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An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

This quote is very strong because almost all of people apply to eye for eye only for on
revenge, which that is bad because all of people deserve respect and this generates that
the world this blind, where nobody respects to other person and this that make exist
robberies, murders, kidnappings, revenges and all the bad things that happen today.

Un ojo por ojo solo hace que todo el mundo quede ciego.

- dont get mad, get even (no te enojes, vamos)

something that you say in order to tell someone not to be angry when another person
has upset them, but instead to do something that will upset that person very much:
This is my advice to wives whose husbands have left them for a younger woman - don't get
mad, get even!

- she got even in a way that was almost cruel. She forgave them. ()
Some people are unnecessarily adversarial because they enjoy conflict. When she
forgives someone who desires to continue a fight, there is no longer a fight for them to
enjoy. She has emerged from the fight looking like a graceful, collected person.

- SUcces is the sweetest revenge.

Success is opposite that your enemy or people always wants for you. People usually tends to
make fun of people who are the failure.

- Revenge is often like biting a dog

It means you are behaving exactly like the people who hurt you, so you are no better
than they are. Think before acting when you are angry. Revenge causes more damage to
your mind and heart.

- in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy, but in passing it over, he is
The urge to avenge the humiliations, injustices and wrongs heaped on us by others gives
us some pleasure, relief and satisfaction. However, is such a toxic and in-born tendency
must be curbed through legal means.

- it is impossible to suffer without making someone pay for it, every complaint already
contains revenge.

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