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Research question: How does Paulo Coelho's employment of Sigmund Freud's

psychoanalytic theory in The Devil and Miss Prym illustrate the battle between good and evil
in humanity, through the characterisation of the titular character Chantal Prym?

Format of EE:
Table of contents (as per the following categories)
Purpose and scope of essay (300)
Intro to Devil and miss prym (300)
Intro to psychoanalytic theory (300)
Thesis (100)
Chapter 1: Id represented by the stranger and his gold bars
Point 1 (400)
Point 2 (400)
Chapter 2: Ego represented by chantal and affected by viscos
Point 1 (400)
Point 2 (400)
Chapter 3: Super Ego represented by old berta
Point 1 (400)
Point 2 (400)
Summary of chapters (300)
Conclusion of analysis (300)


'You may decide not to co-operate, in which case, I'll tell everyone that I gave you the chance to help them, but
you refused, and then I'll put my proposition to them myself. If they do decide to kill someone, you will
probably be their chosen victim.' the stranger
Chantals decision tells us something here if she truly believed that humans were good the threat would not

You weren't afraid of me and you didn't judge me. For the first time ever, someone spent a night by my side
trusting that I could be a good man, one ready to offer hospitality to those in need. Because you believed I was
capable of behaving decently, I did." ahab
an example of men being good even though he was evil, a demonstration of external factors

She had had so many dreams: she thought she could overcome all obstacles, find a husband, get a job in the big
city; overcome being discovered by a talent scout who happened to be visiting that out-of-the-way place in the
hope of finding a new talent, get a career in the theatre, write a best-seller, have photographers calling out to her
to pose for them, walk along life's red carpets.
Chantals dreams

Chantal would thank the driver who had given her a lift, and then head straight for the bus station and buy a
ticket to some far-away place; at that moment, two policemen would approach her, asking her politely to open
her suitcase. As soon as they saw its contents, their politeness would vanish: she was the woman they were
looking for, following a report filed only three hours earlier.
A possible reason not to steal the gold
She couldn't go through with it; this inability, however, had nothing to do with honesty or dishonesty, but with
the sheer terror she was feeling.
Motivations are not always driven by good and evil

'So you see, Good and Evil have the same face; it all depends on when they cross the path of each individual
human being.' the stranger
good and evil can exist within the same person, it all depends on what factors drive them to commit good or evil

They were so ignorant, so naive, so resigned to their lot. They refused to believe anything that didn't fit in with
what they were used to believing. They all lived in fear of God. They were all - herself included - cowards when
the moment comes to change their fate. But as far as true goodness was concerned, that didn't exist - not in the
land of cowardly men, nor in the heaven of Almighty God who sows suffering everywhere, just so that we can
spend our whole lives begging him to deliver us from Evil.
Chantal does not believe in true goodness, of viscos, but in cowardice

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