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Finally revealed after years of being shared ONLY with Insiders ...

The Notorious "300 Trumpets" Report

Outlining The Fundamental Secret Of
Gideon's Most Treasured
"First Choice" Success Tactics
By The Man Who Rolled Up His Sleeves
And Waded Into The Scriptures To Uncover Them ...
Elisha Goodman

Dear Spiritual Warrior:

If you're willing to use a little imagination, I will now place in your hand a golden key.

Ready to play along?

OK, vividly picture in your palm a large, gleaming, golden skeleton key.

Feel how heavy it is? It's made of solid gold.

See how brightly it shines? It seems to pull extra light out of the air itself!

Notice how cold it feels? It's as if it's been stored in the refrigerator.

Can you see and feel this key in your palm now? OK, squeeze it. Feel its heft and
See it gleam.


Now you start to feel very pleased to have been given this golden key, because it is

How so?

As you will soon discover, this rare key will enable you to open numerous treasure chests

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hiding in plain sight all around you. It will make you uncommonly effective as an end time
warrior, someone known and respected for being able to unlock the mysteries of the

Such is the power of the key I hand you nowthe golden key of prayer points.

Prayer Points?

What's that?

You'll get the idea in a minute, but first let me promise you that this is no mere armchair

If you heed my advice today about how to use prayer points, you can easily become one
of the most effective spiritual giants of this generation.

As an added benefit, just as God in the book of Genesis breathed life into man's nostrils,
prayer points will breathe life, color and power into your everyday world.

Let's Look at a Few Examples...

Let's say you notice that a few people you know have died suddenly without warning in
the recent past. And you're beginning to get this strange feeling that something bad, even
deadly, is going to happen to you or a loved one. You can hide iin a closet out of fear ... or
you could even sit around and moan about how terrible life has been treating you.

Or you could rise up like a hungry lion, with a devastating prayer point (like this one) at
the midnight hour...

"Every power sending the arrow of death to me, receive your arrow back in the
name of Jesus."

Instantly, a riot breaks out in the spirit realm (where all important things happen first).
And that strange feeling vanishes out of your thoughts like a shadow in the night.

With a good prayer point, you bring God's point of view into a situation that is staring you
in the face... In other words, you fuse at the hip two different things and, by an inexplicable

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mystery, instantly transfer the qualities of one into the other.

All you do is transfer A to B in an effective way and voila! a change is effected instantly
without exception.

A perfect example...

The Syrian army had been ordered to capture Elisha, the doubly anointed prophet of God
in the Bible. And bring him to the king of Syria, dead or alive. The mere sight of this massive
army was enough to strike terror in the heart of everyone. But Elisha was not disturbed.
Because he knew the Scripture that says: "touch not my anointed and do my prophets no

But beyond that knowledge, he understood how to craft a powerhouse prayer point. So
his prayer to God came out like this:

"Strike these people, I pray, with blindness"

This simple but powerful prayer point turned out to be more effective than a battalion of

Moving on...

Let's say you are taking stock of your life this year, as most people will soon be doing. It's
beginning to dawn on you that many good things have already slipped through your fingers,
that is, good things do not last long in your hands. You can sit around and engage in a pity
party. But look at how effectively one of our prayer warriors did it ... with this dynamo of a
prayer point:

"Every pursuing Pharaoh, release my life and die in the name of Jesus."

Or consider one member of my sharp-shooting team, who found that she had to fight really
hard before achieving anything tangible. Here's how she began to pray ... at the midnight

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"You powers strengthening my problems, be wasted in the name of Jesus."

Do you want to see how tight, how strong, how powerful such spiritual action at the
midnight hour can be, especially when phrased with the right prayer points? It yields instant
results, and that is what sets them apart. Look at this next praise report....

"The Violent Takes It By Force"

I introduced my friend to Golden key prayers which she prayed for 2 days
then got discouraged by a story she heard about her husband who stayed
away for 2 years, no help, no communication. I continued to interceded for
God to birth in her a new desire to seek Him for her marriage to be

She came back and we started afresh on Point by Point prayers for 10
days. Today is day 6, and yesterday she already got 4 calls from her
husband and he wired her money to cover their needs (with their only
daughter)! Praise Jesus am so blessed, she continuing to pray until her
husband comes home. We cant wait to celebrate the Reunion!!!! Thank
you Jesus.

- Sister L, East Africa

Sound the Trumpets...

Do you remember the story of Gideon in the Bible? With an army

of just 300 soldiers, armed with nothing more than trumpets, they
secured an astounding victory over the armies that came against them.

The 300 trumpets of Gideon are symbolic of the type of prayer points
that I have been sharing with you here. These ones are special. And
have been tested and proven to work even in the most difficult cases.

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A Man After God's Heart...

Do you have stubborn, iron-like problems right now? You can call
into action this type of prayer points below

"I fire back every arrow of the enemy in my dreams in the

name of Jesus."

"My God shall arise and my enemies shall scatter in the

name of Jesus."

"Every witchcraft battle at the edge of my breakthroughs,

die in the name of Jesus."

"My life, begin to operate under divine open heavens in the

name of Jesus."

"Pentecostal fire of the upper room, envelop me now in the

name of Jesus."

This is the kind of prayers that destroys invisible satanic barriers,

clears away every obstacle on your way of progress, and forms a
protective covering around you and your loved ones ... so that deadly
spiritual arrows cannot locate you.

Why Do You Need To Urgently

Master This Type of Prayer?

It is pure self-defence...

You want to protect yourself and loved ones from the coming
spiritual bloodbath that will be caused by psychics and other
spiritual vampires (more about this in a future edition).

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"Delivered From the Jaws of Death"
Dear Elisha,

From our last correspondence I did the fast and prayers

The main point for today was to share with you a testimony of Gods
protection. On my arrival yesterday here in Nairobi, My mum and I had
dropped my elder sister back to her house in the evening after she had
passed by to see me at my mums house.

For the first time ever since the fasting and prayers I had made a
commitment to God that I will be sharing with people of Gods love and
try to bring more people to the Lord. (my family is under attack virtually
everyone more on this on another day) I started sharing with my two
sisters and mother about the meaning of dreams and the power that we as
His children have over dreams. I was so emboldened as i shared and all
along the holy spirit was telling me before leaving pray, and thus I obeyed
and i decided to have a session of worship and prayer.

I led in choruses of the blood of Jesus and after i gave a short message on
the power of the blood. ( in my entire life I have never done this before
save for sharing with my family of having a session of worship and prayer,
it was powerful.) My niece aged 6 then prayed for us and then i responded
to the Holy spirits nudge to pray.

Pastor I started praying and speaking the word of God, rebuking death,
pleading the protection of the blood. I really prayed in such earnest and
we departed. One minute from the departure as we left my sisters house,
on the road we were suddenly surrounded by gun wielding thugs!!!!!!!!!!!
one on my side another at my mums and another in front and behind.

But God is faithful.

To cut the testimony short we escaped miraculously without any injury and
they did not shoot at us even when they had plenty of opportunity to
shoot!! I was like in a dream but all along my mum and I were pleading
the blood of Jesus.

Not surprising we were later told that they shot at another car!!!
Yesterday I witnessed God's saving grace. I am still in a gaze trying to

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comprehend. I have cried and cannot cry any more. Apparently this year
the enemy has come against my family where my family was saved from
death only by Gods grace. Everyone in my family can today testify how
they have been snatched from an incident where death was imminent just
this year alone.

I need to chat to you because I want my family to join the deliverance,

there is a spirit of poverty against my family, death etc. If ever possible
and if you can make an exception I would really like to talk to you.
Anyway, thank you for teaching me to pray and I am really blessed to have
joined the Prayer Academy.

-- Sister S, Nairobi

Also, you may have heard this one (I shared it on the website)...

The story is told about a wildly popular televangelist in the 1980's.

He was pulling in $80 million a year through his Success-N-Life
television program.

In 1991 ABC's Primetime Live announced that prayer requests

sent along with financial donations to this organization were being
thrown away without being read!

Meanwhile those who sent in their prayer request (and money)

were sitting down, wondering why the answers never came.

You see the same thing happening today.

In most cases, people are sitting around looking for others to pray
for them ... while they do nothing.

On our websites, we demonstrate to you that if you are truly a

believer in Jesus Christ, YOU have the anointing within YOU ... to
pray for yourself and get results!

Because the moment you gave your life to Christ, The Anointing
came to live within you.

Now what you do with the anointing INSIDE you subsequently is

what makes all the difference.

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You could allow your anointing to remain dormant ... in which case
your Christian life will be marked by frustration and despair; nothing
to show for it... year in, year out.

OR ...

You could run all over the place seeking for "highly anointed" people
to transfer their anointing to you by giving you a piece of cloth and
prophesying over you...

In which case, failure and unfulfilled promises will punctuate your

life, every step of the way.

OR ...

You may decide, "Enough is enough." I have the anointing deposited
right inside of me. I will arise and take whatever steps are necessary
to activate this anointing in my life...

The Secret Request of the Disciples ...

The disciples of Jesus at some point realized they were missing

something CRUCIAL... even though they'd been walking with Him
for a while, performing miracles and having a few breakthroughs.

They reasoned among themselves, and came to the shocking

conclusion what they were missing:

The most IMPORTANT ingredient for spiritual success. So they

quickly took ACTION. By going to Jesus and asking Him to:

"Teach us to pray!"

Note they didn't ask how to sing better, or preach or do any of those

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things many people are being taught to do these days.

Based on this model, I set up the Prayer Academy with 3 things

in mind:

1. Take the most powerful prayers that eagles have prayed

since the dawn of Christianity...

2. Put these prayers on the lips of average 21st century


3. Coach them step-by-step to pray to the point of

breakthroughs, miracles, etc... so they in turn can go out
and train others.

There are over 300 of this type of life-transforming prayer points I

just shared with you... embedded in the 7 Lessons of the Prayer

Apart from the active participants experiencing breakthroughs of their

own, I am beginning to hear reports of the kind of exploits they are
doing for the kingdom of God ... in 117 countries across the globe.

To give you an idea, here's an independent report from a pastor about

one of our Prayer Academy students I received recently. From a very
unlikely place ... a country where no one is allowed to preach the
gospel openly (because of this, the names have been removed to
protect their identity):

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"Awesome Experience at Prayer Meeting"
Dear Elisha,

One of my sisters introduced me in your website, her name is Sister N. was

really blessed because of the boldness she showed in our prayer meeting.
The prayer she did was different since I know her, there was really big
change at the fellowship and the result was really amazing.

One of our sisters was delivered from a huge problem of finances and
confusion. I found out that they are connected in your web. and told about
you as their prayer coach and mentor. Upon allowing her to teach/share
the ebullet prayer, last Friday I experienced the Holy Spirit's presence in
the praise & worship.

The night before Friday service we fast and pray at midnight prayer
starting at 12:00 to 3:00 am. It was so awesome experience and in my
vision while we are in the high praise, I saw angels inside the church
ministering to the brethren while we were kneeling and bowing down. Not
only that Jesus himself visited us during that service. I was unable to
preach because the Holy Spirit did not allow me to stop high praising.

I continue to release what I saw in the vision. I always pray at midnight

12 to 3 am. But since I allow ebullet prayer conducted by Sis. X the church
had a great and awesome experience. Our fellowship has just started last
July 13, 2007 the name is xxxxxxxx. The reason I write to you is because I
want to get connected to you, especially on prayer coaching. I'm pastoring
this group I need to have you as mentor in prayer....

-- Pastor, Location Withheld.

You Can Do This!

This very week at the Prayer Academy, we begin a 21-day Mini-

Marathon, where we are going to call 91 out of the "300 trumpets"
into action. Embedded inside these, are specific prayer points to:

-- destroy age-old infirmities

-- release the anointing for service

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-- break the yokes of inherited poverty

-- arrest the agents of marital distress

-- chase out the spirit of death

-- break the yoke of insanity and confusion

-- return arrows in the dream back to sender

-- paralyse the spirit of paralysis

-- force evil strangers to come out of their hiding places

-- release the healing power of God

-- cut every pursuing serpent to pieces

-- release turnaround breakthroughs

-- and much, much more!

Dear Christian soldier, when life gets you down and your days
grow heavy with worry or crowded with problems, remember to stare
those challenges in the eye and declare like Prophet Elijah:

"O thou that trouble my Israel, my God shall trouble you today."

And for those of you in the Prayer Academy, get yourself ready as we
prepare to blow our "300 Trumpets" at the beginning of the middle
watch ... just like our hero Gideon and his victorious band of warriors.

Be An Overcomer!

elisha goodman

P.S. Please send this to 5 people you care about. And If you know any
pastor or other fellow believer who would enjoy this Special Report,
just send them an email with this link:

P.P.S. Your e-mail address will never be shared. And if you ever wish

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to unsubscribe, just let me know and I will vanish from your life like
a shadow in the night.

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Copyright 2007 - Elisha Goodman - All Rights Reserved.

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