Está en la página 1de 3

%Closing and clearing all open screens

close all;
clear all;

%Reading and opening the image

image = imread('house.tiff');


%Initialize the size of the image

[u,v,w] = size(image);

%RGB is seperated into 3 matrices

img_red = image(:,:,1); % Red channel
img_green = image(:,:,2); % Green channel
img_blue = image(:,:,3); % Blue channel

%Initiating the matrices required for Arnold Cat Map

shuffled_red = zeros(u,v, 'uint8');
shuffled_green = zeros(u,v, 'uint8');
shuffled_blue = zeros(u,v, 'uint8');
twobytwo = zeros(2,2);
threebyone = zeros(3,1);
shuffled = zeros(size(image), 'uint8');

%---------------------ARNOLD CAT MAP BEGINS----------------------

%Defining matrix A of Arnold Cat Map 3D

a = input('Enter the value of p in arnold cat map: ');
b = input('Enter the value of q in arnold cat map: ');
c = input('Enter the value of r in arnold cat map: ');
d = input('Enter the value of s in arnold cat map: ');
matrixA = [1 a b; c ((a*c)+1) (b*c); d (a*b*c*d) ((b*d)+1)];

%Elements of MatrixA mod 256

matrixA = mod(matrixA, 256);

for k = 1:w
for i = 1:u
for j = 1:v
threebyone = mod(matrixA * [i; j; k], 256);
shuffled(threebyone(1,1) + 1, threebyone(2,1) + 1,
mod(threebyone(3,1),w) + 1) = image (i,j,k);

%----------------------ARNOLD CAT MAP ENDS-----------------------%

%----------------------CHAOTIC MAP-------------------------------%
R1 = shuffled(:,:,1); % Red channel
G1 = shuffled(:,:,2); % Green channel
B1 = shuffled(:,:,3); % Blue channel

%lorentz chaotic mapping solutions lorentz(n,level,s,r,b,x0,y0,z0,h)

chaotic = lorentz(u*v,0,35,28,3,1,1,1,0.001);

%Obtaining final sequence K with ( |x - floor(x)| X 10^14 )mod256

for i = 1:u*v
chaotic(i) = floor(mod( (abs( chaotic(i) - floor(chaotic(i)) ) * 1e14), 256 ));
chaotic = uint8(chaotic);
%whos R1 chaotic

R1 = de2bi(R1);
G1 = de2bi(G1);
B1 = de2bi(B1);
chaotic = de2bi(chaotic);

em = bitxor(R1, chaotic);
%to make it into a 1D matrix from 2D of [65536,8]
reshape(em,[65536*8, 1]);
%converting the 65536*8 binary matrix into a*b matrix after intialisation
ei = zeros(u, v, 'uint8');
count = 1;
for index = 1 : 8 : 256*256*8
substring = em(index:index+7);
substring = num2str(substring);
ei(count) = bin2dec(substring);
count = count+1;

R2 = ei;

em = bitxor(G1, chaotic);
%to make it into a 1D matrix from 2D of [65536,8]
reshape(em,[65536*8, 1]);
%converting the 65536*8 binary matrix into a*b matrix after intialisation
ei = zeros(u, v, 'uint8');
count = 1;
for index = 1 : 8 : 256*256*8
substring = em(index:index+7);
substring = num2str(substring);
ei(count) = bin2dec(substring);
count = count+1;

G2 = ei;
em = bitxor(B1, chaotic);
%to make it into a 1D matrix from 2D of [65536,8]
reshape(em,[65536*8, 1]);
%converting the 65536*8 binary matrix into a*b matrix after intialisation
ei = zeros(u, v, 'uint8');
count = 1;
for index = 1 : 8 : 256*256*8
substring = em(index:index+7);
substring = num2str(substring);
ei(count) = bin2dec(substring);
count = count+1;
B2 = ei;

col = reshape([R2(:) G2(:) B2(:)]',3*size(R2,1), [])';

R2 = col(:,1:256);
G2 = col(:,257:512);
B2 = col(:,513:768);
%whos R2 G2 B2
I(:,:,1) = R2;
I(:,:,2) = G2;
I(:,:,3) = B2;

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