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Growing phthalate-free plasticizers I ICIS Green Chemicals trttp://www.icis.conr/blogs/green-chemicalsl2}l2l04lgrowing-phthala...

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lClS Green
Monitoring the development of green within the chemical industry

by DoriE De Guzman on 11 April, 2012 in ComPany initiatives, Products, R&D

The blos is not that familiar with the phsticizer nErket although lClS Chemi:al Business has
been corcrirg sorne part of ttis market in the form of pitttElate pbsticizers dioctyl phthalate
(OOP), di-isosorryl phthalate (Dlt1lP) ard feedstock phttElic antrydride.

l-bure\rer, the blog tlas corlstantv been receMrq rEws on aherftatives devebprnent to ptthatates
DOP and Ulq whidr are prodrced tsirE phthlb arfiydrides - obtained by oxidatbn of
orthorylerE. These pbsticizers lE\re been scautinized by regudatory bodies across trle world.

tHortunately, the blog has mt been keeping r.pto-date wilh the phttEbte reglilatory stat6 (the
bst post was in July 2010 about LarDess' sparEton of its Mesarnoll plestiizeo. tlolveer. it
s€erns that plastbizer swpliers ha\re irrcreasirE[ corre tp with atternatives.

LarDess' Mesanroll b reportedv based on anGnesLilfonb acid esters. ln October 201'l, LaDess
has also been ogardirE its pfiltEht+free plasticizer portolio with the acquisition of tlorth
Carolina-based UNlTEx, and the company has also been workirg with BirArnber to de\rebp
bio-succinic acid{erircd phstbizeG, which was anm in October as well.

Lke LarD@ss, EastrEn has also been epandirE its norFphthalate plastiiuer capacity worldwile
(recent orEs in TenrESSee and Estonia) as well as acquirirB plasticiEr companbs srch
as SterlirE Chemicals ard Scandiflex in Brazil. SpeakirE of Scandiflex

SpeakrE of Scandiflex rry colleagles atterded a confserrce in Brazil last rmnth called EBDQUIM and an Eastrnan offlchl roted duirq tfp e\Ert tiEt the
company b de\€lopirE a Scandifbx phsticiErs based on bb-butarnl. lf readers recafl, Eastnan bougttt biobutanot deleloper Tetra\ftae Bioscience late
last year.

Meariivhile last year, BASF has also been epandirE its tlenmd OltrcH phtt{atefee phsticizers; O)ca hmcfEd last year its Oxsoft phthalate-free and

bio-based plasticizers in certain applications.

A more recent re\rys on biobased plastbizer Galata Chemicals collaborstirp with LrE ryC prodLcer Georgia Gdf to develop a lire of fb{ble biGbased
PVC compqmds cortaining Galata's ne$rly laurElled Drape@ Alpha plasticizer nEde from epo)ddlEd so,ybean oil. TiE UGbased vinyl compouds r whictt
can be tEed for wire and cabb, flEdical LBes ard a rarEe of gerEral-pupose custorEr needs in tiE area of erNironrEntal-orieiled applicatbrs - can be
custom blended at Georgia Gulf's Aberdeen, Gallman, Madison and Prairie facilitbs in Mississippi.

Also on the biobased phsticizer de\relopments, l,.Ls polyrEr nEterials produc€r PotyOne has been collaboratiru with agilbusirEss firm Archer Daniels
Mftlland (ADM) since 2008 on this arca and the companies iE\E launched reFlex 100, the first ln their biodastidzer pipdine, at ttE recent NPE phstic
stpw heE in Orlando, Florida.

PolyOne sairJ the bioplasticizar can be an alternati\€ to convefltional plastbirers srrch as BBP (berlzyl butyl phthalate), DBP (dihry phtlEhte) and
benzoates where most of them lBve also cone under regulatory pressure reFlex 100 is said to have a 94% biobased label awarded by the LISDA
Biopreferred program.

Applic€t'torE for the biobased plasticizer irrclude toys ard other consurner goods ttEt rEed to be mn-ptthalate, fhoring, carpet backirE, ard other buildirE
ard constnr{ion erd uses.

PotyOre is abo \irorkirE with rerEtvable chemicals derEloper Segetis sirEe 2010 on biophsticizers usiru Segetis'bvldinic-ketal based platform under tle
traderrnrk Ja\ielin.

Meanwhil€, Myriant is akeady ffierirg its biosl.rccinic acilbased plasticizers uder the traderEme Myriflex ard Franoe.based Roquette has also been
workirE on its Polysorb lD 37 plastiiEr made from 100o/o biobased isosorbide diester.

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