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How to Restore Baan IVc4 on Windows

Last Updated by: Phillip Cole (24 June 2003)

This procedure explains how to restore Baan IVc4 to another machine – it does not matter what
hardware the other machine is running.

How to Build Test Server

1. Install the operating system, use “Windows 2000 Server”

2. Install Windows 2000 Service Pack 3
3. Login as Administrator. Create user “baan” with password “baaan”, make a member of the “Users”
and “Administrators” groups. Logout of Administrator.
4. Install Microsoft SQL Server 7 (as per Baan “Installation Guide for Microsoft SQL Server version
7.0” (U7210AUS)) which is in summary:
1. Login as user baan
2. Install SQL Server 7, “Database Server – Standard Edition”, Local Install
3. Enter “Any Authorised User”, “Colt Group Limited”.
4. Custom installation, change “Data Files” to different drive.
5. Next until screen “Character Set/Sort Order/Unicode Collation”, Change “Sort Order” to
“Binary order”.
6. Next until screen “Service Accounts”. Select “Use same account for each service”, “Use the
Local System account”.
7. Next until the end.
8. Install SQL Server Service Pack 3
9. Check SQL server running by typing “isql /Usa /P<sa_password>”, and then “select
@@version; go”
10. Run Query Analyser and run the following
execute sp_configure “show advanced options”, 1
reconfigure with override
execute sp_configure “max degree of parallelism”, 1
execute sp_configure “lightweight pooling”, 1
execute sp_configure “open objects”, 0
11. Insert Baan master CD, install into new environment “Baan4”, click “Next”
12. Change Destination directory to “d:\baan”, next, Full install, next
13. Use database “Microsoft SQL Server 7.0”, next
14. Enter password “baan” for user “baan”, next
15. Enter group “baandb”, password “baandb”, sa “<sa_password>”, next
16. Change location of data and logs to directory to use “e:\mssql\data”
17. IF BOX ONLY GOING TO BE TEST MACHINE “Set Truncate Log on Checkpoint” to
checked. Click next, until the end to complete installation.
18. Add line “lock_retry:0” to %BSE%\lib\defaults\db_resource

5. Install porting set installed on live server, 6.1c.06.07 at time of writing.

6. Login to Baan to check that it works
7. Stop Baan and SQL Server
8. Change the name of the original files, move %BSE% (d:\baan) to %BSE%.orig (d:\baan.orig).
9. Copy to original database files e:\mssql\data\baandb.ldb to e:\mssql\data\baandb.ldb.orig, and
e:\mssql\data\baandb.mdb to e:\mssql\data\baandb.ldb.orig
10. Continue with “How to Refresh the Test environment”
How to Refresh the Test Environment

1. Ensure Baan and SQL Server are stopped

2. Use BackupExec to perform a file restore of d:\baan from the live system to d:\
3. Use BackupExec to perform a file restore of the nightly sql server file backup (normally file
e:\mysql\sql backup\baandb\baandb_db_*.bak on the live server)
4. Rename d:\ to d:\baan
5. Create subdirectory d:\baan\tmp
6. Move all *.bwc files for d:\baan\lib\user to d:\baan\lib\user\restored so as not to cause confusion
7. Ensure d:\baan\lib\license6.1 points to a valid license server
8. Start SQL Server
9. Use Enterprise Manager to perform a database restore of baandb, by loading the SQL backup
restored from tape in step 3.
10. Start Query Analyser, run the following query to check for orphaned users
use baandb
sp_change_users_login ‘Report’
This should give some errors
11. Re-link baan login with baan database user and reset the database owner.
use baandb
sp_change_users_login ‘update_one’, ‘baan’, ‘baan’
sp_changedbowner ‘baandb’
as per Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 314546, 274188 and 307775
12. Start Query Analyser, run the following query to check for orphaned users
use baandb
sp_change_users_login ‘Report’
There should be no errors now.
13. Start Baan
14. Using BECS create new bwc file, with the following details:
Hostname: colts017
Current User: unchecked
Connect As: baan
Save Password: unchecked
Method: Rexec
Portnumber: 512
BSE: d:\baan
Bshell name: bshell
15. Connect to Baan
16. You should now have a working test system

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