Distance k
k1 = 14.287 [mm] Distance k1
tf = 5.334 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 4.826 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 2283.866
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 2.24E+07 9.07E+05
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 2.24E+07 9.07E+05
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 99.020 19.932
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 99.020 19.932
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 22767.856
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.37E+10
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 1.79E+05 18025.769
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 1.79E+05 18025.769
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 1.79E+05 18025.769
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 1.79E+05 18025.769
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 2.06E+05 28513.489
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 2.06E+05 28513.489
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 101.016
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 1070.966 1212.901
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 3631.297

Material : A572 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.50

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
5.50 5.50

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.50 5.50 5.50 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 708.60 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 708.60 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 787.33 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 542.86 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 542.86 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.50
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 55.54 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.64 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2167.32 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.95 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.95 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.26 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 603.17 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 46.72 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 46.72 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 5.50
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 275.93 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.03 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2283.87 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.02 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 51.91 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 208.74 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.50
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.12 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.12 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 2283.87 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.10 Eq. E7-3
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 231.94 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 4.50
Capacity : 12.80 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 57.59 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 64.06 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 71.18 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 57.59
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 12.80 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 0.84 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 24.97 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 2.45 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.14 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.08 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 14.22 Eq. F2-3
Factored compression flange local buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 63.59 Sec. F1
Flange local buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 70.66 Eq. F3-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 8.76 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 8.85 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 9.83 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.00
Factored compression flange local buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 8.76 Sec. F1
Flange local buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 9.73 Eq. F6-2


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 199.37 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 199.37
Web slenderness (w) -- 9.43 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1070.97
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 221.52 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.17
Capacity : 250.88 [KN] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : 41.89 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 250.88 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 46.58 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1212.90
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 250.88 Eq. G2-1

Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 4.50
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 4.50 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 57.59
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 12.80 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 8.76 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 46.72 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 4.50
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 57.59
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 12.80 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 8.76 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 708.60 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 4
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 280x200x15x6 (BR)


bf = 200.000 [mm] Width

d = 280.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 7500.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 122.889 51.646
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 122.889 51.646
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.68E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.51E+11
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 133.300
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 1500.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 31200.000

Material : A572 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.78

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
5.78 5.78

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.78 5.78 5.78 1.25 1.18 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 2326.97 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 20.12 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 20.12
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2585.52 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.03
Capacity : 1799.44 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 61.42 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1799.44 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 61.42
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.25
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 58.93 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.57 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7468.28 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.27 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1999.37 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.09
Capacity : 667.88 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 61.42 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 667.88 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 61.42
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 132.25 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.11 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.10 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 742.09 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1669.14 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.78
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1854.60 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.12
Capacity : 275.75 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -32.93 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D7 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 278.90 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -32.93
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 2.19 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 57.24 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 7.17 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.16 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.69 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.23
Capacity : 93.08 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -21.72 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 103.42 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -21.72


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 1116.94 [KN]
Demand : 5.68 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1116.94
Web slenderness (w) -- 13.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1241.05 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.03
Capacity : 279.24 [KN]
Demand : 8.13 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D7 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 279.24
Web slenderness (w) -- 41.67 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1500.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 310.26 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.32
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.32 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -12.95
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -21.72
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 57.41
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 667.88 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.28
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -12.95
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] -21.72
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Member : 5
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: ARM 280x200x15x6 (BR)


bf = 200.000 [mm] Width

d = 280.000 [mm] Height
tf = 15.000 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.000 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 7500.000
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.13E+08 2.00E+07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 122.889 51.646
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 122.889 51.646
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 4.68E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 3.51E+11
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 8.09E+05 2.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 8.89E+05 3.00E+05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 133.300
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 6000.000 1500.000
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 31200.000

Material : A572 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.78

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
5.78 5.78

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.78 5.78 5.78 1.25 1.18 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 2326.97 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 2585.52 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.06
Capacity : 1799.44 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 99.63 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D6 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1799.44 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 99.63
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.25
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 58.93 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 0.57 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7468.28 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.27 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1999.37 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.15
Capacity : 667.88 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 99.63 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D6 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 12.13
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 667.88 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 99.63
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.18
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 5.78
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 132.25 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.11 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.10 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 742.09 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 1669.14 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.78
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.43 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 7500.00 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.25 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 1854.60 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.12
Capacity : 275.75 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -32.30 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D7 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Yield Moment (My) [KN*m] 278.90 Sec. F10.1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] -32.30
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 2.19 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [mm] 57.24 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 7.17 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.16 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [KN/mm2] 0.69 Eq. F2-4
Lateral-torsional buckling (Mn) [KN*m] 306.38 Eq. F2-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.23
Capacity : 93.08 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 21.70 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 6.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 21.53
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 41.67
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 103.42 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 21.70


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 1116.94 [KN]
Demand : -5.68 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 1116.94
Web slenderness (w) -- 13.33 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 6000.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 1241.05 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.03
Capacity : 279.24 [KN]
Demand : 7.75 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D7 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 279.24
Web slenderness (w) -- 41.67 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 1500.00
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 310.26 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.34
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.34 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -17.04
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 21.70
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 59.77
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 667.88 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.29
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] -17.04
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 275.75 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 21.70
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 93.08 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 2326.97 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 12
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: W 16X26 (US)


bf = 139.700 [mm] Width

d = 398.780 [mm] Depth
k = 18.974 [mm] Distance k
k1 = 19.050 [mm] Distance k1
tf = 8.763 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.350 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 4954.828
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.25E+08 3.99E+06
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.25E+08 3.99E+06
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 159.014 28.383
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 159.014 28.383
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 1.09E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.52E+11
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 6.29E+05 57190.848
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 6.29E+05 57190.848
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 6.29E+05 57190.848
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 6.29E+05 57190.848
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 7.24E+05 89801.102
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 7.24E+05 89801.102
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 161.519
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 2451.608 2535.479
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 10950.385

Material : A572 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 1.90

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
0.40 5.70

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.70 1.90 5.70 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1537.30 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1537.30 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 1708.11 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1235.60 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.97
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 56.82
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1235.60 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.70
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 35.85 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.54 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 4322.58 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.87 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.87 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1372.89 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 540.54 [KN] Reference : Sec. E4
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.97
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 56.82
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1034.74 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 1.90
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 66.94 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.44 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 4487.10 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1149.72 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 540.54 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.70
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 4954.83 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.12 Eq. E7-3
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 600.60 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.59
Capacity : 224.73 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 132.74 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 66.67%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.97
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 56.82
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 224.73 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 249.70 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 132.74

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 27.86 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.97
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 56.82
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 27.86 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 30.96 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.00


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 456.39 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 456.39
Web slenderness (w) -- 7.97 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2451.61
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 507.09 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.18
Capacity : 472.00 [KN] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : -82.99 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 472.00 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 56.82 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2535.48
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 524.44 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.59
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 66.67% Reference : Eq. H1-1b
Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.59 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 132.74
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 224.73 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 27.86 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 540.54 Sec. E4

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.59
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 66.67% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 132.74
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 224.73 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 27.86 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1537.30 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 22
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: W 16X26 (US)


bf = 139.700 [mm] Width

d = 398.780 [mm] Depth
k = 18.974 [mm] Distance k
k1 = 19.050 [mm] Distance k1
tf = 8.763 [mm] Flange thickness
tw = 6.350 [mm] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [mm2] 4954.828
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [mm4] 1.25E+08 3.99E+06
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [mm4] 1.25E+08 3.99E+06
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [mm] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [mm] 159.014 28.383
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [mm] 159.014 28.383
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [mm4] 1.09E+05
Section warping constant. (Cw) [mm6] 1.52E+11
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [mm] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [mm3] 6.29E+05 57190.848
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [mm3] 6.29E+05 57190.848
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [mm3] 6.29E+05 57190.848
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [mm3] 6.29E+05 57190.848
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [mm3] 7.24E+05 89801.102
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [mm3] 7.24E+05 89801.102
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [mm] 161.519
Area for shear (Aw) [mm2] 2451.608 2535.479
Torsional constant. (C) [mm3] 10950.385

Material : A572 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [KN/mm2] 0.34
Tensile strength (Fu): [KN/mm2] 0.45
Elasticity Modulus (E): [KN/mm2] 199.95
Shear modulus for steel (G): [KN/mm2] 79.34


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 1.90

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
0.40 5.70

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.70 1.90 5.70 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1537.30 [KN] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [KN] 1537.30 Eq. Sec. D2
Required second-order compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [KN] 1708.11 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 1235.60 [KN] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.97
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 56.82
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [KN] 1235.60 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.70
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 35.85 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [KN/mm2] 1.54 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 4322.58 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.87 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.87 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [KN/mm2] 0.28 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [KN] 1372.89 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 540.54 [KN] Reference : Sec. E4
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.97
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 56.82
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [KN] 1034.74 Sec. E1
Required second-order compression strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 1.90
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 66.94 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [KN/mm2] 0.44 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 4487.10 Eq. E7-2
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 0.91 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 0.91 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [KN/mm2] 0.23 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [KN] 1149.72 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [KN] 540.54 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.70
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [KN/mm2] 0.14 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [mm2] 4954.83 Eq. E7-3
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [KN/mm2] 0.12 Eq. E7-3
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [KN] 600.60 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.61
Capacity : 224.73 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 136.65 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 58.33%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.97
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 56.82
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 224.73 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 249.70 Eq. F2-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 136.65

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 27.86 [KN*m] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [KN*m] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.97
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 56.82
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [KN*m] 27.86 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [KN*m] 30.96 Eq. F6-1
Required second-order flexural strength (Mr) [KN*m] 0.00


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 456.39 [KN]
Demand : 0.00 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 456.39
Web slenderness (w) -- 7.97 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2451.61
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 507.09 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.18
Capacity : 472.00 [KN] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : -85.47 [KN] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [KN] 472.00 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 56.82 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [mm2] 2535.48
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G2.1(b)
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [KN] 524.44 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.61
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 58.33% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.61 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 136.65
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 224.73 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 27.86 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [KN] 540.54 Sec. E4

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.61
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 58.33% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [KN*m] 136.65
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [KN*m] 224.73 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [KN*m] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [KN*m] 27.86 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [KN] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [KN] 1537.30 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


A continuacio se muestran la marcacion de los nodos y su correspondiente reaccion para cada una de las combinaciones.
Current Date: 10/02/2017 8:19 a. m.
Units system: SI
File name: G:\Tecnica\Cotizaciones\2015\36774 CMC LOGISTICA BODEGAS PEREIRA\02 Ingeniería\01 Memorias de Cálculo\Ejecucion\RevE
(Diseño naves ind)\Model RAM Bodega\36774 CMC 4.0 (@ 6.85) completo Reacciones (+ muros mamp).etz\

Analysis result

Direction of positive forces and moments

Forces [KN] Moments [KN*m]

Condition DL=Dead Load
403 15.53497 59.55167 4.58566 0.00000 0.00000 -84.59171
404 7.42758 92.89946 7.81337 0.00000 0.00000 -41.11561
405 0.29779 99.31317 8.36033 0.00000 0.00000 -4.01780
406 -0.58843 99.55534 8.38250 0.00000 0.00000 6.61851
407 -9.34579 90.53599 7.59804 0.00000 0.00000 50.63131
408 -13.37087 56.99172 4.34062 0.00000 0.00000 76.25404
446 24.35240 70.27978 -2.86708 0.00000 0.00000 -131.94234
447 24.42839 67.18142 0.00181 0.00000 0.00000 -132.39333
448 24.38992 72.51986 4.17403 0.00000 0.00000 -132.23305
449 24.39146 72.11202 -4.09187 0.00000 0.00000 -132.24444
450 24.43075 68.76086 -0.01557 0.00000 0.00000 -132.41403
451 24.34362 71.79368 2.88943 0.00000 0.00000 -131.87554
452 15.53823 59.66622 -4.67422 0.00000 0.00000 -84.61693
453 11.22876 115.37604 -4.31708 0.00000 0.00000 -62.25889
454 11.26727 114.78023 0.00409 0.00000 0.00000 -62.50259
455 11.25191 119.93663 6.98541 0.00000 0.00000 -62.43162
456 11.25318 119.93881 -6.98608 0.00000 0.00000 -62.44013
457 11.26892 114.78022 -0.00407 0.00000 0.00000 -62.51573
458 11.22219 115.37421 4.31620 0.00000 0.00000 -62.21219
459 7.42976 92.90236 -7.81405 0.00000 0.00000 -41.13112
460 0.48930 123.56478 -4.56896 0.00000 0.00000 -6.31485
461 0.49555 123.38982 0.00441 0.00000 0.00000 -6.33146
462 0.48633 128.54802 7.46095 0.00000 0.00000 -6.30067
463 0.48749 128.54800 -7.46095 0.00000 0.00000 -6.30869
464 0.49650 123.38926 -0.00441 0.00000 0.00000 -6.34044
465 0.48352 123.56429 4.56898 0.00000 0.00000 -6.27347
466 0.29942 99.31281 -8.36031 0.00000 0.00000 -4.03030
467 -0.90369 123.89875 -4.57821 0.00000 0.00000 10.08387
468 -0.93208 123.74264 0.00442 0.00000 0.00000 10.25181
469 -0.91719 128.90539 7.48068 0.00000 0.00000 10.20216
470 -0.91596 128.90520 -7.48061 0.00000 0.00000 10.19387
471 -0.92734 123.74675 -0.00442 0.00000 0.00000 10.22782
472 -0.90502 123.90293 4.57834 0.00000 0.00000 10.10533
473 -0.58488 99.55756 -8.38270 0.00000 0.00000 6.59849
474 -14.20227 112.16079 -4.22745 0.00000 0.00000 76.87749
475 -14.26343 111.38038 0.00395 0.00000 0.00000 77.28962
476 -14.27956 116.54390 6.79860 0.00000 0.00000 77.34779
477 -14.27886 116.54434 -6.79865 0.00000 0.00000 77.34128
478 -14.29271 111.38791 -0.00395 0.00000 0.00000 77.41034
479 -14.23792 112.16801 4.22808 0.00000 0.00000 77.04289
480 -9.35977 90.54884 -7.59851 0.00000 0.00000 50.68590
481 -20.91127 66.98894 -2.80926 0.00000 0.00000 118.50530
482 -21.00331 63.61884 0.00152 0.00000 0.00000 119.09383
483 -20.93327 68.79014 3.95319 0.00000 0.00000 118.70340
484 -20.93132 68.78962 -3.95307 0.00000 0.00000 118.69053
485 -20.97157 63.63964 -0.00152 0.00000 0.00000 118.85073
486 -20.88455 67.01107 2.81017 0.00000 0.00000 118.31022
487 -13.35414 57.01027 -4.34179 0.00000 0.00000 76.11253
SUM 0.00000 4703.80860 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 38.59214

Condition Lr=Lr
403 15.50165 26.52424 2.82106 0.00000 0.00000 -83.88463
404 6.70192 59.73506 6.65763 0.00000 0.00000 -37.64334
405 0.32113 64.93773 7.23934 0.00000 0.00000 -3.96409
406 -0.61985 65.19217 7.26759 0.00000 0.00000 6.63239
407 -8.63778 57.30833 6.38738 0.00000 0.00000 47.27340
408 -13.34436 23.95627 2.53377 0.00000 0.00000 75.60320
446 30.88242 43.81548 -0.81132 0.00000 0.00000 -166.48510
447 31.02406 46.89031 0.00226 0.00000 0.00000 -167.31315
448 30.94919 47.05153 2.45344 0.00000 0.00000 -166.99731
449 30.95159 46.75340 -2.41223 0.00000 0.00000 -167.01488
450 31.02907 46.89522 -0.00296 0.00000 0.00000 -167.35286
451 30.86677 43.65787 0.78771 0.00000 0.00000 -166.36177
452 15.50708 26.67402 -2.83370 0.00000 0.00000 -83.92627
453 13.32772 98.28424 -1.97560 0.00000 0.00000 -74.51022
454 13.40889 105.35174 0.00603 0.00000 0.00000 -74.98443
455 13.37011 105.36889 5.79927 0.00000 0.00000 -74.81855
456 13.37206 105.37326 -5.80060 0.00000 0.00000 -74.83153
457 13.41232 105.35107 -0.00599 0.00000 0.00000 -75.00966
458 13.31582 98.27996 1.97388 0.00000 0.00000 -74.42351
459 6.70537 59.74077 -6.65893 0.00000 0.00000 -37.66784
460 0.65774 106.77847 -2.14325 0.00000 0.00000 -7.97933
461 0.66594 114.48435 0.00649 0.00000 0.00000 -8.00409
462 0.65148 114.50361 6.30238 0.00000 0.00000 -7.95014
463 0.65332 114.50353 -6.30237 0.00000 0.00000 -7.96265
464 0.66742 114.48347 -0.00650 0.00000 0.00000 -8.01871
465 0.64660 106.77773 2.14329 0.00000 0.00000 -7.89952
466 0.32364 64.93708 -7.23930 0.00000 0.00000 -3.98344
467 -1.17331 107.19807 -2.15173 0.00000 0.00000 12.68969
468 -1.21915 114.93433 0.00652 0.00000 0.00000 12.97594
469 -1.19607 114.96140 6.32762 0.00000 0.00000 12.89436
470 -1.19412 114.96105 -6.32749 0.00000 0.00000 12.88147
471 -1.21113 114.94138 -0.00652 0.00000 0.00000 12.93547
472 -1.17670 107.20526 2.15196 0.00000 0.00000 12.73473
473 -0.61414 65.19591 -7.26793 0.00000 0.00000 6.60069
474 -17.10278 94.31680 -1.89639 0.00000 0.00000 93.03758
475 -17.22769 101.08875 0.00580 0.00000 0.00000 93.81789
476 -17.24007 101.08657 5.56412 0.00000 0.00000 93.86778
477 -17.23906 101.08761 -5.56439 0.00000 0.00000 93.85808
478 -17.27819 101.06939 -0.00580 0.00000 0.00000 94.02651
479 -17.16522 94.29680 1.89578 0.00000 0.00000 93.33026
480 -8.66182 57.29811 -6.38637 0.00000 0.00000 47.36846
481 -26.49997 39.70816 -0.75406 0.00000 0.00000 149.31733
482 -26.66540 42.43990 0.00197 0.00000 0.00000 150.37242
483 -26.53730 42.46174 2.20656 0.00000 0.00000 149.69939
484 -26.53424 42.46089 -2.20644 0.00000 0.00000 149.67949
485 -26.60841 42.44818 -0.00197 0.00000 0.00000 149.98090
486 -26.45266 39.71912 0.75430 0.00000 0.00000 149.01737
487 -13.31387 23.96049 -2.53431 0.00000 0.00000 75.39158
SUM -0.00001 3676.44970 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 46.99940
Condition Ex=Ex
403 -125.85392 -27.98248 -1.64959 0.00000 0.00000 1029.30300
404 -131.98939 10.34616 0.64781 0.00000 0.00000 888.26461
405 -127.12732 -0.71690 -0.04469 0.00000 0.00000 867.65883
406 -126.77136 1.00320 0.06259 0.00000 0.00000 865.96253
407 -133.96744 -15.61782 -0.97766 0.00000 0.00000 896.03385
408 -129.21886 32.95787 1.94223 0.00000 0.00000 1041.53000
446 -136.46325 -27.21927 1.20346 0.00000 0.00000 1058.40280
447 -137.01242 -27.67835 -0.00034 0.00000 0.00000 1060.85860
448 -136.68149 -27.69566 -1.45031 0.00000 0.00000 1059.82710
449 -136.68227 -27.68848 1.44933 0.00000 0.00000 1059.83260
450 -137.01219 -27.67593 0.00026 0.00000 0.00000 1060.85980
451 -136.46145 -27.21982 -1.20334 0.00000 0.00000 1058.38640
452 -125.85514 -27.98382 1.65006 0.00000 0.00000 1029.31230
453 -142.60456 10.06581 -0.46789 0.00000 0.00000 915.82521
454 -142.91392 10.25492 0.00013 0.00000 0.00000 917.31846
455 -142.78380 10.25267 0.56832 0.00000 0.00000 916.94531
456 -142.78418 10.25230 -0.56819 0.00000 0.00000 916.94802
457 -142.91431 10.25517 -0.00015 0.00000 0.00000 917.32148
458 -142.60262 10.06631 0.46811 0.00000 0.00000 915.81146
459 -131.99011 10.34563 -0.64770 0.00000 0.00000 888.26997
460 -137.68380 -0.70330 0.03259 0.00000 0.00000 894.99078
461 -138.00249 -0.71475 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 896.48957
462 -137.86368 -0.71509 -0.03959 0.00000 0.00000 896.11022
463 -137.86402 -0.71510 0.03959 0.00000 0.00000 896.11249
464 -138.00349 -0.71552 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 896.49507
465 -137.68291 -0.70404 -0.03264 0.00000 0.00000 894.98205
466 -127.12868 -0.71767 0.04474 0.00000 0.00000 867.66666
467 -137.32552 0.98131 -0.04554 0.00000 0.00000 893.28471
468 -137.64490 0.99772 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 894.78404
469 -137.49922 1.00363 0.05559 0.00000 0.00000 894.37773
470 -137.49932 1.00371 -0.05557 0.00000 0.00000 894.37872
471 -137.63982 1.00397 -0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 894.76387
472 -137.31847 0.98749 0.04585 0.00000 0.00000 893.25033
473 -126.76644 1.00958 -0.06296 0.00000 0.00000 865.94360
474 -144.59671 -15.18006 0.70636 0.00000 0.00000 923.64679
475 -144.89718 -15.46169 -0.00020 0.00000 0.00000 925.11373
476 -144.82149 -15.47919 -0.85811 0.00000 0.00000 924.96025
477 -144.82245 -15.47951 0.85812 0.00000 0.00000 924.96410
478 -144.94269 -15.47859 0.00021 0.00000 0.00000 925.30772
479 -144.64128 -15.19638 -0.70716 0.00000 0.00000 923.83029
480 -134.01377 -15.63506 0.97870 0.00000 0.00000 896.23128
481 -139.85282 32.06539 -1.41845 0.00000 0.00000 1070.72150
482 -140.39259 32.60227 0.00040 0.00000 0.00000 1073.14460
483 -140.03197 32.62996 1.70848 0.00000 0.00000 1071.86750
484 -140.03111 32.63028 -1.70852 0.00000 0.00000 1071.86450
485 -140.35324 32.61367 -0.00040 0.00000 0.00000 1072.86730
486 -139.81069 32.07596 1.41894 0.00000 0.00000 1070.42440
487 -129.17900 32.96951 -1.94289 0.00000 0.00000 1041.25100
SUM -6587.99980 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 45754.49700

Condition Ez=Ez
403 -0.00550 -440.47354 -124.03245 0.00000 0.00000 0.02114
404 -0.00413 -441.58244 -124.39328 0.00000 0.00000 0.01711
405 0.00048 -441.59009 -124.39416 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00174
406 -0.00093 -441.59012 -124.39414 0.00000 0.00000 0.00475
407 0.00433 -441.58210 -124.39348 0.00000 0.00000 -0.01675
408 0.00596 -441.49628 -124.33377 0.00000 0.00000 -0.02111
446 0.00571 438.45867 -125.69034 0.00000 0.00000 -0.02151
447 -0.00003 0.07296 -0.26306 0.00000 0.00000 0.00017
448 -0.00558 -456.47036 -128.50001 0.00000 0.00000 0.02040
449 0.00563 456.52961 -129.35107 0.00000 0.00000 -0.01944
450 -0.00041 -1.57005 -0.20877 0.00000 0.00000 0.00566
451 -0.00490 -478.19839 -131.92035 0.00000 0.00000 0.01416
452 0.00627 481.65186 -134.03895 0.00000 0.00000 -0.02520
453 0.00426 439.50422 -126.01784 0.00000 0.00000 -0.01744
454 -0.00002 0.06556 -0.26362 0.00000 0.00000 0.00013
455 -0.00411 -458.22946 -128.68039 0.00000 0.00000 0.01650
456 0.00405 458.05287 -129.62328 0.00000 0.00000 -0.01553
457 -0.00044 0.10646 -0.26890 0.00000 0.00000 0.00429
458 -0.00351 -477.51914 -131.42437 0.00000 0.00000 0.01182
459 0.00481 479.60107 -133.32286 0.00000 0.00000 -0.02067
460 -0.00055 439.51207 -126.01871 0.00000 0.00000 0.00211
461 0.00000 0.06555 -0.26363 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001
462 0.00063 -458.23797 -128.68137 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00276
463 -0.00089 458.06155 -129.62426 0.00000 0.00000 0.00450
464 -0.00069 0.10669 -0.26893 0.00000 0.00000 0.00507
465 0.00120 -477.52809 -131.42551 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00701
466 -0.00030 479.61042 -133.32390 0.00000 0.00000 0.00020
467 0.00096 439.51211 -126.01869 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00491
468 0.00000 0.06555 -0.26363 0.00000 0.00000 0.00002
469 -0.00083 -458.23795 -128.68135 0.00000 0.00000 0.00415
470 0.00068 458.06156 -129.62424 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00293
471 -0.00060 0.10665 -0.26893 0.00000 0.00000 0.00447
472 -0.00037 -477.52808 -131.42546 0.00000 0.00000 0.00049
473 0.00131 479.61043 -133.32388 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00719
474 -0.00453 439.50381 -126.01803 0.00000 0.00000 0.01746
475 0.00002 0.06555 -0.26362 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00006
476 0.00442 -458.22974 -128.68069 0.00000 0.00000 -0.01724
477 -0.00495 458.05292 -129.62356 0.00000 0.00000 0.01998
478 -0.00061 0.10657 -0.26892 0.00000 0.00000 0.00442
479 0.00523 -477.51963 -131.42484 0.00000 0.00000 -0.02224
480 -0.00483 479.60155 -133.32323 0.00000 0.00000 0.01794
481 -0.00624 439.47649 -125.99099 0.00000 0.00000 0.02196
482 0.00002 0.06698 -0.26306 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00008
483 0.00607 -458.36950 -128.66173 0.00000 0.00000 -0.02155
484 -0.00670 458.19469 -129.62087 0.00000 0.00000 0.02479
485 -0.00057 0.10706 -0.26847 0.00000 0.00000 0.00504
486 0.00693 -477.86731 -131.47953 0.00000 0.00000 -0.02738
487 -0.00673 479.88880 -133.38490 0.00000 0.00000 0.02269
SUM 0.00000 0.00000 -4644.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00133

Condition D1=1.4DL
403 21.74896 83.37234 6.41993 0.00000 0.00000 -118.42839
404 10.39861 130.05925 10.93872 0.00000 0.00000 -57.56185
405 0.41691 139.03844 11.70446 0.00000 0.00000 -5.62493
406 -0.82380 139.37748 11.73550 0.00000 0.00000 9.26592
407 -13.08411 126.75039 10.63726 0.00000 0.00000 70.88383
408 -18.71922 79.78841 6.07686 0.00000 0.00000 106.75565
446 34.09335 98.39169 -4.01392 0.00000 0.00000 -184.71928
447 34.19975 94.05398 0.00253 0.00000 0.00000 -185.35066
448 34.14589 101.52780 5.84364 0.00000 0.00000 -185.12627
449 34.14804 100.95683 -5.72862 0.00000 0.00000 -185.14222
450 34.20305 96.26520 -0.02179 0.00000 0.00000 -185.37964
451 34.08107 100.51115 4.04520 0.00000 0.00000 -184.62575
452 21.75353 83.53270 -6.54390 0.00000 0.00000 -118.46370
453 15.72026 161.52645 -6.04391 0.00000 0.00000 -87.16245
454 15.77418 160.69233 0.00573 0.00000 0.00000 -87.50362
455 15.75267 167.91129 9.77957 0.00000 0.00000 -87.40427
456 15.75445 167.91433 -9.78052 0.00000 0.00000 -87.41618
457 15.77648 160.69231 -0.00570 0.00000 0.00000 -87.52202
458 15.71107 161.52390 6.04268 0.00000 0.00000 -87.09707
459 10.40167 130.06330 -10.93967 0.00000 0.00000 -57.58356
460 0.68501 172.99070 -6.39655 0.00000 0.00000 -8.84079
461 0.69376 172.74575 0.00617 0.00000 0.00000 -8.86405
462 0.68086 179.96723 10.44533 0.00000 0.00000 -8.82093
463 0.68249 179.96720 -10.44532 0.00000 0.00000 -8.83216
464 0.69510 172.74497 -0.00617 0.00000 0.00000 -8.87662
465 0.67693 172.99001 6.39658 0.00000 0.00000 -8.78286
466 0.41918 139.03794 -11.70443 0.00000 0.00000 -5.64243
467 -1.26516 173.45825 -6.40949 0.00000 0.00000 14.11742
468 -1.30491 173.23969 0.00619 0.00000 0.00000 14.35254
469 -1.28407 180.46755 10.47295 0.00000 0.00000 14.28302
470 -1.28235 180.46728 -10.47285 0.00000 0.00000 14.27142
471 -1.29827 173.24545 -0.00619 0.00000 0.00000 14.31895
472 -1.26702 173.46410 6.40968 0.00000 0.00000 14.14746
473 -0.81883 139.38058 -11.73578 0.00000 0.00000 9.23789
474 -19.88318 157.02510 -5.91843 0.00000 0.00000 107.62848
475 -19.96880 155.93253 0.00553 0.00000 0.00000 108.20547
476 -19.99139 163.16146 9.51804 0.00000 0.00000 108.28690
477 -19.99040 163.16208 -9.51810 0.00000 0.00000 108.27779
478 -20.00979 155.94307 -0.00553 0.00000 0.00000 108.37448
479 -19.93309 157.03521 5.91931 0.00000 0.00000 107.86005
480 -13.10368 126.76838 -10.63791 0.00000 0.00000 70.96026
481 -29.27577 93.78452 -3.93297 0.00000 0.00000 165.90742
482 -29.40463 89.06637 0.00213 0.00000 0.00000 166.73136
483 -29.30658 96.30619 5.53446 0.00000 0.00000 166.18476
484 -29.30385 96.30547 -5.53429 0.00000 0.00000 166.16675
485 -29.36020 89.09549 -0.00213 0.00000 0.00000 166.39102
486 -29.23837 93.81549 3.93424 0.00000 0.00000 165.63431
487 -18.69580 79.81438 -6.07851 0.00000 0.00000 106.55754
SUM 0.00000 6585.33200 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 54.02900
Condition D2=1.2DL+0.5Lr
403 26.39279 84.72413 6.91332 0.00000 0.00000 -143.45236
404 12.26406 141.34688 12.70487 0.00000 0.00000 -68.16040
405 0.51791 151.64467 13.65206 0.00000 0.00000 -6.80341
406 -1.01604 152.06249 13.69279 0.00000 0.00000 11.25841
407 -15.53384 137.29735 12.31134 0.00000 0.00000 84.39427
408 -22.71722 80.36820 6.47563 0.00000 0.00000 129.30645
446 44.66409 106.24347 -3.84616 0.00000 0.00000 -241.57336
447 44.82610 104.06286 0.00330 0.00000 0.00000 -242.52857
448 44.74250 110.54960 6.23556 0.00000 0.00000 -242.17831
449 44.74554 109.91113 -6.11636 0.00000 0.00000 -242.20077
450 44.83143 105.96064 -0.02016 0.00000 0.00000 -242.57326
451 44.64573 107.98135 3.86117 0.00000 0.00000 -241.43153
452 26.39942 84.93647 -7.02591 0.00000 0.00000 -143.50344
453 20.13837 187.59337 -6.16829 0.00000 0.00000 -111.96578
454 20.22517 190.41215 0.00792 0.00000 0.00000 -112.49532
455 20.18734 196.60841 11.28213 0.00000 0.00000 -112.32722
456 20.18985 196.61320 -11.28360 0.00000 0.00000 -112.34392
457 20.22886 190.41180 -0.00788 0.00000 0.00000 -112.52371
458 20.12454 187.58904 6.16638 0.00000 0.00000 -111.86639
459 12.26840 141.35321 -12.70632 0.00000 0.00000 -68.19126
460 0.91602 201.66698 -6.55438 0.00000 0.00000 -11.56748
461 0.92762 205.30996 0.00853 0.00000 0.00000 -11.59980
462 0.90933 211.50943 12.10433 0.00000 0.00000 -11.53587
463 0.91165 211.50936 -12.10432 0.00000 0.00000 -11.55175
464 0.92951 205.30885 -0.00854 0.00000 0.00000 -11.61788
465 0.90352 201.66602 6.55443 0.00000 0.00000 -11.47793
466 0.52112 151.64391 -13.65202 0.00000 0.00000 -6.82809
467 -1.67108 202.27753 -6.56971 0.00000 0.00000 18.44549
468 -1.72807 205.95833 0.00857 0.00000 0.00000 18.79015
469 -1.69866 212.16717 12.14062 0.00000 0.00000 18.68977
470 -1.69621 212.16676 -12.14047 0.00000 0.00000 18.67338
471 -1.71837 205.96679 -0.00857 0.00000 0.00000 18.74112
472 -1.67437 202.28615 6.56999 0.00000 0.00000 18.49376
473 -1.00893 152.06702 -13.69320 0.00000 0.00000 11.21854
474 -25.59412 181.75134 -6.02113 0.00000 0.00000 138.77177
475 -25.72996 184.20083 0.00765 0.00000 0.00000 139.65649
476 -25.75551 190.39596 10.94038 0.00000 0.00000 139.75123
477 -25.75416 190.39702 -10.94057 0.00000 0.00000 139.73857
478 -25.79035 184.20018 -0.00764 0.00000 0.00000 139.90567
479 -25.66812 181.75001 6.02158 0.00000 0.00000 139.11660
480 -15.56264 137.30767 -12.31139 0.00000 0.00000 84.50731
481 -38.34350 100.24081 -3.74815 0.00000 0.00000 216.86502
482 -38.53667 97.56255 0.00281 0.00000 0.00000 218.09881
483 -38.38857 103.77903 5.84711 0.00000 0.00000 217.29378
484 -38.38470 103.77799 -5.84690 0.00000 0.00000 217.26839
485 -38.47009 97.59165 -0.00281 0.00000 0.00000 217.61132
486 -38.28779 100.27284 3.74936 0.00000 0.00000 216.48095
487 -22.68190 80.39257 -6.47730 0.00000 0.00000 129.03082
SUM -0.00001 7482.79510 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 69.81027

Condition D3=1.2DL+1.6Lr
403 43.44461 113.90079 10.01648 0.00000 0.00000 -235.72545
404 19.63617 207.05545 20.02826 0.00000 0.00000 -109.56807
405 0.87116 223.07618 21.61534 0.00000 0.00000 -11.16391
406 -1.69788 223.77388 21.68715 0.00000 0.00000 18.55404
407 -25.03540 200.33652 19.33746 0.00000 0.00000 136.39501
408 -37.39602 106.72009 9.26277 0.00000 0.00000 212.46996
446 78.63475 154.44050 -4.73861 0.00000 0.00000 -424.70698
447 78.95257 155.64220 0.00578 0.00000 0.00000 -426.57303
448 78.78661 162.30628 8.93434 0.00000 0.00000 -425.87535
449 78.79229 161.33987 -8.76981 0.00000 0.00000 -425.91714
450 78.96340 157.54538 -0.02342 0.00000 0.00000 -426.66140
451 78.59918 156.00500 4.72764 0.00000 0.00000 -424.42947
452 43.45721 114.27789 -10.14298 0.00000 0.00000 -235.82234
453 34.79885 295.70603 -8.34145 0.00000 0.00000 -193.92702
454 34.97495 306.29906 0.01455 0.00000 0.00000 -194.97819
455 34.89446 312.51419 17.66132 0.00000 0.00000 -194.62762
456 34.89911 312.52379 -17.66427 0.00000 0.00000 -194.65860
457 34.98242 306.29798 -0.01447 0.00000 0.00000 -195.03433
458 34.77193 295.69699 8.33764 0.00000 0.00000 -193.73224
459 19.64431 207.06806 -20.03114 0.00000 0.00000 -109.62589
460 1.63953 319.12329 -8.91195 0.00000 0.00000 -20.34474
461 1.66016 331.24274 0.01568 0.00000 0.00000 -20.40429
462 1.62595 337.46340 19.03696 0.00000 0.00000 -20.28102
463 1.63030 337.46325 -19.03693 0.00000 0.00000 -20.31066
464 1.66367 331.24067 -0.01569 0.00000 0.00000 -20.43846
465 1.61477 319.12152 8.91205 0.00000 0.00000 -20.16740
466 0.87712 223.07470 -21.61525 0.00000 0.00000 -11.20988
467 -2.96172 320.19541 -8.93662 0.00000 0.00000 32.40415
468 -3.06913 332.38610 0.01574 0.00000 0.00000 33.06369
469 -3.01434 338.62471 19.10100 0.00000 0.00000 32.87356
470 -3.00975 338.62391 -19.10071 0.00000 0.00000 32.84300
471 -3.05061 332.40231 -0.01574 0.00000 0.00000 32.97014
472 -2.96874 320.21193 8.93715 0.00000 0.00000 32.50197
473 -1.68448 223.78252 -21.68793 0.00000 0.00000 18.47930
474 -44.40717 285.49983 -8.10716 0.00000 0.00000 241.11310
475 -44.68042 295.39846 0.01403 0.00000 0.00000 242.85616
476 -44.71959 301.59119 17.06091 0.00000 0.00000 243.00579
477 -44.71712 301.59339 -17.06140 0.00000 0.00000 242.98246
478 -44.79636 295.37651 -0.01403 0.00000 0.00000 243.33483
479 -44.54986 285.47648 8.10694 0.00000 0.00000 241.77989
480 -25.09065 200.33559 -19.33640 0.00000 0.00000 136.61262
481 -67.49347 143.91978 -4.57762 0.00000 0.00000 381.11409
482 -67.86862 144.24644 0.00497 0.00000 0.00000 383.50848
483 -67.57960 150.48695 8.27432 0.00000 0.00000 381.96311
484 -67.57236 150.48497 -8.27399 0.00000 0.00000 381.91583
485 -67.73934 144.28465 -0.00497 0.00000 0.00000 382.59031
486 -67.38572 143.96388 4.57910 0.00000 0.00000 380.40006
487 -37.32716 106.74911 -9.26504 0.00000 0.00000 211.96156
SUM -0.00002 11526.89000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 121.50961

Condition D4=1.2DL+0.5W1
403 3.26175 62.64680 4.98619 0.00000 0.00000 -41.48870
404 5.60568 91.81598 8.15254 0.00000 0.00000 -29.21196
405 -0.61442 97.85277 8.70557 0.00000 0.00000 2.81752
406 -1.27561 98.05247 8.72653 0.00000 0.00000 11.34610
407 -8.86456 89.73091 7.94090 0.00000 0.00000 49.31955
408 -11.96709 60.74695 4.76096 0.00000 0.00000 70.79379
446 13.83668 75.78066 -3.05969 0.00000 0.00000 -98.28466
447 13.93801 71.93516 0.00206 0.00000 0.00000 -98.86731
448 13.88583 78.33794 4.55399 0.00000 0.00000 -98.66101
449 13.88795 77.85085 -4.45564 0.00000 0.00000 -98.67682
450 13.94330 73.83209 -0.01860 0.00000 0.00000 -98.91405
451 13.82812 77.59796 3.08672 0.00000 0.00000 -98.22236
452 3.26824 62.78399 -5.09220 0.00000 0.00000 -41.54168
453 10.16590 119.42296 -4.28785 0.00000 0.00000 -54.57693
454 10.21619 118.39548 0.00464 0.00000 0.00000 -54.88982
455 10.19634 124.57748 7.30958 0.00000 0.00000 -54.80308
456 10.19818 124.58026 -7.31044 0.00000 0.00000 -54.81524
457 10.22076 118.39522 -0.00462 0.00000 0.00000 -54.92440
458 10.16031 119.42037 4.28671 0.00000 0.00000 -54.53728
459 5.61102 91.81945 -8.15339 0.00000 0.00000 -29.25017
460 -0.38296 127.64414 -4.51478 0.00000 0.00000 0.05747
461 -0.37684 127.09476 0.00500 0.00000 0.00000 0.03559
462 -0.38458 133.27915 7.78974 0.00000 0.00000 0.05789
463 -0.38288 133.27912 -7.78973 0.00000 0.00000 0.04634
464 -0.37295 127.09429 -0.00500 0.00000 0.00000 0.00507
465 -0.38735 127.64376 4.51481 0.00000 0.00000 0.08916
466 -0.60958 97.85253 -8.70556 0.00000 0.00000 2.78183
467 -1.65451 127.95671 -4.52174 0.00000 0.00000 15.50742
468 -1.68758 127.42859 0.00502 0.00000 0.00000 15.70394
469 -1.66913 133.61691 7.80836 0.00000 0.00000 15.63445
470 -1.66738 133.61665 -7.80828 0.00000 0.00000 15.62272
471 -1.68030 127.43219 -0.00502 0.00000 0.00000 15.65972
472 -1.65471 127.96040 4.52184 0.00000 0.00000 15.51937
473 -1.26963 98.05377 -8.72669 0.00000 0.00000 11.30577
474 -14.68842 116.29143 -4.21436 0.00000 0.00000 80.80193
475 -14.76887 115.05441 0.00449 0.00000 0.00000 81.31701
476 -14.76965 121.25037 7.12670 0.00000 0.00000 81.30775
477 -14.76831 121.25096 -7.12675 0.00000 0.00000 81.29739
478 -14.79108 115.06840 -0.00448 0.00000 0.00000 81.39768
479 -14.71819 116.30498 4.21536 0.00000 0.00000 80.93679
480 -8.86810 89.75138 -7.94175 0.00000 0.00000 49.31935
481 -21.01272 72.96827 -3.04076 0.00000 0.00000 121.48497
482 -21.12812 68.81379 0.00173 0.00000 0.00000 122.20825
483 -21.04714 75.01486 4.34935 0.00000 0.00000 121.76853
484 -21.04474 75.01420 -4.34922 0.00000 0.00000 121.75186
485 -21.09687 68.83625 -0.00173 0.00000 0.00000 121.95698
486 -20.98790 72.99240 3.04173 0.00000 0.00000 121.29401
487 -11.95385 60.76669 -4.76224 0.00000 0.00000 70.66402
SUM -110.32173 4874.90710 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 518.14476
Condition D5=1.2DL+0.5W2
403 18.64197 71.46201 5.50279 0.00000 0.00000 -101.51005
404 8.91309 111.47936 9.37605 0.00000 0.00000 -49.33873
405 0.35735 119.17581 10.03239 0.00000 0.00000 -4.82136
406 -0.70611 119.46641 10.05900 0.00000 0.00000 7.94222
407 -11.21495 108.64319 9.11765 0.00000 0.00000 60.75757
408 -16.04504 68.39006 5.20874 0.00000 0.00000 91.50485
446 29.22287 84.33573 -3.44050 0.00000 0.00000 -158.33081
447 29.31407 80.61770 0.00217 0.00000 0.00000 -158.87200
448 29.26790 87.02383 5.00884 0.00000 0.00000 -158.67966
449 29.26975 86.53443 -4.91024 0.00000 0.00000 -158.69333
450 29.31690 82.51303 -0.01868 0.00000 0.00000 -158.89683
451 29.21235 86.15241 3.46731 0.00000 0.00000 -158.25064
452 18.64588 71.59946 -5.60906 0.00000 0.00000 -101.54031
453 13.47451 138.45124 -5.18049 0.00000 0.00000 -74.71067
454 13.52073 137.73628 0.00491 0.00000 0.00000 -75.00310
455 13.50229 143.92396 8.38249 0.00000 0.00000 -74.91795
456 13.50382 143.92657 -8.38330 0.00000 0.00000 -74.92816
457 13.52270 137.73627 -0.00489 0.00000 0.00000 -75.01888
458 13.46663 138.44906 5.17944 0.00000 0.00000 -74.65463
459 8.91572 111.48283 -9.37686 0.00000 0.00000 -49.35734
460 0.58715 148.27774 -5.48276 0.00000 0.00000 -7.57782
461 0.59465 148.06779 0.00529 0.00000 0.00000 -7.59775
462 0.58359 154.25763 8.95314 0.00000 0.00000 -7.56080
463 0.58499 154.25760 -8.95313 0.00000 0.00000 -7.57042
464 0.59580 148.06711 -0.00529 0.00000 0.00000 -7.60853
465 0.58022 148.27715 5.48278 0.00000 0.00000 -7.52817
466 0.35930 119.17537 -10.03237 0.00000 0.00000 -4.83636
467 -1.08443 148.67850 -5.49385 0.00000 0.00000 12.10065
468 -1.11849 148.49116 0.00531 0.00000 0.00000 12.30218
469 -1.10063 154.68647 8.97681 0.00000 0.00000 12.24259
470 -1.09915 154.68624 -8.97673 0.00000 0.00000 12.23264
471 -1.11280 148.49610 -0.00531 0.00000 0.00000 12.27338
472 -1.08602 148.68352 5.49401 0.00000 0.00000 12.12640
473 -0.70185 119.46907 -10.05924 0.00000 0.00000 7.91819
474 -17.04273 134.59294 -5.07294 0.00000 0.00000 92.25298
475 -17.11611 133.65645 0.00474 0.00000 0.00000 92.74754
476 -17.13547 139.85268 8.15832 0.00000 0.00000 92.81735
477 -17.13463 139.85321 -8.15837 0.00000 0.00000 92.80953
478 -17.15125 133.66549 -0.00474 0.00000 0.00000 92.89241
479 -17.08551 134.60161 5.07369 0.00000 0.00000 92.45147
480 -11.23173 108.65861 -9.11821 0.00000 0.00000 60.82308
481 -25.09352 80.38673 -3.37112 0.00000 0.00000 142.20636
482 -25.20397 76.34260 0.00182 0.00000 0.00000 142.91260
483 -25.11993 82.54816 4.74383 0.00000 0.00000 142.44408
484 -25.11758 82.54754 -4.74368 0.00000 0.00000 142.42864
485 -25.16588 76.36756 -0.00182 0.00000 0.00000 142.62087
486 -25.06146 80.41328 3.37221 0.00000 0.00000 141.97226
487 -16.02497 68.41233 -5.21015 0.00000 0.00000 91.33503
SUM 0.00000 5644.57030 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 46.31057

Condition D6=1.2DL+1.6Lr+0.5W1
403 28.06439 105.08558 9.49988 0.00000 0.00000 -175.70410
404 16.32876 187.39208 18.80475 0.00000 0.00000 -89.44131
405 -0.10061 201.75314 20.28852 0.00000 0.00000 -3.52503
406 -2.26737 202.35994 20.35468 0.00000 0.00000 21.95792
407 -22.68501 181.42424 18.16071 0.00000 0.00000 124.95699
408 -33.31806 99.07698 8.81499 0.00000 0.00000 191.75891
446 63.24855 145.88543 -4.35780 0.00000 0.00000 -364.66083
447 63.57651 146.95966 0.00567 0.00000 0.00000 -366.56834
448 63.40454 153.62039 8.47950 0.00000 0.00000 -365.85670
449 63.41049 152.65628 -8.31521 0.00000 0.00000 -365.90063
450 63.58981 148.86444 -0.02334 0.00000 0.00000 -366.67862
451 63.21496 147.45055 4.34705 0.00000 0.00000 -364.40119
452 28.07957 105.46242 -9.62612 0.00000 0.00000 -175.82370
453 31.49024 276.67775 -7.44881 0.00000 0.00000 -173.79327
454 31.67042 286.95826 0.01428 0.00000 0.00000 -174.86492
455 31.58852 293.16771 16.58841 0.00000 0.00000 -174.51275
456 31.59347 293.17748 -16.59141 0.00000 0.00000 -174.54568
457 31.68047 286.95694 -0.01421 0.00000 0.00000 -174.93985
458 31.46561 276.66830 7.44492 0.00000 0.00000 -173.61489
459 16.33961 187.40468 -18.80767 0.00000 0.00000 -89.51872
460 0.66942 298.48969 -7.94397 0.00000 0.00000 -12.70945
461 0.68867 310.26972 0.01539 0.00000 0.00000 -12.77094
462 0.65779 316.48493 17.87355 0.00000 0.00000 -12.66233
463 0.66243 316.48477 -17.87352 0.00000 0.00000 -12.69390
464 0.69492 310.26785 -0.01540 0.00000 0.00000 -12.82486
465 0.64720 298.48813 7.94408 0.00000 0.00000 -12.55007
466 -0.09175 201.75185 -20.28845 0.00000 0.00000 -3.59168
467 -3.53181 299.47362 -7.96451 0.00000 0.00000 35.81093
468 -3.63823 311.32352 0.01545 0.00000 0.00000 36.46545
469 -3.58283 317.55515 17.93254 0.00000 0.00000 36.26542
470 -3.57798 317.55433 -17.93226 0.00000 0.00000 36.23308
471 -3.61810 311.33840 -0.01545 0.00000 0.00000 36.35647
472 -3.53743 299.48882 7.96498 0.00000 0.00000 35.89494
473 -2.25226 202.36722 -20.35539 0.00000 0.00000 21.86688
474 -42.05287 267.19832 -7.24858 0.00000 0.00000 229.66205
475 -42.33317 276.79641 0.01378 0.00000 0.00000 231.42563
476 -42.35377 282.98888 16.02929 0.00000 0.00000 231.49620
477 -42.35081 282.99114 -16.02977 0.00000 0.00000 231.47032
478 -42.43618 276.77943 -0.01377 0.00000 0.00000 231.84010
479 -42.18254 267.17985 7.24860 0.00000 0.00000 230.26521
480 -22.72701 181.42836 -18.15994 0.00000 0.00000 125.10889
481 -63.41267 136.50131 -4.24726 0.00000 0.00000 360.39270
482 -63.79277 136.71762 0.00487 0.00000 0.00000 362.80413
483 -63.50682 142.95364 7.87985 0.00000 0.00000 361.28756
484 -63.49952 142.95163 -7.87953 0.00000 0.00000 361.23905
485 -63.67033 136.75334 -0.00487 0.00000 0.00000 361.92642
486 -63.31215 136.54300 4.24862 0.00000 0.00000 359.72180
487 -33.25604 99.10347 -8.81713 0.00000 0.00000 191.29055
SUM -110.32175 10757.22700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 593.34381

Condition D7=1.2DL+1.6Lr+0.5W2
403 43.44461 113.90079 10.01648 0.00000 0.00000 -235.72545
404 19.63617 207.05545 20.02826 0.00000 0.00000 -109.56807
405 0.87116 223.07618 21.61534 0.00000 0.00000 -11.16391
406 -1.69788 223.77388 21.68715 0.00000 0.00000 18.55404
407 -25.03540 200.33652 19.33746 0.00000 0.00000 136.39501
408 -37.39602 106.72009 9.26277 0.00000 0.00000 212.46996
446 78.63475 154.44050 -4.73861 0.00000 0.00000 -424.70698
447 78.95257 155.64220 0.00578 0.00000 0.00000 -426.57303
448 78.78661 162.30628 8.93434 0.00000 0.00000 -425.87535
449 78.79229 161.33987 -8.76981 0.00000 0.00000 -425.91714
450 78.96340 157.54538 -0.02342 0.00000 0.00000 -426.66140
451 78.59918 156.00500 4.72764 0.00000 0.00000 -424.42947
452 43.45721 114.27789 -10.14298 0.00000 0.00000 -235.82234
453 34.79885 295.70603 -8.34145 0.00000 0.00000 -193.92702
454 34.97495 306.29906 0.01455 0.00000 0.00000 -194.97819
455 34.89446 312.51419 17.66132 0.00000 0.00000 -194.62762
456 34.89911 312.52379 -17.66427 0.00000 0.00000 -194.65860
457 34.98242 306.29798 -0.01447 0.00000 0.00000 -195.03433
458 34.77193 295.69699 8.33764 0.00000 0.00000 -193.73224
459 19.64431 207.06806 -20.03114 0.00000 0.00000 -109.62589
460 1.63953 319.12329 -8.91195 0.00000 0.00000 -20.34474
461 1.66016 331.24274 0.01568 0.00000 0.00000 -20.40429
462 1.62595 337.46340 19.03696 0.00000 0.00000 -20.28102
463 1.63030 337.46325 -19.03693 0.00000 0.00000 -20.31066
464 1.66367 331.24067 -0.01569 0.00000 0.00000 -20.43846
465 1.61477 319.12152 8.91205 0.00000 0.00000 -20.16740
466 0.87712 223.07470 -21.61525 0.00000 0.00000 -11.20988
467 -2.96172 320.19541 -8.93662 0.00000 0.00000 32.40415
468 -3.06913 332.38610 0.01574 0.00000 0.00000 33.06369
469 -3.01434 338.62471 19.10100 0.00000 0.00000 32.87356
470 -3.00975 338.62391 -19.10071 0.00000 0.00000 32.84300
471 -3.05061 332.40231 -0.01574 0.00000 0.00000 32.97014
472 -2.96874 320.21193 8.93715 0.00000 0.00000 32.50197
473 -1.68448 223.78252 -21.68793 0.00000 0.00000 18.47930
474 -44.40717 285.49983 -8.10716 0.00000 0.00000 241.11310
475 -44.68042 295.39846 0.01403 0.00000 0.00000 242.85616
476 -44.71959 301.59119 17.06091 0.00000 0.00000 243.00579
477 -44.71712 301.59339 -17.06140 0.00000 0.00000 242.98246
478 -44.79636 295.37651 -0.01403 0.00000 0.00000 243.33483
479 -44.54986 285.47648 8.10694 0.00000 0.00000 241.77989
480 -25.09065 200.33559 -19.33640 0.00000 0.00000 136.61262
481 -67.49347 143.91978 -4.57762 0.00000 0.00000 381.11409
482 -67.86862 144.24644 0.00497 0.00000 0.00000 383.50848
483 -67.57960 150.48695 8.27432 0.00000 0.00000 381.96311
484 -67.57236 150.48497 -8.27399 0.00000 0.00000 381.91583
485 -67.73934 144.28465 -0.00497 0.00000 0.00000 382.59031
486 -67.38572 143.96388 4.57910 0.00000 0.00000 380.40006
487 -37.32716 106.74911 -9.26504 0.00000 0.00000 211.96156
SUM -0.00002 11526.89000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 121.50961
Condition D8=1.2DL+W1
403 -12.11847 53.83158 4.46958 0.00000 0.00000 18.53265
404 2.29827 72.15261 6.92903 0.00000 0.00000 -9.08520
405 -1.58619 76.52972 7.37876 0.00000 0.00000 10.45640
406 -1.84511 76.63853 7.39407 0.00000 0.00000 14.74998
407 -6.51416 70.81864 6.76414 0.00000 0.00000 37.88152
408 -7.88913 53.10384 4.31318 0.00000 0.00000 50.08274
446 -1.54951 67.22559 -2.67888 0.00000 0.00000 -38.23851
447 -1.43805 63.25262 0.00195 0.00000 0.00000 -38.86263
448 -1.49624 69.65205 4.09915 0.00000 0.00000 -38.64236
449 -1.49385 69.16726 -4.00104 0.00000 0.00000 -38.66031
450 -1.43029 65.15114 -0.01852 0.00000 0.00000 -38.93126
451 -1.55610 69.04351 2.70612 0.00000 0.00000 -38.19407
452 -12.10940 53.96853 -4.57534 0.00000 0.00000 18.45696
453 6.85728 100.39468 -3.39520 0.00000 0.00000 -34.44318
454 6.91166 99.05467 0.00438 0.00000 0.00000 -34.77655
455 6.89040 105.23100 6.23666 0.00000 0.00000 -34.68821
456 6.89255 105.23396 -6.23759 0.00000 0.00000 -34.70233
457 6.91881 99.05418 -0.00436 0.00000 0.00000 -34.82992
458 6.85399 100.39168 3.39399 0.00000 0.00000 -34.41993
459 2.30633 72.15607 -6.92992 0.00000 0.00000 -9.14301
460 -1.35307 107.01054 -3.54679 0.00000 0.00000 7.69277
461 -1.34833 106.12174 0.00471 0.00000 0.00000 7.66894
462 -1.35274 112.30068 6.62633 0.00000 0.00000 7.67658
463 -1.35074 112.30064 -6.62632 0.00000 0.00000 7.66310
464 -1.34170 106.12147 -0.00471 0.00000 0.00000 7.61867
465 -1.35492 107.01037 3.54685 0.00000 0.00000 7.70649
466 -1.57845 76.52968 -7.37875 0.00000 0.00000 10.40003
467 -2.22460 107.23492 -3.54963 0.00000 0.00000 18.91419
468 -2.25667 106.36601 0.00473 0.00000 0.00000 19.10571
469 -2.23762 112.54734 6.63990 0.00000 0.00000 19.02631
470 -2.23561 112.54707 -6.63983 0.00000 0.00000 19.01280
471 -2.24780 106.36828 -0.00473 0.00000 0.00000 19.04605
472 -2.22340 107.23729 3.54966 0.00000 0.00000 18.91234
473 -1.83740 76.63846 -7.39415 0.00000 0.00000 14.69336
474 -12.33412 97.98992 -3.35578 0.00000 0.00000 69.35087
475 -12.42162 96.45236 0.00423 0.00000 0.00000 69.88647
476 -12.40382 102.64806 6.09509 0.00000 0.00000 69.79816
477 -12.40200 102.64871 -6.09512 0.00000 0.00000 69.78524
478 -12.43090 96.47132 -0.00423 0.00000 0.00000 69.90295
479 -12.35088 98.00835 3.35702 0.00000 0.00000 69.42211
480 -6.50446 70.84416 -6.76529 0.00000 0.00000 37.81562
481 -16.93192 65.54980 -2.71040 0.00000 0.00000 100.76358
482 -17.05228 61.28497 0.00163 0.00000 0.00000 101.50391
483 -16.97436 67.48155 3.95487 0.00000 0.00000 101.09297
484 -16.97190 67.48086 -3.95475 0.00000 0.00000 101.07509
485 -17.02786 61.30494 -0.00163 0.00000 0.00000 101.29309
486 -16.91434 65.57152 2.71125 0.00000 0.00000 100.61575
487 -7.88274 53.12105 -4.31433 0.00000 0.00000 49.99301
SUM -220.64346 4105.24390 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 989.97896

Condition D9=1.2DL+W2
403 18.64197 71.46201 5.50279 0.00000 0.00000 -101.51005
404 8.91309 111.47936 9.37605 0.00000 0.00000 -49.33873
405 0.35735 119.17581 10.03239 0.00000 0.00000 -4.82136
406 -0.70611 119.46641 10.05900 0.00000 0.00000 7.94222
407 -11.21495 108.64319 9.11765 0.00000 0.00000 60.75757
408 -16.04504 68.39006 5.20874 0.00000 0.00000 91.50485
446 29.22287 84.33573 -3.44050 0.00000 0.00000 -158.33081
447 29.31407 80.61770 0.00217 0.00000 0.00000 -158.87200
448 29.26790 87.02383 5.00884 0.00000 0.00000 -158.67966
449 29.26975 86.53443 -4.91024 0.00000 0.00000 -158.69333
450 29.31690 82.51303 -0.01868 0.00000 0.00000 -158.89683
451 29.21235 86.15241 3.46731 0.00000 0.00000 -158.25064
452 18.64588 71.59946 -5.60906 0.00000 0.00000 -101.54031
453 13.47451 138.45124 -5.18049 0.00000 0.00000 -74.71067
454 13.52073 137.73628 0.00491 0.00000 0.00000 -75.00310
455 13.50229 143.92396 8.38249 0.00000 0.00000 -74.91795
456 13.50382 143.92657 -8.38330 0.00000 0.00000 -74.92816
457 13.52270 137.73627 -0.00489 0.00000 0.00000 -75.01888
458 13.46663 138.44906 5.17944 0.00000 0.00000 -74.65463
459 8.91572 111.48283 -9.37686 0.00000 0.00000 -49.35734
460 0.58715 148.27774 -5.48276 0.00000 0.00000 -7.57782
461 0.59465 148.06779 0.00529 0.00000 0.00000 -7.59775
462 0.58359 154.25763 8.95314 0.00000 0.00000 -7.56080
463 0.58499 154.25760 -8.95313 0.00000 0.00000 -7.57042
464 0.59580 148.06711 -0.00529 0.00000 0.00000 -7.60853
465 0.58022 148.27715 5.48278 0.00000 0.00000 -7.52817
466 0.35930 119.17537 -10.03237 0.00000 0.00000 -4.83636
467 -1.08443 148.67850 -5.49385 0.00000 0.00000 12.10065
468 -1.11849 148.49116 0.00531 0.00000 0.00000 12.30218
469 -1.10063 154.68647 8.97681 0.00000 0.00000 12.24259
470 -1.09915 154.68624 -8.97673 0.00000 0.00000 12.23264
471 -1.11280 148.49610 -0.00531 0.00000 0.00000 12.27338
472 -1.08602 148.68352 5.49401 0.00000 0.00000 12.12640
473 -0.70185 119.46907 -10.05924 0.00000 0.00000 7.91819
474 -17.04273 134.59294 -5.07294 0.00000 0.00000 92.25298
475 -17.11611 133.65645 0.00474 0.00000 0.00000 92.74754
476 -17.13547 139.85268 8.15832 0.00000 0.00000 92.81735
477 -17.13463 139.85321 -8.15837 0.00000 0.00000 92.80953
478 -17.15125 133.66549 -0.00474 0.00000 0.00000 92.89241
479 -17.08551 134.60161 5.07369 0.00000 0.00000 92.45147
480 -11.23173 108.65861 -9.11821 0.00000 0.00000 60.82308
481 -25.09352 80.38673 -3.37112 0.00000 0.00000 142.20636
482 -25.20397 76.34260 0.00182 0.00000 0.00000 142.91260
483 -25.11993 82.54816 4.74383 0.00000 0.00000 142.44408
484 -25.11758 82.54754 -4.74368 0.00000 0.00000 142.42864
485 -25.16588 76.36756 -0.00182 0.00000 0.00000 142.62087
486 -25.06146 80.41328 3.37221 0.00000 0.00000 141.97226
487 -16.02497 68.41233 -5.21015 0.00000 0.00000 91.33503
SUM 0.00000 5644.57030 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 46.31057

Condition D10=1.2DL+0.5Lr+W1
403 -4.36764 67.09370 5.88011 0.00000 0.00000 -23.40966
404 5.64923 102.02014 10.25784 0.00000 0.00000 -27.90687
405 -1.42563 108.99859 10.99843 0.00000 0.00000 8.47435
406 -2.15504 109.23461 11.02786 0.00000 0.00000 18.06618
407 -10.83305 99.47280 9.95784 0.00000 0.00000 61.51822
408 -14.56131 65.08197 5.58006 0.00000 0.00000 87.88434
446 13.89170 89.13333 -3.08454 0.00000 0.00000 -121.48107
447 14.07398 86.69778 0.00308 0.00000 0.00000 -122.51920
448 13.97836 93.17782 5.32587 0.00000 0.00000 -122.14101
449 13.98195 92.54396 -5.20716 0.00000 0.00000 -122.16775
450 14.08425 88.59876 -0.02000 0.00000 0.00000 -122.60769
451 13.87728 90.87244 3.09998 0.00000 0.00000 -121.37496
452 -4.35586 67.30554 -5.99219 0.00000 0.00000 -23.50618
453 13.52114 149.53680 -4.38300 0.00000 0.00000 -71.69829
454 13.61611 151.73054 0.00739 0.00000 0.00000 -72.26876
455 13.57546 157.91544 9.13630 0.00000 0.00000 -72.09749
456 13.57858 157.92059 -9.13789 0.00000 0.00000 -72.11809
457 13.62497 151.72971 -0.00735 0.00000 0.00000 -72.33475
458 13.51189 149.53166 4.38093 0.00000 0.00000 -71.63168
459 5.65901 102.02645 -10.25938 0.00000 0.00000 -27.97693
460 -1.02420 160.39977 -4.61842 0.00000 0.00000 3.70311
461 -1.01536 163.36391 0.00796 0.00000 0.00000 3.66690
462 -1.02701 169.55249 9.77753 0.00000 0.00000 3.70151
463 -1.02408 169.55241 -9.77751 0.00000 0.00000 3.68177
464 -1.00799 163.36321 -0.00796 0.00000 0.00000 3.60931
465 -1.03162 160.39924 4.61849 0.00000 0.00000 3.75673
466 -1.41663 108.99822 -10.99840 0.00000 0.00000 8.40830
467 -2.81125 160.83395 -4.62550 0.00000 0.00000 25.25904
468 -2.86625 163.83318 0.00799 0.00000 0.00000 25.59368
469 -2.83566 170.02804 9.80371 0.00000 0.00000 25.47349
470 -2.83267 170.02759 -9.80357 0.00000 0.00000 25.45354
471 -2.85336 163.83897 -0.00799 0.00000 0.00000 25.51379
472 -2.81175 160.83992 4.62564 0.00000 0.00000 25.27971
473 -2.14447 109.23642 -11.02811 0.00000 0.00000 17.99370
474 -20.88550 145.14832 -4.30397 0.00000 0.00000 115.86966
475 -21.03547 146.99674 0.00713 0.00000 0.00000 116.79541
476 -21.02386 153.19135 8.87715 0.00000 0.00000 116.73205
477 -21.02153 153.19252 -8.87732 0.00000 0.00000 116.71428
478 -21.07000 147.00601 -0.00713 0.00000 0.00000 116.91620
479 -20.93348 145.15675 4.30491 0.00000 0.00000 116.08724
480 -10.83538 99.49321 -9.95848 0.00000 0.00000 61.49985
481 -30.18191 85.40388 -3.08743 0.00000 0.00000 175.42225
482 -30.38498 82.50492 0.00262 0.00000 0.00000 176.69012
483 -30.24300 88.71242 5.05815 0.00000 0.00000 175.94267
484 -30.23902 88.71131 -5.05797 0.00000 0.00000 175.91483
485 -30.33207 82.52903 -0.00262 0.00000 0.00000 176.28354
486 -30.14066 85.43108 3.08840 0.00000 0.00000 175.12444
487 -14.53967 65.10129 -5.58148 0.00000 0.00000 87.68880
SUM -220.64346 5943.46880 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1013.47870
Condition D11=1.2DL+0.5Lr+W2
403 26.39279 84.72413 6.91332 0.00000 0.00000 -143.45236
404 12.26406 141.34688 12.70487 0.00000 0.00000 -68.16040
405 0.51791 151.64467 13.65206 0.00000 0.00000 -6.80341
406 -1.01604 152.06249 13.69279 0.00000 0.00000 11.25841
407 -15.53384 137.29735 12.31134 0.00000 0.00000 84.39427
408 -22.71722 80.36820 6.47563 0.00000 0.00000 129.30645
446 44.66409 106.24347 -3.84616 0.00000 0.00000 -241.57336
447 44.82610 104.06286 0.00330 0.00000 0.00000 -242.52857
448 44.74250 110.54960 6.23556 0.00000 0.00000 -242.17831
449 44.74554 109.91113 -6.11636 0.00000 0.00000 -242.20077
450 44.83143 105.96064 -0.02016 0.00000 0.00000 -242.57326
451 44.64573 107.98135 3.86117 0.00000 0.00000 -241.43153
452 26.39942 84.93647 -7.02591 0.00000 0.00000 -143.50344
453 20.13837 187.59337 -6.16829 0.00000 0.00000 -111.96578
454 20.22517 190.41215 0.00792 0.00000 0.00000 -112.49532
455 20.18734 196.60841 11.28213 0.00000 0.00000 -112.32722
456 20.18985 196.61320 -11.28360 0.00000 0.00000 -112.34392
457 20.22886 190.41180 -0.00788 0.00000 0.00000 -112.52371
458 20.12454 187.58904 6.16638 0.00000 0.00000 -111.86639
459 12.26840 141.35321 -12.70632 0.00000 0.00000 -68.19126
460 0.91602 201.66698 -6.55438 0.00000 0.00000 -11.56748
461 0.92762 205.30996 0.00853 0.00000 0.00000 -11.59980
462 0.90933 211.50943 12.10433 0.00000 0.00000 -11.53587
463 0.91165 211.50936 -12.10432 0.00000 0.00000 -11.55175
464 0.92951 205.30885 -0.00854 0.00000 0.00000 -11.61788
465 0.90352 201.66602 6.55443 0.00000 0.00000 -11.47793
466 0.52112 151.64391 -13.65202 0.00000 0.00000 -6.82809
467 -1.67108 202.27753 -6.56971 0.00000 0.00000 18.44549
468 -1.72807 205.95833 0.00857 0.00000 0.00000 18.79015
469 -1.69866 212.16717 12.14062 0.00000 0.00000 18.68977
470 -1.69621 212.16676 -12.14047 0.00000 0.00000 18.67338
471 -1.71837 205.96679 -0.00857 0.00000 0.00000 18.74112
472 -1.67437 202.28615 6.56999 0.00000 0.00000 18.49376
473 -1.00893 152.06702 -13.69320 0.00000 0.00000 11.21854
474 -25.59412 181.75134 -6.02113 0.00000 0.00000 138.77177
475 -25.72996 184.20083 0.00765 0.00000 0.00000 139.65649
476 -25.75551 190.39596 10.94038 0.00000 0.00000 139.75123
477 -25.75416 190.39702 -10.94057 0.00000 0.00000 139.73857
478 -25.79035 184.20018 -0.00764 0.00000 0.00000 139.90567
479 -25.66812 181.75001 6.02158 0.00000 0.00000 139.11660
480 -15.56264 137.30767 -12.31139 0.00000 0.00000 84.50731
481 -38.34350 100.24081 -3.74815 0.00000 0.00000 216.86502
482 -38.53667 97.56255 0.00281 0.00000 0.00000 218.09881
483 -38.38857 103.77903 5.84711 0.00000 0.00000 217.29378
484 -38.38470 103.77799 -5.84690 0.00000 0.00000 217.26839
485 -38.47009 97.59165 -0.00281 0.00000 0.00000 217.61132
486 -38.28779 100.27284 3.74936 0.00000 0.00000 216.48095
487 -22.68190 80.39257 -6.47730 0.00000 0.00000 129.03082
SUM -0.00001 7482.79510 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 69.81027

Condition D12=1.2DL+0.37Ex+0.11Ez
403 -27.92459 12.65640 -8.75112 0.00000 0.00000 279.33437
404 -39.92343 66.73337 -4.06752 0.00000 0.00000 279.32106
405 -46.67971 70.33565 -3.66750 0.00000 0.00000 316.21221
406 -47.61162 71.26268 -3.60120 0.00000 0.00000 328.34888
407 -60.78242 54.29057 -4.92737 0.00000 0.00000 392.28825
408 -63.85537 32.01989 -7.74935 0.00000 0.00000 476.86863
446 -21.26790 122.49506 -16.82116 0.00000 0.00000 233.27586
447 -21.38053 70.38473 -0.02689 0.00000 0.00000 233.64571
448 -21.30486 26.56470 -9.66278 0.00000 0.00000 233.45862
449 -21.30207 126.50795 -18.60261 0.00000 0.00000 233.44258
450 -21.37766 72.10023 -0.04155 0.00000 0.00000 233.62191
451 -21.27893 23.47925 -11.48916 0.00000 0.00000 233.35387
452 -27.91983 114.22715 -19.74282 0.00000 0.00000 279.30248
453 -39.28871 190.52106 -19.21557 0.00000 0.00000 264.14274
454 -39.35742 141.53781 -0.02404 0.00000 0.00000 264.40474
455 -39.32817 97.31221 -5.56207 0.00000 0.00000 264.35363
456 -39.32589 198.10574 -22.85209 0.00000 0.00000 264.34090
457 -39.35564 141.54239 -0.03452 0.00000 0.00000 264.39054
458 -39.29673 89.64649 -9.10405 0.00000 0.00000 264.19691
459 -39.92009 168.06683 -24.28202 0.00000 0.00000 279.30028
460 -50.35591 196.36385 -19.33276 0.00000 0.00000 323.56900
461 -50.46627 147.81054 -0.02371 0.00000 0.00000 324.10339
462 -50.42590 103.58686 -5.21646 0.00000 0.00000 323.99968
463 -50.42480 204.37978 -23.19716 0.00000 0.00000 323.99169
464 -50.46556 147.81411 -0.03487 0.00000 0.00000 324.09520
465 -50.36232 95.48857 -8.98610 0.00000 0.00000 323.61442
466 -46.67834 171.66698 -24.68144 0.00000 0.00000 316.20032
467 -51.89477 197.38792 -19.37275 0.00000 0.00000 342.61545
468 -52.04710 148.86753 -0.02369 0.00000 0.00000 343.37227
469 -51.97544 104.65164 -5.15757 0.00000 0.00000 343.16281
470 -51.97383 205.44438 -23.25596 0.00000 0.00000 343.15245
471 -52.03960 148.87930 -0.03489 0.00000 0.00000 343.33651
472 -51.89389 96.52080 -8.94582 0.00000 0.00000 342.62907
473 -47.60529 172.59976 -24.74816 0.00000 0.00000 328.31653
474 -70.54401 177.32174 -18.67357 0.00000 0.00000 434.00422
475 -70.72807 127.94284 -0.02433 0.00000 0.00000 435.03962
476 -70.71894 83.72011 -6.31406 0.00000 0.00000 435.05074
477 -70.71948 184.51161 -22.09946 0.00000 0.00000 435.04845
478 -70.78011 127.95013 -0.03425 0.00000 0.00000 435.25675
479 -70.60221 76.45179 -9.64469 0.00000 0.00000 434.26623
480 -60.81736 155.62981 -23.42165 0.00000 0.00000 392.43063
481 -76.83975 140.59334 -17.75495 0.00000 0.00000 538.37571
482 -77.14922 88.41281 -0.02696 0.00000 0.00000 539.97607
483 -76.93109 44.20060 -8.77683 0.00000 0.00000 539.03269
484 -76.92983 145.02216 -19.63413 0.00000 0.00000 539.02122
485 -77.09664 88.44640 -0.03150 0.00000 0.00000 539.58233
486 -76.79065 39.71598 -10.56553 0.00000 0.00000 538.02627
487 -63.82194 133.39881 -20.60136 0.00000 0.00000 476.60040
SUM -2437.55990 5644.57030 -510.84000 0.00000 0.00000 16975.47400

Condition D13=1.2DL+0.11Ex+0.37Ez
403 4.79600 -94.59127 -40.57067 0.00000 0.00000 11.72110
404 -5.60727 -50.76807 -36.57820 0.00000 0.00000 48.37671
405 -13.62648 -44.29138 -35.99836 0.00000 0.00000 90.62046
406 -14.65131 -43.81159 -35.95995 0.00000 0.00000 103.19985
407 -25.94976 -56.46015 -37.01548 0.00000 0.00000 159.31509
408 -30.25691 -91.33819 -40.58111 0.00000 0.00000 206.06534
446 14.21403 243.57132 -49.81355 0.00000 0.00000 -41.91446
447 14.24270 77.60008 -0.09520 0.00000 0.00000 -42.17749
448 14.23087 -84.91672 -42.69570 0.00000 0.00000 -42.09113
449 14.23678 252.40465 -52.61071 0.00000 0.00000 -42.11894
450 14.24541 78.88776 -0.09590 0.00000 0.00000 -42.20016
451 14.19978 -93.77517 -45.47558 0.00000 0.00000 -41.82290
452 4.80413 246.73243 -55.02196 0.00000 0.00000 11.67472
453 -2.21042 302.17504 -51.85856 0.00000 0.00000 26.02365
454 -2.19981 138.88858 -0.09262 0.00000 0.00000 25.90197
455 -2.20545 -24.49314 -39.16674 0.00000 0.00000 25.95214
456 -2.20095 314.53388 -56.40642 0.00000 0.00000 25.93038
457 -2.19804 138.90373 -0.10440 0.00000 0.00000 25.88807
458 -2.22096 -37.12573 -43.39609 0.00000 0.00000 26.08900
459 -5.60142 290.07324 -58.77756 0.00000 0.00000 48.34471
460 -14.55827 310.81984 -52.10610 0.00000 0.00000 90.87195
461 -14.58562 148.01342 -0.09226 0.00000 0.00000 91.01610
462 -14.58118 -15.36908 -38.66332 0.00000 0.00000 91.01030
463 -14.58038 323.66171 -56.90976 0.00000 0.00000 91.00361
464 -14.58484 148.02788 -0.10479 0.00000 0.00000 91.00780
465 -14.56445 -28.48569 -43.14825 0.00000 0.00000 90.91726
466 -13.62496 296.55229 -59.35729 0.00000 0.00000 90.60704
467 -16.18988 311.40592 -52.12577 0.00000 0.00000 110.36015
468 -16.25943 148.62517 -0.09223 0.00000 0.00000 110.72843
469 -16.22585 -14.75117 -38.62917 0.00000 0.00000 110.62568
470 -16.22383 324.27942 -56.94381 0.00000 0.00000 110.61322
471 -16.25340 148.64600 -0.10481 0.00000 0.00000 110.69906
472 -16.19119 -27.89325 -43.12837 0.00000 0.00000 110.38411
473 -14.64568 297.03598 -59.39600 0.00000 0.00000 103.16933
474 -32.95004 295.53955 -51.62191 0.00000 0.00000 193.86059
475 -33.05480 131.97992 -0.09282 0.00000 0.00000 194.51003
476 -33.06421 -31.39503 -39.54793 0.00000 0.00000 194.55659
477 -33.06693 307.63004 -56.02470 0.00000 0.00000 194.56298
478 -33.09517 132.00227 -0.10422 0.00000 0.00000 194.67789
479 -32.99412 -43.75226 -43.63129 0.00000 0.00000 194.06458
480 -25.97503 284.39133 -58.34015 0.00000 0.00000 159.41516
481 -40.47964 246.52022 -50.14381 0.00000 0.00000 259.99384
482 -40.64715 79.95364 -0.09546 0.00000 0.00000 260.95847
483 -40.52120 -83.45926 -42.67308 0.00000 0.00000 260.34153
484 -40.52348 255.66891 -52.89134 0.00000 0.00000 260.34290
485 -40.60495 79.99468 -0.10120 0.00000 0.00000 260.63814
486 -40.43807 -92.86927 -45.11913 0.00000 0.00000 259.70881
487 -30.23715 249.59783 -54.77628 0.00000 0.00000 205.88104
SUM -724.67997 5644.57030 -1718.28000 0.00000 0.00000 5079.30470
Condition D14=0.9DL+W1
403 -16.77896 35.96608 3.09388 0.00000 0.00000 43.91017
404 0.06999 44.28277 4.58501 0.00000 0.00000 3.24948
405 -1.67553 46.73577 4.87066 0.00000 0.00000 11.66174
406 -1.66858 46.77193 4.87932 0.00000 0.00000 12.76443
407 -3.71042 43.65784 4.48473 0.00000 0.00000 22.69213
408 -3.87787 36.00632 3.01099 0.00000 0.00000 27.20653
446 -8.85523 46.14166 -1.81875 0.00000 0.00000 1.34419
447 -8.76656 43.09820 0.00141 0.00000 0.00000 0.85537
448 -8.81321 47.89609 2.84694 0.00000 0.00000 1.02756
449 -8.81128 47.53365 -2.77348 0.00000 0.00000 1.01302
450 -8.75951 44.52289 -0.01385 0.00000 0.00000 0.79295
451 -8.85919 47.50540 1.83929 0.00000 0.00000 1.36859
452 -16.77087 36.06867 -3.17307 0.00000 0.00000 43.84203
453 3.48865 65.78187 -2.10008 0.00000 0.00000 -15.76551
454 3.53148 64.62060 0.00315 0.00000 0.00000 -16.02577
455 3.51483 69.25001 4.14104 0.00000 0.00000 -15.95873
456 3.51659 69.25232 -4.14176 0.00000 0.00000 -15.97029
457 3.53814 64.62011 -0.00314 0.00000 0.00000 -16.07520
458 3.48733 65.77942 2.09913 0.00000 0.00000 -15.75627
459 0.07740 44.28536 -4.58570 0.00000 0.00000 3.19633
460 -1.49986 69.94110 -2.17611 0.00000 0.00000 9.58723
461 -1.49699 69.10479 0.00339 0.00000 0.00000 9.56838
462 -1.49864 73.73627 4.38805 0.00000 0.00000 9.56678
463 -1.49699 73.73624 -4.38804 0.00000 0.00000 9.55571
464 -1.49065 69.10469 -0.00339 0.00000 0.00000 9.52080
465 -1.49997 69.94109 2.17615 0.00000 0.00000 9.58853
466 -1.66828 46.73584 -4.87066 0.00000 0.00000 11.60912
467 -1.95349 70.06529 -2.17617 0.00000 0.00000 15.88903
468 -1.97705 69.24322 0.00340 0.00000 0.00000 16.03017
469 -1.96246 73.87573 4.39570 0.00000 0.00000 15.96566
470 -1.96082 73.87551 -4.39564 0.00000 0.00000 15.95464
471 -1.96960 69.24425 -0.00340 0.00000 0.00000 15.97771
472 -1.95189 70.06641 2.17616 0.00000 0.00000 15.88074
473 -1.66194 46.77120 -4.87934 0.00000 0.00000 12.71381
474 -8.07343 64.34169 -2.08754 0.00000 0.00000 46.28762
475 -8.14260 63.03825 0.00305 0.00000 0.00000 46.69958
476 -8.11995 67.68489 4.05551 0.00000 0.00000 46.59383
477 -8.11834 67.68541 -4.05553 0.00000 0.00000 46.58286
478 -8.14309 63.05495 -0.00304 0.00000 0.00000 46.67984
479 -8.07950 64.35795 2.08860 0.00000 0.00000 46.30924
480 -3.69653 43.67950 -4.48574 0.00000 0.00000 22.60985
481 -10.65854 45.45312 -1.86762 0.00000 0.00000 65.21199
482 -10.75128 42.19932 0.00118 0.00000 0.00000 65.77576
483 -10.69437 46.84451 2.76892 0.00000 0.00000 65.48195
484 -10.69251 46.84398 -2.76883 0.00000 0.00000 65.46793
485 -10.73639 42.21305 -0.00118 0.00000 0.00000 65.63787
486 -10.64897 45.46820 1.86820 0.00000 0.00000 65.12269
487 -3.87650 36.01797 -3.01179 0.00000 0.00000 27.15925
SUM -220.64346 2694.10130 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 978.40132

Condition D15=0.9DL+W2
403 13.98148 53.59651 4.12710 0.00000 0.00000 -76.13254
404 6.68482 83.60952 7.03204 0.00000 0.00000 -37.00404
405 0.26801 89.38186 7.52429 0.00000 0.00000 -3.61602
406 -0.52959 89.59981 7.54425 0.00000 0.00000 5.95666
407 -8.41121 81.48239 6.83824 0.00000 0.00000 45.56818
408 -12.03378 51.29255 3.90656 0.00000 0.00000 68.62863
446 21.91716 63.25180 -2.58038 0.00000 0.00000 -118.74811
447 21.98555 60.46328 0.00163 0.00000 0.00000 -119.15400
448 21.95093 65.26787 3.75663 0.00000 0.00000 -119.00974
449 21.95231 64.90082 -3.68268 0.00000 0.00000 -119.02000
450 21.98767 61.88477 -0.01401 0.00000 0.00000 -119.17262
451 21.90926 64.61431 2.60049 0.00000 0.00000 -118.68798
452 13.98441 53.69959 -4.20679 0.00000 0.00000 -76.15523
453 10.10588 103.83843 -3.88537 0.00000 0.00000 -56.03300
454 10.14055 103.30221 0.00368 0.00000 0.00000 -56.25233
455 10.12672 107.94297 6.28687 0.00000 0.00000 -56.18846
456 10.12786 107.94493 -6.28748 0.00000 0.00000 -56.19612
457 10.14203 103.30220 -0.00367 0.00000 0.00000 -56.26416
458 10.09997 103.83679 3.88458 0.00000 0.00000 -55.99097
459 6.68679 83.61212 -7.03264 0.00000 0.00000 -37.01800
460 0.44037 111.20831 -4.11207 0.00000 0.00000 -5.68337
461 0.44599 111.05084 0.00397 0.00000 0.00000 -5.69831
462 0.43769 115.69322 6.71485 0.00000 0.00000 -5.67060
463 0.43874 115.69320 -6.71485 0.00000 0.00000 -5.67782
464 0.44685 111.05034 -0.00397 0.00000 0.00000 -5.70640
465 0.43517 111.20786 4.11209 0.00000 0.00000 -5.64613
466 0.26948 89.38153 -7.52428 0.00000 0.00000 -3.62727
467 -0.81332 111.50887 -4.12039 0.00000 0.00000 9.07549
468 -0.83887 111.36837 0.00398 0.00000 0.00000 9.22663
469 -0.82547 116.01486 6.73261 0.00000 0.00000 9.18194
470 -0.82437 116.01468 -6.73255 0.00000 0.00000 9.17448
471 -0.83460 111.37208 -0.00398 0.00000 0.00000 9.20504
472 -0.81452 111.51264 4.12051 0.00000 0.00000 9.09480
473 -0.52639 89.60180 -7.54443 0.00000 0.00000 5.93864
474 -12.78204 100.94471 -3.80470 0.00000 0.00000 69.18974
475 -12.83708 100.24234 0.00356 0.00000 0.00000 69.56066
476 -12.85161 104.88951 6.11874 0.00000 0.00000 69.61301
477 -12.85097 104.88991 -6.11878 0.00000 0.00000 69.60715
478 -12.86344 100.24912 -0.00356 0.00000 0.00000 69.66931
479 -12.81413 100.95120 3.80527 0.00000 0.00000 69.33860
480 -8.42380 81.49396 -6.83866 0.00000 0.00000 45.61731
481 -18.82014 60.29005 -2.52834 0.00000 0.00000 106.65477
482 -18.90298 57.25695 0.00137 0.00000 0.00000 107.18445
483 -18.83994 61.91112 3.55787 0.00000 0.00000 106.83306
484 -18.83819 61.91066 -3.55776 0.00000 0.00000 106.82148
485 -18.87441 57.27567 -0.00137 0.00000 0.00000 106.96565
486 -18.79610 60.30996 2.52916 0.00000 0.00000 106.47920
487 -12.01873 51.30925 -3.90761 0.00000 0.00000 68.50128
SUM 0.00000 4233.42770 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 34.73293

Condition D16=0.9DL+0.37Ex+0.11Ez
403 -32.58508 -5.20910 -10.12682 0.00000 0.00000 304.71188
404 -42.15171 38.86353 -6.41153 0.00000 0.00000 291.65574
405 -46.76904 40.54169 -6.17560 0.00000 0.00000 317.41755
406 -47.43509 41.39607 -6.11595 0.00000 0.00000 326.36332
407 -57.97869 27.12977 -7.20678 0.00000 0.00000 377.09886
408 -59.84410 14.92237 -9.05153 0.00000 0.00000 453.99242
446 -28.57362 101.41113 -15.96103 0.00000 0.00000 272.85856
447 -28.70904 50.23031 -0.02743 0.00000 0.00000 273.36371
448 -28.62184 4.80874 -10.91499 0.00000 0.00000 273.12854
449 -28.61951 104.87434 -17.37505 0.00000 0.00000 273.11592
450 -28.70688 51.47197 -0.03688 0.00000 0.00000 273.34612
451 -28.58201 1.94115 -12.35599 0.00000 0.00000 272.91653
452 -32.58130 96.32729 -18.34056 0.00000 0.00000 304.68756
453 -42.65734 155.90825 -17.92045 0.00000 0.00000 282.82040
454 -42.73761 107.10374 -0.02527 0.00000 0.00000 283.15552
455 -42.70374 61.33122 -7.65770 0.00000 0.00000 283.08312
456 -42.70184 162.12409 -20.75627 0.00000 0.00000 283.07294
457 -42.73632 107.10833 -0.03330 0.00000 0.00000 283.14526
458 -42.66338 55.03422 -10.39890 0.00000 0.00000 282.86057
459 -42.14902 140.19612 -21.93781 0.00000 0.00000 291.63961
460 -50.50270 159.29441 -17.96207 0.00000 0.00000 325.46345
461 -50.61493 110.79359 -0.02504 0.00000 0.00000 326.00283
462 -50.57180 65.02246 -7.45474 0.00000 0.00000 325.88988
463 -50.57104 165.81538 -20.95887 0.00000 0.00000 325.88430
464 -50.61451 110.79733 -0.03355 0.00000 0.00000 325.99734
465 -50.50738 58.41928 -10.35680 0.00000 0.00000 325.49646
466 -46.76817 141.87314 -22.17335 0.00000 0.00000 317.40941
467 -51.62366 160.21829 -17.99929 0.00000 0.00000 339.59029
468 -51.76748 111.74474 -0.02502 0.00000 0.00000 340.29673
469 -51.70028 65.98002 -7.40177 0.00000 0.00000 340.10216
470 -51.69904 166.77282 -21.01177 0.00000 0.00000 340.09429
471 -51.76140 111.75528 -0.03356 0.00000 0.00000 340.26816
472 -51.62239 59.34992 -10.31933 0.00000 0.00000 339.59747
473 -47.42983 142.73249 -22.23335 0.00000 0.00000 326.33699
474 -66.28332 143.67350 -17.40533 0.00000 0.00000 410.94097
475 -66.44904 94.52873 -0.02552 0.00000 0.00000 411.85273
476 -66.43507 48.75694 -8.35364 0.00000 0.00000 411.84641
477 -66.43582 149.54831 -20.05987 0.00000 0.00000 411.84606
478 -66.49230 94.53376 -0.03306 0.00000 0.00000 412.03365
479 -66.33083 42.80138 -10.91311 0.00000 0.00000 411.15336
480 -58.00942 128.46516 -21.14209 0.00000 0.00000 377.22486
481 -70.56637 120.49666 -16.91217 0.00000 0.00000 502.82412
482 -70.84823 69.32716 -0.02742 0.00000 0.00000 504.24792
483 -70.65111 23.56356 -9.96278 0.00000 0.00000 503.42166
484 -70.65043 124.38528 -18.44821 0.00000 0.00000 503.41406
485 -70.80517 69.35451 -0.03105 0.00000 0.00000 503.92711
486 -70.52529 19.61266 -11.40858 0.00000 0.00000 502.53320
487 -59.81570 116.29573 -19.29882 0.00000 0.00000 453.76665
SUM -2437.55990 4233.42770 -510.84000 0.00000 0.00000 16963.89700
Condition D17=0.9DL+0.11Ex+0.37Ez
403 0.13551 -112.45678 -41.94637 0.00000 0.00000 37.09861
404 -7.83554 -78.63791 -38.92222 0.00000 0.00000 60.71139
405 -13.71581 -74.08533 -38.50646 0.00000 0.00000 91.82580
406 -14.47478 -73.67819 -38.47470 0.00000 0.00000 101.21430
407 -23.14603 -83.62094 -39.29489 0.00000 0.00000 144.12570
408 -26.24565 -108.43571 -41.88329 0.00000 0.00000 183.18913
446 6.90831 222.48739 -48.95342 0.00000 0.00000 -2.33176
447 6.91418 57.44565 -0.09574 0.00000 0.00000 -2.45949
448 6.91390 -106.67268 -43.94791 0.00000 0.00000 -2.42121
449 6.91934 230.77104 -51.38315 0.00000 0.00000 -2.44561
450 6.91618 58.25950 -0.09123 0.00000 0.00000 -2.47595
451 6.89669 -115.31328 -46.34241 0.00000 0.00000 -2.26024
452 0.14266 228.83256 -53.61970 0.00000 0.00000 37.05980
453 -5.57904 267.56223 -50.56344 0.00000 0.00000 44.70132
454 -5.57999 104.45451 -0.09384 0.00000 0.00000 44.65275
455 -5.58102 -60.47413 -41.26236 0.00000 0.00000 44.68163
456 -5.57690 278.55224 -54.31059 0.00000 0.00000 44.66242
457 -5.57871 104.46966 -0.10318 0.00000 0.00000 44.64279
458 -5.58762 -71.73800 -44.69095 0.00000 0.00000 44.75266
459 -7.83035 262.20253 -56.43335 0.00000 0.00000 60.68405
460 -14.70505 273.75041 -50.73541 0.00000 0.00000 92.76640
461 -14.73428 110.99647 -0.09358 0.00000 0.00000 92.91554
462 -14.72708 -53.93349 -40.90161 0.00000 0.00000 92.90050
463 -14.72663 285.09731 -54.67147 0.00000 0.00000 92.89622
464 -14.73379 111.01110 -0.10347 0.00000 0.00000 92.90994
465 -14.70951 -65.55498 -44.51894 0.00000 0.00000 92.79930
466 -13.71479 266.75844 -56.84920 0.00000 0.00000 91.81613
467 -15.91877 274.23630 -50.75231 0.00000 0.00000 107.33499
468 -15.97981 111.50238 -0.09356 0.00000 0.00000 107.65288
469 -15.95070 -53.42279 -40.87338 0.00000 0.00000 107.56503
470 -15.94904 285.60786 -54.69963 0.00000 0.00000 107.55506
471 -15.97520 111.52197 -0.10348 0.00000 0.00000 107.63072
472 -15.91968 -65.06413 -44.50187 0.00000 0.00000 107.35251
473 -14.47021 267.16871 -56.88119 0.00000 0.00000 101.18978
474 -28.68936 261.89131 -50.35367 0.00000 0.00000 170.79734
475 -28.77577 98.56581 -0.09401 0.00000 0.00000 171.32314
476 -28.78034 -66.35820 -41.58751 0.00000 0.00000 171.35226
477 -28.78327 272.66674 -53.98511 0.00000 0.00000 171.36059
478 -28.80736 98.58590 -0.10303 0.00000 0.00000 171.45479
479 -28.72274 -77.40266 -44.89971 0.00000 0.00000 170.95171
480 -23.16710 257.22668 -56.06059 0.00000 0.00000 144.20939
481 -34.20626 226.42354 -49.30103 0.00000 0.00000 224.44225
482 -34.34616 60.86799 -0.09592 0.00000 0.00000 225.23032
483 -34.24122 -104.09630 -43.85904 0.00000 0.00000 224.73051
484 -34.24409 235.03202 -51.70542 0.00000 0.00000 224.73574
485 -34.31348 60.90279 -0.10074 0.00000 0.00000 224.98292
486 -34.17271 -112.97259 -45.96219 0.00000 0.00000 224.21575
487 -26.23091 232.49475 -53.47374 0.00000 0.00000 183.04728
SUM -724.67997 4233.42770 -1718.28000 0.00000 0.00000 5067.72710

Condition id17=1.2DL+0.37Ex-0.11Ez
403 -27.92338 109.56058 18.53602 0.00000 0.00000 279.32972
404 -39.92253 163.88150 23.29900 0.00000 0.00000 279.31730
405 -46.67981 167.48547 23.69921 0.00000 0.00000 316.21259
406 -47.61142 168.41250 23.76551 0.00000 0.00000 328.34783
407 -60.78338 151.43863 22.43920 0.00000 0.00000 392.29194
408 -63.85668 129.14907 19.60408 0.00000 0.00000 476.87328
446 -21.26916 26.03415 10.83072 0.00000 0.00000 233.28059
447 -21.38052 70.36868 0.03098 0.00000 0.00000 233.64567
448 -21.30364 126.98818 18.60723 0.00000 0.00000 233.45413
449 -21.30331 26.07144 9.85463 0.00000 0.00000 233.44686
450 -21.37757 72.44564 0.00438 0.00000 0.00000 233.62067
451 -21.27785 128.68290 17.53332 0.00000 0.00000 233.35076
452 -27.92121 8.26374 9.74575 0.00000 0.00000 279.30803
453 -39.28965 93.83013 8.50835 0.00000 0.00000 264.14657
454 -39.35742 141.52339 0.03396 0.00000 0.00000 264.40471
455 -39.32727 198.12269 22.74761 0.00000 0.00000 264.35000
456 -39.32678 97.33410 5.66503 0.00000 0.00000 264.34432
457 -39.35555 141.51897 0.02463 0.00000 0.00000 264.38960
458 -39.29595 194.70070 19.80932 0.00000 0.00000 264.19431
459 -39.92115 62.55459 5.04901 0.00000 0.00000 279.30482
460 -50.35579 99.67119 8.39136 0.00000 0.00000 323.56853
461 -50.46627 147.79612 0.03428 0.00000 0.00000 324.10339
462 -50.42604 204.39922 23.09344 0.00000 0.00000 324.00028
463 -50.42460 103.60624 5.32018 0.00000 0.00000 323.99070
464 -50.46541 147.79064 0.02429 0.00000 0.00000 324.09409
465 -50.36259 200.54474 19.92751 0.00000 0.00000 323.61596
466 -46.67828 66.15269 4.64982 0.00000 0.00000 316.20028
467 -51.89498 100.69525 8.35136 0.00000 0.00000 342.61653
468 -52.04710 148.85311 0.03431 0.00000 0.00000 343.37227
469 -51.97525 205.46399 23.15233 0.00000 0.00000 343.16189
470 -51.97397 104.67084 5.26138 0.00000 0.00000 343.15309
471 -52.03947 148.85584 0.02427 0.00000 0.00000 343.33552
472 -51.89381 201.57698 19.96778 0.00000 0.00000 342.62897
473 -47.60558 67.08546 4.58309 0.00000 0.00000 328.31812
474 -70.54301 80.63090 9.05040 0.00000 0.00000 434.00037
475 -70.72807 127.92842 0.03367 0.00000 0.00000 435.03963
476 -70.71991 184.53065 21.99570 0.00000 0.00000 435.05454
477 -70.71839 83.73997 6.41772 0.00000 0.00000 435.04405
478 -70.77998 127.92669 0.02492 0.00000 0.00000 435.25578
479 -70.60336 181.50610 19.26878 0.00000 0.00000 434.27112
480 -60.81629 50.11747 5.90946 0.00000 0.00000 392.42669
481 -76.83838 43.90851 9.96306 0.00000 0.00000 538.37088
482 -77.14923 88.39808 0.03091 0.00000 0.00000 539.97609
483 -76.93242 145.04189 19.52875 0.00000 0.00000 539.03743
484 -76.92836 44.21933 8.88246 0.00000 0.00000 539.01577
485 -77.09652 88.42285 0.02756 0.00000 0.00000 539.58122
486 -76.79218 144.84679 18.35996 0.00000 0.00000 538.03229
487 -63.82046 27.82328 8.74332 0.00000 0.00000 476.59541
SUM -2437.55990 5644.57030 510.84000 0.00000 0.00000 16975.47500

Condition id18=1.2DL-0.11Ex+0.37Ez
403 32.48386 -88.43513 -40.20776 0.00000 0.00000 -214.72555
404 23.43040 -53.04423 -36.72072 0.00000 0.00000 -147.04150
405 14.34153 -44.13367 -35.98853 0.00000 0.00000 -100.26448
406 13.23839 -44.03229 -35.97372 0.00000 0.00000 -87.31190
407 3.52307 -53.02423 -36.80040 0.00000 0.00000 -37.81235
408 -1.82876 -98.58892 -41.00840 0.00000 0.00000 -23.07127
446 44.23594 249.55956 -50.07831 0.00000 0.00000 -274.76308
447 44.38543 83.68931 -0.09512 0.00000 0.00000 -275.56638
448 44.30080 -78.82368 -42.37663 0.00000 0.00000 -275.25309
449 44.30688 258.49612 -52.92956 0.00000 0.00000 -275.28211
450 44.38809 84.97646 -0.09595 0.00000 0.00000 -275.58932
451 44.22130 -87.78681 -45.21085 0.00000 0.00000 -274.66790
452 32.49227 252.88887 -55.38498 0.00000 0.00000 -214.77399
453 29.16259 299.96057 -51.75562 0.00000 0.00000 -175.45790
454 29.24125 136.63249 -0.09265 0.00000 0.00000 -175.90809
455 29.20699 -26.74873 -39.29177 0.00000 0.00000 -175.77583
456 29.21157 312.27838 -56.28142 0.00000 0.00000 -175.79818
457 29.24311 136.64759 -0.10437 0.00000 0.00000 -175.92265
458 29.15162 -39.34032 -43.49907 0.00000 0.00000 -175.38952
459 23.43641 287.79720 -58.63507 0.00000 0.00000 -147.07468
460 15.73217 310.97457 -52.11327 0.00000 0.00000 -106.02603
461 15.77493 148.17066 -0.09226 0.00000 0.00000 -106.21160
462 15.74883 -15.21176 -38.65461 0.00000 0.00000 -106.13394
463 15.74970 323.81903 -56.91847 0.00000 0.00000 -106.14113
464 15.77593 148.18529 -0.10480 0.00000 0.00000 -106.22111
465 15.72579 -28.33080 -43.14107 0.00000 0.00000 -105.97879
466 14.34335 296.71017 -59.36713 0.00000 0.00000 -100.27962
467 14.02173 311.19003 -52.11576 0.00000 0.00000 -86.16249
468 14.02245 148.40567 -0.09224 0.00000 0.00000 -86.12406
469 14.02397 -14.97197 -38.64140 0.00000 0.00000 -86.13742
470 14.02602 324.05860 -56.93158 0.00000 0.00000 -86.15010
471 14.02736 148.42513 -0.10481 0.00000 0.00000 -86.14899
472 14.01887 -28.11050 -43.13845 0.00000 0.00000 -86.13096
473 13.24294 296.81387 -59.38215 0.00000 0.00000 -87.33826
474 -1.13876 298.87916 -51.77731 0.00000 0.00000 -9.34170
475 -1.17742 135.38149 -0.09277 0.00000 0.00000 -9.01499
476 -1.20348 -27.98961 -39.35914 0.00000 0.00000 -8.93466
477 -1.20599 311.03554 -56.21349 0.00000 0.00000 -8.92912
478 -1.20778 135.40756 -0.10426 0.00000 0.00000 -8.88981
479 -1.17303 -40.40905 -43.47571 0.00000 0.00000 -9.17809
480 3.50800 287.83105 -58.55546 0.00000 0.00000 -37.75572
481 -9.71202 239.46584 -49.83175 0.00000 0.00000 24.43512
482 -9.76078 72.78114 -0.09555 0.00000 0.00000 24.86667
483 -9.71416 -90.63785 -43.04895 0.00000 0.00000 24.53069
484 -9.71664 248.49025 -52.51547 0.00000 0.00000 24.53272
485 -9.72724 72.81967 -0.10111 0.00000 0.00000 24.60733
486 -9.67972 -99.92598 -45.43130 0.00000 0.00000 24.21545
487 -1.81777 242.34454 -54.34885 0.00000 0.00000 -23.19418
SUM 724.67997 5644.57030 -1718.28000 0.00000 0.00000 -4986.68460
Condition id19=0.9DL+0.37Ex-0.11Ez
403 -32.58387 91.69508 17.16032 0.00000 0.00000 304.70723
404 -42.15080 136.01166 20.95499 0.00000 0.00000 291.65198
405 -46.76915 137.69151 21.19112 0.00000 0.00000 317.41793
406 -47.43489 138.54590 21.25076 0.00000 0.00000 326.36228
407 -57.97964 124.27783 20.15979 0.00000 0.00000 377.10254
408 -59.84542 112.05155 18.30190 0.00000 0.00000 453.99707
446 -28.57488 4.95022 11.69084 0.00000 0.00000 272.86330
447 -28.70904 50.21426 0.03044 0.00000 0.00000 273.36367
448 -28.62061 105.23222 17.35502 0.00000 0.00000 273.12405
449 -28.62075 4.43783 11.08219 0.00000 0.00000 273.12019
450 -28.70679 51.81738 0.00905 0.00000 0.00000 273.34488
451 -28.58094 107.14480 16.66649 0.00000 0.00000 272.91342
452 -32.58268 -9.63612 11.14801 0.00000 0.00000 304.69311
453 -42.65827 59.21732 9.80347 0.00000 0.00000 282.82424
454 -42.73760 107.08932 0.03273 0.00000 0.00000 283.15549
455 -42.70284 162.14170 20.65199 0.00000 0.00000 283.07949
456 -42.70273 61.35246 7.76085 0.00000 0.00000 283.07636
457 -42.73622 107.08491 0.02586 0.00000 0.00000 283.14432
458 -42.66261 160.08843 18.51446 0.00000 0.00000 282.85796
459 -42.15008 34.68389 7.39322 0.00000 0.00000 291.64416
460 -50.50258 62.60176 9.76205 0.00000 0.00000 325.46299
461 -50.61493 110.77917 0.03296 0.00000 0.00000 326.00282
462 -50.57193 165.83481 20.85516 0.00000 0.00000 325.89048
463 -50.57085 65.04184 7.55847 0.00000 0.00000 325.88331
464 -50.61436 110.77386 0.02562 0.00000 0.00000 325.99622
465 -50.50764 163.47546 18.55681 0.00000 0.00000 325.49800
466 -46.76810 36.35885 7.15791 0.00000 0.00000 317.40937
467 -51.62387 63.52563 9.72482 0.00000 0.00000 339.59137
468 -51.76748 111.73032 0.03298 0.00000 0.00000 340.29672
469 -51.70009 166.79237 20.90812 0.00000 0.00000 340.10125
470 -51.69919 65.99928 7.50556 0.00000 0.00000 340.09493
471 -51.76127 111.73181 0.02560 0.00000 0.00000 340.26718
472 -51.62231 164.40610 18.59427 0.00000 0.00000 339.59737
473 -47.43012 37.21820 7.09790 0.00000 0.00000 326.33857
474 -66.28233 46.98266 10.31864 0.00000 0.00000 410.93713
475 -66.44904 94.51431 0.03248 0.00000 0.00000 411.85274
476 -66.43604 149.56748 19.95612 0.00000 0.00000 411.85020
477 -66.43473 48.77667 8.45732 0.00000 0.00000 411.84167
478 -66.49217 94.51032 0.02610 0.00000 0.00000 412.03268
479 -66.33198 147.85570 18.00035 0.00000 0.00000 411.15826
480 -58.00836 22.95282 8.18902 0.00000 0.00000 377.22091
481 -70.56500 23.81183 10.80584 0.00000 0.00000 502.81929
482 -70.84824 69.31242 0.03045 0.00000 0.00000 504.24794
483 -70.65244 124.40485 18.34280 0.00000 0.00000 503.42641
484 -70.64896 23.58244 10.06838 0.00000 0.00000 503.40861
485 -70.80505 69.33095 0.02802 0.00000 0.00000 503.92600
486 -70.52681 124.74347 17.51691 0.00000 0.00000 502.53922
487 -59.81422 10.72020 10.04586 0.00000 0.00000 453.76165
SUM -2437.55990 4233.42770 510.84000 0.00000 0.00000 16963.89700

Condition id20=0.9DL-0.11Ex+0.37Ez
403 27.82337 -106.30063 -41.58346 0.00000 0.00000 -189.34804
404 21.20212 -80.91406 -39.06473 0.00000 0.00000 -134.70682
405 14.25220 -73.92762 -38.49663 0.00000 0.00000 -99.05914
406 13.41492 -73.89889 -38.48847 0.00000 0.00000 -89.29746
407 6.32681 -80.18502 -39.07981 0.00000 0.00000 -53.00174
408 2.18250 -115.68644 -42.31059 0.00000 0.00000 -45.94748
446 36.93023 228.47563 -49.21818 0.00000 0.00000 -235.18038
447 37.05691 63.53489 -0.09567 0.00000 0.00000 -235.84838
448 36.98383 -100.57964 -43.62884 0.00000 0.00000 -235.58318
449 36.98944 236.86251 -51.70200 0.00000 0.00000 -235.60877
450 37.05886 64.34821 -0.09128 0.00000 0.00000 -235.86511
451 36.91821 -109.32491 -46.07768 0.00000 0.00000 -235.10524
452 27.83080 234.98900 -53.98271 0.00000 0.00000 -189.38891
453 25.79396 265.34776 -50.46050 0.00000 0.00000 -156.78023
454 25.86107 102.19842 -0.09387 0.00000 0.00000 -157.15731
455 25.83141 -62.72972 -41.38739 0.00000 0.00000 -157.04634
456 25.83562 276.29673 -54.18559 0.00000 0.00000 -157.06615
457 25.86244 102.21352 -0.10314 0.00000 0.00000 -157.16793
458 25.78496 -73.95258 -44.79393 0.00000 0.00000 -156.72586
459 21.20748 259.92650 -56.29086 0.00000 0.00000 -134.73535
460 15.58538 273.90513 -50.74258 0.00000 0.00000 -104.13157
461 15.62627 111.15371 -0.09358 0.00000 0.00000 -104.31216
462 15.60293 -53.77617 -40.89290 0.00000 0.00000 -104.24374
463 15.60346 285.25463 -54.68018 0.00000 0.00000 -104.24853
464 15.62698 111.16852 -0.10347 0.00000 0.00000 -104.31898
465 15.58073 -65.40009 -44.51176 0.00000 0.00000 -104.09675
466 14.25352 266.91633 -56.85904 0.00000 0.00000 -99.07053
467 14.29284 274.02041 -50.74229 0.00000 0.00000 -89.18765
468 14.30207 111.28288 -0.09356 0.00000 0.00000 -89.19961
469 14.29913 -53.64359 -40.88561 0.00000 0.00000 -89.19807
470 14.30081 285.38705 -54.68740 0.00000 0.00000 -89.20826
471 14.30556 111.30110 -0.10348 0.00000 0.00000 -89.21733
472 14.29038 -65.28138 -44.51196 0.00000 0.00000 -89.16256
473 13.41840 266.94660 -56.86734 0.00000 0.00000 -89.31781
474 3.12192 265.23092 -50.50907 0.00000 0.00000 -32.40495
475 3.10161 101.96738 -0.09396 0.00000 0.00000 -32.20188
476 3.08039 -62.95278 -41.39872 0.00000 0.00000 -32.13900
477 3.07767 276.07223 -54.17389 0.00000 0.00000 -32.13151
478 3.08003 101.99119 -0.10308 0.00000 0.00000 -32.11291
479 3.09834 -74.05945 -44.74414 0.00000 0.00000 -32.29096
480 6.31593 260.66639 -56.27591 0.00000 0.00000 -52.96149
481 -3.43864 219.36916 -48.98898 0.00000 0.00000 -11.11647
482 -3.45979 53.69549 -0.09601 0.00000 0.00000 -10.86148
483 -3.43418 -111.27489 -44.23491 0.00000 0.00000 -11.08034
484 -3.43724 227.85336 -51.32955 0.00000 0.00000 -11.07444
485 -3.43577 53.72778 -0.10066 0.00000 0.00000 -11.04788
486 -3.41436 -120.02930 -46.27435 0.00000 0.00000 -11.27761
487 2.18847 225.24146 -53.04631 0.00000 0.00000 -46.02794
SUM 724.67997 4233.42770 -1718.28000 0.00000 0.00000 -4998.26220

Condition id21=DL+Lr
403 31.03663 86.07591 7.40672 0.00000 0.00000 -168.47633
404 14.12950 152.63452 14.47101 0.00000 0.00000 -78.75894
405 0.61892 164.25091 15.59967 0.00000 0.00000 -7.98190
406 -1.20828 164.74751 15.65009 0.00000 0.00000 13.25090
407 -17.98357 147.84432 13.98542 0.00000 0.00000 97.90471
408 -26.71523 80.94799 6.87439 0.00000 0.00000 151.85724
446 55.23482 114.09526 -3.67841 0.00000 0.00000 -298.42745
447 55.45245 114.07173 0.00407 0.00000 0.00000 -299.70647
448 55.33911 119.57139 6.62747 0.00000 0.00000 -299.23036
449 55.34304 118.86542 -6.50410 0.00000 0.00000 -299.25932
450 55.45981 115.65608 -0.01853 0.00000 0.00000 -299.76688
451 55.21040 115.45155 3.67713 0.00000 0.00000 -298.23730
452 31.04532 86.34023 -7.50791 0.00000 0.00000 -168.54319
453 24.55647 213.66028 -6.29268 0.00000 0.00000 -136.76911
454 24.67616 220.13197 0.01012 0.00000 0.00000 -137.48702
455 24.62201 225.30553 12.78468 0.00000 0.00000 -137.25017
456 24.62524 225.31207 -12.78669 0.00000 0.00000 -137.27166
457 24.68124 220.13129 -0.01006 0.00000 0.00000 -137.52539
458 24.53801 213.65417 6.29008 0.00000 0.00000 -136.63570
459 14.13513 152.64313 -14.47297 0.00000 0.00000 -78.79896
460 1.14703 230.34325 -6.71221 0.00000 0.00000 -14.29418
461 1.16148 237.87417 0.01090 0.00000 0.00000 -14.33555
462 1.13780 243.05163 13.76333 0.00000 0.00000 -14.25081
463 1.14081 243.05153 -13.76331 0.00000 0.00000 -14.27134
464 1.16392 237.87273 -0.01091 0.00000 0.00000 -14.35915
465 1.13011 230.34202 6.71228 0.00000 0.00000 -14.17299
466 0.62306 164.24989 -15.59961 0.00000 0.00000 -8.01375
467 -2.07700 231.09682 -6.72994 0.00000 0.00000 22.77356
468 -2.15123 238.67697 0.01094 0.00000 0.00000 23.22776
469 -2.11326 243.86679 13.80829 0.00000 0.00000 23.09652
470 -2.11008 243.86624 -13.80810 0.00000 0.00000 23.07534
471 -2.13846 238.68813 -0.01094 0.00000 0.00000 23.16329
472 -2.08172 231.10819 6.73030 0.00000 0.00000 22.84006
473 -1.19902 164.75346 -15.65063 0.00000 0.00000 13.19918
474 -31.30505 206.47759 -6.12383 0.00000 0.00000 169.91506
475 -31.49112 212.46913 0.00976 0.00000 0.00000 171.10751
476 -31.51964 217.63047 12.36272 0.00000 0.00000 171.21557
477 -31.51792 217.63195 -12.36304 0.00000 0.00000 171.19936
478 -31.57090 212.45730 -0.00975 0.00000 0.00000 171.43685
479 -31.40314 206.46480 6.12386 0.00000 0.00000 170.37315
480 -18.02160 147.84696 -13.98487 0.00000 0.00000 98.05436
481 -47.41123 106.69710 -3.56333 0.00000 0.00000 267.82263
482 -47.66871 106.05873 0.00349 0.00000 0.00000 269.46625
483 -47.47057 111.25188 6.15975 0.00000 0.00000 268.40279
484 -47.46556 111.25051 -6.15951 0.00000 0.00000 268.37003
485 -47.57998 106.08781 -0.00349 0.00000 0.00000 268.83163
486 -47.33721 106.73019 3.56448 0.00000 0.00000 267.32759
487 -26.66801 80.97076 -6.87610 0.00000 0.00000 151.50411
SUM -0.00001 8380.25830 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 85.59154
Reacciones Mezanine

Current Date: 10/02/2017 9:30 a. m.

Units system: SI
File name: G:\Tecnica\Cotizaciones\2015\36774 CMC LOGISTICA BODEGAS PEREIRA\02 Ingeniería\01 Memorias de Cálculo\Ejecucion\RevE
(Diseño naves ind)\Model RAM Mezanine\Mezanine h=5.78 m.etz\

Analysis result

Direction of positive forces and moments

Forces [KN] Moments [KN*m]

Condition DL=Dead Load
44 1.72682 89.00138 3.10883 6.12839 0.00000 -3.24224
45 -1.21955 79.69434 3.24209 6.37456 0.00000 2.41142
46 0.10068 74.76975 3.33948 6.55710 0.00000 -0.12125
47 -0.10149 75.48621 3.35569 6.59032 0.00000 0.26651
48 0.20570 76.68012 3.35541 6.59203 0.00000 -0.32268
50 -0.30951 74.93800 -3.17741 -6.23974 0.00000 0.66588
51 -0.01796 74.55547 -3.27025 -6.42130 0.00000 0.10670
52 -0.05061 75.41839 -3.33907 -6.55793 0.00000 0.16933
53 -0.08259 75.57398 -3.36086 -6.60094 0.00000 0.23066
54 0.20282 76.85941 -3.36033 -6.60221 0.00000 -0.31675
113 -2.37256 41.11914 8.98206 5.60117 -0.01117 4.56637
114 -2.37262 41.12467 -8.98511 -5.60122 0.01115 4.56688
7 1.95793 40.13574 8.90785 5.59947 0.01467 -3.63202
13 2.28803 41.06237 -8.91142 -5.60137 -0.01277 -4.26081
SUM -0.04493 936.41898 -0.11302 -0.18168 0.00188 1.08800

Condition L=L
44 2.31419 52.10163 1.32359 2.58426 0.00000 -4.24732
45 -1.42073 39.09508 1.52589 2.96817 0.00000 2.90622
46 0.03064 33.96102 1.63785 3.18118 0.00000 0.12730
47 -0.16918 34.67451 1.63724 3.18044 0.00000 0.50980
48 -0.01414 35.16888 1.63701 3.18023 0.00000 0.21304
50 -0.25855 33.00368 -1.41322 -2.74356 0.00000 0.67971
51 -0.11551 33.78216 -1.55611 -3.02186 0.00000 0.40594
52 -0.13275 34.66450 -1.63691 -3.17974 0.00000 0.43898
53 -0.14778 34.58612 -1.63748 -3.18097 0.00000 0.46774
54 -0.01580 35.18085 -1.63748 -3.18170 0.00000 0.21512
113 -1.21685 16.76886 3.70805 2.68170 -0.00160 2.49279
114 -1.21557 17.05621 -3.85106 -2.68399 0.00164 2.48933
7 0.58511 15.98131 3.86544 2.68444 0.01070 -0.91389
13 1.00144 16.37279 -3.48559 -2.68005 -0.00827 -1.70760
SUM -0.77549 432.39759 0.11721 -0.21144 0.00247 4.07717

Condition Ex=Ex
44 -55.92075 30.49539 0.01243 0.00237 -0.00005 185.05710
45 -57.24470 10.07551 0.09824 0.17878 -0.00005 187.28658
46 -56.55491 6.99566 0.13938 0.26867 -0.00005 185.92239
47 -56.41544 8.50376 0.16608 0.33101 -0.00005 185.67814
48 -58.21906 1.05778 0.17652 0.36109 -0.00005 189.01432
50 -58.17401 13.52895 -0.09105 -0.19724 -0.00005 189.17798
51 -56.46422 6.41491 -0.12853 -0.25823 -0.00005 185.80336
52 -56.70450 7.46258 -0.13874 -0.26722 -0.00005 186.27815
53 -56.44498 8.59947 -0.15039 -0.27900 -0.00005 185.79896
54 -58.27602 1.16565 -0.14013 -0.24801 -0.00005 189.18766
113 -44.40782 50.13272 11.21172 0.39679 1.90098 164.53552
114 -44.67814 29.36352 -0.92340 -0.23719 -1.90211 164.76917
7 -45.34239 -34.64335 -7.98890 0.23312 1.90259 165.05510
13 -44.84793 -13.39384 -2.09705 -0.39208 -1.90346 164.52269
SUM -749.69489 125.75872 0.14618 -0.10714 -0.00251 2528.08710

Condition Ez=Ez
44 0.26679 -1.76497 -1.23216 -3.65572 -0.00020 -0.62357
45 0.06291 -1.07943 -1.19509 -3.54503 -0.00020 -0.23404
46 0.08313 -1.16198 -1.15700 -3.43121 -0.00020 -0.27268
47 0.10243 -1.01669 -1.11815 -3.31626 -0.00020 -0.30956
48 -0.07146 -1.44928 -1.07934 -3.20057 -0.00020 0.02272
50 -0.28394 1.72806 -1.23305 -3.66286 -0.00020 0.66630
51 -0.06578 1.07734 -1.19414 -3.54646 -0.00020 0.24936
52 -0.09079 1.16427 -1.15465 -3.43009 -0.00020 0.29716
53 -0.10939 1.01673 -1.11617 -3.31532 -0.00020 0.33270
54 0.06372 1.44680 -1.07661 -3.19928 -0.00020 0.00190
113 -0.14955 -349.59643 -173.18453 -2.77425 -0.00208 0.16621
114 0.14499 349.60189 -172.77331 -2.60498 -0.00241 -0.15714
7 0.33362 -427.72837 -211.99999 -3.41822 -0.00507 -0.74664
13 -0.33726 427.73134 -211.38361 -3.16488 -0.00502 0.77057
SUM -0.05058 -0.03073 -780.89780 -46.26515 -0.01655 0.16328

Condition D1=1.4DL
44 2.41818 124.60096 4.34058 8.64044 0.00000 -4.54762
45 -1.70794 111.57294 4.52819 8.98127 0.00000 3.38306
46 0.14132 104.67685 4.66517 9.23527 0.00000 -0.17005
47 -0.14209 105.68074 4.68769 9.28255 0.00000 0.37433
48 0.28827 107.35295 4.68713 9.28586 0.00000 -0.45233
50 -0.43340 104.91735 -4.43908 -8.78907 0.00000 0.93442
51 -0.02499 104.37834 -4.56855 -9.04397 0.00000 0.14995
52 -0.07074 105.58564 -4.66443 -9.23679 0.00000 0.23786
53 -0.11556 105.80326 -4.69487 -9.29752 0.00000 0.32396
54 0.28424 107.60380 -4.69395 -9.30027 0.00000 -0.44402
113 -3.32202 57.56711 12.57381 7.86750 -0.01564 6.39850
114 -3.32209 57.57348 -12.57740 -7.86756 0.01563 6.39919
7 2.74086 56.19045 12.47064 7.86451 0.02057 -5.08699
13 3.20361 57.48411 -12.47326 -7.86768 -0.01791 -5.96913
SUM -0.06235 1310.98800 -0.15833 -0.24547 0.00264 1.53113

Condition D2=1.2DL+1.6L
44 5.78022 190.15204 5.79542 11.75211 0.00000 -10.75451
45 -3.73687 158.18729 6.28709 12.63538 0.00000 7.59081
46 0.17344 144.05669 6.58663 13.18500 0.00000 0.05949
47 -0.39088 146.06316 6.60423 13.22736 0.00000 1.14573
48 0.22711 148.28886 6.60290 13.23267 0.00000 -0.04368
50 -0.78390 142.76259 -6.04009 -12.08600 0.00000 1.90045
51 -0.20413 143.52621 -6.37527 -12.75979 0.00000 0.78480
52 -0.27103 145.96426 -6.58365 -13.18613 0.00000 0.91372
53 -0.33363 146.02558 -6.61071 -13.24080 0.00000 1.03422
54 0.22094 148.52293 -6.60930 -13.24745 0.00000 -0.03311
113 -4.79551 76.17955 16.70915 11.11441 -0.01594 9.49532
114 -4.79351 76.63267 -16.93509 -11.11836 0.01598 9.49041
7 3.28295 73.73670 16.87592 11.11252 0.03491 -5.81806
13 4.34956 75.44985 -16.25579 -11.11073 -0.02872 -7.85546
SUM -1.27524 1815.54840 0.05146 -0.48981 0.00625 7.91014

Condition D3=1.2DL+0.22Ex+0.06Ez
44 -10.20235 113.43779 3.65975 7.17348 -0.00002 37.29255
45 -14.02670 97.78480 3.84124 7.50669 -0.00002 44.58645
46 -12.29808 91.19266 3.96922 7.75071 -0.00002 41.24548
47 -12.50881 92.39766 3.99638 7.81205 -0.00002 41.65398
48 -12.53616 92.13867 4.00071 7.82529 -0.00002 41.70570
50 -13.18599 93.03336 -3.89613 -7.77587 -0.00002 42.98481
51 -12.42748 90.93871 -4.01395 -7.99850 -0.00002 41.52191
52 -12.52152 92.21290 -4.09634 -8.15874 -0.00002 41.70669
53 -12.50457 92.64437 -4.12293 -8.20699 -0.00002 41.67558
54 -12.54282 92.55036 -4.11845 -8.19282 -0.00002 41.74878
113 -12.80094 39.47471 2.86669 6.65951 0.41074 42.24052
114 -12.70608 76.91652 -21.38974 -6.96856 -0.41188 42.23102
7 -7.63799 14.74014 -3.80168 6.55952 0.44207 32.38545
13 -7.08606 71.91521 -23.85531 -7.02474 -0.44074 31.56473
SUM -164.98556 1151.37790 -46.96053 -3.03897 -0.00005 564.54363

Condition D4=1.2DL+0.06Ex+0.22Ez
44 -1.22356 108.25206 3.48037 6.58958 -0.00005 7.21043
45 -4.87788 96.00298 3.65054 6.91512 -0.00005 14.21763
46 -3.24946 89.88968 3.77650 7.16273 -0.00005 11.08573
47 -3.47966 90.87362 3.80545 7.23192 -0.00005 11.52845
48 -3.25397 91.75556 3.81393 7.26060 -0.00005 11.09607
50 -3.92490 91.12605 -4.06458 -8.32067 -0.00005 12.44045
51 -3.41770 90.08494 -4.17040 -8.51655 -0.00005 11.46597
52 -3.47714 91.20353 -4.24513 -8.65649 -0.00005 11.58110
53 -3.50442 91.42661 -4.26409 -8.68419 -0.00005 11.63368
54 -3.22907 92.61273 -4.25470 -8.65842 -0.00005 11.10624
113 -5.63295 -24.62816 -26.65882 6.12012 0.10147 15.54491
114 -5.47301 128.14750 -48.93443 -7.38161 -0.10340 15.47168
7 -0.34730 -48.14893 -36.43491 5.95715 0.13244 5.53218
13 0.04342 142.64585 -57.42474 -7.52690 -0.13232 5.01321
SUM -45.04760 1131.24400 -171.92502 -10.50762 -0.00228 154.92771

Condition D5=1.2DL+L+0.22Ex+0.06Ez
44 -7.85093 165.49983 4.95998 9.89528 -0.00002 33.24482
45 -15.43527 136.87072 5.34706 10.59598 -0.00002 47.75061
46 -12.26931 125.15263 5.58829 11.04716 -0.00002 41.62020
47 -12.67829 127.07421 5.61424 11.10979 -0.00002 42.41309
48 -12.55193 127.29733 5.61811 11.12341 -0.00002 42.17103
50 -13.45220 126.06704 -5.29010 -10.62479 -0.00002 43.92528
51 -12.54508 124.72394 -5.54838 -11.13004 -0.00002 42.17677
52 -12.65468 126.87662 -5.70978 -11.45324 -0.00002 42.39488
53 -12.65254 127.23132 -5.73705 -11.50360 -0.00002 42.39195
54 -12.55994 127.72081 -5.73251 -11.49116 -0.00002 42.21570
113 -14.04786 56.27318 6.56859 9.39281 0.41212 44.98373
114 -13.94944 94.04281 -25.25506 -9.71326 -0.41327 44.97197
7 -7.08587 30.67947 0.05949 9.28323 0.45590 31.71194
13 -6.11254 88.22342 -27.32516 -9.75849 -0.45207 30.08766
SUM -165.84588 1583.73330 -46.84228 -3.22692 0.00244 572.05963

Condition D6=1.2DL+L+0.06Ex+0.22Ez
44 1.10213 160.33665 4.78981 9.31236 -0.00005 2.99415
45 -6.29564 135.09702 5.16300 10.00600 -0.00005 17.21186
46 -3.21833 123.84965 5.40123 10.46062 -0.00005 11.28167
47 -3.64861 125.54982 5.42899 10.53094 -0.00005 12.11056
48 -3.26797 126.92274 5.43682 10.56077 -0.00005 11.38000
50 -4.18536 124.14918 -5.45296 -11.16561 -0.00005 13.19741
51 -3.53299 123.86987 -5.69931 -11.64487 -0.00005 11.94292
52 -3.60929 125.86659 -5.85313 -11.94769 -0.00005 12.09157
53 -3.65163 126.01163 -5.87295 -11.97734 -0.00005 12.17313
54 -3.24408 127.79136 -5.86337 -11.95412 -0.00005 11.39117
113 -6.86058 -7.88373 -22.97125 8.83638 0.10060 18.11295
114 -6.69497 145.25536 -52.80416 -10.13614 -0.10270 18.04357
7 0.22503 -32.21632 -32.59003 8.66749 0.14416 4.68933
13 1.04061 159.03152 -60.92058 -10.27878 -0.14143 3.35922
SUM -45.84167 1563.63130 -171.80788 -10.72998 0.00017 159.97948

Condition D7=0.9DL+0.22Ex+0.06Ez
44 -10.73518 86.72638 2.73280 5.29621 -0.00002 38.14011
45 -13.66854 73.87574 2.87362 5.55929 -0.00002 43.72506
46 -12.33288 68.76229 2.97212 5.74970 -0.00002 41.14663
47 -12.48351 69.75062 2.99464 5.80048 -0.00002 41.43870
48 -12.60228 69.14070 2.99909 5.81337 -0.00002 41.66446
50 -13.09610 70.54277 -2.95007 -5.87195 -0.00002 42.64459
51 -12.42672 68.57276 -3.04017 -6.04019 -0.00002 41.35461
52 -12.51130 69.58762 -3.10215 -6.15838 -0.00002 41.52017
53 -12.48513 69.97161 -3.12218 -6.19323 -0.00002 41.47126
54 -12.60835 69.49879 -3.11778 -6.17873 -0.00002 41.70602
113 -12.07715 27.11698 0.17212 4.96351 0.41242 40.73632
114 -11.98273 64.54512 -18.68816 -5.26713 -0.41353 40.72546
7 -8.21219 2.73501 -6.46622 4.87085 0.43595 33.34303
13 -7.76140 59.61946 -21.18374 -5.32708 -0.43523 32.71501
SUM -164.98347 870.44585 -46.92607 -2.98329 -0.00063 562.33142

Condition D8=0.9DL+0.06Ex+0.22Ez
44 -1.74592 81.54883 2.54854 4.71202 -0.00005 8.15286
45 -4.51378 72.09345 2.67889 4.96669 -0.00005 13.45350
46 -3.28101 67.45870 2.77576 5.16075 -0.00005 11.08533
47 -3.45055 68.22680 2.80009 5.21952 -0.00005 11.41108
48 -3.31683 68.75272 2.80881 5.24741 -0.00005 11.15518
50 -3.83276 68.64052 -3.12214 -6.41921 -0.00005 12.20114
51 -3.41374 67.71886 -3.20016 -6.56029 -0.00005 11.39691
52 -3.46343 68.57868 -3.25441 -6.65824 -0.00005 11.49298
53 -3.48119 68.75501 -3.26671 -6.67261 -0.00005 11.52719
54 -3.29151 69.55648 -3.25747 -6.64600 -0.00005 11.16425
113 -4.91746 -36.94784 -29.34169 4.43470 0.10443 14.13850
114 -4.75813 115.77909 -46.22674 -5.67411 -0.10624 14.05976
7 -0.93036 -60.15627 -39.09279 4.27665 0.12749 6.58378
13 -0.64081 130.31097 -54.74088 -5.81816 -0.12807 6.26169
SUM -45.03747 850.31599 -171.89091 -10.43089 -0.00286 154.08416

Anclaje de Columnas de Bodega Profis Anchor 2.6.6

Empresa: Página: 1
Proyectista: Proyecto: Bodegas Pereira
Dirección: Sub Proyecto I Pos. No.:
Teléfono I Fax: | Fecha: 10/02/2017

Comentarios del proyectista :

1 Insertar datos
Tipo y tamaño de anclaje: Heavy Hex Head ASTM F 1554 GR. 105 1 1/2
Profundidad efectiva de anclaje: hef = 630 mm
Material: ASTM F 1554
Prueba: método de cálculo ACI 318-11 / CIP
Fijación a distancia: sin Empotramiento (anclaje); Nivel de restricción (placa de anclaje): 2.00; e b = 30 mm; t = 38 mm

Mortero Hilti: CB-G EG, epoxi, fc,Grout = 103.00 N/mm2

Placa de anclaje: ; E = 0.00 N/mm2; fyk = 248.00 N/mm2; Ms = 1.100
lx x ly x t = 900 mm x 600 mm x 38 mm; (Espesor de placa recomendado: calculado (38 mm))
Perfil: Forma S (AISC); (L x W x T x FT) = 610 mm x 184 mm x 19 mm x 22 mm
Material Base: no fisurado hormigón, 3000, fc' = 3000 psi; h = 2000 mm
Armadura: Tracción: condición A, Cortante: condición A; Refuerzo del anclaje: Tracción#tamaño# #GRADE#
Armadura de borde: > 4 barras

Geometría [mm] & Carga [kN, kNm]

¡La introducción de datos y resultados deben verificarse, asegurando su correspondencia con las condiciones existentes y asegurando su
verosimilitud! PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009, Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan. Hilti es una marca registrada de Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.6.6
Empresa: Página: 2
Proyectista: Proyecto: Bodegas Pereira
Dirección: Sub Proyecto I Pos. No.:
Teléfono I Fax: | Fecha: 10/02/2017

2 Caso de carga/Resultante de cargas y

Caso de carga: Cargas de diseño

Reacciones en el anclaje [kN]

Carga a tracción: (+Tracción, -Compresión) 5 6 7 8
Anclaje Carga a tracción Carga a cortante Cortante en x Cortante en y
1 175.220 7.376 2.000 7.100
2 121.178 7.376 2.000 7.100
10 x 9
3 9.917 7.376 2.000 7.100 Tracción Compresión
4 0.000 7.376 2.000 7.100
5 175.220 7.376 2.000 7.100
6 121.178 7.376 2.000 7.100 1 2 3 4
7 9.917 7.376 2.000 7.100
8 0.000 7.376 2.000 7.100
9 0.000 7.376 2.000 7.100
10 175.220 7.376 2.000 7.100
Máxima extensión del hormigón a compresión: 0.43 [‰]
Máxima tensión del hormigón a compresión: 12.78 [N/mm2]
Tracción resultante en (x/y)=(-280/0): 787.850 [kN]
Compresión resultante en (x/y)=(369/0): 934.850 [kN]

3 Carga a tracción
Carga Nua [kN] Capacidad  Nn [kN] Utilización  N = Nua/ Nn Resultado
Fallo por Acero* 175.220 587.999 30 OK
Fallo por extracción* 175.220 326.212 54 OK

Rotura por cono de hormigón**1 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Desconchamiento de superficie lateral, N/A N/A N/A N/A
dirección **
* anclaje más solicitado **grupo de anclajes (anclajes en tracción)
1 ¡Se ha seleccionado un refuerzo de anclaje a tracción!

3.1 Fallo por Acero

N =A f
sa se,N uta ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-2)
 Nsa ≥ Nua ACI 318-11 Tabla D.4.1.1
Ase,N [mm2] futa [N/mm2]
910 861.85
Nsa [kN]
Nsa [kN]  steel  Nsa [kN] Nua [kN]
783.999 0.750 587.999 175.220

¡La introducción de datos y resultados deben verificarse, asegurando su correspondencia con las condiciones existentes y asegurando su
verosimilitud! PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009, Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan. Hilti es una marca registrada de Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.6.6
Empresa: Página: 3
Proyectista: Proyecto: Bodegas Pereira
Dirección: Sub Proyecto I Pos. No.:
Teléfono I Fax: | Fecha: 10/02/2017

3.2 Fallo por extracción

pN=  c,p Np ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-13)
p = 8 Abrg fc' ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-14)
 NpN ≥ Nua ACI 318-11 Tabla D.4.1.1

 c,p Abrg [mm2] a fc' [psi]
1.400 2012 1.000 3000
Np [kN]
Npn [kN]  concrete  Npn [kN] Nua [kN]
466.017 0.700 326.212 175.220
¡La introducción de datos y resultados deben verificarse, asegurando su correspondencia con las condiciones existentes y asegurando su
verosimilitud! PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009, Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan. Hilti es una marca registrada de Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.6.6
Empresa: Página: 4
Proyectista: Proyecto: Bodegas Pereira
Dirección: Sub Proyecto I Pos. No.:
Teléfono I Fax: | Fecha: 10/02/2017

4 Cortante
Carga Vua [kN] Capacidad  Vn [kN] Utilización  V = Vua/ Vn Resultado
Fallo por Acero* 7.376 244.608 4 OK
Fallo por Acero (con brazo de palanca)* 7.376 75.308 10 OK
Fallo por desconchamiento** 73.763 778.648 10 OK
Rotura de borde de hormigón en dirección 73.763 134.993 55 OK
* anclaje más solicitado **grupo de anclajes (anclajes relevantes)

4.1 Fallo por Acero

V = 0.6 A f
sa se,V uta ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-29)
V ≥V
 steel ua ACI 318-11 Tabla D.4.1.1
Ase,V [mm2] futa [N/mm2]
910 861.85
Vsa [kN]
Vsa [kN]  steel  eb  Vsa [kN] Vua [kN]
470.399 0.650 0.800 244.608 7.376

4.2 Fallo por Acero (con brazo de palanca)

VMs M · Ms Ecuación de flexión

= Lb
= M0s (1 - N ua )
M  N sa Resistencia resultante a flexión del anclaje

M0s = (1.2) (S) (fu,min) Resistencia caraterística a flexión del anclaje

(1 - NNuasa) Reducción de la carga de tracción actuando simultaneamente con una carga de cortante en el anclaje.

S = 32(d)3 Módulo elástico de la sección del perno en la superficie del hormigón

Lb = z + (n)(d0) Brazo de palanca ajustado para spalling de la superficie de hormigón
 VMs ≥ Vua ACI 318-11 Tabla D.4.1.1

M fu,min [N/mm2] Nua [kN]  Nsa [kN] z [mm] n d0 [mm]
2.00 861.85 175.220 587.999 49 0.500 38
Ms0 [kNm] (1 - Nsa ) Ms [kNm] Lb [mm]
5.615 0.702 3.942 68
VsM [kN]  steel  VsM [kN] Vua [kN]
115.859 0.650 75.308 7.376
¡La introducción de datos y resultados deben verificarse, asegurando su correspondencia con las condiciones existentes y asegurando su
verosimilitud! PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009, Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan. Hilti es una marca registrada de Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.6.6
Empresa: Página: 5
Proyectista: Proyecto: Bodegas Pereira
Dirección: Sub Proyecto I Pos. No.:
Teléfono I Fax: | Fecha: 10/02/2017

4.3 Fallo por desconchamiento

V =k N
cpg cp [( ) 
ec,N  ed,N  c,N  cp,N b ] ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-41)
 Vcpg ≥ Vua ACI 318-11 Tabla D.4.1.1
Ver ACI 318-11, Parte D.5.2.1, Fig. RD.5.2.1(b)
A ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-5)
Nc0 = 9 hef2 1
 ec,N = 2 eN '
( 1 + 3 hef)
≤ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-8)

(1c.a,min5hef) ≤ 1.0
 ed,N = 0.7 + 0.3 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-10)

c 1. 5h
 cp,N = MAX( ca,minac, c acef) ≤ 1.0
ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-12)

Nb = 16  a √f'c h5/3ef ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-7)

cp hef [mm] ec1,N [mm] ec2,N [mm] ca,min [mm]
2 300 0 0 300

 c,N cac [mm] kc a fc' [psi]

1.250 - 16 1.000 3000

ANc [mm2] ANc0 [mm2]  ec1,N  ec2,N  ed,N  cp,N Nb [kN]
1677000 810000 1.000 1.000 0.900 1.000 238.788
Vcpg [kN]  concrete  Vcpg [kN] Vua [kN]
1112.355 0.700 778.648 73.763
¡La introducción de datos y resultados deben verificarse, asegurando su correspondencia con las condiciones existentes y asegurando su
verosimilitud! PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009, Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan. Hilti es una marca registrada de Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.6.6
Empresa: Página: 6
Proyectista: Proyecto: Bodegas Pereira
Dirección: Sub Proyecto I Pos. No.:
Teléfono I Fax: | Fecha: 10/02/2017

4.4 Rotura de borde de hormigón en dirección x+

cbg ( ) Vc
= AVc0  ec,V  ed,V  c,V  h,V  parallel,V b ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-31)
 Vcbg ≥ Vua ACI 318-11 Tabla D.4.1.1
Ver ACI 318-11, Parte D.6.2.1, Fig. RD.6.2.1(b)
Vc0 = 4.5 ca12 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-32)
 ec,V = 2ev' ≤ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-36)
(1 + 3ca1 )
 ed,V = 0.7 + 0.3 1.5ca1 ( ) ≤ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-38)

 h,V = √
ha ≥ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-39)
Vb =9a√ '
fc ca1
ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-34)
ca1 [mm] ca2 [mm] ecV [mm]  c,V ha [mm]
300 450 0 1.400 2000

le [mm] a da [mm] fc' [psi]  parallel,V

305 1.000 38 3000 1.000

AVc [mm2] AVc0 [mm2]  ec,V  ed,V  h,V Vb [kN]
585000 405000 1.000 1.000 1.000 89.006
Vcbg [kN]  concrete  Vcbg [kN] Vua [kN]
179.990 0.750 134.993 73.763

5 Cargas combinadas de tracción y cortante

N V  Utilización N,V [%] Resultado
0.537 0.546 5/3 73 OK
NV = N + V <= 1

6 Avisos
• No se considera la redistribución de carga entre los aclajes debido a deformaciones elasticas de la placa. ¡Se asume que la placa es suficientemente rígida, para evitar que
se deforme cuando se somete a cargas!¡Los datos de entrada y resultados deben ser comprobados para verificar que se encuentran conformes con las condiciones
existentes y que sean admisible!

• La condición A se aplica cuando se emplea refuerzo suplementario. El factor Φ se incrementa por ñas resistencias de diseño que no sean del acero, excepto resistencia de
Pullout y Pryout.La condición B se aplica cuando no se emplea refuerzo suplementario y para resistencia a Pullout y Pryout.Refer to ACI 318, Part D.4.4(c).

• ¡El ACI318 no tiene en cuenta la flexión de los anclajes; no obstante, Hilti recomienda la evaluación de esta capacidad durante el proyecto!

• La verificación de la transferencia de cargas al material base debe ser verificada de acuerdo con el ACI 318!

• El diseño de la armadura no está recogido en PROFIS Anchor. Para información sobre armadura, consultar parte D.5.2.9 de ACI 318-11.

• Refuerzo de anclaje ha sido sellecionado como opción de diseño, los cálculos deben ser comparados con los cálculos de PROFIS.

¡La fijación cumple los criterios de diseño!

¡La introducción de datos y resultados deben verificarse, asegurando su correspondencia con las condiciones existentes y asegurando su
verosimilitud! PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009, Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan. Hilti es una marca registrada de Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.6.6
Empresa: Página: 7
Proyectista: Proyecto: Bodegas Pereira
Dirección: Sub Proyecto I Pos. No.:
Teléfono I Fax: | Fecha: 10/02/2017

7 Datos de instalación
Placa de anclaje, acero: ; E = 0.00 N/mm 2; fyk = 248.00 N/mm2 Tipo y tamaño de anclaje: Heavy Hex Head ASTM F 1554 GR. 105 1 1/2
Perfil: Forma S (AISC); 610 x 184 x 19 x 22 mm Par de apriete de instalación: -
Diámetro de taladro en chapa: df = 40 mm Diámetro de taladro en material base: - mm
Espesor de placa (introducir): 38 mm Profundidad de taladro (min/max): 630 mm
Espesor de placa recomendado: calculado (38 mm) Mínimo espesor del material base: 668 mm
Método de perforación: Martillo perforador
Limpieza: No se requiere limpieza de taladro

450 450

5 6 7 8

10 9

1 2 3 4


105 170 350 170 105

Coordenadas del anclaje mm

c-x c+x c-y c+y c-x c+x c-y c+y
Anclaje x y Anclaje x y
1 -345 -200 300 990 450 850 6 -175 200 470 820 850 450
2 -175 -200 470 820 450 850 7 175 200 820 470 850 450
3 175 -200 820 470 450 850 8 345 200 990 300 850 450
4 345 -200 990 300 450 850 9 345 0 990 300 650 650
5 -345 200 300 990 850 450 10 -345 0 300 990 650 650

¡La introducción de datos y resultados deben verificarse, asegurando su correspondencia con las condiciones existentes y asegurando su
verosimilitud! PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009, Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan. Hilti es una marca registrada de Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.6.6
Empresa: Página: 8
Proyectista: Proyecto: Bodegas Pereira
Dirección: Sub Proyecto I Pos. No.:
Teléfono I Fax: | Fecha: 10/02/2017

8 Observaciones;comentarios
• Toda la información y todos los datos contenidos en el software sólo se refieren a la utilización de los productos Hilti y están fundados en
principios, fórmulas y normativas de seguridad conformes a las consignas técnicas de Hilti y en instrucciones de operación, montaje,
ensamblaje, etc., que el usuario debe seguir exhaustivamente. Todas las cifras que en ellos constan son medias; por lo tanto, se deben realizar
pruebas específicas de utilización antes de la utilización del producto Hilti aplicable. Los resultados de los cálculos ejecutados mediante el
software reposan básicamente en los datos que usted introduce en el mismo. Por lo tanto, es usted el único responsable de la inexistencia de
errores, de le exhaustividad y la pertinencia de los datos introducidos por usted mismo. Asimismo, es usted el único responsable de la
verificación de los resultados del cálculo y de la validación de los mismos por un experto, en especial en lo referente al cumplimiento de las
normas y permisos aplicables previamente a su utilización, en particular para su aplicación. El software sólo sirve de ayuda para la
interpretación de las normas y permisos sin ninguna garantía con respecto a la ausencia de errores, la exactitud y la pertinencia de los
resultados o su adaptación a una determinada aplicación.
• Debe usted tomar todas las medidas necesarias y razonables para impedir o limitar los daños causados por el software. En especial, debe
usted tomar sus disposiciones para efectuar regularmente una salvaguarda de los programas y de los datos y, de ser aplicable, ejecutar las
actualizaciones regularmente facilitadas por Hilti. Si no utiliza la función AutoUpdate del software, debe usted comprobar que en cada caso
usted utiliza la versión actual y puesta al día del software, ejecutando actualizaciones manuales a través del Sitio Web Hilti. Hilti no será
considerada como responsable por cualquier consecuencia, tal y como la necesidad de recuperar necesidades o programas perdidos o
dañados, que se deriven de un incumplimiento, por su parte, de sus obligaciones.
Septiembre de 2016

Bodegas y Mezanines Centro y Distribucion

Pereira Ver-0

Diseño metaldeck Mezanine.

Página 317 de 323
Septiembre de 2016

Bodegas y Mezanines Centro y Distribucion

Pereira Ver-0

Página 318 de 323
Septiembre de 2016

Bodegas y Mezanines Centro y Distribucion

Pereira Ver-0

Diseño End plates conexion.

Página 319 de 323
Septiembre de 2016

Bodegas y Mezanines Centro y Distribucion

Pereira Ver-0

Página 320 de 323
Septiembre de 2016

Bodegas y Mezanines Centro y Distribucion

Pereira Ver-0

Página 321 de 323
Septiembre de 2016

Bodegas y Mezanines Centro y Distribucion

Pereira Ver-0

Página 322 de 323
Septiembre de 2016

Bodegas y Mezanines Centro y Distribucion

Pereira Ver-0

Página 323 de 323

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