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 w A Soul Awakens Pw According to the account of Marguerite: ´her
Pw §ean-Marie brother was so happy that he did not want to
Vianney was born leave the room where he had had the joy of
in May 8, 86, in communicating for the first time 
Valley, Dardilly,
near Lyon, France
3 w Vocation ²  The ´6nvoluntary Deserter ²
Pw Dedicated to the
Blessed Virgin Pw 6n his teenage years, §ean-Marie was not attracted
while still in the by noisy games, loose talk and doubtful company
Pw Baptized on the Pw preferred silence over boisterous laughter
same day of his
birth« Pw He was devoted to the Gospels and to the
Pw th Child of Matthieu Vianney and his wife Marie, 6mitation of Christ«
both farmers by profession« His was a modest
but religious family (His elders siblings were Pw He entered the seminary under Abbé Balley at the
Francios, Catherine; his younger sister was age of , through the efforts of his mother«
Pw §ean-Marie·s classmates were - year-olds,
Pw He instantly became the favorite of his mother with lightning quick memory Naturally, he was
Pw He became a prodigy in matters of faith and struggling to keep up with their learning
devotion«How? process«
Pw At  months old, his mother was already
teaching him how to make the sign of the cross Pw He got discouraged«his memory was often his
by tracing his hands« downfall«he called his memory ´horrible head;
Pw His older sisters and mother would tell him However, Abbé Balley encouraged him to go on;
stories about God and Holy Persons, especially and so, he remained«
those in the Bible«
Pw uhen he was  years old, he already learned how Pw He flung himself more passionately to prayer;
among his prayers was for the grace of attaining
to pray seriously: one day he was seen praying
the priesthood«
alone in front of Mary·s statuette
Pw At the age of 5, he was accompanying his mother Pw 6n October8, §ean-Marie received an order
to the early morning Mass summoning him to present himself on the 6th of
Pw At age , he became attracted to the priesthood; the month at a barracks in Lyons to fulfill a
he realized that priests were indeed a necessity³ mandatory military service
esp for the salvation of souls
Pw At age 8, he was already preaching to his Pw One day, when he was given a marching order,
playmates: he repeated phrases from the Gospels he was marching towards Bayonne (France) and
and Scriptural stories stopped at a church

Pw He became lost in prayer« his companions

 w First Communion marched ahead and he was left behind; he tried
to overtake them, but to no avail«
Pw 6n one morning of §une , (i e , towards the
end of the month), §ean-Marie received his First Pw This incident, so simple it may seem, would then
Holy Communion from Abbé Groboz in the become one of the most crucial moments of his
parish of Ecully life, for it changed his destiny forever« who
knows? 6f he had marched on, he might be
among those killed in battle«
^   0
5 w The Ascent to the Priesthood 6 w Curate at Ecully

Pw He studied Philosophy in the §unior Seminary of Pw He was assigned as assistant to Abbé Balley at
Verrières, near Montbrison Ecully right after his ordination

Pw at 6, he was the oldest of  pupils Pw Through Abbé Balley, §ean Marie came to know
and venerate St Philomena, whom he would have
Pw He did well in most of the subjects, except in a lasting devotion«
Church Latin«
Pw He became an exceptional priest, whose charity
Pw During one of the major exams, he received a and goodness became a talk of the town
failing mark ¶d· or ¶zero·«
Pw On February 88, he was transferred to the
Pw At that time, the ¶d· mark automatically ruled out village of Ars, a small town with about 
the candidate from acceptance for the parishioners
Pw He was warned by the vicar general: ´There·s not
Pw Consequently, in December 83, §ean-Marie much love of God in this village 6t is for you to
had to leave the seminary teach them 

Pw However, upon the advice of a childhood friend

§ean Dumond, he went back to the seminary and
was given a warm welcome  w The Chaplain of Ars

Pw He continued in his studies, but was given Pw On his way to Ars, Abbé Vianney met a little boy
regular tutorials in Latin« called Anthony Givre, who gave him directions
The good priest said, ´My little friend, you have
Pw Before being admitted to the Holy Orders, two shown me the road to Ars; 6 will show you the
superiors deliberated on him: road to Heaven «

Abbé Courbon: ´6s Monsieur Vianney Pw Together with his carter, he arrived in Ars on
devout? Has he a special veneration for February , 88, bringing with him his clothes,
Our Lady? Can he say his rosary? his books, and his bed

Abbé Bochard: ´Yes, he·s a model of Pw The st place he went was his church: no lamp
devotion was lit before the sanctuary and that the
tabernacle was empty«
Abbé Courbon: ´Very well, 6 will take
him The grace of God will do the rest Pw 6ndeed, his vicar general was right: there was not
much love of God in the place
Pw On §uly , 8, he received the four minor
orders (porter, lector, exorcist, and acolyte) and Pw Ars was not only poor; it was a place whose
the major order of the subdiaconate moral standard was on a rapid decline
Pw On §une 3, 85, he was ordained deacon Pw one day, he cried out: ´My God, grant me the
conversion of my parish!
Pw About  months later, August 3, he was
ordained priest at the age of  (which was Pw 6n order to effect what he asked from God, he
considered ¶old· already at that time) subjected himself to the most savage abstinence

Pw 6n his room, one can find a little box, which hid

his iron disciplines which he used for flagellating

^   [
Pw 6n the corner of his room, opposite the door, one  w Victory
can find that the plaster is splashed with
bloodstains ´w 6t took him more than ten years to completely
wipe out dancing in his parish
Pw 6n between his mattress and the sheet he slipped
´w He had won the more modest girls to Christian
a broad plank

´w He was able to exclaim: ´My brethren, Ars is no

8 w Converting the Parish longer Ars!«indeed Ars was changed beyond
Pw Ars was a victim of  sins: (a) Religious ignorance
& Sunday uork , (b) passion for pleasure (dance) ´w He was able to beautify the Church from the
inside out
jw [ s I

´w People began to be ashamed of not doing good

´w there was no Catechesis, esp for and of not practicing their religion
the youth«
´w Many visitors started to flock to Ars and saw the
´w 6t was natural for the adults to serenity and peace of the inhabitants
work in the fields on Sundays«

´w Consequently, the small society  wThe House of ´Providence

grew uninterested with religious
matters« ´w 6n 8, he founded a home for orphaned or
abandoned girls called ´Providence
´w He set out to put the Blessed
Sacrament as the center of life in ´w This orphanage did an enormous amount of
the parish« good: many became good wives, some even
became nuns«6t was indeed a reflection of the
jw { founder·s sanctity
´w Dances were the chief occasion of
sin for the people of Ars
´w On ordinary Sunday afternoons,  wThe Devil Hits Back
men and girls dressed up, the
´w Men in the cafes cried out: ´uhy, there·s not a
village cafés were filled, and then
girl in Ars now who·s not at church or safely
couples would set about
attached to her mother·s apron-strings«Let him
organizing an open-air dance to
go back where he came from, the spoilsport uhy
the tune of some local violinists«
can·t he let us drink and dance and enjoy
´w 6n his war on impurity, he was
ourselves in peace?
utterly uncompromising: he
refused absolution to anyone who ´w They persecuted him, called him names, and
had danced« falsely accused him of immoral practices in his
´w He forced them to search their confessional and in his church
hearts«there were many who
eventually surrendered and ´w He encountered the devil many times; he calls the
promised not to dance Evil One ´Old Snatch, who was trying to wear
anymore« him down by depriving him of his sleep
´w Once, he intercepted the violinist
and paid him double the price ´w The devil redoubled his attacks on him every time
just to go back home so that there there were penitents coming into the church for
would be no dance for the day! confession

^   
´w Sometimes he was tempted to give up and go to a ´w He possessed the gift of reading into the souls and
Trappist monastery giving them the best possible advice for their
´w However, the Cure d·Ars showed that he had
power over the Evil One ´w He was both strict to the hardest of sinners, and
kind to those truly repentant ones
´w uhile exorcists normally need long hours of
prayer, a simple sign of the cross or a brief order
would make ´Old Snatch obey him
5 w- 6 The Last Twenty Years
´w As years passed by, these diabolic visitations
became less frequent and tormenting ´w He longed to leave the parish once for all: More
than once he asked his bishop·s permission to
retire into a monastery: either Trappist or
 wThe Crowds Come to Ars
´w On Sept , 83, he attempted to leave the
´w His reputation as a holy priest became so place, only to retrace back his steps after he had
widespread that in 8, pilgrims started to travelled for more than  miles already!
come They came in the hope of seeing a
saint«or of confessing to him their sins ´w Providence had ceased to be an orphanage and
became a formal school reserved for village girls
´w From 83²85, a daily average of some 
travelers arrived at Ars ´w He put up a foundation and also an Association
for lay mission work: ´Association for the
´w visitors were standing, in great numbers, in the Propagation of the Faith
old churchyard and even in the adjoining streets,
waiting for their turn ´w His Bishop made him honorary canon of his
´w Pilgrims who could not find a fine lodge or hotel
in Ars camped out all night in the fields found the ´w On August , 855, he was nominated to the
village just to wait for their turn to see or confess rank of chevalier in the 6mperial Order of the
to him Legion of Honor

3 wMass and Catechism Classes  wThe Human Side of the Cure D· Ars

´w uhen he celebrates the Holy Eucharist, he never ´w He was a little priest, his shoulders rather bent,
took more than 3 mins had blue eyes, his face had deep wrinkles and set
in a frame of long white hair
´w He acquired the best liturgical vestments possible
and used them with delight in his masses ´w He was a very polite human being

´w He would become completely lost in God, ´w He retained his naturally good personality:
sometimes he would cry charming expressions and a sense of humor

´w The collection of his catechism and preachings ´w Although he possessed a certain gift of reading
was published in 86 the depths of one·s soul, he was also keenly
observant in spotting the weaknesses and defects
´w He had a simple and natural eloquence (sample of everyone he met
sermons are found in the book)
´w He also had a special affection for children and at
 w6n the Confessional times, he was like §esus being surrounded by
these innocent and small human beings
´w For about 3 years, the Cure d·Ars almost literally
shut himself up inside the confessional 8 wThe Saint

^   º
There were countless evidences and witnesses to the him his sins or his future or his present ordeal
sanctity of the Cure d·Ars: and its solution

´w His last doctor, §ean Baptiste Saunier, who visited ´w One night, a girl who was coming to consult him
him from 8 to 85, considered him the in the sacristy about a very serious problem, saw
´perfect model of all the virtues him in ecstasy;
´w A parish priest of a neighboring town said of him
´6 have never seen a truer copy of the divine ´w on a similar scenario, a priest saw him being
Master lifted up in his kneeler while reciting the evening
´w He possessed virtues to a heroic degree: he prayers, his face was transfigured and his head
practiced during his lifetime all his duties as a was surrounded by a halo
priest in an outstanding fashion
 w Death and Glorification
´w 6t was his love of God and his enthusiasm for the
´w The Curé himself foretold the day of his own
glory of God that inspired in him such a devotion
death Days before his death he was still hearing
for souls and such compassion for sinners
confessions, albeit suffering from occasional
´w His life was truly spent in long hours of crushing suffocations due to an overcrowded church
ministry without interruption
´w At  am, August , 85, Thursday, he passed
´w Although he was being admired as a celebrity, he away peacefully
never became proud of it: ´6 am the last of men!
´w A multitude of pilgrims, admirers and
he·d say
parishioners gathered on the morning of
´w He mortified his senses to maximum Saturday, Aug 6, to escort the saint·s coffin to its
last rest: 6, thousand lay people, 3 priests
´w His meals were spartan in austerity: boiled ´w The entire Church knew that a saintly priest had
potatoes eaten cold or even when spoiled just died
´w Nov , 86 ² March 6, 865: Ordinary·s
´w he was wearing round his waist an iron chain an Process (the diocese established a committee to
inch thick with spikes sticking out of it; he also inquire into the life, virtues, miracles and
wore iron bracelets with sharp spikes on both his writings of the Curé d·Ars
arms ´w Feb 6, 866: start of ´Apostolic Process (the
diocesan level of enquiry into his life, virtues,
´w He wore a hair shirt which he never took off (as miracles and writings)
evidenced by the sore it gave him)
´w Oct 3, 8: he was Declared Venerable by Pope
 w-  Miracles in the Life of the Cure D· Ars Pius 6
´w §une , : his body was exhumed and was
´w His miracles included cures, supernatural covered with a slab of marble
intuitions and mystical experiences, ´w §an 8, 5: declared blessed by Pius and gave
instantaneous transformation of guilty souls, him as patron to all the parish priests of France
immediate cure of the crippled and the sick and the French colonies
´w May 3, 5: declared a saint by Pius 6,
´w He was able to probe deep into the person·s together with St Therese of the Child §esus
conscience and revealed their secrets, foretold the ´w April 3, : declared by Pius 6 ´patron of all
future and pierced with his gaze into the the priests in the world
mysteries of the next world ´w Ars was to become the supreme place of
pilgrimage for priests and even bishops that they
´w On many occasions, he would mention the name
may gain new strength to practice the virtues and
of someone whom he never met before and tell
show the spirit of their calling


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