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Continuing Education:


Figure 1. The Middle ear is a closed space and thus, quite

inaccessible to scrutiny from the outside.

Written by: Ted Venema Tympanometry is a non-behavioral test inner ear is filled with fluids called
of middle ear function, which means it perilymph and endolymph. Perilymph,
Figure 1. The Middle ear is a closed space and thus, quite
requires no voluntary response on the which fills the outer two boney labyrinths
part to scrutiny
of the client being tested. It canfrom
be theisoutside.
similar to the fluid that surrounds the
routinely utilized by the HIS clinician brain; namely, cerebral-spinal fluid. The
continuing education in private practice, and should become inner membranous labyrinth is filled
a regular part of a client test battery. As with endolymph, which has the opposite
The purpose of this health care professionals know, one cannot chemical composition. The job of the
article is to describe base conclusions on one single test. As cochlea is to transduce fluid motion
math teachers always say, “It takes two energy into electrical energy, because this
the principles behind dots to make a line.” In our field, air- is the “language” the brain understands.
commonly used bone gaps seen in Pure Tone Testing can
be backed up by a quick, five-minute
Tympanometry, how assessment of Tympanometry. The Middle Ear Increases
it is done, and how to Sound Pressure
The purpose of this article is to describe
interpret the results. the principles behind commonly used
Tympanometry, how it is done, and how 2. 2.
to interpret the results. The general thrust
here is to familiarize clinical practitioners, 3.
TM at rest
in the clearest way possible, with generally Buckling action Umbo 1.
known and widely accepted procedures of
Figure 2. The Middle Ear Increases Sound Pressure 3 Ways:
1. TM is larger than footplate of Stapes (17:1)

I. Why Do We Have Middle

2. Leverage action of ossicles (Malleus is 1.3:1 longer than Incus)

Take the Quiz 3. Buckling action of TM (2:1)

on page 30 Ears in the First Place? Figure 2 shows that the middle ear in-
Figure 1 (above) shows the middle ear is a creases the pressure of airborne sound so
to earn 1 Continuing closed space, filled with air. One purpose that it can activate the fluid-filled cochlea.
of the middle ear is to change or transduce Airborne sound cannot otherwise activate
Education Credit incoming sound waves into mechanical a fluid-filled cochlea. Think of having your
piston-like energy. The cochlea of the head under water in a swimming pool as

In Summary:
100 1. Eardrum – Stapes size: 17:1
2. Ossicles leverage action: 1.3:1
you try to hear someone speaking who is 3. Eardrum buckling action: X 2:1
standing on the edge. You won’t hear much 80 44:1
because almost all of the airborne sound
dB This corresponds to an increase between 30-35 dB
will bounce off the water. The same would SPL 60
happen if we didn’t have middle ears.
Almost all of the mechanical energy from 120
In Summary:
the middle ear would bounce off from the 100
33dB1. Eardrum – Stapes size:
2. Ossicles leverage action:

3. Eardrum buckling action: X 2:1
cochlea. The middle ear increases sound dB
80 44:1
This corresponds to an increase between 30-35 dB
pressure in three ways. First, the working SPL 60

surface area of the tympanic membrane 40 0

(TM) is 17 times larger than the footplate of 20 0 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
44:1 1,000,000 Pressure
the stapes which sits inside the oval window, 0
0 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000
the entrance to the cochlea. Pressure is 44:1 Pressure
force over an area. To appreciate this, push Figure
Figure 3. The 3. The
middle ear must increase middle
the pressure ofear must increase the pressure of air-borne

hard with your whole palm of your hand sound because the cochlea is filled with fluid!
sound because the cochlea is filled with fluid!

against your cheek and feel the pressure.

Now push against your cheek with the same 30
30 Total Ear Canal
Total Ear Middle Ear
force using just your finger tip. You’ll feel & Canal Middle Ear

lots more pressure. It’s the same reason why 20 Concha 20
20 Concha 20
a sharp knife cuts through bread. In the
10 10
middle ear, force upon the large TM area 10 10
is converged onto a much smaller area of
0 0
the stapes, and this increases the pressure 0 250 500 100030 2000 4000 8000 0 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Total Ear Canal 500 1000 2000 4000
Middle Ear
8000 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
by 17 times. Second, the middle ear ossicles &

20 Concha 20

are shaped the particular way that they are, 10 10

Note how important speech Hzs

so they can act like a lever. The malleus dB 25 Note how important speech Hzs
250 500 1000 2000
40008000 25
500 1000 2000 4000 8000 are emphasized
is 1.3 times as long at the long process of SPL10 are emphasized
Note how10
important speech Hzs
the incus. This increases the pressure by
a factor of 1.3:1. Third, the TM itself does
= dB 25
0 emphasized
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
not move as a whole in exactly the same 125 250 500 125 2000
1000 250
8000 Hz
500 1000 2000 4000
8000 Hz
8000 Hz
way. When activated by airborne sound, it Figure 4. The resonances of the Outer and Middle ears serve to
Figure 4.4. The
The resonances
resonances of of the
the Outer
Outer and
and Middle
create an equal loudness curve that shows our best hearing
Middle earsears serve
serve toto
buckles, such that parts of it move more sensitivity is between 1000 to 4000 Hz.
than other parts. This increases the pressure
create anan equal
equal loudness
loudness curvecurve that
that shows
shows our our best
best hearing
by a factor of 2:1. sensitivity
it is
is between
sensitivity works out to 1000
between to
to 4000
an increase
1000 4000 Hz.
be otitis media with fluid in the middle
of somewhere between 30-35 dB. ear space or otosclerosis. This is why
Figure 3 (above top) shows how these
conductive HL can often be greater than
three pressure increases multiply together, One might think then that the maximum
30-35 dB HL.
and also how this translates into a decibel conductive hearing loss (HL) would
(dB) increase. The total pressure increase be between 30-35 dB HL. As we know
(17 X 1.3 X 2) works out to something however, a conductive HL due to otitis Outer and Middle Ear
media (OM) or otosclerosis can easily be
close to 44:1. Readers may recall from past
more than this. How? Any pathology that
Resonances and Speech
studies of sound that if sound pressure is
Figure 4 (above) shows that our outer and
increased by 10 times, there is a 20 dB prevents the stapes from pushing into the
middle ears actually improve our hearing
increase; if the pressure increase is 100:1, oval window, and consequently bulging
for the high-frequency consonants of
there is a pressure increase of 40 dB. The out the round window, will add even
44:1 pressure increase offered by the more dBs to the HL than the middle ear speech. The middle ear ossicles resonate
middle ear is between 10:1 and 100:1, and normally provides. Examples here could continued on page 24

continuing education ... cont’d.
best at around 2000 Hz, and the middle the air pressure behind the TM is the same. resonates with low frequencies. A low-
ear space has two other resonances of 750- In this way, Tympanometry measurement frequency tone is used so that some sound
900 Hz and 1200 Hz. The outer ear canal in the outer ear canal tells us about the will bounce off from the TM, even when
resonance falls roughly between 1500 and middle ear air pressure behind the TM! the middle ear is least stiff. If it didn’t,
4000 Hz. Together, the outer and middle the sound would pass through the TM
and there would be nothing left for us to
ears thus serve to create the human
Why Does Tympanometry measure!
hearing sensitivity curve, which shows our
very best hearing sensitivity to be between Typically Use a Low-
Now consider the normal situation, when
1000-4000 Hz. This all contributes to Frequency Tone? the air pressures inside the outer ear
better hearing for speech. With Tympanometry, we test the com- canal and the middle ear space are both at
pliance of the middle ear by measuring the regular room air pressure. When the low-
II. Tympanometry and the amount of low-frequency tone reflecting frequency Hz tone is presented at 70 dB
off the stiff middle ear as a function SPL, some of it will pass through the stiff
Middle Ear
Speaker of air pressure changes. Compliance middle ear system, but because the middle
Tone in

Air Pressure is the opposite or inverse of stiffness. ear is a stiffness dominated system, some
Tone in Tympanometry uses a low-frequency tone of it will bounce back off the TM. With
Air Pressure
because the middle ear is a “stiffness positive or negative air pressure in the
Microphone dominated system.” The middle ear system, outer ear canal however, the air pressure
Tone out
which involves the TM and ossicular chain, is made to be different from that inside
is always stiff, but it is least stiff when the middle ear space, and this makes the
Figure 5. Tympanometry enables examination of the closed
Middle ear space from the Outer ear canal. the air pressure is even on both sides of normally stiff middle ear system become
Figure 5. Tympanometry enables examination of the closed the TM. The middle ear ossicles are tiny stiffer yet. In these situations, even more
Middle 5 shows
ear space from thethat
ear canal.
and therefore, do not have much mass. sound bounces off the TM and less goes
involves the use of a probe inserted into Stiffness is therefore the main source of through it. In other words, with uneven
the ear canal with a tight seal, so that opposition to the passage of sound through air pressure on both sides of the TM, the
no air can leak out. The assumption the middle ear. Stiffness opposes the Middle ear is made temporarily more
behind Tympanometry is that in order passage of low frequencies and resonates stiff than it usually is and therefore, less
for the middle ear to be most efficient at with high frequencies, while mass opposes efficient. Consequently, more of the low-
passing incoming sounds through it, air the passage of high frequencies and frequency sound bounces off the TM.
pressure should be even on both sides
of the TM. Contrary to common belief,
Least SPL picked up
Tympanometry does not determine “how by probe microphone
1.  Middle ear is most efficient High
much the eardrum wiggles.” The probe when air pressure is equal
has three holes in it to provide: 1) a tiny on both sides of the TM.
speaker, 2) a tiny microphone, and 3) a
2. When least probe tone
way to change air pressure. The client

SPL is picked up by
can feel these air pressure changes during probe microphone,
Least SPL picked up
the test. During the air pressure changes, most
1.  Middle ear is most is High
efficient gettingbythrough
probe microphone
when air pressure is equal
on both sidesto theTM. Middle ear.
a steady low-frequency tone at 70 dB of the

2. When least probe tone

sound pressure level (SPL) is presented

SPL is picked up by
3. At this peak, the air
probe microphone,

through the probe speaker, and the probe most is getting through
pressure behind the
to the Middle ear.
Most SPL picked up
microphone picks up whatever sound 3.
TM must therefore
At this peak, the air
pressure behind the
be by probe mic
the same
TM must therefore be
Most SPL picked up
Low as that in the
bounces back off from the TM. If the least the same as that in the
by probe mic

Outer ear canal.

Outer ear canal.

amount of sound bounces back off the TM

Negative 0 Positive
Air Pressure
Negative 0 Positive
when the air pressure in the outer ear canal Air Pressure
is at regular room air pressure, this means Figure 6. The normal Tympanogram is shaped like a Tent.

24 Figure 6. The normal Tympanogram is shaped like a Tent.

Type A
Type C

The Tympanogram
Figure 6 (below left) shows the

Tympanogram as a “tent-shaped” graph.
The horizontal axis shows negative, High
Type A

neutral, and positive air pressure. The Type C

Type C going to Type B
air pressure units on the horizontal axis

are either mm H2O or dekaPascals (daPa). Type B
These pressure units are essentially Low Type C going to Type B

the same in value. The vertical axis

Type B
Negative 0 Positive
shows compliance (inverse of stiffness), Negative
Air Pressure
Air0 Pressure Positive

from minimum at the bottom towards Figure 7. Tympanogram progressions with various stages of

maximum as you go up the axis. The

Figure 7. (OM).
Otitis Media Tympanogram
Type A = normal, Type Cprogressions
= early OM with with various stages of
negative Middle ear pressure, Type B = advanced OM with fluid.
compliance units have often been
Otitis Media (OM). Type A = normal, Type C = early OM with
designated in millilitres (ml) or cubic negative Middle
is to examine ear pressure,
the physical propertiesTypeof B = 226
Hz tone atOM
70 dBwith fluid.
SPL went through
centimetres (cc’s) of air. These units are the middle ear. As a stiffness dominated the TM and some of it bounced back and
rather confusing however, because they system, we want to test its stiffness (or was picked up by the probe microphone.
don’t intuitively convey stiffness to the compliance) per se. Also, if we reported The “tails” of the normal Tympanogram
average clinician. We thus use a different the Tympanogram in terms of amount of are situated at positive and negative air
term today. Recall that middle ear dB SPL bouncing back, the amount would pressures. These show that when Outer
stiffness opposes the passage of the low- vary hugely across individuals, and so ear canal air pressure was made either
frequency tone. The Ohm is a unit used to would the size of resultant Tympanograms! positive or negative, relatively more sound
describe opposition and resistance. Since This is because different probe insertion bounced off the TM and less went through
compliance is the inverse of stiffness, the depths change the ear canal volume in it. If we follow this logic, to the client
word “ohm” is simply flipped around to any one person; furthermore, ear canals being tested, audibility of the 226 Hz tone
read “mho.” The ear is small however, and themselves vary in size across individuals. would normally be greatest at 0 regular
so the “mho” is too large a unit to use. Measuring compliance in units of mmhos room air pressure, and softest at positive
This is why we use thousandths of a mho renders similar sized Tympanograms and negative air pressures.
or millimhos (mmho’s) to indicate units independently from the depth of probe
insertion or ear canal size. It allows for a
for compliance on the vertical axis of
fairly standard range of Tympanogram size
III. Four Tests Done with
the Tympanogram. Incidentally, the low-
frequency tone used in Tympanometry and shape to be used as normative. The Routine Tympanometry
has the specific frequency of 226 Hz. This thing to remember is that changes in dB There are four tests that are performed
is mainly done for calibration reasons. SPL bouncing back off the TM correspond during routine Tympanometry. These are:
At regular sea-level air pressure, the to changes in compliance; the less sound 1) classification of Tympanogram Types,
compliance of a 1 cc of air to a 226 Hz that bounces back, the more compliance 2) Static Compliance, 3) Physical Volume
tone is exactly one mmho. you have. testing, and 4) Acoustic Reflex testing.

Why we don’t simply use “dB SPL The normal Tympanogram has a peak
bouncing back” as a unit for the vertical showing greatest compliance over Tympanogram Types
axis? Tympanometry measures the neutral or 0 regular room air pressure. The top of Figure 7 (above) shows several
reflectance of a 226 Hz tone with air Compliance increases (stiffness decreases) Tympanograms. The top-most one is the
pressure changes, so one might ask why as you go up the vertical axis. The normal normal Tympanogram, and it is called a
the vertical axis of the Tympanogram Tympanogram indicates that when the “Type A.” It shows the good news that the
does not simply read in “dB SPL bouncing air pressure in the Outer ear canal was air pressure behind the TM is at regular
back.” The purpose of Tympanometry at neutral room air pressure, some of the
continued on page 26

continuing education ... cont’d.
neutral room air pressure, and that there height of the Tympanogram.
is no Middle ear vacuum or pressure
buildup. Middle ear pathology of almost As a middle ear pathology, oto-sclerosis is
any kind will instantly become apparent a hereditary condition where soft porous
with Tympanometry. For example, in boney growth surrounds the footplate of
early stages of otitis media, there is the stapes, which prevents it from moving
negative air pressure behind the TM. easily in and out of the oval window. In
Negative air pressure in the outer ear this case, it is not negative air pressure or
canal therefore, will make air pressure a fluid buildup that causes an abnormal
even on both sides of the TM. The top Tympanogram; Oto-sclerosis creates Figure 8. Physical Volume (PV) of ear canal is n
excessive middle ear stiffness. Unlike 1.0 to 1.5 cc. A large PV might indicate a perfor
left Tympanogram shows this negative
otitis media, the air pressure is even on Type B Tympanogram has normal PV. If Type B
middle ear pressure, because it has a peak then probe tip is against Outer ear canal wall.
that hovers over negative air pressure. both sides of the TM. Tympanometry
Figure 8. Physical Volume (PV) of ear canal is normally between
This Tympanogram is called “Type C.” thus reveals a Type A Tympanogram with 1.0 to 1.5 cc. A large PV might indicate a perforated TM. True
As otitis media advances, fluid becomes an abnormally low static compliance; Type B Tympanogram has normal PV. If Type B with tiny PV,
then probe tip is against Outer ear canal wall.
built up behind the TM. As a result, the the resultant short or squat Type
Figure A
8. Physical Volume (PV) of ear canal is normally between
Type C Tympanogram begins to develop a Tympanogram is called 1.0 to 1.5As.”
a “Type cc. AOn
large PV might
It canindicate
also bea useful
perforatedwhen TM. True
interpreting a
Type B Tympanogram
the other hand, disarticulated middle ear has normal PV. If Type B with tiny PV,
rounded peak, as is shown by the middle Type B Tympanogram. Maybe the Type
then probe tip is against Outer ear canal wall.
left Tympanogram. When increased fluid ossicles or a scarred and damaged TM B Tympanogram isn’t showing fluid
buildup behind the TM continues, the which has become abnormally thin, will build-up behind the TM. If the Type B
Tympanogram will begin to show no cause an abnormally over-compliant Tympanogram is accompanied by an
peak at all. This is a “Type B” Tympano- middle ear system. This is seen as a Type abnormally small volume, it is possible
gram, and it is shown at the bottom left. A Tympanogram with abnormally high that the probe tip may be lodged against
A “Type B” Tympanogram means that static compliance; the resultant tall Type the client’s ear canal wall. That Type B
no air pressure change in the outer ear A Tympanogram is called a “Type Ad.” Tympanogram is then suspicious to begin
canal can result in maximum middle with. Then again, it is possible to see a
ear compliance.
Physical Volume Testing Type B Tympanogram along with an
The was originally intended to imitate abnormally large ear canal volume. This
Static Compliance might suggest a perforated TM, because
the acoustic impedance of the closed ear
Tympanograms show other middle ear the abnormally large volume might just
canal. Most of us also know that when
pathology besides otitis media. Oto- include not only the air space in the
sclerosis and other types of middle the adult ear canal volume is closed with
an insert headphone or a hearing aid in closed ear canal, but also the middle
ear pathology such as damaged TMs
place, its physical volume is smaller, and ear space too!
and disarticulated ossicles can also
be indicated. Here we get into what is actually closer to 1.5 cc’s. Since the 2cc
known as “Static Compliance.” Static coupler is larger than the typical adult Acoustic Reflex Testing
compliance can be described as the closed ear canal, 2cc coupler measures Acoustic Reflex (AR) testing utilizes
difference between maximum and with a hearing aid tend to underestimate Tympanometry in a unique way. Instead
minimum compliance of the middle ear. the amount of SPL that the same hearing of stiffening the middle ear system with
First, the compliance of the middle ear aid would actually produce in the ear positive or negative air pressures, AR
is determined at positive + 200 daPa air canal. testing stiffens the middle ear system with
pressure. Next, compliance is determined loud, low-frequency pure tones. When
Figure 8 (above) shows Physical Volume
at the air pressure where greatest com- the loud tone causes an AR, the result
testing during Tympanometry. This test
pliance is found. Normally, this would is a temporary decrease in middle ear
be at an air pressure of 0 daPa. Static can be especially useful to get an instant
compliance. The AR is read as a decrease
compliance thus works out to be the awareness of the client’s ear canal size.
in static compliance. One could think of

Brain Stem Incidentally, Bell’s palsy is a compromise
of the VII nerve. At any rate, this whole
afferent/efferent loop is known as the
AR arc.
Nerve Nerve The AR is a low-frequency phenomenon,
Sound which helps to explain why we have
Brain Stem
Nerve ARs in the first place. The AR is elicited
nerve S or caused by loud low-frequency tones,
Afferent Route
Efferent Route
Loud incoming
V Nerve
such as 500 or 1000 Hz. Many clinicians
Middle ear believe that the AR works as a natural
Nerve Nerve
Tensor Tympani muscle (TT)
protection against loud sounds and that
Afferent Route VIII Nerve Efferent Route Stapedius muscle (S)
Loud incoming sound
Nucleus (CN)
V Nerve
Middle ear
Superior Olivary Complexs
VII Nerve
Tensor Tympani muscle (TT) it helps to reduce noise induced hearing
VIII Nerve Stapedius muscle (S)

Figure 9. The Acoustic Reflex arc includes an afferent (going to

Cochlear Nucleus (CN)
Superior Olivary Complexs (SOCs) loss. Actually, the AR helps to reduce
Figure 9. The Acoustic Reflex arc includes an afferent (going to
the brain) path and an efferent (going from the brain stem) path
the brain) path and an efferent (going from the brain stem) path what is known as the “upward spread of
back to the Middle ears. Note the crossover; a loud sound to one
back to the Middle ears. Note the crossover; a loud sound to one
ear causes an AR in both ears. masking.” Low frequencies mask high
ear causes an AR in both ears. frequencies better than highs mask lows.
the AR as causing a temporary decrease conducting its mechanical energy to the This is why background noise which is
in the height of the Tympanogram. cochlea. mostly low in frequency content, serves as
an unfortunately effective masker for the
Figure 9 (above) shows the AR arc. The The AR involves nearly all parts of the high-frequency consonants of speech.
AR test can be best appreciated with an ear; namely, the outer, middle, inner, VIII
understanding of the AR itself, and its nerve, and brain stem. Note that three Have you ever noticed when you hear a
anatomy and physiology. As an arc, the cranial nerves are involved in the AR: recording of your own voice, you are the
AR has a loop or circuitous route, with the V, VII, and VIII. As we know, the only one who thinks you sound so weird?
an ear-to-Brain Stem going (afferent) VIII nerve is a sensory afferent nerve, Others however, think the recording
section and a Brain Stem back-to-ear sending neural information of sound to sounds just fine. This is because when
(efferent) section. If a loud (85 to 110 dB the brain. It takes cochlear information you hear yourself in a recording, you
HL) low-frequency sound hits the TM, the from the afferent Inner Hair Cells (IHCs) hear yourself in the way that others hear
normal reaction is to have an AR. What and sends this information to the cochlear you. While you talk, you hear yourself
is the AR? It is a reflex which is always nucleus of the brain stem. From there, by air conduction and also by bone
an involuntary reaction to something. In neural information goes to the Superior conduction. Others hear you only by way
the case of an AR, a loud low-frequency Olivary Complex (SOC) of the same side of air conduction. The intensity of normal
sound causes the reaction of two middle (ipsilateral) and also to the opposite SOC ongoing speech by air conduction is about
ear muscles that pull on the ossicles. The (contralateral). This crossover is called 65 dB SPL. You hear the intensity of
smaller but stronger of the two muscles is “decussation,” and it explains why a loud your own air plus bone-conducted voice
the stapedius. It pulls outward on the neck sound to one ear normally causes an AR however, closer to 85 dB SPL, and this
of the stapes to keep it from going in and to occur in both ears. From the brain stem is enough to cause an AR. The vowels
out of the oval window. The weaker and SOC’s, an efferent message is sent to the of speech are the loudest, and these are
yet larger of the two is the tensor tympani. V and VII cranial nerves. The V nerve is mainly low in frequency. We basically
It pulls inward on the malleus to reduce partially sensory (afferent) for feeling in have AR’s to help reduce the upward
the vibration of the TM. The AR thus the face, and partly motor (efferent) for spread of masking from the vowel sound
works to momentarily tense the whole activating muscles, one of them being the of our own voices. The AR therefore
middle ear system. For a split second, the Tensor Tympani. The VII nerve is a totally allows us to better hear high frequencies
AR thus renders the middle ear more stiff efferent motor nerve activating the cheek
(less compliant and thus less efficient) at muscles as well as the stapedius muscle. continued on page 28

continuing education ... cont’d.
around us while we talk. The AR is also AR. If the 85 dB HL tone does not cause threshold for 500 Hz is 30 dB HL how-
caused by chewing, and also of course by an AR, the intensity is increased to 90 ever, then the AR is reported as present
other outside intense low-frequency pure dB HL, than to 95 dB HL, etc., until an at 70 dB SL. In any client and in any ear,
tones and noise. AR is elicited. AR’s are always reported the AR findings might be reported as:
according to the ear that received the loud 1) Present at normal SLs (85 – 110 dB HL),
low-frequency pure tone. For example, a 2) Present at reduced SLs (from 20 to 85
Contralateral ARsARs
Contralateral werewere
1st 1to bebeDeveloped
st to Developed
loud sound put into the left ear causing an dB SL), or 3) Absent.
AR in the right ear, is called a “Left ear
Contralateral AR.” AR Findings and HL. In general, normal
hearing renders both contralateral and
Figure 11 (below) shows the Ipsilateral ipsilateral AR’s present at normal SLs.
AR. When looking at these, it is easy Conductive HL most often results in
to see why the Ipsilateral AR’s were Absent ARs. Conductive HL tends to
developed later on. Here, the ongoing obliterate AR’s for two reasons: a) like
226 Hz probe tone at 70 dB SPL, and a plug in the ear, the Conductive HL
Figure 10. AR stimuli: 500 or 1000Hz tones at 85 to 110 dB HL. also the loud, brief low-frequency AR prevents the AR stimulus tones from
These are presented with headphone.
Ongoing 226 Hz tone at 70 dB SPL in opposite ear stimulus tones are put into the same ear being heard loudly enough to cause an AR,
measures AR. SPL increase at probe microphone indicates an AR. canal at the same time! The challenge for or b) the middle ear pathology prevents
Ipsilateral AR testing is to eliminate any the mechanical muscle contraction of
Figure 10 shows the Contralateral phase interaction between the probe tone the AR itself. Mild-to-moderate SNHL
AR. The earliest AR’s were elicited and the AR stimulus tones. As with the often presents with AR’s at reduced SL’s,
contralaterally, and it is easy to see why. Contralateral AR, the Ipsilateral AR is and this is consistent with recruitment.
The manner in which ARs are tested said to occur if there is a sudden increase Recall that with SNHL, there is nothing
is actually quite amazing. With the of the 226 Hz tone picked up by the probe
mechanically wrong with the middle
probe held in place in the ear canal, the microphone.
ears. As such, present AR’s at reduced
Tympanometer automatically adjusts SL’s is a very good and normal finding for
Reporting AR Findings. The AR stimulus
the air pressure in the outer ear canal to
tones are calibrated and recorded on the SNHL. In general, the greater the SNHL,
whatever it was when the greatest middle
Tympanometer in dB HL. AR findings the less the SL at which an AR will be
ear compliance was found. Normally, this
or results however, are reported in dB found. There is an almost direct inverse
would be regular room air pressure (0
sensation level (SL). If an AR is recorded relationship with degree of SNHL and the
daPa). As in regular Tympanometry, the
with a 500 Hz tone at a stimulus level of SL for an AR. This relationship continues
226 Hz tone at 70 dB SPL is sent on into
100 dB HL, it is reported in reference to until the SNHL becomes greater than
the ear canal while the probe microphone
the client’s own hearing threshold for 500 about 60 dB HL. Once the SNHL gets
records some amount of the tone that
Hz. If the client’s threshold for 500 Hz is to be worse than about 60 dB HL, the
bounces back off from the TM. At the
0 dB HL, then the AR is reported as AR’s are often absent. This is because
same time, a loud low-frequency pure
present at 100 dB SL. If the client’s the severe degree of SNHL in that ear
tone of 500 or 1000 Hz at 85 dB HL is
prevents the AR stimulus from being loud
briefly delivered by a separate headphone Ipsilateral ARs Came
Ipsilateral ARsLaterCameOn Later On
Ipsilateral ARs Came Later On enough to cause an AR. VIII nerve and
to the opposite ear. Recall that due to
226 Hz tone
neural decussation or crossover, an AR isto measure226 ARHzHztone
tone low brain stem tumors also tend to result

caused in both ears even though only one

to measure
measure AR AR in Absent AR’s.
ear is stimulated. Recall also that the AR AR Patterns. From our previous discussion
causes a temporary stiffening or reduced 500 or 1000 Hz of contralateral and ipsilateral AR’s, one
AR stimulus
or 1000 Hz
compliance, of the middle ear system. If 500 or 1000 Hz
AR stimulus tone can see that there are then four sets of
AR stimulus tone
there is a sudden increase of the 226 Hz Figure 11. AR stimuli: 500 or 1000Hz tones at 85 to 110 dB HL AR’s that can be tested on a client: right
tone picked up by the microphone in the OngoingFigure 226 Hz11.tone
AR at
226 Hz
70 dB500
SPLorin1000Hz tones
same ear
tone at 70indicate
dB SPLan
at 85 to
measure AR!110 dB HL
same ear measure AR!
in AR.
ear contralateral & ipsilateral, and left ear
SPL increase at probe microphone
probe ear, the Tympanometer records an Figure 11. AR stimuli: 500 or 1000Hz
SPL increase at probe microphone indicate an AR. tones at 85 to 110 dB contralateral & ipsilateral. In the heady
Ongoing 226 Hz tone at 70 dB SPL in same ear measure AR!
SPL increase at probe microphone indicate an AR.

About Ted Venema:
Ted Venema earned a BA in Philosophy at Calvin College in 1977, and an
days of the 70’s and 80’s, audiologists MA in Audiology at Western Washington University in 1988. After working
were required to memorize patterns of for three years as a clinical Audiologist at The Canadian Hearing Society
AR findings and relate these to unilateral in Toronto, he went back to school and completed a PhD in Audiology
versus conductive HL, unilateral versus at the University of Oklahoma in 1993. He was an Assistant Professor at
bilateral SNHL, VIII nerve tumors, etc. Auburn University in Alabama for the next two years. From 1995 until
Today we have CT scans and MRI’s that 2001, he worked at Unitron Hearing in Kitchener Ontario Canada, where he
can help to detect the presence of various conducted field trials on new hearing aids and gave presentations, domestically and abroad.
He also taught in the Hearing Instrument Specialist (HIS) program at George Brown College in
types of pathology but in the 70’s and early
Toronto Canada, from 1995 until 2004. From 2001 until 2006, Ted was an Assistant Professor
80’s these procedures were only beginning.
of Audiology at the University of Western Ontario. As of 2005, Ted created and began
Consider now the following AR patterns Canada’s 4th and most recent HIS program at Conestoga College in Kitchener, Ontario. This
with the following types of pathology: full time program is now 5 years old. He continues to give presentations on hearing, hearing
loss and hearing aids. Ted is the author of a small textbook, Compression for Clinicians.
a) Bilateral Conductive HL:
This book was updated and released as a 2nd edition in 2006.
contralateral and ipsilateral AR’s will
likely be absent for both ears.
b) Unilateral Conductive HL: ipsilateral
AR’s present at normal SL’s for the very different, in that they serve to help
AR would likely be present at
good ear. Contralateral and ipsilateral the afferent IHCs sense soft input sounds
normal SL’s for the normal ear; all
ARs would be absent for the bad ear. below 50 dB SPL. Most cases of mild-
other AR’s would be absent. When
g) VIII Nerve Tumor: The AR pattern to-moderate SNHL result from damage
the loud stimulus tone is given to
would be similar to that for the primarily to the OHCs, and these hair
the good ear, the contralateral AR
unilateral severe-to-profound SNHL. cells are not at all involved in the AR arc.
won’t occur in the bad ear due to
Severe SNHL results from damage to both
the mechanical problems in that h) Low Brain Stem Tumor: ipsilateral
IHC’s and OHCs, and this is why ARs are
ear. The contralateral AR’s and AR’s would be present at normal
absent in these cases.
ipsilateral AR’s from the bad ear SL’s, but due to decussation or neural
are both absent because the hearing crossover problems, the contralateral As clinicians, we have all encountered
loss in that ear prevents the AR AR’s would likely be absent. people with similar degree of hearing
stimulus tones presented to that ear loss who have vastly different Speech
from being heard loudly enough to Figure
Figure 12
12 Discrimination (SD) scores. Have you
cause an AR. ever wondered why? Consider two people
c) Bilateral Mild-to-moderate SNHL: Normal
with the same degree of mild-to-moderate
contralateral and ipsilateral AR’s &
& SNHL; one has good SD scores while
often present but at reduced SL’s for Hair
Hair Cells
Cells the other has poor SD scores. It is very
both ears. possible that the person with the better SD
d) Unilateral Mild-to-moderate SNHL: performance has mainly OHC damage.
contralateral and ipsilateral AR’s This client will likely have AR’s that are
present at reduced SL’s. Some cases of
Venema,T. T.

present at normal SL’s for the good Compression

Compression for
Clinicians22ndnd edition,

mild-to-moderate SNHL however, result


ear. For the bad ear, contralateral and

ipsilateral AR’s will likely be present from a mixture of IHC and OHC damage,
AR’s and Speech Discrimination. Figure
but at reduced SL’s. and here there is some involvement in
12 shows normal IHC’s and Outer Hair
the AR arc. IHC damage implies that
e) Bilateral Severe-to-profound SNHL: Cells (OHCs). Recall from the previous
the cochlea sends a mixed-up message
contralateral and ipsilateral AR’s will discussion on the AR arc that the IHCs
towards the brain. This client will likely
likely be absent for both ears. of the Cochlea are afferent, meaning
also have absent AR’s. n
f) Unilateral Severe-to-profound that they send information to the VIII
SNHL: contralateral and ipsilateral nerve, toward the brain. The OHCs are continued on page 30

IHS Continuing Education Test
1. The normal Tympanogram should show 6. For normal hearing, AR’s occur for 10. Two people have the same flat 50dB
a peak at: sounds that are about dB SL. SNHL; one has AR’s, the other does
a) 0 mmho a) 100-120 not; the 1st will probably:
b) 0 cc’s b) 80-100 a) show worse speech discrimination
c) 0 ml c) 60-80 b) have a negative Tympanogram
d) n one of the above
d) 40-60 c) show better speech discrimination
d) have a Type B Tympanogram
2. The leverage action of the middle ear
ossicles increases sound pressure by a 7. What AR findings would likely
factor of: occur with a unilateral moderate
a) 1.3:1 Conductive HL?
b) 17:1 a) absent ipsilateral AR’s with present
c) 44:1 contralateral AR’s for both ears
d) 2 :1 b) present ipsilateral AR’s for the normal
ear, all other AR’s absent
3. As you go down the Y axis of a
c) absent contralateral AR’s with present
ipsilateral AR’s for both ears For continuing education credit, com-
a) audible probe sound gets softer for
the listener d) present ipsilateral & contralateral plete this test and send the answer
b) the amount of sound bouncing back AR’s for the normal ear only section at the bottom of the page to:
to the probe decreases International Hearing Society
c) the amount of sound going though 8. What AR findings would likely occur 16880 Middlebelt Rd., Ste. 4
the TM increases with a unilateral severe-profound Livonia, MI 48154
d) admittance increases SNHL?
• After your test has been graded,
a) absent ipsilateral AR’s with present
4. Otosclerosis may show a type you will receive a copy of the
contralateral AR’s for both ears
Tympanogram correct answers and a certificate
b) present ipsilateral AR’s for the normal
a) Ab of completion.
b) Ac ear, all other AR’s absent
c) absent contralateral AR’s with present • All questions regarding the
c) Ad
ipsilateral AR’s for both ears examination must be in writing
d) As
d) present ipsilateral & contralateral and directed to IHS.
5. If you could look at the Tympanogram AR’s for the normal ear only • Credit: IHS designates this
when AR’s occur, you’d actually see a professional and development
temporary: 9. Severe SNHL in both ears is most often activity for one (1) continuing
a) increase in the height of the education credit.
associated with:
a) AR’s at normal SL’s for both ears • Fees: $29.00 IHS member
b) decrease in the height of the
Tympanogram b) AR’s at reduced SL’s for both ears $59.00 non-member
c) negative air pressure c) absent AR’s for both ears (Payment in U.S. funds only)
d) none of the above d) AR’s at elevated SL’s for both ears


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Please check one: o $29.00 (IHS member o $59.00 (non-member) (PHOTOCOPY THIS
Payment: o Check Enclosed (payable to IHS) FORM AS NEEDED) 4. a b c d 9. a b c d
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