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Name: Madeline Young, Kate Bentivoglio, Colton Tuzinski

Title: Bee-Bot Math Activity

Grade: Kindergarten Commented [1]: Madie, Kate, and colton, Excellent
work with this lesson plan!!!
Overall Goal: The students will know what one more than a particular number between one and
twenty is while using bee-bot to express their answer.
The teacher will begin the lesson by showing the students a video that introduces the
above topic. This video is very broad in the sense that it is appropriate for visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic learners. In the video, they see the physical addition in both a picture and
mathematic equation, the song is being sung, and the students sing back. It also grabs the
students attention because it is fun and energetic, so they will be engaged from the beginning of
the lesson.
After the teacher feels that the students understand the concept of the video, the teacher
will transition into the main part of the lesson. The teacher will introduce the Bee-Bots to the
students. This will include how to input directions into the Bee-Bot to make it move to where
they want it to go. Then the teacher will split the students into groups and give them materials
to make a maze for their Bee-Bot. After the mazes are made, the teacher will place flowers in
each maze. The main activity of the lesson will begin with the teacher displaying a number on
the board and instructing the students to program their Bee-Bot to go to the number that is one
more or one less than the number on the board. The teacher will not move on to another
number until all groups have reached the correct flower.
Finally, to wrap up the lesson, the students would complete a Kahoot activity regarding
the above topic so the teacher can generate a further assessment of the students knowledge on
the topic. The Kahoot game includes similar questions to what they answered in class along
with questions about computing the Bee-Bot. The assessment rubric is explained in its section
Time is not a stressor in this lesson. If the students take too long to make their mazes or
class time runs out, this lesson could be spread out over a two day period. The first day will be
the Lesson Introduction along with the students making their mazes with their group. The
second day would be the activity with the Bee-Bots along with the Lesson Ending.
The lesson as a whole will cover the mathematics standard K.NS.3 and the Computer
Science standard K-2.CD.1 by having the students complete the bee-bot math activity. It is
important to implement technology such as the robots into academia because it not only covers
computer science standards, but gets students engaged even more in their learning.
Standards Learning Objective Assessment Commented [2]: You may want to have around 4
learning objectives in this lesson plan.

K.NS.3: Find the number that The student will be able to The teacher will Commented [3]: Great ideas!

is one more than or one less determine the number that reference the rubric
than any whole number up to is one more than a below to assess the
20. particular number by students knowledge
recalling previously of the topic. Also, a
learned knowledge during kahoot will be used
the introductory video. as a lesson ending
The student will be able to for the teacher to
determine the number that have further
is one more than a understanding of
particular number by the students
selecting the correct knowledge and
number of spaces for the capabilities.
Bee-Bot to move
The student will be able to
determine the number that
is one more than a
particular number by self-
assessing their
understanding in the
Kahoot game.

K-2.CD.1 Use standard input The student will be able to The teacher will
and output devices to operate the Bee-Bot by pressing reference rubric
operate computers and other the buttons to tell it where to go. below to assess the
technologies students knowledge
on the topic.

Key Terms & Definitions:

Forward: By pressing the arrow closest to the bee-bots head, the bee-bot will move one
pace forward. The amount of times you press that button is the number of paces the
bee-bot will move in that direction. For example, if you press the forward arrow three
times, the bee-bot will move three paces forward.
Backward: By pressing the arrow closest to the bee-bots stinger, the bee-bot will move
one pace backwards. The amount of times you press the button is the number of paces
the bee-bot will move in that direction. For example, if you press the backwards arrow
two times, the bee-bot will move two paces backwards.
Left/Right: By pressing the arrows on either side of the bee-bot, this tell the bee-bot to
move in that direction. For instance, if the students pressed the arrow on the right side
of the bee-bot, it would turn right. This is the same for pressing the left arrow.
Go: The go button makes the bee-bot move. Before pressing the go button, the
students must type in all the pattern they want bee-bot to go in, then click go for it to
perform this pattern. For instance, if the students want the bee-bot to move three paces
forward and once pace back, the students would have to press the forward arrow three
times and the backwards arrow once, then click go.
Clear: The clear button should be pushed before any new pattern is put into bee-bot. If
this doesn't happen the bee-bot will perform all the patterns pressed into it and not just
the one the students specifically want.
Pause: This button can be pushed during any time while bee-bot is performing its
pattern. When the button is pressed bee-bot will stop and the students can make the
changes needed.

Lesson Introduction (Hook, Grabber): Commented [4]: Very engaging introduction!

The video above is an interactive song that would be shown to the students as an
introduction to one more than a particular number. At this point, students should be able to
count to 20 without any assistance, therefore this activity is asking them to look back at their
prior knowledge and use it in assisting them with this new topic. Also, since this video is
repetitious in its pattern, and has the students sing along to the video, it will be effective in
getting them engaged. Lastly, the video shows the actual addition of how to get one more than
a particular number besides counting (ex. 4 ice cream scoops+1 ice cream scoop=5 ice cream
scoops), which will be effective in the students learning in the future when they begin simple
addition. Essentially, this video is assisting the students in progressing through their learning of
After the students have watched the video, the teacher would introduce bee-bot to the
class. He/she would pass out an instruction sheet regarding how bee-bot works (worksheet is
listed in artifacts) and give a small introduction on what bee-bot can do. After the teacher feels
the students have a strong understanding of how bee-bot works, he/she would ask the students
questions such as, If I want to make the bee bot move five steps, what do I need to do? and
What if I want the bee-bot to turn left after moving five steps? and demonstrate accordingly.
Introduction video:
Lesson Main: Commented [5]: Excellent idea of integration
computational thinking into math.

To start, the teacher will divide the students into small groups of three. They will then be
assigned to make an obstacle course atop a poster board with tape. We decided to have the
students use tape because if they make a mistake it is easily fixable without ruining the poster
board or having to start over. The students will also be asked to indicate a start and end point
of the course. This is so that they will have to navigate the bee-bot from the same spot before
each turn. Once the students have finished the course, the teacher will go around tapping
flowers with numbers on them inside each group's course. The flowers should be in an area of
the course that the Bee-Bot will be able to reach. The teacher will project a number on the
whiteboard/chalkboard and ask the students to navigate the Bee-Bot to the corresponding
flower as a practice round. Once the students get an understanding of the activity, the teacher
will start with the main task of this lesson. The teacher will put another number on the board and
ask the students to find the flower with the corresponding number one more than the number on
the board. Once a group of students get to the correct flower, the teacher will ask the group to
show the class what code they entered to get the Bee-Bot there. The teacher will repeat these
steps until the entire class is able to reach the right number in one code with the Bee-Bot.
Bee-Bot Activity video:
Bee-Bot Activity Powerpoint:

Lesson Ending:

After the students have finished the Bee-Bot activity they will play in a Kahoot game to test if
they retained the information from this lesson and are able to apply it. This Kahoot game will
contain questions asking students what number is one more than a certain number from 1-20.
The students will use a class set of iPads to play the Kahoot game. This game acts as a final
practice with the math concept.

Assessment Rubric:
This rubric is geared more for the teacher to reference as he/she would assess the students
while they conduct the bee-bot activity. This rubric would also be a useful resource to show a
parent if they are concerned about how their child did on this particular activity. This rubric
should also be summarized to the students in a simpler way when they are given their grade
(either a 1- poor, 2- good, 3- great) so it is clear to them why they received the grade they did.

Resources / Artifacts:
Introduction video:

Bee-Bot instruction sheet:

Paper Bee-Bot buttons (arrows used in video)
Lesson Main: Bee-bot activity video:
Lesson Main: Bee-bot activity powerpoint:
Lesson Ending: Kahoot:


1. Differentiation for ability levels

High ability learners: High ability learners and low ability learners will be in groups
together. This will allow for the high ability learners to encourage and support the low
ability learners if they struggle during part of the activity.
Low ability learners: Since some low ability learners need extra time to process and
understand information, the teacher will wait until all groups are finished before moving
on to the next problem. This gives the low ability learners time to process and think
through the problem without feeling pressured to finish before everyone else.
2. Differentiation for demographics
Gender, race, culture, and/or sexual identity: This lesson does not apply any challenges
to demographic differences such as gender, race, culture, and/or sexual identity.

3. Differentiation for languages

ESL, EFL, ENL: This lesson will be difficult for students who are learning English as a
new language. Although it does not focus on the language, knowing English is key to
communicating with the group. Because this could make the activity more challenging,
the teacher will be able to help the student understand the instructions. As stated
before, the other students in the group will act as support and encouragement for these

4. Differentiation for access & resources

Computers, Internet connection, and/or Wifi access: There will be a few videos that will
be shown in this lesson to help with the activity. If the videos do not play, then the
teacher can explain what was in the video. If a Bee-Bot breaks, and if there are no
extras, then the students in that group can join another group. This way they can still
participate in the activity. If an iPad breaks then the student can either use an extra or
share with another person. If the Kahoot game is not working or if the internet
connection is failing, then the teacher can verbally ask the questions that were on the

Anticipated Difficulties:

This lesson can be difficult for students who struggle with numbers and basic addition
and/or subtraction. This lesson focuses on students practicing their numbers and giving basic
instructions (e.g., go left once, go forward twice). The students will be working on this activity in
groups, so there are many opportunities for them to work together and help each other if one is
struggling. The teacher will be available as well to help those students who are having difficulty
with the activity.

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