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Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science

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Effects of NAA and vitamin B2 on in vitro rooting of Citrus

Christos Chatzissavvidis a; Chrysovalantou Antonopoulou b; Ioannis Papadakis b; Ioannis Therios b;
Kortessa Dimassi b
Department of Agricultural Development, Democritus University of Thrace, Orestiada, Greece b
Laboratory of Pomology, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece

First published on: 02 July 2009

To cite this Article Chatzissavvidis, Christos, Antonopoulou, Chrysovalantou, Papadakis, Ioannis, Therios, Ioannis and
Dimassi, Kortessa(2010) 'Effects of NAA and vitamin B2 on in vitro rooting of Citrus', Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica,
Section B - Plant Soil Science, 60: 2, 189 — 192, First published on: 02 July 2009 (iFirst)
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/09064710902785300


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Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B  Soil and Plant Science, 2010; 60: 189192


Effects of NAA and vitamin B2 on in vitro rooting of Citrus


Department of Agricultural Development, Democritus University of Thrace, Orestiada 68200, Greece, 2Laboratory of
Pomology, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki 54124, Greece
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The effects of riboflavin combined with a-naphthaleneacetic acid on the in vitro rooting of sour and trifoliate orange
explants were studied. After four weeks in culture, there was a reduction in both the rooting percentage and root length of
sour orange explants. When riboflavin was added to the nutrient medium containing 0.1 mg dm 3 a-naphthaleneacetic
acid, the rooting percentage of sour orange explants was reduced. However, in the treatments containing 1.0 mg dm 3
a-naphthaleneacetic acid the root length increased. Rooting in trifoliate orange explants was not distinctly affected by
riboflavin. Increasing riboflavin concentration in the nutrient medium leads to a) the rooting percentage was affected
(reduced) only in sour orange explants treated with 0.1 mg dm 3 NAA; b) the root length either decreased (0.1 mg dm 3
NAA) or increased (1.0 mg dm 3 NAA); and c) the root number was reduced in most treatments. Finally, it is strongly
recommended that riboflavin in vitro should be extensively studied, as it has immense economic significance for commercial
laboratories when it is added to the nutrient medium with the aim to reduce exogenous auxin levels, rather than transferring
cultures to a growth-regulator-free medium.

Keywords: a-naphtaleneacetic acid, auxin, micropropagation, riboflavin, sour orange, trifoliate orange.

Introduction (Bachelard & Stone, 1962; Drew & Miller, 1989;

Sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) is one of the most Gruselle & Boxus, 1990) or to inhibit root formation
commonly used Citrus rootstocks in the Mediterra- of papaya explants (Drew & Smith, 1986). Further-
nean region (Georgiou & Gregoriou, 1999). Another more, the inclusion of a-naphthaleneacetic acid
is trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata L.), which is a (NAA) in an in vitro medium was found to be
relative of the genus Citrus. Both are used extensively beneficial for the rooting not only of Citrus (Al-Wasel,
in citriculture and are propagated through different 2000; Bordon et al., 2000) but for other species as
procedures. well (Moshen, 2004; Tian et al., 2007).
Micropropagation protocols have been described As the results for other species appear to be
for a number of Citrus species. There have been many variable and contradictory, the present experiment
attempts to improve rhizogenesis by adding growth was conducted in order to investigate the effects of
regulators to the culture medium in various concen- riboflavin in combination with two NAA concentra-
trations and combinations. Furthermore, there are a tions on the in vitro rooting and growth of sour and
great number of possible growth-regulating sub- trifoliate orange explants.
stances which have not been extensively tested
(George, 1996). Little research has been conducted
Materials and methods
concerning the effectiveness of vitamins on in vitro
rooting of Citrus. Riboflavin, occasionally used in Apical shoot tips (1015 mm) of sour and trifoliate
tissue culture media, has been found to stimulate orange were obtained from previous subcultures on
rooting of Eucalyptus, papaya, and walnut explants a full-strength MS (Murashige & Skoog, 1962)

Correspondence: Dr C. Chatzissavvidis, Department of Agricultural Development, Democritus University of Thrace, Pantazidou 193 str., Orestiada 68200,
Greece. Fax: 302552041191. Tel: 302552041113. E-mail:

(Received 6 December 2008; accepted 28 January 2009)

ISSN 0906-4710 print/ISSN 1651-1913 online # 2010 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/09064710902785300
190 C. Chatzissavvidis et al.

medium and were transferred to 10 cm3 of the same (reduced) only by the presence of 1.0 mg dm 3
rooting medium. Riboflavin was added in five con- riboflavin, independently of NAA levels (Figure 2A).
centrations: 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mg dm 3. All The root number per explant was reduced with the
media contained 0.1 and 1.0 mg dm 3 NAA, sucrose addition of riboflavin in the sour orange for both
30 g dm 3, and agar Oxoid No. 3, 6 g dm 3. The pH NAA treatments (Figure 1B), and in the trifoliate
of the media was adjusted to 5.8 prior to autoclaving orange treated with 1.0 mg dm 3 NAA (Figure 2B).
at 121 oC for 20 min. Cultures were maintained at Root fresh weight was negatively affected with the
2691 oC under cool white fluorescent light (Phillips, addition of riboflavin in sour orange explants for both
90 mmol m 2 s1) with a 16 h photoperiod. After NAA levels (Figure 1C), whereas in the trifoliate
four weeks in culture, the microcuttings were sepa- orange it was reduced only in treatment containing
rated into shoots and roots, counted, and weighed. 1.0 mg dm 3 riboflavin and 0.1 mg dm 3 NAA
Each treatment included fifteen replications (culture (Figure 2C). From ANOVA, riboflavin significantly
vessels) with one microcutting in each 25 100 mm affected root number, as well as the root fresh and dry
test tube. weight of the trifoliate orange explants (data not
The ex vitro acclimatization procedure of the shown). It was found that the addition of riboflavin
plantlets was similar to that applied by Shiyab et al. reduced the root length of sour orange explants
(2003). At the end of three weeks, the survival treated with 0.1 mg dm 3 NAA and increased it in
the treatments containing 1.0 mg dm 3 NAA
Downloaded By: [Bahagian Terbitan Bersiri] At: 15:03 17 February 2010

percentage was recorded and plants were transferred

to a greenhouse (Tmin 18 oC, Tmax 38 oC, Tmean 30 oC) (Figure 1D). The same trend was observed in half
for further growth and development. of the riboflavin-treated trifoliate orange explants
The experimental layout was completely rando- (Figure 2D). The greater root length observed in
mized and the experiment was repeated twice. The explants treated with 1.0 mg dm 3 in combination
reported data are the means of the two experiments. with the higher riboflavin concentrations could be
The means were subjected to analysis of variance attributed to the negative correlation between root
(ANOVA) and compared by using the Duncan number and root length. In all treatments, no calli
multiple-range test (P 50.05). developed, the microshoots of both species were
green and vigorous, and new shoots appeared after
their buds burst. Rooted plantlets (7585%) were
Results and discussion
successfully acclimatized and there were no statistical
The addition of riboflavin to the nutrient medium differences in survival percentages among treatments
containing 0.1 mg dm 3 NAA led to a decrease in the (data not shown). The acclimatized plantlets were
rooting percentage of sour orange explants, whereas healthy and were successfully grown in the green-
there was no effect when NAA concentration was 1.0 house.
mg dm 3 (Figure 1A). However, the rooting percen- Riboflavin, like other chemical compounds, is also
tage in trifoliate orange explants was affected used in tissue culture media (George, 1996) but is

Root number
Rooting (%)

100 b A A A A A 4 B
a a 3
50 a a 2 A A
b a A aA
1 a a
0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Riboflavin (mg dm-3) Riboflavin (mg dm-3)
Root length (cm)

Root f.w. (mg)

B AB b
6 B
40 b A B B B
A A 4 a
a a
20 a a a a a
2 A
0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Riboflavin (mg dm-3) Riboflavin (mg dm-3)
Figure 1. Effect of riboflavin and NAA (0.1 mg dm 3 I, 1.0 mg dm3 j) on the rooting% (A), root number per explant (B), root fresh
weight (C), and root length (D) of sour orange at the end of the experiment. Within the same NAA treatment, means followed by the same
letter are not significantly different (Duncan multiple-range test, P50.05).
In vitro rooting of Citrus microcuttings 191

Root number
Rooting (%)
100 B B cB 4
cd B
bc 3
A bc
50 2 B
a b ab A bA
1 a A ab A
0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Riboflavin (mg dm-3) Riboflavin (mg dm-3)
40 8

Root length (cm)

Root f.w. (mg)

30 A
b A 6
b A b A b b B
20 A 4 AB AB
ab ab
10 a 2 A a a
0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Riboflavin (mg dm-3) Riboflavin (mg dm-3)
Figure 2. Effect of riboflavin and NAA (0.1 mg dm 3 I, 1.0 mg dm3 j) on the rooting% (A), root number per explant (B), root fresh
Downloaded By: [Bahagian Terbitan Bersiri] At: 15:03 17 February 2010

weight (C), and root length (D) of trifoliate orange at the end of the experiment. Within the same NAA treatment, means followed by the
same letter are not significantly different (Duncan multiple-range test, P 50.05).

not a basic component of the MS media. In most of regards the sour orange explants treated with 1.0 mg
the treatments reported above, riboflavin either dm 3 NAA (part of which could be photooxidized),
reduced or had no effect on root initiation and in our study a significant part remained stable and
growth of sour orange and/or trifoliate orange was high enough to stimulate rhizogenesis. Similarly,
explants. Our data are consistent with those reported this same NAA concentration in the nutrient med-
by Antonopoulou et al. (2005), who found that the ium led to a high percentage of rooting in the in vitro
effects of riboflavin were deleterious to root initiation cultures of sour orange (Bordon et al., 2000). A
for GF677 (Prunus persica Prunus amygdalus) proposed technique to avoid any possible negative
rootstocks. In contrast, 1.0 mg dm 3 of riboflavin effects that riboflavin may have on rooting is to inject
added to the Driver Kuniyuli Walnut (DKW) media riboflavin onto the agar surface one day following the
promoted rooting of Juglans regia and Paradox establishment of the culture on the rooting medium
microcuttings (Gruselle & Boxus, 1990). In addi- (Drew et al., 1993).
tion, riboflavin promoted rooting of Eucalyptus
explants (Bachelard & Stone, 1962; Trinidade,
1997). Unlike the findings of an experiment with
GF677 explants (Antonopoulou et al., 2005), in the References
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