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Which country would you like to visit? (Qu pas te gustara visitar?)

Topic: (Tema)
Which country would you like to visit? (Qu pas te gustara visitar?)

If I had a chance to visit a foreign country, the first choice for me would be China. China is a
beautiful country with a lot of exotic sceneries, and a culture which is very different from
the culture of Spain.
(Si tuviera la oportunidad de visitar un pas extranjero, la primera eleccin para m sera China. China
es un pas bonito con un montn de paisajes exticos, y una cultura que es muy diferente a la cultura
de Espaa).

Firstly, I want to do a lot of sightseeing. For instance, I want to see the Great Wall of China
which is a famous landmark there. I like its beauty and I would like to go for a walk with my
family over there. Moreover, I would like to take a lot of photos with my selfie stick.

(En primer lugar, quiero hacer mucho turismo. Por ejemplo, quiero ver la Gran Muralla China que es un
monumento famoso all. Me gusta su belleza y me gustara pasear con mi familia por all. Adems, me
gustara hacer muchas fotos con mi palo selfie.)

Secondly, I would like to discover the culture of China. I would try local, Chinese food.
However, I will not try anything which is raw. Furthermore, I would like to wear the typical
and colourful clothes that Chinese women wear. Also, I would like to visit many temples and
I will see how they are inside.

(En segundo lugar, me gustara descubrir la cultura China. Probara la comida local china. Sin
embargo, no probara nada que estuviese crudo. Adems, me gustara llevar la ropa tpica colorida que
llevan las mujeres chinas. Tambin me gustara visitar muchos templos y ver cmo son por dentro.)

Finally, China has a lot of interesting celebrations that I want to visit. For example, the
Chinese New Year which is a Chinese festival. In this festival I will see the Chinese dragon
and the streets decorated in red and gold colours. These colours attract luck. Moreover, I
want to go to the markets and to the popular Shanghai Disney Resort, an amusement park.
Besides, before returning back to Spain, I would buy a lot of souvenirs, such as the
beckoning cat which brings luck and attracts money.

(Finalmente, China tiene un montn de celebraciones interesantes que quiero visitar. Por ejemplo, el
ao nuevo chino que es un festival chino. En este festival ver el dragon chino y las calles decoradas
de colores rojo y dorado. Estos colores atraen la suerte. Adems, quiero ir a los mercados y al popular
centro turstico Shanghai Disney, un parque de atracciones. Adems, antes de volver a Espaa,
comprara un montn de recuerdos, como el gato que llama, el cual trae suerte y atrae el dinero.)

To sum up, the beautiful sceneries, culture, as well as the exciting traditions are some
reasons why China is the foreign country I want to visit. Hopefully, someday I will do it.

(Resumiendo, los bellos paisajes, la cultura, as como las fascinantes tradiciones son algunas razones
por las que China es el pas extranjero que quiero visitar. Con suerte, algn da lo har.)

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