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Colombia Internacional

ISSN: 0121-5612
Universidad de Los Andes

Leiteritz, Ralf J.
International political economy: The state of the art
Colombia Internacional, núm. 62, julio-diciembre, 2005, pp. 50 - 63
Universidad de Los Andes
Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

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C olombia Internacional 62, jul - dic 2005, 50 - 63

the state of the art
Ralf J. Leiteritz1

recibido 20/12/05, aprobado 31/01/06

R alf J. Leiteritz

El autor ofrece una revisión del campo de la economía política internacional (EPI)
a partir de sus lineamientos metateóricos. Las comunidades de EPI en Estados
Unidos y Europa exhiben más diferencias que aspectos comunes en sus supuestos
ontológicos, epistemológicos y metodológicos. Mientras que la perspectiva
estadounidense se basa en una ontología materialista y el individualismo
metodológico, y tiene como fundamento epistemológico al neopositivismo, la
comunidad europea de EPI es más heterogénea en sus aproximaciones teóricas,
epistemológicas y metodológicas. El artículo termina planteando tres posibles
escenarios para el futuro de la sub-disciplina de la EPI.

Palabras clave: Economía política internacional, filosofía de la ciencia, Estados

Unidos, Europa

The author provides an overview about the field of international political economy
(IPE) along metatheoretical lines. The IPE communities in the United States and
Western Europe exhibit more differences than commonalities in their ontological,
epistemological and methodological assumptions. While the U.S. perspective is
solidly based on a materialist ontology, methodological individualism, and neo-
positivism as its epistemological foundation, the European IPE community is
considerably more heterogeneous in its theoretical, epistemological and
methodological approaches. The article ends with a view towards the future
introducing three possible scenarios for the IPE sub-discipline.

Keywords: International political economy, philosophy of science, United States,

Western Europe

he discipline of Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye
International Political “Power and Interdependence” (1977
Economy (IPE) is one [2001]) emblematically signaled the
of the most recent entries into the cur- arrival of the new sub-discipline with-
ricular canon of International in International Relations. Scholars
Relations (IR).While the term ‘politi- increasingly realized the multiple inter-
cal economy’ has of course a formida- actions between politics and econo-
ble intellectual pedigree, IPE scholars mics on the international level (as
came to associate themselves with this discussed by Keohane and Nye study-
new label only during the 1970s, when ing the political implications of the oil
a group of political scientists defined shocks during the 1970s) which
IPE as an autonomous field of research required an integrated perspective
apart from economics. The volume by between the two professions.

1 Profesor Asistente, Departamento de Ciencia Política, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá,Colombia. I thank Andreas Dür,
Axel Hülsemeyer, Markus Lederer, Andreas Nölke, Ken Shadlen, Manuela Spindler, Jens Steffek as well as the anonymous
reviewers for valuable comments on an earlier draft of this article.

I nternational Political Economy: the state of the art

This brief overview about the purpose of this paper is to make them
“state of the art” in International explicit and visible. After discussing
Political Economy will introduce the what IPE is all about, I will separate
field along metatheoretical lines. Any the research tradition in the United
substantial theory in the social sciences States from the one in Western
in general and international relations in Europe in order to highlight the di-
particular is built upon a specific phi- fferent trajectory that the sub-disci-
losophy of social science or metatheo- pline has taken in both regions. I
ry. Metatheory includes ontological conclude with a brief consideration
claims - claims about existence of the of possible scenarios for the future.
form ‘what is the world made of ’.
Epistemological considerations are What is IPE?
claims about what would constitute a The U.S. scholar Robert Gilpin
valid knowledge claim, and the provided the - still widely used - stan-
grounds for such claims. Epistemology dard definition of IPE along the clea-
is closely related to methodological vage between the state and the market:
implications. Methodology is focused
on the specific ways - the methods - The parallel existence and mutual
that we can use to try to understand interaction of ‘state’ and ‘market’ in
our world better (Smith 1996: 18). the modern world create ‘political
Taken together, ontology, epistemology economy’(…) In the absence of the
and methodology form a tripartite sys- state, the price mechanism and mar-
tem of acquiring knowledge along the ket forces would determine the
following lines: “if you believe in X outcome of economic activities; this
(ontology) and wish to ground the would be the pure world of the
claim X in Y (epistemology) then you economist. In the absence of the
should follow method Y (methodolo- market, the state or its equivalent
gy)” (Wight 2002: 41, fn 4). would allocate economic resources;
Metatheoretical differences this would be the pure world of the
matter for social science research, political scientist (Gilpin 1987: 8).
since different ontological and/or
epistemological positions lead to di- Both spheres - state and market
fferent theoretical approaches in - are supposed to operate separately,
terms of what and how to investigate with different functional logics.While
(in) the social world. In other words, power politics dominates the political
depending on what you believe the realm, market processes are driven by
world (of IPE) mainly consists of, you economic or efficiency imperatives.
have a preference for the objects of However, the increasingly complex
your investigation. Likewise, virtually links between developed countries
all IPE scholars approach their described by Keohane and Nye and
research questions with the help of more recently the onslaught of globa-
specific methodological understand- lization in all its different forms,
ings. While these metatheoretical including the rise of new actors such
decisions remain mostly implicit in as multinational corporations and
theoretical and empirical research, the social movements across borders, have

R alf J. Leiteritz

challenged the treatment of states and institutions to developing countries,

markets as separate and contesting and the political effects of economic
units of analysis, reinforcing the poli- globalization on states.
tical and scientific significance of their The conventional view sepa-
mutual interconnectedness (Strange rates the field in three major paradigms:
1988)2. We now live in the era of a realism/mercantilism, liberalism/plura-
truly global economy reaching virtu- lism, and Marxist structuralism (Gilpin
ally all parts of the world and making 1987: 25-64).Yet recent theoretical and
economic integration a fact of life. On empirical developments have superseded
the other hand, we are still confined these hermetical divisions between the
by a fragmented political system of three schools of thought. First, realism
states, which are desperately trying to and liberalism have converged on many
keep control of economic globaliza- important points. While the debate
tion. The resulting tensions and cons- between neorealism and neoliberalism
tant interactions between politics and characterized the theoretical discourse in
economics make for the ‘bread and IPE during the 1980s, it ended with a
butter’ of analyses in IPE. pragmatic fusion of sorts (Baldwin
Rather than thinking in terms of 1993). Sharing important ontological
separate spheres, contemporary IPE can and epistemological assumptions, realist
be defined as the analysis of the interac- scholars increasingly embraced the ratio-
tion between the political and the eco- nalist, ‘scientific’ methodology derived
nomic sphere involving state and from neoclassical economics, while li-
non-state actors on the national and the berals came to appreciate the relevance
international level. Politics and eco- of power and structural anarchy for the
nomics have transcended their tradi- analysis of international (economic)
tional disciplinary anchors and their co-operation. The result has been the
fusion has given rise to numerous theo- hegemony of a specific metatheoretical
retical research agendas and empirical approach to IPE in the United States
analyses.The main topics in contempo- (see below).
rary IPE are either specific issue-areas Second, while Marxist analyses
such as international trade, internatio- experienced a significant decline after
nal finance, and (economic) develop- 1990 vis-à-vis the two other traditional
ment, or questions of political schools of thought, it has undergone a
regulation under the term governance remarkable theoretical diversification.
(of the international economy). While most textbooks focus on the
Examples for specific research areas are capitalist world system theory of
the political and institutional determi- Immanuel Wallerstein as the main pro-
nants of foreign trade policy, the effects tagonist of this paradigm (Wallerstein
of foreign direct investment on domes- 1979), recent contributions in the
tic political processes and institutions, Marxist literature challenge its over-
the amount of economic ‘development deterministic, structural analysis of his-
space’ granted by multilateral economic tory. More nuanced approaches have

2 To be fair, the more historically informed tradition of classical political economy, e.g., Adam Smith,Thorstein Veblen and
Karl Polanyi, has long ago challenged the conventional distinction between ‘states’ and ‘markets’ (Watson 2005).

I nternational Political Economy: the state of the art

emerged that try to ‘bring the capitalist followers of one of the three para-
state back in’ and to transcend the class- digms. The main reason is that each
based exploitative politics of traditional school presents a coherent but largely
Marxism. Especially neo-Gramscian self-contained interpretive framework
scholars have contributed a new theo- that focuses on one aspect of the
retical vocabulary and a new empirical international political economy but
focus to study the multiple, often neglects many others. A significant
hidden dimensions of exploitation, amount of IPE students is unwilling
including the various discursive tech- to make the trade-off between para-
niques seen as expressions of power digmatic consistency and engaging
relations (Gill 1993). the infinite range of processes and
A related aspect of the relative actors in IPE. Studying the complexi-
decline of Marxist structuralism has ties and inherent contradictions of the
been the virtual disappearance of ge- international political economy
nuine ‘Latin American voices’ in main- requires leaving behind the “either-
stream IPE.The comparative advantage or” mentality suggested by the para-
of Latin American scholars as the ori- digmatic division in the search for
ginators of the dependency theory dis- (better) explanatory theories5.
sipated with the end of Cold War and
the triumph of neoliberal ideology in The U.S. perspective
economic theory and practice in the One defining trend over the last
developing world. Latin American IPE fifteen years in the IPE field has been
scholars - a rare specie in any case - the growing distance between the
have largely shied away from subscrib- United States and (Western) Europe in
ing to the emerging dominance of the discursive terms. Liberal or rational
liberal-institutionalist paradigm in the institutionalism has established itself as
United States and have instead pursued the undisputed metatheoretical ortho-
a strategy of theoretical eclecticism in doxy in the U.S.. IPE in the United
their writings (Tickner 2003: 344-5)3. States has so many commonalities with
Yet, the lack of diversification in both neo-classical economics, both from an
theoretical approach and research epistemological and a methodological
method has limited the visibility and point of view, that the latter clearly
influence of Latin American writers in serves as the ‘lead discipline’ in U.S. IPE.
the contemporary IPE discipline, at As a result, a wide range of substantial
least beyond the region itself 4. causal theories have been derived under
Third, many contemporary IPE this common framework for various
scholars do not define themselves as aspects of the international political

3 However, this eclecticism draws only on a rather limited sample of available IR theories, namely structural dependency
theory, Morgenthauian realism, and interdependence theory. Newer theoretical developments such as social constructivism
or post-rationalist approaches have yet to be incorporated into contemporary IR/IPE research in Latin America (Tickner
2003: 344).
4 While theoretical homogeneity around dependency theory might have been a formula for success in earlier periods, chan-
ging political circumstances as well as internal contradictions have contributed to the relative decline of this research tra-
dition (Velasco 2002).
5 While theoretical homogeneity around dependency theory might have been a formula for success in earlier periods, chan-
ging political circumstances as well as internal contradictions have contributed to the relative decline of this research tra-
dition (Velasco 2002).

R alf J. Leiteritz

economy. The convergence around generalizations and parsimonious theo-

major ontological, epistemological and retical arguments6.
methodological issues and problems in Major publications outlets for
U.S. IPE takes the following form. the IPE mainstream in the U.S. are
The majority of U.S. IPE scho- International Organization, International
lars accept the ontological premise that Studies Quarterly, World Politics, the
human interactions have a material American Political Science Review, and the
foundation. Actors are essentially dri- American Journal of Political Science.
ven by material interests, not norms or The concept of ‘Open Economy
ideas. As a consequence, depending on Politics’ (Bates 1997) can be used to
the position in the domestic political illustrate how these metatheoretical
economy, different actors will pursue foundations have led to the develop-
different goals, yet all of them with a ment of an influential analytical frame-
material substance. The goal-oriented, work in recent years. ‘Open Economy
utility-maximizing behavior of ratio- Politics’ (OEP) is aimed at the analysis
nal, self-interested individuals is the of domestic economic policy-making
ontological baseline from where subs- with reference to the international
tantial theory-building is supposed to context. The chain of deductive rea-
start. For example, while domestic eco- soning is captured in a three-stage
nomic groups strive for additional process:
wealth, policy-makers are primarily
interested in reelection. Scholars in the OEP tradition begin
The concepts and methodolo- with firms, sectors, or factors of
gies of neoclassical economics and production as the units of analysis,
especially its inherent methodological then derive their interests over eco-
individualism constitute the epistemo- nomic policy from each unit’s posi-
logical backbone of the IPE mainstream tion within the international
in the U.S..The strategic choice frame- economy. They also attempt to
work has been particularly influential incorporate the impact of domestic
in tackling research questions in IPE, political institutions, conceiving of
where individual behavior is aggrega- institutions as mechanisms that con-
ted into group behavior (Lake and dition the bargaining of competing
Powell 1999). societal interests; and (finally) they
A (neo-)positivist, empiricist introduce interstate bargaining at
research strategy aimed at uncovering the international level (Frieden and
causality and empirical regularities Lake 2005: 149).
with the help of scientific inference
reflects the methodological core of con- The first step involves deriving
temporary IPE in the United States material interests of aggregate societal
(King et al. 1994).This often comes in interest groups (firms, sectors, classes)
form of using quantitative or statistical vis-à-vis specific economic policies.
methods in order to allow for law-like Due to their different locations in the

6 See Woodruff (2005) for a lucid criticism of the search for universal “laws” and in favor of uncovering context-specific
“causal mechanisms” in light of the empirical record.

I nternational Political Economy: the state of the art

domestic economy, these groups have of conventional trade models from

different policy preferences resulting in neoclassical economics into IPE in
political cleavages, e.g., import-com- order to distinguish potential losers and
peting vs. export firms and industries. winners from trade liberalization
In a second step, these societal interests (Frieden and Rogowski 1996).
are aggregated, potentially modified Subsequent analyses then converged
and finally transferred through formal around the political impact of orga-
political institutions on the way to ulti- nized special interests in the formula-
mate policy choices. Examples for tion of trade policy, later enriched by
these institutions as the intervening institutional economics and mostly
variable between societal interests and applied to the context of U.S. foreign
policy outcomes are the size of elec- trade policy.
toral districts, the number of veto The primary drawback of having
points in the political system, and the a common metatheoretical foundation
form of the specific electoral system. in U.S. IPE is the effective exclusion of
The final step in the framework looks non-positivist or non-rationalist
at strategic international bargaining approaches from the mainstream dis-
and the influence of international insti- course. A partial exception from this
tutions over the domestic bargaining exclusionary practice concerns con-
structure, e.g., as captured in the well- structivism. While the so-called ‘mo-
known two-level game metaphor of dernist’ or ‘neo-classical’ wing of this
Robert Putnam (Putnam 1988). relatively new theoretical tradition is
The primary advantage of ha- given ample representation in main-
ving a metatheoretical consensus in the stream publications, in particular in the
national community of IPE scholars is premier IPE journal in the United
the possibility of creating cumulative States (International Organization), pro-
scientific progress within clearly tagonists of ‘radical’ or ‘critical’ construc-
defined boundaries of research. The tivism in IR7 have been effectively
rigorous empirical testing of theoreti- sidelined. Even though modernist con-
cal propositions also allows U.S. scho- structivists in the U.S. such as Martha
lars to contribute to contemporary Finnemore, Peter Katzenstein, or John
(international) policy discussions and Ruggie diverge from the ontological
problems. An often-cited example for consensus by emphasizing norms and
this double achievement is the political ideas instead of material interests as cru-
economy of trade policy.The overarch- cial elements for the study of interna-
ing goal of the flourishing theoretical tional (economic) relations, they
and empirical studies of trade policy nonetheless share the epistemological
during the last twenty years or so has and methodological pillars of the ratio-
been to uncover the forces behind the nalist-positivist mainstream (Finnemore
variation in trade protection between and Sikkink 2001). The result is an
and within countries.The crucial theo- acclaimed constructivist ‘middle
retical take-off came with the import ground’ between rationalism and inter-

7 See Adler (2002: 97-98) for these categories

R alf J. Leiteritz

pretivism or post-structuralism (Adler U.S. scholars to the informal (interna-

1997), albeit one that has much more tional) economy or the ‘dark’ sides of
commonalities with the former than globalization? What about everyday,
with the latter. recurring phenomena which imply that
The conventional justification the world is not a rational order driven
for the exclusionary politics of U.S. by a set of universal rules, iron laws, or
IPE is the charge that non-positivist systemic logic? For example, Foucault’s
theories are “unscientific” due to their empirical studies of power and discipline
mostly postmodernist stance. As Peter have demonstrated that historical change
Katzenstein, Robert Keohane, and comes about at least in part through co-
Stephen Krasner, in their review of the llective agencies that cannot be defined
U.S. IPE discipline as reflected in the as institutions or classes, but are contin-
journal International Organization gent forms of alliances and identities
(IO), make clear: emergent in discourse.What is ultimate-
ly at stake is the ‘opening up’ of IPE in
IO has been committed to an the United States from its economistic
enterprise that postmodernism and material base to broader questions of
denies: the use of evidence to adju- history, culture, identity, gender, and the
dicate between truth claims. In con- role of language.The European IPE dis-
trast to conventional and critical cipline has been significantly more
constructivism, postmodernism falls attentive to these kinds of questions and
clearly outside the social science problems.
enterprise, and in international rela-
tions research it risks becoming self- The European perspective
referential and disengaged from the Instead of an accepted hegemo-
world, protests to the contrary nic approach, the European IPE land-
notwithstanding (Katzenstein et al. scape is characterized by the
1999: 38). heterogeneity of theoretical, epistemo-
logical and methodological approaches
Yet, denying interpretive, (Wæver 1999). Against this background
hermeneutic, or post-structuralist of a ‘let a thousand flowers bloom’ situa-
approaches visibility and serious, unbia- tion, it is not surprising that European
sed discussion in mainstream journals as scholars have a preference for using the
well as university curricula in the U.S. term “Global” rather than
leaves the IPE discipline in a somewhat “International” Political Economy in
problematic, parochial state (Breuning et order to highlight the multi- or transdis-
al. 2005; Peterson et al. 2005). Put simply, ciplinary background as well as the va-
some relevant topics are not studied and riety of actors and concepts involved in
some important questions do not get contemporary and historical political
asked as a result. Where are significant, economy8. In addition, sociology and
theoretical contributions by mainstream history rather than neo-classical eco-

8 In contrast to the established IPE discipline in the United States, only a few national political science communities in
Europe (United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, and Scandinavia) have actually developed a similar identity. In the majo-
rity of countries (e.g., France, Spain, and Italy) IPE topics continue to be studied within separate professions such as eco-
nomics, political science, geography, sociology, business administration, etc.

I nternational Political Economy: the state of the art

nomics serve as the primary inspiration investigation across all epistemological

for theoretical work in Europe. divisions11.
Major publication outlets for Post-structuralists challenge ratio-
European IPE research are Review of nalist, ostensibly ‘scientific’ discourses
International Political Economy, Millennium, and the traditional mode of explanations
Review of International Studies, Journal of of truth and their relationships to (colo-
International Relations and Development, nial, racist, gender, etc.) hierarchies and
New Political Economy, and the European exclusionary practices (DerDerian and
Journal of International Relations. Shapiro 1989). While post-structuralist
Besides an always visible, yet empirical work in IPE has been relative-
only more recently also influential li- ly scarce, some scholars see a great
beral-rationalist school, contemporary potential in applying discursive analysis -
European International Relations in the method of choice in post-structural-
general and IPE in particular have been ism - to IPE.They point out that central
especially shaped by the Foucauldian, material structures of capitalism such as
post-structuralist theory and the resur- money, credit, profit and capital do not
gence of Marxism in form of the neo- exist independently of discursive prac-
Gramscian/transnational class alliance tices enmeshed in social power relations,
approach9. The common characteris- which bring these concepts into being
tics of these self-labeled ‘critical’10 in the first place as well as constitute
approaches to IPE include a concern their contested and contingent nature
for different, not just state or private (De Goede 2003).
business actors such as labor or the Neo-Gramscian scholars, on the
family as well as broader questions such other hand, maintain the class-based
as the formation of global order and level of analysis of traditional Marxism.
transnational hegemonies. Naturally, The overall aim is to identify coherent
not all IPE work in Europe can be historical structures (‘historical blocs’) -
described as ‘critical’ in the above sense. consisting of different patterns of social
Hence, I am hesitant to label the IPE relations of production, forms of state,
mainstream in Europe in such a way. and world order - that have existed
Yet, what distinguishes European from within the capitalist mode of produc-
U.S. scholars is the primary use of his- tion (Cox 1987). Classes or in Robert
torical and sociological methods of Cox’s terminology ‘social forces’ are the

9 However, there are important differences between national IR/IPE communities in Europe. For example, German
IR/IPE scholars tend to be much closer to the U.S. mainstream than, say, British scholars (cf. Wæver 1999; Friedrichs
10 The ‘father’ of neo-Gramscian theory in IPE, Robert Cox, emphasizes that theory is always developed in concrete histo-
rical contexts and that “theory is always for someone and for some purpose” (Cox 1981: 128). Cox contrasts ‘problem-
solving theory’, which contributes to the maintenance of existing social and power relationships, including their inherent
inequalities, within the features identified as constant, with ‘critical theory’.The latter, by contrast, “does not take institu-
tions and social and power relations for granted but calls them into question by concerning itself with their origins and
whether they might be in the process of changing’ (Cox 1981: 129). For Cox, critical IPE must focus on the historically
constituted structures of the international political economy. In particular, critical IPE analyzes how existing world orders
emerged and how dominant norms, institutions and practices were established. Historical dialectics provides the tool for
critical IPE to understand change and transformation.The ultimate political goal of such an analysis is to serve as a star-
ting-point for the identification of those forces that are able to develop an emancipatory project for a new and more just
world order.
11 My thanks to Markus Lederer for this point.

R alf J. Leiteritz

main collective actors engendered by dity claims of rationalist approaches

the social relations of production.They based on methodological individualism.
operate within and across all spheres of Instead they pursue holistic interpreta-
political, economic and social activity. tions of social relations where “there are
Through the rise of contending social totalising processes driven by a predo-
forces, linked to changes in production, minant logic which we call capitalism,
mutually reinforcing transformations in and that such totalising processes mani-
forms of state and world order may fest themselves in all aspects of social
occur. life” (Palan 2000: 16).They also have in
Innovative theoretical work in common a rejection of the positivist
the neo-Gramscian tradition has assumption that the aim of social
focused on the emergence of new science is to identify causal relationships
global disciplinary forms of neoliberal in an objective world. These perspec-
politics.According to Stephen Gill, the tives neither accept that it is possible to
notion of ‘new constitutionalism’ se-parate the subject from the object,
involves the narrowing of the social nor to distinguish between normative
basis of popular participation within enquiry on the one hand and empirical
the world order of disciplinary neoli- scientific research on the other. Instead
beralism. ‘New constitutionalism’ they search for alternative theories and
results in an attempt to discipline states explanations in the wider range of
along a neo-liberal restructuring poli- approaches in the social sciences, e.g.,
cy by disseminating the notion of mar- structuralism, post-structuralism, femi-
ket civilization based on an ideology of nism, cultural studies, historical sociolo-
capitalist progress and exclusionary or gy, etc. highlighting the specific aspects
hierarchical patterns of social relations and actors of IPE that have been deli-
(Gill 1995). Empirical studies in the berately neglected or downplayed by
neo-Gramscian tradition in IPE have, the dominant rationalist-positivist pers-
amongst others, analyzed transnational pective. Methodologically, ‘critical’ IPE
class formations in Europe (Bieler and scholars show an inclination for discur-
Morton 2001; van Apeldoorn 2002), sive and historical analyses revolving
the institutionalization of mass pro- around the notion of power in all its
duction in the United States and its possible forms and expressions and with
expansion as the basis for American a focus on different levels of analysis,
hegemony throughout the world after e.g., transnational class relations, a diffe-
the Second World War (Rupert 1995) rent conceptual vocabulary (e.g., capi-
and the global politics of intellectual talism, neoliberalism, labor, hegemony,
property rights (Sell 2003) as well as exploitation) and a different epistemo-
novel phenomena of the contempo- logical interest (challenging and poten-
rary ‘globalization age’ such as tax tially changing the status quo).
havens (Palan 2003) and private bond One problem with ‘critical’ IPE
rating agencies (Sinclair 2005). approaches is their inclination for
What unites these ‘critical’ debates about concepts and metatheo-
scholars from both the post-structuralist ry rather than substantial, cumulative
and the neo-Gramscian camps is a theory-building.While mainstream IPE
visceral suspicion about universal vali- scholars perhaps engage in too little

I nternational Political Economy: the state of the art

reflection about the metatheoretical standpoint13. On the other hand, neo-

foundations of their research, ‘critical’ Gramscian analyses have already
scholars sometimes give the impression bridged the transatlantic divide. In fact,
of an obsession with those questions. In its ‘founder’, Robert Cox, is a
addition, there is rather little dialogue Canadian scholar. Important theoreti-
across ontological or epistemological cal and empirical contributions in this
boundaries. Together with the much research tradition have been equally
smaller size of the European IPE com- provided by European-based as well as
munity compared with the one in the American – U.S. and even more so
U.S., the metatheoretical fragmenta- Canadian - scholars.
tion has contributed to the lower vi- The second scenario implies
sibility and impact of the European that the rationalist-positivist hegemony
IPE discipline12. reaches Europe and, in turn, establishes
a truly global IPE discipline defined by
Outlook common standards of empirical
Given the divergence between research and a limited amount of
developments within the U.S. and the accepted theoretical approaches. The
European IPE field, how will the ‘International Political Economy
future of the discipline look like over Society’ (IPES), whose inaugural meet-
the next five to ten years? For me, three ing will be held in November 2006,
possible scenarios are conceivable. could serve as the appropriate vehicle
The first scenario is the perpe- for this endeavor14.
tuation of the discursive split between The third scenario suggests an
the two continents.We will witness an extension of the ‘perestroika’ move-
increased homogenization of episte- ment in U.S. political science (Monroe
mological, methodological and theo- 2005) beyond the focus on metho-
retical approaches in the United States dological pluralism and diversity to
around the rationalist-positivist main- push for a more complete representa-
stream, while the ‘let a thousand flo- tion of the epistemological universe in
wers bloom’ situation continues in the social sciences in both IPE journals
Europe in the absence of a dominant and relevant undergraduate and gra-
approach. This scenario does not, ho- duate courses in the United States. As
wever, exclude transatlantic dialogues of now, Marxian political economy,
on particular, contentious issues, based neo-Gramscian theory, historical so-
on a shared epistemological or theore- ciology, the evolutionary institutiona-
tical framework.A good example is the lism of Karl Polyani as well as the
contemporary debate on globalization whole range of non-rationalist or post-
and state. Both U.S. and European structuralist approaches are given short
scholars have made important theore- shrift in U.S. IPE. This scenario thus
tical and empirical contributions to the envisions an equal footing of these
debate from a rationalist-positivist approaches in teaching and writing

12 My thanks to Andreas Nölke for this point.

13 See Keohane/Milner 1996 and Garrett 1998 for U.S. and Hall/Soskice 2001 for European contributions, respectively
14 For details on the IPES, see the homepage at

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