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Clinical Chemistry 62:2 Drug Monitoring and Toxicology

367–377 (2016)

Effect of Blood Collection Time on Measured

Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Concentrations:
Implications for Driving Interpretation and Drug Policy
Rebecca L. Hartman,1 Timothy L. Brown,2 Gary Milavetz,3 Andrew Spurgin,3 David A. Gorelick,1,4
Gary R. Gaffney,5 and Marilyn A. Huestis1*

BACKGROUND: In driving-under-the-influence cases, blood CONCLUSIONS: Forensic blood THC concentrations may
typically is collected approximately 1.5– 4 h after an in- be lower than common per se cutoffs despite greatly ex-
cident, with unknown last intake time. This complicates ceeding them while driving. Concentrations during driv-
blood ⌬9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) interpretation, ing cannot be back-extrapolated because of unknown
owing to rapidly decreasing concentrations immediately time after intake and interindividual variability in rates of
after inhalation. We evaluated how decreases in blood decrease.
THC concentration before collection may affect inter- © 2015 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
pretation of toxicological results.

METHODS: Adult cannabis smokers (ⱖ1⫻/3 months, Driving under the influence of drugs is an important
ⱕ3 days/week) drank placebo or low-dose alcohol (ap- public safety issue. According to the recent 2013–2014
proximately 0.065% peak breath alcohol concentration) National Roadside Survey (1 ), prevalence of weekend
10 min before inhaling 500 mg placebo, 2.9%, or 6.7% nighttime drivers positive for illicit drugs in blood or oral
vaporized THC (within-individuals), then took simu- fluid increased to 15.1%, from 12.4% in 2007. Cannabis
lated drives 0.5–1.3 h postdose. Blood THC concentra- is the most common illicit drug detected in drivers (1–2 ),
tions were determined before and up to 8.3 h postdose with driving under the influence of cannabis (DUIC)6
(limit of quantification 1 ␮g/L). associated with approximately doubled crash risk (3– 4 ).
In DUIC cases, blood typically is not collected
until approximately 1.5– 4 h after the incident (5– 6 ),
RESULTS: In 18 participants, observed Cmax (at 0.17 h)
with an unknown time after last drug use, complicating
for active (2.9 or 6.7% THC) cannabis were [median
interpretation. This is particularly important for ⌬9-
(range)] 38.2 ␮g/L (11.4 –137) without alcohol and 47.9
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive
␮g/L (13.0 –210) with alcohol. THC Cmax concentra- constituent of cannabis, because of its pharmacokinetic
tion decreased 73.5% (3.3%– 89.5%) without alcohol profile. Blood THC concentrations peak before the end
and 75.1% (11.5%– 85.4%) with alcohol in the first of smoking (7 ) and decrease rapidly because of distribu-
half-hour after active cannabis and 90.3% (76.1%– tion into highly perfused tissues including the brain (8 ),
100%) and 91.3% (53.8%–97.0%), respectively, by allowing smokers to experience effects almost immedi-
1.4 h postdose. When residual THC (from previous self- ately (9 ). By controlling inhalation techniques, people
administration) was present, concentrations rapidly de- who smoke or vaporize cannabis self-titrate individual
creased to preinhalation baselines and fluctuated around doses to achieve comfortable/desired subjective and car-
them. During-drive THC concentrations previously as- diovascular effects (10 ). Later, blood THC concentra-
sociated with impairment (ⱖ8.2 ␮g/L) decreased to me- tions decrease more slowly during distribution into adi-
dian ⬍5 ␮g/L by 3.3 h postdose and ⬍2 ␮g/L by 4.8 h pose tissue, where it accumulates with frequent cannabis
postdose; only 1 participant had THC ⱖ5 ␮g/L after intake (8, 10 –11 ) and is slowly released back into circu-
3.3 h. lation and excreted. Chronic frequent smokers accrue a

Chemistry and Drug Metabolism, Intramural Research Program, National Institute on Received August 27, 2015; accepted November 30, 2015.
Drug Abuse, NIH, Baltimore, MD; 2 National Advanced Driving Simulator, University of Previously published online at DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2015.248492
Iowa, Iowa City, IA; 3 College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; 4 Department © 2015 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 5 Carver Col- 6
Nonstandard abbreviations: DUIC, driving under the influence of cannabis; THC,
lege of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol; BrAC, breath alcohol concentration; CUDIT, Cannabis Use Dis-
* Address correspondence to this author at: Biomedical Research Center, Suite 200, Room orders Identification Test; AUDIT, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; LOQ, limit of
05A-721, 251 Bayview Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21224. Fax 443-740-2823; e-mail quantification.

high body burden of THC that is released and excreted if heavy consumption, a modal quantity not more than
over days or weeks of sustained abstinence, resulting in 3– 4 servings in the majority of drinking occasions; li-
low residual THC concentrations (12–13 ). In occasional censed driver for ⱖ2 years with currently valid unre-
smokers, blood THC is detected only for a median stricted license; and self-reported driving ⱖ1300 miles in
(range) 4 h (1– 6) after smoking a single 54-mg THC the past year. Exclusion criteria included past or current
cigarette (11 ). clinically significant medical illness; history of clinically
Blood THC concentration is the most reliable ob- significant adverse event associated with cannabis/alco-
jective cannabis exposure measure, with psychoactive hol intoxication or motion sickness; ⱖ450 mL blood
THC concentration best reflecting potential impairing donation in 2 weeks preceding drug administration;
effects. There is considerable debate over establishing per pregnant/nursing; interest in drug abuse treatment
se laws based on blood THC concentrations. Of 14 states within past 60 days; current cannabis or alcohol use dis-
with currently established cannabis per se laws, 10 are order by CUDIT or Alcohol Use Disorders Identifica-
zero-tolerance; the others have 1-, 2-, or 5-␮g/L blood tion Test (AUDIT) (CUDIT score ⬎12; AUDIT score
THC cutoffs, including Washington (5 ␮g/L), where ⬎12 for women/⬎14 for men); currently taking drugs
recreational cannabis is legal (14 ). Colorado’s attempt to contraindicated with cannabis or alcohol or known to
establish a 5 ␮g/L per se law met considerable resistance impact driving; requirements for nonstandard driving
and debate (15–16 ), ultimately resulting in a compro- equipment; and prior participation in a similar driving
mise 5-␮g/L blood THC “permissible inference [of im- simulator study.
pairment]” (not per se) law (17 ). As medical and recre-
ational cannabis legalization expand (18 ), the debate PROCEDURES
over appropriate per se cutoffs intensifies. Since imple- After spending a night on the clinical research unit to
menting medical marijuana in 2000, Colorado has ob- preclude intoxication before dosing, participants re-
served increased DUIC cases (17 ). Fatal motor vehicle ceived placebo or low-dose alcohol (90% wt/vol grain
crashes with cannabis-positive drivers also increased in alcohol in fruit juice, target approximately 0.065 g/210 L
medical marijuana states, whereas no significant change peak BrAC) over 10 min followed by vaporized placebo,
was observed in 34 states without medical marijuana 2.9%, or 6.7% THC cannabis over 10 min ad libitum as
(19 ). previously described (10, 20 ). Bulk cannabis was ob-
We recently evaluated effects of cannabis, with and tained through the NIDA Chemistry and Physiological
without low-dose alcohol, on driving performance ac- Systems Research Branch (Research Triangle Institute).
cording to blood THC concentration (20 ). The results In this within-individual design, participants received all
documented lateral control decrements at 8.2 and 13.1 6 alcohol/cannabis combinations in randomized order,
␮g/L THC, comparable to 0.05 and 0.08 g/210 L breath with sessions separated by ⱖ1 weeks. At each session,
alcohol concentration (BrAC) respectively, common al- participants drove for approximately 45 min between 0.5
cohol per se driving limits. However, these THC concen- and 1.3 h after start of cannabis inhalation in the Na-
trations were present while driving, 0.5–1.3 h postinha- tional Advanced Driving Simulator (23–24 ), located at
lation (20 ). The purpose of the present analysis was to the University of Iowa (20 ). In this article, postdrive
evaluate how drivers’ THC concentrations decreased refers to time after the simulated drive.
postinhalation before and after impaired driving, cover- Blood was collected via indwelling peripheral ve-
ing the typical interval between a driving incident and nous catheter into gray-top (potassium oxalate/sodium
blood collection in the forensic setting. These are the first fluoride) Vacutainer® tubes (Becton, Dickinson and
percentage THC reduction data available of which we are Co.), stored on ice ⱕ2 h, and transferred to 3.6 mL
aware, in a population with documented driving impair- Nunc® cryotubes (Thomas Scientific) for ⫺20 °C stor-
ment and follow-up for ⱕ8.3 h. age and analysis within 3 months (25 ). Collection times
were baseline (⫺0.8 h), immediately postdose (0.17 h),
Methods immediately before driving (0.42 h), immediately post-
drive (1.4 h), and 2.3, 3.3, 4.8, 6.3, and 8.3 h after start
PARTICIPANTS of cannabis inhalation. BrAC was measured in g/210 L
Healthy volunteers provided written informed consent breath (equivalent to approximate blood alcohol concen-
for this study that was approved by the University of Iowa tration in grams per deciliter) via Alco-Sensor® IV (In-
Institutional Review Board. Inclusion criteria were ages toximeters), limit of quantification (LOQ) 0.006 g/210 L.
21–55 years; self-reported cannabis consumption ⱖ1 ⫻/3 BrAC measurement times were concurrent with blood
months but ⱕ3 days/week over the past 3 months [Can- collection through 3.3 h, then at 4.3, 5.3, 6.3, 7.3, and
nabis Use Disorders Identification Test (CUDIT) (21 )]; 8.3 h. (Fewer blood samples were collected due to re-
self-reported light or moderate alcohol consumption ac- quired limitation on total blood collection to ⱕ450 mL
cording to a quantity-frequency-variability scale (22 ), or for the entire study.)

368 Clinical Chemistry 62:2 (2016)

Implications of Collection Time on Blood THC

SAMPLE AND DATA ANALYSIS for each quartile were established. In addition, Supple-
Blood THC was quantified according to a previously mental Figs. 1 and 2, which accompany the online ver-
published method (26 ) by protein precipitation with ice- sion of this article at
cold acetonitrile and solid-phase extraction followed by vol62/issue2, provide concentration–time curves on the
LC-MS/MS analysis. The THC linear range was 1–100 basis of observed THC concentrations immediately be-
␮g/L, with analytical bias and imprecision (n ⫽ 30) fore and after the drive. Box plots at each time were
ⱕ3.7% and ⱕ8.7%, respectively. For analytical pur- calculated in the same manner as during-driving box
poses, THC concentrations ⬍1 ␮g/L (LOQ) were con- plots.
sidered 0 ␮g/L.
Driving performance (SD of lateral position, lane Results
weave) was previously evaluated according to blood
THC concentrations during driving, modeled by indi- Nineteen healthy adults (13 men and 6 women, ages
vidualized fitted power curves for participants’ blood 21–37 years) completed the study. One individual was
THC concentrations during driving, from predrive (0.17 excluded from driving performance evaluation because of
and 0.42 h) and postdrive (1.4 and 2.3 h) concentrations nonnormal driving behavior irrespective of dose (20 );
(20 ). BrAC concentrations during driving were calcu- she also was excluded from this blood concentration anal-
lated by linear curves from measurements at the same ysis to ensure that reported decreases matched the driving
time points. Drives were subdivided into 4 segments (ur- study population. Most participants self-reported canna-
ban, interstate, rural, rural straightway), with approxi- bis intake within the prior week and alcohol intake
mate median postdose times 0.68, 0.87, 1.1, and 1.2 h, 2–3 ⫻/week (Table 1). Despite reporting overall mean
respectively. consumption at ⱖ1 ⫻/3 months during screening (ful-
Blood THC concentration decreases between col- filling study inclusion criteria), participant 13 later self-
lection times (and median during-drive concentration, reported last intake 4 months prior (due to scheduling
approximately 1 h) were quantified and evaluated for all delay for first dosing session).
sessions with THC-positive blood (THC ⱖ1 ␮g/L Observed THC maximum concentration (Cmax) oc-
LOQ) during driving. Percent decreases were individu- curred 0.17 h after start of inhalation. Median (range)
ally calculated within each session, and median (range) Cmax values without and with alcohol were 38.2 ␮g/L
calculated percent decreases are presented. For reference (11.4 –137) and 47.9 ␮g/L (13.0 –210), respectively, for
when considering percentages, median (range) concen- active cannabis. When present (ⱖ1 ␮g/L LOQ), residual
trations at starting time points also are presented in ta- THC concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 6.3 ␮g/L at
bles, since it must be considered that minor changes baseline. For placebo cannabis sessions where residual
would result in substantial percentages if initial concen- THC was observed, 0.17 h concentrations were 3.3 ␮g/L
trations were low (e.g., a 1-␮g/L decrease from 5 ␮g/L (1.6 – 6.0) (n ⫽ 6) and 2.4 ␮g/L (1.6 –3.7) (n ⫽ 4) with-
would produce a 20% decrease). Sessions were catego- out and with alcohol. One placebo cannabis session (with
rized according to whether participants received active or alcohol, participant 15) was reclassified as active cannabis
placebo cannabis, and whether participants had residual because although THC baseline was 0 ␮g/L, Cmax was
blood THC (from previous self-administration) at base- 18.5 and 25.6 ␮g/L in blood and plasma, respectively.
line. Categories were not assigned by 2.9% vs 6.7% THC This was likely due to his accessing active cannabis during
administered cannabis doses, because more than half of this session, despite being under observation throughout
participants self-titrated their doses (controlling inhala- his stay (10 ). A dosing error is unlikely, on the basis of
tion to achieve desired effects) during ad libitum inhala- careful record review.
tion (10 ). Blood THC percent decreases relative to pre- Blood THC concentrations and BrAC modeled
vious time points were compared for differences with and during driving adequately reflected measured concentra-
without alcohol by Wilcoxon matched-pairs tests, with tion curves (Fig. 1). Concentrations measured after driv-
the conservative Bonferroni correction accounting for ing (1.5– 4 h postdose) in the same sessions (dotted shad-
multiple comparisons. For each nonalcohol session (n ⫽ ing) were lower than results during driving (gray
41), median (approximately 1 h postdose) modeled shading), except in placebo sessions with residual THC.
blood THC concentrations (on the basis of concentra- Percent decreases are presented in Tables 2 through 5 and
tions before and after driving) were divided into quar- online Supplemental Tables 1–2. No significant differ-
tiles, each containing 10 –11 sessions. THC concentra- ences with vs without alcohol were observed. In the first
tions in each quartile are provided above each graph. The 0.42 h after start of active (2.9 or 6.7% THC) cannabis
box plot for each time point before and after driving in inhalation, THC decreased 73.5% (3.3%– 89.5%) with-
each quartile was calculated from the same participants’ out alcohol (Table 2) and 75.1% (11.5%– 85.4%) with
THC concentrations. To facilitate comparison with alcohol (Table 3). By 1.4 h postdose, 90.3% (76.1%–
alcohol-positive sessions, the same concentration ranges 100%) and 91.3% (53.8%–97.0%) decreases from active

Clinical Chemistry 62:2 (2016) 369

Table 1. Self-reported demographic characteristics and recent cannabis and alcohol consumption for 19 healthy adult occasional cannabis smokers.

Time stoned Time since Amount last

Cannabis on typical last cannabis consumed, Alcohol Typical
Age, BMI, intake cannabis consumed, joint or joint intake Alcohol drinks per
Participant Sex years Race/ethnicity kg/m2 frequency occasion, ha daysb equivalentc frequencyd classificatione occasiond

1 M 23.7 White 24.3 2–4 ×/month 1–2 1 1 2–3 ×/week Moderate 2–4
2 F 28.4 African American 23.8 2–4 ×/month 3–4 14 1 ≥4 ×/week Heavy 2–4
3 M 21.9 White 24.7 2–4 ×/month 1–2 6 1 2–3 ×/week Heavyf 5–6
4 M 37.8 White 26.1 2–3 ×/week 1–2 3 2.5 2–3 ×/week Moderate 2–4
5 M 26.6 White 21.6 ≤1 ×/month 1–2 11 3.5 ≤1 ×/month Light 2–4

Clinical Chemistry 62:2 (2016)

6 F 26.3 White 20.0 2–3 ×/week 3–4 1 0.25 2–3 ×/week Heavy 2–4
7 M 25.8 White 40.6 2–3 ×/week 1–2 0.3 0.5 2–4 ×/month Light 2–4
8 M 26.1 Hispanic 31.5 2–3 ×/week 1–2 3 1 2–4 ×/month Moderate 1–2
9 M 23.2 White 19.5 2–3 ×/week 3–4 2 1 2–3 ×/week Heavy 2–4
10 M 23.1 White 23.9 ≤1 ×/month 1–2 2 0.25 2–4 ×/month Light 2–4
11 M 32.3 Other, Hispanic 28.9 2–3 ×/week 1–2 4 1 2–3 ×/week Heavy 2–4
12g F 23.4 White 23.3 2–4 ×/month 3–4 4 1 2–3 ×/week Light 2–4
13 F 30.3 African American 24.1 ≤1 ×/month <1 120h 1 2–3 ×/week Heavy 2–4
14 M 24.6 White 23.3 2–4 ×/month 1–2 7 0.8 2–3 ×/week Heavy 2–4
15i M 21.8 White 32.7 2–4 ×/month 1–2 7 0.13 ≤1 ×/month Light 1–2
16 F 21.7 African American, White 23.0 2–3 ×/week 1–2 1.1 1.5 2–4 ×/month Light 1–2
17 M 28.7 White 18.3 ≤1 ×/month 3–4 45 0.5 2–3 ×/week Heavy 2–4
18 M 28.1 White 48.3 2–4 ×/month 3–4 5 1 2–4 ×/month Light 2–4
19 F 22.9 White 21.6 2–3 ×/week 3–4 1 1 2–4 ×/month Light 5–6
Median 25.8 23.9 4.0 1.0
Median excluding no. 12 25.9 24.0 3.5 1.0
“Hours stoned” wording originates from CUDIT, source of self-reported cannabis frequency data.
Self-reported at first dosing session.
Cannabis amount last consumed is based on empirically normalized joint consumption, to account for various administration routes and self-reported sharing between multiple individuals.
Metric taken from the AUDIT, to exclude drinkers with alcohol use disorder.
Classification according to quantity-frequency-variability (QFV) scale used for inclusion criteria during screening.
Participant met inclusion criteria. Modal quantity and frequency on QFV were 3– 4 and 1–2 ×/week, respectively.
Participant excluded for consistency with driving analyses (not included in driving evaluation because of consistently abnormal driving behavior).
Self-reported overall mean consumption at ≥1 ×/3 months at screening; during the study, reported last intake 4 months ago at first dose.
Participant’s placebo cannabis with alcohol session reclassified to active because of evidence of possible clandestine access to active cannabis before dosing.
Implications of Collection Time on Blood THC

Quartiles were established by median during-drive

concentrations (Fig. 2) for direct comparison to driving
data; pre- and postdrive concentration quartiles (see on-
line Supplemental Figs. 1 and 2) were also evaluated be-
cause they represent actual measured THC concentra-
tions immediately before and after the drive. These
figures illustrate THC concentration decreases from spe-
cific, known ranges during or around driving, at later
time points within the same sessions. Fig. 2 presents con-
centration ranges throughout the time course based on
median during-drive concentration quartiles, to illustrate
how concentrations associated with driving effects (20 )
subsequently decreased before blood collection in foren-
sic cases. The highest quartile in Fig. 2 (with and without
alcohol) represents median during-drive THC concen-
trations (ⱖ8.2 ␮g/L) associated with lane weave similar
to 0.05 g/210 L BrAC (20 ). Concentrations decreased to
⬍5 ␮g/L by 3.3 h postdose (2 h postdrive) in all but
participant 7. By 4.8 h postdose (3.5 h postdrive), me-
dian concentrations decreased to ⬍2 ␮g/L even among
those in the ⱖ8.2 ␮g/L during-drive concentration
Even for the highest predrive (see online Supple-
mental Fig. 1), during-drive (Fig. 2), and postdrive (see
online Supplemental Fig. 2) concentration quartiles, me-
dian blood THC concentrations did not exceed 5 ␮g/L
by 3.3 h postdose or 2 ␮g/L by 4.8 h. The only THC
Fig. 1. Median (interquartile range) blood THC (≥1 μg/L) (A) concentrations ⱖ5 ␮g/L at or after 3.3 h postdose in any
and BrAC (≥0.006 g/210 L) (B) time curves. dosing condition arose from participant 7, whose base-
line concentrations were 4.9 – 6.3 ␮g/L over 6 sessions
Gray shading indicates driving time; concentrations within this
and who never had a blood THC concentration quanti-
region were individually modeled. Dotted pattern represents
fied ⬍3.6 ␮g/L throughout the entire study (more-
likely blood collection time 1.5– 4 h postdose (for drug analysis)
frequent smoker).
after traffic stop/crash.

Rapidly decreasing blood THC concentrations after in-

THC Cmax were observed. Active cannabis blood THC
halation do not imply rapidly decreasing impairment.
concentrations decreased by approximately half [44.6%
THC effects are directly related to brain concentrations;
(4.1%–100%) without alcohol, 51.0% (18.6%–100%)
peak effects do not coincide with maximum blood con-
with alcohol] between the 1.4-h collection, which oc-
centrations (27 ). THC’s equilibration time between
curred immediately after driving, and approximately 1 h blood and brain produces a delay between blood Cmax
postdrive (2.3 h postdose). and maximal effects (28 ). Acute psychomotor impair-
Residual blood THC concentrations after placebo ment was documented for ⱕ6 h in recreational [mean
cannabis fluctuated near the predose THC baseline 3.4 (SD 3.0) ⫻/month] smokers after smoking 250 and
throughout 8.3 h. Concentration–time profiles and con- 500 ␮g/kg (approximately 17.5 and 35 mg) THC ciga-
centration decrease patterns were similar between active rettes (29 ). Despite marked differences in THC’s phar-
cannabis sessions where participants had residual THC macodynamic vs blood pharmacokinetic profiles, it is not
before dosing and those without residual THC (Tables 4 possible to assess brain concentrations in living drivers,
and 5). However, concentrations in participants who and blood remains the most representative available
started with residual THC decreased to near baseline sample.
concentrations with fluctuations around these concentra- We previously documented impaired driving perfor-
tions, whereas concentrations in those without residual mance by these participants at specific blood THC con-
THC approached 0 ␮g/L, with median 100% decreases centrations during driving (20 ). However, concentra-
from observed Cmax occurring 4.8 h postdose. tions present after driving in the same sessions—when

Clinical Chemistry 62:2 (2016) 371

Table 2. Blood THC concentrations and percent blood THC decreases from specific time points in 18 participants’ THC-positive sessions (≥1 μg/L during driving) without alcohol,
arranged into categories based on active (2.9% or 6.7% THC) or placebo administered cannabis dose.a

Percent decreaseb (from initial concentration) at subsequent postdose times (%)

postdose Session Initial blood Sessions,
time, h type THC, μg/L 0.42 h 1 hc 1.4 h 2.3 h 3.3 h 4.8 h 6.3 h 8.3 h n
0.17 Active 38.2 (11.4–137) 73.5 (3.3–89.5) 85.3 (67.5–100) 90.3 (76.1–100) 94.6 (81.6–100) 96.9 (84.2–100) 99.6 (87.2–100) 100 (84.2–100) 100 (84.9–100) 36
0.17 Placebo 3.3 (1.6–6.0) 46.6 (–0.7–62.3) 47.1 (–2.6–60.9) 51.4 (–1.8–69.5) 61.2 (–6.0–100) 87.2 (7.4–100) 59.5 (–16.9–65.0) 61.8 (–27.5–100) 83.7 (11.1–100) 6
0.42 Active 11.9 (1.6–40.8) — 44.6 (24.4–100) 64.9 (40.2–100) 80.7 (52.3–100) 88.0 (59.0–100) 98.1 (66.9–100) 100 (59.1–100) 100 (60.8–100) 36
0.42 Placebo 1.5 (1.2–6.0) — –1.9 (–8.4–3.2) 9.1 (–7.0–21.7) 17.2 (–5.3–100) 66.0 (8.0–100) 6.3 (–16.1–28.5) 23.2 (–26.6–100) 57.9 (11.6–100) 6
1c Active 6.0 (1.4–19.8) — — 31.4 (3.3–100) 61.9 (36.9–100) 76.9 (45.8–100) 90.8 (53.5–100) 100 (45.9–100) 100 (48.1–100) 35d
1c Placebo 1.5 (1.2–6.1) — — 8.3 (–1.3–25.4) 17.5 (–3.3–100) 68.6 (9.7–100) 12.3 (–13.9–29.8) 22.6 (–24.2–100) 60.1 (13.3–100) 6

Clinical Chemistry 62:2 (2016)

1.4 Active 4.1 (0–14.7) — — — 44.6 (4.1–100) 64.6 (31.4–100) 85.9 (31.8–100) 100 (31.5–100) 100 (34.4–100) 34d
1.4 Placebo 1.4 (1.0–6.1) — — — –0.6 (–17.4–100) 58.4 (9.0–100) –1.6 (–28.7–22.6) 15.1 (–25.2–100) 56.3 (–6.9–100) 6

Data are median (range). For space, table is truncated at decrease from 1.4 h (time point immediately after driving). See online Supplemental Table 1 for full version illustrating decreases between all time points in the time course.
Parameter presented is percent decrease; thus, a negative sign in this table indicates a blood THC concentration increase relative to reference time point’s concentration.
Median calculated concentration during driving, and median time point during driving.
Percent decreases from 0 μg/L blood THC were considered undefined and not included.

Table 3. Blood THC concentrations and percent blood THC decreases from specific time points in 18 participants’ THC-positive sessions (≥1 μg/L during driving) with alcohol,
arranged into categories based on active (2.9% or 6.7% THC) or placebo administered cannabis dose.a

Percent decreaseb (from initial concentration) at subsequent postdose times (%)

postdose Session Initial blood Sessions,
time, h type THC, μg/L 0.42 h 1 hc 1.4 h 2.3 h 3.3 h 4.8 h 6.3 h 8.3 h n
0.17 Active 47.9 (13.0–210) 75.1 (11.5–85.4) 87.3 (45.0–95.9) 91.3 (53.8–97.0) 95.5 (62.4–100) 97.9 (65.8–100) 100 (67.2–100) 100 (61.3–100) 100 (58.9–100) 37d
0.17 Placebo 2.4 (1.6–3.7) 23.6 (–7.3–31.7) 28.1 (–9.7–33.5) 28.9 (2.2–31.9) 38.3 (–26.9–100) 26.1 (–1.1–100) 9.0 (–14.4–39.6) –2.1 (–39.8–32.3) –13.5 (–37.5–29.9) 4
0.42 Active 11.8 (3.1–43.9) — 47.6 (21.7–72.1) 64.5 (43.5–80.1) 83.6 (57.5–100) 89.9 (61.3–100) 100 (63.0–100) 100 (56.3–100) 100 (53.6–100) 37d
0.42 Placebo 1.8 (1.1–4.0) — –1.0 (–7.3–19.0) 6.2 (–1.8–11.5) 17.4 (–18.3–100) 6.6 (–1.8–100) –3.6 (–61.9–26.5) –23.3 (–54.0–0.9) –19.1 (–94.7 to −2.6) 4
1c Active 6.2 (1.8–26.7) — — 29.3 (–4.4–51.4) 65.8 (31.6–100) 78.8 (37.8–100) 100 (40.4–100) 100 (29.7–100) 100 (25.3–100) 37d
1c Placebo 1.6 (1.1–4.1) — — 4.1 (–9.4–10.8) 14.2 (–15.7–100) 6.5 (–14.2–100) –2.6 (–51.0–9.2) –35.5 (–43.5–0.7) –31.0 (–81.5 to −2.8) 4
1.4 Active 4.4 (1.3–18.4) — — — 51.0 (18.6–100) 72.0 (26.0–100) 100 (29.1–100) 100 (16.3–100) 100 (11.1–100) 37d
1.4 Placebo 1.7 (1.1–3.6) — — — 11.7 (–29.7–100) –3.9 (–5.5–100) –7.7 (–67.9–17.0) –37.1 (–59.6–2.6) –32.4 (–102 to −0.9) 4

Data are median (range). For space, table is truncated at decrease from 1.4 h (time point immediately after driving). See online Supplemental Table 1 for full version illustrating decreases between all time points in the time course.
Parameter presented is percent decrease; thus, a negative sign in this table indicates a blood THC concentration increase relative to reference time point’s concentration.
Median calculated concentration during driving, and median time point during driving.
Participant 15’s placebo with alcohol session was reclassified to active cannabis due to a pharmacokinetic profile inconsistent with placebo dose.
Table 4. Blood THC concentrations and percent blood THC decreases from specific time points in 18 participants’ active cannabis sessions without alcohol, arranged into categories
based on presence or absence of residual THC before dosing.a

Percent decreaseb (from initial concentration) at subsequent postdose times (%)

Initial Residual THC
postdose presence/ Initial blood Sessions,
time, h absence THC, μg/L 0.42 h 1 hc 1.4 h 2.3 h 3.3 h 4.8 h 6.3 h 8.3 h n
0.17 Residual THC 37.8 (11.4–137) 74.9 (3.3–89.5) 86.2 (67.5–100) 90.6 (76.1–100) 94.8 (82.8–100) 97.1 (90.9–100) 100 (94.1–100) 100 (94.6–100) 100 (95.0–100) 31
0.17 No residual THC 46.5 (24.3–105) 63.6 (59.1–75.9) 76.6 (70.9–85.1) 83.0 (77.0–89.1) 88.6 (81.6–93.9) 90.4 (84.2–96.9) 92.9 (87.2–97.2) 92.3 (84.2–97.7) 92.7 (84.9–97.5) 5
0.42 Residual THC 10.5 (1.6–40.8) — 48.5 (34.3–100) 66.1 (51.6–100) 81.9 (62.3–100) 88.9 (75.5–100) 100 (82.8–100) 100 (84.2–100) 100 (85.4–100) 31
0.42 No residual THC 17.9 (10.0–30.8) — 35.6 (24.4–44.1) 52.9 (40.2–68.2) 68.7 (52.3–76.1) 73.5 (59.0–87.0) 80.5 (66.9–88.2) 78.7 (59.1–90.3) 79.8 (60.8–89.7) 5
1c Residual THC 5.8 (1.4–16.7) — — 32.3 (3.3–100) 63.8 (42.1–100) 78.9 (62.4–100) 100 (73.5–100) 100 (70.8–100) 100 (75.1–100) 30d
1c No residual THC 13.5 (5.6–19.8) — — 27.0 (21.0–43.2) 51.5 (36.9–59.3) 58.8 (45.8–78.9) 69.7 (53.5–80.9) 69.2 (45.9–84.3) 70.7 (48.1–83.4) 5
1.4 Residual THC 4.0 (0–10.9) — — — 45.3 (4.1–100) 65.9 (31.9–100) 100 (56.1–100) 100 (58.1–100) 100 (51.6–100) 29d
1.4 No residual THC 10.7 (3.2–14.7) — — — 24.7 (20.2–44.2) 40.2 (31.4–71.1) 52.8 (31.8–73.8) 47.5 (31.5–78.5) 55.7 (34.4–77.2) 5

Data are median (range). For space, table is truncated at decrease from 1.4 h (time point immediately after driving). See online Supplemental Table 2 for full version illustrating decreases between all time points in the time course.
Parameter presented is percent decrease; thus, a negative sign in this table indicates a blood THC concentration increase relative to reference time point’s concentration.
Implications of Collection Time on Blood THC

Median calculated concentration during driving, and median time point during driving.
Percent decreases from 0 μg/L blood THC were considered undefined and not included.

Table 5. Percent blood THC decreases from specific time points in 18 participants’ active cannabis sessions with alcohol, arranged into categories based on presence or absence of
residual THC before dosing.a

Percent decreaseb (from initial concentration) at subsequent postdose times (%)

Initial Residual THC
postdose presence/ Initial blood Sessions,
time, h absence THC, μg/L 0.42 h 1 hc 1.4 h 2.3 h 3.3 h 4.8 h 6.3 h 8.3 h n
0.17 Residual THC 49.8 (13.4–145) 74.8 (36.9–85.4) 88.2 (75.2–95.9) 92.0 (78.0–97.0) 96.1 (89.0–100) 98.1 (90.9–100) 100 (91.6–100) 100 (91.6–100) 100 (91.0–100) 30d
0.17 No residual THC 37.0 (13.0–210) 75.1 (11.5–79.1) 85.7 (45.0–87.3) 90.1 (53.8–91.2) 94.0 (62.4–95.5) 95.3 (65.8–96.7) 97.0 (67.2–100) 96.2 (61.3–97.3) 96.5 (58.9–100) 7
0.42 Residual THC 12.0 (3.1–40.9) — 49.9 (27.1–72.1) 65.1 (43.5–80.1) 83.8 (73.0–100) 90.6 (77.6–100) 100 (79.4–100) 100 (79.3–100) 100 (78.0–100) 30d
0.42 No residual THC 11.5 (7.7–43.9) — 39.1 (21.7–51.9) 58.1 (46.5–64.0) 73.9 (57.5–83.6) 81.1 (61.3–88.2) 86.7 (63.0–100) 84.1 (56.3–88.8) 83.3 (53.6–100) 7
1c Residual THC 5.9 (1.8–22.7) — — 28.9 (–4.4–51.4) 67.9 (50.5–100) 83.1 (59.7–100) 100 (63.0–100) 100 (62.7–100) 100 (60.3–100) 30d
1c No residual THC 7.2 (4.2–26.7) — — 31.1 (16.0–34.9) 60.3 (31.6–65.8) 67.1 (37.8–75.4) 77.4 (40.4–100) 73.2 (29.7–81.5) 72.5 (25.3–100) 7
1.4 Residual THC 4.1 (1.3–16.8) — — — 53.4 (20.1–100) 74.6 (33.7–100) 100 (39.1–100) 100 (38.6–100) 100 (34.8–100) 30d
1.4 No residual THC 6.0 (3.2–18.4) — — — 41.8 (18.6–54.4) 54.4 (26.0–67.2) 69.0 (29.1–100) 61.6 (16.3–71.6) 60.1 (11.1–100) 7

Data are median (range). For space, table is truncated at decrease from 1.4 h (time point immediately after driving). See online Supplemental Table 2 for full version illustrating decreases between all time points in the time course.
Parameter presented is percent decrease; thus, a negative sign in this table indicates a blood THC concentration increase relative to reference time point’s concentration.
Median calculated concentration during driving, and median time point during driving.
Participant 15’s placebo with alcohol session was reclassified to active cannabis due to a pharmacokinetic profile inconsistent with placebo dose.

Clinical Chemistry 62:2 (2016) 373

Fig. 2. Median (range) positive blood THC concentrations over time (18 participants; after 0.5 g placebo, 2.9%, and 6.7% THC
vaporized bulk cannabis with and without concurrent alcohol).
Left, Nonalcohol sessions quartiles by median modeled during-drive (⬃1 h postinhalation) THC concentrations irrespective of participant or
dose. Right, Same concentration ranges (matched bins) for alcohol-positive sessions. n, sessions/bin; dotted lines, 2 and 5 μg/L THC.

374 Clinical Chemistry 62:2 (2016)

Implications of Collection Time on Blood THC

blood would be collected after the incident—were con- suspects the benefit of the doubt. Concentrations re-
siderably lower. Unlike alcohol, which displays compar- turned to individual baselines within approximately 4.8 –
atively slow and consistent zero-order elimination kinet- 6.3 h. Residual blood THC concentrations’ fluctuation
ics (30 ) and can be assessed in real time by breath-testing in this study’s participants after placebo cannabis was
instruments (31 ), blood THC concentrations decrease consistent with gradual extended THC release after
rapidly after inhalation, with measured concentrations in chronic frequent smoking (11–13 ). Because of the large
delayed collections not reflecting concentrations present THC body burden, residual THC may be detected in
during driving. This is a crucial consideration in drugged chronic frequent smokers’ blood up to a month after start
driving interpretation and policy development because, of sustained abstinence (LOQ 0.25 ␮g/L) (13 ), raising
in most cases, blood THC concentrations are substan- concerns about the impact of per se on individuals not
tially lower than those present at the time of the incident. acutely intoxicated. Karschner et al. (12 ) reported blood
Substantial inter- and intraindividual variability in can- THC concentrations ⱖ1 ␮g/L after a day’s abstinence in
nabis intake, metabolism, and cannabis use history and 4 of 25 chronic frequent smokers, with 1 individual’s
lack of zero-order pharmacokinetics preclude back- blood THC as high as 7.0 ␮g/L on day 1 and fluctuating
extrapolation used with alcohol concentrations (30 ). For between 2.2 and 3.7 ␮g/L over the following 6 days’
example, we found overlapping THC concentration sustained abstinence. In another study, 1 frequent
ranges later in the time course between quartiles of par- smoker had blood THC ⱖ5 ␮g/L reported as long as
ticipants who had nonoverlapping concentration ranges 129 h postsmoking (32 ). Although evidence suggests
earlier after smoking. Without reliable information partial tolerance to some acute cannabis psychomotor
about time of last intake, cannabis history, administra- impairment effects with chronic frequent intake, not all
tion route, and individual metabolism, it is impossible to effects show tolerance (33–34 ).
determine precisely how much or how rapidly concentra- THC blood concentration decreases and related is-
tions decreased before collection. sues complicate debates over appropriate per se cutoffs
We detected SD of lateral position impairment for DUIC (14 ). Many jurisdictions adopted zero-
comparable to 0.05 and 0.08 g/210 L BrAC at 8.2 and tolerance laws to counteract blood THC pharmacokinet-
13.1 ␮g/L during-drive blood THC, respectively (20 ), ics’ challenges, but increasing medical and recreational
but during-drive concentrations associated with driving cannabis legalization intensifies the debate over zero-
performance results already represented 45%–100% de- tolerance and per se laws for frequent smokers. In our
creases from maximum observed concentrations after ac- study, blood THC concentrations were ⬍1 ␮g/L by
tive cannabis doses. If participants’ blood collection did 4.8 h (1.4 h to ⬎8.3 h) postdose, ⬍2 ␮g/L by 3.3 h
not occur until 1.4 – 4.8 h postdose, median THC con- (0.42 h to ⬎8.3 h) postdose, and ⬍5 ␮g/L by 1.4 h
centration decreases would exceed 90% relative to Cmax. (0.42 h to ⬎8.3 h) postdose (10 ). In cannabis-only fatal
Additionally, in most forensic cases, time since last intake crash cases, blood THC detected at any concentration in
relative to crash or traffic stop is unknown, and the 1.5– 4 drivers was significantly associated with 2.7⫻ greater cul-
h collection delay (5– 6 ) is measured from the time the pability odds, which increased to 6.6⫻ for cases with
incident occurred (rather than last intake). For this rea- blood THC ⱖ5 ␮g/L (35 ). Serum THC concentrations
son, we evaluated percent decreases from concentrations previously showed poor correlation with magnitude of
at other time points as well as 0.17 h (immediately post- neurocognitive performance impairment; however, 2–5
dose) concentrations. If time postinhalation were known, ␮g/L serum THC was associated with significantly
concentration decreases would be most comparable to greater proportions of “impairment” than “no impair-
percent decreases from 0.17 h; otherwise, concentration ment” observations in a critical tracking task (36 ). Sig-
decrease percentages might more closely resemble those nificantly greater impairment proportions in critical
presented for subsequent time points. tracking, stop reaction time, and Tower of London (cog-
Prior frequent cannabis intake history produces the nitive performance) tasks were observed with 5–10 ␮g/L
additional complication of residual THC, as we demon- serum THC. After evaluating epidemiological and exper-
strated. Because subsets of participants with and without imental evidence, an international group of experts (37 )
residual THC for different sessions were not completely suggested appropriate serum per se limits in the 7–10
matched, differences in THC concentration decreases ␮g/L range. Blood/plasma THC ratios vary, but medians
with vs without residual THC could not be directly com- are approximately 0.7 (10 –11, 38 ); thus, these serum
pared. In forensic cases, it is not possible to know whether concentration ranges were comparable to common blood
there was residual THC or not before acute self- per se thresholds. In our data, participants with driving
administration; baseline concentrations are a crucial con- blood THC concentrations associated with impaired lat-
sideration in chronic frequent smokers. The use of more eral control (ⱖ8.2 ␮g/L) (20 ) had median concentra-
conservative decrease estimates (Tables 4 and 5) deter- tions of 2–5 ␮g/L 3.3 h postdose (2 h postdrive); but
mined from the sessions with residual THC would afford median concentrations did not exceed 5 ␮g/L after the

Clinical Chemistry 62:2 (2016) 375

2.3 h postdose collection (without alcohol) or the 1.4 h time. Blood should be collected at the start of any impair-
postdose collection (with alcohol). Thus, for these par- ment evaluation or collected roadside by trained police
ticipants’ driving, applying 5 or 2 ␮g/L per se limits officers.
would identify most impaired drivers only if blood were As legalized medical and recreational cannabis access
collected in the first approximately 2–3 h postdose (ap- expand, residual THC and potential partial tolerance
proximately 1–2 h after simulated drive ended). with chronic frequent intake will be relevant to more
Apart from more stringent per se laws, other possible individuals, further complicating per se debates. An al-
strategies to combat blood THC decreases in DUIC in- ternative is requiring documentation of impairment, or a
clude implementation of alternative matrices testing. combination of statues that includes penalties on the ba-
Dried blood spots or breath collection represent promis- sis of per se or impairment. Decisions regarding DUIC
ing alternatives, due to noninvasiveness and roadside col- legislation are driven by objective scientific data and so-
lections; however, cannabinoid concentrations are low in cietal priorities. Legislative policy is established by soci-
these matrices, and much additional research is required eties’ balance of individual rights vs public safety, a bal-
before either is feasible. Breath detection windows are ance that varies over time.
currently limited to approximately 2 h postsmoking
(39 ), whereas impairing effects may extend beyond this
period. Oral fluid is a promising noninvasive matrix,
with roadside screening applicability and detection win- Author Contributions: All authors confirmed they have contributed to
the intellectual content of this paper and have met the following 3 require-
dows comparable to acute impairment windows if recent ments: (a) significant contributions to the conception and design, acquisi-
use markers are included (40 ). tion of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (b) drafting or revising
the article for intellectual content; and (c) final approval of the published
Conclusion article.
Authors’ Disclosures or Potential Conflicts of Interest: Upon man-
In DUIC, it is crucial to consider sample collection time uscript submission, all authors completed the author disclosure form. Dis-
relative to when the incident occurred. Blood THC con- closures and/or potential conflicts of interest:
centrations measured in forensic cases may be lower than Employment or Leadership: None declared.
common per se cutoffs despite greatly exceeding them Consultant or Advisory Role: None declared.
during driving. Although the interval between traffic stop Stock Ownership: None declared.
and blood collection—and THC concentration at the Honoraria: None declared.
Research Funding: The Intramural Research Program, National Insti-
time of collection—are known, the time of cannabis in- tute on Drug Abuse, NIH, and the US Office of National Drug Con-
take in relation to driving is unknown. There also is in- trol Policy. T.L. Brown, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National
dividual variability around the THC concentration dur- Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
ing driving, and the rate of decrease varies on the basis of Expert Testimony: None declared.
an individual’s intake frequency, metabolism, and elim- Patents: None declared.
Other Remuneration: T.L. Brown, International Association of
ination rate. In our data, THC concentration ranges Chiefs of Police; A.L. Spurgin, International Association of Chiefs of
hours after driving were similar across multiple quartiles Police.
despite there being no overlap in THC concentrations
Role of Sponsor: The funding organizations played a direct role in the
across quartiles during driving. These data provide THC design of study.
concentration decreases over time for documenting de-
creases with delayed blood collection. Improvement in Acknowledgments: We thank University of Iowa Clinical Research
Unit and National Advanced Driving Simulator staff (especially Cheryl
interpretation of blood THC concentrations requires Roe, Jennifer Henderson, Rose Schmitt, Kayla Smith); Dr. Russell
blood collection as soon as possible after the incident or Pierce (VariableSolutions); and Drs. Dereece Smither and Richard
traffic stop due to rapid concentration decreases over Compton, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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