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Update for ISIS(tm) Desktop 2.1.1
January, 1997
The Add-in Manager version and Add-in versions which are compatible with
ISIS Desktop 2.1.1 are:
Add-in Manager (ISISAIM.DLL) 2.0.2
Most Recently used Sketches 2.0.2 (Draw)
View in RasMol (ISIS/Draw) 2.0.2 (Draw)
Calculate Mol. Values 2.1.0 (Draw)
SARTable-ChemInspector 2.1.1 (Draw)
Most recently used Dbs 2.0.2 (Base)
SARTable for ISIS/Base 2.1.3 (Base)
Change/preview form 2.0.2 (Base)
Display mol. values 2.1.0 (Base)
Display record count 2.0.2 (Base)
List Editor 1.0 (Base)
Import-Export Lists 1.0 (Base)
Import Table 2.0.2 (Base)
View in Rasmol (ISIS/Base) 2.0.2 (Base)
Polymer Searching 1.0 (Base) *** New for ISIS 2.1 ***
As with prior versions of the Add-in Manager, we do NOT support multiple,
concurrent installations. Preference information is written to the ISISAIM.INI
and ISISAIHP.INI files in the Windows directory.
If you are having a problem accessing the Help for the Add-ins or Add-in Manager
you should shut down ISIS, then detete the ISISAIM.INI and ISISAIHP.INI files.
When you restart ISIS, the Add-in manager will regenerate these files automatica
New Features:
The SARTable Chem Inspector Add-in has been renamed (formerly SARTable
Chem Check) so that it matches with the current name of the Chem
Inspector feature.
The Calculate Mol. values and Display Mol. Values add-ins now support the
display of 'dot disconnect' formulas and molecular weights for multifragment
molecules. They also display formulas and molecular weight interpretations for
polymers, similar to the ChemInspector display in ISIS/Draw.
Known Problems & Limitations:
In the Calculate Mol. values and Display Mol. Values add-ins, extremely long
formulas may be truncated.
In the standard installation for Windows NT, the Rasmol add-ins may not be
functional, as the RasMol.exe is unable to interpret the long pathnames that
are passed to it. This is primarily because Rasmol.exe is a 16-bit application.
The problem does not occur under Windows 95.
Version 2.0.2
I. Readme File for ISIS/Base and ISIS/Draw Add-ins.
II. Readme File for the ISIS Add-in Manager for ISIS 2.0.2
October, 1996
I. ISIS/Base and ISIS/Draw Add-ins
Compatibility with prior versions:
The 2.0.2 add-ins should be used ONLY with the ISIS 2.0.2 release version.
This is the only supported configuration. They can cause serious problems
if used with an older version of ISIS.
Note for Windows users:
If you install add-ins from the Add-in Manager, the dialog containing DLL
files for both 16 and 32 bits will be copied to your \bsestart or \drwstart
directory. If you are running the 16-bit version of ISIS, then you can
delete the *32.dll files if you wish. Similarly, if you are running the
32-bit version of ISIS, you can delete the NON '32' DLL files for that
The 'ISIS' installer will automatically install the version of the DLL file
appropriate for the 16/32 bit version of ISIS you choose to install. If you
remove the wrong files(!), the add-ins will produce error messages, and you
will have to re-install them.
ISIS/Draw Add-ins
Changes & New Features:
SARCheck 1.0 is a new add-in for this release, which allows 'hotlinked'
SARTable queries to be created for local databases without Chem
Check errors being generated.
The View in RasMol add-ins for ISIS/Base and ISIS/Draw now share the same
copy of RasMol, which is now located in the ISIS executables folder. Since
it is a shared resource, it will remain after deinstalling either add-in.
The two files are RASWIN.EXE and RASWIN.HLP (Windows) or RasMac and Rasmol.hlp
Fixed Problems:
CW-19826 - DRMOLVAL: ChemChecking a reaction blocks further CalcMolVals
CW-19827 - DRMOLVAL: bad exact mass with reaction components
CW-21156 - Calculate Mol Values gives wrong H count for EITHER double bonds
CW-18925 - Recently Used Files Add-In on the Mac now removes '/' from
filenames so the following character doesn't become an
unintentional accelerator.
Known Problems & Limitations:
CW-20761, CW-21116
The oft-reported problem with molecular values on sketches containing
contracted 'residues' was not fixed in this release. You must still
expand ALL residues on a sketch in order to perform any calculations.
The error message has been changed to include this information.
This discrepancy is planned to be fixed in the next release of
ISIS Desktop *after* 2.0.2.
CW-19785 - DRMOLVAL: contracted residues show exact mass of 0', displays
the same error message as above.
CW-20264 - DRWFILES: Launching Draw by opening sketch generates no entry.
A fix is needed for the PL StartFileTrigger for this to be implemente
CW-NOTOURFAULT - RasMol v. 2.6 BETA 32-bit does not respond to our DDE messages.
Stay with RasMol Version 2.5 for the View in RasMol add-in to
continue working.

ISIS/Base Add-ins
Changes & New Features:
New for this release is the List Editor 1.0 Add-in which lets you edit,
sort, and copy/paste lists manually. Look for the List>Edit... menu item.
Also new is the List Import/Export 1.0 Add-in. It enhances the external
list handling so that with remote databases, you can save and use the ASCII
list files from your desktop workstation.
The 2.0.2 View in RasMol add-ins for ISIS/Base and ISIS/Draw share the same
copy of RasMol, which is now located in the ISIS executables folder. Since
it is a shared resource, it will remain after deinstalling either add-in.
The two files are RASWIN.EXE and RASWIN.HLP (Windows) or RasMac and Rasmol.hlp
Fixed Problems:
CW-18886, CW-21681 - Problem importing table because fieldnames are the same at
levels of the database. Fields are now resolved by field number.
CW-21110, CW-21055 - Import Table: Problems with handling of leading and trailin
spaces. These are now always stripped from the field data coming from
table file. In the case of link fields where the length is exceeded,
record will be discarded, and an error message written to the log fil
CW-19879 - ASCIMP: Enabling gives error message 'ASC_IMPT'. The secondary progra
ASC_IMPT now stays loaded, so this error should no longer appear.
CW-21194 - Local database corruption gives smartheap memory error. This error
was due to a problem with the add-in writing or reading the current
hit list. The add-in now creates a temporary list instead.
CW-20172 - Display Mol Values don't display with query highlight on Remote DBs
CW-20770 - Display mol value add-in corrupts display after switch to Draw
CW-20771 - Display molvalue strings carried over to Draw
CW-20407 - RASMOLB - Hotlink causes error msgs to appear on other dbs
The View in RasMol (Base) add-in now tracks the hotlink check menu
and database, so that these errant messages should no longer appear.
CW-19172 - RECCOUNT: box field tied up after "Clear". The Clear button now
behaves like cancel if the selected form object had no Record
Count settings before entering the setup dialog.
CW-20505 - ALL: buttons must move when PL installs toolbar
CW-18562 - FORMCHG: edited form being marked as clean during Form Change
Known Problems & Limitations
CW-20221 - BSEFILES: long file paths do not generate menu entries
CW-20140 - BSMOLVAL: clipped text display on PC
CW-20881 - Hydrogen labels clipped when BSMOLVAL add-in enabled
In both these cases, the clipping will still occur when viewing
structures with molecular values in a table. On a box form object,
you will need to click on the 'Zoom' box in the lower right corner
to see the entire structure.
CW-20897 - Import data via import table add-in avoids vocab control of fields.
The add-in can validate against the vocabulary on Fixed and Variable
text fields, and now warns users when leaving the 'Step 4' dialog
when an Integer, Real, Range or Date field having a vocabulary
is encountered. The add-in is not able to validate on these field
types due to a limitation in ISIS PL.
CW-21348 - Import Table Add-in won't link on field with dash in name. Fieldnames
of this type can ONLY be created via a PL application, such as the
CBTOISIS ChemBase database porting tool. We recommend changing the
fieldname to remove the dash.
CW-20490 - ASCIMP: assigning child fields (no reg) blocks parent import. Instead
set the child fields to 'Unassigned'.
CW-21438 - Unable to configure RASWIN.HLP file location. This is a RasWin proble
CW-NOTOURFAULT - RasMol v. 2.6 BETA 32-bit does not respond to our DDE messages.
Stay with RasMol Version 2.5 for the View in RasMol add-in to
continue working.
CW-20933 - Misalignment of descriptions in "Change Form" dialog (Mac only)
CW-21711 - Change Form dialog may show exta lines and rectangles
This version of Add-in Manager now supports 32-bit Windows 95 and
Windows NT.
New Features:
1. Installation of multiple Add-ins from the 'Install an Add-In'
dialog is now supported. The installation of Add-Ins that
have been compressed into self-extracting archives (.exe files) is
also supported on Windows. On the Macintosh, the dialog box has
changed to an Add/Remove style dialog.
2. New INF tokens:
a. ReadmeFile = <filename>
Installs <filename> into the add-In folder, and prompts the user on
whether they wish to view it. A .txt file will open in Notepad, by
default on Windows, and in SimpleText on the Macintosh. Since the file is
opened by the 'shell', you can also use other types of readme files (
*.wri, *.doc, etc...) that are known to have an association with an
editor program on your user's system.
b. InstallINFFile = <true|false>
Installs the INF file into the add-in folder.
c. [Delete Files]
Section header which instructs AIM to delete any files following it after an
Add-in installs properly. Read-only or locked (in use) files are not deleted
(no errors are displayed in these cases). The standard location keywords are
supported. ( APPDIR, SYSTEMDIR, PREFDIR, HELPDIR, and 'blank' (add-in instal
3. New intrinsic - (Windows only)
function IsWindowTitleActive( title : string ) : boolean;
Takes a Window title, or partial title, and searches the list of
currently active Windows. This call MUST be used on Windows NT
when checking to see if a 16-bit application is active rather than
IsWindowsAppRunning. This is because a 16-bit exe is placed into
the Windows on Windows (WOW) layer in NT, and is no longer visible
to external processes. IsWindowsAppRunning should continue to work
if you are looking for 32-bit applications on NT and will always work
for Windows 95.
4. New Intrinsics - Macintosh
HelpContents, HelpGotoContext and HelpQuit are now supported on Macintosh
for QuickHelp(tm)(Altura Software). For context sensitive help from PL
dialogs on Macintosh, you must use a DLOG window style with a 'title bar'
for the help to be displayed properly.
The following FTP intrinsics are currently implemented on Macintosh only.
Syntax: procedure FTPClose( ftpStreamId: integer):integer; {error code}
Description: Closes the connection to the host specified by ftpStreamId.
Parameters: ftpStreamId Unique identifier for the FTP connection. This value
obtained after a successful call to FTPOpen.
Return Value: Returns 0 if no error occurred, otherwise one
of the error codes described in the section "FTP intrinsics error
Syntax: procedure FTPGet( ftpStreamId: integer; hostFileName: string;
var localFileName: string; var protocol: integer):
integer; {error code}
Description: Retrieves the specified file from the host.
ftpStreamId - Unique identifier for the FTP connection. This value is
obtained after a successful call to FTPOpen.
hostFileName - A string containing the file name of the file to retrieve
. This
can be a full pathname.
localFileName - A string containing the name under which the file
will be saved on the local system. With some protocols
(MacBinary), this name might not be used (i.e. the host file
contains information about its name). In this case, the name is
returned in the parameter (without its path, which has not
protocol - An integer that specifies the protocol to use for the transfe
These constants are described in the sections "Constants".
Some protocols can be refused (see Platform specific notes)
and on return, this variable will return the code of the
protocol effectively used for the transfer.
Return Value - Returns 0 if no error occurred, otherwise
one of the error codes described in the section "FTP intrinsics error
Note: If the name of the local file corresponds to an existing file, the
existing file is replaced by the transferred file. However, a 'safe' save
strategy is used: i.e. the file is erased only after the full transfer
has been completed successfully.
Syntax: procedure FTPLs( ftpStreamId: integer; shortForm: boolean;
pathName: string; var buffID, buffLen: integer):
integer; {error code}
Description: This function retrieves the listing of the file or
directory specified from the host.
ftpStreamId - Unique identifier for the FTP connection. This value is
obtained after a successful call to FTPOpen.
shortForm - If TRUE, a short form of the listing will be retrieved
with only the names of the files and directories. If FALSE, the
listing will include details like file protections, size and dates.
However, this information is specific to the implementation of the
FTP server.
pathName - A string containing the file or path name to use in the
buffId - A integer identifying the PL buffer that contains the text
of the listing. This buffer is only created if the function is
successful. It is the PL programmer's responsibility to dispose of
the buffer by calling DeleteBuffer when done with it.
buffLen - An integer that indicates the length of the buffer buffId.
This is the number of characters in the buffer.
Return Value - Returns 0 if no error occurred, otherwise
one of the error codes described in the section "FTP intrinsics error
Syntax: procedure FTPOpen( hostNameOrDottedId, userName, password: string;
var ftpStreamId: integer) : integer; {error code}
Description: Creates a connection to the host specified by
hostNameOrDottedId, using the login specified by userName and password.

hostNameOrDottedId - string that identifies the host with the FTP
server to which the stream should connect. This name can be either
a name (i.e. 'jubal' or a dotted decimal TCP/IP address
userName - Name of the account.
password - Password for the account.
ftpStreamId - Unique identifier for the FTP connection. This
variable is used in all the other FTP intrinsics.
Return Value: Returns 0 if no error occurred, otherwise one
of the error codes described in the section "FTP intrinsics error
Syntax: procedure FTPPut( ftpStreamId: integer; hostFileName,
localFileName: string;
protocol: integer): integer; {error code}
Description: Sends the specified file to the host.
ftpStreamId - Unique identifier for the FTP connection. This value
is obtained after a successful call to FTPOpen.
hostFileName - A string containing the name under which the file
will be saved on the host system. This can be a full pathname
localFileName - A string containing the file name of the file to
send to the host.
protocol - An integer that specifies the protocol to use for the
transfer. These constants are described in the sections "Constants".

Return Value: Returns 0 if no error occurred, otherwise one

of the error codes described in the section "FTP intrinsics error
FTP Intrinsics error codes:
kFTPErr: error signaled by the FTP server.
kConfigErr: the TCP/IP software required is not available.
kOpenErr: unable to open the FTP stream.
kLostConnectionErr: connection has been lost.
kDomainNameErr: could not resolve the host name.
Macintosh OS implementation notes:
System requirements: System 7.0 or later, MacTCP or OpenTransport
network software.
Text files: Text files on the Mac OS uses the character 0x0D (CR) to
indicate end of lines. RFC 959 specifies that the end of line indicator
should be the couple (0x0D, 0x0A) (CR,LF). During all the transfer of
informations using the FTP intrinsics, this conversion will take place
invisibly to the PL programmer. This means that you do not have to
convert the files after or before a transfer to/from the CRLF line
MacBinary encoding: similarly, when transferring Macintosh files, it is
recommended to use the MacBinary format. This format preserves the
resource fork of the file as well as the Finder information (name,
creator, file type, etc...). Conversion to/from this format occurs
automatically if this format is specified in the protocol. The FTPGet
intrinsic is able to decode both MacBinary and MacBinaryII format for
maximum compatibility. For the same reason of maximizing compatibility,
FTPPut encodes the file using the original MacBinary format.
NOTE: the use of this format can fail on FTPGet if the file
retrieved from the host is not in MacBinary format. In this case, the
transfer continues using a simple binary protocol.
Fixed Problems:
1. ExecuteSearchByForm now works on Windows (CW-20634, 20797).
2. Non-executed Add-ins now do not display in list box or system info (CW-21089)
3. System Info. now shows the display size in 'X x Y' format (CW-21043).
Known Limitations and Problems:
1. If the user chooses to install from a self-extracting Add-in archive,
they are presented with a list of .exe files. If the user then selects
a Windows executable, the exe file chosen will be run.
2. GetNextInstalledAddin & GetNextAddinHelpTopic will conflict (CW-20674)
if used in the same routine. This is because all the GetFirst/GetNext
add-in intrinsics currently share the same memory following the first
GetFirst... call. The recommended method is to accumulate the names for one
type in an array or linked list, then go to the next type.
3. The System Information for 16 and 32 bit Add-in Manager, Windows 95
and Windows NT will vary significantly, here is a list of known
a) 16-bit AIM will report Windows 95 as version 3.95 while the 32-bit
AIM will report it as 4.00.950. This is a Windows system property.
b) % Free Resources will not be reported by 32-bit AIM.
c) The Running Processes and Loaded Modules lists will differ on all
3 platforms. Only comparisons of data collected on the
same Windows OS will be of value.
4. On Windows NT systems, end users must be given Write access to the
ISISAIM.INI, ISISAIHP.INI and ISISSAR.INI files which reside in the Windows
directory. If not, the Add-in Manager will not be able to run.
CW-19232 - AIM misbehaves on root-level add-in directories.
CW-19920 - MountNetFileService can fail when username parameter is specified.

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