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Edwin Anderson Walker (November 10, 1909 � October 31, 1993) � known as Ted Walker

� was a United States Army officer who served in World War II and the Korean War.
He became known for his staunch conservative political views and was criticized by
U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower for promoting a personal political stand while
in uniform. Walker resigned his commission in 1959, but Eisenhower refused to
accept his resignation and gave Walker a new command over the 24th Infantry
Division in Augsburg, Germany. Walker again resigned his commission in 1961 after
being publicly and formally admonished by the Joint Chiefs of Staff for calling
Eleanor Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman "pink" in print (a charge made by a leftist
newspaper called the Overseas Weekly and never substantiated)[1] and for violating
the Hatch Act by attempting to direct the votes of his troops. President John F.
Kennedy accepted his resignation, making Walker the only US general to resign in
the 20th century.

In early 1962, Walker ran for governor of Texas and lost in the Democratic primary
election to the eventual winner, John Connally. In October 1962, Walker was
arrested for leading riots at the University of Mississippi in protest against
admitting a black student, James Meredith, into the all-white university. Attorney
General Robert F. Kennedy ordered Walker committed to a mental asylum for a 90-day
evaluation in response to his role in the Ole Miss riot of 1962, but psychiatrist
Thomas Szasz protested and Walker was released in five days. Attorney Robert Morris
convinced a Mississippi grand jury not to indict Walker.

Walker was the target of an assassination attempt in his home on April 10, 1963,
but narrowly escaped serious injury in the attack when a bullet fired from outside
hit a window frame and fragmented. After its investigation into the assassination
of John F. Kennedy, the Warren Commission concluded that the assailant was Lee
Harvey Oswald.[2]

Harry Dean was an undercover agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In 1962
he infiltrated the John Birch Society. He later reported that leading members of
the society, including John Rousselot and Edwin Walker, hired two gunman, Eladio
del Valle and Loran Hall, to kill President John F. Kennedy.

In his book JFK: The Second Plot, Matthew Smith has argued that the John Birch
Society may have joined forces with a group of Texas oil millionaires to
assassinate John F. Kennedy.

Haroldson L. Hunt and Clint Murchison were both members who provided the John Birch
Society with funding. Both were bitter opponents of Kennedy but had good
relationships with Lyndon B. Johnson.

(M1) Wanted for Treason, a handbill published by supporters of the John Birch
Society and handed out in Dallas before President John F. Kennedy arrived on his
visit (November, 1963)

1. Betraying the Constitution (which he swore to uphold). He is turning the

sovereignty of the US over to the Communist controlled United Nations. He is
betraying our friends (Cuba, Katanga, Portugal) and befriending our enemies
(Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland).

2. He has been WRONG on innumerable issues affecting the security of the US (United
Nations, Berlin Wall, Missile Removal, Cuba, Wheat deals, Test Ban Treaty, etc.).

3. He has been lax in enforcing the Communist Registration laws.

4. He has given support and encouragement to the Communist-inspired racial riots.

5. He has illegally invaded a sovereign State with federal troops.

6. He has consistently appointed Anti-Christians to Federal office. Upholds the
Supreme Court in Anti-Christian rulings. Aliens and known Communists abound in
Federal offices.

7. He has been caught in fantastic LIES to the American people (including personal
ones like his previous marriage and divorce).

Relying on pitifully weak evidence to elevate a jack-leg Marxist such as Lee Harvey
Oswald to membership in the supposed international communist conspiracy was
precisely the sort of irresponsible straw man fabrication at which the News
editorial writers excelled. No self-respecting communist would have wanted himself
or his movement associated with the likes of Oswald.

Behind the News' editorial's bluster, however, lurked a different truth. It wasn't
political conservatism, but intolerance-outright knee-jerk hostility to any
opposing view-that characterized the thought of Ted Dealey and his fellow believers
on the right. It was this brand of extremism that was discredited in Dallas by the
events of November 22nd.

Fear for their own safety gripped some of the anti-communist crusaders after the
shootings, possibly for good reason. Larry Schmidt and Bernard Weissman left town,
the dust of The American Fact-Finding Committee settling to earth in their wake.
General Walker grabbed a plane for Shreveport, Louisiana, where he hunkered down
for several days.

Why does Hugh Aynesworth believe some right-wingers like General Edwin Walker might
have been involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

(M3) W. R. Morris, The Men Behind the Guns (1975)

Harry Dean, an ex-employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central
Intelligence Agency, has marble-hard proof that Republican Congressman John
Rousselot from California's 26th Congressional District, and former Army General
Edwin A. Walker of Dallas, engineered the death of John F. Kennedy. At the time,
Rousselot was western director of the John Birch Society and Walker was a member of
the right wing organization.

The ex-agent has an avalanche of evidence, including several tape recordings of

Rousselot and Walker making threats against President Kennedy's life...

The former agent infiltrated the John Birch Society for several months and gathered
firsthand information about the group's activities including plans of certain
members to kill the 35th president of the United States.

He said Rousselot and Walker convinced other members of the Birch Society that a
"dirty communist" tag should be placed on John Kennedy and that he should be marked
for death to save the United States from "falling into Red hands."

Dean said (General Walker also was obsessed with hatred for both John and Robert
Kennedy and had a "personal grudge" to settle.

"When Robert Kennedy was attorney general he ordered his aides to imprison Walker
in a Federal mental institution at Springfield, Missouri, following Walker's
involvement in the racial disorders in 1962 at Oxford, Mississippi." Dean said.
"In fact, Walker's clothing was torn off him and he was thrown naked into a
military airplane and flown to Missouri. Robert Kennedy then leaked stories to the
news media that Walker was a mental case," the ex-agent said...

"I attended many meetings of the John Birch Society prior to the assassination in
1963 and I heard details of the Kennedy kill plan being discussed each time we
met," Dean said.

"I know that John Rousselot organized the murder plot and with other right-wingers
financed it. General Walker ramrodded and trained the hired guns, Dean said.

"I was with a man in September 1963 when he picked up $10,000 from Rousselot. The
money was taken to Mexico City to help finance the murder of Mr. Kennedy'. The
assassination planning team operated out of Mexico City for several weeks before
the president was shot in Dallas," Dean added

Dean said that he has been staying behind the scenes for many years and that his
family has lived in constant fear.

"My wife and children have gone through hell. The life of a government undercover
agent isn't the glorified one as depicted on television and in the movies.

"Now, however, I have decided to bring out the truth regardless of the price. I
can't keep living with this horrible burden on my conscious. It haunts me day and
night," the former agent said.

Dean said many persons will ask why he waited so long to reveal the facts about the
Kennedy assassination which occurred almost 12 years ago.

"The truth of the matter is. I told my superiors about this plot when I first
learned of the details, but they ignored it," Dean added.

The former agent said all the articles printed in recent weeks about the CIA and
the Mafia masterminding the Kennedy murder are like the "Mother Goose and Little
Red Riding Hood" stories . . entertaining, but not factual.

"The news media has been playing right into the hands of the real Kennedy killers
by creating a smoke screen which continues to hide them from justice," Dean said...

"If the assassins had attempted to shoot Mr. Kennedy at the Trade Mart, they would
either have been killed or captured because the whole area was crawling with
federal officers who were heavily armed. Lee Harvey Oswald, working as a federal
security agent, had performed his job well," Dean said.

Who does Harry Dean believe organized the assassination of John F. Kennedy. What
evidence does he provide to support this claim?

(M4) Barry Goldwater, syndicated article (6th December, 1963)

In the nation�s initial shock at the assassination of President Kennedy, there was
little time or opportunity for objective assessment of motivation. Immediately
following the shooting, there were some misleading statements to the effect that
the assassination had been engineered by the so-called �radical right.� Even the
U.S. Information Agency, in its broadcast to Russia, said the assassination had
taken place in Dallas and described that city as a center of right-wing extremism.
This broadcast was at the root of the Soviet contention that rightists were
responsible for the killing and that the subsequent slaying of Oswald was part of a
plot to cover up the conspiracy. Efforts to tie every group to the right of center,
whether extreme or not, into the slaying have continued since, despite the long
Communistic background of Lee Oswald himself. One columnist even suggested that
�extremists� are bent upon such acts of violence and therefore we should do away
with free speech. His reasoning was that our constitutional right of free
expression leads to violent dissension and intemperate acts.

Why does Barry Goldwater believe that right-wing groups such as the John Birch
Society were accused of being involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

(M5) William F. Buckley, syndicated article (27th November, 1963)

The opinion makers of the country... were getting ready to turn the President�s
tragedy into an excuse for a program against the American Right. Within a matter of
minutes nationally known radio and television commentators had started in,
suggesting that the assassination had been the work of a right-wing extremist�
Goodness knows what would have happened if Lee Harvey Oswald had not been
apprehended, or even if he had been apprehended a day or two later. Even as it was,
the disappointment was more than some could bear, and the genocidal fury here and
there broke its traces.

According to William Buckley, why were the John Birch Society helped by the arrest
of Lee Harvey Oswald?

(M6) Billy James Hargis, Weekly Crusader (6th December, 1963)

It may be difficult for my readers to understand my fear upon hearing the right-
wing accused of participation in President Kennedy�s death. May I assure you, as
one who has gone through a hate campaign directed at me by the liberals and left-
wing element, and having seen the degree to which they will go to destroy anyone
who stands in their way, my heart told me that their hatred knew no limitations and
their vengeance knows no bounds.

I know - and you know - that no true conservative in the United States would stoop
to taking the law into his own hands. I know - and you know - that any man who
would assassinate the President of the United States, in these days when we still
have "due process of law," would not be a conservative or a patriot, but an
anarchist. I hold them in the same contempt that I hold the Communists or any man
who would go beyond the law to achieve an end. In my thinking, the end never
justifies the means.

Conservatives stand for law. We preach obedience to the law. For that reason, we
opposed the racial demonstrators who took the law into their own hands and carried
on racial agitations, defying state and local laws, without regard to "due process
of law." My main criticism of the racial agitators is the fact that they have no
regard for the law - that they go beyond the law in an emotional period of American
history to accomplish their end. No American - no minority group - no majority
group - can ever justify breaking the law to accomplish their self-justified goals.

Does Billy James Hargis believe that the John Birch Society was involved in the
assassination of John F. Kennedy?

(M7) Matthew Smith, JFK: The Second Plot (1992)

Another group which hated the President and which merited investigation was the
extreme right-wing John Birch Society. Centred on Dallas, the group made no secret
of its disdain for the Kennedy administration, in fact it advertised it well. To
its members, the young President was a Communist-lover, and, in their world, that
represented just about the worst thing anybody could be. In their vocabulary, to
call anybody a name like that represented using real venom. That was reaching down
the barrel to find the biggest of all insults. Some John Birch members were oil
barons, and the oil men made up an overlapping group which, when it came to its
opinions of the President, had a great deal in common with the Society. The oil
industry in Texas had enjoyed huge tax concessions since 1926, when Congress had
provided them as an incentive to increase much needed prospecting. The oil
depletion benefits were somehow left in place to become a permanent means by which
immense fortunes were amassed by those in the industry and, well aware of the
anomaly, John Kennedy had declared an intention to review the oil industry
revenues. There was nothing in the world which would have inflamed the oil barons
more than the President interfering with the oil depletion allowance. In the minds
of many, the conspirators could very easily have come from the ranks of either the
John Birch Society or the oil men, which is not to say they didn't belong to both

What evidence does Matthew Smith provide to suggest the John Birch Society was
behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

(M8) Joachim Joesten, How Kennedy Was Killed (1968)

The conspiracy to kill President Kennedy sprang from a gradually developing

consensus of (mostly, though not exclusively) Texas political figures. Big
Businessmen, right-wing extremists and key elements of the Dallas power elite, with
the ClA in it at all levels as the connecting and cementing link.

Three levels of operation can be distinguished. At the top or control level were
men consumed by ambition and the thirst for power; at the intermediate or command
level, ClA men and high police officers guided the course of events. And at the
lowest or operative level, experienced marksmen, recruited from the ranks of the
Minutemen and Cuban adventurers, trained and equipped by the ClA, carried out the

Apart from the obvious overall purpose of ending the Kennedy Administration and
opening a new era, prime factors in the conspiracy were the desire to effect a
radical change in foreign policy (in particular towards Cuba and in Vietnam) and to
preserve specific Texas interests such as the tax privileges enjoyed by the oil

All these aims were attained. Cuba was further isolated through the establishment,
with the help of the ClA, of military dictatorships throughout Latin America. The
war in Vietnam - which Kennedy had meant to liquidate at the earliest possible
moment - was escalated, step by step, into the senseless mass slaughter in progress
at the end of 1967. And the oil industry has never had it so good.

Who did Joachim Joesten believe that the John Birch Society join forces with to
assassinate John F. Kennedy?

(M9) CIA Report released as a result of the Assassination Records Review Board (1st
December, 1966)

A source who has furnished reliable information in the past and who was in Russia
on the date of the assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy advised on
December 4, 1963, that the news of the assassination of President Kennedy was
flashed to the Soviet people almost immediately after its occurrence. It was
greeted by great shock and consternation and church bells were tolled in the memory
of President Kennedy.

According to our source, officials of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
believed there was some well-organized conspiracy on the part of the "ultraright"
in the United States to effect a "coup." They seemed convinced that the
assassination was not the deed of one man, but that it rose out of a carefully
planned campaign in which several people played a part. They felt those elements
interested in utilizing the assassination and playing on anticommunist sentiments
in the United States would then utilize this act to stop negotiations with the
Soviet Union, attack Cuba and thereafter spread the war. As a result of these
feelings, the Soviet Union immediately went into a state of national alert.

Our source further stated that Soviet officials were fearful that without
leadership, some irresponsible general in the United States might launch a missile
at the Soviet Union. It was the further opinion of the Soviet officials that only
maniacs would think that the "left" forces in the United States, as represented by
the Communist Party, USA, would assassinate President Kennedy, especially in view
of the abuse the Communist Party, USA, has taken from the "ultraleft" as a result
of its support of peaceful coexistence and disarmament policies of the Kennedy

Explain what officials of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union believed was the
reason why John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

The John Birch Society (JBS) is a self-described conservative advocacy group

supporting anti-communism and limited government.[2][3][4] It has been described as
a radical right and far-right organization.[5][6][7][8]

Businessman and founder Robert W. Welch, Jr. (1899�1985) developed an

organizational infrastructure in 1958 of chapters nationwide. Its main activity in
the 1960s, said Rick Perlstein, "comprised monthly meetings to watch a film by
Welch, followed by writing postcards or letters to government officials linking
specific policies to the Communist menace".[9] After an early rise in membership
and influence, efforts by those such as conservative William F. Buckley, Jr. and
National Review led the JBS to be identified as a fringe element of the
conservative movement, mostly in fear of the radicalization of the American right.

Originally based in Belmont, Massachusetts, it is now headquartered in Appleton,

Wisconsin,[12] with local chapters throughout the United States. The organization
owns American Opinion Publishing, which publishes The New American.[13]

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