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SB Base Da 1 Value Flows A VALUE FLOWS EVALUATED AT AGENTS" PRICES BVOA() value of endowment commodity i output or supplied in region r evaluated Vie ENDW.COMM at agents’ prices Vre REG EVOAir) = PSC) * 00K") EVFAG.n) value of purchases of endowment commodity {by firms in sector j of e- Wie ENDW.COMM gion r evaluated at agents’ prices Wj © PROD.COMM EVFA(ij7) = PFEG 1) * OFEG,,) Wre REG VDFAG.”) value of purchases of domestic tradeable commodity i by firms in sectorj Vi e TRAD.COMM of rogionr evaluated at agents’ prices Vj © PROD.COMM VDFAti.r) = PFD(G) * OFDG) Vre REG VIFAtiin) value of purchases of imported tradeable commodity i by firms in sectorj Wi ¢ TRAD.COMM of region evaluated at agents’ prices We PROD.COMM VIFA(iji0) = PPG) * OFMG,r) Vre REG voPAt») value of expenditure on domestic tadeable commodity iby private house- Vi € TRAD.COMM told in region reveluated at agents prices Vre REG VDPAtir) = PPD(i,r) * PDI) ViPAGin value of expenditure on imported tradeable commodity i by private house- Vi € TRAD.COMM hold in egion r evaluated at agents’ prices i Vre REG VIPAG,r) = PPMGr) * OPM) voGAGi») value of expenditure on domestic tradeable commodity iby goverment Vi € TRAD.COMM household in region r evaluated at agens" prices Vre REG VDGAGi) = PGDIin) * ODI) Vie TRAD.COMM i value of expenditure on imported tradeable commodity i by government nese touehol ein rent ses es Yre REG VIGA(.r) = PGMG2) * OGMGn SAVE) value of net savings in region r re REG SAVE(r) = PSAVE * OSAVE() DEP) ‘value of capital depreciation expenditure in region r re REG VDEP() = PCGDS(r) * DEPR() * KB() VB) ‘value of beginning-of-period capital stock in region r re REG VKB(r) = PCGDS(r) * KB(7) B VALUE FLOWS EVALUATED AT MARKET PRICES EMG.) ‘value of purchases of endowment commodity i by firms in sector j of re- sion r evaluated at market prices Vie ENDW.COMM ‘Wj e PROD.COMM wre REG i Vie ENDWM.COMM PMG) * OFEG.r) PMES(ij.r) * OFE(i0) _ oo ‘ : ENDWS.COMM VDFMG.r) value of purchases of domestic tradeable commodity é by firms in sector j Vi . PEM tf regionr evelunted at mazket prices We pRop.comm Te eo igre alah city by fms in secrj Vie TRAD.COMM in) value of purchases of imported tradeable commodity i by firms in sector Vie TRAD. Mee Ofregionr evaluated at market prices ‘Wj e PROD.COMM VEM(Gi.r) re REG VIFMGj,r) = PIMC.) * QFMG.") enditure Je commodity i by private house- Vi e TRAD.COMM DPM) value of expenditure on domestic tradeable commodity i by Yis mA hold in region r evaluated at market prices VDPM(.r) = PM(i.r) * QPDGr) oe us VIPMi.7) voamtin vIGMG) V&MD(ir5) ViMStirs) verti) value of expenditure on imported tradeable commodity i by private house- hold in region r evaluated at market prices VIPMG.r) = PIM(r) * PMC) value of expenditure on domestic tradeable commodity i by government hhousehold in region r evaluated at market prices VDGM(i.) = PMG) * OGD) value of expenditure on imported tradeable commodity i by government household in region r evaluated at market prices VIGMGr) = PIMGQr) * OGMGr) value of exports of tradeable commodity i from source r to destination s evaluated at (exporter’s) market prices VXMD(irs) = PM(i.r) ® OXSGir.s) value of imports of tradeable commodity i from source r to destination s evaluated at (importer’s) market prices VIMS(r.8) = PMStirs) * OXStirs) value of sales of tradeable commodity / to the international transport sec- (or in region r evaluated at market prices VSTlir) = PMG) * OST) VALUE FLOWS EVALUATED AT WORLD PRICES VaWDXrs) VIWStins) value of exports of tradeable commodity {from source r to destination 5 evaluated at world (fob) prices VAWDIix;s) = PFOBGrs) * OXS(irs) value of imports of tradeable commodity i from source r to destination s evaluated at world (cif) prices VIWS(ir8) = PCIFUirs) * OXS(ir8) Wie TRAD.COMM Vre REG Vie TRAD.COMM re REG Wie TRAD.COMM re REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Wse REG Vie TRAD.COMM Vre REG Vse REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG ‘market prices Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Ws REG Vie TRAD.COMM Vre REG Vse REG Vie TRAD.COMM re REG Vie TRAD.COMM re REG We PROD.COMM Vie TRAD.COMM Vie TRAD.COMM Vie ENDWS.COMM Vre REG 2 ‘Technology, Preference, and Mobility Parameters SUBPAR() substitution parameter for tradeable commodity i in the CDE minimum ex- penditure function of region r INCPAR(?) income parameter for tradeable commodity i in the CDE minimum expen- diture function of region r ESUBVA() ‘substitution parameter between primary factors in the CES value-added nest of the nested production structure of sector j of all regions SUBD) substitution parameter between domestic and composite imported commod- ities in the Armington utlity/ production structure of agent/ sector i in all regions ESUBM(®) substitution parameter among imported commodities from different soutees in the Armington utility /production structure of agent/sector in all regions ETRAE( transformation parameter between uses for sluggish primary factor {in the ‘one-level CET production structure in all regions RORFLEX() flexibility of expected net rate of return on capital stock in region r with respect to investment (if a region's capital stock increases by 1%, then it is expected that the net rate of return on capital will decline by ‘RORFLEX®) RORDELTA binary coefficient that determines the mechanism of allocating investment across regions [when RORDELTA = 1, investment is allocated across regions to equate the change in the expected rates of return, rove(r}, when RORDELTA = O, investment is allocated across regions to maintain the ex- isting composition of capital stocks) sit our C Derivatives of the Base Data 1 Value Flows osm VAG) Vom) voMi vim) VPA) PRIVEXP() voter) GOVEXP(") INCOME) WC) ‘value of nonsavings commodity é output or supplied in region r evaluated at agents' prices VOAti VOAGr) EVOA (ir) VAG) value of purchases of demanded commodity f by firms in sector j of re= ‘gion r evaluated at agents’ prices VEA(ij.r) = EVFAG.2) VEA(ij.7) = VDFAGj.r) + VIFAG.7) value of nonsavings commodity ‘ output or supplied in region r evaluated at market prices OMG, LD vEMGin Vomiin) = ¥OMED* Y vawDtins) + verti) voir) = vou 6 value of domestic sales of tradeable commodity iin region r evaluated at market prices VDM(i.r) = VDPM(ir) + VDGMG.r)+ — VDFM(i,j,r) value of aggregate imports of tradeable commodity in region r evaluated at market prices VIM) = VIPMGs) + vic) + VIM" = co cot value of private household expenditure on tradeable commodity iin re- gion r evaluated at agents’ prices VPA(i2) = VDPA(is) + VIPACEr) private household expenditure in region r evaluated at agents’ prices PRIVEXP() =, VPACi) value of government household expenditure on tradeable commodity {in region r evaluated at agents’ prices VGA(és) = VDGAGi) + VIGAC ‘government household expenditure in region r evaluated at agents’ prices GOVEXP0) = VGALir) sac cexpenciture in tegion r that equals net income (net of capital depreci ation) INCOME(®) = PRIVEXP(*) + GOVEXP(r) + SAVE(r) initia value of income (expenditure) in the base data in region r stored as 2 parameter, used in calulating EV(r) INC(r) = INCOME(r) Wie NSAV.COMM Vre REG Wie ENDW.COMM Wie PROD.COMM Vie DEMD.COMM Wj © TRAD.COMM Vre REG Vie ENDW.COMM Vie TRAD.COMM Wie NSAV.COMM Vre REG Vie ENDW.COMM Wie TRAD.COMM Vie CGDS.comm Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Wie TRAD.COMM re REG Vie TRAD.COMM re REG Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM re REG re REG Wre REG re REG one REGINVO) NETINV(?) GLOBINY INVEERATIO) GRNETRATIO(?) GDP) VIWRGs.) vxW(ir) VXWREGION() VWLDSALES() vxWCOMMOD(), awn) 18 8105s investment in region r that equals value of output of sector “egds” Wh sector “e ir @ REG REGING) = — S VOAtkr) net investment in region r coe re REG NETIN) = —— VOAUk») - VDBP(r) alobal net investment GLoBinv =) NETINVO) = Y sAvEO) of gross investment to end-ofperiod capital stock in region r Vre REG INVKERATIO() = =e REGIME) —_ soot VRBO) + NETINVO ratio of gross to net rate of return on capital in region r [VOAC“capi- ‘al") 8 gross return Wo capital] Bee YOK con a X vos 2s ewe cour GRNETRATIO(?) = X voter yore] Gross domestic product in region (rade ross domestic product in region r (trade is valued at world prices) re REG aory= Yves = venti s = voatiny 1 ro_couu se mio_cowe fe coos coun seveTan- > > viwsii.s) * snBemr Dal 04 value of transpostation services associated with the shipment of tradeable Vic TRAD.COMM ‘commodity i from source r to destination s (fob ~ cif margin) re REG se REG VIWR(i,s) = VIWSCirs) ~ VXWDGr.) ‘value of total international transportation services (sum of fob ~ cif mar- gins across all commodities and all routes) we | YL VIWRGrs) ‘value of exports of tradeable commodity i from region r evaluated at Wie TRAD.COMM ‘world (ob) prices Vre REG vawan = 5, vxWDGrs) + VST) value of exports from region r evaluated at world fob) prices Vre REG VXWREGION®) = 5, VXWGr) value of sales to the world market from region r evaluated at fob prices. = Wre REG vwipsatese)= [VxWD Eins) + VSTULN] + NETINVO) value of exports of tradeable commodity / evaluated at world (ob) prices Vie TRAD.COMM VxWCOMMOD® = S) VXMG.r) Vie TRAD.COMM value of imports of tradeable commodity / into region r evaluated at Wre REG ‘world (cif) prives vivmin =, vIWstis.) ze cae VIWREGION() VAWCOMMOD(y VXWLD PWPM() vom) vwom, 2 Shares SHRDFMGj) SHRDPM() SHRDGMGr) SHRIFMGj) SHRIPMG?) value of imports into region r evaluated at worl(ci) prices VIWREGIONG) = VIWG.) value of imports of tradeable commodity i evaluated at world (cif) prices viwcommont) = Y. viwir) value of worldwide commodity exports evaluated at fab prices VXWLD = J) VXWREGION() = > VIWREGIONG) ratio of world (fob) to domestic market prices for (radeable commodity i in region r VAWD(G.ns) y vaune9) PWPMGr) value of output of tradeable commodity ‘in region r, evaluated at world (fob) prices VOW(%1) = VDMGin) * PW_PMGis) + 3 VAWDG8) + VSTEN) value of world supply of tradeable commodity { evaluated at world (fob) prices vwow = ¥ vomir) share of domestic sales of tadeable commodity / used by firms in sector j of region r evaluated at market prices wats a eo ee swe = "PGW she of gretgrftdeconanety Fey Boren SHRDPM(.9) = VIFM(i.”) EMC) shore of aggregate imports of tradeatle commodity i used by private household in region r evaluated at market prices saripoi.n = “eM SURIFM(Lj,r) = Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Wie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Vr REG Vie TRAD.COMM ‘vj © PROD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Vre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Vre REG Vie TRAD.COMM ‘vj € PROD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG see SHRIGMG») FMSHR(j.") PMSHR(r) GMSHR(») CONSHR(i,r) MSHRS(r8) SVAG) REVSHIRG i") FOBSHR(G8) TRNSHR(.r9) share of aggregate imports of tradeable commodity i used by government household in region r evaluated at market prices SHRIGM(i2) = VIGM(n) VIM) share of imports in the composite for tradeable commodity used by firms in sector j of region r evaluated at agent PMSHR(,.7) = Is" prices VIFACij.r) i) share of imports in the composite for tradeable commodity # used by pri- vate household in region r evaluated at agents’ prices PMSHR(.r) = share of imports in the composite for tradeable comm ‘ernment household in region r evaluated GMSHR(N) = VIPACir) VPA) al agents’ prices _ VIGA(r) GAG?) ‘budget share of the composite for tredeable commodity / in private house- hhold expenditure in region r evaluated at agents’ prices VPAG, Fused by gov- market share of source r in the aggregate imports of tradeable commodity i in region s evaluated et market prices MSHRS(r.8) = VIMS(i.r.s) Y, vsti) share of endowment commodity i in value-added of firms in sector j of gion r evaluated at agents" prices VEAGi.r) SVAN) =~ 2 VEA(k jr) share of endowment commodity i used by firms in sector j of region r evaluated at market prices VM) REVSHIRULD = VMI) share of fob price in the eff price for tradeable commodity { exported from source r to destination s FOBSHR(iri8) = vxwDtirs) VAWSGr8) share of transport price in the cif price for tradeable commodity f ex- ported from source r to destination s TRNSHR(r8) = TWR(r5) VAWS(r.8) Vie TRAD.COMM Yre REG Vie TRAD.COMM ij PROD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Vre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM re REG se REG Vie ENDW.COMM Wj e PROD.COMM Vre REG Vie BNDW.COMM Wj © PROD.COMM Vre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Wse REG ie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Vs © REG 1 Quantity Variables 20441) uantty of nonsaving com son ‘quantity of nonsaving commodity i output or supplied in region r Vie Nsav.comm ii wentty of sluggish endow re REG vu panty ofsigish endowment commodity ¢ supplied to fms in sector} Vi € ENDWS.COMM QDSKir) vee mee Gir juantit wmestic sales jeable commo ree a quantity of domestic sales of wadeable commodity i in region r vie macomm OsTtin) vee AEG _ ani of sles of adele commotity te iteration] anspor vie Tap.conu isin) uantity of endowment commodit drat on a of endowment commodity i demanded by firms in sector j of re- Wie ENDW.COMM vag Yre neg ® nt index of value-added (land labor composite) in firms of sector Vj ¢ PROD.COMM OF) juantity of composite trades it Vre REG os ace of composite tdeable commodity demanded by firms in sector Vie TRAD.COMM QF") He aaa Om ih ‘pany of domestic eadeable commodity i demanded by fms in sector} Vie TRAD.COMM je PROD.COMM Yre REG OFMjn) ‘quantity of imported tadeable commodity i demanded by firms in sector j Wie TRAD.COMM of region r ‘Wj e PROD.COMM Vre REG OPC) ‘quantity of composite tradeable commodity # demanded by private house- Vi ¢ TRAD.COMM holdin region r Vre REG PD) quantity of domestic tradeable commodity i demanded by private house- Vi ¢ TRAD.COMM holdin region r Vre REG OPM) quantity of imported tradeable commodity i demanded by private house- Vie TRAD.COMM holdin region r Vre REG actin) quantity of composite tradeable commodity i demanded by government Wie TRAD.COMM household in region r Vre REG oGntin) quantity of domestic tradeable commodity i demanded by government Wi TRAD.COMM Household in region r Vre REG GM.) quantity of imported tradeable commodity i demanded by government. Vi € TRAD.COMM household in region r Vre REG aim, quantity of eggrezate imports of tadeable commodity i demanded by re- Vie TRAD.COMM gion r sing market prices as weiahts Yre REG QW) (quantity of aggregate imports of tradeable commodity i demanded by re- Vi € TRAD.COMM gion r using ef prices as weights Vre REG oxWen) ‘quantity of aggregate exports of tradeable commodity i supplied from re- Vie TRAD.COMM Bion r sing fob prices as weights Vre REG O1WREG(Y) volume of merchandise imports demanded by region re REG OxWREG() Volume of merchandise exports supplied by region + Vre REG giwcoma, volume of global merchandise imports of tradeable commodity £ Vie TRAD.COMM OxwcoM( volume of global merchandise exports of tradeable commodity £ Vie TRAD.COMM H ene vote of wot end wom uit nex for wold supply of wads commodty rear quantity of global transport services supplied ee BecDse) uty of eg pl nn re ra (r) ‘quantity of savings demanded in re REG nae! coors quantity of global supply of capital for net investment we Reg guy of aia see rs ion + ao vantity of beginning-of-period capital stock in region r vee pone ‘quantity of end-of-period capital stock in region r we meg Fore) ; population in region r vce () quantity index for GDP in reg eae WALRAS. ee e at quantity demanded in the omitted market (equals global de id for savit ne a LRAS.St quantity supplied ir aera {watiy spi ine nied mat eso soy of tev sae ood composi 2 Pre Wales ti , “ipl re of ontvns comma i repon Vie ve Nsav.comne PM(ir) market i ) et pi fens commediy in on re nave ie Navona PMES(j,r) ‘market price of sluggish endowment commodity i supplied to fit Pa ete rot ty supe w fms in se Ve ENDS. Come ve mono PPE(,j,7) wie END - demand price of endowment co B Mlowment commodity i for firms in sector j of region + Vie ENDW.COMM je PROD.COMM Vre REG PYAG”) price of value-added in sector jof region r je PROD.COMM re REG ‘demand price of composite tradeable commodity i for firms in sector j of | Vie TRAD.COMM PRU) region r Wie PROD.COMM Wre REG PED) demand price of domestic tradeable commodity i for firms in sectorj of Vi « TRAD.COMM region r Wj e PROD.COMM Wre REG PRM) demand price of imported tradeable commodity i for firms in sector j of Vie TRAD.COMM region r Vj PROD.COMM vr e REG PP(ir) demand price of composite tradeable commodity for private household. Vie TRAD.COMM in region r re REG PPDG) demand price of domestic tradeable commodity i for private household in Vie TRAD.COMM region 7 Wre REG PPM() demand price of imported tradeable commodity é for private household in Wie TRAD.COMM region Wre REG PGUs) demand price of composite tradeable commodity i for government house- Vi € TRAD.COMM hold in region r re REG PED) demand price of domestic tradeable commodity # for government house- Vi € TRAD.COMM hold in region r re REG PGMG.) demand price of imported tradeable commodity i for government house- Vie TRAD.COMM hold in region r Yre REG PPRIV(?) price index for private houschold expenditure in region r re REG 3 PGove) price index for government household expenditure in region r Wr e REG 06 16 FOB.) World (fob) price of tradeable commodity i exported from source r to des- ‘ination s (prior to including transport margin) PCIF Urs) world (ci) price of tradeable commodity ¢ imported from source r to desti- nation s (after including transpore margin) PMStir3) ‘market price by source of tradeable commodity i imported from source r to destination ¢ PIM 2) ‘market price of aggregate imports of tradeable commodity Zin region r PIM) World price of aggregate imports of tradeable commodity jin region r PX) brice index for aggregate exports of tradenble commodity i from region r PIWREG(?) price index of merchandise imports in region + PXWREG() price index of merchandise exports from region r PIWCOM() rice index of global merchandise imports of tradeable commodity £ PXWCOM() Drice index of global merchandise exports of tradeable commodity { PXWWLD price index of world trade £ PRG?) ratio of domestic market price to market price of imports for tradeable commodity / in region r Pw) ‘world price index for total supply of tradeable commodity i swe) Price index received for tradcables produced in region r including sales of net investment to the global bank price index paid for tadeables used in region r including purchases of sav~ power ° ings from the global bank ” terms of trade for region r mn TONG) = [PSWr) / PDWO)] vices supplied Pr price of global transport services supp on PCGDS(") price of investment goods in region r [equals PSC*ceds”, 7) PSAVE price of composite capital good supplied to savers by global bank RENTAL(*) rental rate on capital stock in region r {equals PSC‘captal, 7] RORCH) current net rate of return on capital stock in region r BORE) expected net rate of retum on capital stock in region r RORG global not rate of return on capital stock PGDPO) pice index for GDP in region 3 Policy Variables Tour) power of the tax on output (or income) of nonsavings commodity £ in re- TAs) powe ofthe tx on endowment commodity demande by fms instr . J of region r TED”) power of the tax on domestic tradeable commodity 1 demanded by firms . in sector j of region r TRIM) power of the tax on imported tradeable commodity ‘ demanded by fiems in sector j of region r Vie TRAD.COMM Vr e REG se REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Vs © REG Vie TRAD.COMM Vre REG Ws REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Wie TRAD.COMM Vre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Vr e REG Wre REG Vre REG Wie TRAD.COMM Wie TRAD.COMM Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM re REG Wre REG Wre REG Vr © REG Vre REG Vre REG re REG Wre REG Vie NSAV.COMM Vre REG Vie ENDW.COMM Wj © PROD.COMM re REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wj = PROD.COMM Vr e REG Vie TRAD.COMM je PROD.COMM re REG ee ee TPDKi.) ower of the tax on domestic tradenble commodity i demanded by private household in region r TPM») power of the tax on imported tradeable commodity i demanded by private household in region r TED») ‘power of the tax on domestic tradeable commodity i demanded by govern- ment household in region r TEMG.) ‘power of the tax on imported tradeable commodity i demanded by govern- ment household in region r TXStir3) ower of the tax on exports of tradeable commodity i from source r to destination 5 (levied in region r) TSI) power of the tax on imports of tradeable commodity J from source r to destination 5 (levied in region s) Xn) power of the variable export tax on exports of tradeable commodity 1 from region r—destination-generic Tir) power of the variable import tax (levy) on imports of tradeable commod- ity ¢ in region s-source-generic 4 Technical Change Variables > A0G2) ‘output augmenting technical change in sector j of region r AFE(j7) primary factor ¢ augmenting technical change in sector j of region r AFUijn) ‘composite intermediate input / augmenting technical change in sector j of region r VAG.) ‘value-added augmenting technical change in sector j of region r ATRG s:$) technical change in the transportation of tradeable commodity i from source r to destination 5 5 Dummy (0, 1) Variables DEVFAG0) DFA) D.VAWDMiss) DVSTGs) 0, L variable for identifying zero expenditures in BVEAC,.r) DEVFAG,j.") = 0 ; DEVEAGijwr) = 1 ¥ EVFAGj0) > 0 0, 1 variable for identifying zero expenditures in VFA(ij.7) DYEMUN=O og DVFACijr) iin) > 0, 1 variable for identifying zero expenditures in VXWD(r8) DVXWDMir) D.VXWD(isrs) = 1¥ VXWD(i.r5) > 0 0, 1 variable to identify zero expenditures in VST(i,") V YSTUir) > 0 Wie TRAD.COMM Vre REG Wie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM. Wre REG Wie TRAD.COMM Vr e REG VWs REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Vs © REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM re REG Vj € PROD.COMM Wre REG Vie ENDW.COMM je PROD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM je PROD.COMM re REG ‘je PROD.COMM Vre REG Vie TRAD.COMM re REG Vs REG Vie BNDW.COMM je PROD.COMM Wre REG Vie TRAD.COMM Wj © PROD.COMM Wre REG Wie TRAD.COMM Wre REG VWs REG Wie TRAD.COMM Wre REG Soe 6 Stack Variables proftsiack(.r) slack variable in the ZEROPROFITS equation [this is exogenous as long Wj € PROD.COMM a5 output, 00G.", is endogenous} egdslack( slack vara , ase gdslack(r) lack variable in the RORGLOBAL equation [this is exogenous as long Wr € REG diinckin) —RuRat ata goods, QO sg"), endogenous) endwslack(it) slack variable in tune eumabe the MKTCLENDWM and ENDWSUPPLY equations Vi © ENDW.COMM Fein rodenus a long as primary fctor eal ates, PA) and PME- Vr @ REG tradslackti,r) slack variable in the MKTCLTRD in equation [ths is exogenous as lon i pee ote, PM). eagemas) OSS INEN Vig TRap.coma ‘incomestack(r) slack variable in the REGIONALINCOME equation [ihis is exogenous as Wr ¢ REG sak) Jong as regional household income, ¥(¢), is endogenous) re savestack(r slack variable inthe SAVINGS equation [this is exogen ins Quai SAVINGS equation isis exogenous as ong as av- re REG goslack(r) slack variable in the GOVERTU equation (t ion [this is exoge a Wre os teal goverent purchases, UG(), mendogens Wee REG walraslac slack variable in equation js Cilio steed GC hes ay oe CES ei ae elosure. When any one of the GE links is broken, this ‘sapped with PSAVE, the numeri price, hereby forcing global savings to equal global in 7 Value and Income Variables vewfobtir) percentage change in value of exports of tradeable commodity 1 from re- Vie TRAD.COMM gion r using fob weights [is identical to the lineerized form of VXWG,r)] Yr e REG vawres(”) percentage change in value of merchandise exports from region r using Vr REG Job weights [is identical to the linearized form of VXWREGION()] sawcom() percentage change in value of global merchandise exports of tradeable Wie TRAD.COMM. ‘commodity ‘using fob weights [is identical to the linearized form of VxW- CoMMODO)) viweifisr) percentage change in value of imports of tradeable commodity {into re- Vie TRAD.COMM Bion r using cif weights (is identical to the linearized form of VIWG,)] Vr e REG viwres(r) percentage change in value of merchandise impors into region r using cif Vre REG ‘weights [is identical to the linearized form of VIWREGION()] viweom(i) percentage change in value of global merchancise imports of tradeable Vie TRAD.COMM commodity ‘using cif weights [is identical to the linearized form of VIW- COMMOD()] wield percentage change in value of worldwide commoxlty exports using /ob ‘weight [is identical to the linearized form of VXWLD)) veluew() percentage change in value of global supply of tradeable commodity i us- Wi € TRAD.COMM ing fob weights [is identical to the linearized form of VWOW()] vedo(r) percentage change in value of GDP in region r {is identical to the linear Vr'e REG ined form of GDP(”)] 0 percentage change in regional household income in region r {is identical Wr e REG to the linearized form of INCOME(r)} se) percentage change in private household expenditure in region r fis identi- Vr e REG ‘cal to the linearized form of PRIVEXP(r)] 8 Utility Variables ue) per capita utility from aggregete household expenditure in region r uPO) per capita utility from private houschold expenditure in region r ua) aggregate utility from government household expenditure in region r 9 Welfare Variables Eve) equivalent variation in region r, in $US million (positive figure indicates ‘welfare improvement) weEV equivalent variation for the world, in SUS million (positive figure indi- ‘cates welfare improvement) 10 Trade Balance Variables DTBAL() DTBALiCis) change in trade balance of region 1, in SUS million (positive figure indi- cates increase in exports exceeds increase in imports) change in trade balance for tradeable commodity i in region r, in SUS mil- lion (positive figure indicates increase in exports exceeds increase in im- ports) Vre REG re REG Wre REG Vre REG Wre REG ie TRAD.COMM re REG

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