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Daily Writing

Kenan Adams

August 24th, 2017
3rd Grade Teacher: She was the first teacher that I ever had that made working and writing fun.
My Grandpa: He showed me the outdoors and everything to do in it, which in turn has helped me
write about things in nature that I enjoy doing.
My Dad: He has also shown me the outdoors, as well as taken me on trips to remote places in
nature which has influenced my writing style.
Dr. Seuss: He was the first author that I ever really read when I was young.

August 29th, 2017
One special place that helped me shape my literacy narrative was the woods behind our family
farm. I experienced nature and always observed what was going on. I would always think to
myself, There is no place I would rather be, because this is the most peaceful place around.
The trees would always be swaying with the wind, squirrels would be running on the dry leaves,
and deer would casually walk around the forest. It was where I would go to get away from all the
mess that people make.

August 31st, 2017
School book fairs were always very exciting to me when I was younger. I would always get the
newest captain underpants book when it came out, and it would be a lot of fun reading it with the
rest of my friends. I always enjoyed fictional books, mostly about good and bad guys. Going to
the book fairs did factor into my literacy narrative, allowing me to get excited to read.
September 5th, 2017
The first time I used a computer was at my old home in Raleigh, probably in 2003. I remember
playing an old civil war game on it, which had a lot of reading and statistics for the battles so my
dad would help me understand what was going on. I never used a computer much for work or
writing until freshman year of high school, since previous assignments were always on paper. It
honestly never affected my literacy narrative, aside from helping to show different ways of
organization. I personally connected with the Malcom X writing through his disobedience while
in prison. He always stayed up later than he was allowed, listening for the guards every hour. I
always wanted to stay up later than I should, reading my new books and comic books. My
parents would usually come check in on me later in the evening so I would have to listen for
them and act asleep, and even though it wasnt prison and didnt feel like it I can relate to
Malcom Xs experiences.

September 7th, 2017
I dont get very inspired to write often, but when I do it is when I am outdoors. There is nothing
else that would really interest me in writing about other than my hobbies. Most of these hobbies
involve the outdoors, so that is the reason I only ever get inspired outside. The biggest place of
inspiration for me was when my Dad and I went backpacking in the Appalachian Mountains my
very first time. We took a boat to a mountain in the middle of a lake, and on that mountain was a
trail called hazel creek. I always visualize the boat ride over to the mountain, as I had never seen
anything like that before. On the Hazel Creek trail, there is a campsite about 8 miles into the
mountain called bone valley. Farmers would bring their herds of cattle to the mountain somehow
to eat and roam, but a snowstorm came one year and killed all the cattle. When the snow melted
there were bones everywhere, hence the name. Between a valley of old bones and the ride over
this location inspired me a lot.

September 12th, 2017
The weather did not really affect me in a major way. The only thing it directly affected was
ROTC PT this morning, causing it to be moved indoors at the SAC. This was not very fun
because instead of a long run on the greenway, we had to run bleachers and do sprint
conditioning on the track. Other than that, it has just been rain that I had to walk through to go
September 14, 2017
I can connect greatly with the second tip. Avoiding jargon and big words is a major part of the
army writing style. We must write short, direct sentences, often limiting ourselves to fifteen
words per sentence. I can connect with this because this is what I should write like and Zinsser
described it perfectly.

September 19, 2017
The main ethnic meal my mom makes is Greek chicken with grilled vegetables and
spanakopitas. The chicken is usually grilled with a very tangy marinade on it. Spanakopitas
pastries with very thin, layered dough with creamed spinach in the insides. The vegetables are
always cooked on kebabs, and we usually order the spanakopitas from online since they are
extremely hard to make. We usually make this food every few weeks or so, since my mom
really likes it. No special equipment is needed to make these things. This dish is special to our
family because it is what my mom was raised on when she was young, and its kind of like
carrying on the tradition.

September 21, 2017
The first thing that comes to mind when I hear tall tale is one my dad would always tell me and
my friends. My friends and I would always go fishing at the pond on our farm, and my dad loved
to scare us. He would always tell a story about how when my great x3 grandfather lived on the
farm how there was an alligator that lived in the pond. My dad would say that the alligator would
always eat dogs and any farm animals that would wander down. My friends and I always
believed it because we would find lots of bones from animals by the edge of the pond. I later
found that the bones were from what coyotes killed. The story used to always scare me as a kid. I
find it funny that my dad would incorporate this 200-year-old alligator my relatives saw into a
way to scare me. (I wrote about this because there isnt really a tall tale about any family)

September 26, 2017
The first thing that comes to my mind is that I believe it is a very good intention to try and help
the orphans, but the reality is that during this time the demand for adopting a Vietnamese baby
would not be very high. I see a lot of children growing up in foster care until they age out. At
least they will be brought up in a western lifestyle so they wont have to adapt to a whole
different culture. It was called operation baby lift, and some of the babies werent even orphans
during the time of the airlifting. One of the planes crashed, killing 78 children.

September 28, 2017
The quote that speak to me is Albert Einsteins. Most everything I do here in college I dont
know how to do it. If everyone knew how to do everything research would be pointless. Part of
any experience is finding out and learning for yourself how things work and how to accomplish
your tasks. This relates to research well, seeing as researching is the learning process to
accomplish a goal or task.

October 3, 2017
I feel that whoever could do this type of stuff is the definition of pure evil. Just killing innocent
people for the sake of killing with nothing to do with each victim personally. There was an NBC
employee that tweeted out that she has no remorse for the victims since they were at a country
concert, and she got fired for that. I feel this event has brought out a lot of stupidity.

October 5, 2017
I cant really remember the vignettes so Im going to talk about how I cannot relate to the two
that I read last night. The first one was about how the girls mom never finished school, and was
always telling her to finish. She said she didnt finish school because she didnt have nice clothes
and cared too much what people think about her. I cant relate to this because both of my parents
finished college, let alone high school. Not finishing school is not an option for me. The second
vignette was about a big girl that got hit and abused by her dad. One day she came to the girls
house with a bag of clothes and a loaf of bread. The dad came to pick her up that night, but days
later he saw her talking to a boy and beat her a lot. This never would happen in my family since
my parents are not control freaks. The worst thing that has happened that isnt even bad at all
was my sisters and I were spanked when we were little for doing bad things, but everyone was at
that time.
October 12, 2017
This response just means to me that louis is really into family history because of a death. What
he says is significant to him, because its his family, but not to me. I could honestly care less why
this random guy researches family history. What he says is important though because more
people need to take up their family history. It is a part of how you got here and I believe that
respect is due at least in leaning the history. What he says is relevant because people need to start
wanting to learn more about their families.

October 26, 2017
Multi modal means to me multiple ways to express a topic or information to an audience. For my
specific project I can see my multi-modal project entailing different speech and gesture modes,
to help tell the history of how the US moved away from religion. Using different tones can help
express important parts of our research and make them interesting with gestures.

November 2, 2017
I think the first tip about using keywords and topics to find new sources will help us the most.
Searching religion in the US is very broad and gives a very generic view of religions in the
states. Possibly using Religion in modern US society could yield more relevant and newer
sources to be used while researching.

November 9, 2017
I feel that I have addressed rhetorical knowledge in a very indirect way, but it fits the definition
to a T. When working on projects or assignments I do not think of how I will get the reader to
understand all of these concepts within rhetorical knowledge, but they are very visible within my
writing. Purpose is a huge one, since the purpose of all of my writing in the class must align with
what the rubric says so that I may get a perfect grade. Genre and context are the other two most
used aspects of rhetorical knowledge since they are the meat of the writing. Without them the
writing would be bland and boring to read, as well as confusing.
November 14, 2017
This class will help with my analytical writing and research projects in the future. If I have
learned anything it is to dig deeper into any topic whether or not the information is needed. It
will push my assignments and projects in my major ahead of everyone elses, just because I took
the extra time to learn more.

November 16, 2017
I never have done many presentations, but one good one was on the civil war in high school. I
researched NC regiments heavily and knew everything about what I was supposed to talk about,
but my presentation was boring because a lot of the students would talk during it. From then on I
have learned to make my presentations more interesting with pictures as well as stories.

November 21, 2017
I would invest s of the 50 million. After that I would buy back the property of our original
family farm and tear down houses and plant another forest. Past that, I would buy a motorcycle
and just save. I would live at the farm, and I would probably enlist in the army since I wouldnt
have to worry about pay and could just work jobs I wanted to.

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