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From: Douglas Grandt answerthecall@icloud.

Subject:These 'missing charts' may change the way you think—likely you already know
Date:January 2, 2018 at 3:37 PM
To:Darren W. Woods, William (Bill) M. Colton,
Jeffrey J. Woodbury, Susan K. Avery, PhD, Suzanne M. McCarron, Max Schulz
Cc: U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders, Michaeleen Crowell (Sen. Sanders), Katie Thomas, Senator Leahy, Congressman Peter Welch, George Twigg

Dear Darren,
Perhaps you have noticed — I am now on the war path.
You are the object of my affection and tough love letters.
Today, a friend shared a bold quantitative assessment of
global fossil fuel combustion, adjusting for underestimates.
My sharing is moot because your engineers' and scientists'
technical and intellectual expertise assure you already know,
but for your staff’s convenience and to give ready access for
my Senators and Representative, the entire article is attached.
ExxonMobil risks culpability as you have likely turned a blind eye.
Repeating my simple solutions, which I have share with you before:
Your industry must #RetireRefineries #OnePerWeek globally
Sincerely yours,
Doug Grandt

These 'missing charts' may change the

way you think about fossil fuel addiction
By Barry Saxifrage | July 13, 2017 | National Observer |

To address the twin threats of climate change and ocean acidification, nearly every
nation has promised to reduce fossil fuel burning.

But so far, humanity keeps burning ever more. Last year we did it again, burning an
all-time record amount.

That's according to data compiled from the latest "BP Statistical Review of World
Energy." This annual report is one of the most widely used and referenced around
the world. It's big and comprehensive with fifty pages, thirty-three spreadsheets
and forty charts. The report highlights most of the important trends in global
energy. Most. But one critical trend was nowhere to be found....
Conspicuously absent was the basic statistic on fossil fuels that I, as a climate
reporter, was looking for: how much fuel is the world burning each year? Such a
simple question, and the answer tells one of the most important stories in the
world: are we finally turning the corner on our fossil fuel dependency?

To find that missing story, I needed to download and combine multiple BP data
sheets, do the math, and then build my own charts to reveal the trends. Here
(drumroll, please) are the "missing charts" and what they have to say to us…


The missing charts: how much carbon-polluting

fuel is humanity burning?
I built three charts using the compiled BP fossil fuel data. This first chart shows the
total energy consumed from burning fossil fuels each year.

As you can see, the amount we burn continues to rise. Last year humanity set
another fossil fuel energy record of 11.4 billion tonnes of oil equivalent (Gtoe). A
decade ago we were at 10 Gtoe of energy. In 2000, we were at 8 Gtoe.

There is certainly no sign in this chart of a turning point in our relationship to fossil

My next chart uses the same BP data, but this time shows the annual increase
from year to year.

In 25 of the last 26 years, we burned more fossil fuels than the year before.

The only year in the last quarter century with a decrease was 2009. That was
caused by a sharp global recession. And within a year, that rare respite was wiped
caused by a sharp global recession. And within a year, that rare respite was wiped
out by a massive surge that followed.

Sadly, there is no sign of a turning point in this chart either.

Take last year for example. The increase wasn't particularly large, but it wasn't
particularly small either. In fact, it was right in line with the 1990s average. And the
nineties certainly weren't anyone's idea of a retreat from burning fossil fuels. Nor
were they a turning point in our fight against climate change or ocean acidification.
The 1990s were business-as-usual.

Finally, here's a third view of the same BP data. This one illustrates fossil fuels'
share of all global energy. Turning point?

What this chart says to me is that fossil fuels continue to absolutely dominate
global energy consumption. Even a quarter century of global efforts to transition to
safer energy sources was unable to make any meaningful dent in the dominance of
fossil fuels.
Together, these three "missing" charts of BP's fossil fuel data — ever rising
amounts; increasing every year; and maintaining uncontested dominance — paint
a sobering picture of humanity's lackluster response to the growing threat.

As California Governor Jerry Brown lamented in a recent New York Times interview:
"No nation or state is doing what they should be doing. This is damn serious, and
most people are taking it far too lightly than the reality of the threat. You can’t do
too much to sound the alarm because so far the response is not adequate to the

Those three missing charts illustrate our inadequate response quite clearly.
Perhaps that is why BP (an oil & gas company after all) left them out of their report.

Oil, gas and coal: the last five years

I started digging into the BP data because I've read a fair number of articles
proclaiming that a fundamental shift in fossil fuel use is underway, and I wanted to
see it for myself. Unable to find any sign of it in the aggregated fossil fuel data
shown above, I decided to drill down into oil, gas and coal separately.

If we really are at a turning point in our use of fossil fuels then we should be able to
find some sign of it in BP's oil, gas and coal data for last five years. So, let's take a
look at each of those.

I'll start with the biggest of all: oil.


Fossil oil dependency rockets upwards

My chart on the [below] shows the increase in global energy use over the last five
years. Renewables are in green and oil is in black.

Notice any turning point?

To make matters worse from a climate perspective, an analysis by ARC Energy

Institute shows that the oil-efficiency of the global economy has also been getting
significantly worse in recent years. In other words, humanity has reversed course
and is now burning more oil per dollar of GDP with each passing year.

They conclude: "Headlines around electric cars and carbon policy suggest our oil
dependency is on a slippery downward slope. Recent data from 2016 suggests the
opposite: our worldwide addiction is getting stronger."
opposite: our worldwide addiction is getting stronger."

With no sign yet of a turning point in oil burning, let's look at fossil gas.

Surging fossil gas is locking in climate failure

I added natural gas to my chart and...ouch. It seems that the recent increase in
natural gas burning has nearly matched oil's blistering pace.

Indeed, we have increased use of fossil gas far more than we have for the climate
hope twins — wind and solar — combined.

As Bloomberg New Energy Finance sums it up, the "outlook on natural gas is
brighter than ever." BP, Exxon Mobil, Shell and the International Energy Agency
(IEA) have all published reports that agree. Each one projects fossil gas
consumption will keep growing far into our future.
That's certainly bad news for our destabilized climate and oceans. The title of a
new report from Climate Action Tracker highlights the risk: "Foot off the gas:
increased reliance on natural gas in the power sector risks an emissions lock-in."

Their analysis shows that surging investment in fossil gas infrastructure and
production is enough to ensure failure for the Paris Agreement on climate change.

With oil and gas use sprinting rapidly towards climate failure, let's turn to our
attention to the remaining fossil fuel: coal.

At least coal is falling. Or is it?

Adding BP's coal data to the chart finally gives us a glimmer of climate hope in the
bad news. It looks like coal burning has declined in the last few years.
bad news. It looks like coal burning has declined in the last few years.

Or has it? Could those coal numbers be wrong?

Sadly, the more I drilled into them, the more likely it seems that the numbers are
under-reporting what's really being burned.

Here are four maddeningly compelling reasons to be skeptical of a coal downturn:

1. Data: Our atmosphere shows no sign of it.

2. History: China has huge under-reporting problems.
3. Human nature: Growing pressure to under-report and no way to catch it.
4. Money: New coal plant construction is booming worldwide.

Let's look at each in turn.

Reason #1: Our atmosphere shows no sign of it
BP says that the reported decline in coal burning means that global CO2 emissions
have stopped rising. If so, then someone forgot to tell our atmosphere about it.

Instead, CO2 levels in the air have been surging upwards at record-breaking rates.

Here's a chart showing the CO2 increase each year since 1960. Those two tallest
orange bars on the right show that CO2 rose by all-time record amounts in each of
the last two years.

(See related article: Atmospheric CO2 levels accelerate upwards, smashing


Not only is there is no sign of a turning point in our atmosphere, but CO2 levels are
actually accelerating upwards. My next chart shows this clearly:
Scientists are able to measure the levels of CO2 in our atmosphere very accurately.
Atmospheric CO2 data doesn’t rely on unverifiable, self-interested, reports from
industries and nations — like BP's coal statistics do.

Now, it could be that the huge mismatch between our atmosphere and the claims
of coal burners is the result of nature behaving in some new way we don't

On the other hand, it could be the result of humans acting in familiar ways that we
do understand: by under-reporting.

Reason #2: China's problem with under-

reporting emissions
China burns half the world's coal. And China also struggles to accurately measure
and report its emissions.

How inaccurate are China's numbers?

The New York Times recently reported that China's "pollution and energy data can
be unreliable or outright fake."
Widespread accounting problems have become a major issue threatening the roll
out of China's new national carbon market. In other words, they don't trust their
energy accounting enough to rely on it themselves.

An eye-watering example of one of China's past accounting errors happened just a

few years ago. The government revised its 2013 coal estimates upwards by 600
million tonnes per year. Yeah, that's a lot.

To put that into perspective, I've added this amount to my chart as a red arrow. As
you can see, it's double the entire reported global coal decline from the last three

Oh, and before that 2013 revision, China had another gigantic one.

A decade earlier, another big error in China's coal reporting "created an erroneous
impression that China had succeeded in generating economic growth without
increasing emissions." Instead, their coal data was under-reported.
So, are China's more recent coal estimates also too low? Unfortunately it will be a
few more years before we find out because China only reports revisions every five

If their numbers are off by a sizable amount again, it could instantly erase the
supposed global "downturn" in coal. That would bring reported global fossil fuel
emissions more in line with what scientists are measuring in our atmosphere.

China is certainly not the only nation with inaccurate coal numbers. India and
others struggle with this too. Partly it is caused by developing nations' lack of
resources. Partly it is caused by the growing pressure to under-report the numbers,
as we will see next.…

Reason #3: Growing pressure to under-report

and no way to catch it
As the impacts of climate change and air pollution continue to grow worse,
pressure is growing on foot-dragging governments and industries to fudge their
numbers so they appear to be acting more vigorously than they really are.

This is true around the world, not just in China. For example, the metastasizing
Volkswagen emissions cheating scandal revealed a widespread, intentional effort
to under-report emissions on a global scale. And that cheating occurred in a
highly-regulated industry with required verification tests.

Caixin reports on another recent example from China: "Recent Environmental

Ministry inspections found that one-third of manufacturers in northern China had
tampered with emissions data to avoid heavy penalties." There is now a "cottage
industry" to help fake the numbers. That cheating also took place in a regulated
industry that required verification tests.

Now consider coal burning. Pressure is growing to cut back because of toxic air
pollution, the Paris Agreement promises, worsening climate change and the
emerging ocean acidification crisis. Also consider that, unlike those other
examples of cheating, there is no way to verify coal burning claims.

Scientific American warns that the "world needs a way to verify that nations have
made their promised carbon cuts … The current inability to verify that a nation has
made its promised carbon cuts remains a long-standing loophole that experts say
must be closed to make the global pact (Paris Agreement) effective."

The New York Times reported on verification in China: "Like some other nations,
China, the world’s biggest polluter, has refused to accept international monitoring
China, the world’s biggest polluter, has refused to accept international monitoring
of its emissions and says it will provide data to outside observers. In the past,
conflicting data about the country’s energy use has raised questions about
accuracy...Furthermore, there are persistent differences between coal consumption
statistics reported on the provincial and national levels."

Widespread emissions cheating is occurring even in highly regulated areas with

mandatory verification testing. It is even more tempting to under-report coal
burning numbers because they are mostly self-reported and there is no way for
others to disprove the claims.

Reason #4: The global boom in new coal plants

A final reason to be skeptical of a coal downturn is the boom in coal plant
construction worldwide.

If humanity is really at a turning point for coal then why are investors pouring
hundreds of billions of dollars into increasing global coal power capacity by 43 per

That depressing statistic comes from the coal-tracking database compiled by the
German group, urgewald. A recent article in The New York Times makes for
sobering reading and leaves little doubt about the scale and breadth of the
ongoing coal expansion. This global coal boom is being led by Chinese
companies, but they aren't limiting their efforts to China. Nations with no history of
coal burning are about to join the club for the first time.

This mismatch between climate promises to reduce fossil fuels and the financing
being injected into fossil fuels is happening all around the world.

A new joint report led by Oil Change International, "Talk is Cheap: How G20
Governments Are Financing Climate Disaster," adds it all up. "Of all public finance
for energy provided by G20 institutions and the multilateral development banks
between 2013 and 2015...58 percent supported fossil fuel production."

I created the chart [below] from that report's data. It shows the top four nations in
public financing of fossil fuels between 2013 and 2015.

Every one of them poured far more money into fossil fuels than into all other energy
sources combined.

And just look at China. A whopping 90 per cent of government energy spending
went to fossil fuels. The "Talk is Cheap" report says China spent more on coal than
on all non-fossil energy sources combined. Downturn?
Even under former U.S. president Barack Obama, a major proponent of climate
action, the United States spent more public money on fossil fuels than on all
alternatives combined.

Fossil fuels vs climate hope

It's hard for me to see any sign of good news for our future climate or oceans in
BP's latest energy data. There is no sign of a turning point in our dependence on
fossil fuels. Here again is the first of the "missing charts" that shows so clearly our
ever-upward demand for fossil fuels.

Even at the relative level, the burning of fossil fuels continues to overwhelmingly
dominate global energy consumption. Decades of efforts to shift to safer sources
have barely dented fossil fuels' share, which continues to float north of 85 per cent.
When we drill down to recent trends in oil and gas it's even more discouraging.
The burning of both those fossil carbon fuels continues to surge dizzyingly
upwards, out-running the safer alternatives. Reports show that these twin surges
threaten to "lock in" global climate failure.

The one possible point of hope for our climate and oceans is in the data on recent
coal burning. But this data is the most likely to be under-reported. Coal burning
has been spectacularly under-reported in the past. Repeatedly. And now, as
pressure grows, more and more nations and industries stand to benefit by under-
reporting. They face little chance of being caught if they do. That's because the
world lacks any way to verify much of the global coal reporting.

Meanwhile, construction of coal plants continues to boom around the globe and
CO2 levels in our atmosphere continue to accelerate upwards.

If we want hospitable climate and oceans, the fossil fuel data suggests that our
efforts so far are far too little. In the words of California Governor Jerry Brown, "You
can’t do too much to sound the alarm because so far the response is not adequate
to the challenge."

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