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Spooky Nuggies

By Brandon Morris and Emily Sheppard

Demonstration Video:
Spookie Nuggies Demonstration Video

Technologies Used:
The Makey Makey and Scratch for the coding
Twitter to share our project with the community by sharing our video, and tweeting different
types of promotions.
The iPhone Camera to record our demonstration video to share with the community
YouTube to have the use of an embedded Code for sharing with the community and for seeing a
visual of how it is used.

Project Overview:
The whole project that we are doing is that we will have eight different dipping sauces from McDonald's
that will be hooked up to the Makey Makey. We will also have chicken nuggets that will be hooked up to
the Makey Makey as well so that when you dip the chicken nugget into a dipping sauce, a sound will be
created from the coding of the Makey Makey. Not only will a sound be created, you will also trigger one
of the ghosts from the spooky forest to either move, turn, or even disappear. Some commands will even
include a little message to say to the user if they dip a certain sauce. While the participants are working on
trying to figure out how to control the ghosts with chicken nuggets, we will be analyzing and assessing
their creativity on not only creating a different variety of sounds, but figuring out how to control the
ghosts on the screen. This type of assessment is informal and engaging. We will be talking with
participants and asking what the sounds sound like and trying to mix different sounds together by
engaging participants to explore the different sounds and figure out which ones complement each other.
From here, we can explain certain terms like major, minor, dissonance, etc.

For our project, we wanted to do something rather unconventional but still allowed the publics interest to
be peaked. What better place to start than food? However, participants will be using a simulator rather
than actual food, and there will be one station that demonstrates the chicken nugget. By dipping the
simulation chicken nuggets into an array of different sauces, different sounds will be triggered,
allowing the participant to create their own musical project as they please. Because our brains are wired
to be creative thinkers and problem solvers, having a project based on creative learning by having options
to make music unconventionally will allow our participants to explore multiple alternatives and
combinations for musical creation (Watson, 2011, Page 17). Our project requires little to no knowledge of
music notation and also little motor skills. The project will allow multiple types of participants from
different backgrounds and walks of life to participate. This ease will allow us to be very inclusive, and as
we plan to have a showcase and demonstration, we wanted to be able to include everyone who is
Learning Goals:
Have 2-4 specific learning goals
1) Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for compositions or improvisations using digital
tools by using the nugget to actively dip it into different sounds to create something. We will be
helping by asking questions about why they picked certain sounds and how the two interact with
each other. The participant will be able to learn about complementary sounds and dissonance.
2) Examine, evaluate and critique how context, theoretical and structural aspects of the music and
digital media/tools inform and influence prepared and improvised performances by asking the
participants questions about how they are able to use our controller and how challenging it was to
figure it out. The participants will then provide us feedback about how we can improve their fun
spooky experience
3) Connect the influence of the treatment of the elements of music and technology in music and
other art forms to the expressive intent of musical works by the participant creating their own
work and allowing them to be able to listen to it. This can also be done by providing examples of
technology in musical works.
4) Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choice when creating and
responding to music by offering the participant to play with different sounds and seeing what they

We will assess our participants by watching the interactions they form with the ghosts as they hide,
reappear, and speak. This will allow us to see how cohesive they can make music. We will also invite
participants to fill out a survey on how their overall music experience was, the effect of music, which
sounds they used and why they used them, and if they had any intent while creating.

Plan for Success:

We will have to test out our creation of the ghost sprites on Scratch through the use of the Makey Makey
to help code everything before we bring it out to the public. In order to do this we will need to go to
McDonalds and purchase a demo set of chicken nuggets and sauces to test out the commands with the
Makey Makey. Our plan for this project is to make sure this is done by the Demonstration Day which is
December 5th.

For this project, I have included the rubric below to show you where your current work sits in relation
to expected outcomes. In this way, the rubric is an evaluation whereas the feedback above is an
assessment. Be use both bits of data to assist you in revising your work. Realize that you need to
deeply edit this work.

Facet of the project No Minimal Meets Exceeds

Evidence Evidence Expectations Expectations
Project overview clearly summarizes the 0 1.5 2.3 2.5
experience and answers the questions
Thoughtful rationale including useful 0 1.5 2.3 2.5
citation in APA format
2-4 learning goals that are clearly 0 .5 .9 1
articulated and re-interpret/phrase Core
Arts Standards
Provides specific and valid/reliable 0 .5 .9 1
assessments that will chart the
engagement and musical growth of
Design includes at least the following 0 .5 .9 1
types of technologies: Makey-Makey,
coding, and another tool
Includes a title, designers' names, and 0 .5 .9 1
plan for working/iterating
College-level, proof-read prose 0 .5 .9 1
A demonstration video is included which 0 5 .9 10
specifically shows the controller you
designed and how it can be used. The
video looks professional and is filmed in
a professional setting.

If we were to use this rubric to evaluate your entire project thus far, your grade would be: 70%
Remember that this step in the project is a proposal and, thus, acts as a step to provide your
meaningful assessment/feedback information to help you revise.

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