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Chapter 1 - Infinite Manifestations Are Your Natural State!

​ In my book “Light
Touch Manifestations”, I showed readers how a simple thought or intention held in
their consciousness had the power to create their physical reality. I also explained
the crucial role which our personal beliefs system plays in supporting or sabotaging
the creation process. In this follow-up book, I expand upon the concept of the
manifestation se- quence (first introduced in “Light Touch Manifestations”) before
taking readers through a series of advanced steps that can create endless, ongoing
manifestations in their daily lives. Collectively, I call this series of steps and
technologies the sys- tem for ​infinite manifestations. ​If applied and used correctly,
these teachings have the potential to create a stream of endless, ongoing
manifestations in our daily lives. Instead of being the unconscious creator that you
once were, you will now be able to hold a deliberate intention in your consciousness
and have it manifest for you in your physical reality very quickly. While most of us
are already manifesting and creating continuously in our lives, much of this creation
process is done by default (unconsciously) and often used to perpetuate more “lack”
instead of goodness. My main objective for this book is to explain how the state of
spontaneous manifestations is not an exalted state reserved for the selected
“enlightened” few, but a state that is generally acces- sible by anyone who is willing
to do the “inner work” required. Neither intelligence nor worthiness is a prerequisite
in doing this work. One does not need to engage in intense intellectual debate to get
there, nor do we need to convince some superior being of our deservingness
through backbreaking acts of devotion. What a won- derful realization that is! These,
along with other spiritual truths will become
increasingly clear to you as you do the work. As I have written so many times
before, it does not matter ​where ​you come from or ​what ​you have achieved in the
past. What matters is that you set a con- scious intention from this point forward to
do the inner work ​necessary. Yes, doing so will require some time and effort… but
you will be getting the best returns for your time! Once you make up your mind to do
it and go for it… the rewards you reap from this practice will stay with you forever.
Once you have tasted a bit of that manifestation freedom and success, the
experience will stay with you forever. You would have been transformed on the
inside. More importantly, the know-hows and realizations gained from the process
can never be taken away from you. Many years ago, I was faced with one lack
situation after another despite my faithful application of these manifestation
teachings. I was on the verge of giving up for good and even walked away from
these teachings several times in anger, disappointment and frustration. Back then, I
blamed ​everything ​for my lack of re- sults. I blamed the Universe for not being kinder
to me and also the teachers for not teaching “the truth”. I thought there was some
ancient “secret” that was some- how withheld from me, or that an intermediary of
some kind was needed before I could “communicate” with the Universe. It wasn’t
until I was in dire straits that I was forced to take a good look at my- self, at what was
really happening ​on the inside​. I reasoned that since I had already read all the major
classical and contemporary books on related subjects, my ​lack of knowledge
probably wasn’t a reason for the lack of results in my life. This real- ization relaxed
and soothed me a little as the burden was lifted off my shoulder for the first time in
years! “I already know everything I need to know,” I told myself. For the first time in
life, I stopped berating myself for not trying hard enough or for not doing ​more​. I
realized I had already acquired all the physical knowledge there was to be acquired.
Once that first realization was made, I immediately turned and looked at what was
happening on the inside. It was the only remaining place I had not examined, partly
out of a sense of fear over what I would potentially find! I realized that first and
foremost, my consciousness was fraught with ongo- ing worries and fears. It was so
murky and clouded by all my extraneous thoughts / feelings that there was no
capacity for anything positive. It was as if I was tuned in to a radio station that played
all sorts of worrisome, fear, negative and degrading programming all round the clock.
While I had read about manifestation principles from various books out there, I was
still not applying this information in my life. I ​knew ​on a theoretical level that negative
thoughts would somehow lead to negative manifestations, but I was allowing myself
to behave in a way contrary to this knowledge that I had. You’ll notice that this is
prevalent in our society, in which many experts and knowledgeable individuals allow
themselves to act in ways that are contrary to the information which they possess.
This behavior does not imply that they are irrational in any way, but instead indicates
“missing links” in the information that have to be clarified further. While I was taught
over the years by various spiritual teachers that negative thoughts generally lead to
negative outcomes, the leap from one to the other was difficult for me to accept. I still
did not have the conscious awareness to perceive the whole creation process from
start to end. I knew there had to be intervening steps in between (which I later
identified as part of the full manifestation
sequence), but I did not know what these were. And so, with the second realization
that there were ongoing negative thoughts inside of myself and with a vague
knowledge that negative thoughts somehow lead to negative outcomes, I set out on
a journey to reduce the frequency of these thoughts / feelings within myself. This
was the part which was the most difficult for me because I was going against the
social and mental conditioning I re- ceived for the first few decades of my life! I was
working to undo a lifetime of nega- tive habits / conditioning! While difficult, it was
also through this process that I came across many of the techniques and steps that
you read about in my books today. As a result of try- ing to find practical ways and
means to reduce my fears and worries on the inside, I was able to document and
write about these techniques with a sense of intimacy and realism that many spiritual
teachers may have overlooked. Maybe all of this came naturally to them, but
certainly not for me. I had to struggle considerably to rid myself of my inner fears and
worries… to let them go for good. For me, this aspect of the process is really the key
because it is the part where the least guidance is given. When I moved from merely
reading ​about the techniques to ​applying ​them, I realized that application was the
missing key all along. I merely ​knew ​these truths at a superficial level but have not
realized them for myself. Immediate results occurred the moment I took active steps
to reduce my negative thoughts and feelings on the inside. The physical results
which I have been seeking so fervently ​for years ​started showing up for me on the
outside! I was delighted and thrilled beyond words at my initial success! It was also
after I tasted
this initial success that I realized I should not feel discouraged in the face of seem-
ing difficulties, no matter how arduous the process seemed. The ego (actually my
past mental conditioning) was not going to give up without a fight. It was still going to
sneak me fearsome and worrisome thoughts the moment it had the chance to. But I
now had the confirmation that I was moving in the right direction. All I needed to do
was to continue in this direction. You too, will discover as you engage in this inner
work that the good you seek starts flowing to you. The results will probably be
modest at first but they are posi- tive proof that you are moving in the right direction.
If you will only keep at your daily practice with some persistence, then you have to
get there ​one day. The “there” I’m referring to is not some exalted end state where
you no longer function in the world, but one in which you are completely free from
nega- tive feelings of fear, worry and self-doubt. You’ll still enjoy many of the things
you used to do, but your mindset will be completely different. It is a wonderfully liber-
ating state to be in. For example, you may still work in your existing vocation, but
instead of resenting it and doing it “for the money”, you now start to see how your
work has the potential to help others. In turn, “the money” takes care of itself in your
life. Once you have tasted some success of ​being ​in this state, you’ll never want to
revert back to your old ways again. This is the reason why I often encourage my
readers to try out these teachings for themselves instead of just taking my word for it.
My physical words do no good other than to add to all their existing theoretical
knowledge (the garbage) which has no power. It is only when they ​apply ​these
teachings for themselves that they come to recognize their own power. Therefore, a
conscious and sustained application is the key, not merely hearing about how
someone has done it, or reading testimonials from people who have done it. I am
often amused that some individuals would expend much of their time and effort
asking for “proof” or “confirmation” from others in an attempt to con- vince
themselves that something works. The Universe does not work this way. All the proof
in the Universe is useless if it is not proven by yourself in your own real- ity! The
moment someone tastes their first fruits of success, my work is more than half done!
The momentum will propel them towards where they need to go. ​The good that
you seek is seeking you! ​— This is a statement commonly heard in spiritual circles,
but what does it really mean? To me, the full significance of this phrase sank in only
after I made my earlier two realizations. I discovered that I was being called in the
direction of my greatest good all along and that I would have found it sooner or later.
There was nothing withholding my good from me. There was only the search
process that could have taken a shorter or longer time depending on my prevailing
beliefs (my consciousness). How long this search process took depended on how
much work I did on myself and how quickly I connected the dots. Working on myself
shortened the process, while blaming others and feeling resentful about the success
of others prolonged it. All the dots have been there since the beginning. I just needed
to ​con- nect ​them in the right sequence. And I would connect them someday no
matter what, simply because I wanted the ​truth ​so badly! In the same way, know
that the good you seek is seeking you. This is what spiritual teachers mean when
they say we all have the seeds of greatness within us. The seeds have already been
planted. You have (through your broader intentions)
put yourself on this path of personal development. If you’ll just relax into your
goodness and take one step at a time, one day at a time, you’ll get there one day. In
fact, you’ll get there with the very first step you make, starting from the very next
chapter! Results show up even in the very early stages as I have discovered for my-
self. My intention is to help you get there in the shortest possible time with the least
struggle. But you will get there no matter what, simply because you want it so much.
In some sense, we all will stop at nothing. The same applies to the tangible objects
and goals which you have set in your life. You ​will ​get them one day because you
have been asking for them so much. However, the counterintuitive truth is that you
will get there ​even faster ​if you learn how to intend in line with broader Universal
principles. Things are always easier when you have the Universe on your side! It
goes without saying that you should read the first book of this series (Light Touch
Manifestations) if you have not. That book provides a good primer and necessary
foundation for the application of the advanced techniques in this book. It also helps if
you’ve had some sort of an introduction to my previous body of work. As the focus of
this book is on what happens ​after ​you have let go of your various negative feelings,
I will not be covering the various techniques to let go of negative feelings in detail
here. It is helpful to read my earlier books if you need help in that area. And as
always, you do not need this book (or any other book for that matter) to get to where
you want to be in life… although this book certainly makes it much easier and more
enjoyable for you! The process is like finding your way around in a foreign country.
You can certainly get to the zoo by asking for directions from
strangers or by following the street signs. You certainly do not need to buy that
tourist map to end up at your destination, but doing so would save you from lots of
struggle and headache trying to figure out the directions by yourself. In the same
way, this book serves as that map. It will not get you there magically, but it can make
your journey much more enjoyable. When you finally give up worrying over whether
you are traveling in the right direction and simply sit back to enjoy the ride… you
realize it is the ​ride ​which you have signed up for in the first place and not really the
destinations. The desti- nations (manifestations) themselves are often fleeting but
the ride is one now- moment after another. Wouldn’t it be glorious if you can enjoy
the ride ​plus ​all the destinations along the way? Of course you can, and this book is
about having the best of both worlds!
Chapter 2 - The Nature of Our Manifestation Canvas ​ As I look back at my life, I
am often amazed by the incredible transformations that have taken place within a
very short time. I used to think that creating massive changes in one’s live would
take an inordinate amount of time, that change was a difficult, slow and arduous
process. However, once I started making some progress, I realized that change can
be ​instant​. It is the process of preparing for change (and convincing ourselves) that
takes a long time. When all the groundwork has been done… when we no longer
sabotage our own efforts or second guess ourselves, changes can occur just like
that… with a snap of the fingers! This is the first principle to keep in mind when doing
this work. Leave the element of ​time ​out of the equation and leave it entirely up to
the Uni- verse. When you free yourself from any preconceived notions of how long it
will or should take… you free the Universe to work its magic. The greatest changes
that have occurred for me are on the inside. I used to walk around with a sickening,
worried feeling in my gut all day long, from the mo- ment I was awake to the moment
I fell asleep at night. I had trouble falling asleep on most nights because my
worrisome thoughts kept me awake, along with all the doomsday scenarios it
projected! If you had asked me whether I thought it was possible to free myself from
those worrying and fear thoughts back then, the an- swer would have been a
resounding no! I came to identify with those thoughts so strongly that I wrongly saw
them as a part of my being. I saw them as a part of my- self. The truth is that our
thoughts and feelings are never a part of ourselves. Just as the clothes you wear are
not a part of your physical body, the feelings and thoughts you think are not a part of
your higher self. They merely cloud whatever is
there and prevent us from ever recognizing the true self. This is also the reason why
I could create massive changes in my outer reality once I reduced the frequency and
magnitude of my ongoing negative thoughts. With each negative feeling that I
dropped, I became a little freer and lighter. I came to recognize the powerful creator
that I had always been, free and untethered from anything else. Although I only saw
part ​of the blank canvas while I worked at dropping those negative thoughts, that
was sufficient to spur me on and create results in my outer reality. You’ll be surprised
at how much effort we exert to perpetuate our undesired realities! An inordinate
amount of physical effort and energy is required to worry all day. When I let even a
bit of that worry go, I found my energy levels rising and my mood improving. You
have now freed up much of the Universal energy that is al- ways flowing through
you. Instead of focusing that energy on your negative worri- some thoughts, you are
now freeing up that energy to better use. We all have a blank canvas which we
create from on an ongoing basis. This blank canvas is our ​consciousness​. For the
ease of exposition, I shall refer to our consciousness as our inner states — that
which holds whatever is happening in- side of us at any point in time. Your inner
state holds the keys to your reality and outer manifestations. It’s as simple as that! If
you drop in to and observe your inner state right now (just by gently closing your
eyes and noticing what is there), you’ll see the connection be- tween your inner state
and your outer reality. I recall my inner state to be tumul- tuous in the early days of
my journey and filled with a constant sense of fear that “something was about to go
wrong”. In turn, my outer reality reflected that.
Because I always expected things to go wrong, they did. Because I prepared myself
for lack on the inside, I often encountered lackful situations on the outside. The na-
ture of our Universe is such that it can only reflect back to us what we hold on the
inside and nothing else! Our inner state is the blank canvas which we create from.
However, this can- vas is not “blank” for many people. It is filled with negative
thoughts, worries, past programmings and social conditioning. One may look at all of
this negative stuff that is in there and feel discouraged. They may think it is futile to
go against a life- time (or even several lifetimes) of negative programming. However,
my experience has been that it is useful even if we do ​some ​of the work. In other
words, you’ll find positive results happening very quickly in your experience even if
you do not get to zero. Even if you cleared out just one percent of your negative
feelings or pro- grams, you would still have made significant progress for incredible
results to show in your outer reality. I can personally attest to this. Back in my early
days when I made even a very slight progress in my inner state (for example,
through the clearing up of a small issue that was bugging me on the inside), the
results still presented themselves quickly on the outside. The converse is also true: If
you do not take the necessary steps to make these small changes, they will forever
remain a part of your consciousness. You’ll be bothered by them until you address
them and be free from them. So the first step is to let go of any negative feelings
and thoughts that arise spontaneously on the inside. As mentioned, my previous
books provide ample guidance in that area so I shall skip that for now. What I want
to focus on in this chapter is on our reactive tendencies. Once
you have dropped all the negative feelings that arise spontaneously on the inside,
the next stage would be to observe how you react and respond to others in your
daily life. For example, do you spontaneously feel a sense of anger or irritation when
dealing with certain people? Does something your spouse or children say make you
flare up? Does a particular situation or scenario rile you up or make you feel
irritated? All of these situations provide valuable opportunities for us to prac- tice and
deepen our inner work. Observe the situations that frequently rile you up and make
you feel unset- tled. This may range from a feeling of slight irritation to immense
anger on the in- side. Again, the actual “content” of the situation does not matter.
What matters here is that there is ​something ​in each situation that sets off the trigger
for us. Know that it is never about the other person or the specifics of the outer
event. It is al- ways about us. By this, I do not mean that you should take the blame
or criticize yourself for reacting in this way. Instead, treat it as a learning opportunity
to see why you are reacting in this manner. Behind each of our reactive tendencies
lies a hidden or somewhat uncon- scious belief. Once this belief is brought to light
and addressed, the negative reac- tion disappears as well. The negative reaction of
anger / pride / irritation / frus- tration often points to a deeper belief that needs to be
addressed (dropped) and not suppressed. Very often, we are afraid to look at what
lies beneath the surface, which is why we are so ready to point our fingers at the
other party. “He is making me feel this way!” or “She did something which upset me!”
The truth is that absolutely ​nothing ​in this world can make you upset if not for some
negative programming which that “thing” called up within you. I shall illustrate this
with a couple of examples before offering some steps for you to iden- tify similar
situations in your own life. You’ll see this playing out in your life in var- ious forms.
There was a period in my life where I was extremely offended by rude sales- people.
Not surprisingly, I began “attracting” many of them into my reality! “They ​should
provide better service. They ​should ​treat their customers with basic courtesy and
respect!” were the common statements which I used to justify my own feelings of
anger and frustration over the matter. It helps to take a look at how we inadver- tently
hold on to our negative feelings through justifications like this. As I men- tioned,
pointing the finger at the other party often belies the greater spiritual truth beneath
the surface. After a few occurrences of this, I sat down and took a good look at my
inner state. The good news is that you do not have to share any of this inner work
with others. You can do all of this on the inside by yourself! There is no need to tell
the world what you are doing. In fact, I strongly encourage that you keep all of the
inner work you’re doing to yourself because the most progress can be made in this
man- ner, free from the better judgments of others. I started off by asking myself,
“What is causing the anger here?” Of course, my ego was insistent and immediately
answered, “The rude salesperson and his / her rudeness!” But I did not give up so
easily. I probed even deeper by asking the question, “Why is it that ​others ​can have
the exact same experience as me and walk away totally unruffled while I was so
affected?” That was the real key to solving the puzzle. In fact, it gave me a clue and
ultimately made me see the light! I was in a restaurant one day with a friend. I was
offended by the rude waitress while this
friend of mine was unfazed. I was surprised, to say the least. I thought everyone
would have reacted in the same way as I did upon receiving that bad treatment. The
fact that we do not always react in the same way indicates that these outer circum-
stances are not the root cause of the issue. The root cause lies in our underlying
beliefs. Upon asking myself the second question, I began to receive / know the an-
swers to my question. In fact, a bigger part of me had already known it all along. I
was just afraid to acknowledge the truth. I was offended because I was craving
recognition from the service staff. I wanted them to treat me as important. When-
ever they did not, I perceived that they were looking down on me. I was feeling self-
righteous and superior to them. Once these answers came flowing out of myself, it
was easy to see why I had avoided confronting the truth all along. The truth was not
very pleasant to begin with! But one has to confront these difficult truths for spiritual
progress to be made in the first place. The good news is that no one knows we are
doing this ex- cept for ourselves. This is why I said in the beginning that there is no
need to share what you are doing with anyone else if you do not want to. I have
made it a point not to share any of these with my family / friends around me. The
only exception is using them as illustrative examples in these books. “Spiritual”
people often have a difficult time making inner progress because they have
disowned these parts of themselves. Instead of embracing them as a part of life, they
have come to shun these shadow aspects. We often repress these feel- ings further
into our unconscious where they are free to recur in other parts of our life. I often
teach that you only need to deal with a negative belief once, and it will be gone from
your consciousness forever. You will be free from it for good! I did not judge or
criticize myself for what lay beneath the surface. Instead, I merely recognized that it
could have been embedded there somewhere along the way (through social
conditioning or programming) when I was less conscious. What is more important is
to drop these beliefs / feelings now that I have become aware of them. I began to
ask myself the question, “Can I let go of my feeling of self-importance / pride?” This
sense of pride stemmed from the ego and the ego will not give up without a fight. But
if you are persistent at letting go, you’ll start finding the pride transforming into some
other feeling, until you finally let go of all of it. In this case, the feeling of pride or
self-importance gave way to a feeling of fear. A sense of pride is always driven by a
sense of deep insecurity or fear, hence the need to put up a “false front”. Once I let
go of those feelings of insecurity or fear, the need to put up any false fronts
disappeared. The need to make a favorable impression and impress others
(salespersons, superiors, co-workers, friends) disappeared. What remained was the
blank canvas, that pristine inner state that has always been and always will be.
What I have just described above was for a single case. While I have con- densed
the process into a few paragraphs, the actual process took a few months for me,
during which I let go of different aspects of the issue one bit at a time. There is no
need to “rush” to let go of anything or get things done by a certain time. What needs
to be done will be done in perfect timing once you make a deci- sion to do it. Thus,
don’t strain yourself in the process. Just let go of a little bit of the issue as it arises,
one bit at a time.
The most interesting part occurs after we have dealt with an issue sufficiently on the
inside. This is what I refer to as the “testing” phase, in which we deliberately and
playfully go out into the outside world to see whether the same situation still ruffles
our feathers. One may be surprised to learn that when we drop our negative beliefs
on the inside, we immediately come into contact with a completely trans- formed
reality on the outside! It is as if all the rude salespeople and everything that has
bothered us in the past have suddenly been barreled and transported to an- other
planet! Actually they have. They are on a completely different vibration and
frequency from us now, such that we stop attracting them and they stop attracting
us. Because of our changed inner state, we are no longer in a position to attract
them. Another possibility is that due to our residual vibrations from the past (or from
not dropping the issues completely), we still meet with a few of these cases, albeit
with much less regularity. When this happens, notice how you feel on the in- side.
You’ll notice (if you have done enough of the inner work) that the situation no longer
ruffles your feathers and bothers you as much as before. If it does, all you need to do
is to go back to your inner laboratory and do the inner work again. I am often secretly
amazed at how I am able to sit through the exact same situation as before (or even
witness the situation happening to another person) while being completely
unaffected by it. The same situation on the outside no longer presses those hot
buttons on the inside. When you realize this, you would have made sig- nificant
progress. What I have just described above is different from a state of apathy, which
is a helpless state of inaction that some people convince themselves into. A state of
apathy sets in when we perceive a situation as unchangeable and we “resign”
ourselves to it. You’ll can identify apathetic people around because they are always
devoid of energy and life. They are always trudging along and dragging their feet.
They may say things like, “Forget it! Here comes another rude salesperson again… I
have accepted this as a fact of life.” What we see here is not true “acceptance” but a
sense of “resignation” instead. They have conditioned themselves so much that they
have suppressed their usual reactive tendencies. It is little wonder that these
individuals are often bursting with anger / frustration at the seams and ready to snap
at the slightest provocation. Repressing one’s negative feelings is never the right
way to deal with them. Here is another example to help you identify similar
situations in your own life. Again, the specifics of your experience will vary but the
features will be the same — a recurring situation in your life that literally “drives you
crazy” and makes you react in the same way each time you encounter it. Very often,
these are seem- ingly small things in our lives and we can never understand why we
react in such a disproportionate manner. But the truth is that beneath each small
thing lies a huge inner belief to deal with. It is this huge inner belief that is causing
the exaggerated outer reaction! I used to be very annoyed when a driver suddenly
cut in front of my car with inches to spare, and more so if he did not raise his hand to
apologize or thank me for letting him in. This seemed to be a trivial matter on the
face of it so I wasn’t sure why it triggered such a huge reaction in me each time it
happened. “Why am I so offended by these rude drivers?” I asked myself. “That’s
because they are ungra- cious and a menace to all road users. You should be
offended!”, my ego readily re- sponded to justify my anger.
By now I knew much better than that, so I probed deeper to find the root cause of the
outer reaction. What was causing this huge reaction in me on the out- side? Why
was I reacting in this manner that was out-of-character for me? The answers always
appear when one is ready and receptive to them. Once again, the answers rang out
loud and clear for me, and they were not what I wanted to hear. Still, I had to admit
that those were the right answers. I was reacting in such a manner because I felt
unappreciated. I felt that the driver had not recip- rocated my kindness in some way.
I realized this to be a recurring theme in my life and even somewhat related to the
earlier situation of rude salespeople, in which I felt I was not “valued” as a customer.
Once I brought these hidden beliefs to light, I began to see the situation for what it
really is. For the first time, I realized that it had never been about rude driv- ers or
rude salespeople at all. It has always been about myself and the beliefs which I held
on the inside! I reacted in that way because I believed that my kind- ness was
unappreciated. I wanted approval from those drivers. I wanted those strangers to
think of me as kind and helpful. How absurd is that! Wanting to con- trol other
people’s perceptions and how they thought of me! Wanting to look to the outside and
to others for approval and recognition when I already had all of it with- in myself!
Seeing the situation in its fullness released much of those negative beliefs and
feelings when I fully understood what caused my behavior. I was no longer a slave to
the situation which I could not fully comprehend. The most exciting part came when
I drove the next day. This time, I found myself completely unperturbed when drivers
cut abruptly into my lane. My previous sense of irritation has suddenly been
transformed into a sense of joy and appreciation at the situation. How could that be?
I have seen the folly of the situ- ation and how I was using external events like this to
gain approval or recognition for myself. But why go to such extended ways to do so?
We only have to drop those feelings of undeservingness / unworthiness on the inside
to be completely free. I used to blame myself for reacting or blowing up at
something as it was the most un-spiritual thing to do, but now I bless all of it as a
golden opportunity to practice. Of course, it is hard to be thankful in the heat of the
moment when you feel those negative emotions inside of you. If you’ll just step back
for a moment and ask “why”, the answers will be revealed to you in the most
remarkable way. All that is required is your honesty. As spiritual author Bryon Katie
puts it, “There is nothing so dark that we cannot put it on paper, question it, and set
ourselves free.” Once you have identified the underlying beliefs driving your reactive
tenden- cies, you can let those beliefs go immediately and the behavior will dissolve
by it- self. There is no need to hold on to them forever. I estimate that there were
only four to five major reactive tendencies that I needed to get rid of when I began
doing the inner work. You’ll realize that your reactive tendencies are often related to
one another or that they share some under- lying theme / commonality. That is a
good thing, because when you work on just one of them, you become free from the
other related tendencies as well. The greatest value in dropping all your negative
reactive tendencies is that your inner state becomes a pristine, blank canvas for
most of your waking hours. You are no longer letting someone else draw on your
canvas! You get to
consciously decide what you want to create instead of letting your unconscious be-
liefs run the game as they’ve done for so long. I often found myself mulling over a
single bad encounter with a salesperson for ​days! ​ You’ll find some people stewing in
their negative encounters for weeks to months on end. By the time they’re done with
harping over one encounter (which was in fact brought about by their own beliefs),
another one happens to take its place. That is the silliest thing to do in the world
because you’re hurting no one other than yourself! You’re letting all these negative
experiences cloud your man- ifestation canvas when you can just drop them (and be
free from them) just like that. Remember that you want your canvas to be as blank
as possible. When you become free of your usual negative reactive tendencies,
you’ll find your consciousness in an unclouded state of ​zero ​for most of the day. This
is the place where magic and miracles reside, and the state from which they can be
part of your physical reality.

Chapter 3 - Beyond Manifestations ​ The more I do the inner work, the more I
realize that the art of manifestation is not about “attracting” something from ​out there
into our lives. Rather, it is about dropping anything in our inner states that is not in
harmony with our broader intentions and desires. What are some things that are out
of harmony or contradictory to our inten- tions? For one, negative feelings are
particularly destructive. Negative feelings of ​any ​form (fear, worry, anger, jealously,
irritation, frustration, guilt or shame, just to name a few) cloud our inner states and
prevent us from manifesting what we truly want. Instead, we end up attracting more
events, people and circumstances that match the vibrations of those negative states
held. For example, an individual who constantly walks around feeling irritated and
angry on the inside draws unto him- self more events, people and circumstances to
feel angry about… which will in turn cause him to feel even angrier… and hence the
negative cycle perpetuates for the rest of his life. This often happens on an
unconscious level, with the individual not realizing that he is at the center of his
Universe. He is the root cause and sole cre- ator of all the negative experiences in
his life, yet he does not realize it! These indi- viduals often ascribe their resultant
pain and suffering to ​external ​causes, blaming other people and events for their
unhappiness like what I used to do. Conversely, an individual who is in a state of joy
and happiness most of the time (for whatever reason) draws to himself more things
to feel joyful about, thus perpetuating the positive upward cycle of happiness in his
life. Am I therefore suggesting that we think positively all day long and adopt a
pollyanish attitude to life? That could certainly work if we found a way to make our-
selves do it with enough consistency. But “positive thinking” falls flat on its face for
most people because we cannot keep at it. Why is this so? Simply because it takes
an inordinate amount of effort and energy to “think positive”, just as it takes an
inordinate amount of energy to “think negative”. When someone deliberately
attempts to engage in positive thinking, he is often going against a lifetime (or
several decades) of negative conditioning. He is trying to think positive ​in spite of ​all
the beliefs and programs on the inside that are causing him to default to his usual
negative thoughts. That is why we are often thoroughly exhausted by the process
and find positive thinking to be such a chore! It’s like we have to pretend to be happy
when we are not. We are ​trying ​to be upbeat and cheery by conjuring up happy
thoughts, in turn repressing our negative feel- ings. I have often taught that spiritual
work is never about a forceful conjuring of positive feelings within us. Instead, it is
always about honoring our feelings, If you have to work hard at something, then you
are not in line with the Universal flow. I’ve seen “spiritual” people fall prey to this
exact phenomenon. After starting on some spiritual path (such as following a
particular meditation practice or reli- gion), these individuals become convinced that
they should, all of a sudden, be im- mune to any form of negative thinking or
feelings. They start blaming and criti- cizing themselves when they notice these
feelings within themselves, or start deny- ing the existence of these feelings (often
with a sense of disgust). It is quite common for a self-proclaimed spiritual individual
to deny that he is feeling angry, lustful or jealous… as doing so would seem rather
un-spiritual in na- ture. In turn, these individuals are quick to judge and point out
these tendencies in others. They would be the first to tell you that you ​should ​not feel
a certain way as it is not “spiritual” to do so. Incidentally, this is also the reason why I
have stayed away from spiritual groups as they can sometimes hamper instead of
help. Unless everyone within the group is at a high level of consciousness, the group
will be dominated by one or two self-righteous individuals who see it fit to point out
and criticize the apparent shortcomings of others based on their own misguided
views. Let us make it clear now that the ​only ​reason why we should ​not ​hold on to
any negative feelings is because they will eventually lead to unwanted manifes-
tations in our reality. Negative feelings, if immersed in and held for some time, lead
to unwanted events and circumstances on the outside through the manifes- tation
sequence (described in “Light Touch Manifestations”). This is the reason why
negative feelings are not recommended. It is not be- cause negative feelings are
some kind of a sin by themselves, but rather, because they keep us trapped in our
ways. We end up getting caught in a downward spi- raling negative cycle for most of
our lives without even knowing it. I would have been trapped in the downward cycle
of destructive fear and worrying if I had not snapped myself out of it in time.
Therefore, the core of these teachings is to allow yourself to be free from the claws
of these negative feelings. What I am suggesting here goes ​beyond ​positive
thinking. Many individuals have the misconception that in order for the Law of
Attraction to work in their lives, they’ll need to think and feel positive thoughts as “like
attract likes”. What I realized is that we expend unnecessary effort / energy in doing
so. Instead, all we simply have to do is to drop our negative feelings and anything
that is not in harmony with our conscious intentions. That is the only thing you have
to do for all the magic,
miracles and manifestations to happen in your life. Forcefully conjuring up positive
feelings often means an artificial suppression of the negative feelings instead of an
acknowledgment of their existence. When you acknowledge that the negative ele-
ments are there, you can start taking steps to drop them from your consciousness
instead of allowing them to control you. This is a good time to recap the
manifestation sequence which we covered in “Light Touch Manifestations” before
going further. Recall that the sequence which leads to outer manifestations goes like
this: (1) Unconscious memories / beliefs ==> (2) Conscious thoughts ==> (3)
Feelings and emotions in our inner state ==> (4) Physical manifestations in our outer
world In Light Touch Manifestations, my focus was mainly on dropping the nega-
tive feelings and emotions that continuously occupied our inner states. In the last
chapter, my focus was on letting go of the unconscious reactive tendencies that
dominate our inner states and therefore our outer reality. By studying the recurring
patterns in our reactive tendencies, we can often get at the (1) unconscious memo-
ries and beliefs that are driving them. This book proposes an even more advanced
path to manifestations. I’ll first explain the broader principles in this chapter before
expanding on them in the rest of this book. Before I do so, a reminder is in order.
This advanced path will ​not ​work for you if your inner state is constantly dominated
by negative feelings most of the time. You must get your inner state down to fifty
percent negative feelings (or less) in order to benefit fully from the techniques and
exercises in this book. This is not because you are undeserving of the good which
you ask for, but because of the nature of our Universe. As such, if you are reading
this book in a deep state of fear or worry, then please go back and try out the
exercises in Light Touch Manifestations (or any of my other books) ​until ​you
experience a sense of relief from the reduction of your negative feelings. In other
words, your negative feelings (no matter what they are) have to go before you will
see results from the techniques here! Conventional self-help literature advocates a
forceful positive thinking and motivational approach that ignores all the unconscious
programming that is al- ready there. I have already explained how this is
counterproductive and unsus- tainable. According to the manifestation sequence,
the key to creating our desired real- ities is to ​drop everything ​that is unwanted and
not in line with our highest inten- tions. Therefore, if there is a way to ​completely
drop ​the first component of the se- quence (our unconscious memories and beliefs),
then our ensuing days would be filled with an infinite stream of manifestations
because there will no longer be any (2) self-defeating conscious thoughts as a result
of those (1) unconscious beliefs, which would mean no resultant (3) feelings and
hence no undesired (4) outer manifestations! As such, the ​dropping ​of our (1)
unconscious memories and beliefs is the key. While this may seem obvious on
hindsight looking at the entire manifestation sequence, it wasn’t obvious to me in the
beginning. It hadn’t occurred to me that the whole key to ongoing, infinite manifes-
tations in our lives would be the ​complete dropping ​of our unconscious beliefs and
memories. Rather, I had previously thought what was possible was only the
piecemeal dropping of negative feelings as they came up within us. Therefore, I dealt
with each negative feeling, belief or tendency as it came up in my life and
recommended that my readers do the same. While this practice produced massive
results in my own life, it wasn’t until the whole blueprint of possibilities came through
for me one night that I realized what I was missing out on…

Chapter 4 - Developing a Moment-By-Moment Awareness ​ One thing I learned

early on from Abraham-Hicks is that the Universe always answers whenever you
ask. This means that the Universe is standing by, ready to respond to your slightest
intentions and desires, no matter how big or small they are. Energy flows in direct
response to our intentions the moment we hold them. Whether we are able to
“receive” this response from the Universe depends on whether our inner states are
clouded out by our negative feelings and mind chatter. We perceive this Universal
impulse to the extent that our inner states are clear and pristine. I have also learned
that the Universe gets through to us in our own unique ways and will choose the
ways which we are the most receptive to. I’ve had the Universe communicate with
me in different ways at each stage of my journey. In the beginning when I did not
believe that any form of direct com- munication was possible, the Universe did so by
dropping book names and plant- ing people and opportunities into my life. As I
progressed and came to understand the true nature of the Universe, I found myself
in instances of direct ​knowing​, in which I just ​knew ​something to be absolutely true
without any external proof or evi- dence necessary. In fact, we all have a direct line
to the Universe which becomes obvious once we drop our emotional baggage. It
was under these circumstances that the next piece of the puzzle came through for
me. I was lying in bed one night and gently lulling myself to sleep. I usually do so by
making myself extremely comfortable in bed, sniffing my pillow (yes I still do that
now!) and feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for every- thing in my life. This
is a non-resistant state that I lull myself into every night just before I fall asleep.
When we are non-resistant, we move along with the gentle flow
of the Universe and that was when it happened… All of a sudden, I started receiving
what could only be best described as Uni- versal impulses. Ideas and information
came flowing into my head. I knew these ideas were not “mine”, since I had not
logically developed them in my head over a period of time. Instead, these
well-formed concepts and information just started appearing in my consciousness as
a sense of “knowingness”. There was a feeling of deep understanding that it was the
truth​, and that no external proof or validation was necessary. In that moment, I
instantly recognized the information to be the next piece of the puzzle. It was just the
next piece I needed to make sense of the manifestation sequence. It was given in
response to questions which I have asked. I lay in bed for a while taking in all this
information and seeing it play out like a mental movie in my mind. The feeling was
distinct from that of daydreaming, where one feels they have a hand in spinning up
all of that imagined imagery. Here I felt more like a neutral observer instead of an
active participant. It felt as if I was watching something unfold in my mind’s eye
without my active intervention, while nodding in agreement along with all of it! It
must have been ten minutes before I realized I had to write all of that infor- mation
down. I would not be able to remember it the next morning! I jumped out of bed,
scrambled to find whatever scraps of paper I could and started jotting this
information down. The Universe had given me a blueprint, a series of steps that
answered the fundamental question we raised in the previous chapter: How does
one let go of all their unconscious beliefs and memories? I had filled out six full
pages with my scrawls and scribbles by the time I was done. I knew my work in
receiving this information was complete. What I had to do next was to apply this
information in my own life and share it with my readers. I have the original notes
spread out across my desk now as I write. I realize that I would have dismissed this
information had the Universe given it to me at an earlier point in my journey. First, I
would not have recognized the sig- nificance of the information as it would have
seemed preposterous! Second, my previous skepticism and disbelief in how the
Universe could talk directly to us would have precluded any forms of communication
in this manner. Yet as I have discovered over time, direct communication (a sense of
inner knowing) ​is ​the pre- dominant mode through which the Universe communicates
with us all of the time! Spiritual masters have done so throughout the ages,
communicating directly with the Universe with no intermediary. This form of
communication is available to us once we are open and ready for it. It is the most
accurate and efficient way for the Universe to send us signals and impulses. The
first concept which the Universe showed me was the importance of developing a
moment-by-moment awareness. ​This means becoming acutely aware of
everything that happens in your inner state in each and every moment of your life.
Most people walk around with barely any form of awareness or knowledge over what
is happening in their inner states… They don’t even realize they are feel- ing angry
and acting in a certain way ​until ​it is brought to their attention! They let their feelings
and emotions run their lives and overcome them. We move through so many
different emotional and feeling states each day that we become numb to them. We
don’t even realize the myriad of emotions we go through in the normal course of
each day.
The irony is that each one of these feelings we experience throughout the day then
goes on to create our outer reality in some way. How can we become con- scious
creators if we do not become aware of how we are feeling on the inside? These
feelings plant the seeds for our future manifestations. It is not enough to just
develop an occasional awareness of how you feel on the inside. One thing the
Universe impressed upon me is that there has to be an ongoing,
moment-by-moment awareness. There has to be full awareness of what happens on
the inside. For someone who is used to an outer-directed way of living and has not
observed his inner state before, it is alright to start by consciously ob- serving it a few
times each day and making a mental note. This allows one to real- ize that he is not
as helpless as previously believed, that our conscious thoughts do go on to create
our outer reality in some way. But as one progresses in doing the inner work, our
outer-directed focus must be substituted for an inner-directed focus. We must start
dwelling on the inside for most of the time instead of placing our attention on external
people, circumstances and events. Living on the inside means becoming especially
aware of how we feel on the inside — from the moment we are awake to the moment
we are asleep at night. Whenever I notice any negative feelings in my inner state, I
do not label, judge or blame myself for them. Instead, I simply notice the feelings
which are there and proceed to drop them immediately, thereby restoring my inner
state to one of love and peace. I do not engage in the thoughts themselves. I do this
all throughout the day to maintain a blank canvas and ​be ​at that zero state which is
so conducive for outer manifestations. For example, I noticed some irritation welling
up within me as I stand in a queue. Without cultivating a moment-by-moment
awareness, this slight sense of irritation would go on to color my perception of life but
otherwise go unnoticed by me. I would not have questioned it or taken the steps to
let it go. With some aware- ness, I realize that the source of my irritation came from
observing a man at the front of the queue who was treating the store clerk rudely.
Instead of engaging in my thoughts by thinking along those lines (for example, “He
should be more po- lite! I can’t believe he is doing this!”), I immediately drop my
feelings of irritation by letting them go. Three rounds later, the irritation is completely
gone and I am completely at peace with the situation. The stranger can behave in
whatever way he likes and I am totally okay with it. His behavior no longer brings up
any negative feelings within myself. This inner practice is not about changing the
world in any way. You’ll realize that the world needs no changing. The only thing that
needs to be changed is our own erroneous perceptions of the world! My initial sense
of irritation arose be- cause I perceived a need to “change” the situation. I wanted
the man to treat the store clerk nicely. I wanted the man to change his behavior. But
we have already learned that it is impossible to change anyone’s behavior from the
outside. It is impossible to control reality in the usual outer-directed ways of
operation that we have become accustomed to. Let all of that go and forget about
changing your outer reality directly. Instead, the answer is to go deep within yourself.
When you resolve all the negative feelings at their source, you realize (perhaps
ironically) that nothing needs to be changed in the first place. You become at peace
with everything and everyone. More strangely, you find yourself in lesser contact with
situations that used to bother you in the past. Once I cleared up my feelings of
irritation on the inside, I was free from them
forever. I no longer felt irritated by certain circumstances and I no longer invited
circumstances that irritated me. This is only possible if we give up insisting that ​other
people ​change their behavior for us. A few things happen once we adopt this
practice of developing a moment-by- mo-ment awareness. In the beginning, there is
often a sense of surprise as we dis- cover the emotional roller-coaster that we put
ourselves on every day. No wonder we are so exhausted by life itself! We are
propelled from one high point to one low point with everything in between! The great
news is that all of this is completely op- tional. The emotional roller-coaster ride
which you have placed yourself on is not a necessity as you go through life. You can
choose to be at the ​zero ​point of peace — which means moving from one high point
to the next, and to the next. Life can be one moment of peace after another, without
any of the downsides of a downward ride. By developing a moment-by-moment
awareness, we pick out the subtle nega- tive feelings of irritation, worry, frustration,
helplessness, lust, jealously, anger or fear that have the tendency to culminate into
more powerful negative feelings. We nip these feelings in their bud before they have
a chance to develop, thus pre- venting them from clouding our moment-to-moment
life experience. Note that we do not suppress (ignore) these feelings or pretend that
they do not exist. This prac- tice is more important in the manifestation process than
most people realize. It’s like switching the tinted sunglasses you have been wearing
all your life with clear ones, or better still, ditching your eyeglasses altogether! The
difference in your life experience will amaze you. The second realization is that the
dropping of negative / unwanted feelings ​has to be an ongoing affair. That’s why
there is a need to adopt a moment-by- mo-ment awareness. The best analogy I’ve
found for this is the windscreen of my automobile. It may be clean just after I’m out of
a car wash, but daily driving ex- poses the windscreen to all sorts of external
elements — animal droppings, rain, snow, sleet, dirt and so on. What do we do the
moment these particles start to ob- scure our vision? That’s right, we activate the
automatic windscreen washer intu- itively. If that does not work, we either drive to the
nearest car wash or get to work with our microfiber towels! We do so because we
know the consequences of not having a clear view while driving on the road. Why
do so many people allow their negative feelings to accumulate inside of them? Just
as dirt particles cloud our field of vision as we drive, negative feelings cloud our
perception of life and go on to affect our outer manifestations. Become as persistent
at dropping your negative feelings as you are at getting those dirt particles off your
windscreen. Just as you do not drive around with a dirty windscreen with your vision
obscured, you should stop ​only ​when your vision (your perception of life) is
completely clear! There is no need to suffer the ongoing consequences of holding on
to those negative feelings. Think of your inner state as that windscreen and your
negative feelings as the dirt particles that accumulate throughout the day. Cultivate
the habit of restoring your inner state to one of peace when you notice something
amiss on the inside. Once you accept nothing but absolute clarity, love and peace for
yourself, you’ll start to drop these feelings spontaneously once you notice they are

Chapter 5 - Vibrational Incompability and the Windscreen of Life ​ The

prerequisite for everything that comes next is a clear windscreen — an inner state
that is not clouded or tainted by our negative feelings. You’ll notice magic and
miracles just happening spontaneously for you when you walk around in a free state
of ​zero​. You don’t have to force or will things one way or another… they just are.
When your inner vision is clear, you perceive life as the Universe per- ceives it… as
it has always meant to be. You realize that everything is perfect in its own way and
that everyone is co-creating their reality in their own chosen ways. There is no need
for any of it to be different. Everyone is right where they need or want to be. There is
no need for you to change any of it. The perceived need for us to “change” things is
only an illusion. This need arises because of the presence of negative feelings within
us that make us feel bad. Hence, the conditioned instinct is to remove / alter those
external circumstances which we perceive to be making us feel that way. But that
external person or event is not the ​true ​cause. The true cause of the situation lies
within us, yet we are often too unconscious to see it. We cannot change anything
from the outside in. The only way to creation is from the inside out. We all have a
hand in co-creating whatever we observe, be- cause through our attention to
something, we have created and perpetuated part of the situation. When I
understood this, I realized I had a hand in creating that nega- tive experience of
observing the store clerk being treated rudely. I created it by holding similar
vibrations within myself at some point. In other words, the negative vibrations which I
held caused me to be in a position to observe that unpleasant interaction. On some
level, I was a vibrational match to the vibrations of that
situation. Abraham-Hicks teach that we will not even be in the physical vicinity of an
unpleasant experience if we are not in vibrational alignment with it. This is a key
piece of these manifestations teachings because once you understand it, you real-
ize that ​a person who walks around in a constant state of love and peace ​can
never be in the vicinity of anything unsafe or “dangerous”. The vibrations of those
negative experiences are so incompatible with that individual that it would be a
violation of Universal Law for him to experience (or even observe) them! He can’t!
He wouldn’t even be physically near enough to them. Abraham-Hicks’ favorite
analogy for this is that we cannot expect to set our radio dials on one frequency and
receive the signals from another frequency. This is Universal Law at play here.
Once you restore your inner state to one of clarity, peace and love, you’ll find that
you no longer attract unwanted situations into your life. Neither do you ob- serve
them as much (if at all) because your negative feelings do not go on to result in outer
manifestations like before. I am often asked if there is a need to say a prayer for
safety or perhaps to carry spiritual items around for protection. There is value in all of
these ​if ​the indi- vidual does so from the highest state of love and peace. If one says
a prayer with only love and peace within himself, then the prayer will work to
reinforce those feel- ings and keep him out of perceived harm’s way. However (and
as always), if those prayers are made from a state of extreme fear or a deep belief in
danger, then one’s inner state holds the key. How does the individual really feel
about the situation? Does the individual feel unsafe and insecure as he is saying the
prayer and going about his day? If so, those are the dominant vibrations which will
go on to result in outer manifestations. I used to be a worrywart who would conjure
up negative, doomsday sce- narios in my mind all day long. Needless to say,
traveling was a chore for me be- cause I needed to plan for every foreseeable
contingency and “bad” thing that could happen. Yet those things seldom happened
because I was always in a state of high alert, exerting lots of effort on the flip side to
ensure that I was safe — such as saying lots of protection prayers and traveling with
a ton of luggage. It is quite amusing (although it was certainly not funny to me back
then) to realize how fool- ish I had been! I was spending so much energy and effort
pushing in both direc- tions, tiring myself out while getting nowhere. If I had dropped
all of that back then, I would still have been safe and sound for Universal Laws would
have kept me only in the vicinity of love and peace. Try this for yourself right now.
Take your left palm and put it together with your right palm as if you are praying, but
without clasping them together. Hold them out in front of your chest. Notice how your
hands move towards the right when you push with your left hand, and towards the
left when you push with your right hand. Now push both your palms together at the
same time. Notice how your palm stays in the center right in front of your chest
despite the tremendous force you’re exerting with both hands! Do so with more
energy until your palms tremble. Notice how your hands are still at the same spot
while you are physically exhaust- ing yourself. This is exactly the mistake which most
people make in their daily man- ifestations resulting in no outer physical results. The
left palm represents our positive thoughts and feelings while the right
palm represents our negatives thoughts and corresponding feelings. What a lot of
people do is to allow themselves to get carried away by their negative thoughts,
while at the same time saying lots of affirmations and prayers to “get what they
want”. The end result, of course, is that both their positive and negative intentions
cancel each other out… leading to little result in either direction. If they will just relax
both their hands and let things ​be​, then everything they desired would flow to them in
the most amazing way possible. Leave it up to the Universe to delight you. All you
have to do is to get clear of (drop) any negative feelings that are not in har- mony
with your broader intentions. When you stop pushing with your right hand, there is no
longer a need to counter any perceived lack or danger with the left hand. Everything
becomes still and at peace. This is why the focus of my teachings is on the constant
dropping (letting go) of your negative feelings. Manifestations are not about
deliberate positive thinking, because those positive thoughts are often conjured up in
order to quell the negative feelings and thoughts that are also present in our
consciousness. We’ll just be exerting wasted effort in the end, having both palms
push against one another. You can free yourself from the needless struggle right
now by dropping all your negative feelings at once. What happens when you are at
a state of ​zero​? Will there be nothing there? I invite you to experience this free state
for yourself just as many of my readers have done so for themselves. When you
drop all of those negative feelings on a mo- ment-by-mo-ment basis, you’ll notice a
sense of spontaneous peace and joy. There will not be “nothing” there. On the
contrary, there has been something there all along. You just have been too caught
up in the drama of your negative feelings to notice it. When you peel off everything
that is not part of your true nature, you finally see and experience what has been
there all along — that spontaneous sense of joy and well-being that does not
diminish. This sense of well-being is whole and com- plete ​by itself​. It is not a sense
of fake or artificial peace because your positive and negative feelings have canceled
each other out. This purest state of love and peace stems from letting go, because
there is no duality in the first place. There are no negative feelings, therefore there is
no need to think positive in order to “cancel” them out. There is nothing to cloud our
vision. It is here that we can accurately per- ceive the true nature of the Universe,
where everything is good and well. ​All is well. ​This is the message which the
Universe has been trying to send us since the beginning. But how can everything be
well if we constantly experience negative events and situations in our reality? That’s
why so many around us refuse to believe that “all is well”. They have been taken in
by the illusion which is perpet- uated by their ongoing negative feelings. When you
drop all your negative feelings, you wipe your inner windscreen clear. You finally get
to perceive reality ​as it is​, unadulterated and untainted by any of your false
projections, beliefs, or fears. There is no need to push or go against anything. When
you reach this state, you’ll realize that all is ​indeed ​well and has always been well.
Your actions from this state will come from a perspective of highest love and peace
instead of lack. If you decide to do anything, you do it from a place of plenty instead
of a fear of lack. For example, you decide to exercise and eat healthily be- cause
doing so makes you feel so good! You go from an abundance of health to
even greater abundance. There is no “lack thinking” that dominates your con-
sciousness. On the other hand, it is also possible to exercise and eat healthily from
the perspective of fear and lack. There are many individuals who force themselves to
eat a strict diet and exercise because of their fear of ill health. But ill health (just like
any physical manifestation) cannot be compatible with you if you come from that
highest state of love and peace! Don’t be like the person I was before, exerting so
much effort in both direc- tions and tiring myself out in the process. We see this in
individuals around us who spend an inordinate amount of energy fearing poor health,
and then putting intense efforts into preventing possible diseases. These are the
ones who restrict themselves to a strict diet and exercise regime. Some individuals
who have been on a healthy diet with absolutely no bad lifestyle habits have
suddenly fallen prey to “serious” diseases. Could something else be at work here?
Could it be the inner states and vibrations of these individuals? I have often taught
that while two indi- viduals may be engaged in the same outer-directed actions, their
starting points and inner states can be vastly different, leading to different outcomes.
Give up all the needless struggle and fears in your own life. This is why hav- ing a
moment-by-moment awareness is so valuable. Let go of any petty fears the moment
you notice them. Also let go of some of your bigger fears. You do not have to
immerse yourself in them. You’ll notice all sorts of irrational fears coming through
during the day — What if there is a fire? What if the building collapses? What if there
is a terrorist attack? When if my trousers suddenly drop in front of everyone? What if
she doesn’t like me? What if my car breaks down? What do you think is the root
cause of these often irrational fears? That’s right, social conditioning through the
various news medias and outlets we are ex- posed to all day, as well as residual
vibrations we have been holding onto. Whenever such irrational fears show up
within yourself, gently let them go. They may show up again at a later time, but just
as you deal with that bird dropping on your windscreen for now instead of worrying
about future droppings… you deal with any fear or negative feelings in the now
moment. Don’t proceed with your life until you get clear in the ​now moment​. If you’ll
do so with sufficient persistence, you’ll become completely free. There is nothing
else you have to do or take care of. Life takes care of itself for you.

Chapter 6 - The True Litmus Test ​ The litmus test for everything I have described
so far is this: Observe your inner state as you go about your daily affairs. Adopt the
stance of a neutral ob- server and just gently ​notice ​what happens on the inside
without trying to influence any of it. You’ll find yourself developing a sense of
meta-awareness, as if you are the neutral observer of it all. You’ll notice a sense of
detachment and separation from your body. See your body moving through all of life
and your daily affairs. Then see your thoughts accompanying you through all of life
and your daily affairs. It is a surreal feeling once you adopt the neutral stance of an
observer without try- ing to change or direct things one way or the other. While you
are in that disengaged and neutral state, observe the thoughts / feelings that
spontaneously arise in your consciousness. ​This is the key: Your con- sciousness
should be in a zero, neutral and peaceful state as you go about your daily
affairs. ​ Notice your eyes looking at something as you normally would and then
notice ​the judgments or thoughts that spontaneously arise within yourself as you look
at that object. If no judgments or thoughts arise spontaneously within your con-
sciousness, congratulations! You have “passed” the litmus test. Your conscious-
ness is truly at the state of zero. You have reached a state in which less than one
percent of the population is able to achieve — That of looking at something with- out
simultaneously also judging or labeling it. I remember how Eckhart Tolle made this
point so lucidly in one of his writings… citing the example of looking at a tree and
seeing ​what it truly is ​without labeling or judging it in any way. I thought he was out
of his mind! What does he mean by “judging” or “labeling” a tree? Of
course I know that is a tree, and of course my mind will be telling me it is a tree…
what absurdity in his teachings! It took me the next decade to realize his teachings.
What Eckhart Tolle, along with all the spiritual teachers, was trying to convey is this:
The moment we perceive something with our physical eyes, our mind immediately
goes into the habit of labeling and generating thoughts ​in response to ​the
phenomenon that we observe. This is the organizing function of our personal beliefs
system which I described in Light Touch Manifestations. What these spiritual
masters were also trying to convey is that ​these thoughts are unnecessary. They
cloud our consciousness. ​Realizing this is the ultimate real- ization! I finally
understood what they said when I heard Lester Levenson teach that “every thought
is a limitation… every thought we think must be limited…” (he said this very slowly,
emphasizing every single word of that statement). What he means is that our
thoughts have never been part of our true nature. They have been added onto the
clear lens that we have. Anything that is added onto the originally clear windscreen is
superfluous. They are not part of our being and can be dropped at any time. I am
not one who is interested in the theoretical discussion of these spiritual principles.
Instead, I have always been an advocate of going out there and applying it for
yourself. Until you can ​realize ​these teachings for yourself, they will always sound
like a meaningless bunch of garbage for you. Spiritual practice is very much like
learning a new language. Initially, one thinks he is listening to garbage or non-
sensical sounds. Then one day, after one has gained sufficient mastery, everything
makes sense! A whole new world emerges and unfolds before our eyes. What a rich
world we have previously been oblivious to, although those words have been ut-
tered so many times right beside our ears. The same applies here. It was not until I
finally experienced what Eckhart Tolle was writing about that I could link it to what
Lester Levenson taught. The link- ing will happen for each of us in unique ways as
life unfolds. Try it out for yourself. Go about your day and observe the usual
phenomenon that you observe. Go shop for groceries and stand in the queue. Notice
yourself looking at and observing things, perceiving the environment around you with
your five senses. At the same time, become extremely aware of what is happening
on the inside as you are doing the observing. How are you processing the inputs
received from the outer world? Do you react to every single input with a thought or
judg- ment? If so, ​drop the corresponding feelings produced by the thought
immediately. ​This is the true meaning of developing a moment-by-moment
awareness, and maintaining an inner state of peace. If no thoughts arise
spontaneously within you, congratulations! You have taken these teachings to heart
and have practiced them diligently. Here are some of the thoughts that can arise
within our consciousness as we go about our day: “Oh what a pretty lady!” “I would
like that item!” “Nice cologne!” “Yucks I would never dress this way” “He must be a
lawyer (or insert whatever label here)” “I can’t wait to get out of this bus…” All of
these self-talk forms much of our mind chatter. Each of the preceding statements
(and I’m sure you can come up with many more) leads to corre- sponding feelings,
some of which go on to affect our outer reality. A number of them have no effect
because some of these statements / feelings / intentions
cancel each other out… but you get the idea. If the feelings produced by these inner
statements are left unchecked, you can very easily run yourself into a bad mood
without knowing why. When you go about your day with ​zero ​mind chatter… just
observing ​the phe- nomenon around you with absolutely no corresponding
judgments and thoughts, you would have reached an important milestone. It would
be a turning point in your life! It is a surreal feeling to go through your day ​at zero​,
along with a moment- to-moment awareness that you are indeed, ​at zero​. But no
amount of words and de- scriptions will do this state justice. You have to experience
it for yourself. It is my highest intention that all of my readers get to experience this
state for themselves at some point. The great Lebanese-American poet Kahlil
Gibran wrote, “You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts.” If peace
is that ​zero ​state within our- selves, then any of our judgmental / negative thoughts
will stand in jarring contrast to that peace. Therefore anytime that peace within
ourselves is broken, we have a tendency to react and respond accordingly in the
outer world by taking some sort of a compensatory action. We feel the need to judge
and gossip about others when we cannot stand our own thoughts about that person.
We feel a need to take dras- tic action to achieve our goals when our thoughts about
“lack” shatter that peace within. What this also means is that if your inner state is
one centered on love and peace, then there is absolutely nothing you have to do.
There is absolutely nothing you need to do. This was the central tenet of my other
book, Dollars Flow To Me Easily, as it relates to the manifestation of financial wealth
in our lives. It also relates to the Manifestation Paradox, a related concept which I
have written about in a book of the same name. When we are at an inner state of
love and peace, we will not perceive a need to “change” anything on the outside.
Everything will be complete, whole, and perfect to us. Everything will be just where it
needs to be, at the level it needs to be. We will just ​be​. We will just bask in the pure
gloriousness of it all without needing anything to ​be ​different. The very need to
“change” something or for something to be different pro- duces superfluous and
extraneous thoughts within our consciousness. Those thoughts go on to produce
feelings that cloud our consciousness. Therefore, if such thoughts arise within you,
along with corresponding feelings of worry / lack / negativity… gently let the feelings
go ​at once ​and restore your inner state back to one of love and peace. I continually
emphasize that this is the ​only work ​you ever need to do. If you will do this part of
the equation, the Universe will handle the rest. This zero state is a state of ​pure
love. ​It is a state in which the spiritual mas- ters ​are ​in. When there is ​nothing ​left in
your consciousness, then there is nothing but love because love is the true nature of
your being. However, do not be discour- aged if you cannot maintain or be in this
state for a sustained period of time. You will get there with practice. Besides, if you
cultivate the mental habit of having a moment-by-moment awareness and dropping
any negative feelings that are there… then you will continually get yourself ​back to
zero​. In other words, if you clean your windscreen each time you notice it is dirty,
then you will have a clean windscreen most of the time… and that is enough.
However, if you ​blame ​yourself for having a dirty windscreen as you go through life…
then guess what, that “blame” is going to produce more feelings that will cloud your
inner consciousness.
Do you see how this is a Catch-22 situation for most people? Any form of negativity
or disappointment in themselves results in extraneous / unnecessary feelings that
move them further away from the ​zero ​state that they are trying to achieve.
Therefore, they are actually heaping dirt on their windscreens in an effort to clean it!
Any ​thought ​in itself produces corresponding feelings that cloud your consciousness.
Let all of those self-critical thoughts (feelings) go. Have you seen one of those
infomercials selling special floor mops on TV? Somehow there will always be a
hilarious demonstration of how “conventional” mops do such a poor job at cleaning
our floors! One wonders after watching how we could have lived with our old mops
for so long! Take a look at how the mar- keters do it… It can be quite entertaining.
Each cleaning motion made by a conven- tional mop makes the mess worse. The
dirt and grime is dragged across the whole floor instead of picked up by the fabric!
Then the zealous demonstrator goes on to add more ketchup and sauce to the
already dirty floor… You get the idea. What we want to do is to lift that dirt off
without adding more of it or spread- ing it all around. You want to lift it off cleanly and
be done with it! Most people are using that conventional mop when it comes to
dropping negative feelings from their inner state. They are engaging in those
feelings, rationalizing them and enter- taining them with more thoughts. That’s like
pouring more soda or ketchup on an already soiled floor and trying to clean all of it
up! I am not going to pretend that all of this change will happen overnight. Chances
are that when you observe your inner state, you’ll notice all sorts of spon- taneous
thoughts and judgments that arise. But you now know the simple way of dealing with
them instead of dragging all that dirt around — Just gently ​let them go​. That’s it! Lift
the dirt up and be done with it! Do it consistently enough and you will have a clean
windscreen most of the time, for longer and longer periods. This will come true faster
for some of you than others, especially those who have been reading my other
books and going the inner work for some time. But you ​have ​to do the inner work by
yourself and no one can do it for you. That’s because no one has the ability to intent
and create on your behalf.

Chapter 7 - Spontaneous Manifestations Are Part Of Your Nature ​ Here is an

experiment which you can try while in this totally non-judgmental and non-resistant
state of love. I recommend trying this only after you have been in the ​zero ​state for
some time (i.e. a few weeks or months). If reading about this “experiment” brings up
feelings of self-doubt for you, then I recommend putting this off to a later time when
you are ready for it. Thoughts and corresponding feel- ings of self-doubt can only
cloud your perception and move you away from that manifestative state of ​zero
which you want to remain in. Let us revisit the windscreen analogy again. When you
are in a state of ​zero ​with a totally clear windscreen, you have a perfect and
undistorted view of reality. You see reality the way the Universe sees it — where
everything is clear, whole and pristine. But that’s where the similarities between
these manifestation principles and the windscreen analogy ends. In the windscreen
analogy, your perception of outer reality only happens in one direction (from the
outside in). In other words, the clear windscreen allows you to accurately perceive
whatever is happening around you on the outside. In our manifestation Universe
however, things get even better and weirder! Not only does a clear windscreen allow
you to have an accurate perspective ​of ​reality (from the outside in), it also allows the
Universe to ​accurately pick up on any intentions and thoughts which you are
holding on the inside ​(from the inside out)! Therefore, any communication with the
Universe is bidirectional. It occurs simultaneously in both directions — not only from
the Universe to you, but also from you to the Universe at all times. This latter
knowledge is key to your outer manifestations. Now you can understand what is
really happening here. When our inner
states are clouded with negative thoughts of worry, fear and disappointment, two
things happen as a result. First, we no longer perceive things as the Universe sees
them and we feel an acute need to control / change things. This results in more
unwanted thoughts and feelings, which in turn clouds our perception more… leading
to a downward spiral. We stew in the soup of negative emotions on the inside.
Second, because our inner state is so tainted by our negative thoughts and feelings,
any deliberate intentions which we hold are not purely picked up upon by the
Universe. The Universe is picking up on our original intention which is also si-
multaneously tainted with all our negative unwanted thoughts… resulting in no outer
manifestations! This is why maintaining a blank canvas (or zero state) for most of
your waking moments is so important. Having a moment-by-moment awareness of
how your inner state looks like on the inside ensures that your delib- erate intentions
are not mixed with any contradictory vibrations. When an individual is in a state of
zero​, any deliberate intention which he holds in his consciousness stands out very
clearly. This means that the Universe picks up on it purely and as a result, this
intention becomes manifest in his outer reality extremely quickly. The experiment
which I alluded to at the beginning of the chapter goes like this: Hold a deliberate
intention while being in a state of ​zero ​and peace. Be sure to hold that intention
purely without also generating any corresponding feelings of self-doubt, worry, fear
or judgment. Recall that any of these extraneous thoughts / feelings is like adding
more dirt onto the surface. Just hold your original intention purely and let it stand in
stark contrast to the ​zero ​state which already exists in the background. What
happens next can only be described as miraculous to the uninitiated: If an intention
is held purely enough in one’s consciousness without the use of any force or
attachment to the outcome, then a ​corresponding outer manifestation has to
happen quickly without any outer directed effort required. ​The holding of that
pure intention on the inside is all that is necessary to make things happen on the
outside. How is this even possible? How is it possible to “make something happen”
in our outer world without taking any physical action on our part? You’ll realize that it
has always been possible once you understand the quan- tum nature of our
Universe in which physical time and space pose no barriers. Our Universe does not
need to communicate through physical words or actions in order to make things
happen. Universal impulses can be picked up perfectly by you no matter where you
are physically located, just as an intention held on the inside can be picked up
perfectly by the Universe and acted upon at any time. The key to this little
experiment is that the intention has to be held purely on the inside with no
associated interfering thoughts. Any thoughts that intrude into your consciousness
during this period (of worry, self-doubt, wanting to control how things will turn out /
any kind of attachment to the outcome) will also be picked up by the Universe and
acted upon, leading to a delay in your outer man- ifestations. Hence the age-old
adage is true: Worrying about when something will come ​delays ​it even more…
because the Universe is always picking up on your true
feelings and giving back to you the physical version of them! This is the whole art of
manifestation summarized in a single sentence. The most valuable thing you can
learn to do is to work harmoniously with these Universal principles instead of
unknowingly working against them in your daily life. A paradox arises once you
encounter these teachings. If everything is perfect, whole and complete from our
perspective once we have a clear inner state, then what do we have left to ask for?
Won’t we have no desires at all? Won’t all our de- sires just fade away into the
background? The answer to each of these questions is a “yes”. Anyone who has
restored their inner state to one of ​zero ​experiences a state of ​zero ​desires, in which
there is a conspicuous absence of thoughts related to wanting to control the outcome
in any way. We become alright if physical manifestations occur for us, but also alright
if our manifestations do not occur. We have given up all attachments to the out-
come. This is a state of absence of our ​desires ​where we just let things ​be ​the way
they are. One common misconception about this desire-less state is that nothing will
happen for us since we are asking for nothing. This cannot be further from the truth!
In fact, the opposite is true. ​Everything will now happen for you since you are no
longer actively pushing things away with your negative thoughts! ​ You are
freeing the way for everything you have asked for to come into your physical
experience and it will be an exhilarating ride for you. You’ll experience the
spontaneous fulfillment and manifestation of your desires with none of the down-
sides from dealing with those negative thoughts. You will not waste any of your en-
ergy on those negative feelings which are not needed for the fulfillment of your
intentions. There is a difference between having an intention and having a desire.
When we hold an intention, we identify with something which we would like to bring
into being. An intention is a thought held in our consciousness of something. For
example, one can hold an intention ​for ​abundance, and in the process of holding that
intention, ​become ​abundance. This intention for abundance is different from having a
desire to achieve abundance, although both usually occur at the same time. This is
the reason why we might find it difficult to disentangle what our pure intentions feel
like from what our desires feel like. We have been conditioned to think of them as
one and the same. The dictionary definition of both words provides a good starting
point for our understanding. An intention is defined as “an anticipated outcome that is
intended or that guides your planned action”. A desire is defined as “the feeling that
accom- panies an unsatisfied state, the inclination to want things”. ​Feel ​the
difference in the vibrational essence of these two words. An intention does not have
any feeling of lack in it. It is whole and complete by itself. On the other hand, a desire
implies lack. A desire is not whole and com- plete by itself. It only exists in relation to
a lack of something. A desire arises be- cause of a perceived lack of the very thing
which you are asking for. This is also why desires gently fade away when you reach
that ​zero ​state… Without any corre- sponding perceived lack, there can be no
desires but there can still be intentions. When you intend something, you use that
intention to guide your course of actions. Your intentions move you in a particular
direction. Holding an intention for abundance moves you in the direction of
abundance. Whenever we hold an
intention for something, we become part of that broader intention. In this case, we
become ​abundance. In my book “Afternoon Manifestations”, I discussed the
significance of the I AM teachings which are especially relevant here. When one
says I AM abundant, they become the essence of what they ask for in
consciousness. There is no per- ceived lack, shortage, physical disparity or the need
to “attract” anything from the outside in order to fulfill that intention. They simply
become ​one with what they hold in their consciousness. On the other hand, when
one ​desires ​something, he first has to identify with the lack or absence of that thing…
which is why he then develops a “want” for it to make up for that lack. Feel the
difference between these two states on the inside. Contrary to popular belief, it is
possible to move through life without having any desires. I gained this insight from
Dr. David Hawkins, a spiritual explorer who wrote several books during his lifetime
that sparked countless controversies and debates. What I found most useful from his
numerous works was his personal re- counting of his spiritual journey. What Dr.
Hawkins wrote in his book “Letting Go” left a deep impression on me. He taught that
our manifestations happen ​in spite of ​our desires, not ​because ​of them. We (our
egos) think that our desires are what made those manifestations happen in the first
place, not realizing that they would have happened anyway without our desires and
without our active intervention. All we need to do is to tend to our inner states and
restore it to one of love and peace. The Universe will come in and do the rest for us.
I hope you now have a deeper appreciation of why manifestations are about letting
go on the inside rather than the active solicitation and pursuance of goals / material
things from the outside. The former view is in line with the highest spir- itual truths
while the latter is driven by our action-oriented culture and a less-than- com-plete
understanding of these Universal Laws. Thankfully, we all have to start from
somewhere so give thanks that you are on this path! Give thanks that you are
moving in the right direction. All the spiritual masters I have studied started off by
holding on strongly to the latter view, before realizing the futility and foolishness of it
all when they recognized the true nature of the Universe. The faster you make the
switch, the sooner you’ll be free from the everyday problems that plague the majority
of the population. As Lester Levenson used to say, “Life becomes very comfortable
for you after that!” It is with this understanding that you can fully apply the process
which the Universe shared with me. I call it the ​Infinite Release ​process. As the
name sug- gests, the ​infinite release ​process is used for dropping anything that is
not in har- mony with your highest good. Without the foundation laid by the earlier
half of this book, one would not readily appreciate the importance of “letting go”.
Hence, had I shared this process right at the start of this book, I would have
undoubtedly lost many readers who would still insist on their old action-oriented way
of operating in the world. Now that you have a deeper understanding of the structure
of the Universe, the finer points of the process will become more obvious and
applicable for you. With that, let’s begin the next phase of our exploration…

Chapter 8 - The Magic of Infinite Release ​ A conscious intention, when held with a
light touch, moves us in the direc- tion of that intention. This happens in accordance
with Universal Laws. The mo- ment we ask and hold an intention for something, that
impulse is picked up by the Universe, provided we have a peaceful and conducive
inner state that is unclouded by negative thoughts. This impulse is also immediately
answered in energetic form, which means that Universal energy rearranges itself
according to what we have asked for. The very first signs that something is
happening will be our changed feelings about a situation on the inside. We usually
feel as if a “tipping point” has been reached re- garding the situation. Things just
“click” into place within us. At that point, no outer confirmation is necessary. Despite
the absence of physical evidence, we just ​know ​in our heart of hearts that it is a done
deal! Not in the future but right now, in this very moment! We ​know ​with every fiber of
our being that the physical manifes- tation is inevitable! What remains is watching
the manifestation unfold with a great sense of curiosity and joy. The best analogy I
can give for this assured yet curious inner state is this. Try to find a similar feeling
from your own life experience. Have you ever been through an experience where
you just knew you would eventually achieve your goal, and that everything was just a
step you had to take in order to reach that goal? Studying for my college degree was
one such experience for me. I knew right from my first day in college that I was going
to graduate with a degree four years down the road. The moment I started, I ​knew
the degree was a done deal, and so it was! Yes, I still had to physically go through
the journey of fulfilling my course requirements… but
to me on the inside, it was done! Everything just felt like a natural unfolding of the
process for me. I took each step along the way with great delight and anticipation.
When I compare this with a few of the manifestations I struggled with for a long time,
a different pattern emerges. Instead of the same sense of inner knowing and natural
ease, I was confronted with self-doubt and worries along the way. To me on the
inside, it was far from a done deal. In fact, it felt like an uncertain out- come to me,
and I often wondered whether the physical manifestations would eventually happen.
These negative thoughts contradict the original intention and delay our outer
manifestations. The whole secret to manifestations then, is to let these thoughts go
by restoring our inner state to one of love, assurance and peace. If we remain long
enough in an assured and peaceful state, what we ask for will show up in our reality
very quickly… sometimes within a matter of minutes, hours or days. The ways
through which your physical manifestations can come true for you will surprise and
delight you! Often, these will be ways completely be- yond your wildest expectations
and yet brilliantly executed such that they are more than just mere coincidences. In
turn, how long reality takes to shift on the outside depends on how clear your inner
state is on the inside. The beauty of the creative process is that you never have to
concern yourself with the specifics of what you are asking for. This is extremely
powerful. You can ask for something without knowing how you will get it… and it will
still find its way to you if you maintain an inner state that is compatible with your
intention. This is what the spiritual masters mean when they say you never have to
fig- ure out “how” to make something happen for you. That is the job of the Universe!
If you will accept that figuring out the “how” is the Universe’s role, then you free
yourself from all of the unnecessary emotional burden. Much of our worries over our
manifestations stem from “how” something is going to happen for us. We spend all of
our time obsessed with the how’s, not realizing that it has never been our job in the
first place! All of these petty worries and concerns become blocks / resistances in the
manifestation process. When you have a worrying thought about ​how ​something will
manifest for you, you taint that clear windscreen of yours with ongoing worrisome
thoughts (ex- tending our analogy further, with a torrent of bird droppings). How can
you see clearly enough to get to your intended destination with your windscreen
bom- barded with fresh bird droppings every second? These associated worrisome
thoughts are impeding your journey by obscuring the way, no matter what good
intentions you hold. If you are not fully conscious and aware that these worrisome
thoughts are there, you will continue to ask very hard for your original intention while
wondering why it does not show up. Of course it does not show up! All these
unrestrained negative thoughts are contradicting the vibrations sent out by your
original intention. What the Universe showed me was that our intentions are an
extremely pow- erful manifestation tool. If intentions can spark off a whole series of
energetic events and eventual physical manifestations, then our intentions can also
be used in another way to aid us in our manifestations. This is the ​Infinite Release
process which the Universe shared with me. Recall that ​any ​intention, when held
purely enough with a light touch, pro- duces a corresponding outer manifestation in
our physical reality. We can therefore set an overriding / overarching intention not
only for what we want, but also ​to
release any feelings or blockages ​that impede or delay what we are consciously
ask- ing for. In other words, we can set broader intentions to drop all the
unconscious beliefs / blocks / negative feelings that we may have unknowingly set
up for our- selves along the way. This is an extremely powerful method to clear the
path for our desired manifestations. The gist of the process is as follows: First, we
identify a recurring block that has been preventing us from having a peaceful inner
state. Recall from our man- ifestation sequence that the cause of any ​recurring
thought / feeling is always the memories / beliefs held in our unconscious: (1)
Unconscious memories / beliefs ==> ​(2) Conscious thoughts ​==> (3) Feelings and
emotions in our inner state ==> (4) Physical manifestations in our outer world Let’s
suppose that try as you might, you find it difficult to forgive a particular person for
what he / she has done to you in the past. Angry thoughts about this person
constantly surface in your consciousness as (2) conscious thoughts, lead- ing to (3)
frequent unhappy feelings and emotions in your inner state. What I would first do is
to follow the letting-go process taught in my earlier books (“Light Touch
Manifestations” and “Afternoon Manifestations”) to consciously let any feelings of
anger and resentment go. Recall that when dealing with these issues, it may be
necessary to go through several hundred rounds of any release process until you are
completely free from negative feelings in the current moment. Let’s also suppose
that after going through several hundred rounds of releas- ing, these feelings still
come up for you from time to time. What you can then do (an insight which the
Universe showed me) is that you can ​set an intention to let these inner blocks go,
along with all the unconscious memories / beliefs ​that are causing it. In addition
to holding an intention to let the inner blocks go, you can also intend that the process
be done continuously for an infinite number of times. This is where the “infinite” in the
infinite release process comes in! When you set an intention for the release to be
done an infinite number of times, you set off a sequence of energetic events that are
done without your con- scious intervention. Therefore, an ​infinite release intention
consists of three parts: (1) The intention to drop a particular block / resistance that is
holding you back. (2) An intention to carry out the releasing process above for an
infinite num- ber of times until your inner state is restored to one of love and peace.
(3) An intention for your inner state to remain at zero. These three parts of the
infinite release process work together to reinforce each other, leading to
exponentially powerful and permanent results on the out- side. The first intention
signifies your willingness to let go of any negative contra- dictory blocks / beliefs that
are holding you back. The second intention instructs your higher self to release as
many times as necessary until your inner state is re- stored to one of love and peace
in the current moment. The third acknowledges the possibility that we may
unknowingly pick up new resistant thoughts / beliefs as we
go through life, and therefore an intention is set for our inner state to remain at zero
(by releasing any negative feelings when necessary). These three intentions
collectively form an infinite loop. What the Universe showed me was that on top of
continuously and manually releasing on the inside, we can also invoke this process
and have the Universe do it for us. But you must first set an intention for that to
happen. The Universe can- not choose on your behalf.

Chapter 9 - The Basic Infinite Release Process ​ This is how to invoke the basic
Infinite Release process. Take a few deep breaths, relaxing as you breathe out
slowly. Close your eyes and check in on your inner state. Notice the feelings that are
there without labeling or influencing them in any way. Gently let each feeling in your
inner state go by fol- lowing the letting-go process as described in “Light Touch
Manifestations”. Do not proceed to the next step until your inner state is completely
clear and at ​zero​. While you are at zero and feeling completely at peace and
serene, gently state the following intention by speaking these words silently to
yourself: “I now release / drop / let go of (insert issue / block here) for an infinite
number of times until zero. I release this ____ infinitely, for as many times as
necessary, until I remain at zero.” Note that you can change the words to your liking
so long as you retain their overall meaning. The Universe picks up on our innermost
feelings ​and not on our mere physical words. In the case of dealing with forgiveness
issues, the intention statement that can be used is: “I now release all blocks
preventing me from forgiving John for an infinite number of times until zero. I release
these blocks infinitely, for as many times as necessary, until I remain at zero.” After
you have stated your intention, ​feel ​this intention in your being. The intention should
stand out powerfully for you, in stark contrast to the pure inner state that forms the
backdrop. Feel the feeling (intentionality) of those words in
your being, then open your eyes and go about your daily activities. No further ac-
tions are necessary on your part. Remember that we are not trying to make any-
thing happen when invoking an Infinite Release intention. All we are trying to do is to
drop any elements that are disharmonious with our highest good. We are letting go
of all unwanted beliefs and memories, rather than trying to “attract” something from
out there into our lives. Here is another example on how to phrase the intention
statement, this time for an individual who constantly worries about whether a
particular physical man- ifestation will come true for him: “I now release all worries
over whether I will manifest my dream home for an infinite number of times until I
reach zero. I re- lease for infinite times until I remain at zero.” In the Infinite Release
process, you first set an intention to release the block / resistance to your
manifestation before setting an intention to repeat the earlier intention infinite times
until ​the resistance is completely dropped. You also hold a third intention to ​remain
at that zero state, such that any new resistance is immedi- ately erased. Therefore
you are really setting three intentions: An intention to drop some- thing undesired
from your consciousness, a second follow-up intention that your first intention is
repeated an infinite number of times, and a third intention that the process is
repeated whenever necessary. These three intentions set off an infinite loop that
clears any beliefs / memories which sabotage your physical manifes- tations. The
Infinite Release process is profound because it ties in with the Universal Laws we
have discussed up to this point. Recall that figuring out the “how’s” is never your job.
It is always the Universe’s role. Your job is to decide what you want and hold on to
that vision purely in your mind. Therefore, all you need to do is to hold any intention
with a light touch and the Universe will make it happen for you in the most
harmonious way possible. In a similar vein, all you have to do is to hold an intention
that all your negative, contradictory resistances be dropped… and the Universe will
drop them for you… just like that! You don’t even have to worry about ​how ​the
Universe is going to drop them or ​whether ​you can drop them. All you do is to intend
to drop them. In the moment you intend something, it is so! The second ingenuity of
the Infinite Release process (which I could never have figured out on my own) is the
clever stacking of intentions, one on top of the other. Once we set an initial intention
to let any unconscious blocks go, we then set a second intention to repeat the first
intention for an infinite number of times. This greatly compounds the effectiveness of
the releasing process. While we may only be able to physically go through the
releasing process a few hundred or even a few thousand times on our own in a
single sitting, enlisting the Universe’s help in this process compounds its
effectiveness. You are now able to release an infinite number of times until
everything is restored to zero. Once again, you do not have to worry about ​how ​this
will be done. All you have to do is to set a deliberate inten- tion for it, and it is so!
The final part of the Infinite Release process is for you to remain at that zero state.
Abraham-Hicks frequently teach that we unknowingly pick up resistances along our
physical trail. This means that as we go through life, we sometimes pick up negative
thought patterns and beliefs that may go on to affect our outer man- ifestations.
These resistances accumulate as stresses, pains and weaknesses in our emotional
and physical body if not released. Some of our beliefs further reinforce
these weaknesses within our body. For example, if you believe that exposure to
chemicals / additives is harmful to your body, then such exposure will have cumu-
lative weakening effects. Thus, there is a need to repeat the releasing process on an
ongoing basis each time these unconscious resistances are picked up. When you
release any resistance spontaneously within yourself, you are free from their long-
term deleterious effects once and for all.

Chapter 10 - Adapting The Basic Recipe for Advanced Manifestations ​ What I

described in the previous chapter was the basic recipe which you can use to
construct your own Infinite Release intention statements. Recall that there are three
parts to an Infinite Release intention: (1) The intention to let go of the block, (2) the
intention to let go an infinite number of times until we reach that zero state, and (3)
the intention to release spontaneously so that we remain at zero no matter what
happens. The Infinite Release process works well with addictions, negative feelings,
recurring behaviors, unwanted habits and any form of resistance which you have
identified. Different individuals will have different forms of resistance which stand in
the way of their physical manifestations, so adapt the basic recipe to your own
situation. For starters, I recommend that you apply the Infinite Release process to
recurring blocks associated with your physical manifestations.
Let’s suppose that you have set an intention for a new car to come into your life. You
have followed the manual letting-go process and let go of much of your self-doubts
and worries about ​how ​the car is going to materialize for you but still find yourself
plagued with occasional worries over the finances (how you are going to afford it).
This represents a block (a sticking point) for you in your manifestation of that car.
Note that this block is a perceived limitation that exists only in your conscious- ness
and is of absolutely no concern to the Universe. The Universe has no trouble getting
that car to you if only you’ll allow it and clear the way for it! Therefore, the limitation
you have to deal with is ​on the inside​. The need to change anything on the outside is
only an illusion. As long as this limitation exists within you, negative thoughts and
feelings will cloud your inner state and affect the eventual physical manifestation.
The Infinite Release process helps by effectively dissolving this block on the inside
and restoring your inner state to one of love and peace. This is a manifes- tative
state which allows all the good you have asked for to come into your life. It is not a
process to make things happen or to “attract” something from the outside. When you
get clear on the inside, physical manifestations ​have to occur ​for you on the
outside! The Infinite Release statement in this case can be: “I now release all
worries over whether I can afford a Mercedes Benz S500 (or insert any other item
you de- sire) for an infinite number of times until I remain at zero. I release this worry
infin- itely, as many times as necessary, until I remain at zero.” You repeat this
Infinite Release process for each negative block identified.
Individuals often have trouble trusting the manifestation process. The beauty of the
Infinite Release process is that it can be applied to these specific issues of faith and
trust as well: “I now release all worries over how my Mercedes Benz S500 is going to
come into my life for an infinite number of times until I reach zero. I re- lease these
worries infinitely, for as many times as necessary, until I stay at zero.” Notice how I
have tweaked the phrasing of the intention statement to suit each case. The
phrasing is flexible and not cast in stone. Use words that come to you spontaneously
which best describe your feelings. The Universe will show you the right words to use.
Sometimes we are afraid that our physical manifestations will not happen for us. This
gives rise to a deep belief in lack and a corresponding fervent desire in our lives to
“get what we want at all costs”. I have already explained how our desires keep us
apart from our manifestations. Therefore, the Infinite Release statement that can be
used is: “I now release all fears that my Mercedes Benz S500 is not going to
manifest in my life for an infinite number of times until I reach zero. I now release all
fears that my manifestations will not happen. I release this and other re- lated fears
infinitely, for as many times as necessary, until I remain at zero.” Try the Infinite
Release process on everything! Try it with an open mind — You’ll realize that this
powerful technique dissolves any perceived blocks that stand in your way. When you
invoke the Infinite Release process, you let go and let God. You no longer dictate
that things have to come through a certain path or by a certain time. Instead, you
remove all these self-imposed limitations and free the way for your highest good to
enter your life.
Attachment to the outcome (wanting things to be one way or the other) is an- other
common stumbling block when it comes to our physical manifestations. The Infinite
Release process works excellently in these cases too: “I now release all my
attachments related to the manifestation of the Mercedes Benz S500 in my life for an
infinite number of times until I reach zero. I let everything that happens be al- right. I
release my attachment infinite times as needed until I remain at zero.” There you
have it, various ways to adapt the basic 3-step Infinite Release process to specific
cases. Try it with an open mind without any preconceived no- tions or expectations.
Our intentions work best when we hold them with a light touch and free ourselves
from any expectations. Oh yes, the Infinite Release tech- nique can free us from our
own expectations as well. Now you can understand why this technique is so infinitely
powerful! To let go of the ​expectations ​you have set up for yourself: “I now release
all my expectations related to the manifestation of the Mercedes Benz S500 in my
life for an infinite number of times until I reach zero. I drop all my expectations for an
infinite number of times until I remain at zero.” To let go of any ​impatient feelings
surrounding the manifestation: “I now re- lease all my impatience related to the
manifestation of the Mercedes Benz S500 in my life for an infinite number of times
until I reach zero. I let all my impatience go as it comes up, for an infinite number of
times until I remain at zero.” To let go of your desire to rush through and apply this
technique all at once: “I now release my desire to rush through this process /
technique / book for an infinite number of times until I reach zero. I let all that
urgency / rushed feeling go as it comes up, for an infinite number of times until I
remain at zero.” Experiment with the Infinite Release process in your own life. Treat
it with proper respect and only ask for things which you really want instead of
applying it frivolously to your trivial desires and demands. This does not mean that
you should not ask for what you want. Rather, you should only use the process for
your true desires. For example, I have used the Mercedes S500 automobile as a
placeholder for all our possible intentions. It is alright to follow my exact phrasing to
ask for that car if it is indeed what you want. But you should not set an intention just
to test the system and see if this works, “Let me just use it and see if I can get my
Mercedes anyway!” Any thoughts / feelings about the need to “prove something to
yourself” will move you further away from your intended zero state. The good news
is that you can use the Infinite Release process to dissolve these feelings as well: “I
now release any need to test or prove the process to my- self for an infinite number
of times until I reach zero. I let go of my need for proof as it comes up, for an infinite
number of times until I remain at zero.”

Chapter 11 - On The Spot Release and Relief ​ One crucial element of the Infinite
Release process is that it has to be done with a calm and peaceful inner state. You
cannot invoke the Infinite Release process with an inner state that is cluttered with
worry and fear thoughts, simply because your intention will be crowded out by all the
simultaneous negative inten- tions held in the moment. As such, always ensure that
you are in a state of total calm and poise before starting the Infinite Release process.
As you become more proficient with the process, you’ll find that there is no need to
close your eyes in order to get into that peaceful ​zero ​state. You can do it just as
easily with your eyes open, simply by noticing any extraneous feelings that are there
and by letting them go in the moment. The more you practice, the more you’ll realize
that there is no need to go through the three questions each time you want to let go
of a particular feeling. Sometimes, just being aware of the presence of a feeling
reminds you that you can let it go… just like that! You can use the Infinite Release
process as you go through your daily affairs for on-the-spot release and relief. For
this purpose, I use a shortened version of the Infinite Release intention statement
which goes like this: “I let go of ___ infinite times down to zero. I let go of ___ infinite
times so that I remain at zero.” This shortened intention statement is very powerful in
situations where you do not have the opportunity to close your eyes and use the
long-form version. Let’s suppose that you are going about your daily affairs when a
sudden sense of fear over your financial affairs grips you. You find your mind
wandering off in the direction of those unwanted thoughts. Become especially aware
of the corresponding unwanted feelings in the moment and center yourself. No
where you are in that moment, feel the stillness and peace within you. Get in touch
with a little piece of this inner peace. It is always there no matter where you are or
what you are doing. Just ​feel ​whatever peace that is there. After you have
connected with your inner peace, silently repeat the Infinite Re- lease intention
statement to yourself: “I let go of this financial worry infinite times down to zero. I let
go of these financial worries infinite times so that I remain at zero.” Get in touch (feel)
that inner peace within yourself again after you have af- firmed the statement and
resume your activities. The mere intention that you have set will be picked up and
acted upon by the Universe, without the need for your conscious or active
intervention. The Infinite Release intention statement not only eliminates emotional
feel- ings and distress. It can also be used on physical ailments and pains. While the
subject of physical ailments / pains is beyond the scope of this book, this is an
opportune time to introduce how the process can be applied in this manner. Im-
mediately after an injury or during an episode of physical pain, get in touch with your
inner peace and lightly intend: “The Universe now heals / reduces the cause of this
pain infinite times down to zero. The healing is repeated infinite times until I remain
at zero.” I have substituted “I” for “the Universe” in the above example because it
can sometimes be difficult to remain neutral when confronted with physical
symptoms. However, as with all of this Infinite Release work, it is Universal
intelligence that does the required clearing for us and not our logical, rational selves.
If our own logical selves could have dropped these issues, we would have done so
long ago on our own. The Infinite Release sequence takes our reasoning selves out
of the picture by completely dropping any mind chatter or extraneous thoughts. That
is when the Universe is free to step in and work its magic. How would one feel
immediately after using the Infinite Release process? As with any energetic inner
work, different individuals experience the process differ- ently in line with how they
perceive energy. For me, I feel a light buzz immediately after I intend. This buzz is
difficult to describe in words, but it feels as though I have a clearer perception of my
physical reality through my senses. Colors become more vibrant and things around
me become “brighter”. I seem to perceive more of reality. This is a direct
consequence of the Infinite Release process, since its main function is to help us
drop any extraneous thoughts / feelings / beliefs that un- knowingly cloud our

Chapter 12 - The Power of Stopping at Nothing ​ What does an inner state for
infinite manifestations feel like? Now that you have gone through this book, you’ll be
able to answer this question from your own personal experience because you would
have ​experienced ​this state several times for yourself. The inner state conducive for
endless, infinite manifestations is one where you are continuously centered on
nothingness ​and pure ​beingness​. It is a state marked by the conspicuous absence of
intrusive thoughts and feelings. It is a state in which you know that all is well and that
nothing needs to be changed. A state where you are alright with whatever that
happens to you, and know deeply that whatever happens is always in your highest
good. It is a non-resistant state where you gently observe everything that unfolds
through you with a sense of curiosity and wide-eyed amazement. It is a manifestative
state of ​being ​as opposed to ​thinking​. Infinite manifestations are already unfolding in
your life whether you realize it or not. Life is a series of ongoing manifestations and
creative moments. But when your inner state is clouded with worries and fears, your
spontaneous manifes- tations on the outside will largely be undesired. Once you
develop a moment-to- mo-ment awareness of your inner state and actively ​release
anything that is not in harmony with your highest intentions… you clear the path for
your highest good to come into your life. This highest good comes in the form of
spontaneous manifes- tations that will surprise and delight you from
moment-to-moment. You are now swept along by the Universal flow instead of
struggling against it. Manifestations are not about attracting things from somewhere
out there into
your life. It is not about figuring out how you will get something. Leave all of that mind
chatter and “figuring out” to the Universe. Your job is to decide what you want, and
then hold on to a pure intention of that which you want. Your pure inten- tion, when
held against the calm backdrop of a peaceful inner state, becomes manifest in your
outer reality quickly, often in a matter of hours or days. Realize this for yourself.
You’ll find this effortless way of living to be your natural state. No more struggling
through life to figure things out and solve one problem after an- other, but just a
sense of comfortable, ongoing ease moving from one high-point to another.
Universal intelligence is always standing by, ready to intervene and guide us along at
any moment. In the instant that you ask for something (no matter how big or small it
is), Universal intelligence picks it up and energetic forces respond ac- cordingly. So
why not put these Universal forces to good use? Use these spiritual principles to
clear any negative unconscious beliefs and memories that may be holding your
manifestations back through the Infinite Re- lease process. When you invoke this
process, you enlist the help of Universal intel- ligence to clear the root cause (the
unconscious memories / blocks / beliefs) of your delayed or unwanted
manifestations. You signify your willingness to move past and beyond the blocks
which may have tripped you up in the past. The Infinite Release process does not
depend on your level of belief, but on your willingness to give the process a try.
When one continues to argue for their limitations and why they cannot have
something, these limitations invariably come true for them and become part of their
ongoing reality. The moment one expresses their willingness to drop these
self-imposed limitations for the truth, then the Universe steps in with all the good you
can possibly ask for. Life becomes comfort- able without having to tend to the
smallest details. The Universe knows and deliv- ers your highest good. Infinite
intelligence knows no time and space limitations. Whenever you intend, it is done!
When you invoke the Infinite Release process, you are not petitioning the Universe.
Neither are you praying or asking for something to come to you. All you are doing is
working on clearing the limitations within yourself. Over time, you may have picked
up physical resistance and unresourceful beliefs along the way. These may have
caused you to revert to certain forms of thinking or acting in the world, but an
application of the Infinite Release process sets you free. The Infinite Release
process is a gentle method to release disharmonious be- liefs and ensure that they
will never recur in our consciousness. When you evoke the Infinite Release
sequence, know that it is done even without your active inter- vention. Your
continued attention and focus is not needed. Just let all of that go. There is nothing
else you have to do. You have set a powerful releasing sequence in motion through
the energetic focus of your intentions in line with these Uni- versal Laws. Perhaps
you have been using these Universal Laws previously to your disad- vantage as an
unconscious creator. Now that you are aware, you can call upon the creative
process in a conscious and deliberate manner. Never again will you be at the mercy
of your unconscious thoughts and beliefs! From now on, you become a conscious
creator with full moment-to-moment awareness of your creative poten- tial. I am
excited by what life holds for you from this moment on! If you have
followed the steps in this book and taken the first steps towards doing the inner
work… you would have done what less than 5% of our population ever bother to do.
You would have made more spiritual progress than what some people achieve in
several lifetimes. I say this not with a sense of superiority, but from knowing what is
possible once we allow ourselves to remove all self-imposed limitations. This state is
possible for everyone. I congratulate you for embarking on this jour- ney and on
moving in this new direction. In closing this book, the Universe just gave me another
Infinite Release inten- tion statement to use. I love how freely inspiration comes to us
when we get clear… Remember to infinitely release and stop at nothing! ​I now
infinitely release until I reach zero and remain at zero, and it is so!

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