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In this project we are trying to build a simple operating system based on our knowledge and
learning of the subject Operating System that was taught to us in 4th sem.

The primary aim of the project is to do following:

1) Booting
2) Running Services on the Operating System

The booting part is coded in Assembly language and after the booting the rest will be coded in c+
+ compiler.

Here is what happens when you start your computer:

1. The BIOS (Basic Input Output System this is a program that comes with
any mother board and it is placed in a chip on the mother board) checks all
the computer components to make sure that they are all working.
2. If all the components are working, the BIOS starts searching for a drive that
might have an operating system. (The BIOS can look in hard drives, floppy
drives, CD-ROM drives etc. The order the BIOS checks can be set it in the
BIOS setup program.
3. The BIOS checks the first drive to see if he has a valid BOOT sector. (A disk
is divided into little regions that are named sectors. The BOOT sector size is
512 bytes in most drives.) If the drive has a valid BOOT sector, the BIOS
loads that sector in to the memory at address 0:7c00 (=31,744) and gives
control to that area of the memory.
4. Now this little program that was loaded from the BOOT sector continues to
load the operating system, and after the operating system is loaded, it
initializes the operating system and gives the control to the operating system.
Basically Booting is the process of loading the Operating System.

Its consists of following:

The Boot Sector

The boot sector of any disk is the first sector on the first head of the disk
specifically (cylinder:0,head:0). When ever you switch on (or reset) the computer ,
the BIOS performs the power-on self test and then initializes its data.
After this it checks the first sector of each disk usually in the order:
floppy drives then primary disks (depending on the BIOS settings).
When it finds a valid boot signature it loads the sector which
consists of 512 bytes , to the memory at location 0:7C00. After this the boot sector
code gets control.

What does the boot sector code do ?

The boot sector code can do anything. Usually boot sector code, loads the OS kernel
and gives control to it.

What is the boot signature ?

When the bios checks the first sector of all the disks it looks for a specific
signature denoting a valid boot sector. This signature is 0AA55h located at the
offset 510. Which means that the total size of the boot sector code is 512bytes (or
1 sector).

So to make a valid boot sector , we must make sure that it is 512 bytes long
and 0AA55h is present at the offset 510 (or 1FEh).
Boot Sector Programme(Still in process partially complete)



ORG 7c00h ;Because BIOS loades the OS at

; address 0:7C00h so ORG 7C00h

; makes that the refrence to date

; are with the right offset (7c00h).


; CS = 0 / IP = 7C00h // SS = ? / SP = ?

; You are now at address 7c00.

jmp start ;Here we start the, BIOS gave us now the control.


;//Here goes all the data of the program.


xCursor db 0
yCursor db 0

nSector db 0
nTrack db 0
nSide db 0
nDrive db 0

nTrays db 0

'Are You Ready to start Loading the OS...',0

szReady db
'Error Reading Drive, Press any Key to reboot...',0
szErrorReadingDrive db
;//Done Reading a track.

szPlaceMarker db '~~~~',0
szDone db 'Done',0

pOS dw 7E00h
;//Points to were to download the Operating System.

;//Disk Paremeter Table.

StepRateAndHeadUnloadTime db 0DFh
HeadLoadTimeAndDMAModeFlag db 2h
DelayForMotorTurnOff db 25h
;// (1 = 256) //(2 = 512 bytes)

BytesPerSector db 2h
;// 18 sectors in a track.

SectorsPerTrack db 18
IntersectorGapLength db 1Bh
DataLength db 0FFh
IntersectorGapLengthDuringFormat db 54h
FormatByteValue db 0F6h
HeadSettlingTime db 0Fh
DelayUntilMotorAtNormalSpeed db 8h

DisketteSectorAddress_as_LBA_OfTheDataArea db 0
CylinderNumberToReadFrom db 0
SectorNumberToReadFrom db 0
DisketteSectorAddress_as_LBA_OfTheRootDirectory db 0


;//Here the program starts.



CLI ;Clear Interupt Flag so while setting

;up the stack any intrupt would not be fired.

mov AX,7B0h ;lets have the stack start at 7c00h-256 = 7B00h

mov SS,ax ;SS:SP = 7B0h:256 = 7B00h:256

mov SP,256 ;Lets make the stack 256 bytes.

Mov ax,CS ;Set the data segment = CS = 0

mov DS,ax

XOR AX,AX ;Makes AX=0.

MOV ES,AX ;Make ES=0

STI ;Set Back the Interupt Flag after

;we finished setting a stack fram.

Call ClearScreen ;ClearScreen()

LEA AX,szReady ;Get Address of szReady.

CALL PrintMessage ;Call PrintfMessage()

CALL GetKey ;Call GetKey()

CALL SetNewDisketteParameterTable

CALL DownloadOS
CALL GetKey ;Call GetKey()

CALL FAR PTR GiveControlToOS ;Give Control To OS.



;//Prints a message to the screen.


PrintMessage PROC

mov DI,AX ;AX holds the address of the string to Display.

Mov xCursor,1 ;Column.


cmp byte ptr [DI],0 ;Did we get to the End of String.

JE EndPrintingMessage ;if you gat to the end of the string


mov AH,2 ;Move Cursor

mov DH,yCursor ;row.

mov DL,xCursor ;column.

mov BH,0 ;page number.

INT 10h
INC xCursor

mov AH,0Ah ;Display Character Function.

mov AL,[DI] ;character to display.

mov BH,0 ;page number.

mov CX,1 ;number of times to write character

INT 10h

INC DI ;Go to next character.

JMP ContinuPrinting ;go to Print Next Character.


Inc yCursor ;So Next time the message would

;be printed in the second line.

cmp yCursor,25
JNE dontMoveCorsurToBegin
Mov yCursor,0


PrintMessage EndP

;//Watis for the user to press a key.



mov ah,0
int 16h ;Wait for a key press.


GetKey EndP

;//Gives Control To Second Part Loader.


GiveControlToOS PROC
LEA AX,szDone
Call PrintMessage

db 0e9h ;Far JMP op code.

dw 512 ;JMP 512 bytes ahead.

; POP AX ;//Another why to make

;the CPU jump to a new place.


; Push 7E0h ;Push New CS address.

; Push 0 ;Push New IP address.

;The address that comes out is 7E00:0000.

;(512 bytes Higher from were BIOS Put us.)

; ret

GiveControlToOS EndP

;//Clear Screen.


ClearScreen PROC

mov ax,0600h ;//Scroll All Screen UP to Clear Screen.

mov bh,07
mov cx,0
mov dx,184fh
int 10h

Mov xCursor,0 ;//Set Corsur Position So next

//write would start in

//the beginning of screen.
Mov yCursor,0


ClearScreen EndP


PrintPlaceMarker PROC

LEA AX,szPlaceMarker
CALL PrintMessage ;Call PrintfMessage()

CALL GetKey ;Call GetKey()


PrintPlaceMarker EndP

;//Set New Disk Parameter Table


SetNewDisketteParameterTable PROC

LEA DX,StepRateAndHeadUnloadTime
;//Get the address of the Disk Parameters Block.

;//Int 1E (that is in address 0:78h)

;//holds the address of the disk parametrs

;//block, so now change it to

;//our parametr black.

;//DX holds the address of our Parameters block.


MOV WORD PTR CS:[007Ah],0000

;Reset Drive To Update the DisketteParameterTable.



SetNewDisketteParameterTable EndP



DownloadOS PROC

mov nDrive,0
mov nSide,0
mov nTrack,0
mov nSector,1


INC nSector ;Read Next Sector.

cmp nSector,19 ;Did we get to end of track.

JNE StayInTrack
CALL PrintPlaceMarker ;Print now '~~~~' so the user would

;now that we finished reding a track

INC nTrack ;If we gat to end of track Move to next


mov nSector,1 ;And Read Next Sector.

CMP nTrack,5 ;Read 5 Tracks (Modify this value

;to how much Tracks you want to read).

JE EndDownloadingOS



Call ReadSector

JMP ContinueDownload
;If diden't yet finish Loading OS.



DownloadOS EndP

;//Read Sector.


ReadSector PROC

mov nTrays,0


mov AH,2 ;//Read Function.

mov AL,1 ;//1 Sector.

mov CH,nTrack
mov CL,nSector ;//Remember: Sectors start with 1, not 0.

mov DH,nSide
mov DL,nDrive
Mov BX,pOS ;//ES:BX points to the address

;to were to store the sector.

INT 13h

CMP AH,0 ;Int 13 return Code is in AH.

JE EndReadSector ;if 'Sucsess' (AH = 0) End function.

mov AH,0 ;Else Reset Drive . And Try Again...

INT 13h
cmp nTrays,3 ;Chack if you tryed reading

;more then 3 times.

JE DisplayError ; if tryed 3 Times Display Error.

INC nTrays

jmp TryAgain ;Try Reading again.

LEA AX,szErrorReadingDrive
Call PrintMessage
Call GetKey
mov AH,0 ;Reboot Computer.

INT 19h

;ADD WORD PTR pOS,512 ;//Move the pointer

;(ES:BX = ES:pOS = 0:pOS) 512 bytes.

;//Here you set the varible

;pOS (pOS points to were BIOS

;//Would load the Next Sector).


ReadSector EndP


END ProgramStart

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