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Before we proceed to the story about me, let me introduce myself. My name is Anisa
Sabila Ramadani but you can call me Icha for short. I was born in Jakarta, 10th January 1997
which make me 20 years old now. Currently I am a 4th year Political Science student in
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, West Java.
I really like something that is related to event organizing, music and writing. I started my
very first event organizing experience during my senior high school period. Back then, me and
the organizing team arranged a sport championship for high school students. The championship
name is “BENECLE” and we also made a Music Concert as the closing remarks of this event. I
was the Head of Public Relation in this event and I have to admit that this position really boosts
my public speaking skill and broaden my networking. I really enjoy meeting many new people in
life because in my opinion, every person had a special story about their life and a unique
characteristic beneath themselves. And that is why; I love to make some new friends and sharing
some stories with them. To add, there is also why I enjoy the art of event organizing a lot.
In 2014, I managed myself to be a Political Science student in Universitas Padjadjaran.
University life provides me various opportunities that are related to my interest so I decided to
give them a shot. I was involved in various events since I enter university and most of them are
music or art related events. Thus, I have been selected for various positions in the organizing
committee. Such as, I was selected as the project officer, event team, creative team, public
relation, and talent treatment team.
From that experience, I have improved my self a lot and learned several different things
such as the event managerial, overcoming obstacles, performing a good team work, having a
high level of resposibility, being a creative person, staying calm and patients whenever things do
not work as the way as it supposed to and most of all, giving the best you can do to make a great
things. I always try to apply the lessons that I previously got in the event organizing to my real
life so that I can always improve myself to be a better person.
Running and making music concert are something that is really catching my interest. I
adore the vibes that a music concert can give, where music can be a medium to transfer such a
captivating message from the musician to the audience. Also, music concert has no age limitation
and that is the thing that made music concert is universal and enjoyable for everyone.
The last music event that I arranged is a collaborative work between a collective team
consists of me and my friends name Pesta Misterius. With “Underground” as the main theme,
Pesta Misterius is an event that is focusing on techno-genre music. Pesta Misterius held in
Bandung on October 2017 and has its own full branding via instagram @pestamisterius. I was
selected as the Public Relations and Publications team and it is actually a big challenge for me
since I have to emphasize the hype of this event through social media. But I guess the crowds
really does love something posted online and so does Pesta Misterius that is receving much hype
and interests from netizens.
The most memorable music event related experience in my life is when I was selected as
the organizing team as in Java Jazz Festival 2017 and Synchronize Fest 2016 – 2017. In this
huge scale music event (even I can say that Java Jazz Festival is an international music event) I
was selected as Liasion Officer in both events. In Java Jazz Festival 2017, I was the Liasion
Office for an international artist name Chick Corea Electric Band and in Syncronize Fest 2016-
2017, I was the Liasion Officer for several national musicians. Those two are the most
remarkable experience that I had because I transformed into a new self-being after learning so
many things from the real professional working sphere. I learned to overcome my anxiety and
fear whenever the working pressure is on and learn how to mingle with people from various
different backgrounds.
Other than that, I also enjoy writing, especially for poetry and music article. I was also
Content Writer Internship in Provoke! Magazine. I wrote a lot about music and fashion and to be
honest, I developed myself a lot here because I finally improved my writing skills from making
the great content for the readers, the proper article writing and also to develop the ideas that I
My experiences have taught me to always think outside the box. Be creative and always
starve for new learnings. Reserve some spot in your soul for new learnings and experiences. I do
aware that I should never feel content about myself because the journey is still a long way to go
and that is why, I would like to have my new journey here in Java Jazz 2018.

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