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Classification and Comparison of Receptor Types

Type Location Stimulus Modality Adaptability Fibers

Non-encapsulated Receptors
Free nerve endings Epidermis, cornea, Mechanoreceptor Pain (fast), Rapid A delta
dermis, ligaments, joint, Pain (slow), touch C
Capsules, bone, dental (crude),
pulp Pressure,
Heat and cold
Merkel disc Hairless skin Mechanoreceptor Touch Slow A beta
Hair follicle receptors Hairy skin Mechanoreceptor Touch Rapid A beta

Encapsulated Receptors
Meissner’s corpuscle Dermal papillae of Mechanoreceptor Touch Rapid A beta
skin of palm
Pacinian corpuscles Dermis, ligaments, jt. Mechanoreceptor Vibration Rapid A beta
capsules, peritoneum,
ex. genitalia,
Ruffini corpuscles Dermis of hairy skin Mechanoreceptor Stretch Slow A beta
Neuromuscular Skeletal muscles Mechanoreceptor Stretch-muscle length Fast A alpha
spindles A beta
Neurotendinous tendons Mechanoreceptor Compression- muscle Fast A alpha
spindles tension

Mechanoreceptors These respond to mechanical deformation
Thermoreceptors These respond to changes in temperature; some receptors respond
to cold and others to heat
Nociceptors These respond to any stimuli that bring about damage to the tissue
Electromagnetic receptors The rods and cones of the eyes are sensitive to changes in light
intensity and wavelength
Chemoreceptors These respond to chemical changes associated with taste and smell
and oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in the blood

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