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Unidad IX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Unidad X . 39
Unidad XI " . '69
Unidad XII . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 11. . . . . . . . '. !' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Unidad XIII 8"... .... .123
Unidad XIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . e . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . 145
Unidad XV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .!tI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Unidad XVI . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . .. . .. . . '. . . ~ . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

. . UNIDAD IX: .

9.2.2., Complete. Elijaentre las formas am, la, are, W88,were y 'm not, '8 nol~ 're
not, W88n'l,waren'l según lo pida el contexto.

LouisPasteur in France in 1905.

Cervantes the author of "La verdad sospechosa".
MexicoCity 10,000feet abovesea level.
The Statue of Liberw in New York.
Rosas an Argentinean politician.
Hishat Panamenian. It-comesfrom Panama.
John and Peter Louise's brothers, not her cousins.
Mount Everest in Switzerland.
Hernan Cortez in Tenochtitlan in 1514.
The FirstWorld War from 1914 to 1917.
The word chocolate Nahuatl in origino
France and ltaly allies during the Second World War.
Joan ~ofArc French.
PaUI(St. Paul) a Romal)citizen; Peter (St. Peter -
Venus between the Earth and Mars.
Louisiana part of Mexicoin 1521.
DonPortirioDiaz . PresidentofMexicoin 1900.
The Moors in Spain for ten centuries.
We Americans. We livein the American Continente


9.3.1. Complete las respuestas breves.

Was the play'goOO1 Ves.

Were 'you and Atice tired last night1 Ves,
Was I clear in myexplanation1 No,
Were your sisters in Paris last spring1 No,
Was Ted busy at 71 Ves,
. Were the typewriters expansive1 No,
Were you betWeen the ~o boys1 No,
(one person)
Was your cat si.ckyesterday1 Ves,
Were you and your family at the park last
. Saturday1. Ves,
Was Bobby In class this morning1 Ves,
Were the clouds dark1 Ves,
Was Catherine at the party early tonight1 No,
Was the salad in the big bowl? No,
Were the birds in their cages? No,
Were the flowars for his wife1 Ves,
Were we late tor the. first part? No,
Was the baloon high? Ves,
Were the apples red? Ves,
Was I at the library three weeks ag01
I don't remember. No,
Was your aunt sad1 Ves,

9.3.2. Lo que se afirma en el presente, pregllntelo en pasado empleando la
expresiónde pasadoyesterdayy el pronombrecorrespondienteal sujeto. .

. The boys are at the moviese

I am homesick today.
Helen is at the stóre. .
John and Mary are husband and wife'now.
The cats are on the roof.
y ou are pale today. -
Charles ánd I are in charge of the project. .
Joe is responsible for the experimento
The pieces of pie are small.
The wind is cold. -
Margueriteis at home today ~

He and Peggy are calm today.

The clouds are high .today. .
, His drawings are good today.
The wall is dirtv.
, The flowers are withered today.
l. am early today.
The bank is open.
Our peaches are ripe.
Dr. Brown's patient is hungry.
The children are at the beach.
The boóksare here. '

The sky is gray. -

You are funny today. (sing.)
We are wrong today.


9.4.1 ~ Exprese acción en progreso, en presente o en pasado, según lo pida el

contexto. Utilice los! verbos qUé se dan en paréntesis.

The bees busily in the garden now. (world

The potatoes five minutes ago. (boil)
Janice tennis at five yesterday afternoon. (play)
I a salad for dinner now. (prepare)
Mr. Curtis his car yesterday evening.,(wash)
You and Ted , in the lakeat the same time we
to the airport yes~erday.(swim/drive)
They ,weightwith the diet they now.
Mrs. Stevens and her sister the floral centerpieces for the
tai;)lesyesterday. (make)
We Christmas presents for ,the boys and girls of the
orphanage now. (buy)
You- happilytwo minutas ago. (sing)
The river its volume every minute during the storm last
night; (¡ncrease)
Ted a tremendous home run now. (hit)
We the house at seven this morning. (lt is 11 o'clock).
I to a beautiful concert now. (listen)
She the curtains yesterday evening. (iron)
Our secretary the contract now. (type)
Mr. Johnson the pieces of wood yesterday. (assemble)
We letters all morning last Sunday. (write)


9.5.1. Complete las respuestas. Utilicela forma breve y la forma completa. En el

caso de respuesta negativa, estructure una frase afirmativa que amplfe la
respuesta usando como base el verbo entre paréntesis: Use pronombres,

Werethey sandpapering the cabinet? No,

, (clean)
Was a wire causing the short circuit? Ves,
Was I causingyou trouble? (sing.) Ves,
Weretheyexaminigthe traes? No,
. - (prune)
Were you mopping the floor?(plural) Ves,
Was Mr. Kent explainingit clearly? Ves,
Were they showing a film? No,
- (test)
Were you (sing.) nalyzinghis poem? No,
- (correct)
Was the baby crying? Ves,
Were,thedoctorsexaminingJohn? No,
(operate on)
Werewe performingadequately? Ves,

Was the beauticiangivingyoua skin

treatment? Ves,
Was the horsegalloping? No,
- (trot)
Weretheywateringtheirflowers? Ves,
Was I bothering you? (one person) No,


9.5.2. Lo que el habíante (solo o acompaftado) niega de s( mismo, pregúntelo al

oyente (solo o acompaftad(»),y lo que se niega de una tercera persona
singular, pregúntelo de la correspondiente tercera persona plural.

I was not developing the film.

It was not ringing.
We were not solvingthe puzzle.
She was not serving dinner.
It was not stopping at the corner.
He was not training the horses.
I was not drying the dishes.
She was not meltingwax.
He.was not mowing the grass.
We were not trying the ropes.
It was not keeping time corr~ctly.
She was not learningjudo.
He was not cutting the boards.
I was not putting out the fire.
It was' not makingnoise.
We were not dusting the furrdture.
She was not tasting the food.
He was not skating,'
I was not printingthe book.
It was not blending properly.


9.6.1. Guiándose por las respuestas, escriba la palabra interrogativa que falta en
cada pregunta, y escriba también W8So were seg{m corresponda.

they speaking 1 Loudly

Helen watching 1 Mrs. Brown
they playing 1 The guitar
hel My brother' s teacher
John and Peterl Students
Mrs. Petersl At the bank
hitting the windowl The branches of the tree
Mary singing for the presidentl Last night .

Dr. Keller operating onl Our baby

cooling the' room 1 The aiÍ"conditioner
Charles studying 1 Chemical Engineering
Tom sitting 1 Near the window
I doing my workl Excellently
whistling at the girlsl Jim and Ted
the man in the blue car? A laWyer
she cutting flowers? . In the morning
they giving medals to? . To firemen .

you workíngl At an insurance company

the museum exhibiting? Mexican paintings
answering the questionsl The contestants

9.6.2. Ordene las palabras para' estructurar una pregunta con cada grupo.

abovethe buildings .

yesterday noon

you and Alica
last .suriday

your secretary

two yearsago
their friends

the bell
last night
, ,

last season
at the Royal Playhouse

to the party
your brother

in 1969

to her mother
. the flower pots

last night
dining .
you and your wife

reigning .
in England

the menu
last Sunday
for dinner

his brothers

in,the beauty

an hour ago
he '




9.7.1. Completecon la forma adecuada del verbo entre paréntesis, para indicarque
la acción, actitud, carencia, etc., a que se refiere,se ha dado y concluido en
elpasado. .

He-- the lesson.well.(Iearn)

I ten pesos for the gift. (Iack)
We the set today. (complete)
Aclerck . my groceries on the counter. (place)
The boy the newspapers in one hour. (deliver)
Rose a deliciousmeal. (prepare)
I a present for Mike.(wrap up)
Henry the visitto the ruins. (prefer)
Thp.y the five exercises. (repeat)
Theteacher . usdifficultquestions.(ask)
Our chemists a new producto(invef1t)
Hisstudents -- allthe figures. (add)
Yournttlegirl sweetly. (smile)
We custard for dessert. (serve)
The child allthe words correctly. (pronouncé)
y ou the prize. (receive)
Thomas and I the play. (like)
The members of our committee with Senator Smith. (talk)
They my sister yesterday. (call)
The boy his dog's coat carefully.(brush)


9.7.2. Vuelva a escribir cada frase de manera que corresponda a la nueva

expresiónde tiempo que se da para ella.

John is looking at our pictures now.

, Pat studies English.
for two hours yesterday evening.
Jbhn me every day.
two hours ago.
Mark works effjciently.
last night.
We answer his questions carefully.
last week.
I thank you sincerily for your help.
last time.
Our teacher shows us interesting slides
in class. ' thismorning.(ltis3
The school bús passes by Mary's house
. every day. five minutes ago.
My doctor prescribes effective medi-
cines for me. , last winter. .
y ou play golf every Sunday. last Sunday
We practice the piano every Tuesday
and Thursday. 'ast Wednesday too.
He is toasting his sandwich now. an . hour ago.
The dogs foUow their trail every time. last night
Crara stays in our home during her
visits. last semaster.
I am helpingthem. in 1970.
The baby spills his foOO every day. yesterday.
We travel through South America. last year.
Tom likes the menu at that restaurant.
yesterday evening.
The g;rl crosses the road at this point.
, . two minut8S ago.
You rest for two hours every day. yesterday.

La. siguiente es una adaptación de una fábula atribuida a Esopo. Léela
cuidadosamente y luego conteste las preguntas.


A hungryFax was iookingfor somethingto eat, when he heard a Cock

crowing.Heimmediatlylocatedhim,perchedon a high branchwellbeyondreach.
But foxas have the fame of being smart, so our Fax decided to find a way to make
the Cockclh:nbdown. He approachedthe foot of the trae and lookingup to the
Cock,criad:"Goodnews,goodnews,brotherCockl'" .
"Brother Cock?"" repeated the Cock in a questioning tone, and added: "What
is the good news?"
In a very friendly voice, the Fox answered: "King Líon h~s decreed that all
animals shall be brothers and sisters from now on, and that they won't fight any
more. I have come to tell you the news, so that we may rejoice together. Come.
downandwewillcelebrate." -
"1am veryglad to hear the good news," repliedthe Cock, and craning his neck
in the direction of a nearby farm, continued, "and it is a good thing brother Dog is
coming now, that way we can allcelebrate together".
Hearing ihis, the Fox started to leave, and the Cock, with a slightly mocking
tone, asked: "Why, brother Fox,aren'tyou staying for our celebration? Surely you'll
want to congratulate our brother Dog on this universaltruce declared by KingLion".
"Of course", answered the Fox,"1would gladlydo so, but I am afraid he might
not have heard of KingLion's decree", and with this, he started to run as fast as he

What was the Fox doing?
Where was the Cock? -
What did the Fox.decideto do?
What did the Fox cry?
How did the Fox answer the Cock's first question?
According to the Cock, who was coming?
What did the Faxsay he was afraid of ?
How did the Fox start to run?



1. The papers~on the table last night.

2. Elizabethl..!!!!jhe queen of Englandfrom 1558to 1603.
3. The students were ready for the competition at 7 this morning.
(lt is naon nowJ
4. Mymother and my aunt Elisawere beautiful girls.
5. Ted was in our house alllast surnmer.
6. The tables w&reset for one thousand guests.
7. The temperature of the room..!!!!.highyesterday aftemoon.
8. Mr. Morton's secreta,y was efficient two months ago, she is sick now.
9. The boxes..!!!!!.emptyat 12last night. .
10. My grandparents were in Europe during the Second World War.
11. Grace W81at a party at 8 yesterd~y evening.
12. He W8Sa soldier in 1919.
13. IW88busy yesJerday.
14. You were in New York City in 1971.
15. They.!!!!!t optimisticlast spring. .
16. The tigers.!!!!! in their cagesat the circus yesterday moming.
17. The sky W8I very dark at 5 this moming. (lt is 9 a.m. now.)
18. We were interested in the project lest week.
19. Tom.!!!!,here two minutes ago.
20. You and Helen..!!!!!,near the drugstore at 5 p.rn.last Sunday.


9.1.2. .

1. The students 8re inclass now.

2. IJ!!!!.Mexican.
3. Our ear..!!!! out of order last week.
4. You w&resilent allevening yesterday.
5. Maryand Alice.!!!.inTabasco now.
6. The boy Isbeside the window now.
7. We were rich fiveyears ago.
8. Yoürdr8SsJ!.veryelegant. llike it.


.. ~
9. Mrs. Kingston's birds.!!!!!nenious \(esterdayaftérnoon.
10. Thegames..!!!!!.interesting
lastseason. '

11. Flowers..!!:!.beautiful.
12. Thomas Morewas a Chancellorto KingHenryVIIIof England.
13. MyEnglishbooks..!!!.easy,this semester;,
14. The room is dark. Turn on the lights.
15. The soup is delicious. Please give me more.
16. Cicerowas a Rom,anConsul in the year 64 b.C.
17. The rain is hard now. Don't 90 out.
18. Mysister and t were in Europe two summers ago.
19. The inspectors are in the bank nOw.
20. Picasso's paintings were on exhibitionat our museum last fall.



1. Helen is sick now.

\ She was nol sickyesterday.
2. 'We are interested in the film, We were interested in the film about art
about art this afternoon. yesterday afternoon.
3. Thepainting is ruined now. ,11was not ruined an hour ago.
4. Mother is ir.France now. She was not in France last Friday.
'5. Thestars are brighttonight. They were nol brighl last night.
6. His s!ster is the secretary 01' our She was not the secretary of ollr club
club this year. last year.
7. Mrs.Benson, our teacher, is satis- She was not satisfied with our work
fied with our ,work this week. two weeks ago.
8. Mary is at the beauty parlor now. She, was not at the beauty parlor ten
minutes ago.
9. Mrs.Tennyson is tat now. She wasnot fat in 1970.
10. Bertha Charlston is a beautician.
She was not a beautician last year.
11. The glass is full01wine. It was nOIlult 01wine five minutes ago.
12. We are sleepy. We were not sleepy last night.
13.' My friend Louise is in Athens. She was not in Athens last winter.
14. Thepresentsare heretoday. They were nol here yesterday. .
15. Thepilotis in his cabin~ He was nOI in his cabin .this morning.
16. The wi'ndiscold now. It was not cold yesterday.
17. The baby is restless now. 1Iwas nol restless an hour ago.
18. The packages are open now. They were nol open before the party
yesterday. .
19. The cream is sour. 1I was not sour early this evening.
20. Hiscompanyisprosperous. 1Iwas nol prosperous in 1965.





Louis Pasteur w88n't in France in 1905.

Cervantes w8an't the author of "La verdad sospechosa"
Mexico CitV'8'not 10,000 feet above see level.
The Statue of Liberty la in New Vork.
Rosas ""as an Argentinean politician.
His hat 18Panamenian. It comes from Panama.
John and Peter 8re Louise's brothers, not her cousins.
'Mount Everest's not in S",!itzerland.
Hernan Cortez wasn't in Tenochtitlan in 1514.
The First World War was from 1914 to 1917.
The word chocolate 18Nahuatl in origino
France and ltaly weren'. alties during the Second World War.
Joan of Arc.!!!! French.
Paul (St. Paul) W8Sa Roman Citlzen; Peter (St. Peter) wa8n t.
V$nus Isn't between the Earth and Mars. .

Louisiana w88n't part 01 Mexico in 1521.

Don Porfirio DiazJ!!!.President of Mexico in 1900.
The moors weren't in Spain for ten centuries.
We '8~eAmericans. We Uvein the American Continente


Was the play goOO1 V~, ItW88.

Were you and Atice tired last night1 Ves, we were.
Was I clear in my explanation 1 No, you weren't.
Were your sisters in Paris last spring1 No, they weren't.
Was Ted busy at 71 Ves, he W88.
Were the typewriters expansiv~1 No, they weren't.
Were you between the two boys? No, I waan't. (one person)
W~s y~ur cát slck yesterday1 Ves, it waa.
Were 'you and your family in the park last
Saturday? . Ves, we were.
Was Bobby in class this morning? Ves, he W8S.
Were the clouds dark1 Ves, they were.
Was Catherine at the .party early tonight1 No, she wasn't.
Was the,salad in the big bowl? No, It wasn't.
Were the birds in their cages1 No, they weren't.

Were the flowers tor his wife1 '(es, Ihey were.
Were we late tor the first part1. No, YOUweren't. (or No, we
Was the balloon high1 Yes, Itwas. .

Were the apples red1 Yes, they were.

Was I at the librarythree weekS ag011 don't
remember. No, you weren't.
Was your aunt sad1 Yes, she was~


The boys are at the movies. Were they al the movies yesterday?
Iam homesick today. Were youhomeslck yesterday?
: Helen is at the store. Was she at the store yesterday?
John and. Mary are husband and wife . Were they husband and wife yesterday?
The cats are on the roof. Were they on the roof yesterday?
Youare pale today. Was IlN'le yesterday?
Were. you In charge 01 the pro;ect
Charles and I are in charge of the project
Joe is responsible tor the experimento Was he responsible for the experiment
The pieces of pie are small. Werethey smallyesterday1
The wind is cold. Was It cold yesterday?
Marguerite is at home today. Was she at home yesterday?
He and Peggy are calm today. Were they calm vesterdav?
The clouds are high today. Were thev hiQhvesterdav?
Hisdrawings are good today. Were they good yesterday?
The wall is dirty. . Was It dlrtv vesterday?
The tlowers are withered today. , Were thev withered vesterdav?
Iam early today. Were vou earlv vesterday? .
The bank is open. Was it opan yesterday? .

Our peaches are ripe. Were they ripe yesterday?

, Dr Brown's patient is hungry.
The children,ara at the beach.
Was he hungry yesterday? (or Was she.).
the beachyesterday? .
The books are here. Were they here yesterday?
The sky is gray. Was It gray yesterday?
Youare funny today: . Was I tunny yesterday?
We are wrong today. Were you wrong yestarday?' (or Were


The bees are working busily in the garden now. (work)

The potatoes were bolling five minutes ago. (boíl)
Janiee was plaving tennis at five yesterday afternoon. (play)
I am preparing a salad for dinner no"". (prepare)
Mr. Curtis W8S washing his ear yesterday evening. (wash)
Vou and" Ted were swimming in the lake at the same time we Were drlvlng to the
airport yesterday.(swim/drive) "

They are losina weight with the diet they are foOowlng now. (lose/follow)
Mrs. Stevens and her sister were making the floral centerpieces for the tables
We are buying Christmas presents for the boys and girls of the orphanage now.
You were singing happily~o minu,tesag~. (sing)
The Tiver was increasing its volume every minute during the storm last night.

Ted is hitting a tremendous home run now. (hit)
We were cleaning the house at seven this morning. (lt is 11 o'elock) (elean)
I am listening to a beautiful eoneert now. (listen) .
She was ironing the eurtains yesterday evening. (iron)
Our seeretary la typing the eontraet now. (type)
Mr. Johnson waa assembling the pieees of wood yesterd~y. (assemble)
We were writing letters all morning last Su~day. (write)

" 9~5.1.

Weretlley sandpapering the eabinet? No,the, weren't.

ihe, were cleaning 11. (elean)
Was a wire causing the short eireuit? Ves, it was.
1Iwas causing it.
Was I eausing you trouble? Ves, ,ou were.
You were causing. me trouble.
Were they examinig the trees? No, Ihe, weren't.
ihe, were pruning Ihem. (prune)
Were YOIImopping the floor? (plural) Ves, we were.
We were mopping it.
Was Mr Kent explaining it elearly? Ves, he was.
He was explaining"it clearly.

Were they showing a film? No, they weren't.
They were testing it. (test)
Were you analyzing his poem? No, 1wasnJ.:.--
1was correcting it. (correct)
Was the baby crying? Ves, it was.
It was crying. (o, he, or she)
Were the doctors examinigJohn? No, they weren't.
They we,e operating on him.
Were we performing adequately? Ves, you we,e..(or Yes, we were)
You (we) were perfoming ade-
quately. .

Was the beautician giving ydu a skin treat- Ves, she (he) was.
ment? She (he) was giving me a skin.
Was the horse galloping? No, it was'!'t.
-It was trotting. (trot)
Were they watering their flowers? Ves, they were.
They were watering their flowers. .
Wasl bothering you? (one person) No, you weren't.
You were h~lping me. (help)


Iwas not developing. the film. V\{ereyou developing.the film?

It was not ringing. Were they ringing?
We were not solving the puzzle. Were you soiving the puzzle?
She was not serving dinner. Were they serving dinner?
It was not stopping at the comer. Were they stopping at the corner?
Hewas nottrainingthehorses. ' . Were they training the horses?

Iwas not drying the dishes. Were you drying the dishes?
She w~s not melting wax. Were .hey malting wax?
He was not mowing the grass. Were they mowing the grass?
We were not trying the ropes. Were you trying the ropes?
It was not keeping time correctly. Were they keeping time correctly?
She was not learning judo. Were they learningjudo?
He was not cutting the boards. Were they cutting the boards?
Iwas not putting out the fire. Were you putting out the fire?
It was not making noise. Were they making noise?

32 J'
We were not dusting the fumiture. Were you duatlng"the fumlture?
She was not tasting the food. Were they tasting the"foocll
He was not skating. Were they skatlngl .

1was not printing the book. Were you printlng the bookl
It was not blendingproperly. Were they blendlng properlyl .

9.6. 1.

How were they speaking1 Loudly.

Whom W81Helen watching1 Mrs. Brown.
What werethey playing1 The guitar.
Who was he? My brother's teacher.
What were John and Peter? Students.
Where wa8 Mrs. Peters? At the bank.
What.was hitting the window? The branches of the tree.
When wal Mary singing for the president? Last night.
Whom was Dr. Kelleroperating OO? Our baby.
What was cooling the room? The air conditioner.
What wai Charles studying1 ChemicalEngineering.
Where wal Tom sitting1 Near the window.
How wasl doing my work1 Excellently.
Whó was whistling at the girls1 Jim and Ted.
What was the man in the blue ear? A I8wyer.
When wal she cutting the flowers? In the morning.
Whom were they giving medals to? To firemen.
Where were you working1 At an insurance company.
What was the museum ~xhibiting1 Mexican paintings.t
Who wal answering the questions? The contestants.


above th~ buildings

yester~ay noon
what What wasshlnlngabove the buUdingsyest~y noon1

you and Alice
last Sunday How were you and Alice traveling last Sunday?
your secretary
was When was Doris your secretary?
two years ago
their friends
'were Where were their friends studying two years ag01
the bell
. at your house
ringing Who was ringing the bell at your house last night?
last season
at the Royal Playhouse
who Who was performing at the" Royal Playhouse last season 1
to the party
. escorting
your brother
whom Whom was your brother escorting to the party?
in 1969
what What were they in 19691
to he'rmother '

the flower pots
. ' !
How was Helentaklng the flower pots to her mother?

last night
you and your wife
where Where were you and your wHe dlnlng last nlght?
reigning ,

in England
in 1869
who Who waa relgnlng In England In 1889
the menu
last Sunday
tor dinner
what What .e8'the menu for dlnner last'Sunday?
when .
hisbrothers When were hl. brothera .wlmming al Ihe lake?
you ,

in the beauty
whom Whom were YOUadmirlna In the beuatv contest?

an hour ago
was How wa. he feelina an hour aao?


He learned the lesson well. (learn)

IJacked.ten pesos tor the gift. (Iack)
We complAtAdthe set today. (complete)

A clerk placed my groceries on the counter. (place)
Theboy delivered the newspapers in Qne hour. (deliver)
Rose DreDareda delicious meal. (prepare)
IwraDDed up a present for Mike. (wrap up)
Henry prefened the visit to the ruins. (prefer)
They reoeated the fiveexercises. .(repeat)
The teact)er u.kId. us difficult question::¡. (ask)
Our chemists invented -anew producto (¡nvent)
His students ad.d.edall the figures. (add)
Your little girl smiled sweetly. (smile)
We served custard for dessert (serve)
The child pronounced all the words correctly. (pronounce)
You received the prize. (receive)
Thomas and Uiked the play. (like)
The members of our committee talked with Senator Smith. ttalk)
They calledmy sister yesterday. (call) ,
The boy brushed his dog's coat carefully. (brush)

John is looking at our pictures now. John looked at our pic-

tures yesterday.
Pat Studies English. Pat studiedEnglish . for
two hours yesterday eve-
John talks to me every day. John talked to me two
hours ago.
Mark works efficiently. Mark worked efficiently
last night.
We answer his questions carefully. We answered his ques-
tions carefu"y last week.
Ithank you sincerily for your help. I thanked you sincerily
for your help last time.
Our teacher shows u,s interesting slides in class. Our teacher showed us
interesting slidesthis
morning. (lt's 3/
The school bus passes by Mary's house every day. The school bus palsad
by Mary's house five mi-
nutes ago.
My doctor prescribes effective medicines for me. Mydoctor prescñbed.
effective medicines ter
!!!.Iast winter.
You play golf ever¡ Sunday. You playedgolf last
We practice thepiano everv Tuesday and Thursday.
We practiced. the plano
last Wednesday too.
He is toasting his sandwich now. He loasled his 88R~ .

an hour ago.
The dogs follow their trail every time. The dógs tollowed theIr
traUlast night.
Clara stays in our home during her visits. ClaraItayeclln our home
durlng her vlaitslast
semester. .

1am helping them. I helped them in 1970.

The baby spills his food every day. The baby .11ad hls food
We travel through South America. We travelledthrough
South AmerlcaIast year.
Tom likes the menu at that restaurant. Tom Uke4the menu at
thal restaurant yesterday
The girl crosses the road at this point. The al,. cl'088eclthe road
at thls poInt two minutes
y ou rest for two hours every day. Yourestad tor two hours



What was the Fox doing? Hewaslooldng for somethlng lO881. .

Where was the Cock? perched on a hlgh branch .eI beyond reech.
What did the Fox decide to do? He declded to flnd a way lo malte the Cock cBmb
What did the Fox cry1 He crled: UGood new., good news, brother CO'CkF
How did the Fox ~nswer the Cock's tirst question? In a very frlendly voIce.
Accordingto the Cock,who was coming1 The doga
What did the Fox say he was afraid of1 He..1d he was afrakI the Doti mlght not
. haveheardot lOnaUon'. decree.
How did the Fox start to run? He lt8rted lo run as f88t as he couIcI.

- - : : ;..-' -

10.1.1. Loque se niega del sujeto en el momentOdel habla, affrmesecomo pasado

. concluido. Use pronombres en sustitución- de los sujetos.

YoUare not running now.

an hour ago.
We are not going to the movies now.
yesterd~y evening.
Iam not wearing my new dress now.
at the party last night.
Mrs.Tayloris not spreading the icingon
the cake. flVeminutes ago.
I am not thinking abqut the problem
now. aUnight last night.
They are not quitting their jobs now. an hour ago.
The children are not weaving baskets
now. last week.
The concert is not begining now.
ten minutes ago.
My dogs are not shedding hair.
last month.
They are not leaving the city now. t
an hour ago.
The boy is not doing his homeworknow.

. the floor now. . o

She not sweeplng
not paying now. . fifteen minutes ag. flV8minútes ago.
We are not bringingthem now. . before.
The city ~s not building a new school.
last semester.
Charles and Bob are not buying flowers
for their girl friends. yeSíerday evening.
Iam not giving him juice now.
three hoUrsago.
The 'boys are not swimming In the river.
o . last Saturday.
He is oot driving his new caro
She is not speaking to us now~ .
ten minutes ago.


10.1.2. . Complete. Gurese por los dibujos. Todas las acciones representadas han
concluido en el pasado.

He t~e rlbbon ten minutas ago.

The boy -_: ...:- . an Ice cream cone for

one peso yesterday evening.

The chlld~- behind the tree


I the apple, she sUced the

.banana thia mornlng. .(lt la 3 p.m. now)

~ -- ..,..,
Mrs. Lee
last month.
her baby a sweater

She the children arjtbmetic in

The winc!t ';furiously 'Iast night.

, ~,¡?
, ,~ Alice. for two hours yesterday.


Mary Bob a letter last Sunday.

The phone for a long time

yesterday aftemoon.
We the program to Europa last

You salad for dinner yesterday


We birds near the fa~tory

The birds -- near the factory
chimneys yesterday.

Dottie her doll an hour ago.

You -~ your coat in the closet las1

. night.


10.2.1. Niegue en la pñmera oración, con yesterda" 'lo que se afirma en la segunda
con this moming, this noon, ete. .
We closed the windows this morning:
They took the medicine this morning.
Igot the news this noon.
She copied, the lesson this evening.
She read magazines this aftemoon.
Icooked dinner this evening.
y ou answered correctly this morning.
We ate fish this noon.
She drove my car this afternoon.
He phoned Betty this morning.
They gave us money this noon. '
y ou wasted foOOtonight.
I cleaned out my desk drawers this
He brought a visitor this evening.
tNe drew pictures this after oon.
y ou bought ,tomatoes this noon.
She washed clothes this morning.
He lost his watch this evening.
We wrote to the Governor this morning.
y 00 studied your lesson this afternoon.
They wanted milk this morning.
He froze the meat this morning.
She typed the letters this morning.
It ba.rked this evening. .
I received a letter tOOay.


- .' ~.. - ..-


10.2.2. Guiándose por los dibujos, complete cada frase para indicar acción
concluidaen el pasado.

He the newspaper yesterday.

She the newspaper yesterday.


They a tree last week.

We-- a trae lastweek.

He a taxi yester~ay..

.. ,. .I'I~..~. -.. .,

Hisson a taxi yester(Jay.

You the piano last night.

the piano last night.

The dog last night.

The cat last night, it meowed.

He the ball ten minutes ago.

You the ball ten minutes ago. .

Helen her ha ir last night.

Henry -- his hair last night.

. '1' o;¡r
~- .

You a book five minutes ago.


"I a book five minutes ago.

They on' the sofa yesterday evening.


jJ ~
~"''':V ' ..,~: ;;
~ " "

':" ,
I "ho.'"
We on the sofa yesterday evening.

She her father yesterday.

He his father yesterday.


10.3.1. Conteste guiándose por los dibujos. (Todos representan la acción, actitud,
etc., en pasado.)Refuerce'la afirmacióno negación breve con la afirmación
o negacióncompleta.

Didyou bite t~ apple?

Oid they ride on a hórse?

Did they watch television

Oíd I tear my dress?

Oid the boy hit the ball?

bove the .AA..
Didtheblrdsfya ~ -..,~
clouds? .~~
Oid she type her letter?

Did he wear a hat?


--. ... - - - .. ....


10.3.2. Loque se niega en función del complemento dado -pregúntelo en función

del complemento que aparece entre paréntesis. Utilice pronombres en
sustitución de los nombres. Observe la inclusión de las formas W8Sy were.

Ididn't see Alice. (Janice)

Bertha didn't prepare cocoa. ,(coffee)
We didn't stop at a restaurant. (gas s tation)
You didn't study lesson five. (lesson four)
The boys weren't drinking wine. (Iemonade)
The children didn't draw circles. - (squares)
. The doctor didn't cut the bandages. (the s~itches)
We didn't break the lamp. - (the vase)
-Charles didn't lose his coat. (his sweater)
We didn't hear the news last night. (the music)
The baby was not eating vegetables. - (fruit)
y ou weren't here at seven. (at church)
Ididn't hide behind the piano. - (the sofa')
She didn't buy a mini-skirt. (maxi-skirt)
They weren't. hungry. - (thirsty)
Mrs. Lee didn't wash last Monday. (last Tuesday.)
The men didn't ride bicycles., (motorcycles)
The dog didn't run in the park. (in the yard)
The house wasn't white. - (pink)
The orchestra didn't play Beethoven. (Wagner)


10.3.3. Loque seafirma de I pregúntelo de you, lo que se afirme'de he pregúntelo

de she, y lo que se afirme de we, pregúntelo de they. I

He studied Chinese.
I answered a questionnaire.
We passed by the drugstore.
I swept five rooms.
We brought flowers to her.
He walked to the bus stop.
We danced for fivé hourS.
We drank hot chocolate.
He cleaned the windows.
I went to the market.
He took records to the party.
We spoke to her children.
I wore a hato
I studied arto
He watched the game.
He finished the story.
I felt happy.
We won a contesto
He stood by the window.
We discovered the truth. .


10.3.4. Loque se afirmacomo presente preg6ntelo en pasado utilizandoyestarday

yel pronombre correspondiente al sujeto. Observe la inclusiónde am, 18,are,
wa8y were. .

80b works from 8 to 12 every day.

Mymother is in Guadalajara.
Theirdresses are clean.
We listen attentiVely to our teacher.
They wash the vegetables everyday.
The station transmits a sPeCialprogram
every noon.
you Prepare a salad every evening.
lam tired today.
Th~ sun, shines brightly here every day.
Birdssing earlyevery morning. .

We speak to them every noon.

She. cuts flowers every morning.
You are happytOclay.
Tom writes aletter every day.
We come to school every day.


10.4.1. Guiándose por las respuestas, complete las preguntas. Observe la inclusión
de lasformas W8Sy were. .

the fire? A cigarette butt causad the fire.

reservations? They made the reservations last sum-
? The concert bagan at 9 p.m.
the meal? Louise cooked the meal.
the solution? The chemist prepared the solution eare-
fully. .
on top of the tree? BiII's Kite was on top 01 the tree.
la~tnight? I visited the Taylors last night.
the pipe? A piece of gum was obstructing the
the contest? Grace Morton won the contesto
the newspaper? I left the newspaper 011 my dresser.
the windshield? The change in temperatura broke the'
winshield. .

a doctor? She became a doctor in 1971.

at the market? ,We bought pineapples and orenges at
the market.
yesterday? She felt tired yesterday.
in the livingroom? A beautiful cpaintinghung in the living
room. .
his car? Mark's sister drove his ear.
the house? The house was on top 01 the hUi.
? Mariekissed her baby.
the furniture? Ann and her cousin were .cleaning the
last week? Mrs. lee made a dress.last week.


.;. - .. '-.. ~a

10.4.2. Ordene las palabras para estructurar una pregunta con cada grupo.
Agreguedo, does, did, am, is, are, was o were donde ,sea necesario.

. building

five minutes ago
the papers

their paintings
every year

in hisgarden
yesterday morning'

you and Miiry
last Monday

over the hills

yesterday evening
at what time
to them

the president
on the radio

last month

Mf.Clarkand Mr.Lee

their scholarship
last year

at what time
to the movies
your parents

the guitar

to your girl mend

in 1492

Lea c~idadosamente la siguiente fábula y después conteste las preguntas.


It was a nice afternoon, warm and sunny. A little mouse was running happily in
pursuit of a yellow butterfly, when he stopped accidentally on the paw of a big lion
who was taking his afternoon nap. I .'
The 'Iion was not in the mood for a playful mouse. He instantly raised his other
paw and brought it down swiftly' to catch the little mouse by its long tail.
The mouserealized the extreme danger in which he was. T~rrified, he begged
thelion to let him go. "Please, King Lion" he said, "it was an accidente How could I
want to bother your majesty?" ,
The lion's only'answer was a tremendous roar, and the little mouse beca me
more frightened. He tried to free his tail, but the strong grip ,01th'e lipn didn't let him
move an inch. Trembling, he continued:~.uYour majesty is powerful and noble, 1'am
an insignificant and miserable creature, why waste effQrt on me?"
But the lion seemed intent on his purpose. He was about to bite his' poor
prisoner, when he hei\lrd something thatmade his jaws open astonishment. "King
lion" said the little mouse, "1,propose a deal': if you let me free, I will save your life
someday". The lion found his little prisoner so amusing that he let him scape.
One day, several weeks later, the little mouse was running in and out .01 the
forest, when he heard a loud and'distressing roar. He went to investigate. It was the
lion. He was caught in a hunter's net, and all his efforts to get, free were useless. The
little mouse knew what to do. He bagan to gnaw at the ropes of the net and soon
the lion was free to,go. Thus the proud King of the Forest was saved by the humble
mouse at whom he had laughed before.


What did the littlemouse do accidentally?

Who was not in the mood'for a playfulmouse?
What did the mouse realize? -
What was the lion's only answer?
What did the mouse try ~odo? -
Accordingto the mouse's words, what is the lionlike?

What did the mouse propose to the lion?

Where was the lion caught? -
What did the mouse begin to do?
Who saved the proud Kingof the Forest?



You are not running now. y ou ran an hour ago.

We are not going to the movies now. We went to the movies yesterday
evening. \

I am not wearing my new dress now. 1 wore my new dress at the party last
Mrs.Taylor is not spreading the icingon She spread the icing on the cake five
the cake. . minutes ago.
I am not thinking about the problem 1thought about the problemalllast night
They are not quitting their jobs now. They quit their jobs an hour ago.
The children are not weaving baskets The children wove basket. last week..
The concert is not beginingnow. It began ten minutes ago.
Mydogs are notshedding hair. They shed ha ir last month.
They are not leaving the city now. They left the city an hour ago.
The .boy is not doing his homework He did his homework yesterday evening.
Mrs. Kent is not sweeping the ffoor now. . She swept the Iloor fifteen minu.tes ago.

She is.not paying now. She paid five minutes ago.

We are not bringing them now. We brought them before.
The city is not building a new school. It built a new school last semester.
Charles and Bob are not buying flowers They bought f~owersfor their girl-friends
for their girl-friends. yesterdayevening.
Iam not givifJg him juice now. 1gave him juice three hours ago~
The boys are not swimming in the river. They swam in the "ver last Saturday.
He is not driving his new caro He drove his new car yesterday.
She is not speaking to us now. She spoke to us ten minutes ago.


He CLltthe ribbon ten minutes ago.

The boy bought an ice cream con e for'one peso yesterday'evening.

The child hid behind the tree yesterday.
I bit (or ate) the apple, she sliced the banana this morning. (lt is 3 p.m. now)
Mrs. Lee knit her baby a sweater last month.
She taught the children arithmetic in 1972.
The wind blew furiously IEJstnight.
AUceswam for two hours yesterday.
Mary wrote Bob a letter last Sunday.
The phone rang for a.long time yesterday afternoon.
We broadcast (ed), (or transmitted) the program to Europe last December.
Vou had (or'ate) salad for dinner yesterday evening.
We saw birds near the factory chimneys yesterday.
The birds flew near the factory chimneys yesterday.
Dottie broke her doll an hour ago.
Vou hung your coat in the closet last night.



We didn't close the windows yesterday. We closed the windows this morning.
They didn't takethe medicine yesterday. They took the medicine this morning.
Ididn't get the news yesterday. I got the news this noon. .

She didn't eopy the lesson yesterday. She copied the lesson this evening.
She didn't read inagazines yesterday. She read magazines this afternoon.
Ididn't cook dinner yesterday. I cooked dinner this evening.
You didn't answer eorrectly yesterday. Vou answered correctly this morning.
Wedidn'teat fishyesterday. . We ate fish this noon.
She didn't drive my ear yesterday. She drove my car this afternoon.
. He didn't phone Betty yesterday. He phoned Betty this morning.
They dind't give us money ye~terday. They gave us money this noon.
You didn't waste food yesterday.
. Vou wasted food tonight.
I didn't elea,:, out my desk drawers I cleaned out my desk drawers this
yesterday. . afternoon.
He didn't bring a visitor yesterday. He brought a visitor this evening.
We didn't draw pietures yesterday. We drew pictures this afternoon.
You didn't buy tomatoes yesterd,ay. Vou bought tomatoes this noon.
She didn't wash elothes yesterday. She washed clothes this morning.
He didn'tlose his w8teh yesterday. He lost his watch this evening.
We didn't write to the Governor We wrote to the Governorthis morning.
yesterday. .

You didn't study your lesson yesterday. Vou studied your lesson this afternoon.
They didn't want-milk yesterday. They'wanted milkthis morning.

He didn't freeze the meat yesterday. He froze the meat t.hismorning.
She didn't type the letters Y8sterday. She typecf the letters this morning.
It didn't barkyesterday.' It barked this evening. '

1didn't receive a letter yesterday. I received a letter today.


He read the newspaper yesterday.

ShidiCin't read the newspaper yesterday.
They cut down (or chopped) a tree last week.
We didn't cut down (or chop) a tree last week.
He drove a taxi yesterday.
His son didn't drive a taxi yesterday.
You played the piano last night.
I didn-:¡p¡&y-the piano last night.
The dog barked last night. .
The cat didn't bark last night, it meowed.
Hekickedthe ballten minutes ago. .

y o~t kick the ball ten minutes ago.

Helen brushed her hair last night.
Henry didn't brush his hair lastnight.
y ou opened a book five minutas ago.
Ididn't open a book five minutes ago.
They sat on the sofa yesterday evening.
We di(iñit sit on the sofa yesterday evening.
She kissed her father yesterday.
He didn't kiss hisfather yesterday.

10.3.1. .

Did Martwork in the kitchen? Ves, she did.

She worked In the kitchen.
Did you bite the apple?' No, I dldn't.
I didn't bite the apple.
Did they ride on a horsé? No, they dldn't.
They didn't ride on 8 horse.
Did the children play in thepark? . y 88, t"ay did~
They played In the park.

Did they watch television last' night? No, they dldn't.
They dldn't watch televl8lon last nlght.
Did I tear my dress? Ves, you dld..
You tore your dl'888.
Did the boy hit the ball? Vea, he dld.
He hit the baII.
Did the birds fly above the clouds? Ves, Ibey dld.
They fIew above the cIouds.
Did she type her letter? No,.e didn't.
. She dldn'l type her letters
Didheweara hat? Ves, he dld. .

He wore a hato


I didn't sea Alice. . Did you 888 Janlce? (Janice)

Bertha didn't prepare coc~. DId she prepare coffee? (coffe)
We didn't stop at a restaurant. Did you stop at a 988 stiitlon?
(gas station)
Yóu didn't study lessonfive. Did I study Iesson tour? (Iesson four)
The boys weren't drinking wine. Were tMY drinking lemonade?
(!emonade) .

The children didn't draw circles. DIdIhey draw squares? (squares)

The doctor didn't cut the bandages. Dldhe cut Ihe stitches? (the stitches)
We didn't breake the lamp. Dad you break Ibe vasel (the vase)
Charlesdidn't lose hiscoat. .
Dld he 1018hls sweater? .

We didn't hear the news last night. DId you hear the muslc Iast nlght?
(the music t
The baby was not eating vegetables. W.slt eatlng frult? (fruit)
y ou weren't here at saven. Were you at chureh al seven?(at church)
1didn't hide behind the piano. Dldyou hielebehlnd the sota? (the ,o1a)
She didn't buy a mini-skirt. Dlds'he buya maxlsklrt? (maxi-skirt)
. They weren' t hungry. Were lhey thlrstyl (thirsty)
Mrs. Lee didn't wash last Monday. DId,he washlaalTueaday? .
(last Tuesday)
. The men didn't ride bicycles.. Dld they rielemotorcycle81 (motorcycles)
The dog didn't the park. Dld It run in the yafd? (in the yard)
The housa wasn't white. W..1t plnk? (pink)
The orchestra didn't play Beethoven DId it play Wagn.? (Wagner)


He studied Chinese. Did she study Chinese? .

I answered a questionnaire. Did you answer a questionnaire?

We passed by the drugst'ore. Did they pass by the drugstore?
I swept five rooms. Did you sweep five rooms?
We brought flowers to her. Did they bring flowers to her?
. Hewalked to the bus stop. Did she walk to the bus stop?
We danced for five hours. Did they dance for 'ive hours?
We drank hot chocolate. Did they drink hot chocolate?
He cleaned the windows. Did she clean the windows?
I went to the market. Did you go to the market?
He took records to the party. Did she take records to the P!!!I? ,

We spoke to her children. Did they speak to her children?

I wore a hato ,Did you wear a hat?
I studied arto Did you study aft? '

He watched the game. Did she watch. the game?

He finished the story. Did she finish the story?
I felt happy. Did you feel. happy?
We 'r'0n a contesto . Did they win a contest?
, Hestood bythe window. Did she stand by the window?
We discovered the truth. Did they discover the truth?


Bob works from 8 to 12 every day. Did he work from 8 to 12 yesterday?

My mother is in Guadalajara. . Was she in Guadalajara yesterday?
Their dresses are ~Iean. Were they clean yesterday?
We listen attentively to our teacher. Did you listen attentively te, your (our;
teacher yesterday?
They wash the vegetables every day. Did they wash the vegetablesyesterday?
The station transmits a special programo Did it transmit a special program
yesterday? .
y ou prepare a salad every evening. Did you prepare. a salad yesterday?
I am tired today. Were you tired yesterday?
The sun shines brightly here every day. Did it shine brightly here yesterday?
Birds sing early every morning. . Did they sing early yesterday?
We speak to them every noon. Did you speak to them yesterday?
She cuts flowers every morning. Did she cut flowers yesterday?
You are happy today. . Were you happy yesterday?
T om writes a letter every day. Did he write a letter yesterday?
We come to school every day. Did you come to school yesterday?


What caused the fire? A cigarette butt caused the tire.

When did they make reservatiOns? They made reservations last sumrner.
When did the concert begin? The concert began at 9 p.m.
Who cooked the meal? Louise cooked the meal.
How did the chemist prepare the solu- The chemist prepare the solution cara-
tion? fully.
What was of the tree? Bill's kite was on top of the tree.
Whom did you visit last night? . I visitad the taylors last night.
What was obstructing the pipa? . A piece of gum was obstructing the pipe .

Who won the con test? Graca morton won the contesto
Where did you leave the newspaper? I left, the newspaper on my dresser.
What broke the windshield? The .change ,in temperature broke the
When did she become_a doctor? She becarne a doctor in 1971.
. What did we buy at the market? We bought pineapples 'and oranges at
the market..
How didshe feel yesterday? . She felt tirad yesterday.
What hung in the living room? A beautiful painting hung in the living
Who drove his car? Mark's sister drove his caro
Where was the house? The house was on top of the hill.
Whom did Mañe kiss? Mariekissed her baby.
Who was cleaning the furniture? Ann and' her cousin were cleaning the
What did Mrs. Lee make last week? Mrs.Lee ryl8dea dress last week.


yesterday What was Mr. Clark búilding yesterday1
flVeminutas ago
the papers .WIiomdid Martha give the papera to five minutes ago~

every year Where do local artlst8.exhibit th.r paintinga every ,ear?

in his garden
John .

yesterday morning What waa John planting in hla garden yesterday momlng?

you and Mary
last monday How did you and 'Mary come home last Monday?

over the hills

yesterday evening What.ahone over the ev~ning?

you .
at what time
to them At what time do you alwaya teach algebra to them?

the president
on the radio What la the presldent on die radio now?

to Rosa
last month Who wrote lettera to Ro8e l88t month?


. .. :."... - ...
Mr. Clarkand Mr. Lee
every afternoon Where do Mr. Clark and Mr. Lee drink coffee every
their scholarship
tho whom
last year
award Yo whom dld they award thelr scholarahlp laa year?

at what time
to the movies
your parents
yeste~day .Atwhat time dld your parents 90 to the movles yesterday?

the guitar How am I playlng the gultar now?

to your girl friend
you When do you brlng fIowers to your glrlfriend?

in 1492
who Who di8coverecl Amerlca In 1492?


What did the littlemouse do accidentally? Hestepped on the paw of a big non who
was taking his afternoon nap.
Who was not in the mood for a playfulmouse? The lion.
What did the mouse realize? He realized the extreme danger in which he was.
What was the lion's only answer? A tremendous roar. o o

What did the mouse try to do? He tried to free his tail.
Accordingto the mouse's words, what is the lion like? He is powerful andonoble.
What did the mouse propose to the lion? A deal.
Where was the lion caught? In a hunter's net:
What did the mouse begin to do? He began lo gnaw al Ihe rapes of Ihe neto
oWho saved the proud King of the Forest? The humble mouse al whom he had

laughed before.


Consulte en su diccionario la transcripción fonética de las siguientes formas verbales
y escrfbalas a continuación de cada una.

aid ( ) met (
ate ( ). name (
became ( ) paid (
bet ( ) pay (
break ( ) quake ( )
came ( ) read (past) - ( )
date ( ) said ( ),
fed ( ) say f. )
fell ( ) sell (: )
felt ( ) send ( )
forgave ( ) set ( )
forget ( ) slept ( )
gave ( ) spend ( )
get ( .) shake ( )
heard ( )- shed ( )
held ( ) spread (
kept ( ) take (
laid ( ) tear (
lay ( ) tell. (
Ied ( ) veil ( )
left ( ) wake ( )
lend ( ) wear ( )
let ( . ) wed ( )
made ( ) went ( )
meant ( ) .wept. ( )


11.2.1. Utilizandolos verbos que aparecen entre paréntesis en la parte s~perior

derecha de cada cuadro, complete el pie de grabado correspondiente. Use
la fórmula going to.

It is 6:45a.m. John is in bed. He's plan- "1 at 7:00

ning his activities for the day. He is a.m."
(be) (shave)

up at 7:00" at 7:05"
"(take) (Qrush)

" "
a showerat my teeth at
7:10" 7:20"
(dress) (comb)

D -
- -
my hair at
at 7:2S" . 7:30"
(have)(listen to)


the radio at 7:35"
~ .


agio after brea.kfast."


.my teeth

(be) (go)

ready' for to the work-
work at 8:00" shop at 8:00"
(arrive) (work)

shop at 8:25"
at the work
from 8:30
until 12:30,.and from 2:00 to. 6:00"
(have) (talk with) . {leavel(go)

.~ -- lunchand 11
the work-
my friends at 12:30" shop after 6:00, and
home for dinner."
(have) (cornment 00') (telephone)

dinner with my girl friend

my family and the news after dinner."
of the day with them."

(study) (do) (go)

" my eiectronics my exercises
correspondence course from 8:00 to and then to bed."
10:30"- I


11.2.2. Repitatodas las frases del ejercicioanterior, pero utilizandohe como sujeto


Oralmente welva a hacer el mismo ejercicio, pero. con they como sujeto.
Repita oralmente los ejerciéios 11.2.1. y 11.2.2. del texto, pero utilizando ,la fórmula
. con wHlen lugar de las otras de futuro.

A la inversa, repita oralmente utilizando la fórmula con goIng to, el ejercicio 11.2.3.
del texto.


~ -.......

11.3.A. Con base en los dibujos de ola HOJA DE TRABAJO 2, complete las
siguientes frases. Use la fórmula de futuro con going to, y el verbo en~e

1. John at 6:45. (get up)

2. He up at 6:45.(be)
3. He after taking his shower.. (shave)
4. He his shower before he shaves. (take)
5. He his teeth at 7:00 (brush)
6. He before he takes his shower. (dress)
7. He his hair at 7:30 (brush)
8. He television during breakfast. (watch)
'9. He breakfast before he dresses. (have)
10. He the radio after breakfast. (listen to)
11. He ready for work at 7:00 a.m. (be)
12. He to the movies at 8:00 a.m. (go)
13. He at the workshop at' 8:00 (arrive)
14. He from 12:30to 2:00p.m. (work) °

15. He to his familyduring lunch. halk)

16. He the workshop before 6:00 p.m. ([eave)
17. He dinner in a restaurant. (have)
'18. He his girl friend before d~nner (telephone)
19. He \ chemistryfrom8:00to 10:30(study)
20. He his exercises after hegoes to bed. (do)

B. Repita el ejercicioanterior utilizando la fórmula con willy tomando el punto de

vista de Jotln como hablante. '

1. I
. 12.

. 14.

Repitaoralm~nte el ejercicio 11.3.1.del texto, pero empleando la fórmula con will.

Repita también oralmente los .ejercicios 11.3.2. y 11.3.3. del t~xto, pero empleando la
fórmula con going to. '


11.3.B. Completela primeraoración, guiándose por lo que se afirmaen lasegunda.

Utilicela fórmula golng to.
1. We baseball. We are going to play tennis.
2. Helen to NewVork. She is going to go to Washington
,3. I the door. I am going to open the window.
4. They sing. They are going to dance. .
5. Myparents in the aftemoon. Theyare going to arrive,in
the evening.
6. They a caroThey are going to buya station wagon.
7. Vou- the words. Vou are going to practice the sounds.
8. Laura and I , tomorrow. We are going to work the day
after tomorrow.
9. 'The prize for Helen. It is going to be for Bob.
10. Vour suits ready today. They are going to be ready
next week.

, I


11.4. Con base en los dibujosde la hoja de trabajo 2, complete las siguientes pre-
guntas y respuestas. Use he como ,sujeto. "

1. , ready for work at7:00 a.m.?
No,. ready for work at 8:00 a.m.
2 his teeth before breakfast?
his teeth before and after breakfast.
3. , a shower at 6:45?
. at7:10
4. with his friends during b'reakfast?
to the radio during breakfast.
5. his teeth at 7:3IJ?
.. his hair at 7:30
6. ,after bt:Ushinghis teeth and before combing h~ hairl
at 7:25.
7. for eight hours?
Ves,. from 8:30 te;,12:30 and from 2:00 to 6:00
8. to the workshop at 9:00?
-to the workshop at 8:00
with his friends during dinner?
9. - No, -with his friends during lunch.
10. - the workshop before 6:00 p.m.?
the workshop after 6:00 p. m.
1. , his girl friend before or after dinner?
2. at the workshop before 9 or after 9?
3. to the workshop before breakfast or after breakfast?
4. untiI5:00p.m. or untiI6:00p.m.?
6 p.m.
6. the radioduring'breakfast or during lunch?
'S. at the workshop in fifteen minutes or in twenty-five minutes?
7. , hiselectronics course during the afternoon or duringthe evening?
8. ready for work in an hour fifteen or in half an hour?
in an hour fifteen.
9. the news of the day during breakfast or during dinner?
. dinner.
10. his exercises before going to bed or after going to bed?
going to bed. .


Repita el ejercicio anterior utilizando la f6,mt¡lla con wDI.


1. . ready far work at 7:00 a.m.?

No, ready for work at 8:00 a.m.
2. his teeth before breakfast?
his teeth before and after breakfast.
3. a shower at 6:45?
No, at 7:10
4. with his friends during breakfast?
to the radio during breakfast.
5. his teeth at 7:3O?
- his hair at 7:30.
6. after brushing his teeth and"before combing his hair?
at 7:25.
7. for eight hours?
Ves, from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 2:00 to 6:00.
8. to the workshop at 9:00?
, to the workshop at 8:oQ.
9. his friends during dinn!!r?
No, \'yith his friends during lunch.
10. 'the works~op before 6:00 p.m.?
No, .the workshop after 6:00 p.m.


1. his girlfriend before or after dinner?

2. at the workshop before 9 or after 9?
. 9.
3. to theworkshop before breakfast or after breakfast?
" breakfast.
4. untiI5:00 p.m. or until6:00 p.m.?
5. the radio during breakfast or during lunch?
6. at the workshop infifteen minutes or intwenty-fiveminutes?
7. hiselectronics course duringthe afternooncOrduringthe evening?

8. ready for work In an hoUr flfteen or in half an hour?
In an hour flfteen.
9. the news of the day during breakfast or during dlnner?
10. his exercises before golng to bed or after golng to bed?
before golng to bed.

Repita oralmente los ejercicios 11.4.1. y 11.4.2. del texto, pero utilizando la
fórmula de futuro .con Wl11.


Guiándose por las respuestas, complete las pregúntas. Utilice la,f6rmu1a con goIng
1. the books 8OOn? No, he'lI bring the boOks in"~ month.
2. at seven o'clock tomorrow? No, 1'11 get up at eight o' clock.
3. Mane this evening. Ves, we'lI visit Mane and her sister this
4. - thefootballgamanextSatur- Ves, they'11watch it.
5. - to churchwithyourfriends? No, I'n go to church with my paren18.
6. an examnextweek? Ves, we'll have a science exam next
7. - a longdressforth8dance? Ves,sha'lIbuy a long.dressand a coat
8. - aunt Louiseto the theater? No, you'lIescort Ann and Rase to the
9. herthis moming1 Ves, the doctor will examine her at
10.. at quarterto nine? No, the program will begin at nlne
.' o'clock. .

11. '!he piano at the party? No, ha'lI play the organ at the party.
12. during the moming? . Ves, 1'II8Wimfrom 8 to 11:30.
13. _clothes by hand?' No, Mrs. Lene will wash clothes in the
washing machine.
14. you to Eur~ with him Ves, my father will take me to Europe
next time? with him next time.
15. on T.V.tonight? Ves, he'Using folk songa.


11.5.A. Con base en los dibujos 'de la hoja de trabajo 2, conteste las siguientes
preguntas. Dé respuestas b(eve cuando sea posible.

1. Who is planning his activitiesfor the day?

2. At what time is he going to be up?- .

3. What is he going to do before he takes a shower?

4. What is he going to brush?
5. At what time is he going to dress1.
6. How is he going to dress? (in relation to time)
7. Where is he going to comb his hair?
8. What is he going to have at 7:35?-
9. What is he going to listen to during breakfast?
10. What is he going to do immediatelyafter breakfast?
11.' How rnany times is he going to brush his teeth in the morning?
12. When is he going to be ready for work?
13. Where is he going to go at 8:00 a.m.?
14. Where is he going to arrive at 8:25?-
15. How many hours is.he going to work at the workshop?
16. Whom is he going to talk with during lunch?
17. Whete.ishe goingto havedinner? . ~

18. . Withwhomis he goingto commenton the news of the day?

19. Whom is he going to telephone after dinner?
20. What is he going to do from 8:00 to 10:30?

Repita oralmente los ejercicios 11.5.2y 11.5.4.del texto, empl~ando la fórmula de

futuro con will


11.5.B. Lea atentamente cad~ pequefto párrafo, y a partir de él, es~cture las
preguntas que quedan indicadas.

Mrs. Smith is going to go to the bank this morning. She~s'going to make a deposit in
her savings account and she is going to buya bank draft for ten dollars. She is going
to send the bank draft to her sister Eileanfor her birthday. .

1. Who 1
2. When .1
3. Where a depositl
4. What- for ten dollarsl
5. Whom tol

We ~re going to make one hundred sandwiches for the party. Helenis going to bake
cookies,and her sister is going to bake threa cakes. Billand Bob willbringthe socias,
Tom will bring the record player and the records. The party is going to be in our
house, in the garden. It will be at 8 o'clock tomorrow night.
1.' Howmany vou for the party?
2. Who- cookies?
, 3. What. bring?
4. Where 1
5. When 1

John is going to visit his gii1friend this evening. They are going to be mamad next
spring, and they are going to make a list of the guests for the wedding. They will go
to Oaxaca on their honeymoon. After they return, John will start a new research
program at th.eNationallnstitute of Phisics.

1. Whom ?
2. When ?
3. What. they .1
4~ Where
. "- 1 ,/
5. What at the Nationallnstitute of Phisicsll


,J';;'"- . ' '.......- -.; -'..' ,,;¡, -


".5.C. Guiándose por la contestación, complete las preguntas. El elemento en'

letra negritada la clavf;tde la pregunta. '

1. He comes to class at 7:4&every day.

2. She is baking 8 cake.
3. They are going to ling.
4. We willarrive In themomlng.
5. 1preparéd dinner for th...'..
6. They willdrivecarefullyup the mountain
7. We brought them last nlght.
8. He is going to dance wlth Mery.
9. They are going to hire three docto I

10. 1am Itudylng the problem.

1,. . It broke the wlres.
12. They selVecoff. at 10:00a~m.
13. Joan cut out the "pattems last night.
14. Ted is InteUlgent.
16. The hou- are far sale.


La siguiente es una adaptación de la fábula La lechera, de Esopo. Léala
cuidadosamente y luego conteste las pregun18s.


Bessy W88a young girl who worked as a milkmaid on a farm. She was a dreamer.
She was often so immersed in her dreams, that leality and ~magination got confused
in her mind.
The C0W8were extra generous 0118day, and Mrs. Grant, theowner of the farm,
gaye Bessy a big jug of'milk for herself. Bessy was yery happy. She decided to sell
the milk, so when work was oYer, she set the big jug on ~ head aOd started
, walking to the market.
The day was clear a~ bright, and 8essy felt optirnistic. She began to máke plana
in her mind. She thought 'Wrth the money I get from selling this milk I am going to
buy'a basket with eggs. 1'11haye them hatched, and I will obtain 008 hundrect chicks
that by summer will surround me chirping happlly. Then I ~m going to sell the
chickens, and with what 1get from them, I am golng to buy a pig. Iwill feed the pig
well, and it will get big aOOfato I will also sell the pig, aOOwith the money 1r8C8ive
from selling the pig I will buy a cow. The cow will glve me milk everyday, and I will
sell it, and saye the money I earn, andthen buy myseIf with it a beautiful sllk dress
for the country fairdance. Iwill bethe belle of thedance,and all the boya will want to
dance with me, and 1will choose the richest and handsomest 008. AIIthe glrls will
want to talk to me aOObe my friends, but 1will rafsenay head proudly and talk to no
008. .

With this thought, Bessy effectively tossed t8erhead back, aOO,as she dld, the Jug
turned sidewaya and fell, and the milk spilled on the groond, aOOwas 800n absorbed
by it, and disappeared completely" aOO with it disappeared the eggs, and the
chickens,and the plg, and the cow, and the _utiful dress, aOOpoor Bessy hid to
return home, with her empty jugo


1. What was Bessy's occupations1

2. Whatwasshe Iike1 .

3. What got confused inthe girl's mind1

4. What did Mrs. Grantdo with the extra milk1
5. What did Bessydecide to do with the milk1
8. HowW88the day1
7. Howdid Bessyf8811


. ~- ' .'-
. .

8. What was she going to do with the money from selling the milk given to her by
Mrs. Grant?
9. What was'she going to do with the eggs? '

10. What was she going. to bu y with the money from selling the pig?

11. What was she going to buy with hersavings?

12. Where was she going to wear her beautifuldress?
13. Whomwasshegoingto choose? .
14. What happened to the milk? -
15. What happened to Bessy's dreams?



1. It is 6:45 a.m. John is in bed. He's planning his activities for the day. He is
2. I am' 901"9 lo 981up aí 7:00 a.m.
3. 1am 90ln9 lo be up at 7:00.
4. 1am 90ln9 to 8haye at 7:05.
5. 1am golng to take a shower at 7:10.
6. 1am golng to brush my teeth at 7:20.
7. ' gol"g to dr888at 7:25.
8. 1am going to comb my hair at 7:30.
9. 1am goln9 to haye breakfast and nsten to the radio st 7:35.
10. 1am 90ln9 to bi'U8hmy teeth again after breakfast.
11. 1am golng to be ready for work at 8:00.
12. 1am golng to go to the workshop at 8:00.
13. I am gol"9 10 arrlye at the workshop at 8:25.
14. 1am golng to work from 8:30 until12:30, and from 2:00 to 6:00.
15. I am 901"9to haye lunch and talk with my friends at 12:30.
16. 1 am 90lng to leaye the workshop after 6:00, and JI!!. homefor dinner.
17. I am going to haye dinner with my familyand comment on 'the n$Vs of the
day with them. '

18. l' am golng to telephone my girlfriend after dinner.

19. Iam 9oin9 to study my electronics correspondence course from 8:00 to 10:30.
20. I am 90lng lo do my exercises and the~ go to bed.


1. He la 90lng te;»get up at 7:00 a.m.

2. He 18going to be up at 7:00.
3. He 18gol"9 lo ahave at 7:05.'
4. He 18golng to take a 8hower at 7:10.
5. He la 9oin9 to bruah hla t88th at 7:20.
6. He 1890ing to dress at 7:26.
7. He 18going lo comb hl8 hair at 7:30.
8. He 18golng'lo haye breakfast and Ilsten to lhe radio at 7:35.
9. He 18golng to bru8h hl8 t88th &galoafter breakfast. ,

10. He 18goln9 to be ready lor work at 8:00.

11. He 18gol"9 to 90 to the work8hop at 8:00 '
12. He Is golng to arrIve al the workshop at 8:2&.
13. He Is 'golngto work from 8:30 untiI12:30, aM from 2:00'108:00.
. 14. Heis goin9to hayelunchand talkwith hlstrlendsat 12:30. .
15. . He is going toleaye the ,worklhop after 8:00, and go home for dlnner.
16. . HeIs goingto haye dlnnerwith his famBya"d commenton Ihe news of the
daywith Ihem.
17. He is going lo telephone his girlfriend ~er dlnner.
18. He is going to study his electronics correspondence course from 8:00 to10:30.
19. He is golng to do his exerei..s and the go to bed.

, .
1. John is not 90lng lo get up at 6:45.
2. He 18not goln9 to be up at 6:45.
3. He 18not going to shaye.after taking his shower.
4~ He is not goIng to take his shower before he shaves.
5. . He 18not golngto brush his t88th at 7:00.
6. he l. not goingto dress before he takes his shower.
7. He is nol going to brush his hair .at 7:30. .
8. He la not going to watch televisionduring breakfast.
9. He is not going to haye breakfast before he dresses.
10. He Is nol going to Dstento the radio after breakfast.
11. He is not goIng to be ready.for work at 7:00 a.m.
12. He is nol golng\to go to the movies at 8:00 a.m.
13. He is not going to arrive at the workshop at 8:00.
14. He is not golng to work from 12:30to 2:00 p.m.
15. He Is not goi~g to talk to his familyduring lunch.
16. He i. not golngto leayethe workshopbefore6:00p.m. .
17. He l. not golng to have dinner in a restaurant.
.18. He l. nol golng to telephone his girlfriend before dinner.
19. He is not goIng to study chemestry from 8:00 to 10:30.
20. He la not goIng 10 do his exercises after he g088 to bed.

1. I won't get up at 8:45.

2. I won't be up at i:46.
3. I won't shave 8fter taldng my shower.
4. I won't take my show. before Ishave.
5. I won't brush my teelh at 7:00.

6. I won't dl'888before I tak. my ,hower..
7. I won't brush my,halr at 7:30.
8. I won't watch televl8londuring breakf88t.
9. I won't hay. bnNikf88tbefore I dl'888.
10. I won't.llsten to the radio aft.r breakfast.
11. I won't be ready for work at 7:00 a.m.
12. I won't go to th. movl., at 8:00 a.m.
13. I won't arriy. at the workahop at 8:2&.
14. I won't work from 12:30to 2:00 p.m.
15. I won't talk to my famUydurlng lunch.
16. I won't leay. th. work,hop before 8:00 p.m.
17. I won't hay. dlnner in a restaurant.
18. I won't tel.phon. myglrlfrlendbeforedlnner. ,

19. I won't study chemestry from 8:00 to 10:30.

20. I won't do my ..&re after I 90 to bed.


11. 3.B
1. We are not 90ing to play basaball. We are going to play tenrtis.
2. Helen 18not golng to go to New Vork. She is going to go to Washington.
3. I am not golng to open the door. I am going to open the window.
4. They are not gOlngto sing. They are going to dance.
5. Mypa'rentsare not goIng to arrlv. in the afternoon. They are going to arnve in
the evening.
6. they are not goIng to buy a ear. They are going to buy a station wagon.
7. Vouare not going to practlce the words. Vou are going to practica the sounds.
8. Laura and '1are not goIng'to work tomorrow. We are going to work the day
after tomorrow.
9. The prize 18not goIng to be for Helen. It is going to be for Bob.
10. Voursuitsare not goIngto be readytoday.Theyare goingto be readynext ,



1. 1, he golng to be ready for work at 7:00 a.m.? No, he', noto He la gol.. to be
ready for work at 8:00 a.m.
2. 1,he goIng lObrush his t88th before breakfast?Ves, he Is. H. la goIng to brush
his teeth before and after breakfast

3. 8she golng to ,take a shower at 6:45? No, he' s noto he ..' golng totake a' shower
at 7:10.
4. 8s he golng to talk with his friends during breakfast? No, he's noto He Is g~ng
to Ilsten tothe radio during breakfast., ,
5. 8she golng to brush his teeth at 7:3O?No, he' s noto he Is golng to comb his hair
at 7:30. '

6. Is he golng lo dress after brushing his teeth and before combing his h$ir? Ves,
he Is. He Is going lo dress at 7:26.
7. Is he golng to work for eight hours? Ves, he Is.he Is going to workfrom 8:30 to '

12:30and from 2:00to 6:00. .

8. Is he going to go t9 the workshop at 9? No, he's noto he Is golng to go to the

workshop at 8:00. I
9. Is he going to talk with his friends during dinner? No, he's noto He Is
going to talk with his friends during, lunch. '
10. Is he golng lo leave the workshop before 6:00 p.m.? No, ~e's not.He Is golng to
leave the workshop after 6:00 p.m.


1. Is he golng to telephone,his girlfriend before or after dinner? He Is golng to

. telephonehisgirlfriendafter dinner. ' .
2. Is he golng to arriveat the workshop before 9 or after 9? HeIsgoing to arriveat
at the workshopbefo", 9. ,

3. Is he going to 90 to the workshop before breakfast or after breakfast1'He Is" '

golngto go to the workshopafter breakfast. , ,i

4. Is he golng to work until 5:00 p.m. or until6:00 p.m.? He Is golng to 'work untll
6:00 p.m.. ' ,
5: Is he going to listento the radioduring breakfast or during lunch? He Is going
fo listen to the radio during breakfast..
6. Is he golng to arrive at the workshop in flfteen minutas or in twenty-five
minutes? He Is going to arrive at the workshop In twelnty flve tnlnut88¡, ,

7. Is he going lo study his electronics course during the afternoon or during the
evening" He Is going to stucly hls electronics course during' the evening.
8. Is he 90Ing to be ready for work in an hour.flfteen, or in half an l1our?He ..
90lng lo be reaclyfor work in an hour fifteen.
9. Is he going lO comment on the news of the day durlng breakfast or during
dinner1 He Is goin9 to comment on the news of the day during dlnner.
10. Is he gol...gto do his exercises before going to bed or after going to bed. He Is
golng lo do hls exerclses before golng lo béd.


1. NII he be ready for work at 7:00 a.m.? No, he won't. He Mil be ready for
work at 8:00a.m. "

2. MI he brush his teeth before breakfast? Ves.,he wiU.He Mil brush his teeth
before and after fbreakfast.'

3. Willhe take a shower at 6:46? No, he won't. He wIIltake a shower at 7:10

4. Willhe talk with his friends during breakfast? No, he won't. He will Hatento
the radio during breakfast.
5. Willhe brush his teeth at 7:301 No. he won't. He will comb his hairat 7:30
6. Willhe dress after brushing his teeth ancl'before combing his hair? Ves, he .
win. He willdress at 7:25.
7. WiIIhework for eight hours? Ves, he wIIl.He wlll work from 8:30 to 12:30
and from 2:00 to 6:00.
will. He will work from 8:30 to 12:30and from 2:00 to 6:00.
8. Willhe ao to the workshop at 9:001No, he won't.He wlilao to the workshop
at 8:00. '

9. Willhe talk with his friends during dinner1 No, he won't. He willtalk with his
friends during lunch. .
10. Willhe leavethe workshopbefore6:00p.m.?No, he won't. Hewillleavethe
workshopafter6:00p.m. .
11.4.B; ,

1. Willhe telephone his girlfriend before or after dinner? He will telephone hls
airl friend after dinner. '

2. Will he arrive at the ~orkshop before 9 'or after 91 He Mil arrive at the
workshopbefore9. '

3. Willhe ao to the workshop before breakfast or after breakfast1 He willao to

the workahop after breakfast.
4. Willhe work üntil 5:00 p.m. or until 6:00 p.m.? He will work untll 8:00 p.m.
5 MI he Dstento the radio during breakfast or during lunch? He wllIlisten to
the radio during breakfast. , '

6. Willhe arrive at the workshop in fifteen minutes or in twenty-five minutes?

He willarrive al the workshop in twenty-five minutes.
7. Will he study his electronics course 'during the atternoon or during the
evening? He willstudy his electronlcs course during Ihe e~ening. \
8. Willhe be ready for work in an hour fifteen or in half an hour? He will be
, ready for work in an hour fitteen.
9. Willhe comment oil the news of the day during breakfast or during dinner?
He willcomment on the news of the day during dlnner.
10. Willhe,do his exercises befor going to bed or after going to bed? He will do
his exercises before going to bed.


1. la he golng to brlng the books soon?
No, he'll bring the books in a month.
2. Areyou golng'to get up at seyen o'clocktomorrow?

No, 1'11
get up at eight o'clock
3. golng to vlsit Mariethis evening?'
. Ves, we'lIyisit Marieand her sister this eyening.
4. Are they golng to watch the football game next Saturday?
Ves, they'1Iwatch it.
5. Are you 901n9to 90 to church with your friends?
. . No, 1'11go to church with my parents~
6. Are you 90ln9 to have an exam nest week??
. . . Ves,we'llhayea scienceexamnextTuesday.
7. la he 901n9to buya long dress for the dance?
. . Ves,she'llbuya longdress and a coat.
8. Am I 90ln9 to escortaunt Louise to the theaterl
No, you'll escort Ann and Rose to the dance.
9. la Ihe doctor examine her this morning?
. Ves,the doctorwillexamineherat 10:00a.m.
1.0. 18the program 901"9to begln at quarter to nine?
No, the program willbegin atnine o' clock.
11. la he 90ing lOplay the piano at the party?
. No,he'llplaythe organat the party.
12. Are you gOing,to swim during the morning?
y es, I~IIswim from 8 to 11:30.
13. 18Mrs. Lane gol"9 to wash clothes bv hand?
No, Mrs. Lanewillwash clothes in the washing machine.
14. l. your '8th. 901n9lo take you to Europe with him next time?
Yes, my father willtake me to Europa with him next time.
15. la he gol"9 10 ~ng on T.V. tonight? -' .

Ves, he'lI sing folk songs.


1. Who'is planning his actiyities for the day? John.

2. At what time is he going to be up? At 7:00 a.m.
3. What is he going to do before' he takes a shower? He'. 9Oln9 to shave.
4. What is he going to brush? Hla t88th.
5. At what timeis he goingto dress? Al 7:21.


.. ... ..". .. .".. -- - '"

8. How is 1$ going to dress? Un relation to time) Rapldly or Qulckly.
7. Where is he golng to comb hla halr? In lhe bethroom. (or In front of the
.mlrroror Al the mlrror) .

8. What is he going to have at 7:35? Breakf88t.

9. What is he going to listen to during breakfast? To the radio.

10. What is he going to do immediatelyafter breakfast? He la gol"9 to bruah hla

t88th agaln.
11. How many times is he golng to brush hia teeth in the morning? Two times.
12. When la he going to be ready for work? Al 8:00a.m.
13~ Where is he going to go at 8:00 a.m.? To the workshop.
14. Where is he going to .arriveat 8:25?At the woibhop.
15. How many hours ia he going to work at the workshop? Eight houra.
1,6. Whom is he going to talk with during lunch? Wllh hla lrienda.
17. Where is he going to have dinnerl Al home.
18. With whom is he going to comment on.the 'news of the dayl With hls tamUy.
19. Whom is he going td telephone after dinner? Hlaal" frlend.
20. What is he going to' do from 8:00 to 10:30? Study hla electronica
corr8SPOndence COUr88. '


Mrs. Smlth...
1. Who la golng to go to t~e bank Ihla momlng?
2. When 18Mrs. Srnlth golng to go to lhe bank?
.3. Where ia ahe golng to make a deposit?
4. What.a &hegoln9 to buy for ten ~oHars1
5. Whom ia ahe 901n9to aend the bank draft to?
We are...
1. How many sandwiches are you 901"9 to make for the party1
2. Who la 90ln9 to'bake cookies?
3. What will BlII,Bob'and Tom bring?
4. Where ¡athe party 901n9to be?
5. When wa11 the party be?
John ¡s...
1. Whom ia John 901n9to visit1
2. When la he golng to vlsIthls glrl frlend?
3. What are they golng lo make?
4. Where willthey go on their honeYmoon?
5. What willJohn atart at the Nationallnstitute of Physics?

\ 95

1. At what time does he come to class everyday?He comesotoelassat 7:45

2. What is she baking? She is bakinga cake. -
3. What are the, goin9to do? Theyare goingto sing.
4. When Mil you arrive? We willarrive in thé morning.
5. Forwhomdid youpreparedinner?(Whomooofor) I preparaddinnerfor t~em.
6. How will they drive up the mountain? they will drive carefully up the
mo~mtain. "

7. When did you brin9 them? We brought them last night.

8. Whomis he goingto dance with?(withwhomooo) He is goingto dance with
9. How ma"y doctors are they going to hlre?They are going to hire three
10. What are you doing?1am studyingthe problem.
11., What did it break? It broke the wires. ""

12. What do they serve at 10:00 a.m.? They serve cOffee at 10:00 a.m.
, 13. Who cut the pallerns lastnight? Joan cut the patterns last night.
14. "What is Ted like? Ted is intelligent.
15. .What is for 88le1The "houses are for sale. "


1. What was Bessy'soceupationtShe was a milkmaid.
2. What was she like? She was a dreamer. "

2. What V\lasshe like? She was a dreamer. She was young.

3. What got confused in the girl's mind? Reality and ImaginatiGn got confused
'in her mind.
4. What did M"rs Grant do with te extra milk? She gave it to Beuy.
5. What did Bessy decide to do with the milk? She declded to sell it.
6. How was the day? It was cle~r and brlght.
7. How did Bessy feel? She felt optimistic.
8. What was she going to do with the money from selling the milk given to her
by Mrs. Grant? She was going to buy a basket with eggl. '
9. What was she going to buy with the money from selling the pig? She was
going to buy a cow. . .

11. What was she going to buy with her savings?She W8190ing to bu, a
beautiful silkdress.

12. . Where was she going to wear her beautiful dressl &he wa8 going to W88rIt
at Ihe countryfalrdance. .
13. Whom was she going to choose? She wa8 90ln9 lo choo8e Ihe richelt and
handSomelt boy. .

14.' What happened to the milk?1IspDledon the ground, W88absorbed by it and

disappeared. .
15. What happened to Bessy's dreams? They' dlsappeared with the mOk.


""-- ...- ..a". . - T.- --.-



Pronunciación. Complete la transcripción fonética de las siguientes palabras:

beauty ("b .ti) push (p )

clue (kl ) reunite (ri. 'nait)
cure (k r) root (r. 't)
fuel 1'f .al) rule (r 1)
few (f ) shoe ( )
good (g d) sugar (' g),
July (d .Iai) sure ( r)
lose (1 z) took (t k) ,

music (m .zlk) wolf (w. If)

pure, (p r) zoa (z )

. 101

12.1. Complete, indicando potencialidad o no potencialidad de' realiz~ci6nde las

acciones sugeridas por los dibujos. Use can y could.
1.1. You ,tennis well.
tennis iast night.

1.3.. Marv
tennis for two hours ,ever:-¡day..

2.1.I dresses.

two 'pant-suits yesterday.

men's shirts.

. 3.1.They. to school.
3.2. We_not
to the island.

3.3. Bob_not
for a week. He' broke an ankle.

4.1. Margaret rapidly.

with two fingers.
4.3. The secretaries_not
the contracts yesterday.

the words easilyin class yesterday.
5.2.1 don't see the blackboard. 1_-
not . the words.

5.3. He the words for you.

6.1~They fasto
6.2. We- across
the channel.

6.3. Our team_not

at the last competition.


12.1.1. Complete. Exprese potencialidad de realización de las acciones indicadas

por los v~rbos entre paréntesis. Use formas de to be able lo en los
casos en que no se pueda use can o could.

1. - John. English. (speak)

2. Thev.. to the movias tomorrow.(go)
3. Mary. .the work in time' for the convention next summer.(fil1ish)
4. Ted. all the words last night. (leam).
5. 1- _her I.etterfor you.(translate)
6. You.... the museum next Sunday. (visit)
7.We~ Dnly flVe hundred invitations yesterday. (address)
8. Mr. Simpson to you .now. (talk)
9. you and Mary- .the records for the party tomorrow night. (bring)
10. He ran 1ast and,he. in ten minutas. (arrive)
11. Martha' in French, Spanish and German. (sing)
12. They helped us and we, .the house rapidly. (build)
13. Eagles high. (fly)
14. Our provisions. only two months. (last)
15. I ihe puzzle aftertwo hours óf work yesterday. (solve)

Repita oralmente el ejercicio 12.1.2.del texto, empleando-formasde lo be able lo

12.1.3. Guiándose por los dibujos del ejercicio con este mismo. número en el
texto, complete con formas de lo be able lo.
1. Thomas. .thepiano beautifully.
2. She- French.
3. Thebird _out
4. She- the letters tomorrow.
5. The'(. baseball yesterday. The rain didn't let them.
6. Theboy. _well. He's not a goOOdiver.
7. She all her clothes in her suitcase.
8. 1- _well. Myglasses are dirty.
9. You and Sylvia iennis or ping-pong before lunch, it is 8 a.m. now:
10. Mr.Wilson simultaneously.


12.2.1. Guiándose por la primera oraci6n~complete la segunda, de manera que

indiqueque se tiene o se concede autorización o permiSo.Use mey y can.

1. You haye permision to stop.

2. We have permission to go out.
3. They don't have permission to come.
4. Lizdoesn't haye permission to use her father's credit cardo
5. I haye permission to copy the model. -
6. You haye permission to wear my necklace.
7. You haye permission to sit down.
8. y ou don't. haye permission to read her letters.
9. We don't haye permission to dance here.
10. We hayepermissionto take the fruit. .

Repita oralmente el ejercicio 12.2.2.del texto, usando .can.


12.3. Ordene las,palabras que se encuentran bajo la Unea para estructurar una
oración que exprese deseo de que algo se realice.

1. a happymarriage- have - Joe and Ann - may

2. shine- tomorrow- the sun - may
3. not - the day - .be- rainy- may- tomorrow
4. may - find - her pursue- Mary
5. to the moon - succesful- the 'expedition- may - be
6. his health - may - recover- the patient - rapidly

7. yourchildren- strong - grow - may - and healthy

8. never'- traitors- be - may - to our country - we

9. the contest- the best - win- may

10. break- may - the water"':"the dam - not


12.4.1. Guiándose por la informacióndada, complete las oraciones para indicar lo

que puede ocurrir. Utiliceel verbo dado entre paréntesis y el pronombre
correspondiente. Use mlght.

- 1. The riveris increasing its volume rapidly~(floOOl the region.

2. The littleboy is standing close to the edge of the pool. (fall)
into the water.
3. The plane from Denver is late. (make)- not its
, connectionwith the planeto Washington.
4. I filledthe glass to the topo(spiIU- ,water' ,
on the table.
5. They are running extremelyfast (have), an accidente
6. - Themail service is slow. (deliver)- not the
letterson time..
7. Themilk was not in the refrigerator. (bet not good'now.
8. The child looks sad. He doesn't want to play. (be) _sick.
9. The case is made of plastic. (break). with the
weight of .the books.
10. My radiodoesn' (need). batteries.

Repita oralmente el ejercicio anterior utilizando mey en lugar de might.


12.5.A.Las siguientes frases expresan los hechoScomo son. Contruyaoraciones

con must y con mult not (multn't) para indicar cómo deben o no deben

1. You don't obey traffic reQulations.

2. y ou step on the grass.-
3. Wedon't helpour ~rents.

4. They copy the answers.-

5. He doesn't do his part of the work.
6. Mr. Brown frightens the children with his stories.
7. Theyact disorderly. .
8. r waste my time.
9. They don't keep the law.
10. They pollute the aire

12.5.B. Guiándose por los dibujos, complete con las formas de hava lo y los /

verbos que correspondan. Donde se pueda. utilice también have gol

. lo.

1.1. We, football

tomorrow afternoon.

1.2. They football

every day.

1.3. I football yesterday.

21. He
letter~ yesteTday.

22. Helen three létters'

every week.

23. I . . .Ietters todav.

I wrote all the letters yesterday..

3.1. Tom half an
hour for Diana. She W88late.

3.2. We for the

doctor. He was punctual.

3.3.They . 20more
minutes. The plane doesn't come

4.1. She needs tomatoes. She

_to the grocery store.

4.2.They needed .milk and bread. They

to the groeery atore.

4.3. , have alll need. I

to the grocey storetoday.

5.1. Mary is going out. She

a coat.

5.2. Mrs. Brown is staying in the house.

she a coat.

5.3. The day was warm yesterday. We


12.5.C. Lo que se afirma como obligación para el complemento o circunstancia
dados, niéguelo com9 tal obligación para el nuevo complemento o
circunstancia que se da. Use las dos formas. (con haV8to y con neecl)

1. We must finish at 8:00 p.m. .at 7:00p.m.

at 7:00 p.m.
2. They must bring their notebooks. They their copy-
books. They their copybooks.
3. .1must see Mr. Brown. Mr Taylo'r.
Mr. Taylor.


4. She must talk to uso to them.

to them.
5. I must go to the bank today. to the store today.
to the ,store today.
6. John must pay the installment for the record player this week.
the installment for the T.V. set this week.
the installment for the T.V. set this week.
7. We must water the grass today.- the traes today.
the trees today.
8. Ann must sweep the sidewalk before breakfast. the
hall before breakfast. the hall before breakfast.
9. I must wear a long dress for the reception. for the'
concert. for the concert.
10. The boys must paint the two tables.- the. seven chaira.
the seven chairs.


12.8. Complete indicando preferencia por realizaro no realizaruna acción, gufese

por el contexto.

1. John loves dances. He go to the dance tonight and not to the

moviese .
2. I dislikecoffee. I have milkwith my meals.
3. Helen enjoys television very mucho She - watch television
program this evening and not go to the party.
4. We study history. We have a history exam tomorrow. tOur
algebra exercises can 'wait.
5. I need money for my tríp. I have the money and not the
bracelet as a prize.
6. She visit her friends.this evening. She is tirad and it is late.
7. The boys work until12 mid~ighttoday. They don't want to come
to the office tomorrow.
8. Mark and Louise 90 with Ted and Maríe to the party. They
don't get alol')g.with Henry and Ann. '
9. The children eat only candy. They eat vege-
tables,they don't likethem. '


La siguiente es una adaptación de la fábula "La parte delle6n", de Esopo. Léala .

cuidadosamente y luego conteste las preguntas.


One day, the Lion asked the Fox, the Jackal and the Wolf to go hunting with
him. They went into the forest and sta~ to look tor a preVeMany hours passed
I with no luck tor the hunters. Finally,they could suprise and kitl a Deer. The
problem then was how the spoils of the deer should be devided among the tour
hunters. The. Lion, being the King, took command. "Quarter me this Deer", he
ordered in a roar. The Fox, the Jackal and the Wolf obeyed rapidly,and soon the
Dee..was skinned and cut into tour equal parts. The Lionthen stepped forward
and, raising its paw, pronounced judgement thus: "Since I am the King ot the
Animal Kingdom,the tirst quarter is tor me; in my capacity of arbiter, the second
quarter belongs to me also; I am entitled to another quarter, the third one, as one
of the four hunters participating in the chase". Here the Lion made a pause, and
raising his head arrogantly, roared: "The tourth quarter... well, let's see who dares
to take it from me". The other three animals lowered their heads humbly and
started to leave. As he walked away, the Fox said sadly:."The powerful may ask
you to shar~ equally with him in the labor, buthe won't ask you to share in the
benefitsequally". .


1. Who participated in the hunt?

2. What did they do to the deer?
3. What did the Lion or,:ter?-
4. How did the Fox, the Jackal and the Wolf obey the Uon's order?
5. What .didthe Lion do then?
6. Under what title did the Lion claim the first share?
7. 'What was his reason tor claiming the second share?
8. To what was the Lion entitled tor being one of the tour hunters?

9. Didthe Liongive a reason tor taking the fourth share?

11. What did the other three animals do at the Lion', arroganc, and voracity?

12. What did the Fox say sadly?



1.1. You can play ten.niswell.

1.2.,I could n~ play tennis lest night.
1.3.' Mary can DIaYtennis for two hours everyday.
2.1. I can malte dresses.
2.2. She coUldmeke two pant-súits yesterday.
2.3. We cannot make men's shirts.
3.1. Thev can walk to school.
3.2. We cannot walk to the island.
3.3. 80b could not walk for a week. He broke an ankle.
4.1. Margaret can ¡Y¡;-rapidly.
4.2. Mr~Johnson can tYD8with two fingers.
4.3. T~ secretaries could notJ!l!!...the contracts yesterday.
5.1'. Ann CouldCODY the ,words easily in class yesterday.
5.2., I don't see the blackboard. l.JHIDJ"ot.JiQRY_thewords.
5.3. He can CODY the words for you.
6.1. They can swlm fast. '

6.2. Thev.can swlm across the channel.

6.3. O~r team could not 8Wlmat the last competition.


1. John la .DIe lO,8D88kEnglish. ,

2. Thev.wIIlbe able lo ao to the .novies tomorrow. (They're aoIna lo be...)
3. Mary,wiIIbe able lo flnish the work in time for the convention next summer.
(Ma.yl aolna lo be...)
4. Ted W8Iable lo leam all the words last night.
5. I'm able lo tren8late her letter for you.
6. You'll be able lo VlsIt the museum next Sunday. (You're aolna lO be~..)

7. We W81'8.bIelo add 'onlyflVehundred' inVitationsyesterday.

8. Mr. Sjmpson la .bIe lo talk to you now. '

9. You and MarywIDbe able lO brlng the records for the party tomorrow night.
(You and Mary are golng lo be...)
10. He ran fast and hewal able 10antve in ten minutes.
11. Martha la able lo IIna in French, Spanish and German.
12. Theyhelpedus and wewere'" 10buDdthe house rapidly.
13. Eaglesare ableto fIyhigh. . '

14. Our proyisions can last only. two months (NO ES SUJETO ANIMADO)
15. I W88able to 80lvethe puzzle after two hours of work yesterday.

1. 'Thomas la able 10 play the piano beautifully.
2. She 18able lo speak French.
3. The bird i. not able lo go out. .
4. She _11 be able to type the letters tomorrow. (She'l going ."10 be...)
5. They Wer8not able to play baseball yesterday. The rain didn't let them.
6. The boy 18not able to dlve well. He's not a goOOdiver.
7. She waln't able to put all her clothes in her suitcase.
8. I'm not ,ablelo 888well. My glasses are dirty.
9. You and SylYiawill be _le to play tennis or ping-POngbefore lunch, ~ is 8
a.m. now. (You'and Sylvia are 901n9to be...) . '

10. Mr. Wilson I1able 10 lranllate simultaneously.


'1. You ha,yepermission to stop.You may stoP. / You can stop.
2. We have permissipn to go out. We may go out./ We can go out.
3. Thet don't haye permission to come. They may not come./ They cannot
CO~ ,

4. Lizdoesn't haye permi$sionto use her father's credit cardoUz may not use
he, falhar'1 c, card./ Uz cannol use har father'8 credlt card.
5. I haye permission to copy the. model.. may COPythe model./. can COpy~he
model. .

8. Youhaye permissionto wear my necklace. Youmay .ea, my necldace./

You can Wf)8' my necldace.' . .
7. You haye permission to sit down. You may lit doWÍl./You can lit clown.
8. You don't haye permission to read her letters..You may not read har I8tt8l'8./
You can't read har I8tters.
l. We don't haye permission to dance here. We may not dance here./ We can't.
dance here. . '
10. We haye permission to take the fruit.We may take the fruIt./ We can take the
fruit. '.


1. Me, Joe end Ann haY. e haDDYmarrI8ae.
2. Me,the sun .bIn. tomorrow.
. 3. Me, the daynot be ralnytomOlToW.
4. Me, MelVflnd he, PUr88.
6. Me, the 'exPedltlonto the moon be aucceaful.
8. Me, the P8tient recover hi8 health rapldly.
7. Me, your chlldrenaro. atrGna end healthy.
8. Me, we never be traltor. to our country.
9. Me, the be8t wln the cOntesto
10. Me, the watera not break .he clam.


12.4.1. .

1. The river is.increasing i18volume repidly. (11000).It mlgh. floocIthe region.

2. The little boy .18standing close to the edge of the pool. (fall) H. mlght fall
into the water.
3. The plane from Denver is late. (make) It mlght not make its connection with
the plane to Washington.
4. 1fllledthe gless to the topo(spill)I mlght apDlwater on the table.
l. They are running extremelyfast. (have) 'hay mlght have an accident.
8. Themail serviceis slo~. '(deliver)h mlght not delver the lettera on time. '

The milkwas not in the refrigerator. (be) h mlght not be goOOnow.
8. The cbild looks sed. He doesn't want to play. (be) He C8he)mlght be sick.
l. Thecase Is made of p1astic.(break). It mlght break with the weight ofthe
books. ,
10. My radiodoesn't work (need) h mlght need betterlea.


1. \ You don't obey regulations. You.m.. obey tr8ffIc reaulatlon8.
2. You step on the grass.You mU8tn't al. on the al'888.
3. We don't help our parents. We muat heID our D8I'8Id8.
4. Theycopy.the answers.Theymuitn't copythe 8"'''.
l. Hedoesn'tdo hispartof the work.H. muatdo hI8D8t of the worIt.
8. Mr. Brown frightens the children with his stories. He mustn't frlahten the
childrenwith his stoñes. -

7. Theyact disorderly.Theymustn'tact dl80rderlv.-

8. I waste mytime. I mustn't waste my time. -
. 9. They don't keep the law. They must keep the 18W.

. 10. They pollute the air. They mustn't pOllutethe alr.

1.1. We haye to play football tomorrow afternoon. (or We'll haye to..., or We're
901n9 to haye to..., or We'ye got to...)
1.2. They haveto playfootball every day. (or They'ye got 10m)
1.3. I had to play football yesterday.
2.1.- He had to write flve'letters yesterday.
2.2. Helen has to write three letters every week.
2.2. Helen has to write three letters every week. (Helen's got to )
- 2.3. I don't haye to write letters today..( wrote aUthe letters yesterday. .
3.1. Tom had to walt half an hour for Diana. She was late.
3.2. We didn'thaye to wait for the doctor. Hewas punctual.
3.3. They haye to wah 20 more minutes. The plane doesn't come until 1:20. (or
They'1Iwah...) or They're gol"9 to have to... or They've gol to...)
4.1. She needs tomatoes. She has to ao to the .grocery store. (or She'll haye'
to...) or Shers golng to haye to... or She's got to...)
4.2. They needed milk and bread. They had to go to the grocery store.
4.3. I haya aUI need. I don't haye to go to the grocery store today.
6.1. Ms..y is going out. She has to wear a.coat. (or She's got to ...) -
6.2. Mrs. Brown Is staying in the house. She doesn't have to wear a coat.
6.3. The day was warm yesterday. We dldn't haye to wear coats.

1. We must tinish at 8:00 p.m. We don't haye to finlsh at 7:00 p.m. We need not
finlshat 7:00p.m. .

2. They must bring their notebooks. They don't have to brlna the copybooks.
They need not brlng their copybooks.
3. ImustseeMr. Brown.I don't hayato seeMr. Taylor.I Reednot seeMr.taylor
4. She must talk to uso She doesn't haye lo talk to them. Sh. need not talk
to them.
6. I must to to the bank today. I don't hay. to 90 to the stores today. I need not
~ to the store toclay.
8. Joe must pay the install.mentfor the record player this week. He doesn't
hayeto payIn_llm.nt forthe T.V.set this week. H. neeclROlpay theinsta-
Umentfor the T.V.set this week.
7. We must water the grasa today. W. don't hay. to water the traes today.
W. neednot waterthe treestoday.

8. Ano must sweep th8 sidewalk before breakfast. &he ~'t have to awee~
the hallbefore breakfast. She neecInot aw88Pthe hall t:Jeforebreakfast.
9. I must wear a long dress for the receptlon. I don't nave to wear a long dreas
for the concert. I need not wear a lona dl'888for the concert.
10. The bo~ must palnt the two tables.. ihey don't have to paint the sevsn
chairs. they need not ~nt the seven chairs.


1. You are sick. You should stay in bed.
2. She shouldn't wash her sweater with hot water. She'lI ruin it.
3. You shouldn't talk loudly.You're disturbing.the audience.
4. Mrs. Taylorshould give eggs and milkto her_children.They're goOOfor them.
5. People should always cross at the corner.
6. Bobbydoesn't understand his lesson. He should ask the teacher for an expla-
nation. .

7. Chocolates are bad for your complexionand figure. You .shouldn't eat them.
8. Parents should set goOOexamples for their children. .

9. We shouldn't cover the baby.

9. We should cover the baby. It is cold outside.
10. I shouldn't drive fastoIt is dangerous.


12.7.1. .
1. Prof. Clark would teach pronunciation before grammar.He didn't use to
teach it.after grammar.
2. We.would eat "buftuelos" at Christmas time. We dldn't use to eat them the
'rest of the year. . .

3. They would play tennis for two hours. ihey didn"t.use to play chess for two
4. Our daughter would come home every Christmas. She didn't use to come
home at Easter time.
5. BobéindAnn would dine out on Saturday night. Thev dldn't use to dine out
on Sunday night.
6. We would go to the movías every Friday.We dldn't use to go to the movles
on Thursdays.
7. They would have a coffee break at 10 o'clock every morning. ihey dldn't use
to have a coffee break in the afternoon.
8. Hisfriends would trevel by caro'hev didn't use to travel by train.

l. Her grandfather would be ill-tem~red in the morning, before breakfast.1:I!.
didn't u'se to be iII-temoeredin.theafternoon, after lunch.
10. Mrs. Williamswould buy herbread 8t the bakery. lhe didn't use,to buy
the supermarket.

1.1. Weused .tQeat icecream every dáy. We laved it.
1.2. Helendidn'l use lOeat iCe-cream~It made her sick.
2.1. I used to Walkin the park in the aftemoon. The doctor advised it.
2.2. They didn'l use lo the park in the afternoon. The worked from 2 to 7
p.m. every day. .

3.1. . Our parents. used lo tBlkto us during meals..We ejoyed their conversation
very mucho
3.2. I used to talk to Maryafter classes. She was always a good listener. .

4.1. Our mailman didn'tuse lo brlna our mail in the moming. He usually brought
!it at 1 p.m. .
4.2. Their rnailmanused lo brlng.their mail in the morning. He bagan his work at
8 a.m. and their house was the.first in his route.
5.1. Mrs. Kent used to make dresses for.her nieces, and they loved them.
5.2. Mrs. West dldn't use to make dresses for her daughters. She bought them.


J 1~.8. -. .
1. John loves dances. He would rather go to the dance tonight and not to th~
2. I' I would r8ther tlave milkwith my meals.
3. Helen enjoys television very mucho She would rather watch a television program
this evening and oot go to the party.
4. We would rather study history.'We have a history exam tomorrow. Our algebra
exercisescanwait. .

5. t need money for my trip. I would rather tulv~the money and not the bracetet
as a prize. .
8. She would'rathernot visit her friends this evening. She is tired and it is late.
7. The boys would ,ather work until12' midnight today. They don't wantto come
to the office tomorrow. -
8.' Mark.and Louise would rather go withTed and Marie to the party. They don't
'get 810ngw.ithHenryand Ann. . .
.9. The children would .,ather eat only candy. They would ,8ther not eat vegeta-
bles, they don' them. .

1. Who participated in the hunt? The Uon, .he Fox, 'he Jackal and .'he WoIf
participated in h. .
2. What did they do to the deer? They killedit. (They also sklnned and quar-
tered it).
3. What did theLion-order? He ordered: "Quarter me this deer".
4. How did,the Fox, the jackal and the Wolf obey the Lion's order? They obeyed '

it rapidly.
5. What did the Lion do then? He stepped forward and, raising its paw, pro-
nounced judgment.
&. Under what title did the Lion claim the first share? He claimed it as King of
the AnimalKingdom.
7. What was his ,reason for claiming the s,econd share? He was the arbiter.
8. To what was the lion entitled for being one of the tour hunters? He was enti-
. tled lo another quarter.
9. Didthe Liongive a reason tor taking the fourth share? No, he dldn't.
10. What was his basis for taking the fourth share? He was strong aOOpowerful.
11. What did the other three animalsdo at the lion's arroganceand voracity? \

They Iowered their heads humbly and started to leave.

12. " What did the Fox say sadly? He ..Id: uThe powerful may ask you to share
' him in the labor, but he won't alk you to share In the benefits
equally'~. .



Ordene por grupos de sonido, a la derecha, todas 'las palabras que aparecen
en la columna de la i~quierda"Busque la transcripción fonética en, su diccionario.


'you're .
dwarf \


13.'1'.7.2. Pregunte si lo que se afirma en la primera oración es cierto para el tiempo

dado en la segundá. Use pronombres.

1. John ought to visit Mrs. Simpson today. O.ughthe to visit her next Tuesday7
2. We had better open the windows before nine. (We'd better...)
before eigth7
3. They would 'rather have ice-cream in the evening.(They'd rather...)
. in the afternoon7
.4. Helenhas got togoto New York in the fall. (Helen~sgot to...)
- in the winter7
6. The teachers were able to finishtheir work before 11:00. -
. hy 10:507 ,

6. You have got to take the exam before July. (You've got to...)
. AfterMay7
7. Jack is able to make the experiment today.
8. The mailmanis going to be bring the mail tornorrow.
9. I can watch T.V. for two hours today. ,

. for three hours today?

10. You mustescortAnnto the dancetoday. .

oext Saturday?
11. Ted was able to write twenty letters this morning.-
12. I have got to take an exam next month. (I've got to...)
oext week7
13. The nurses should come today.
. . oext Sunday?
14. I am going to be able to take a vacation in July.
next month?
15. John would rather leave at noon. (John'd rather...~
after lunch?
16. I can lend you money now.
in the futura7
17. You had better answer soon. (You'd better...).
18. You and Sarahwereableto winthe contesto.
next time?
11. They ought to work extra time today.
20.. Mybrother can obtain the tickets tomorrow.
last Friday?
21. His secretary has got to be in the office al 8:30 in the morning. (His sacre-
tary's got to...)
at 2:30 in the afternoon?

13.1.-7.-8. Conteste las siguientes preguntas según lo que usted considere ver-
dadero. Dé respuestas cortas.

1. Was Christopher Columbus able to reach America in twenty days?

2. Can you whistle and sip lemon juice at the same time?

3. Would cats rather eat fish than soup?

4. Could NeilArmstrong and EdwinAldrinwalk on the moon in 1969

5. Do you have to learn English?

6. Can prime numbers be dividedby 1?
7. Should drivers mixalcohol and gasoline?
8. Mightwe use up all the oil reselVesof the world?
. 9. Must we respect the rights of others?
10. Should all men be less selfish?-
11. Maywe copy the answers in this book? (Do we have permission to copy the
answersinthis book? .
12. Must one nation feel superior to the others?

'13. Could Goliath defeat David? -

14. Can rats transmit the rabies?-
15. Maypresidentsbe reelectedin Mexico?.
13.1.-7.-CCon las palabras que se le dan entre paréntesis, termine de estructurar
la pregunta, y luego complete la respuesta corta. Algunas de las pala-
bras dadas t,ienen que modificarse al cambiar a forma interrogativa.

1. (theboys - complete- could)

the experiment? No,
2. (thepackage- might- arrive)
. byair mail?Yes,-
3. (copy - we - must)
the words now?No,.
4.. (havegot to - you - prepare)
an exam today? No,
5. (lock- had better .;... Patricia)
the box? Ves,

6. (may - take - 1) ,the.
car tonight? No, -
7,. (beat they - can). - our

8. (open - (be) able to - they)

the safe yesterday? Ves,-
9. (prove - ought to - the defendant)
hi$innocence? Ves, .
10. (you - (be) able to interprete) -
Wagner's music? No,
11. (wait - Ted and Sod - would rather)
until tomorrow? No, .

12. (haveto -
Timo~hy- take)
his sister to the party? Ves,
13. ((be) able to - your mother - speak) -
French and German? Ves,
14. (should - Prepare- we) :the' report for ~hem?
. Ves,
15. -
(iron have to you) -' -
your dresses last night? No,


13.8.1. Complete la segunda oración pidiendo opinión o consentimiento para

realizar la acción nombrada por 'el verbo. entre paréntesis. Use el sujeto
indicadotambién entre paréntesis.

1. I have to take a train at 10 p.m. (leave 1) -

the house at 9:00p.m.?
2. We are going to visit Maryal the hospital. (take - we)
her flowers?
3. I need Marjorie's address. (ask - 1)
Tom for it?
4. John is twentytoday.(give- we)
him a surprise party?
5. The milkmight go sour (put 1) --
. it in the retrigerator?
6. ' The childrenare going to be hungry ~fter school. (prepare - 1)
Rlndwict1estor them? .

7. We don't know the city well. (hire - we)

A guide?
8. I have to contribute a dish tor the party. (make - 1)
A salad?
9. The reception is going to be formal. (wear - 1)
ti long dress?
10. Dottie loves dolls. (give we)
her one for Christmas?
11. We are lost. (ask - 1)-
tor directions at the gas station?
12. The company sent the books and the records. (send - we)
. the money to them immediately?
13. I have a house tor rente (advertise - 1)
it in the newspapers?
14. The chest does not match my blue curtains. (paint -1)
it blue?
15. We have to be there immediately. (take' - we) aplane?



13.9.1. Ordene las'palabras de cada grupo para estructurar una petición que indi-
que deferencia o 'cortesfa.

1. the phone - please- could'- answer- you.

2. repeat - please - the sounds - would- you.

3. Margaret- you- accompany- will.:-to the party- please.

4. 'you- here- could- the chairs- please- bring.

5. explain- to me - could- the situation- you

6. hang - please - in the closet - your clothes - 'would- you~

7. we - tor the concert- please- couldn't- hurryup

8. please -the meat - put ~ in the treezer - you - 'would.

9. Bob'sphonenumber- tell - could- me,- please - you.

10. the keys- please- won't - return- you- tothec.lerk.


13.10.A.-B.1 Complete las preguntas, indicando potencialidad, autorización, de-

ber, etc., según se le sefiale. Gulese por los dibujos.

1. (potencialidad)
In the park.

} 2. (.obligación)
John: .thecar?


3. (potencialidad)
,the target?
Mary. -

4. (costumbre)
.to his girl

6. (posibilidad)

on their bicycles?
In the morlling.

6. (preferencia)

the prizeto]
To the girl.

7. (autorización)
in school?
At recess.

8. (acción que debe realizarse porque

es conveniente)

in the refrigerator?
The milk.

9. (solicitudde opinión)

the groceries?
On the table.

10. (deber)

every morning?
To school.

13.10.A-B.2. Guiándose por la respuesta, escriba lo que falta a la pregunta.

1. take the exam? They

ought to take it at five.
2. leave immediately.
Theodore would rather leave immediately.
'3. buy? Mrs. Kent should
buy a new dress.
4. take to the doctor?
I must take my childrento the doctor.
5. be? The earrings in the drawer.
6. juggle seven balls? My sister
was able to joggle them.
7. substitute meat? Soy can substitute meato
go? The secretary had to go to the bank.
9. operate on this morning?
The doctors could operate on Mrs. lee.
10. use the library? AIIthe students
may use the library.

11. ,study? We've got to study algebra.
12. place the bottles? They' d better place
them on the table.
13. ~operate the engine? You have to operate it slowly.
14. hear?
My friends were able to hear the opera singer.
15. ,opeh the store?
Mr. Smith has to open the store.

13.10.A-B.3. Desglose cada una de las siguientes aseveraciones en tantas pre-

guntas corno permitan los elementos de que se componen.

The boys had better request permission

The boys. (Theyhad better) request permis'sion. Permission.

Louise has to wash the clothes on monday

Louise (she has to) wash the clothes. - the clothes. on monday.

I can return papers to Charles.

I./Ican. (1can) returno the papers to Charles - The papers - to charles.

They will'be able to pronounce the words correctly 800n.

They./They will. - (they willbe able to) pronounce the words correctly soon.
correctly. - soon.'
My sisters had to sing at the auditorium.
My sis~ers (they had to) sing at the auditoriulT,l. at the auditorium.

The book should have a summary.

The book.. - a summary

The students could answ~r all the questions.

the students - (they could) .answer all the questions - all the questions
'7.1. .
7.2. '




Lasiguiente es una adaptación de una fábula .de Esopo. Léalacuidadosamente y

luego conteste las preguntas.


One'day a wolf, half dead with hunger, passed near a farm. A hose dog chanced
to see him,and noticing his poor condition, addressed him tus: "You look terrible,
dear Cousin, and I know what it is: your lifeis very irregular,sometimes you have.a
lot to eat, and you eat to fullnes, but sometimes you have to fast for several day;
besides, you have to make great efforts and risk your life to obtain your foOO,why
don't you come with me to my Master's house, and work for him as Ido, and he
will give you foOOirregularly?"
"1 really have no objection to a regular job," said the Wolf "if you can get the
job for me, 1'11 gladlywork steadly."
"1 can arrange that easily - replied the Dog _:, come with me."
So the two walked in the direction of the farmer's house. As they were walking,
the Wolf noticed thet th,erewere bare spots around the Dog's neck,.where his hair
was worm away. He felt curious and asked the Dog the reason for this.
"It is not important". he answered, "it is only that-the collar rubs my hair away."
The Wolf topped and looked at the Dog in astonishment. ''The collar?... "What
collar?"heasked. .

"Why, the collar that my Master puts around my neck tokeep me chained at
night. It bothers you a littlein the begina,ing,but you get usad to it soon. Come on
hurryup, it isalmostlunchtime". .

"Is that the reason, Cousin Dog? Then it is .goOO-byefor me. You may keep your
food, and 1'11keep my freedom". And with these words, the Wolf walked rapidly
away, with new strenght and decesion in his step.


1. What was the wolf's condition?

2. Who chanced to see him? -
3. Where did the dog inv~tethe wolf te)go?

4. What did the Wolf say to the dog' s invitation?

6. In what direction did the two walk?

6. What did the wolf notice as they were walking?

7. What caused the bare spots around the dog's neck?

.8. What would the.wolf rather do?






whose wbaH. pullet

pulIet 'doom you're
when poodle bulletln
you re aloof boulevard
wheat shoe dour
doom route
poodle whom
quake sue
swamp Quake when
wharf swamp wheat
shoe wild what -
wild swim whack
swim dwarf wharf
whisk sQuire whlsk


1. John ought to visit Mrs. Simpson today. Ought he to vlslt her next Tuesctay?
2. We had better open.the windows before nine.(We'd better...)Had we better
ope" them before eight?

138 '
3. They would rather have ice-cream in the evening. (They'd rather...) would
they rather haye ice-cream in the afternoon?
4. Helen has got to go to New York in the fall. (Helen's gotto...l,Has she got to
go to New York in the winter? . . '
5. The teachers were able to finish their work before 11:00. Were they able to
finish it by 10:50? .

6. You have got to take the exam before July. (You've got to...) Haye I (You)
got to take it after May?
7. Jack is able to make the experiment today. Willhe be able ns he going to be
ablel to make the experiment tomorrow?
8. Themailmanis going to be a~le to bring the mail tomorrow. Is he going to be
ableto bringittoday? .

9. I can watch T.V. for two hours today. Can YOU(1)watch T.V..for three hours
today? .

10. You must escort Ann to the dance today. Must I (You) escor! her to the
dance next Saturday?
11. Ted was able to write twenty letters this morning. Willhe be able Oshe going
, to be able) to write twenty lettera tomorrow? -
12. I have got to take an exam next month. (l've got to...) Haye you (1)got to
take and exam next week?
13. . The nursessould come today. Should they come next Sunday?
14. I am going to be able to take a vacation in July. Are you (Am 1)going to be-
able to take a yacation next month?
15. John would rather leave at noon. (John'd rather...) Would he rather leaye
after lunth? ~. ..

16. lean lend you money now. Can you lend me money in the futura?
17. You had better answer soon. (You'd better...) Had I (Had you) better answer
immediately? ..
18. You and Sarah were able to win the contesto Willyou. (we) be able to (Are
you -we- going to be able to) win the contest next time?
19. They ought to work extra time today. Ought they to work extra time
20. My brother can obtain the tickets tomorrow. Could he obtain the tickets last
Friday?' .. .

21. His secretary has got to be in the office at 8:30 in the morning. (His
secretary's got to...) has his secretary got to be in the office at 2:30 in the
afternoon? .

13.1~7 .-b. ,
1. Was ChristopherColumbusable to reachAmericain twenty days?No, he
2. Can you whistle and sip lemon juice at the same time? No, I can't.
3. Wouldcats rathereatfish than soup?Ves,they would.

4. Could NeilArmstrong and EdwinAldrinwalk on the moon in 1969?Yes, they
could. .

5. Do you have to learn English1Yes, I do. Ves, I haye to.

6. Can prime numbers be divided by 11Ves, they can.
7. Should drivers mixalcohol and gasoline? No, they shouldn't.
8. Mightwe use up all the oil reserves of the world? Yes, we mlght.
9. Must we respect the rights of others1 Ves, we must.
10. Should allmen be less selfish1Ves, they should.
11. Maywe copy the answers in this book1 (Do we have permission to copy the
answer in this book7) No, we may noto
12. Must one nation feel superior to the others1 No, It mustn't.
13. Could Goliathdefeat David?No, he co~ldn't.
14. Can rats transmit the rabies? Ves, they can.
15. May presidEmtsbe reelected in Mexic01No, they may noto

1. Could the boya complete the experiment1 No, they couldn't.
2. Mightthe package arriye by air mail1Ves, it mlght~
3. Must we copy the words now1 No, we need not copy them now. or No, we
don't have to (copy them now).
4. Haye you gol to prepare an exam today? No, I haven't gol to.
5. Had Patriciabetter lock the box? Ves, she' d better.
6. May I take the car tonight? No, you may noto
7. Can they beat our team? NO"lheycan't.
8. Were 'hey able to open the safa yesterday? Ves, they were.
9. Ought the defendant to proye his innocence? Ves, he ought to.
10. Are yOUable to interprete Wagner's music? No, I'm noto
11. Would Tedand Bob rather wait until tomorrow? No, they wouldn't.1 No,
they'd rather noto
12. Doea Timothyhaye to take .hissister to the party? Ves, he does.1Yes, he has
13. 18your mother able to speak French and German? Ves, she Is.
14. Should we prepare the report for them? Ves, you.(we) should.
15. Did you haye lo Iron your dresses last night? No, I didn't' No, I didn't haye
to. .


1. Ihave to take a train at 10 p.m. (leave - 1)Shalllleaye the house at 9:00 p.m.?
2. We are going to visit Maty at the hospital. (take - we) ShaU we take her

3. I needMarjorie'saddress.(ask - 1)Shallla8k Tom for it?
4. John is twenty today. (give - we) Shall we give him a surprise party?
5. The milkmight go sour. (put - 1)Shalll put it in the refrigerator1
6. The children are going to be hungry after school. (prepare - 1) Shall I
prepare sandwiches for them?
7. We don't know the city well. (hire - we) Shall we hire a guide?
8. I have to contribute a dish for the party. (make --' 1)Shalll make a salad?
9. The reception is going to be formal. (wear - 1)Shalll wear a long dress?
10. Dottie loves dolls. (give - we) Shall we give I:Ierone for Christmas?
11. We are lost. (ask -'- 1)Shalll ask for directions at tlle gas station?
12. The company sent the books and the records. (send - we) Shan we send
the money to them immediately? '

13. I have a house for rent. (advertise - 1)SlIalll advertlae it in the newspapers?
14. The chest does not match my blue curtains. (paint - 1)Shanl paint it blue?
15. We have to be there immediately.(take - we) Shallwe take.a plane?


1. Could you please answer the phone? .
2. Would ,you pleas~ repeat the sounds?
.3. Willyou please accompany Maraaret to the party1
4. .Couldyou please bring the chaira here?
5. Could you exPlainthe situation to me?
6. Wóuld you please hang your clothes in the closet?
7. Couldn't we please hurry up for the concert?
8. Would'you pisase put the meat in the freezer1
9. Couldyou please ten me Sob's phone number?
10. Won't you please return the keys to the clerk?


1. (potencialidad)Where can they play tennis? In the park.
2. (obligación) How must John drive the cár? (How dos. John have to dñve
the car? Carefully. .

3. (potencialidad)Who could hit the target? Mary.

4. (costumbre) What would he take Cglve)to his girlfriend? Flowers.
5. (posibilidad)When might they ride on their bicycles? In the morning.
6. (preferencia)Whom would he rather give the prize to? To the girl.

'141 '
7. (autorizaciór:¡.).
When may the children~in school? At recess.
8. (acción que debe realizarse porque es conveniente) What should she put in
the refrige(ator?The milk... .
9. (solicitudde opinión) Where shalll put the groceries? On the table.
10. (deber) Where do they- haye to go every morning}j (Where must they go
every morning?To school.

1. When ought they to take the exam? They ought to take it at five.
2. Who 'wouldrather leave immediately?Theodore would rather leave immedia-
. 3. WhatshouldMrs.Kentbuy?Mrs.Kentshouldbuya newdress.
4. Whom must you take to the doctor? I must take my children to the doctor.
5. Where might the earrings be? The earrings might be in the drawer.
6. Who was able to juggle seven balls? My sister was able to juggle them.
7. Wat can substitute meat? Soy can subtitute meato
8. Where did the secretary have to gol The secretary had to go to the bank.
9. Whom could the doctors operate on this morning?The doctors could operate
on Mrs. Lee.
10. Who may use the library?Al!the students may.use the library.
11. What have you got to study? We've got to study algebra.
12. Where had they better place the bottles? They'd better place them on the
13. How do I haye to operate the engine? You better have to operate it slowly.
14. Whom were vour friends able to hear? My hrothers were able to hear the
opera singer.
15. Who has to open the store? Mr. Smith has to open the store.


The boys had better request permission.

1.1. Who had better request permission? The boys.
1.2. What had they better do? jThey had better) request.
1.3. What had they better reQuest? Permission.

Louise has to wash the clothes on Monday.

2.1. Who has to wash the clothes on Mondav? Louise.
2.2. What does Louise have to do on Monday? (She has to) wash the clothes.
2.3. What does Louisehave to do on Mondav? (She has to) wash the clothes.
2.4. When does Louise haye to wash the clothes?'On Monday.


I can return the papers to Charles.

3.1. Who can return the papera to Charles? . 1./1can.
3.2. What can you do? (1 can) return °the papers to
, Charles.
3.3. What can you retum to Charles? The papers.
3.4. Whom can you return the papers to? (t()_whom..J To Charles.

Theywillbe ableto pronouncethe wordscorrectlysoon.

4.1. Who will be able to pronounce the words correctly soon? They/They will.
4.2. What willthey be able to do? (They will be able to) pronounce
o the words correctly soon.
04.3. When willthey be able to pronounce the words correctly? Soon.

My sisters had to.sing at the auditorium.

5.1. Who had to sing at the auditorium? My sisters.
5.2. What did your sisters have to do? (They had to) sing at the
5.3. Where did your sisters have to sing? At the auditorium.

The book should have a summary.

6.1. What shouldhave a summary? The book.
6.2. What should the book have? A summary.

The students could answer all the questions.

7.1. Who could answer all the questlons? / The students.
7.2. What could the atudents do? (They could) answer all the
questions. .

7.3. What could they answer? AII the questions.



1. What was the wolf' s condltion? He was half dead with hunger.
2. Who chanced to se~ him? A house-dog chanced to see him.
3. Where did the dog invite the wolf to go? He invited him to go to his
master's house. ,]

4. What dld the wolf say to the dog's invitation? He said: "1 really have
no objection to a regular job, if you can get the job for me, 1'11gladly
work steadly.
o 6. In what dlrectlon did the two walk? They walked in the direction of
the farmer's house.

6~ What did the wolf "otice a8 they were walking? He noticed that there
were bare spots around the t,log's neck, where his hair was worn away.
7. What causad the bare spots arou"d the dog' 8 neck? The collar causad them.
8. What would the wolf ,rather do? He would rather keep his freedom.

14.1-A.1. Complete con to o foro

1. When did you propose the plan them?

2. Who's going to make a dress you?
3. Helendidn't return the books me:
4. He had to confess the truth his friends.
5. Please open this package me.
6. Is Helengoingto indicatea solution the club members? .
7. Can you do the work Mrs. Peters?
8. Hewon't say anything the other boys.
9. Margaret recommended the new restaurant my parents.
10. The construction company lent the money the Kents.
11. We' have to teach good manners those children.
12. They mentioned several. new products the audience.
13. Iwillchangethe covers ' . .you. .
14. Henry will bring the newspapers- her.
15. Marydic;:ln'treveal her secret ,anybody.
16. She threw the keys him.
17. Would you please buy some flowers me?
18. I'm going to answer the questions -you and Bobby.
19. He told a' beautiful story my little brothers and sisters.
20. When did they seUtheir bedroom furniture Mary?

14.1-A.2. Complete, e$tructurando en su debido orden los elementos que se 'e

dan entre paréntesis y agregando to o for, según convenga.
1. Ted didn't give -
(her the lettersJ.
2. Debbiewillmake. (a cake - Charles).
3. Can you explain- ?
(my parents - the situation).
4. He should introduce
(her - the director).
5. Couldyou describe - ?
(them - your experience).
6. Please show
(our theacher - the paintings).
7. He wouldn't throw. (her - the' ball).
8. He didn't cash-
(Mrs. brown - the bonds).
9. Mr. Kingdidn't mention
(us - any names).

10. We have to repeat :.. (the word - them).
.11. Rose sang (us - songs).
12. Mr.and Mrs. Stone are going to buy
(Helen - a present).
13. WiIIyou please pass 1
(the vegetables - th~ children).
14. We'lI have to declare-
(them - our intentions).
15. The government finallygava
(the tourists - the permits).
16. Mr Lee got
(new benefits - his clients).
17. Is Tom going to report- 1
(the theft - the police).
18. Let me open- (you - this bottle).
19. When did he return 1
(the secretary - the documents).
20. How willthey proveo 1
(her - the truth).

14.1.8. De los ejercicios 16.1-A.1.y 16.1-A.2.tome las oraciones en que se pueda

invertirel orden de los dos últimos complementos e inviértalo. Sustit~ya
por pronombres donde sea posible.


14.1-A-B.1. Ordene las palabras de cada grupo para estructurar una oración. Si
es necesario, pero solamente en ese caso, agregue to olor.

1. describe- the painting - I - will - her.

2. didn~t~ they - us - show - the patterns.

3. the package ~ bring - yourmother- please.

4. lend- themoney- me- you- can- '1
5. the deal - Mr.and.Mrs. Brown - proposed - who ~ '1

,6. give - can't - the proofs - we - you.

7. making- Mrs.West- dresses- her ~ daughters - is.
. 8. :repeat- couldn't- he - thewords- uso
9. 1attening 1000- Helen- buy - don't - please.

10. always- she - questions- answers- the children~s.

11. tell- a lir - you- couldn't- she.

12. hisdoctors- he - hisprogress- report- does- '1
13. read - the students - Meg- a poem- has to.

14. the directors- explain 'he ~ - going to - his methOO - is - '1

15. this letter - me - translate - please.


14.2.A. Guiándose por la respuesta, complete la pregunta. Use las estructuras

formal e informalde pregunta.

1. did Charles throw to Bob? The packages.

2. will y ou give the repor!?
? To Mary.
3. shoulc;tthey explain. to us? The symbols.
4. .are you buying that sweater?
? For Bobby~
5. does he teach calculus?
-_? To my children.
6. would you rather read? A novel.
7. .are they telling the audience? Jokes.
8. did he introduce his girl friend?
? To his parerits.
9. .are you making a cap? .
? For Debbie's child.
10. mlght she reveal her true identity~-
. ? To Dr. Smith.
11. .arethey changing for you? The oil. .
12. .were you able to say to her? Nothing.
13. . did Mark lend the money?
?T o uso
. i4. .must he return to them? The keys.
15. did she mention her plans?-
? To the janitor.
16. .can I pass to you? The sugar.
17. .might they answer for u~? The first question.
18. .willh~ recommend. the new machine? -
. ? To our age,nt.
19. do they have to bring to me? The invoices.
20. did she translatethe poems? .
? For Dr. Lewis.

14.2.B. Sustituya por pronombres en todos'l'os casos en que sea posible.

1. He threw the dogs some bones.

2. Mark.proposed a beautiful plan to the directors.

3. Tom and I will makethe reservationstor our uncle.

4. She bought her mother an expensivering.

5. WiII the Clarksintroduce her triends to us?

6. They didn't seUtheir house to ~yriam.

7. Did he mention her nameto you and Charles?

8. Dr. Appleton taught Ted and me history.

9. John always tells his parents the truth.

10. Can the salesmanshow the girls the new models?



14.3.1. Complete las orac~onescon los grupos de palabras que aparecen entre
paréntesis, estructurados.en su debido orden.

1. We painted
two picturesor- yesterday afternoon - for her
2. Shestayed
to twelve ~ yesterday morning - in her room - from eight
3. Bob always brings
to us - from New York - something
4. I discussed
with them - at home - last night - the matt~r
5. Can we prepare ?
for the party - in her kitcheli - sandwiches
6. Didthe teacher distribute
last Monday - the exams -
to the students - in class -
7. Theyrented
by the sea - last summer - a cottage
8. you should give

to Mr. Lee - the papers - early tomorrow - in his office

9. They'1Ioffer
at the Club - for her - a'reception- tomorrowevening
10. I'm leaving
at nine - for Boston - Sunday moming
11. Please pass
the coffee - to her - immediately
12. Do YQUwant ?
for her - by tomorrow - the ring
13. I proposed to tinish
by noon tomorrow- for the company- the survey
14. He got
for'Debbie - yesterday noon - at the consulate - the visa
15. Willyou please clean
in the dining room - ?
the chairs - after breakfast
16. I can't tell
to them - the news - before ten o'clock.
14.3.2. Guiándosepor el contextocompletecon In, on, 8t, by, for, from oto.
1. The newbookstoreis London Sto
.the Atomic Era. .
.three blocks.
4. We haveto be there _ten o' clock.
5. They have to w$lk- .their house.
their office every day.
6. Mrs. Kent has to pay her taxes J'anuary 31st. That is
the final date for paying taxes.
7. He's never home- .theafternoon.
8. They arrivedhere. 1972.
9. The circus will remain .the city.
threeweeks. ,

10. We sometimes go to the movies Friday.

11. The museum is opa... .Tuesday. ' Sunday.
12. Mary's wedding is going to be February 16th.
13. We'lI finish our course.. May.
14. 1'11
be there ,two minutas. It's a short distance
15. They builta new house, .the river. It is beautiful~
16. Myuncle and aunt never leave the city. .the wil¡lter..
17. TheY,willopen all the presenta ,midnight.


153 '
14.4.1. Ordene las palabras de cada grupo para formar una oración.

1. necessarily- have - here - you - don't - to return

2. by laughing - everybody - surprised - the baby.

3. about it - last week - the company ~ us a letter - wrote.

4.. rapidly - after the meeting - they - left.

5. MarkTwain - for;many years - dressed - in white.

6. happily- played- with herfriends- she.

7. turning - are - yellow - the leaves - the trees.

8. his coffee - nevar - Sam - without sugar - has.

9. all the glasses - after the party - he - carefully - washed.

10. informally- we - near the fireplace - sat - yesterday.
11. me - John - the books - by plane- will- send.

. 12. a pump - they - nextyear - forthe farOl- will- need.

13. at the theater - last night - she '- superbly - sango

14. I - it - bought - in a store ~ for one pound - in London.

15. yest~rday ~ seriously - Ned - to her - talked

14.4.2. Complete con las preposi.cionesby, in, with, without, 10f, 01 o about.

1. He pleased his parents .studying hard.

2. I am worried his health.
3. It is pleasant here, in,the shada .the trees.
4. She came dresseq- black and white.
5. Our company pays us the month.

6. They bought it the hall.
7. He coÜlddo it joiningall the ropes.
8. He is great pain. He's seriously iII.
9. We communicated with him telephone.
10. She is her baby in that picture.
11. She smiles . A funnyway.
12. Take~hismedicine yourheadache. .
13. We were electricityall morning. A problem in the plant
caused the interrumption.
14. You can get it asking.
15. We bought iL her money.She gaveit to us .
~hat purpose.
16. She made her dress blue and white cotton.
17. Is HelEm . her brother? Yes, he carne today from
'18. You can send that letter. ,stamps. It's official business
and the government willpay the postage.
19. He sent the information telegram.



Lea cuidadosamente la siguiente fábula y después conteste las preguntas que Se

le hacen. '

The animals of the forest were usually careful to avoid fighting against the
skunk,who seldom lost an argumento
One day King Lion, in his anger, forgot this. The skunk usad his unfailing
method of defense, with the result that King Lion, smelling terribly bad, had to
retreat at once. He rolledover and over on the ground and bathed several times in
the river, but the bad odor stayed. When he went home, his wife, holding a paw
over her nose, suggested sweetlYi''Why don't you go on' a hunting trip, dear, or
go visit your mother?"
King Lionfelt offended. After all, he was the king.of the forest, wasn't he? He
coated powerfullyand decided to eall his frielids the bear, the wolf andthe fox to
formacouncil. '
He found them together by the river, and addressed the bear first. "Tell me,
friend bear", he said ,"do, I smell bad?"
The bear believed in 9000 faith that the lion wanted the truth, so he told him
frankly, "Yes, friend lion, Imust admit it, you smell bad iodeed, I think..."
But the bad tempered lion didn't let him fjnish. In his rage he tore t~e bear to
pieces,and then turnedto the WOIfand askedthe same question. .

The WOIfdecided 'that he was not going to repeat the bear's mistake, SQhe said
to the lion, "Your Majesty, there's a wonderful fragrance coming from your body,
similarto those of roses and violets..."
The WOIfcouldn't finish either. Hisobvious flattery was toa much for the lion's
patience, so he killedhim.
It was the fox's turn and the lion repeated his question once more. The ariswer '

did not come immediately.The fox seemed to have a terrible cough. Finally,in a
hearse voice, he replied, "I'm terri,blysorry, your Majesty, I am unable to answer
your question. I have abad cold and I ean't smell anYthing.In fact, if yóu'lI excuse
me, 1'11go home to bed". And with thesa words, he jumPed into the woods and
disappeared before the lion could say or do anything.
1. Whom were the animals of the forest usually careful to avoid fighting

2. What did the skunk use against the lion?

3. Where did the lion rollover and over?

4. How rnany times did he bathe in the river?

5. How étidthe lionfeel about his wife's words?

6. Where did the lionfind his friends?

7. Whom did he address first? .

8. What did the bear believe in goOOfaith?

9. What did the wolf say to the lion?

10. What did the fox seem to have?

11. How was his voice when he finallyreplied?

12. Where did the fox disappear to? .


1. Whendid you propose the plan to them?
2. . Who's going to make a dress for you?
3. Helen didn't return the books to me.
4. He had to confess th.etruth to his friends.
5. Pleaseopen this packagefor me.
6. Is Helen going to indicate a solutionJQ.the club members?
7. Can you do the work lor Mrs. Peters?
.8. He'won't say anything.!Q..theother boys.
9. Margaret recommendedthe new restaurant to my parents.
10. The construction company lent the money to the Kents.
11. We have to teach good man ners to those children~
12. They mentioned severalnew productsJ2.,theaudience.
13. I will change the covers lor you.'
14. Henry wiU bring the newspapersto her.
15. Mary didn't reveal her secret to anybody.
16. She threw the keysJ.Q.him. -
17. Would you pleasebuy some flowers for me?
18. I'm goin.gto answer the-questionslor you and Bobby.
. 19. Hetold a beautifulstoryJ2.mylittlebrothersandsisters.
20. When did they sell theh:.bedroom furniture to Mary?
14.1-A.2. .

1. Ted didn't give the I~tters to her.

2. . Debbie will make a cake lo; Charles.
3. " Canyou explainthe situationto my parents1
.4. He should introduce the director to her.
5. Could you describe your experienceto them1
6. Pleaseshow the paintings to our teacher.
7. He wouldn't throw the ball to her. '
8. He didn't cash the bonds lor Mrs. Brown.
9. Mr. King didn't mention any names to uso
10. We have to repeat the word J!»...!hem.
11. Rose sang two love songs to uso.
12. Mr. and Mrs. Stone are going to buy a present lor Helen.
13. WiII you please pass the vegetables to the children?
14. We'lI have to declare our ¡ntentions to them.

15. The government finallygave the permits to the tourists.
16. Mr. Lee got new benéfits for his clients.
17. 15Tom going to .report the theft to the police?
18. Let me open this bottle for you.
19. When did he return the documents to the secretary?
'20. How will they prove the truth to he..?

1. Who' s going to make you a dress? .
2. The construction company lent them the money.
3. We haye to teach them good manners.
4. Mary will bring her the newspapers.
5. She threw him the keys.
6. Wo,uldyou please buy me some flowers?
7. He told them a beautiful story!
8. When did they seUher their bedroom furniture?
9. .Ted didn't giye her the letters.
10. Debbie-will make hi'ma cake.
11. Please show him (orher) the paintings.
12. He wouldn't throw her the ball.
13. Rose sang us two loye songs. '
14. Mr. and Mrs. Stone are going to buy her a presento
15. Willyou please pass them the vegetables?
16. The goyernment finallygave them the permits.
17. Mr. Lee got them new benefits.

1. I wiUdescribe the painting to her.
2. They didn't show us the patterns.
3/ Please bring your mother the-package.
4. Can you lend me the ,money?
5. Who proposed the deal to Mr.and M~s.Brown?
6. We can't giye you the proofs.
7. Mrs. West is making her daughter' s dresses.
8. He couldn't repeat the words to uso
9. Please don't buy Helen fatt,ening,food.
10. She always answers the children's questions.
11. She couldn't tell you a lie.
12. . Does he report his progress lo his doctors?

13. Meg has to read the students a poem.

14. Is he going to explain his method'to the directors?
15. Please translate this letter fOrme.


1. What did Charles throw to BOb?The packagel.
2. iOWhom will you give the report? Whom \ViII YOU alve the reDOl't to? To
3. What should they explain to us? The Iymbola.
4. FOrWhomare you buyingthat sweate~?Whomare you buylnathat sweater
'. for? For Bobby.
5. 'Yowhom does he teach calculus? Whom d088 he teach calculua to? To my
6. I What would you rather read? A novel.
7. What are they telling the sudience? Jokea.
8. To whom did he introduce his girl friend? Whom did he introduce hla girl

friend to? Yo hia parenta.

9. For whom are you making a cap? Whom are you maldng a cap for? For
Debbie' I child.

10. Yo whom might she reyeal her true identity?Whom mlaht Ihe reyeal her true
identity to? Yo Dr. Smith.
11. What are they changing for you? The 011.
12. What were you able to say to her? Nothlna. .
13. Yowhom did Mark lend the money.?Whom did Mark lend the money to? To
14. What must he return to them? Yhe keya.
15. Yo whom did she mention her 'plaos? Whom did ahe mention her plana
to? Yo the janitor. '

16. What can I pass to you? The ltagar.

17. Whatmight they' answer for us? Yhe firat queation.
18. TOWhom wilr he recommend the new machine? Whom WilIhe recommend
the new machlne'to? Yo our agent. J
19. What do they haye to bring to me? The involcea.
20. FOiWhom did she translate the poems? Whom dld ahe translate the poema
for? For Dr,. Lewla.

1. He threw the dogs some bones. He threw them some OOn88.
2. Mark proposed a beautiful plan to the directors. He propoaed it to them.
3. Tom and I will make the reservatiQns for our uncle. We wllI make them
for him. \ .

4. She bought her mother an expensiye ring. She OOughther an expenllve rlng.
5. WiIIthe clarksintroduceher friendsto us? WlIIthey introducethem to' ua?
6. Theydidn't sell their house to Myriam.They dldn't ..11it to her.

7. Didhe mention her name to vou and Charles? DIdhe m_don It lo you COIto
you and him)?
8. Dr. Appleton taugbt Ted and me history.!:!!..eor ahe) taughtu8eor he ancIme)
hlatory. ' '

9. John always tells his parents the truth. He .'Y8 te118them the truth.
10. Can the salesman show the girls the new models?'Can he ahow them the
new m~?


1. We painted two plctures for her yeaterday afternoon.
2. She staVed-Inher room'from elght 'to twelve yesterday moming.
3. Bob always brings somethlng to U8from New York.
4. I discussed the matter with them at home 88stnlght.
5. Can we prepare sandwlchea for the ~rty In her kltchen?
6. Did the teaeher distribute the exam8 to the atudents In cI88888.. Monday?
7. They rented a conage by the sea 8881aummer. '

8. You should give the papera lo Mr. Lee In hla offlce ealiy tomorrow.
9. They'Uoffer a reC8ptionlor her al the Qub tomorrow evenlng.
10. I'm leavingfor Boatonal nlne Sun.y momlng. '

11. Please pass Ihe coffee to her Immedlately. (or immedlatelyto he,.)
, 12. Do you want the ñng for her by tomorrow? .
13. I proposed to finish the aurvey for the company bynoon tomorrow.
14. He got Ihe visa for Debble at the conlUlate y..terday noon.
15. WiU you please elean the chalr. In the dlnlng room 8fter breakfa"?
.16.1 can't tell the n8Wato thembefore ten o'clock~

1.. The new bookstoreis J!!!..London Sto .
2. We Atomie Era. l'
3. He earried her lor three bloeks.
4. Wf!Jhave to be there at ten o'eloek (or by ten o'elock).
5. They have to walk frOm their house to their office every day.
6. Mrs. Kent has to, pay her taxas by January 31st. That is the final date for
payingtaxes. -
7. He's nev~r home in the afternoon.
8. They arrived here In 1972.
9. The circus will remain In the city for three weeks.
10. We sometimes go to the moviasonFriday.
11. The museum is open !!!m!.Tuesday to Sunday.

12. Mary's wedding is going to be ~ February 16th.
13. We'lI tinish our course in May. .
14. 1'11be there -in two minutes. It's a short distance.
" "

15. They built a new house by "the river. It is beautiful.

16. Myuncle and aunt neverleave the city in the winter. "

17. They will open all the presents at midnight.

1. You don't haye to return here necessarily.
2. The baby surprised eyerybody by laughing.
3. The company wrote us a letter about it last week.
4. They left rapidlyafter the meeting.
5. Mark Twain dressed in white 10r many years.
6. She played happily with her friends.

7. The leayes of the trees are turning yellow.

8. Sam neyer has his coffee withC)utsugar.
9. He washed all the glasses carefully after the party.
10. We sat informailynear the fireplace yesterday.
11. John will send me the books by plane.
12.. They willneed a pump for the farm next year.
13. She 80ng.superbly,at the theater last night.
14. I bought it for one pound in a store in London.
15. Ned talked to her seriously'yesterday.
1. He pleased his parents by studying hard.
2. I am worried about his health.
3. It is pleasant here, in the shade of the trees.
4. She came dressed in black and white.
5. Our company paysus by the month.
6. They bought it for the hall.
7. He could do it by joining all the ropes.
8. He is in great pain. He's seriously iII.
9.- We commUnicatedwith 'him by telephone.
10. She is with.her baby in ,that.picture.
11. She smiles in a funny way.
12. Take this medicine for your headache.
13. We were without electricity all morning. A problem in the plant caused the
14. y ou canget it ~ asking.

15. We bought it with her money. She gave it to us for that purpose.
16. She made her dress of blue and white cotton.
17. Is Hele'nwith her brother? Ves, he came today from Europe.
18. You can send that letter without stamps. It's official business and the
government willpay the -postage.
19'. He sent the information by telegram.



1. Whom were the anima'ls.of the forest usually careful to avoid fighting
against? They w~re usually careful to avoid fight,ing against the skunk.
2. What did th~ skunk use against lion? He used his unfailing method of
3. Where did the lionrollover and over? He rolled over and over on the ground.
4. How many times did he bathe in the river?
Hebathed severaltimes inthe ,¡yer.
5. How did the lion feel about his wife's words? He felt offended.
6. Where did the tion find his friends? He found them by the river.
7. .Whomdid he addressed first? he addres.sedthe be.r first.
8. What did the bear believe in good faith? He believed in food faith that the
lion wanted the truth. ' .

9. What did the wolf say to the tion? He said to him. IIYour Majesty, there's a
'wonderful fragrancecoming from your body, similar to those of roses and
10. What did the fox seem to have? He seem~ to have a terrible cough.
11., How was his voice when he finallyreplied? It was hearse.
12. Where did the fox disappear to? He disappeare.din to the wGOds.




Todas las palabras siguientes tienen el sonido (~) o el sonido (1\) o ambos,
subraye la snaba ,que contenga alguno de eUos, y escriba debajo el simbolo
abuse money' cup Bible

altar animal' buckle nut

conduct (verb) boxer duck ' golden

just across surplus aboye

tearfuI vapor turn vulgar


15.1.1. Guiándose por los dibujos, complete cada oración con this, th8t~these o
those, seg6n corr.esponda.

1. I bought shoes at Rais.

......-- ~.
2. t>oyis Helen's nephew.

3. Pleaseclean windows.

4. 1"11
take box.

5. Did Marge bring . cake?

6. My grandfather planted tree.

7. Can you read words?

8. Who cut flowers.

9. I don't like dress.

10. Do you want to listan to

11. -- earringsare beautiful,I'm

goingto buy them.

12. Don't sweep rugs in the
room. Please take them outside.

13. suitcase is heavy. I can't


14. chocol~tes are delicious.

15. Are you using books?

16. plane is flyingto Denver.

15.1.2. Complete usando this, that, these, those. En cada caso se supone que
hay dos juegos del mismo objeto, uno cerca y otro lejos del hablante.

1. These flowers are withered. are fresh.

2. I don't likethese shoes. I like
3. We believe this is correct..We believe is incorrecto

4. That possible. '
5. Please take these glases to the kitchen. Please bring
6. That milk js sour. .' milk is good.
7. Jane completed those lines. I completed .
8. This boy was here at nine. boy arrived at eleven. .

. 9. Those exercises were easy. are difficult.

10. Maureen recommends these books. I recommend

Vuelva a hacer el ejercicio 15.1.2. del t~xtot pero suponiendo que a Víctor le
rodean los objetos de la izquierday a David los de la derecha.


15.2.A.1. Guiándose por el contexto complete con aD,not all, whoIe, both Y no.
1. I bought five apples yesterday.Teddy ate two, and I used three in a pie. .
appleswere 18ft. .

2. her daughter and my daughter won medals in'the' competitlon.

3.. John has twenty students in his group. Eighteen are Canadian, two are
English. .Iohn's students are Canildian.
4. We used a tánk ,01gasoline yesterday.
5. babiesneed loveand careo .

6. We have communicationwith the island.A hurricanedamaged

tHetelephone lines..
7. .She spent the moming cleaning the rugs.
8.. They require a high school diploma and a medical certificate.
9. the problems are difficult,flVeare easy. .

10. . ' the secretariesare working,except MissSmithand Missdavis.,

11. I read the book last night.
12. I am happy and calm, I have fear.
13. the children want to play basebaU,Teddy and his brother want to
play basketball. .

14. Please invite Mary and her cousin.

15.2.8. Guiándose por los dibujos complete con avery y not every.

1.1. inan is wearing a jacket.

1.2. -man has long hair.
1.3. man is standing up.

2.1. boy has a~1I in his hand.

2.2. boy is wearing a cap.
2.3. boVis beside a cato

3.1. girl has an esc~rt.
3.2. .girlis wearing ~ crown.
3.3. ,- girlhas a flower in
her hand.

4.1. table has a flower V8S8.

4.2. , flower vase has a rosa.
4.3. rose has leaves.

. painting has a place l::Vi:] '1DIIIIIDIIDiI

on the wall. ~ ~

- painting has a trame. . 11s-r. P",..e I

r. . . .', . . . .~
Vuelva a hacer el ejercicio anterior, sustituyendo every por each en todas las
frases afirmativas.

15.2.A-B.1. Complete con all, both. whole. no. &very.each. not all o not every.
1. her cousins live in Mexico,except one.
2. citizen has a right to vote.
3. - the houses in my block have two stories.
4. Hehurt legs.
5. student worked intensely,:John, Peter and Louis spent the 1ime
6... She wears a ringon finger,includingthe thumbs.
7. 1have moneyinthe banknow. I spent my moneyon
my trip to Europe.

8. He ate a chicken.
9. the members attended the meeting. Five were absent.
10. The p'riesttalked to husband and wife.
11. The teacher assigned one lesson to student.
12. . man in the world should have a chance to Uvewell.
13. the documents are in that file. I have two' or three in the safe.
14. Please give me the cheese. My guests love cheese.
15. person has ability to govern. '
16. We have. proof of his death.
17. tree lost its leavesduring ~hestorm.
18. y ou can eat the orange and the banana.
19. the bottles are empty. These two bottles have whiskey.

15.2.C.1' Complete con most, many, much, a few, a little, según corresponda.

1. people like comtort.

2. A librarynormallyhas books. .
3. Pleasebring me lemons tor the tea; three or tour will be enough.
4. We don't have time. Pleasehurry.
5. Pleaseput sugar in my coffee. Only h~lf a spoontul.
6. We didn't see movies last year.
7. That woman is old and sick. She doesn't have energy.
8. men are kings o presidents. Only - are.
9.. You shouldneverwear perfume.Useonly
10. children sleep eight or nine hours every day.
11. Only girls study mechanical engineering.
12. I didn't spend . money,only pennies..
13. countries belong to the United Nations Organization.
14. The National MU$8umof Anthropology in Mexico city has .visitors
everyyear. .

15. ehildrenlove candy~

16. We didn't have . rain last year. We had to'use our water reserves.
17. This is a concentrate, use only

15.2.C.2. Complete con a lot of, many y mucho Utilice a lot 01 para las frases
afirmativas y many y much para las negativas.

1. That didn't require effort.

2. I .alwaysgive the children fruit and vegetables.
3. We cannot spend - time visiting. We have a class in twenty
4. That insecticidewas not effective.It didn't kill:. flies.
5. They brought flowers for you this morning.
6. This lesson doesn't present difficulties.
, 7. Mrs. Brown has money. She's going to donate one millionpesos
to our orphanage. .

8. She saw your friends at the party.

9. We couldn't do work ¡ast night.
10. The exam didn't have questions.
11. He never drank wine.
12. We couldn't buy dresses, they were expensive.
13. They're going to need sand and cemento
14. This doesn't produce smoke.
15. We lose customers-during the winter.

15.2.C.3. Complete con some o any.

1. We prefer ice cream.

2. - - friends are going to come today.
3. Marge didn't prepare salad for dinner tonight.
4. Alicecopied . wordsfromthe blackboard.
5. He is not making effort to finish on time.
6. I didn't receive letters this week.
7. That book doesn't contain biographies.
8. Please give me cake.
9. We're going to request copies of ~hat magazine.
10. We don't have milkin the refrigerator.
11. Ted brought toys for th~ children.
12. Didn't you find mistake in his report?
13. Tney proposed reforms in the system.
14. They couldn't take courses last summer.
15. Pleasedon't confirm. reservationsuntilMonday.
; 16. l'm goingto have ,cookiesand a glass of milk.
17. 'T~ey didn't contribute ideas to the plan.
18. Sharon received packages from Boston.
19. I need time to think.
20. The teachers won't offer, suggestions to the.boys.

15.2.D. Complete cada oración tomando dos palabras de la columna correspon-
diente d$ la derecha.

1. John bought. at the bakery. meters
2. A gallon has. ten
3. I need . . for the cake, nine for the batter and sixty
. three for the icing. pies
4. A decimeter has ten
5. She prepared - : chocolate, strawberry, quarts
vanilla, lemon~ etc. several
6. A kilometerhas' four
7. We have- five in each foot. ~ntimeters
8. An hour has a thousand
a dozen


9. Wé use in music. sides
10. A trilogy has eleven
11 A dollar has notes
12. attend school in big cities. pennies
13. A marguerite (daisy) has - four
14. The word pleistocene has letters
15. A square has seven
16. Insects have . studants .
a hundred
a dozen


15.3.1. Complete con el ordinal adecuado, o con las palabras next, leal, prece-
ding, follo_ng, present o pa8t.

1.' December is month of the year.

2. .cénturyis .century;
js the twenty-first century. .
3. president of Mexico was don Guada'upe Victoria,
president after him'was don Vicente Guerrero.
4. .emperorof Mexicowas Maximilian.
5. Elizabeth _was queen of England in the 16th century.
6. - word$ are monosyllables: ten, cup, ruge .

7. In _Unit we are studying adjectives, in

Unit we studied verbs.
8. This semester's' work includes Units ~ 16, semester's
work included Units 1-8.
9. boy is Joe, the second is Henry.
10. Our difficultiesare a result of our.
11. August js month of the year.
12. age is the Space Age.
13. santence refers to our century.
14. house on this block belongs to myparents; the
Johnsons live in the first, an1 the Simpsons in the second.
15. I rnonthafterAprilis May.

15.3.-. Guiándose por los dibujos y por el contexto, complete con el ordinal ade-
cuado.o con las palabras next, laat, preceding, ,'ollowing, present o past.

1. Please light and


fruit is an apple, .

to the last is apear.

flower has many petals; ~

.three have four.

two have five.

month is December, we have many
holidays, and we are enjoying them;
month we have to wotk hard and
prepare tor the exams.

map is a map of Mexico,

is a map ot Italy.

two trees have fruit;
!\Yo are bare;

two have.a few leaves.

7. PAST E Poc '"

word is a polisyllable, ~st~" EAA
f\1t'~E "TU.,,¡:
words are monosyllables or disy- A(;E AtJAC.AAoN\S~

triangleis different.



15.4.1. Guiándose por el contexto y los dibujos, complete con, another, other,
others,the other,the others. .

...,. ....:- .
/ (!J~
1. Please bring me
piece of cake. One is not enough.

2. Tw~ rings ar:e expensive,

are cheap.

3. You may have


4. This is not my umbrella. Do you

have some ?

5. Please give me some.

nails. These a(e bent.

6. This tlower is tor you,
tlower is tor Alice.

7. The house in the middle has three
house,shave two.

.8. You may haya a piece Qf the choco-

late cake, --
is tor Joy's birthday.

9. Please hand me three_~-

candles. lillian is going to be
thirteen. .

1.0.We need a tew tlowers.

15.4.2. Vuelva a escribir las siguientes oraciones suponiendo que el sustantivo
subrayado está sobreentendido, y suprimiéndolo.

1. Some other children played in the garden.

2. They studied the other projects.
3. Do you want another gl8881.
4. May I see the other pictur8s1
5. Some doors need painting.and some other doors need cleáning.
6. The other houses are empty. -
7. She doesn't haye another copy.
8. They expected seyeral other visitors.
9~ Other companies are participating.
10.. Canyou playotherinstruments?,
11. Thev introduced'other programs.
12. May I borrow another book? -
13. WiIIyou draw the other blrd.?
14. Please peal the other two oranges.
15. Please recite another poem.-
. 16. Hedidn't advertisethe otherfiveproducts.
17. Didyou receiye other letters1
18. Can you understand the other problems?
19. Shall I buy those other shoes?
. 20. She couldn'tsendany other invitadons.



Lea cuidadosamente la siguiente'adaptación de la'fábula IIElledn y el elefante", y

luego conteste las preguntas que se.le hacen.


AII the animalsaccepted the Lion, without dispute, as their king. He was strong
and brave, and beautiful, a really superb animaL But they could not understand
why the Lion would always prefer the com'pany of the Elephant to that of all the
other animals. One day, while the Lion and the Elephant were on a hunting trip,
the other animals held a meeting to 'discuss the matter.
The Fox, who had the fame of being smart, was the first to speak: "1 cannot
understand the Lion's preference.for that heavy, clumsy, unattractiv~ Elephant. I
could understand it if the Elephant had a bushy tail "Iike mine, beautiful and
elegant" .
"Well", said the bear,wh~ didn't care about fashion, lIif the Elephanthad sharp,
strong claws such as mine, I would clearly see the reasonfor his preference,but he
doesn't, and I don't know why the Lion likes his company for hunting'''.
, IIThoseawful tusks he has,so graceless", and addedthe Bull, "if he had horns as
beautiful as l' llave, everybody would know why the Lion always invites him".
liNo, no, you are all wrong", argued the Donkey, "any dumb creature can easily
. sea that [he only reason why the Elephant is the favorite is because he has long
ears like mine".
IIHow silly these animals are", commented the Duck to his wife, "but if they
can't quack, what good can you expect from them?" With these words he
signaled his wife to accompany him, and they both left in disgust over the
foolishness of the other animals.


1. Whom did the animals accept, without dispute, as their.fking?

2. Whose company did the Lion always prefer?
3. What happened one day, while the Lion and the Elephant ~ere on a hunting
trip? . . "

4. Who was the first to speak?

5. What was the Fox's taillike? - . '.
6. What didn't the Bear care about?
7. How doesthe Bull describethe Elephant's tusks? 1/',: ...~

8. Whosaidallthe animals were wrong?

9. 'What did the Donkey and the Elephant have in common, according to the
Donkey?~ -
10. Didthe Duck think it was good or bad that the other animal couldn't quack?


':.. .........-

Para cotejar con su asesor.



1. I bought theae shoes at Ray's.

2. That boy is Helen's nephew.
3. Pleaie clean those windows.
4. 1'11take this box.
5. Did Marge bring this cake?
6. My grandfather planted that tree. .
7. Canyo~ read theae words?
8. Who cut those flowers?
9. I don't likethat dress.
10.- Do you want to listen to thls recQrd?
11. Theae earrings are beautiful, I'm going t~ buy them.
12. Don't sweep-tho8e rugs in the room. Please take them outside.
13. D!!!..suitcaseis heavy. I can't lift it.
14. Those chocolates are delicious.
15. Are you using the.. books?
16. That plane is flyingto Denver.

15.1.2. . . .

1. These flowers are withered. Tho8e are fres.

2. I don't like these shoes. Ilike thOse.
3. We believethis is correctoWe believe that is incorrect.
4. That is impossible.Thl. is possible.
5. Please take ~ glasses t~ the kitchen. Please bring tho8e.
8. That milkis seur. ThI8milkis good.
7. Janecompleted those tines. I completed th_.
8. This boy was here at nine. That boy arrived -ateleven.
9. Those' exercises were easv:th8ie are difficult.
10. Maureen recornmends these books. I recommend tho88.


1. I bought five apples yesterday. Teddy ate two, and I used three in a pie. No
apples were left.

2. 80th her daugfJter and my daughter won li1ed~ls in the competition.

3.. John has twenty' students in his group. Eighteen are Canadian, tWo are
English.Not all John's students are Canadian.
4. We usad a whole tank of gasoline yesterday.
5. AIIbabies need love and careo
6. We have.l!!Lcommunication with the ¡sland. A hurricane damaged all the
telephone línes.
7. She spent the whole morning cleaning the rugs.
8. They require both a high school diploma and a medical certificate.
9. Not all theproblems are difficult,flVeare .easy.

. 10. AII the secretaries are working, except Miss Smith and Miss Davis.
11. Iread the whole book last night..

12. I am happyand calm, I have no fear.


13. Not 811the c'hildrenwant to play baseball, Teddy and his brother want to
play basketball.
14. Please invite both Mary and her cousin.

1.1. Not &veryman is wearing .ajacket.
1.2. Not &veryman has long hair.
1.3. Not every man is istanding up.
2.1: Evaryboy has a ball in his hand.
2.2. Everyboy is wearing a cap.
2.3. Not every boy is beside a cato
3.1. Everygirl has an escort.
3.2. Not every girl is wearing a crown.

3.3. Everygirl has a flower in her hand.

4.1. Everytable has a flower vase.
4.2. Everyflower vase has a rose.
4.3. Not every rosa has leaves.
5.1. Not &verypainting has a place on the wall.
5.2. !!!!I..painting has aframe.
5.3. Not &verypainting won a prize.

1. Al. her cousins livein Mexico,except one.
2. Everycitizen has a right to vote. .
3. MJhe houses on myblóckhavetwo stories.
4. tie hurtJ!!!!!.l~s.
185 '
5. Not 8V8rystudent worked intensely: Johh, Peter and Louis spent the time
loafing. .
6. 'She wears a ring on each finger, including the thumbs. (or ...on eV8ry
7. I have no money in'the bank now. I spent all my money on my trip to Europe.
8. He até a whole chicken. '.
9. Not all the members attended the meeting, five were absent.
10. The priest talked to both husband and wife.
I 11. The teac~erassigned one lesson to each student. (or every student).
12. Every'man in the wo~ldshould have a chance to livewell.
13. Not all the documents are in that file. I have two or three in the safe.
14. Please give me the whole cheese. My guests love cheese.
15. Not every person has the ability to 'govern.
16. We have no proof of his death.
17. Evervtree lost its leaves during,the storm.
18. You can eaí both'the orange and the banana.
19. Not all the bottles are empty. These two bottles have whiskey.

1. Most people like comfort.
2. A librarynormally has many books. ,

3. Please bring me a few lemons for the tea, three or four will be enough.
4.' We don't have much time. Please hurry. "

5. Please put a littlesugar in my coffee. Only half a spoonful.

6. 'We didn't see many movies last year. ' ,

7. That woman is old and sick. She doesn't have much energy.
8. Not many men are kings or presidents. Only a feware.
9. You should never wear much perfume. Use only a little.
10. Most children sleep eight or nine hours every day.
11. Only a few girls study mechanical engineering.
12. I didn't spend much mon~y, only a few pennies,'
13. Most countries belong to the United Nations OrgalÍization.
14. The National Museumof Anthropology in Mexico City has many visitors
every year.
15. Most .childrenlove candy.
16. We didn't have much rain last year. We had to use our water reserves.
17. This is a concentrate, use only a little.
1. That didn't require much effort. '

2. I always give the children a lot of fruit and vegetables.

3. We c,annot spend much time visiting. We have a class in twEmtyminutes.
4. That' insecticide was not effective. It didn't killmany flies.

. "5. They brought a lot 01flowers. for you this morning.
6. This.lesson.doesn't present many difficulties. .

7. . Mrs. Brown has a lot 01 money. She is going to donate one'millipn pesos to
our orphanage. '

8. She sa~ a lot 01your friends at the party.

9. We couldn't do much work last night."
10. Tha exam didn't have many questions.
11. He never drank much wine.
12. We couldn't buy many dresses, they were. expensive.
13. They're going to need a lot of sand and cemento
14. This doesn't produce much smoke.
15. We lose many customers during the winter.
l. We prefer some ice cream.
2. Some friends are going to come toctay.
3. Marge didn't prepare.-!!!I salad for dinner tonight.
4. Alice copied some words from the blackboard.
5. He is not making any effort to finish on time.
6. I didn't receive~letters this week.
7. That book doesn't contain any biographies.
8. Please give me some cake.
9. We're going to request some copies of that magazine.
10. We don't have~milk in the refrigerator.
11. Ted brought some toys for the children.
"2. Didn't you fin<!.!!!Lmistake in his report?
13. They proposed some reforms in1he system.
14. They could't take any courses last summer.
15. Pleasedon't confirmany reservationsuntilMonday..
:16. I,'mgoing to have some cookies and.a glass of milk.
17. They didn't contribute any ideas to the plan. .

18. Sharon received~packages from Boston.

19. I nee~ some time to think.
20. The teachers won't offer any suggestios to the boys.
1. John bought several pies at the bakery.
2. A gallon has four quarts. .

3. I need a dozen eogs for the cake, nine for the batter and three for the icing.
4. A deeimeter has ten centimeters. '

5. She prepared various kinds: chocolate,. strawberry, vanilla, lemon. ete.

6. A kilometerhas a thousand meters.
7. We have ten toes, five on each foot.

.8. An hour has 8Ixtyminuta.
9. We use leVen notes in musie.
10. A trilogy has Ihree lit.." compolltlon..
11. .Adollar has 8 hundred D8I1n1es.
12. Numerou. atudent. attend school in big eities.
13. A marguerite (daisy) has 88veralpetaIa.
14. The word plelatocenehas elevenletten. .
15. A square has tour lides.
16. Insects have 8IxIeg.~

1. December is !he tweIfth month of the year.
2. 'he preaent eentury is the twentIeth eentury; the next is th8 .twenty-first
3. The ftr8t president of -Mexieo was Don Guadalupe Victoria, the next
president after him was Don Vicente Guerrero.
4. The aecond emperor of Mexieo was Maxiinilian.
6. ElizabethI (the Flml was queen of England in the 16th. century.
6. The followlnawords are monOSyllables:ten, eup, ruge
7. In the Pl'888ntUnit we are studying adjectives, in lhe preceedlna Unit we
studied verbs.
8. This semester's work ineludes Unts 9-16, la8t semester's work ineluded Units
1~ .

9. The 11mboy is Joes,. the secon is Henry.

10.. Our preaent diffieultiesare a result of our past errora.
11. August is the eIahth month of the year.
12. The Dl'888ntage is the Space Age.
13. 1he preceedlng sentence our century. .
14. The thlrd house in this block belongs to my parents; the Johnsons live in the
first, and the SimPSOnsin the second.
15. The nextmonth after april is May.

16.3. ,

1. Please light the fourth and the nlnth.

2. The lalt fruit is an apple, the n&XIto the last is apear.
3. The thlrd flower has many petals, the lalt 1hree.have four patals; (or !he n&XI
three...); the 11mtwo have five. lar'lhe preceedlna two...)
4. ,he preaent month is December; we have many holidays, and we are
enjoying them; in the foIIowInamonth W8have to work h8rd and prepare for
the exama.
6. The fIfth map is a map of Maco, the aeventh is a map of 'Italy.
6. The flrst two trees have fruit, the next two are bare; the last two have a few
leaves. '.
7. The last word is popysyllable, the preceding w~rds are monosyllables or
disyllables. -
8. The sixteenth triangle is different.


1. Please bring me another piece of cake. One is not enough.
2. Two rings are expansive, the others are cheap.
3. y ou may have another apple.
4. This is not my umbrella. Do you have some others?
5. Please give me some other nails. These are bent.
6. This flower is for you, the other flower is for AUce.
7. The house in the middle has three bedrooms, the other houses have two.
8. You may have a piece of the chocolate cake, the other is for Joy's birthday.
9. Please hand me three olher candles. Lillian is goir:-g to be thirteen.
10. We need a few other flowers.

1. Some other children played in the garden. Some others plaved in the aard~n.
2. They studied the other pralects. Thev,studied the others.
3. Do you want another gla.? Do you went another?
4. May I see the othet pictures? Mey I see the others?
5. Some doors need painting, and some other doors need cleaning. Some doors
need painting, and soma others need cleaning.
6. The other houses are empty..The others are empty.
7. She doesn't have another copy. She doesn't have another.
8. They expected several other visitora. They expected several others.
9. Other ~ompanies are participating. Othera are partlcipating.
10. Can you play other instruments? Can vou play others?
11. They introduced other programs. They introduced others.
12. May I borrow another book? mev I borrow another? 1

13. WiIIyou draw the other birds? willyou draw the others?
14.' Please peel the other two oranges. Please peel the other two.
15. Please recite another poem. Please recite another. .

16. He didn't advertJsethe other five producta. He didh't advertise the other five.
17. Díd you receive other lettera? Dld you receive others?
, 18. Can you understand the other problems? Can you understand the others?
19. Shall buy those other shoes? Shalll buy those othera?
20. She couldn't send me other invitations. She could't send any othera.



Answer8: -
1. Whom did all the animals accept, without dispute, as their king1 They all
accepted the Lion,without dispute, a8 their kina. ~

2. Whose company \ 'did the Lion always prefer1 He aMaY8 preferred the
company of 'he Elephant.
3. What happenedone day, while the Lion and the Elephant were <>na huríting
trip 1 The other anlmal8held a meetlna. .

4. Who ""as the first to speak1 The Fox wa8 Ihe tir8t lo 8PUk.
5. What was the Fox's taillike111was bU8hy, beauliful and eleaant.
6. What didn't the Bear care about1 He didn't care aboul fa8hion.
7. How does the BuUdescribe the Elephant's tusks1 He describe8 them as awful .
and graceles8. . .

8. Whosaidallthe animalswerewrong1The allthe animalswere

9. What did the Donkey and the Elephant have in cOl'Jlmon,according to the
Donkey? They both had long ears.
10. Didthe Duckthinkit was.good or bad that the other animalscould'nquack1
He thought it '!Va8bad.




Escriba con sfmbolos fonéticos la pronunciaci6n de las letras que aparecen en

negro en c~da palabra. .

like (, ) my ( )
brown ( ) tank ( )
hard ( ) .sand ( )
master ( ) dot ( )
tar ( ) night ( )
tan ( ) crowd ( )
bow ( ) amount ( )
mind ( ) mass ( )
found ( ) invite ( )
count ( ). now ( )
spark ( ) quarrel t )
water ( ) acid ( )
out ( ) man ( )
sight ( ) f8rm ( )
lie . ( ) mile ( )
aloud ( . ) nag ( )
art ( ) tire ( )
an ( ) got ( .)
cry . L ) wax ( )
powder ( ) wash ( )


16.1.1 Guiándose por los dibujos, complete con palabras que indiquen cualidad o
caracterrstica, y con determinativos.

1. box contains balls.


3. They are going to wear

dresses to the party. It is formal.

4. Marieput the chair beside


5. I like Lillian's face, and
disllke Frederick' s .face.

6. l' m going to use flowers

exclusively. Pleaseput the others in
that vase.

. 7. I can't stand music.

8. I'm going to wash all these


9. boots belong to Mr.

Johnson; boots
belong to his little son.

10. 1'11take suitcases.

y ou táke package.

16.1.2. Complete las oraciones con las palabras dadas entre parénte$is, coloca-
das en su orden debido.

1. We'lI have to borrow (tall - John's - ladder)

2. Please type - - -
with two copies. (letters five the - first)
3. He brought me .(roses - a dozen - red)
4. We tound mistakes in . (Henry's - a lot 01 - statemen~ - previous)
5. DidAUcebuy 1 (beautiful- last - the - dolls - ~o)
6. I hope he won't carry out -' (decision- terrible- his)
7. They produced - last year. (movies - tirst - their -
interesting - two)
8. This recipe calls tor of time of the other recipe.
(amount -'the - half)
9. I couldn't believe (last - John's - words)
10. . Heoffered (suggestions - original - many)
11.We met- at the conference. (outstanding
- several - scientists)
12. Multi'ply- by three. (preceeding - the
- numbers - all)
13. He drank- (beers - cold - last - the)
14. I can't tind tor Bobby. (clean
- socks - any)
15. WiIIyou please give me ,1 (hot - a little - water)

16.2. Vaya sustituYéndo con cada una de las palabras de la columna ~e la

izquierda la correspondiente en la oración inmediatamente anterior.

1'11do the next five short exercises.

.preceding 1.
long 2.
three 3.
problems .4.

We need a few round boxes.

both 5.
tables 6.
oval 7.
five 8.

They copiad several difficult words.
easy 9.
lessons 10.
four 11.
interesting 12.

They don't have much water.

tea 13.
any 14.
strong 15.
coffee 16.

Please translate the first fiveforeign words

last 17.
long 18.
two 19.
sentences 20.


l. . i
16.2.1. Guiándose por los dibujos, 'Icomplete.
. . I
1. Ilove ~~

2 Doyou want some~

ice cream1 [W


3. The pot is betwee1 the

teapot and the - pit~her.

4. Pleasehandmethe-1 . I

, '. .1
5. ~ashington, D.C., is famous or
ItS trees.



1- - - . - -- -- " .
6. 1'm going to close the
door. You left it open.

7. This recipe calls for two


8. Mr. Brown has a beautifu,1


19. Where are my keys?

1,0. I bought that pair of


16.2.2. Complete cada oración con las palabras que aparecen entre paré~tesis,
estructuradas en su debido orden.

1. We bought (heaters - two - gas - modern)

2. They don't have Jdinner - ovar - plates - many)
3. Who received- (telephone - doctor's - the - cal!)
4. She couldn't find (blue - her.- napkins - all
- cocktail)
5. l'm goihg to prepare (fruit - my - delicious'
- punch - mother's)
6; We need- (shower - new - a -
curtain - pink)
7. They ordered . for the building dec-
oration. (smsll - bulbs - a .thousand - light)
8. Mayweborrow- ,1 (garden - old
- chairs - tour - your)
9. Mary could get- for tonight's play.
(excellent - seats - five)
10. We don't have in town.
(radio - stations- powerful- any)
11. Our department is going to order.
(new - computers - electronic - some)
12. .reterred to economic theories.
(preceding - whole - chapter - the)
13. belong to Mrs. Lee.
(fans - electric - both)
14. Did you see- ,1 (last -G'loria Carson's
- picture - movie)
15. They offered UL (job-
several opportunities - interesting)

16.3. Identifiqueel objeto de que se trata, guiándose por la oración que indica su
1. ~e use the machine to add. It's an adding machine.
2. We use the tape to record. It's recording tape.
3. We use the rod tofish.-
4. We use the fountain to drink.
5. We use the machine to sew.
6. We use the board to chop.-
7.. We use the knife to prune.
8. We use the paper t~ type.
9. We use the oil to cook. -
10. We use "the paper to wrap.
11. We use the fluid to clean.
12. We use the bowls to mix.
13. We use the devices to heat.
14. We use the compartment to freeze.
15. We use the room to read. -
16. We use the lights to signal.
17. We use the board to draw.


16.4.1. Complete cada frase con los elementos adjetivos que se dan bajo la Ifnea,
acomodándolos en su debido orden. Utilice but y and en los casos en
que sea necesario. Use comas también donde se necesite.
1. We received machines yesterday.
new - electric - two
2. Theychoose dresses.
white embroidered -two -evening - beautiful .

3. She needs bags.

big -' plastic ~ several
4. They hired secretary.
. talented -bilingual -seautiful . a sandwiches.
5. She prepared
delicious - ham - so me - cheese.. round
6. We didn't find apples at the store.
red - many - big - imported
7. Laura andl met players.
basketball - handsome - two - tall
8. The boys W9re , and they did the job well.
inexperienced - enthusiastic
9. Mother bought Chrlstmas ornamenta.
dozen - red- two - green - white
10. Please take John copies of the article.
three - carbon - first - the
11. We have practic~ this afternoon.
laboratory - important - two - difficult
12. She's
selfish - beautiful -wealthy
13. I can't fi"nd pen
gold - fountain - favorite - my
14. He'l!teach us lessons.
special - five -,next - English - the
15. Alice has , paper.
white - writlng - perfumed - blue - some

16.4.2. De las frases entre paréntesis escoja el o los elementos adjetivos que
completencorrectamentecada oración. .

(a state spelling) (an excellent piano) (a vigorous) (a large and interesting)

(a mysterious black)
1. They saw shadow.
2. Mr.fLewis"has collection.
3. We'lJparticipate in contesto
4. H~gave them handshake.
5. She attended cQncert.

(white . and green kitchen) (liquid silver) (a difficult chemistry) (the new
Spanish) (a beautiful baby)
6. We're going to make experimento
7. They offered.her _shower.
8. Mary ordered - cabinets.
9. I.need a can of - polish.
10. Please hand me dictionary .

(her new riding) (his wise philosophical) (an important uranium) (three deli-
cious pecan) (some suspicious)'
11. Mark discovered deposito
12. Helen made- _pies.
13. She didn't bring boots.
14. They found - .fingerprints.
15. He's going to contribute commentaries.


16.5.1. A partir del hecho dado, estructure dos oraciones desoriptivas,'una .con el
participioactivoy otra con el pasivo. .

His manners disgusted uso

She charmed them.
The results satisfied the Board.
TheJperformance pleased the audience.
The news distressed them.
The experiment intere~ted the stude~ts.
11.a) ,
The long walk tired Mary.
His jokes amused the children.
. The sight astonished the men.
The cries horrified uso
19.a) .



16.6.1. Vuelva a .escribir cada frase sustituyendo con la palabra que aparece
entre paréntesis el elemento correspondiente, haga los cambios que sean
necesarios el"'!las formas verbales.

Mr. Clark got tirad.

1. . (felt)
2. . (sick)
3. . (seems)
4. . (happy)
5. . (they)
6. . (look)
7. -. (are)
8. . Umpatient)
9. . (grew)
10. .(Mark)
11. . (turned)
12. - . (is)
13. . (firm)
14. . (stood)
15. . (the boys)
16. . (remain)
, 17. . (calm)
18. . (stay)
19. - . (lie)
20. . (keep)
21. -. (she)
22. . . (beautiful)
.23. . (continues)
24. ~. (appears)
25. - . (it)
26. . (sounds)
27. -. (goOO)
28. . (smells)
29. . (tastes)
30.- . (became)


16.7~1. Guiándose por los dibujos V por 1a preposición dada entre paréntesis;

1. The kitten istor

little Debbie. (in)

2. The paintings have

inexpensivetrames. The painting
ha.san expensive frame.
(beside - above)

3. The girl is
Betsy' s friendo (on) .

4. The chair is
broken. (below)

5. The flowers are

for Jenny. (on)

6. The box eontains

7. Thefruit
bowl _0-. ~
to rny grandmother. (betweenl ~.~ :::---'~

8. The car hit the pole .(at)

'9. The shoes need polish.

(under) .

10 Jaek and Louise Uvein the house



16.8.A-B.1. Según la información dada en la primera oración, complete la

segunda con el participio activo.o pasivo correspondiente y su' sujeto.

1. The group was singing. The sang my favorite bailad.

2. The letters were typewritten. Mr. Davissigned the
3. Bobby broke the vase. The- was cut glass.
. 4. The dog barkedloudly.The frightened the thief.
5. I grated some cheese. The- is for the spaghetti.
6. The girlswere smiling.The. distributedthe
cigarette samples.
7. We sharpened a whole box of pencils. The were fer 8ert's office.
8. The woman velledall the time. The disgustad
all the neighbourhood.
9. The wind was blowing.The---:- destroved many plants.
10. We sliced two bananas. We put the. on top af
our cereal.
11. We whipped some cream. The was for our
12. She painted her naUs.Her- look beautiful.
13. The telephone was ringing.The bothered me.
14. The boys were laughing. The were
havinga good time. .

15. The traes were pruned. The willbe

beautiful in the spring.

16.8.A-B.2. Guiándose por el dibujo, complete cada frase con el participipactivo

pasivo del verbo entre paréntesis, según corresponda, y con el
sustantivo que debe ser modificado por él.

1. The on the black-

board are all nouns. (write)

2. The filledthe
airwith their fragrance. (bloom)

3. l'It wear the , .(polish)

4. He couldn't calm the ----


5. Please cut that


6. Al!the --~ . ar.eon

the right side. (knit)

7. The soon
warmed the room comfortably. (burn)

8. A bothered us
, al! night. (meow)

9. The crew abandoned the .


10. They are going to restore the

during the war. (destroy.)




Escriba con srmbolos fonéticos la pronunciación de las letras que aparecen en.
negro en cada palabra.

Uke ( ai ) my ( ai )
brown ( au) tank ( ae )
,hard ( a ) sand ( ae }
master .( ae ) dot ( a )
tar' ( a ) night ( ái )
tan ( ae ) crowd ( au )
'bow ( au ) amunt { au )
mind ( ai ) mass ( ae)
found ( au ) invite ( ai ).
count ( au ) now ( au)
sparl< ( a ) quarrel ( a )
water ( a ) acid ( ae )
out ( au ) man ( ae )
sight (ai ) farm ( ,a ) .
líe ( ai ) . mile .( ai )
aloud ( au ) nag ( ae )
art ( a ) fire ( ai )
an ( ae ) got ( a )
cry ( ai ) wax ( ae )
powder ( au ) , wash ( a )

16.1.1. .
1. The square box contains balls
2 The thick book is.a dictiona..y.
3. Theyare goingto wear long dressesto the party. It is formal.
4. Marie put the chair beside the old tree
5. I like Lilli;:tn'ssmiling face and dislike Frederick's sad face.
'6. I'm going to use the small floyvers exclusively. Pleaseput the others in that
. vase.


, . "
7. l.can't stand loud music.
8. I'm going to wash all these dirty clothes.
9. The big boots belong to Mr.Johnson; the small boo- belong to his.littleson.
10. 1'11take the ~$uitcases. You take the ligh, package.

1. We'lI have to borrow John's tallladder.
2. Please type the tirat flVelettera with tWo copies,
3. He brought me a dozen red roses.
4." We found mistakes in a lot 01 Hen"'s previous statements.
5. DidAUcebuy the last two beautiful dolls?
6. I hope he won't carry out his terrible decislon.
7. They produced 'heir tirst two intafesting movies last year.
8. This recipe calls for hall the amount of time of theother recipe.
9. I couldn't believeJohn's last words. '
10. He qffered manyoriglnal suggestions.
. 11. We met several outstanding scientists at the conferenc:e.
12.- Multiplyall the preceding numbers by three.
13. He drank the last cold beers. .

. 14. I can't findany eleansocksfor Bobby.

1!;). WiII you please give me a little 'hot water?

1'11do the next. five short exercises.
1. 1'11do the preceding flVeshort exerclses.
2. 1'11do the preceding flVe long exercises.
3. 1'11do the preceding three long exercises.
4. 1'11do .he preceding -three long problems.
We need a few ~oundboxes. "

5. We need both round boxes.

6. We need both round tables.
7. We need both oval tables.
8. We need-flve oval tables.
They"copied several difficultwords.
.9. They copied.several ea.y words.
10. They copled several easy les8Ons.
11. They copied tour-eaay lesIOna.
12. They copiad tour Interesting leasona.
They don't have.much hot water.
13. They don't have much hot tea.
14. They don't have any hot tea.
15. They don't have any stron9 tea.


.16. They don't hay, any strong coffee.
Please translate the first five foreign words.
17. Please translate the last rayeforeign words.
18. Please translate the last fiye long words.
19. Please translate the last two long words.
20. Please translate the last two long sentences.


1. I love chocolate cake.
2. Do you want some strawberry ice cream?
3. The coffee pot is between the teapot and the water pitcher.
4. Please hand my the telephone books. -
5. Washington, D.C. is famous for its cherry trees.
6. I'm going to close the refrigerator door.You left it open.
7. This recipe calls for two egg yolks. .

8. Mr. Brown has a beau tifuI race caro

9. Where ar.e my' ~ keys?
10. I bought that pair of tennis shoes.

1. We bought two modern gas h~aters.
2. They don't have many oyal dinner plates.
3. who received the doctor' s telephone call?
4. She couldn't find all her blue cocktail napkins.
5. I'm going to prepare my mother's deliciousfruit punch.
6.. We need a new pink.shower curtain. ' -
7. They ordered a thousand smalllight bulbs for the buildingdecoratlon.
8. May we borrow your four old ,garden chalr.?
9. Mary could get fiye excellent seats for tonight's play.
10. We don't have an, powerful radio stations in town.
11. Our department is going to order some new electronic computera.
12. The whole preceding chapter referred to economic theories.
13. 80th electric fans belong to Mrs. Lee.
14. Did you see GloriaCarson's last movie picture?
15. They offered us several interesting jObopportunities.


. 1. "We use the machineto add, It's an addingmachine~
2. We usethe tapeto record. It's recording tape. .

3. We use the rod to fish. It's fishing rod.

4. We usethe fountain to drink. It's a drinking fountain.
5. We use the machin~to sew. It's a sewing machine.
6. We usethe board to chopoIt's a choppingboard.
7. We use the knife to prune. It's a pruning knife.
8. We usethe paperto type. It's typingpaper.
9. We use the oil to cook. It's cooking oil.
10. We use the paper to wrap. It's wrapping paper.
11. We use the fluid to clean. It's cleaning fluid.
12. We use the bowisto mix.They are mixingbowls.
13. We use the devicesto heat. Thevar.eheatingdevices.
14. We use the compartment to freeze. It's freezing compartment.
15. We use the room to read. It's a reading room.
16. We use t~e lights to signal. They are signali~glights.
17. We use the board to draw. It's a drawing board.


1. We received two new electric machines yesterday.
2. They chose two beautiful white embroidered evening dresses.."
3. .She needs several big plastic bags. .

4. They hired a beautiful and talented .bilingualsecretary.

5. She prepared some delicious round ham an(~cheese sandwiches.
6. We didn't find many big imported apples at the store.
7. Laura an I met two tall and handsome basketball players.
8. The boys were inexperienced but enthusiastic, and they did the job well.
9. Mother bought two dozen red, green and white Christmas ornaments. (o
c~alquier otro orden de colores.)
10. Please take John the tirst three carbon copies of the article.
11. We have two important and difficult (or Ctifficultand important) laboratory
practicesthis afternoon. "

12. She's beautiful and wealthy, (or wealthy and beautiful) bu! selfish.
13. I can't find my favorite gold fountain peno
14. He'l!teach us the next fivespecialEnglishlessons. "

15. Atice has some perfumed white and blue (or blue"and white) writing paper.
1. They saw a mysterious black shadow.
2. Mr. lewis has a large and interesting collection.
3. We'lI participate in ,a state spelling contesto
4. He gave them a vigorous handshake., '
5. She attended an excellent piano concert. ,

6. We're going to make a difficultchemistry experimento

7. They offered her a beautiful baby shower.
8. Mary ordered white and green kitchen cabinets.
9. I need a can of liquid silverpolish. .
10. Please hand me the Englishand Spanish dictionary.
11. Mark discovered an important uranium deposito
12. Helen ma'dethree delicious pecan pies.
13. She didn't bring her new ridingboots.
14. They found some suspicious fingerprints.
15. He'sgoing to contribute his wise philosophicalcommentaries.


1.a) His manners were disgusting.
2.b)We were disgusted.
She charmed them.
3.a) She was charming.
4.b) They were charmed.
The results satisfied the Board.
5.a) The results were satisfying.
6.b) The Board was satisfied. ,
The performance pleased the audience.
,7.a) The performance was pleasing.
8.b) The audience was pleased.
The news distressed them.
9.a) The news was distressing.
10.b) They were distressed.
The experiment interested the students.
11.a) The experiment was interes~ing.
12.b) The students were interested.
The long walk tired Mary.
13.a) The long walk was tiring.
14.b) Mary was tired.

His jokes amused the children.
15.a) . His jokes were amusing.
16.b) The children were amused.
The sight astonished the men.
17.a) The sight was astonishing.
18.b) The ma" was astonished.
The cries horrofied uso
19.a) The cries were horrifying.
2O.b) We were horrified.


Mr. Clark got tired.
1. Mr. CI8rk felt tired..(felt)
2. Mr. Clark fell sick. (sick)
3. Mr. 'Clarck seemssick.(seems)
4. Mr. Clark S88mshappy. (happy)
5. They seem happy. (they)
6. They look happy (look)
7. They are happy. (are)
8. Theyare impalient. (impatient)
9. They grew impatient. (grew)
10. Mark grew impatiant. (Mark)
11. . Mark turnad impatient. (turned)
12. Mark h~impatient. (is)
13. Mark is.firm. (firm)
14. Mark stood firm (stood)
15. The boys stood firmo (the boys)
'16. The boys rémain firm (remain)
17. The boys remain calm. (calm)
18. The boys stay calm. (stay)
19. The boya lie calm. (lie)
20. The boya keep calm. (keep)
21. She keeDscalm. (she) ,
22. She keeps beautiful. (beautiful)
23. She continues beautiful. (continues)
24. She appearsbeautiful. (appears)
25. It appearsbeautiful.(it)
26. It sounds beautiful. (sounds)
27. It sounds good. (good)

28. It smells good. (smells)
29. It tastes good. (tastes)
30. It became good.:(became)


1. The kitten in the basket is for UttleDebbie.
2. The paintings beside the window have inexpensive fra~es. The painting
above the fireplace has an inexpensive frame.
3. The girlon the telephone is Betsy's friendo
4. The chair below the clock is broken.
5. The flowerson the table ate for Jenny.
6. The box near the telephone contains paper clips.
7. The truit bowl !>etween the candlesticks belonged to my grandmother~
8. The car hit the pole at the corner. '

9.. The shoes under the bed need polish.

10. Jack and Louise.Iivein the house acrossthe river.


1. The group was singing. The singing group sang my favorite bailad.
2. The 'Ietters were typewritten. Mr. Davis signed the typewritten lettera.
3. Bobby broke the vase. The broken vase was cut glass.
4. The dog barked loudly.The barking dog frightened the thiet.
5. I grated some cheese. The gr~ted cheese is tor the spaghetti.
6. The girls were smiling. The smiling girls distributed the cigarette samples~
7. We sharpened a whole box of pencils. The sharpened pencils were for Bart's
office. -'
8. The woman yelled all the time. The yellingwoman disgusted all th~
9. The wind was blowing. The bl()wingwind destroyed many plants.
10. We sliced two bananas. We put the sliced bananas on top of our cereal.
11. We whipped some cream. The whipped cream was tor our strawberries.
12: She painted her nails. Her painted nails look beautiful.
13. The telephone was ringing. The rinaina telephone .bothered me.
14. The boys were laughing. The laughing boys were having a goOO time.
15. The trees were pruned. The pruned trees will be. beautiful in the spring.

1. The words writtenon the blackboard are all nouns.
2. The blooming trees filled the air with their fragrance.
3. 1'11wear the polished shoes.
4. He couldn't calm the screaming woman.
5. Pleasecut that hanglng branch.
6, AII the knlt dressesare on the nght side.
7. The burning log&-$oon warmed the room comfortably.
8. A meowing cat bothered us all the night. '

9. The crew abandoned the sinking ship.

10. They are going to restore.the church destroyed during the war.

1. Which flower vase do you need? I need grandmother's tall blue cut glass
flovvervase. '

2. Which team is participating? Our new skating teamis participating.

3. What bottles did he break? He broke two empty milk bottles.
4. Which tablas did ,you order? I ordered severa' handy plastic television tables.
5. Which girl is Dave'~ frie'nd? The beautiful dark-haired glrl beslde the blonde
woman is 'Dave's friendo
6. What kind did you buy? I bought the inexpenslve white plastic 'kind.
7. Which houses djd. they sell? They sold all the beautiful brick houses on the
8. Which handkerchiefs did you give her? I gave her the three embroidered
Swiss'Iinen handkerchiefs in that box.' .
9. Which drawing corresponds here? The small oval drawing representing a
, shell corresponds here. .

10. Which knob do I have to turn? You have lo turn the volume control knob on
the right.
11. What type batteries does it require? It requir.esthe square super transistor
12. Which shoes did the water damage? The water damaged Carla's red and
white sport shoes.
13. W~ich disheswillyou use?1'11 usemy mother-in-Iaw'
s old Talaveradishes.
14. What type of church did you visit? We visited a magnificent 13th. century
gothic church. . .
15. What type cups did you buy? 1bought soft plastic drinking cups.
16. Which babies were 'the winners? The three beautiful, healthy babies in the
center were the winners. .

Answers: .
1. Why was the Camel proud? He was proud because he was tall and had an
imp~rtant hump.
2. Why was the Pig proud? He was proud because he was short and had an
elegant snout. . .

3. What did the Camel bet? The Camel bet his hump.
.4. Whaf did the Pig bet? The Pig bet his snout.
5. How could the Camel reach over the tirst tence? He could reach over the tirst
fence by stretching his long neck.
6. Why was the 'Pig unable to look inside the tirst orchard? Because the fence
had no opening. .

7. . What did the gate ot te second tence have? It had a small, low openlng.
8. Why couldn't the Camel enter the second orchard? Because it was enclosed
by a high wall: .

9. What did the Camel and the Pig conclude? They concluded that each one
had good and useful qualities, and !hat they should be. contented with
what they hado -
10. What did each one keep? The Camel kept his hump and the'Pig his snout.


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