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Carli Sprague

Mr. Gross

English 11 B

19 December 2017


Millions believe abortion is the way to go. The inability people have supporting care for a

child. Being pregnant and not knowing. Lots of women have abortions because they don't mean

to get pregnant also because of not using protection; once found out, woman realize that they are

not going to be able to take care of it because of school, work or other interferences.

Causing this problem is people not using protection but also not being ready for a child at

all. Some woman do not even realize what they are doing to their baby and their body with

abortion, they just want it gone before it is too late. There is a very strong debate in our society

that abortion is not okay and should not be legal, considering some religions believe it is wrong

and equivalent to murder in killing a human being.

At times mothers do not go along with pregnancy if they figure out that the child will

come out with deformities knowing that what happens to that child is the parents fault most of

the time due to drugs, alcohol and mental or health issues. Mothers think that because they are

emotionally, financially, or mentally unstable that abortion is the right way to go and is

acceptable. If a mother is not stable then why try? Why bring a child into an environment where

it has no chance to live.

Abortion of a child sometimes deals with the inability of sexual violence such as sexual

abuse, sexual assault or rape and these are very common reasons why someone aborts a child.
Aborting a child that was a part of rape which when people get raped or have that sexual

abuse it is hard knowing whether the mother is going to take the child or not.

Adoption is also a serious situation and deals a lot with abortion. Considering that

depending on the child being adopted is very special and is way more than just paperwork and

legal processes. If the child soon being adopted has an ability or diagnosed disability or was

almost not born you have to get the paperwork and background behind that. Adoption is not just

giving a child a permanent home and it doesn't just happen overnight. There is a long difficult

process that everyone who adopts must go through, with papers, legal processes and more. In

order to adopt, the person (adoptive parent) must be 21 years of age or older. The stable and

medical health of a child effects how they grow up. When a child knows that they are adopted or

were not even going to be born it affects their mentality so much. Some kids grow up with

mental illnesses such as depression which is the feeling of severe despondency and dejection.

This illness could take over on a child knowing that their brain controls that.

People adopt without knowing what they are getting themselves into. Adoption is a

major life event that cannot be undone once processed. Some adoptive parents get caught up in

the moment and feel bad or just think that adoption and adopting a child that has been through so

much is easy and easy for the adoptee. Adopted kids go through so much and just think adoption

is even more difficult because they're putting a whole other life into their hands. Some adopted

kids have anxiety, depression, seizures and much more other things that the adoptive parents

must be aware of and must be ready to deal with. The stable and medical health of a child can

determine whether the parent wants to adopt this child or not. This child could have past

substance abuse, criminal history, or others and this is something that the adoptive parent would

have to try and change out of you.

Some adopted kids want to be given up from their biological parent. Not all kids get

along with their parents. Some want to be away from their parents because all they do is argue or

fight, or they know something that their parents or mother did not tell them as they were growing

up. It could be something serious, something that they have the right to know about.

That's just another reason why before considering to adopt, step back and think about it.

Every kid takes adoption differently. Some take it for granted, some are thankful that it happened

because of the situation back home. For instance maybe when they were born their parents did

not want them. Speaking on abortion, some kids do not even know their own situations before

life. Adoption for kids is something to get used to, considering that the life back home is so much

different from the new home thinking adoptive parents want better for them. Their child care

history in a different home, or a different facility changes them knowing that they might be stuck

in a new home for the rest of their lives, something bad could happen, they might not get along.

Every child has a different perspective on being adopted knowing that back at home was nothing

compared and they might miss it.

Most parents are not even close to being ready for children. This is causing so many

children getting put up for adoption and even abortion.

The adoptive parent must be in a good home if they are considering to adopt and bring a

new child in their home, make sure the person is stable and financially stable before they start the

process. The process consists of petitioning in court, child placing agencies, or Department of

Human Services. They will provide the adoptive parent with a written adoption document that

will help them start the adoption process. Eventually the adoptive parent will go through court

and have an adoption agent, and an adoption formal sibling; An adoption placement which is a
law that says that any person involved with adoption can not delay or cancel their placement for

a child.

If someone is not ready to have a child then they should use protection or do not have sex

at all.

Some females think that in order to fit in they have to have sex or they have to do it because their

friends want them to, and that is not their decision to make, if a girl is not ready for sex or ready

for a kid then that is their choice and their decision to make. Abortion should not be a persons

“go to” when something goes wrong. A girl gets pregnant and was not safe, was not using the

right protection or was maybe on drugs and could not handle herself. Woman get caught up with

themselves, friends, boyfriends and let themselves slip. If a woman is not ready to have a kid or

not stable then do no try or be forced to do it. A woman having an abortion is effective on

themself too. A lot of woman do not know that, they think that abortion affects the child and no

harm to them. But in all reality it affects the mother just as much as it affects the child.

Half of all pregnancies around the world are unintended and that is why they end up in an

abortion because they cannot control themselves. To solve this problem woman need to be more

cautious also more careful. Millions believe abortion is the right thing to do because they get

pregnant and realize that they are not ready. A woman should know to control herself and

stabilize herself if she is not ready.

“Michigan Adoption Laws.” Findlaw,

FacebookTwitterYoutubeLinkedIn National Adoption Center1500 Walnut St, Suite 701

Philadelphia, PA 19102p: (215) 735-9988p: (800) TO-ADOPT e: “Glossary.”

Glossary | National Adoption Center,

“Private vs. Agency Adoption.” My Adoption Advisor,

“Stepparent Adoption FAQ's.” Findlaw,


“ .” Direct Placement Adoption,

“Home.” MARE > Home,


“Kinship/Relative Adoption.” Kinship/Relative Adoption - Child Welfare Information Gateway,

“Adoption.” The Free Dictionary, Farlex,

Graham, Ruth. “Why Adopted Children Still Struggle Over Time.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media

Company, 2 Dec. 2015,


“What Challenges Will My Child Face After Adoption?” 3 Common Adopted Child Problems |

Adoptions With Love,

“What Are The Requirements To Adopt A Child?” Adoption Network,

Saperstein, Jessica Arons and Shira. “The Right Way to Reduce Abortion.” Center for American

Progress, 23 Oct. 2006,


“Think Abortion Is OK for Rape? This Lady Just Utterly Destroyed That Argument.”LifeSiteNews,


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