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Goblins of Golarion

H ace tiempo, no existían los goblin

La mayoría de los goblin coinciden en que ésta
era una situación inaceptable.
Los primeros goblin surgieron de la sangre derramada por
Today, Golarion’s goblins have strayed far from their
ancestral homes. The largest concentrations of goblins
exist along the coastline of Varisia, where it is said
Zogmugot first walked into the sea, and Isger, where
cuatro barghests que Lamashtu robó de la perrera de Venkelvore’s far-reaching children rode wolves into the
Asmodeo, bestias que ella inicialmente liberó eones atrás para mountains. Yet still the First Songs go on, and new verses
are added every year as goblins endure new triumphs and
aprovecharse de los nativos aún-primitivos de la tierra.
tragedies—for each of these has to have a meaning that
Los barghests hallaron que, cuando derramaron sangre
can be traced back to the beginning of it all.
humana, ésta se convirtió en raras creaturas parecidas a
Goblins are commonly found throughout Golarion, but
versiones más pequeñas de ellos mismos—los goblin.
in the Inner Sea region, they are most prevalent around
Mientras los barghests crecían en poder, parían camada tras coastlines and along rivers in Varisia, or in the higher
camada de jóvenes. Con sus hijos a rastras, los cuatro mountains and foothills of Isger where they thrive.
barghests atacaron reinos en construcción para sí Scavengers, they like to remain as close as they dare to
mismos—éstos relatos se cuentan en lo que los goblin llaman settlements and roads to enable them to mount frequent
las Primeras Canciones. raids, if only on junkyards. This close proximity to more
Hadregash fue el más poderoso de los barghest. Le dio a sus civilized regions is often their undoing. Trapped by their
seguidores el don de la tribu, mostrándole a los goblin que need to feed off others, they invariably bring destruction
unidos, podrían ser poderosos. Mientras sus hijos se reunían and mayhem upon themselves by over-harassing the
a su lado, sintieron su fuerza crecer, y a la sombra de su dios very neighbors they scavenge from to survive. Goblin
viviente se volvieron no sólo más fuertes sino más astutos. settlements therefore tend to be small, well defended,
Venkelvore les dio a sus hijos el hambre. Su dominio pronto and extremely well hidden. Some goblins have developed
cunning ways to live nomadic lives, able to raid and move
se convirtió en un erial, y envió a sus jóvenes al mundo para
on, thus lessening the likelihood of serious reprisals.
traerle comida de todos los rincones del mundo. Por tanto ella
les dio a los goblin el don del saqueo.
Zarongel, bendecido con cabello de fuego, era el más lobuno
Life as a Goblin
Everyone who encounters goblins—including most
de los barghests. Mandó a sus hijos a cazar y recolectar, pero
goblins—agrees that goblins are short and very ugly.
perros salvajes pronto percibieron su aroma, quienes les
They have bloated heads crammed with pointed teeth in
cazaron casi hasta el último de ellos. Solo huyendo a espaldas
overlarge mouths that seem perpetually locked in wide
de lobos escaparon de la tierra, y así Zarongel le dio a sus hijos grins. Goblins stand about 3 feet tall when fully grown,
el don de montar. with skin tones in various colors—usually green, gray,
Finalmente Zogmugot trató de controlar su dominio por mar, or blue, depending upon the predominant landscape
pero pronto descubrió que sus hijos, al igual que ella, no around them. Blue goblins tend to be encountered by
podían respirar agua. Encontraron al mar rico en comida y sal, the shores of warmer seas, while those with gray skin are
y aprendieron a usar ambos para saciar su hambre. Más usually found on more temperate coasts. Green goblins
importante, las olas les traían dádivas, llevando a la costa toda are more common in forests. Some reports suggest that
clase de herramientas, armas y presas. Zogmugot envió a sus over time, goblins absorb the color of their surroundings;
hijos a rebuscar en las playas diariamente por nuevos tesoros, pallid goblins certainly live in the north, while pitch-
y así actuando le dio a sus hijos el don de la hurga. black goblins have been found in deep mines.
Goblins have huge mouths filled with needle-sharp
teeth and piggy red eyes. Their heads have been likened
Countless verses of the First Songs exist, each detailing to balloons waiting to burst, and enormous pointed ears
different events, such as the time when Hadreg ash’s blood hang from the sides. These ears are generally rigid, but in
spilled onto a worm and turned it into a goblin snake,or old age or great sadness, goblin ears hang flaccid. Males
how Zarongel tamed the king of the goblin dogs by tend not to have hair, a fact that makes many wear hoods to
overwhelming it with his own dander and parasites. But keep their heads warm, while females often sport dark wiry
the time of these first goblins eventually drew to an end, hair. Female goblins tend to be similar in build to males,
for Lamashtu saw how humanity was growing more and with smaller heads and larger eyes. Goblin young have even
more powerful. And so she called the barghests back to more comically enormous heads, which they eventually
serve her and rewarded them for bringing goblins into grow into. Newborns seem to be almost entirely head,
the world. She created a place for them near her realm in with flimsy dangling limbs—old dwarven jokes talk about
the Abyss, calling it Basalfeyst. Goblin heroes believe thatit
is to this realm that they go to serve their masters whenthey
die. Or, if they’re failures, to feed them.

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