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Calendario de actividades /
Calendar of activities Pgs. 20-23
EDICIN NO. 604 (MA) Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover, North Andover, Lowell
Diciembre/December 1, 2017 The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley (NH) Salem, Nashua, Manchester

Gracias a los comerciantes que figuran en esta lista que Thanks to the advertisers signing below in agreement with
estn de acuerdo en parar todos sus comerciales ahora y stopping all promotions running now and not advertising
no anunciarse en el futuro en las estaciones de Costa-Eagle in the future with the stations owned by Costa-Eagle
Communications Communications.
Esta medida es en protesta por la cancelacin de la This measure is in protest for the cancelationof programs
programacin el 6 y el 7 de noviembre en directa violacin on November 6 and 7 in direct violation of the Constitutions
de los derechos de la Primera Enmienda Constitucional. First Amendment rights.
Si alguien quiere ser parte de la misma debe ponerse en Anyone wishing to be part of it should contact City
contacto con el Concejal Brian De Pea. Councilor Brian De Pea.
(Ms detalles en las pginas 12 y 13) (More details on pages 12 and 13)

Boycot a la WCEC Boycott on WCEC

Delegacin de Lawrence Lawrence delegation
Rep. Juana Matas Rep. Juana Matias
Theodoro volvi Theodoro is back
Rivera sobre el crimen Rivera on crime
Pgina 4 Page 16
2 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017

Funcionario municipal y hombre EDITORIAL | EDITORIAL

de confianza del Alcalde Dan
Rivera, deshonra a ex directora "Una fecha que vivir en la infamia"

sas fueron las palabras que el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de
de campaa de Lantigua Norteamrica utiliz en su discurso ante el Senado, para describir el
sorpresivo y devastador ataque areo contra la base naval de Pearl
Harbor, en Hawaii, hogar de la flota del Pacfico por fuerzas del imperio
Por Jos Alfonso Garca japons, el 7 de diciembre de 1941.
Publicado en Editorial Week | Noviembre 26, 2017 Cuando el ataque termin, las bajas del lado de los Estados Unidos eran
2,403 muertos y 1,178 heridos en accin, adems de una larga lista de buques
En un hecho sin precedentes en la perdidos totalmente y/o daados, as como una gran cantidad de aviones. Esta
historia de Lawrence, un controversial accin provoc a los Estados Unidos a declarar la guerra a Japn, luego de
ejecutivo municipal, hombre de confianza un apasionado discurso ante el Senado por el entonces Presidente Franklin D.
del Alcalde Dan Rivera insult, pisote y Roosevelt.
ultraj pblicamente a la conocida lder El ataque por sorpresa provoc un profundo impacto en el pueblo
poltica local, Jennifer Lpez por expresar estadounidense y condujo directamente a la entrada de los Estados Unidos en
su opinin en una publicacin hecha por el la Segunda Guerra Mundial tanto en el Pacfico como en los teatros europeos.
funcionario pblico en los medios sociales. Al da siguiente, 8 de diciembre, Estados Unidos declar la guerra a Japn
El ex Ingeniero de la Ciudad de y varios das despus, el 11 de diciembre, Alemania e Italia le declararon la
Lawrence, Theo Rosario, quien hace apenas guerra a los Estados Unidos.
unos das fue puesto de nuevo en nmina En Septiembre 11, 2001, otro da que vivir en la ignominia, el territorio
de pago por el Alcalde Rivera despus de continental de los Estados Unidos fue atacado en una serie de ataques suicidas
asegurar su reeleccin, abus verbalmente
contra las Torres Gemelas en New York y el Pentgono en Washington por
y de manera grotesca descargando toda su
miembros de al-Qaeda con el resultado de la prdida de casi 3,000 civiles.
ira contra la joven amiga.
Ms cerca de casa, en Boston, el 15 de abril, 2013 durante la celebracin
Jennifer Lpez, fue la Directora de
Campaa del ex alcalde William Lantigua
del Maratn de Boston dos explosiones ocurrieron, deteniendo la carrera
en las pasadas elecciones cuyos resultados mientras se atendan a ms de 200 personas que resultaron heridas adems de
favorecieron a Rivera, aunque por un 3 espectadores que resultaron muertos. Los terroristas estn en todas partes, y
estrecho margen. Rivera invirti en su Cuando finalmente se descubre el provienen de todas partes.
campaa ms de $300,000 en propagandas incidente, el Alcalde Rivera le pidi la Los ataques llevados a cabo en New York fueron perpetrados por 19
mayormente negativas contra su oponente y renuncia al Sr. Rosario, pero le autoriz extranjeros provenientes de Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egipto y
cont con la colaboracin de las principales para que colectara seguro por desempleo Lbano que salieron desde Boston en vuelos separados y el del Maratn de
autoridades del estado quienes vinieron que solo aplica para empleados que hayan Boston por dos estudiantes provenientes de Chechenia, una regin de Rusia
personalmente a apoyarle. sido despedidos de sus trabajos por razones que vivan en el rea.
Como puede verse en parte de la especficas, no a empleados renunciantes. Este 7 de diciembre y muy en especial en estas Navidades, cuando las
conversacin ciberntica sostenida por Theodoro Rosario mientras ostentaba el familias tienden a reunirse y disfrutar de paz, elevemos una oracin por aquellos
ambos polticos latinos al travs de Facebook cargo de Ingeniero de La Ciudad con un que setenta y seis aos atrs lo dieron todo defendiendo nuestros principios e
en el da de ayer, el Sr. Theo Rosario en salario de $85,000 dlares al ao y estrechas ideologa y tambin para aquellos que entraron a las torres en llamas, cuando
trminos vulgares y soeces tild a la Sra. relaciones de influencias y poder con el todos estaban tratando de salir de ellas as como por nuestros hroes locales
Lpez, de: Vieja Sucia y la amenaz con Alcalde Rivera se vio envuelto en un hecho que fueron en ayuda de las vctimas de las bombas del Maratn.
llevarla a un cuarto de hotel y hacerle lo bochornoso que marc un hito en la extensa No los olvidemos por su sacrificio y por lo que han hecho por la
mismo que le hizo al indigente (Homeless) cadena de escndalos de la administracin humanidad, sobre todo no permitamos que su sacrificio haya sido en balde!
lo que segn l, dara igual. en sus primeros tres aos.

"A date that will live in infamy"

Este vil atropello a una dama por un El flamante funcionario municipal
funcionario de gobierno se produce en fue arrestado por la polica de Lowell en

Lawrence en momentos en que el abuso un motel de Tewksbury, cuando, segn el
reporte policial, este se encontraba en la
hose were the words spoken by the President of the United States of
contra la mujer en las ms altas esferas del
gobierno de Estados Unidos parece estar a madrugada acompaado de un joven de 25 America in his speech before the Senate, to describe the surprise and
la orden del da. Se ha descubierto que en aos y sin hogar (Homeless), cuyo nombre devastating air attack against the naval base of Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii,
Washington varios legisladores poderosos nunca fue dado a la prensa. Theodoro home of the Pacific fleet by forces of the Japanese Empire, on December 7,
a influyentes han usado el dinero de los haba recogido al indigente en la calle 1941.
contribuyentes para pagar demandas de acoso Broadway de Lawrence el cual llam a When the attack ended, casualties on the US side were 2,403 dead and
sexual o abusos contra mujeres que trabajaron la polica porque, segn l, se encontraba 1,178 wounded in action, in addition to a long list of totally lost and/or damaged
en el Capitolio. 264 casos han sido arreglados all encerrado en contra de su voluntad ships, as well as a large number of aircraft. This action provoked the United
a espaldas del pueblo en los ltimos 20 aos. y que el Sr. Rosario le ofreci cigarrillos States to declare war on Japan, after a passionate speech before the Senate by
En otro fragmento interesante de su y bebidas para que se desnudara y se le then President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
conversacin en Facebook, el Sr. Rosario exhibiera describe el Eagle Tribune en The surprise attack caused a profound impact on the American people and
agrega que enfrentar en los tribunales a varios reportajes publicados sobre el tema. led directly to the entry of Americans in World War II, both in the Pacific and in
todos aquellos que pretenden condenarlo en Los principales medios de comunicacin European theaters. The next day, December 8, the United States declared war
la opinin pblica local por una acusacin del rea se han hecho eco de esta noticia entre on Japan and several days later, on December 11, Germany and Italy declared
que un juez desestim recientemente y de la ellos: The Sun de Lowell, el Eagle Tribune war on the United States.
cual, segn l, su nombre sali limpio porque de North Andover, Valley Patriot de Andover On September 11, 2001, another day that will live in ignominy, the mainland
el desamparado no se present a la corte el da y el peridico local Rumbo que se publica of the United States was attacked in a series of suicide attacks against the Twin
de la audiencia en octubre pasado. Todava en ingls y espaol. Tambin importantes Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington by members of al-Qaeda
se desconocen las razones por las cuales el medios electrnicos de internet como
with the result of the loss of almost 3,000 civilians.
joven no se present a la corte o por qu la Editorial Week han publicado la noticia,
Closer to home, in Boston, on April 15, 2013 during the celebration of the
polica archiv este caso durante ocho meses as como tambin varios comunicadores
radiales y los medios sociales.
Boston Marathon two explosions occurred, stopping the race while serving
antes hacer la acusacin en la corte.
more than 200 people who were injured plus 3 spectators who were killed.
Terrorists are everywhere, and they come from everywhere.

Rumbo The attacks carried out in New York were perpetrated by 19 foreigners
from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon who departed
from Boston on separate flights and the Boston Marathon by two students from
The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley
Chechnya, a region of Russia that lived in the area.
DIRECTOR AND GRAPHIC DESIGN This December 7th and especially this Christmas, when families tend to
Dalia Daz gather and enjoy peace, let us raise a prayer for those who, seventy-six years
ago, gave their all defending our principles and ideology and also for those
SALES & CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Publicacin de SUDA, Inc. who entered the burning towers, when everyone was trying to get out of them
Alberto M. Surs 315 Mt. Vernon Street Lawrence, MA 01843-3206
as well as by our local heroes who went to help the victims of the Marathon Tel: (978) 794-5360 | bombs. Let's not forget them for their sacrifice and for what they have done for
humanity, especially not let their sacrifice have been in vain!
Published on the 1st 8th 15th and 22nd of Every Month
4 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017

315 Mt. Vernon St.
Lawrence MA 01843
Las cartas deben tener menos de 300 palabras de
largo. Favor de incluir un nmero de telfono o
direccin electrnica para confirmar quin la enva.

Boicoteo a WCEC 1490 producto o servicio est constitucionalmente

protegida, pero no tanto como otros
Los Representantes Estatales Frank
Moran, Juana Matias y Diana DiZoglio, as
que dijo, en parte, "... no ests sin hogar, pero
la prxima vez te llevar a t..." Esto fue en
En nuestra pgina principal, y ms discursos. Por ejemplo, el gobierno puede como la Senadora Estatal Barbara L'Italien referencia al hombre sin hogar que llev a un
adelante en las pginas 12 y 13, tenemos prohibir la publicidad comercial engaosa, se han mantenido en silencio, haciendo caso motel atrayndolo con cerveza y cigarrillos y
una lista de empresas que fueron anunciantes pero en general no puede prohibir el discurso omiso de mi pedido. exigindole sexo. El hombre sali corriendo
o planean hacer publicidad en el futuro en poltico engaoso. Qu manera de representar los intereses de la habitacin y llam a la polica desde la
WCEC 1490 AM, pero se unen a un grupo Fuera de estas categoras limitadas de de las personas! oficina, arrestando a Theodoro.
que protesta por la reciente censura. discurso de "bajo" valor, la mayora de las otras Ocho meses despus, el caso fue a la
Las tarjetas de esos comercios que no
se publicaron en esta edicin aparecern la
restricciones basadas en el contenido en el
habla son presuntamente inconstitucionales.
Rep. Estatal Juana Matas corte y fue desestimado porque el hombre
sin hogar no se present. Rivera dice que
prxima semana. Cualquier persona que desee Incluso el entretenimiento, la vulgaridad, el Creo que Juana est separada de la el historial de Theodoro est limpio, pero el
incluir su establecimiento en apoyo de esta "discurso de odio" (discurso fantico sobre ciudad que se supone debe representar. arresto es real y permanece archivado.
accin debe llamar al concejal Brian De Pea. razas particulares, religiones, orientaciones Recomiendo que lea Rumbo con ms
Existe suficiente enojo en nuestra comu-
nidad por tener bloqueada la programacin
sexuales, etc.), la blasfemia (lenguaje que
ofende las sensibilidades religiosas de las
frecuencia para saber qu sucede realmente
aqu. Poltica del Alcalde
diaria los das 6 y 7 de noviembre (da de personas) y los videojuegos violentos estn El mircoles por la maana envi un Rivera sobre el crimen
las elecciones) debido a las quejas sobre protegidos por la Primera Enmienda. En comunicado de prensa agradeciendo al
Espero que se tome el tiempo para leer
la pltica poltica en varios programas. La general, la Corte Suprema ha sido muy reacia Alcalde Dan Rivera por su apoyo en la
mi artculo en la pgina 7 con una evaluacin
mayora de estos programas apoyaban a un a ampliar la lista de categoras de expresin contienda en el Congreso y debera haber
de los crmenes recientes en la ciudad y la
candidato a la alcalda en particular. de "bajo valor". terminado con darle las "gracias". Se lee en
reaccin del alcalde cada vez. l culpa a
La medida tomada por Pat Costa y The Pero a partir de la dcada de 1920, la parte, "Y estoy muy agradecida de contar
todo a la proliferacin de drogas sin hacer
Eagle-Tribune es una contradiccin directa Corte Suprema comenz a leer la Primera con el apoyo del Alcalde Rivera, quien
una investigacin. El ltimo caso de Hillside
de lo que garantiza la Primera Enmienda de Enmienda de manera ms amplia, y esta trajo una tica de trabajo inquebrantable
Avenue provoc la ira de la polica porque
la Constitucin: tendencia se aceler en la dcada de 1960. para garantizar que Lawrence contine
declar en la escena del accidente que se
Un abogado especializado en derechos Hoy, la proteccin legal ofrecida por la avanzando".
trataba de "un negocio de drogas que sali
civiles me dio una explicacin clara de lo que Primera Enmienda es ms fuerte que nunca tica? Haciendo promesas que
mal" al declinando su responsabilidad de los
est protegido bajo la Primera Enmienda. en nuestra historia. no cumpli de contratar a "las personas
Lo resumi as: "La Primera Enmienda mejor calificadas", contratando a personas
Apreciara una evaluacin honesta una
protege el discurso que no nos gusta porque
el discurso que nos gusta no necesita
Delegacin Lawrence no calificadas para tantos puestos bien
remunerados, despidiendo empleados
vez que lo lea.
Lo que ms me molesta es la actitud de calificados sin ninguna razn o sin el
En algunas circunstancias, la Corte la delegacin de Lawrence sobre este tema beneficio de una disciplina progresiva para Hablando de crimen...
Suprema ha sostenido que ciertos tipos de de censura. Les envi un correo electrnico contratar compinches, usando empleados de Intent obtener informacin del sitio
declaraciones tienen un valor de Primera solicitando una opinin porque necesitamos DPW para hacer grandes reparaciones en su web del estado en relacin con la cantidad
Enmienda "bajo", tales como: difamacin, saber dnde estn parados; despus de todo, casa pagndoles horas extras los sbados por de muertes relacionadas con opioides en
amenazas reales, obscenidades, pornografa se supone que ellos nos representan y este la ciudad, y la conversin del Ayuntamiento Lawrence, pero la pgina es confidencial y
infantil y publicidad comercial. es un gran problema al que nos enfrentamos. en un paraso para los desviados sexuales. no permite que nadie acceda a los datos.
En el caso de la publicidad comercial, Qu va a pasar el prximo ao siendo otro Juana, lee Rumbo porque he estado Solo quera ver si las cifras dadas por el
por ejemplo, la publicidad de voz de un ao electoral? escribiendo sobre todas esas cosas de las que alcalde son precisas. Creo que no nos queda
no pareces estar al tanto. Y ahora, lo llamas otro remedio que creerle.
"tico"? Adems, reviso regularmente el Registro
Diario en para comparar
Theodoro ha vuelto cmo la polica informa los crmenes con lo
que realmente sucedi. El 26 de noviembre
Theodoro Rosario ha vuelto a trabajar
le envi un mensaje al Oficial Tom Cuddy
como Supervisor de Planificacin de
preguntando por qu no se haba actualizado
Proyectos en DPW y regres con tremenda
desde el 18 de septiembre. Al da siguiente,
actitud. l est seguro de s mismo y ms
lo haban puesto al da hasta el 13 de octubre.
arrogante y abusivo que nunca.
Todava estn retrasados 45 das haciendo mi
Estuvo involucrado en una conversacin
trabajo ms difcil.
en Facebook con Jennifer Lpez y otros en la

About the only thing that comes to us with no effort is old age.
Lo nico que nos llega sin ningn esfuerzo es la vejez.
- Gloria Pitzer

Lets talk about spreading
the word!
Rumbo is a FREE bilingual (English-Spanish)
newspaper published four (4) times a
month by SUDA, Inc.
1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd of Every Month

The secret is out

Rumbo Tells Everybody!
SALES 978.794.5360

La Asociacin Americana del Corazn Provee Ayuda

Financiara a Puerto Rico con la Fundacin Ricky Martin
Un donativo de cien de la sala de emergencias del Hospital HIMA
San Pablo-Cupey. Con dicho donativo y otro
la salud en todas partes. La gente de la isla
cuenta con nosotros y nos comprometemos a
a salvar a las personas de enfermedades
cardacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares,
mil dlares otorgado donativo annimo pudo costearse el avin apoyar a nuestros colegas y vecinos afectados las dos principales causas de muerte en el
para contribuir con la que transport desde Florida todas esas
ayudas que haban sido donadas, pero que
por el huracn Mara, as como a los que
estn luchando contra las enfermedades
mundo. Nos unimos a millones de voluntarios
para financiar investigaciones innovadoras,
recuperacin de Puerto no se haban podido traer antes.
La Fundacin Ricky Martin distribuir
cardiovasculares y los ataques cerebrales.
De otra parte, Bibiana Ferraiuoli,
luchar por polticas de salud pblica ms
slidas y proporcionar herramientas e
Rico tras el paso del el agua, los filtros y los medicamentos en directora ejecutiva de la Fundacin Ricky informacin para salvar vidas y prevenir
huracn Mara distintas comunidades necesitadas alrededor
de la Isla. Con los filtros se procura proveer un
Martin, y Kurt Schindler, presidente de la
Junta, expresaron su agradecimiento a la
estas enfermedades. La asociacin, con sede
en Dallas, es la organizacinn voluntaria
modo sostenible de contar con agua potable. Asociacin Americana del Corazn: ms grande y antigua del pas dedicada a
Un cargamento de agua potable, filtros Las nuevas viviendas que la fundacin est A nombre de nuestro Fundador y de combatir las enfermedades cardacas y los
de agua, medicamentos y suministros construyendo en Loza, donde la Asociacin todo nuestro equipo queremos agradecerles accidentes cerebrovasculares. Para obtener
mdicos para hospitales y clnicas arrib tiene su primer centro aliado para el control este gesto humanitario. La salud de nuestro ms informacin o participar, llame al
anoche a la Base Area Muiz del Aeropuerto de hipertensin (Target BP), contarn con pueblo sigue siendo una de nuestras ms 1-800-AHA-USA1, visite o llame
de San Juan, como un esfuerzo humanitario filtros de agua. serias preocupaciones, por lo que esta a cualquiera de nuestras oficinas en todo el
de la Asociacin Americana del Corazn Por otra parte, las medicinas y suministros iniciativa nos alivia y nos permite continuar pas. Sganos en Facebook y Twitter.
la organizacin de salud voluntaria lder mdicos servirn para apoyar los servicios ayudando en todos los frentes, como nos lo
a nivel mundial, dedicada a combatir las que ofrecen diversos hospitales y clnicas. ha pedido Ricky. Estamos muy agradecidos y Acerca de la Fundacin Ricky
enfermedades cardiovasculares. La llegada La propia fundacin lleva a cabo clnicas nos comprometemos a que esta ayudar llegar Martin
a la Isla de esta ayuda mdica fue posible mdicas gratuitas en distintos pueblos para Como entidad sin fines de lucro,
directo a nuestra gente, aadi Ferraiuoli.
mediante un donativo de cien mil dlares facilitar el acceso de los pacientes. educamos sobre la existencia de la trata
otorgado a la Fundacin Ricky Martin para humana mediante investigaciones acadmicas
"Todos los das, nuestro personal y Acerca de la American Heart e iniciativas comunitaria, anclados en la
continuar contribuyendo con la recuperacin nuestros 33 millones de voluntarios estn en Association
de Puerto Rico. la comunidad apoyando la salud y el bienestar defensa de los derechos humanos de la niez
La American Heart Association o y la juventud. Para detalles adicionales:
Este donativo hecho, a modo de de las personas y me siento honrada por las Asociacin Americana del Corazn se dedica
excepcin, por una organizacin sin fines de increbles demostraciones de valenta que
lucro que, a su vez, depende de donativos, tienen lugar en toda la regin, por quienes
Success is not final, failing is not fatal. It is the courage to continue
demuestra nuestro genuino inters en responden ante las emergencias y por los
promover y preservar la salud cardiovascular vecinos que ayudan a sus vecinos", dijo la that counts.
de los puertorriqueos, afirm ngel principal oficial ejecutiva de la Asociacin El xito no es el fin, el fracaso no es mortal. Es el valor de continuar
Dvila Franco, M.D., miembro de la junta Americana del Corazn, Nancy Brown.
lo que cuenta.
de directores de la Afiliada del Sureste de la "Tampoco podemos ignorar los efectos a
Asociacin del Corazn y director mdico largo plazo que los desastres tienen sobre - Winston Churchill
6 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017

Mayor Riveras Crime Policy

Do almost nothing and blame it on others
head and its a very bad message to send there is little the city can do. If police Neighbors in Reservoir Street complain
By Dalia Diaz to Lawrence residents. dont respond to crime scenes on a timely of cars from morning until night of people
Around September 2017, fourteen Let me provide Mayor Rivera some basis, what is the sense of having neighbors smoking marijuana and then advance to
needles were found by the South Lawrence strategies for combating the drug problem. watching when crimes are being committed? drive under the influence, leaving discarded
East School in Lawrence. Community groups can improve any munchie trash on the streets, finding
On October 30, 2017, it was reported Neighborhood watches neighborhood. All of the neighborhood pollution of cigar wrappers all over, pets
that four shootings, one fatal occurred in After 54 years in this country, I never groups in Lawrence have monthly or finding syringes, and drug transactions
Lawrence. After his reelection win, a local thought that I would have to suggest quarterly meetings. But, they are mostly taking place.
newspaper reported that Lawrence Mayor neighborhood watches in this country political and only get mayoral support With minimum or no lights on some
Dan Rivera addressed the opioid crisis because they remind me of the Committees when they endorse him. These groups want streets, parks, and reservoir areas, it makes
admitting he didnt have any answers, for the Defense of the Revolution in Cuba members of the city to attend and provide for an unsafe place for home owners and
and saying its the responsibility of other (CDRs) where neighbors spy on each other reports and answers to their neighbors tenants. Neighbors in Central Lawrence
government officials to solve the problem. and you could not trust any of them; but I questions and concerns. However, none complain of loud noises and speeding. But
On November 2, 2017, the curfew am not going to let my prejudice interfere have an effective strategy to assist the city above all, each complains on the lack of
imposed on all Lawrence Parks on October in a different culture and times. in any of their issues; whether it is crime, police visibility in their areas unless some
25, 2017, due to drug-related incidents First, he should help neighborhood trash, empty lots, parks, etc. crime occurs. Begin by tackling the lowest
resulting on one more death, continued. groups form anti-crime patrols, then The largest neighborhood association crimes and place strategies on blocking
On November 8, 2017, 27 mayors from stimulate interest among residents in was in the Mt. Vernon area and it has almost the flow of drugs. Seeking federal monies
across Massachusetts push for a federal law joining existing patrols, and hire private disappeared because it has turned into for drug treatment center will only add a
change. Mayor Rivera is one of the mayors guards to augment the activities of local political rallies. Traditionally, attendance treatment center to Lawrence we have too
in attendance. police forces. Public housing projects as and public participation to neighborhood many treatment centers already.
On November 26, 2017, Mayor Dan well as more traditional neighborhoods associations has been very poor, usually
Rivera told reporters at the crime scene on should be the focus of such efforts. under 20 residents and most people have Lets discuss Graffiti
Hillside Ave. that it was a drug deal gone Second, combat the lowest end of drug never heard from their directors. What starts a drug zone? Graffiti, cars
bad (sic) and that the shooting, fatal, was transactions (street transaction). The National Sheriffs Association speeding, over-concentration of alcohol and
a "symptom of a larger problem" facing Third, if your city appears run down recommends translating crime and drug tobacco billboards, trash, etc. do. Get my
many communities in Massachusetts and and uncared for or abandoned, then you prevention materials into Spanish or other drift? The more social disorder and graffiti
elsewhere. will see an increase in crime. Lets combat languages needed by non-English speakers in a neighborhood, the louder the message
The above are a few of the shootings graffiti and make a graffiti task force. Clean in the communities. If necessary, have a is sent that "nobody cares." This sets off a
and deaths that have occurred in the City. up the areas that are most visible from each translator at meetings. In a city where theres vicious cycle that encourages further crime
While they have taken place, Mayor Lawrence city entrance. Lets stop making no money for educational materials to instruct in affected neighborhoods.
Riveras only response is that is an issue Lawrence look like its in a disorder state. residents on recycling, trash, snow removal, Graffiti is often the first sign that gangs
bigger than Lawrence signifying that he It was once stated, and some people etc., their suggestions are aiming high. are taking over a neighborhood. Gangs
cant do anything about it. However, has he still do believe, that a major reason for They also suggest checking police use graffiti as their street "telegraph,"
tried or is he even trying? Or has he given not reporting crime is the victims belief reports and learning about residents sending messages about turf and
up? Because, if I understand the words that authorities can do little to help in the perceptions about crimes. Often, residents advertising their exploits. Graffiti identifies
coming out of his mouth, he is basically incident. The words from Mayor Rivera opinions are not supported by facts, and territorial boundaries, lists members, and
saying that this problem is way over his continue sending the exact message that accurate information can reduce the fear communicates threats to rival gangs.
of crime. The problem in Lawrence is that City government needs to take more
information from the police department is action against business owners and home
withheld and very difficult to obtain the owners of ensuring graffiti comes down as
facts. I depend on the Daily Log to find fast as it went up. But, local government
out about how crimes are reported and the should be responsible to combat graffiti with
website is seldom updated. On November 26 more than just a pick-up truck and a power
Nancy Chavez with BGCL chess club. I sent an email to Officer Tom Cuddy asking washer. A comprehensive plan requires
why it had not been done since September that local government work with private
18. The next day, it was updated through owners to assist in removing graffiti. This
October 13. They are still one and one half could be done as an emergency measure by-
month behind. I believe theres a concerted passing all those stupid rules of government
effort in keeping the community in the dark prohibiting doing private owners work.
regarding the truth about crimes in the city. If done on an emergency measure, local
Do any of the citys neighborhood groups government can remove the graffiti and
have a neighborhood watch? No, not just a then charge to owner or business for the
sign in your neighborhood that says you have removal. This city has had many temporary
one, but an actual walking neighborhood laborers in the city and I cant seem to see
watch one that is alert, observant and caring any improvement. For goodness sake, the
and reports activity or crimes immediately to quality of life is important!
police contacts. The Department of Justice With the above, I provide Mayor Rivera
states that neighborhood watch reduces crime some ideas and I hope he does something
but they only work in places with little crime because it seems that his message is that he
cases to begin with; they dont work in high does not care or will not combat smarter
crime areas mainly out of peoples fears to and harder to fight crime. Does he not
get involved. understand that even if crime has not
increased, the lack of action will lead to
GOMAS NUEVAS Y The drug trade and abuse increases in residents perceptions of crime?
The level of disorder will lead them to
Rivera was Military Police in Irak
USADAS and should have knowledge of how to assume that crime, especially violent crime,

enforce law and order. Apparently he only is rising, and making them feel less secure
ABIERTO LOS DIAS behaves in a militaristic way with City Hall
employees but has no idea with the general
and more fearful.
The suggested result of this is that
DE LA SEMANA population. people will avoid using the streets and

24 HORAS AL DA Lets continue by discussing how to

combat the lowest end transaction of drugs in
have less contact with others, thus reducing
community bonds, and installing individuals
isolation. The resultant effect is that these
348 BROADWAY Lawrence. Many residents say that they walk
by an area of their neighborhood every day environments also make a neighborhood
LAWRENCE, MA 01841 and see drug transactions. They call police more vulnerable to crime. But it will also

978.327.6802 and it takes at least 30 minutes to respond.

The LPD has to be quicker there should be
have the same impact on the criminals.
If criminals believe the same, then crime
a standing police cruiser and crew at these goes up. This shows how everything can
locations that are known to be a nuisance contribute to the problems and perceptions
BRIAN DE PEA in a quiet drug transaction kind of way. of crime in a given community.

Poltica del Alcalde Rivera sobre el crimen

Hacer casi nada y culpar a los dems
Por Dalia Diaz
Alrededor de septiembre de 2017, razones para no denunciar el delito es El trfico y abuso de drogas de que las pandillas se estn apoderando
encontraron catorce jeringuillas en la South la creencia de las vctimas de que las Rivera fue miembro de la Polica de un vecindario. Las pandillas usan el
Lawrence East School en Lawrence. autoridades pueden hacer poco para ayudar Militar en Iraq y debe tener conocimientos graffiti como su "telgrafo" callejero,
El 30 de octubre de 2017, se inform en el incidente. Las palabras del Alcalde en cmo aplicar el orden y la ley. Parece que envan mensajes sobre su terreno y anuncian
que ocurrieron cuatro disparos, uno mortal Rivera continan enviando el mensaje se porta en forma militar con los empleados sus hazaas. Graffiti identifica lmites
en Lawrence. Despus de su triunfo en exacto de que hay poco que la ciudad del ayuntamiento solamente pero no tiene territoriales, enumera miembros y comunica
la reeleccin, un peridico local inform puede hacer. Si la polica no responde idea de cmo lidiar con el pblico en amenazas a pandillas rivales.
que el Alcalde de Lawrence, Dan Rivera, oportunamente a las escenas del crimen, general. El gobierno de la ciudad necesita
abord la crisis de los opioides y admiti qu sentido tiene tener a los vecinos Continuemos discutiendo cmo tomar ms medidas contra los dueos de
que no tena ninguna respuesta, y dijo que mirando cuando se cometen crmenes? combatir la transaccin ms baja de drogas negocios y propietarios de viviendas para
es responsabilidad de otros funcionarios del Los grupos comunitarios pueden en Lawrence. Muchos residentes dicen asegurarse de remover el graffiti tan rpido
gobierno resolver el problema. mejorar cualquier vecindario. Todos los que caminan por un rea de su vecindario como lo hicieron. Pero, el gobierno local
El 2 de noviembre de 2017, continu grupos vecinales en Lawrence tienen todos los das y ven transacciones de debera ser responsable de combatir el
el toque de queda impuesto a todos los reuniones mensuales o trimestrales. Pero, drogas. Llaman a la polica y pasan por graffiti con algo ms que una camioneta y
parques de Lawrence el 25 de octubre de son en su mayora polticos y solo obtienen lo menos 30 minutos para responder. La una lavadora de potencia. Un plan integral
2017 debido a incidentes relacionados con apoyo de la alcalda cuando lo respaldan. LPD tiene que ser ms rpida: debera requiere que el gobierno local trabaje con
las drogas que resultaron en una muerte ms. Estos grupos quieren que los miembros de la haber un carro patrulla y un equipo policial propietarios privados para ayudar a eliminar
El 8 de noviembre de 2017, 27 alcaldes ciudad los visiten y proporcionen informes y en estos lugares que se sabe que son una el graffiti. Esto podra hacerse como una
de todo Massachusetts presionan por un respuestas a las preguntas e inquietudes de molestia para una transaccin tranquila de medida de emergencia pasando por alto
cambio en la ley federal. El Alcalde Rivera sus vecinos. Sin embargo, ninguno tiene una drogas. Los vecinos en Reservoir Street se todas esas estpidas reglas del gobierno que
es uno de los alcaldes asistiendo. estrategia efectiva para ayudar a la ciudad quejan de automviles de la maana a la prohben que trabajen con los propietarios.
El 26 de noviembre de 2017, el Alcalde en ninguno de sus problemas; ya sea el noche de personas fumando marihuana y Si se hace en una medida de emergencia, el
Dan Rivera dijo a la prensa en la escena de crimen, basura, lotes vacos, parques, etc. luego conducen bajo la influencia, dejando gobierno local puede eliminar el graffiti y
un crimen en Hillside Avene que se trataba La asociacin de vecinos ms grande basura desechada en las calles, encontrando luego cobrarle al dueo o al negocio por la
de un problema de drogas y que el tiroteo, estaba en el rea de Mt. Vernon y casi ha contaminacin de envoltorios de cigarros, eliminacin. Esta ciudad ha tenido muchos
fatal, era un "sntoma de un problema desaparecido porque se ha convertido en mascotas encontrando jeringuillas y trabajadores temporales en la ciudad y no
mayor" que enfrentan muchas comunidades mtines polticos. Tradicionalmente, la transacciones de drogas teniendo lugar a puedo ver ninguna mejora. Por Dios, la
en Massachusetts y otros lugares. asistencia y la participacin pblica a las plena vista. calidad de vida es importante!
Los anteriores son algunos de los asociaciones vecinales ha sido muy pobre, Con pocas luces o ninguna luz en Con lo anterior, le doy algunas ideas
tiroteos y muertes que han ocurrido en la generalmente menos de 20 residentes y la algunas calles, parques y el rea de la al Alcalde Rivera y espero que haga algo
Ciudad. Mientras se han llevado a cabo, la mayora de la gente nunca ha tenido noticias reserva, se convierte en un lugar inseguro porque parece que su mensaje es que no
nica respuesta del Alcalde Rivera es que de sus directores. para los propietarios e inquilinos. Los le importa o no combatir de manera ms
es un problema mayor que Lawrence, lo La Asociacin Nacional de Alguaciles vecinos en el centro de Lawrence se quejan inteligente y ms difcil la lucha contra el
que significa que no puede hacer nada al recomienda traducir los materiales de de ruidos y exceso de velocidad. Pero, crimen. No comprende que aun cuando la
respecto. Sin embargo, lo ha intentado o prevencin del crimen y drogas al espaol sobre todo, cada uno se queja de la falta delincuencia no haya aumentado, no actuar
incluso est intentndolo? O se ha dado por u otros idiomas que necesiten personas de visibilidad de la polica en sus reas a debidamente dar lugar a un aumento en
vencido? Porque, si entiendo las palabras que no hablan ingls en las comunidades. menos que ocurra algn crimen. Comience las percepciones de los residentes sobre el
que salen de su boca, bsicamente est Si es necesario, tener un traductor en las abordando los crmenes ms bajos y coloque delito? El nivel de desorden los llevar a
diciendo que este problema est muy por reuniones. En una ciudad donde no hay estrategias para bloquear el flujo de drogas. suponer que la delincuencia, especialmente
encima de su inteligencia y es un mensaje dinero para materiales educativos para Buscar dinero federal para el centro de la delincuencia violenta, est aumentando
muy malo que enva a los residentes de instruir a los residentes sobre el reciclaje, tratamiento de drogas solo agregar un y les hace sentirse menos seguros y ms
Lawrence. la basura, la remocin de nieve, etc., sus centro de tratamiento a Lawrence y ya temerosos.
Permtame proporcionarle al Alcalde sugerencias son demasiado elevadas. tenemos demasiados centros de tratamiento. El resultado sugerido de esto es que las
Rivera algunas estrategias para combatir el Tambin sugieren verificar los informes personas evitarn usar las calles y tendrn
problema de las drogas. policiales y conocer las percepciones Discutamos Graffiti menos contacto con los dems, lo que
de los residentes sobre los crmenes. A Qu inicia una zona de drogas? Graffiti, reducir los vnculos con la comunidad e
Vigilancia de barrios menudo, las opiniones de los residentes exceso de velocidad de los automviles, instalar el aislamiento individual. El efecto
Despus de 54 aos en este pas, no estn respaldadas por los hechos y la exceso de concentracin de carteles de resultante es que estos entornos tambin
nunca pens que tendra que sugerir la informacin precisa puede reducir el miedo alcohol y tabaco, basura, etc. Entiende lo hacen que un vecindario sea ms vulnerable
vigilancia de barrios en este pas porque al delito. El problema en Lawrence es que que quiero decir? Mientras ms desorden a la delincuencia. Pero tambin tendr el
me recuerdan los Comits para la Defensa la informacin del departamento de polica social y graffiti hay en un vecindario, ms mismo impacto en los delincuentes. Si los
de la Revolucin en Cuba (CDR) donde es retenida y es muy difcil obtener los fuerte se enva el mensaje de que "a nadie criminales creen lo mismo, entonces la
los vecinos se espan entre s y no se puede hechos. Depende del Registro Diario para le importa". Esto desencadena un crculo delincuencia aumenta. Esto muestra cmo
confiar en ninguno de ellos; pero no voy descubrir cmo se informan los crmenes y vicioso que alienta ms delitos en los todo puede contribuir a los problemas y las
a dejar que mi prejuicio interfiera en una rara vez se actualiza el sitio web. El 26 de vecindarios afectados. percepciones del crimen en una comunidad
cultura y tiempos diferentes. noviembre envi un correo electrnico al El graffiti es a menudo la primera seal determinada.
Primero, debe ayudar a los grupos oficial Tom Cuddy preguntando por qu no
vecinales a formar patrullas contra la se haba hecho desde el 18 de septiembre.
delincuencia, luego estimular el inters de Al da siguiente, se actualiz hasta el 13 de
los residentes para unirse a las patrullas octubre. Todava tienen un mes y medio
existentes y contratar guardias privados de retraso. Creo que hay un esfuerzo
para aumentar las actividades de las concertado para mantener a la comunidad
fuerzas policiales locales. Los proyectos de en la oscuridad con respecto a la verdad
vivienda pblica, as como los barrios ms sobre los crmenes en la ciudad.
tradicionales deberan ser el centro de tales Alguno de los grupos vecinales de
esfuerzos. la ciudad tiene una vigilancia vecinal?
Segundo, combatir el extremo ms bajo No, no es solo un letrero en su vecindario
de las transacciones de drogas (transacciones que dice que tiene uno, sino un reloj real
callejeras). para caminar en el vecindario: uno que
Tercero, si su ciudad parece descuidada est alerta, atento y afectuoso e informa
o abandonada, entonces ver un aumento actividades o crmenes inmediatamente a
en el crimen. Luchemos contra el graffiti los contactos policiales. El Departamento
y creemos una fuerza de tarea de graffiti. de Justicia afirma que la vigilancia del
Limpie las reas que son ms visibles desde vecindario reduce la delincuencia, pero
cada entrada de la ciudad de Lawrence. solo funcionan en lugares con pocos casos
Vamos a evitar que Lawrence parezca estar delictivos; no trabajan en reas de alta
en un estado de desorden. criminalidad, principalmente debido a los
Una vez se afirm, y algunas personas temores de las personas a involucrarse.
todava creen, que una de las principales
8 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017

Pensar es el trabajo ms difcil que existe. Quiz esa sea la razn por la que
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NECCs Addresses Shortage of Early Childhood Educators

Theres a shortage of certified early early childhood teachers by providing an
childhood educators in Massachusetts, educational path for students who are in the
Northern Essex Community College has field and have a natural gift for teaching
a solution, and its attracting attention young children but no degree or have a
statewide. degree in another field.
On Monday, November 20, the college In partnership with Middlesex
was invited to present their competency- Community College, Northern Essex is
based education model for early childhood creating four Early Childhood Education
educators at the Governors Convening for courses that can be completed through
Digital Innovation and Lifelong Learning, competency-based learning, which
which was held at the Massachusetts Institute recognizes students prior knowledge,
of Technology. allows for acceleration of their learning,
The summit brought together business and promotes mastery of the content.
and higher education institutions to announce Offered online, each of these classes will
new partnerships around online learning, have four to seven competencies that
and Governor Baker delivered the keynote align with professional standards and
address. must be demonstrated in order to receive
According to Kim Burns, Northern credit. Students will receive ongoing and
Essexs dean of academic innovation and personalized support from faculty and a
professional development, early childhood learning coach.
educators represent the largest education The college plans to launch those
workforce in the state, but they have the courses in the fall of 2018 and is currently
lowest educational attainment. There working with six other community colleges
are 70,000 early childhood educators in and Cambridge College to create a pathway
Massachusetts but only one-third have a to a bachelors degree in early childhood
college degree, said Burns. The teachers education delivered in a competency-based
charged with educating our youngest minds format.
are not all equipped with an academic These partnerships represents another
background in childhood development or opportunity to capitalize on innovation and
the science of early learning. deliver an affordable education for people
Burns presented at the summit, along across the Commonwealth, Governor Shown left to right Richard Peyser, MA secretary of education; Carlos Santiago, MA
with Jody Carson, associate professor, Early Charlie Baker said. We appreciate our local commissioner of higher ed; Winnie Hagan, DHE; Kim Burns, NECC; Jody Carson, NECC;
Childhood Education, Northern Essex; Carol employers and higher education institutions and Carol Landry, The Childrens Place, Phillips Andover.
Landry, director, The Childrens Place, creating more online programming to help
Phillips Academy, a Northern Essex partner; address the diverse and changing needs of
and Winnie Hagan, associate commissioner
for academic affairs and student success,
employers and students, including non-
traditional learners and young people.
Department of Higher Education. Northern Essex offers an associate
Landry, whose school is a practicum degree in early childhood education which
site for Northern Essex Early Childhood prepares students, for professional careers in
Education students, said During the first Early Childhood Education or for transfer to
five years, children are building 90% of a four-year college. The college also offers
their brain development. Giving young associate degrees in elementary education
children well-trained and educated teachers and middle/high school teaching. To learn
is critical. more, contact enrollment services at 978
I am often forced to pass on a 556-3700 or
candidate because I need certification in With campuses in Haverhill and
the classroom and many candidates do not Lawrence, Northern Essex Community
have credentials, said Landry. Having better College offers over 60 associate degree and
educated and trained professionals in the certificate programs as well as hundreds
classrooms increases the quality of care that of noncredit courses designed for personal
MA child care centers offer our communities. enrichment and career growth. Nearly 6,000
Quality teachers lead to quality programs students are enrolled in credit associate
which lead to accreditation through the degree and certificate programs on the
National Association of Education of Young Haverhill and Lawrence campuses; and
Children. another 3,000 take noncredit workforce
Earlier this year, Northern Essex development and community education
received a $180,000 Performance Incentive classes on campus and at the Opportunity
Fund grant from the Department of Higher Works building at 671 Kenoza St., located
Education to create a new way of delivering next to the Haverhill campus, and at
college courses to current and future businesses and community sites across the
early childhood teachers. This grant was Merrimack Valley. For more information,
designed to address the shortage of certified visit the website at

Fire victims / Vctimas de incendios

The recent fire at Bennington St. in Lawrence left 64 residents homeless and in need
of everything. Please contact Heal Lawrence if you wish to make a contribution to
the victims. The website has a list of donated items and things that are needed as
well as names, ages, sizes, etc. but they suggest giving them gift cards to grocery
stores and department stores in any denomination.
El reciente incendio de la calle Bennington en Lawrence ha dejado a 64 residentes
sin hogar y necesitados de todo. Favor de ponerse en contacto con Heal Lawrence
si desea hacer una contribucin a las vctimas. El sitio en la internet tiene una lista
de artculos que han sido donados y lo que necesitan as como nombres, edades,
tallas, etc. pero ellos sugieren que les compren tarjetas de mercados o tiendas por
departamentos de cualquier denominacin.
10 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017

Serie de Preparacin de Impuestos:

Planifique para la temporada de impuestos de 2018 y
evite retrasos en reembolsos
El Servicio de Impuestos Internos, IRS, tres aos caducar el 31 de diciembre de reembolsos en menos de 21 das, algunas un profesional de impuestos
inform hoy a los contribuyentes acerca de los 2017. De manera similar, cualquier ITIN declaraciones se retienen para su revisin Use depsito directo
pasos que pueden tomar ahora para garantizar con dgitos medios 70, 71, 72 u 80 tambin posterior. Con el depsito directo, un reembolso
que su declaracin de impuestos de 2017 caducar a fin de ao. Cualquier persona va directamente a la cuenta bancaria de
se procese sin problemas y a la vez evitar con un ITIN que expire y que planifique Para un reembolso ms rpido, un contribuyente. No hay razn para
un retraso en su reembolso el prximo ao. presentar una declaracin en 2018 debe elija e-file preocuparse por un reembolso perdido,
Adems, el IRS tienen una pgina especial en renovarlo mediante el Formulario W-7. Los errores retrasan los reembolsos, y robado o no entregado. Este es el mismo
su pgina web con pasos a tomar ahora para Una vez se presenta el formulario la forma ms fcil de evitarlos es a travs sistema de transferencia electrnica que
la temporada de impuestos de 2018. completo, generalmente toma de la presentacin electrnica. E-file es la ahora se usa para depositar casi el 98 por
aproximadamente siete semanas para forma ms precisa de preparar y presentar ciento de todos los beneficios de Seguro
Rena documentos recibir una carta de asignacin de ITIN una declaracin. Hay una serie de opciones Social y Asuntos de Veteranos. Casi cuatro
El IRS urge a todos los contribuyentes del IRS. Pero puede tomar ms tiempo, de presentacin electrnica: de cinco reembolsos de impuestos federales
a presentar una declaracin completa y generalmente de nueve a 11 semanas, si Free File del IRS, tambin se depositan directamente.
precisa al asegurarse que tienen todos un solicitante espera hasta el pico de la programas de Ayuda Voluntaria a los El depsito directo ahorra dinero a los
los documentos que necesitan antes de temporada de impuestos para presentar el Contribuyentes y Asesoramiento contribuyentes ya que les cuesta ms de
presentar su declaracin y que incluye su formulario o si lo enva desde el extranjero. Tributario para Personas de Edad $1 por cada cheque de reembolso emitido
declaracin de 2016. Esto tambin incluye Los contribuyentes deben tomar accin Avanzada, en papel, pero solo 10 por cada depsito
los formularios W-2 de empleadores, ahora para evitar retrasos. software comercial de preparacin de directo.
los formularios1099 de bancos y otros Los contribuyentes que no renueven impuestos, o
pagadores y los formularios 1095-A del un ITIN antes de presentar una declaracin

Semana Nacional de Seguridad

Mercado para aquellos que reclaman el el prximo ao podran enfrentar un
crdito tributario de prima. Hacer esto reembolso retrasado y podran no ser
ayudar a prevenir retrasos en reembolsos elegibles para ciertos crditos tributarios.
y la necesidad de presentar una declaracin
enmendada ms adelante en la temporada.
Para obtener ms informacin, visite la
pgina de informacin de ITIN en Tributaria: Ocho pasos para
asegurar la informacin en
Asegrese de que cada empleador, banco
u otro pagador tenga una direccin postal Retraso de reembolso para
actual. aquellos que reclaman el EITC
Normalmente, estos formularios
comienzan a llegar en enero. Asegrese de
revisarlos cuidadosamente, y si alguna de la
Por ley, el IRS no podr emitir
reembolsos a las personas que reclamen
informacin que se muestra es incorrecta, el Crdito Tributario por Ingreso del
comunquese con el pagador para una Durante la temporada de compras falso. A partir de ese punto, los delincuentes
Trabajo (EITC) o el Crdito Tributario
correccin. navideas, los compradores buscan los pueden robar nombres de usuarios y
por Hijo Adicional (ACTC) hasta antes de
Los contribuyentes deben guardar una regalos perfectos. Al mismo tiempo, los contraseas.
mediados de febrero. La ley requiere que
copia de la declaracin de impuestos del delincuentes estn en la bsqueda de datos Mantenga una mquina limpia. Esto
el IRS retenga todo el reembolso, incluso
ao pasado (ao tributario 2016) y todos los confidenciales. Esta informacin incluye incluye computadoras, telfonos y tabletas.
la parte no asociada con EITC o ACTC.
documentos de apoyo por un mnimo de tres nmeros de tarjetas de crdito, cuentas Los usuarios deben instalar un software de
El IRS anticipa que lo ms temprano que
aos. Esto facilita el proceso de completar financieras y nmeros de seguro social. Los seguridad para proteger contra el malware
los reembolsos relacionados con EITC /
una declaracin de 2017. A menudo, los delincuentes cibernticos pueden usar esta que puede robar datos. Este software tambin
ACTC estarn disponibles en las cuentas
contribuyentes que usan un producto de informacin para presentar una declaracin protege contra los virus que pueden daar los
bancarias o tarjetas de dbito de los
software por primera vez necesitan su de impuestos fraudulenta. archivos.
contribuyentes es el 27 de febrero de 2018,
monto de ingreso bruto ajustado (AGI) de Este consejo es parte de la Semana Use contraseas fuertes, largas y nicas.
si se escogi el depsito directo y no hay
la declaracin de impuestos anterior para Nacional de Seguridad Tributaria. El IRS Los expertos sugieren un mnimo de 10
otros problemas con la declaracin. Este
presentar electrnicamente su declaracin se ha asociado con agencias tributarias caracteres. Elija una combinacin de letras,
periodo adicional se debe a varios factores
de 2017. Obtenga ms informacin acerca estatales, la industria tributaria y grupos nmeros y caracteres especiales, y use una
que incluyen el Da de los Presidentes
de la verificacin de identidad y la firma alrededor de todo el pas para recordarle a contrasea diferente para cada cuenta.
y el tiempo adicional que necesitan los
electrnica de una declaracin en Verifique las personas la importancia de la proteccin Use autenticacin de factores
sistemas bancarios y financieros para
su declaracin de impuestos despus de de datos. mltiples cuando est disponible. Algunas
procesar los depsitos. Este cambio de ley,
presentar electrnicamente. Cualquier persona con presencia en instituciones financieras, proveedores de
que entr en vigencia a principios de 2017,
lnea puede tomar pasos simples para correo electrnico y sitios de redes sociales
ayuda a garantizar que los contribuyentes
Renovacin de ITINs proteger su identidad e informacin permiten a los usuarios configurar sus
reciban el reembolso que les corresponde
Algunas personas con un Nmero de personal. Seguir estos ocho pasos tambin cuentas para autenticacin de factores
al darle a la agencia ms tiempo para
Identificacin Personal del Contribuyente puede ayudar a los contribuyentes a mltiples. Esto significa que los usuarios
detectar y prevenir el fraude.
(ITIN) pueden necesitar renovarlo antes de proteger su declaracin de impuestos y pueden necesitar un cdigo de seguridad,
Como siempre, el IRS advierte a los
fin de ao. Hacerlo con prontitud evitar un reembolso en el 2018: generalmente enviado como un mensaje
contribuyentes que no confen en obtener
retraso en el reembolso y la posible prdida Al comprar en lnea, elija tiendas de texto a su telfono mvil, adems de un
un reembolso para una fecha determinada,
de beneficios tributarios clave. familiares. En general, los sitios con una nombre de usuario y contrasea.
especialmente cuando realicen compras
Cualquier ITIN que no se haya usado en "s" en "https" al comienzo del URL son Inscrbase para recibir alertas de sus
importantes o paguen facturas. Aunque
una declaracin de impuestos en los ltimos seguros. Los usuarios tambin pueden cuentas. Algunas instituciones financieras
el IRS emite ms de nueve de cada 10
buscar el cono de un candado en la barra enviarn alertas por correo electrnico o
del URL de su navegador. Dicho esto, mensaje de texto a un titular cuando haya algunos delincuentes pueden obtener un un retiro o cambio en su cuenta. En general,
certificado de seguridad, por lo que la "s" no las personas pueden consultar el perfil de su
siempre significa que un sitio es legtimo. cuenta para ver qu protecciones adicionales
NECESITAN CHOFERES PARA TRANSPORTAR ANCIANOS Evite conexiones de wifi sin proteccin. pueden estar disponibles.
Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Lawrence, una coalicin de comunidades Los usuarios no deben hacer transacciones Codifique datos sensibles y protjalos
de fe, agencies de servicio social y organizaciones de salud, est buscando financieras en lnea cuando usan wifi con una contrasea. Las personas que
voluntarios para llevar a ancianos a citas al mdico y otras citas de calidad pblico, sin proteccin. Las zonas pblicas mantienen archivos financieros,
de vida a travs del Programa de Friends in Deed de Elder Services of the de wifi pueden permitir que los ladrones declaraciones de impuestos o cualquier
Merrimack Valley. vean las transacciones. informacin personal en su computadora
Aprenda a reconocer y evitar correos deben proteger estos datos. Los usuarios
Si usted puede, aunque sea ocasionalmente, por favor, llame a Renee A. electrnicos de phishing que se presentan tambin deben hacer una copia de seguridad
Baker, reclutador de voluntarios, al 978-946-1463 (y mencione Interfaith como una fuente confiable. Estos emails de los datos importantes en una fuente
Caregivers.) pueden provenir de una fuente parecida a externa. Antes de desechar una computadora,
un banco legtimo o incluso al IRS. Estos telfono mvil o tableta, las personas deben
Gracias de parte de Interfaith Caregivers y los muchos ancianos que
correos electrnicos pueden incluir un asegurarse de limpiar el disco duro de toda
necesitan de los servicios de choferes voluntarios para poder permanecer
independientes en su propio hogar. enlace que lleva al usuario a un sitio web la informacin.

Estacionamiento Alterno Permitido:

Abbott St. Colonial Terrace Frost Dr. Mark Lane Pembroke Dr. Stevens St. (Mt. Vernon St. a
Allen St. (General St. a Angle) Columbus Ave. (Haverhill Furber St. Market St. Perry Ave. Stevens Ave.)
Allston St. St. a Meadow St.) Garfield St. (Cambridge St. Marlboro St. Philips St. Storrow St.
Ames St. (Riverside Dr. a Havehill St.) Concord St. a Falmouth St.) Marston St. Pilgrim Rd. Summer St.
Amesbury St. Congress St. Gilbert St. Martha Lane Pleasant St. (Ferry St. a High Summit Ave.
Amherst St. Coolidge St. Glenn St. Mason St. St.) Sylvester St.
Appleton St. Copley St. Glenwood Drive May St. Portland St. Swan St.
Atkinson St. County St. Gorham St. Medford St. Powers St. Taft St.
Auburn St. Crescent St. Grafton St. Melrose St. Proctor Rd. Temple St.
Bailey St. Crestwood Cir. Grainger St. Melvin St. Prospect St. Tewksbury St.
Ballard Rd. Crosby St. Grant Rd. Middlebury St. (Olive Ave. a Providence St. Thomas Rd.
Barker St. Cross St. Green St. Endicott St.) Railroad St. Tremont St.
Barnard Rd. Cutler St. (Chickering St. a Greenfield St. Mill St. Richmond St. Tyler St.
Basswood St. Marlboro St.) Greenwood St. Milton St. (Haverhill St. a Rita Lane Valley St.
Bay State Rd. (McFarlin St. a Water Cyr Drive Groton St. Bodwell St.) Roberta Lane Vandergrift St.
St.) Dana St. Grove St. Monroe St. Rockwood Lane Walnut St.
Beacon St. Danforth St. Hamlet St. Morton St. Rowe St. Warren St.
Beaconsfi eld St. Dartmouth St. Hancock St. Mt. Auburn St. Russell St. Water St.
Belknap St. Davis St. Hawley St. Mt. Vernon Cir. Salem St. Weare St.
Bellevue St. Debbie Lane High St. (Excepto E. Haverhill Mt. Vernon St. Sanborn St. West Hawley St.
Bennet St. Dorchester St. St. a Ferry St.) Mt. Vernon Terrace Sargent St. West Kenneth St.
Bennington St. (Auburn St. a Dracut St. (So. Bway a Dunstable Highgate St. Newbury St. School St. Westchester Drive
Chestnut St.) St.) Hillside Ave. Newton St. Shattuck St. Westwood Terrace
Beresford St. Dunstable St. Howard St. No. Parish Rd. Shawsheen Rd. White St.
Berkeley St. Durham St. Hudson Ave. Oak St. (East Haverhill a Short St.) Shepard St. Whitman St.
Bigelow St. Durso Ave. Hurst St. Oakland Rd. Sheridan St. Wilmot St.
Blanchard St. East Boxtord St. Inman St. Olive Ave. (W. Lowell St. a Short St. (Chestnut a Maple Winston Dr.
Bodwell St. East Boxtord Terrace Jamaica St. Ames St) St.) Winter St.
Bowdoin St. East Haverhill St. Jefferson St. Osgood St. So. Bowdoin St. Woodland St.
Boxford St. East Kingston St. Juniper St. (en el lado este) Oxford St. Sparkle Drive Wyman
Bradford St. East Pleasant St. Kenneth St. Packard St. Springfield St.
Brookfield St. East St. Kent St. Patton St. Standish Rd.
Bruce St. Easton St. (So. Bway a Jefferson Kingston St.
Burke St. St.) Laurel St.
Burlington St. Eastside St. Lebanon St. (Hampshire St. a
Butler St. Eaton St. Amesbury St.)
Byron Ave. Ellis St. Lea St.
Cabot Rd. Elm St. Leeds Ter.
Cambridge St. Emerald Ave. Lenox Circle
Canal St. Erving Ave. Lenox St.
Canterbury St. Eutaw St. Lincoln Ct.
Carleton St. (Andover St. a Everett St.) Everett St. Lisa Lane
Carver St. Exeter Pl. Lorenzo Rd.
Castle St. Exeter St. Loring St.
Cedar St. Exeter Terrace Louisburgh St.
Chandler St. Fairmont St. Lowell St. (Lawrence St. a
Chester St. (So. Bway a Dunstable St.) Fallon St. W. Lowell St.)
Chestnut St. Falmouth St. Lynn St.
Chickering St. (Cutler St. a Pilgrim Farley St. Manchester St.
Rd.) Farnham St. Maple St.
Cleveland St. Ferry St. Margin St.
Clifton St. Forest St. Marie Lane
Clinton Ct. Foster St. Marion Ave. (Excepto Holly St.
Colonial Dr. Foxcroft St. al Ro Spicket)
Colonial Rd. Franklin St. Marique Dr.


12 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017

Carta al Editor / Letter to the Editor

27 de noviembre de 2017 desacuerdo con la decisin de la estacin November 27, 2017 decision of the 1490 AM Station to stop all
1490 AM de detener toda la programacin programming for November 6 and 7, 2017.
Para: Pat Costa del 6 y 7 de noviembre de 2017. To: Pat Costa
Costa Eagle Communications Costa Eagle Communications I am doing this for the record, I do not
Estoy haciendo esto para que conste, no know everything that went on, I heard many
Estimado Sr. Costa. s todo lo que sucedi, escuch muchos Dear Mr. Costa. rumors, I do not make decisions on rumors,
rumores, no tomo decisiones sobre rumores, but the way that this happened I consider
Durante muchos aos lo conoc y vine a pero la forma en que sucedi esto lo For many years I have known you and come totally unacceptable.
mostrarte respeto, siempre he recibido de considero totalmente inaceptable. to develop a respect for you, I have always
usted un servicio muy corts y profesional, received from you a very courteous and Still after reading the First Amendment
lo agradezco mucho. An despus de leer la Primera Enmienda professional service, I greatly appreciate that. of the US Constitution I consider this act
de la Constitucin de los Estados Unidos, constitutes a violation of our freedom of
El ao pasado en que nosotros como Nacin considero que este acto constituye una Last year we as a Nation went thru a very expression.
pasamos por un momento muy difcil durante violacin de nuestra libertad de expresin. rough time during the presidential elections,
las elecciones presidenciales, mi candidato, my candidate, Mr. Donald J. Trump and With this letter I responsibly express my
el Sr. Donald J. Trump y la Sra. Clinton les Con esta carta expreso responsablemente mi Mrs. Clinton exchange both of them and disagreement on the way this matter was
intercambiaron a ambos y sus seguidores desacuerdo sobre la manera en que la admin- their followers very heated and sometimes handled by the Administration of 1490 AM.
palabras y acusaciones muy acaloradas y a istracin de 1490 AM manej este asunto. naughty words and accusations during the
veces malas durante la campaa. campaign. Thank you for taking the time to read my
Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer mi letter.
Sin embargo, nunca escuch que las carta. Nevertheless I never heard that any TV or
estaciones de TV o de radio detuvieran radio Stations stop their transmission or did Respectfully Yours,
su transmisin o que se bloqueara la Respetuosamente suyo. a blackout of programming.
programacin. Your Servant,
Su siervo, Based on that principle, I am writing you
Basado en ese principio, le escribo para for the record, that I totally disagreed on the Mr. Julio Meran Jr
que conste en acta, que estoy totalmente en Sr. Julio Meran Jr

Alberto Surs and Dalia Daz of

are in full support of this measure
(978) 794-5360

FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association

helping Neighbors in Need

Some of the FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association members who donated complete Helping out with the transportation and heavy lifting were, from the left, Shahin Shahin,
Thanksgiving meals to Neighbors in Need at the South Congregational Church in Lawrence, Bill Pepicelli, Crosby Brackett and Michael Surabian.
MA and then helped out with the distribution. They are, from the left, Shahin Shahin,
Crosby Brackett, Sue Durkin, Ralph Milroy, Bill Pepicelli, Michael Surabian and Ed Nelson. A message from Linda Zimmerman:

To all of those who volunteered today at support. On behalf of everyone here at

The only disability in life is a bad attitude. one of our meal distribution centers, hosted a Neighbors in Need, and all of the families
food drive, delivered meals, or worked in the we serve, thank you and have a wonderful
warehouse to make today possible THANK Thanksgiving.
La nica discapacidad en la vida es una mala actitud. YOU! Please continue to keep Neighbors in
We distributed 1,150 Thanksgiving Need and our clients in your mind throughout
meals, including 786 donated boxes the remainder of the holiday season.
- Scott Hamilton complete with turkeys and all the fixings! Thank you to the following food and
We are so grateful for all of your meal donors and volunteers:
14 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017

Merrimack College Inducts Hall of Fame Class of 2017

Merrimack College officially inducted Plaza on Cullen Avenue.
the newest members of the Merrimack
Athletics Hall of Fame, as 11 representatives Merrimack College Athletics Hall
from the Class of 2017 were enshrined as of Fame Class of 2017 Inductees
part of a special ceremony on campus.
The 11 new inductees joined dozens of Molly Cindric | Women's Volleyball
current members for the official re-launch of | 2011
the Hall of Fame, which had last inducted a Molly Cindric was an All-American in
class in 2004. The ceremony also doubled 2008, the first in program history. Cindric
as the official opening of a brand-new Hall finished her career with the most kills
of Fame Gallery in a repurposed location in (1,563) and total attack attempts (4,216)
the Merrimack Athletics Complex's Volpe in school history. She led Merrimack to
Center. their first and only two NCAA Tournament
Merrimack College President appearances in school history in 2007 and
Christopher E. Hopey, Ph.D., and Director 2008.
of Athletics Jeremy Gibson delivered
remarks throughout the event, welcoming Darren Duncan | Men's Basketball
all former Hall of Fame inductees in | 2010 Merrimack to its only NCAA Tournament Sue Plante was the first NE10 women's
attendance before unveiling the new Hall Darren Duncan was a two-time All- appearance and win in 2006, which also soccer All-American in conference history.
of Fame Gallery and All-American wall American and holds the program record in marked the program's first NE10 title. She led her team to three NE-10 titles and
in the completely renovated Volpe Center assists, free-throws made, and free-throws Jackson is the only player in program was named the NE10 Rookie of the Year and
lobby. The event culminated with each attempted. Duncan helped lead Merrimack history to be named a NE10 first team NE10 Player of the Year over the course her
new inductee receiving a commemorative to three straight NCAA Tournament selection on both offense (return specialist) career. Plante was also a four-time NE10 first
framed photo. appearances and was named a Bob Cousy and defense (DB). He holds both the NE10 team selection and ranks second in career
Thursday's induction enshrined nine award finalist as the nation's top player as and Merrimack record for most kickoff saves in Division II history.
former student-athletes who brought a senior. Duncan led the NE10 in assists in return TDs in a season and in a career and
distinction, honor and excellence to the all four of his seasons and leads the NE10 is tied for the program record for career Greg Rogowski | Men's Lacrosse
College, as well as two additional individuals in free throws for a career still to this day. interceptions. | 2009
whose merit, special contributions, and Greg Rogowski, a 2014 NE10 Hall
leadership helped advance the College and Jim Hrivnak | Men's Ice Hockey Andrea Leonard | Women's Cross of Fame inductee, was a four-time All-
its athletic program honored during the | 1989 Country | 2000 American selection and a two-time
ceremony. Jim Hrivnak was a four-year member Andrea Leonard was the first three-time NE10 Player of the Year. A four-time all-
Ten different sports are represented of the men's ice hockey team and posted NE10 women's champion in league history. conference first team selection, Rogowski
among that group, with the sports of men's some of the best goaltending numbers in Those efforts helped pace Merrimack to led the Warriors to their first-ever NCAA
and women's soccer, women's cross country, school history. Hrivnak was named an its only three conference titles in school Tournament appearance in 2009 and is the
football, men's lacrosse and women's All-American in 1988 and is the school history. Leonard earned all-region honors program's all-time leader in goals and points
volleyball all seeing representation for the record holder in shutouts in a single season twice and was the first Merrimack athlete and is also the only player in school history
first time in school history. and a career. Hrivnak was drafted by the to earn Player of the Year honors for three with at least 300 points. He also set the
The event also served as an unofficial Washington Capitals and went on to play straight years. Merrimack single-season record for goals
kickoff to the College's annual Homecoming for the Capitals, Winnipeg, and St. Louis in with 71 as a rookie.
Weekend, which includes a number of his NHL career. Hrivnak is unable to attend J o e l l e M a r t i n | Wo m e n ' s
home athletics events on both Friday and this year's induction ceremony due to a prior Basketball | 2006 Richard Gallant | Special
Saturday, Oct. 13-14. Among the weekend's scheduling commitment and will be formally Joelle Martin, a 2016 NE10 Hall of Contributor | H'15
festivities is the College's official opening inducted in 2018. Fame inductee, led Merrimack to its only Richard Gallant H'15 the President of
of Warrior Stadium on Friday night, which two Final Four appearances and conference the Islanders Hockey Organization, one of
will feature a ribbon-cutting ceremony open Andrew Jackson | Football | 2008 championships and she finished her career the premier development and competitive
to all students, faculty, staff and the general Andrew Jackson was the first two-time as the program's only 2,000-point scorer. hockey programs in New England. Richard
public beginning at 7 p.m. outside Schelzi All-American in program history. He led She also leads the program record books in and his wife Susanna and the Islanders are
scoring average, field goals, and free-throw also the founding partners and investors
percentage. A two-time All-American, of Merrimack's Gallant Arena. Gallant is

No dejes que las Martin was a four-time all-conference

honoree and was also named the MVP of
the 2004 NE-10 Championship.
a Vice Chair of Competing for Good, the
athletics initiative of the Together for Good
Campaign. The Gallants have generously

deudas de tarjetas Steve McAuliffe | Men's Soccer

donated one of the largest gifts in school
history - a $2 million gift in 2012 to fund the

te chupen la vida! | 1998

Steve McAuliffe, a 2012 NE10 Hall
of Fame inductee, was an NE10 First
Team selection each of his four years at
Agenda for Distinction and have provided
over $3.7 million to support Merrimack.
Richard received his honorary degree from
Merrimack in 2015 and provided a lead gift
Deje que Consolidated Credit te ayude a: Merrimack and twice was named the NE- to support the new athletic district facilities
10 Defensive Player of the Year. He was as a part of the capital campaign.
the NE10 Player of the Year and an All-
Reducir los pagos mensuales American in 1997. His 45 career goals, 48 Dave McGillivray | Special
assists, and 138 points place him second Contributor | 1976, H'12
Rebajar o eliminar las tasas de interes in school history. McAuliffe helped lead Dave McGillivray is the President
Merrimack to three regular season and and Owner of Dave McGillivray Sports
tournament championships. Enterprises, specializing in creating,
Eliminar las deudas rapidamente
marketing and producing mass participatory
Raffaella Paparo | Softball | 1996 athletic events throughout the U.S. and
Nuestra consulta es GRATIS Raffaella Paparo was a key member of abroad. McGillivray manages more than
y condencial Merrimack's 1994 National Championship 25 road races per year including the BAA
team and was inducted in the NE10 Hall Boston Marathon where he has served as
of Fame in 2011. She was a four-time All- race director since the 1980s. He also raised
NE10 first team selection and also won money for a Merrimack scholarship fund by
NE10 Rookie of the Year and NE10 Player bicycling more than 1,000 miles throughout
of the Year honors. She was a four-time All- New England in 1983. The founder of the
American and helped lead the Warriors to DMSE Sports Classic at Merrimack in
a 61-7 conference record. 2016, McGillivray delivered Merrimack's
Toma el primer paso: Commencement address at Merrimack in
Sue Plante | Women's Soccer | 1990
800) 764-3176 A 2007 NE10 Hall of Fame inductee,
2012 and received an honorary degree.

Registry of Motor Vehicles Services Now MR. BS SPORT STORIES Mr. Bs Sports Stories are
published on the 1st and
Offered to AAA Members at Lawrence and the 15th of each month.
Tewksbury Locations BY FRANK BENJAMIN

Lawrence AAA office on Winthrop Avenue

now has select RMV services Old Boston Garden
Tewksbury AAA office on Main Street now has The old and now torn down Boston
Garden had many memories. It opened
their step after seeing a lively performance.
The show was billed as the Skating Carnival
select RMV services on November 17th 1928 with a boxing of 1936.
show. Dorchesters Honey Boy Finnegan Tex Rickard a huckster started at the
a local featherweight favorite wins the new building in 1927 and was a boxing
worlds featherweight title by upsetting the promoter and the Don King or Bob Arum
The Massachusetts Department of all required documents. champion Andre Routis. of his time. Rickard died in 1928 and his
Transportation Registry of Motor Vehicles AAA Northeast Senior Vice President Three nights later the Montreal partners Dick Dunn and Harold Dibbles took
(RMV), in partnership with AAA Northeast Lloyd Albert added, The launch of the Canadians shutout the home town Bruins over his controlling interest.
(AAA), announced today that the Lawrence new Lawrence AAA/RMV location marks by a 1- 0 score. On January 4th 1929, it Walter Brown later became the General
AAA branch, located at 160 Winthrop yet another milestone in enhanced choice was professional wrestling at the Garden Manager of the business after one Harold
Avenue, now offers select RMV license and and convenience for AAA members and with the heavyweight Championship on the Lapham bought controlling interest he
registration services for AAA members. consumers across the Commonwealth. AAA line. Ed Strangler Lewis was defending also owned the Boston Arena and Madison
The Tewksbury branch at 345 Main Northeast sincerely values its partnership his title against Gus Sonnenburg and after Square Garden which he merged with the
Street is also a brand new AAA location with the RMV, and looks forward to a grueling match, it was Lewis losing two Boston Garden. Brown named his dad
and the first AAA branch to be located in expanding services to additional AAA falls to one to pass his title to Sonnenburg. George as his Boston manager.
Tewksbury. offices in Massachusetts during the next few On March 5th 1929, the Bruins hockey In 1936 midget racing cars took over on
With the addition of Lawrence, Registry months. team beats the NY Rangers to win their first the Garden floor. 1938 had a swing concert
of Motor Vehicles service transactions are At designated AAA Registry services Stanley cup ever. April had The Ringling with the King of Swing Benny Goodman
now available at twenty-nine AAA locations locations, AAA members can perform Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus playing and his band sold out the place and featured
across the Commonwealth. AAA Northeast select transactions including: drivers to a full house. It was a three-ring circus a raucous jitterbug contest.
already offers RMV services at branches license and ID renewals, duplicate licenses and was playing at the Garden for the first Rudy Vallee a crooning heartthrob of
in Acton, Auburn, Burlington, Fairhaven, or IDs, registration renewals, duplicate of many engagements in the Hub. the day was an added attraction. The Bruins
Framingham, Franklin, Haverhill, Lowell, registrations, duplicate titles, and registration A monster political rally was the next copped their 2nd cup beating Toronto 3-1.
Marlborough, Newburyport, Newton, transfers. AAA offers its members weekday huge event and the crowd attended to back They played pro softball inside this
North Reading, Pittsfield, Peabody, Quincy, and Saturday RMV transaction options. For James Michael Curley who aspired to the building in June of 1939. Baseball was
Raynham, Rockland, Saugus, Somerset, more information, visit position of Mayor of the City on November played there in November of the same year.
South Attleboro, South Dennis, Tewksbury, registry. 3rd of the same year 1929. Many political Franklin Delano Roosevelt held a huge
Waltham, Westwood, and Worcester. AAA The RMV is making strides to build pundits felt the circus clowns, monkeys and political rally in the Causeway St. building
Pioneer Valley offers services in Hadley, an industry-leading, customer-centered politicians should have played the Garden on October 30th 1940.
Springfield, and West Springfield. environment for individual and commercial together but feared the voters would have Gene Autry and his beautiful horse
Registrar of Motor Vehicles Erin customers, as well as for business and trouble telling one from the other. named Champion starred in a rodeo also in
Deveney and Lloyd Albert, Senior Vice government partners. The RMV recently On January 13th 1930 it was high 1940.
President, Public/Government Affairs of has opened new service centers in Lawrence, school hockey taking to the Garden ice The Ice Capades and Joe Louis beating
AAA Northeast, were joined by state and Leominster, New Bedford, and Springfield; as the Greater Boston Scholastic Hockey Al McCoy on a 6th round TKO rounded out
local officials today to share remarks about and completely remodeled the RMV Service League and it was the first time the high 1940.
the new Registry services available at the Center in Brockton. These new sites will schoolers displayed their talent in the In 1943 in May the we will never die
Lawrence AAA location. ensure adequate ADA access, parking, and Causeway St. building. anti-Nazi rally drew sellout crowds and
With fall here and December fast customer intake capability, with an overall A six-day national bike race was the the Tech Tourney featuring High school
approaching, we expect our year-end rush of improved design to support customer needs. next attraction in April of 1933. A year later hoopsters made its debut.
registration renewals. Customers may renew With a strong commitment to a in April of 1934, the largest indoor man- Roy Rogers and his beautiful steed a
online or by visiting a local AAA branch if personalized customer service experience, made lake in the world covered the parquet palomino named Trigger delighted the crowd
they are AAA members. Registrations can the RMV enables customer mobility and as part of a large hunting and fishing show. for a 10-day rodeo engagement.
be renewed up to six months in advance, and supports consumer safety. Customers are Amazing you say! The United Fund Rally co-starring
customers do not need to wait for a renewal encouraged to visit How about this? In December of 1935 legendary comedian Jimmy Durante and
application to renew online, said Registrar to process over 25 transactions, access they erected inside this building a five-story Oscar winner for her role in Mrs. Miniver,
Erin Deveney. In addition, checklists for checklists and Get Ready to Go, and sign- ski jump as part of the winter sports carnival. the vivacious Greer Garson, hosted the event.
our most common transactions, including up to receive RMV News. For the latest The Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football They were accompanied by the Boston
Renewing a Registration, are available Registry updates and information, follow Team took on the 1935 College All Stars and Symphony Orchestra.
online to help customers be prepared with the RMV on Twitter @MassRMV. won a close game 10-9 in what must have George Burns and his comedic wife
been the first ever football game played in a Gracie Allen whose Say good night Gracie
READ PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF RUMBO ON OUR WEBSITE domed stadium. It was also the only football
game played at the Garden.
line still makes people smile today, hosted
the same rally the next year.
RUMBONEWS.COM Sonia Heinie a great Olympic Swedish
beauty and a future movie star appeared at
The Toronto Huskies won the first of
many NBA games to be played in the future.
the Garden in her professional skating debut The score was 53-49 on November 16th
and all who attended left with a bounce in 1946. Oh, yeah, the losers the Boston Celtics.
La Fundacin Somos expertos en precios
Big Brother Big mdicos y servicio de alta
Sister necesita tu calidad.
La Primera Funeraria
ayuda! hispana sirviendo con esmero
y satisfaccin a la comunidad
Si tienes ropa usada y pequeos artculos del hogar que ya no usas, latinoamericana.
dnalos para quienes si los necesitan. Llegaremos a tu puerta para Brindamos servicio de
recibir lo que puedas entregar. asistencia social y enviamos
Para programar una cita, llama al 1.800.483.5503 o vistanos en el cuerpo a cualquier lugar
nuestra pgina web en internet: incluyendo a Puerto Rico,
137 Lawrence Street la Repblica Dominicana,
Lo que nos entregues ayudar a los nios locales que participan Centro y Suramrica.
en nuestro programa de tutora. Debes saber que tu donacin es Lawrence, MA 01841
Tambin ofrecemos planes
deducible de impuestos. pagados con anticipacin y
Gracias por tu apoyo! (978)682.4060 estampas de recordatorios.
16 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017


Lawrence MA 01843
Letters must be less than 300 words in length. Please
send a telephone number or email address by which
we may confirm the sender.

Boycotting WCEC 1490 that offends peoples religious sensibilities),

and violent video games are protected by the
qualified employees for no reason or
without the benefit of progressive discipline
Mayor Riveras policy
In our front page, and later on pages 12 First Amendment. The Supreme Court has to hire cronies, using DPW employees to on crime
and 13, we have a list of businesses that were generally been very reluctant to expand the do major repairs in his house and getting I hope you take the time to read my article
either advertisers or plan to advertise in the list of low value categories of speech. paid overtime on Saturdays by the city, on page 6 with an evaluation of recent crimes
future on WCEC 1490 AM but are joining a But starting in the 1920s, the Supreme and converting City Hall into a heaven for in the city and the mayors reaction each time.
group protesting the recent censorship. Court began to read the First Amendment sexual deviants. He blames everything to the proliferation of
The business cards that were not more broadly, and this trend accelerated in Juana, read Rumbo because I have been drugs devoid of an investigation. The latest
published in this edition will appear next the 1960s. Today, the legal protection offered writing about all of those things that you case of Hillside Avenue provoked the anger
week. Anyone who might want his or her by the First Amendment is stronger than ever dont seem to be aware of. And now, you of law enforcement because he declared at
establishment listed in support of this action before in our history. call him ethic? the accident scene that it was a drug deal
should call City Councilor Brian De Pea.
gone bad bypassing their responsibility.
There is enough anger in our community
about having the daily programming blocked
Lawrence delegation Theodoro is back I would appreciate an honest assessment
What bothers me most is the attitude Theodoro Rosario is back to work as once you read it.
on November 6 and 7 (Election Day) due
to complaints about the political talk on of the Lawrence delegation on this issue Projects Planning Supervisor at DPW and
several programs. Most of these programs of censorship. I sent them an email asking he came back with quite an attitude. He is Speaking of crime
were supporting one mayoral candidate in for a quote because we need to know where confident self-assured and more arrogant and I tried getting information from the
particular. they stand; after all, they are supposed to be abusive than ever. Commonwealths website relating to the
The measure taken by Pat Costa and The representing us and this is a big problem we He was involved in a conversation on number of opioid-related deaths in Lawrence
Eagle-Tribune is a direct contradiction of are facing. Whats going to happen next year Facebook with Jennifer Lopez and others but the page is confidential and it doesnt
what the First Amendment of the Constitution being another election year? in which he said, in part, you are not allow anyone to access the data.
guarantees: State Representatives Frank Moran, homeless but the next time Ill take you I just wanted to see if the numbers given
An attorney specializing on civil rights Juana Matias and Diana DiZoglio as well This was in reference to the homeless man by the mayor are accurate. I guess we just
gave me a clear explanation of whats as State Senator Barbara LItalien have kept he took into a motel luring him with beer have to believe him.
protected under the First Amendment. He quiet, ignoring my request. and cigarettes demanding sex from him. The Also, I regularly check the Daily Log
narrowed it down to, The First Amendment What a way to represent the interests of man ran out of the room and called the police at to compare how crimes
protects the speech we dont like because the the people! from the office, having Theodoro arrested. are reported by the police to what really
speech we like doesnt need protection. Eight months later, the case went to happened. On November 26 I sent a message
In some circumstances, the Supreme State Rep. Juana Matias court and it was dismissed because the to Officer Tom Cuddy asking why it had not
Court has held that certain types of speech are homeless man didnt show. Rivera says that been updated since September 18. The next
I think Juana is detached from the city Theodoros record is clean but the arrest is day, it had been updated through October 13.
of only low First Amendment value, such she is supposed to represent. I recommend
as: defamation, true threats, obscenity, child real and it remains on file. They are still 45 days late making my job
that she reads Rumbo more often to find out
pornography and commercial advertising. what really goes on here. more difficult.
In the case of commercial advertising, Wednesday morning she sent out a
for example, speech advertising a product or press release thanking Mayor Dan Rivera Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
service is constitutionally protected, but not for his support in the Congressional race
as much as other speech. For instance, the and she should have ended with just the Perdone a sus enemigos, pero nunca olvide sus nombres.
government may ban misleading commercial thanks. It reads in part, And I am so
advertising, but it generally cant ban grateful to have Mayor Riveras support, - President John F. Kennedy
misleading political speech. who brought an unwavering work ethic
Outside these narrow categories of low toward ensuring Lawrence continues to
value speech, most other content-based move forward.
restrictions on speech are presumptively Ethic? Making promises he didnt
unconstitutional. Even entertainment, keep about hiring the best qualified
vulgarity, hate speech (bigoted speech individuals, hiring unqualified people
about particular races, religions, sexual for so many well-paid positions, firing
orientations, and the like), blasphemy (speech

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IRS emite recordatorio de alerta ante estafas que

continan alrededor del pas
El Servicio de Impuestos Internos, IRS, Esto incluye cualquier tipo de comunicacin los contribuyentes que pueden hacer su Todos los pagos tributarios deben hacerse
alert hoy a los contribuyentes a permanecer electrnica, tal como mensajes de texto o parte para ayudar con este esfuerzo. Los nicamente a nombre del Departamento del
vigilantes ante estafas relacionadas a los medios sociales. El IRS tiene informacin contribuyentes y profesionales de impuestos Tesoro de EE. UU. y los cheques jams se
impuestos ya que stas se continan reportando en lnea que puede ayudar a proteger a deben: deben hacer a nombre de terceros.
alrededor del pas. Tanto phishing, como las los contribuyentes de estafas por correo Siempre usar software de seguridad con Amenazarn con enviar a la polica
estafas telefnicas y el robo de identidad electrnico. protecciones antivirus y firewall. Asegrese local de manera inmediata u otras agencias
encabezan la lista de las denuncias reportadas. que el software de seguridad siempre est del orden pblico para supuestamente
Sin embargo, luego de huracanes y otros Estafas telefnicas operacional y se actualice automticamente. arrestar al contribuyente por no pagar.
desastres, el IRS urge a los contribuyentes a El IRS nunca llama y deja mensajes Codifique archivos con informacin privada Exigirn que se paguen los impuestos sin
estar en alerta a esquemas que puedan resultar pregrabados con tono de urgencia y tal como documentos tributarios que hayan antes darle al contribuyente la oportunidad
de estos eventos recientes. solicitando la devolucin de la llamada. sido guardados en computadoras y aparatos. de cuestionar o apelar la cantidad adeudada.
Aunque las estafas evolucionan Por medio de estas tcticas, a la vctima Use contraseas difciles de adivinar. Pedirn nmeros de tarjeta de crdito o
con el transcurso del tiempo y se ajustan se le dice que si no devuelve la llamada se Aprenda a reconocer y evite correos dbito por telfono.
para reflejar eventos en las noticias, estos emitir una orden de arresto a su nombre. electrnicos de phishing, llamadas
esquemas generalmente son variaciones El IRS recientemente comenz a enviar amenazantes y mensajes de textos hacindose Para personas que no adeudan
de alguna temtica previamente usada, cartas a los contribuyentes que tienen pasar por organizaciones legtimas tales como impuestos ni tienen razn de
dijo John Koskinen, Comisionado del IRS. deudas tributarias atrasadas para avisar bancos, compaas de tarjetas de crdito y pensar que adeudan:
Si reconoce la amenaza y toma los pasos que sus cuentas se han asignado a una de agencias gubernamentales, incluso el IRS. No proporcione ninguna informacin.
para protegerse podr defenderse de los cuatro agencias privadas de recaudacin (en No haga clic en enlaces o descargue anexos Concluya la llamada inmediatamente.
estafadores. ingls). Por esta razn, los contribuyentes de correos desconocidos o sospechosos. Comunquese con el Inspector General
Mientras que individuos y negocios deben tener cuidado con estafadores que Proteja la informacin personal. No del Tesoro para la Administracin de
luchan con la devastacin tras el paso de los se hacen pasar por representantes de estas cargue su tarjeta de seguro social, y asegure Impuestos, TIGTA. Use la pgina web que
huracanes Harvey, Irma y Mara, as como agencias. Aquellas agencias autorizadas por que sus archivos tributarios estn en un lugar tiene disponible para Reportar estafas en que
de los fuegos en el oeste, los criminales el IRS nicamente llamarn acerca de una seguro. Trate su informacin personal como se hacen pasar por el IRS. De otra manera,
podran aprovecharse de esta situacin al deuda tributaria que la persona ha tenido y si fuera dinero en efectivo. Es decir, no deje llame al 800-366-4484.
crear organizaciones benficas falsas para de la cual ya habra estado enterada por su informacin en lugares donde pueda estar Denncielo con la Comisin Federal del
obtener dinero o informacin personal de varios aos. Estos contribuyentes tambin al alcance de cualquier persona. Comercio. Use el Asistente de Quejas a travs
contribuyentes. Tambin podran intentar habran recibido comunicacin previa del de Por favor indique que se trata de
engaar a las vctimas al hacerse pasar por IRS acerca de su deuda tributaria. Seales directas de una estafa: la estafa telefnica de IRS en su reporte.
una agencia de ayuda o entidad benfica que El IRS (y sus agencias privadas y
proveer ayuda. Tales estafas y solicitudes de Aprenda a distinguir cuando es autorizadas de recaudacin) jams: Para personas que s adeudan
donaciones podran involucrar el contacto por el IRS quien verdaderamente le Llamarn para solicitar pago inmediato impuestos y lo saben:
telfono, medios sociales, email o en persona. llama o busca exigiendo un mtodo especifico de pago Busque informacin de su cuenta
A continuacin, algunas de las estafas El IRS inicia la mayora de las como una tarjeta de dbito prepagada, una tributaria en lnea en para ver el
que el IRS ha visto recientemente: comunicaciones por medio del Servicio tarjeta de regalo o un giro postal. El IRS total de su deuda actual. Los contribuyentes
Postal de los EE. UU. Sin embargo, hay usa estos mtodos para recaudar pagos tambin pueden ver sus opciones de pago.
Estafas de tipo phishing circunstancias especiales en las cuales el IRS tributarios. Tpicamente, el IRS primero Llame al nmero indicado en la factura, o
Recientemente, el IRS ha visto dichas es- le puede llamar o visitar a su residencia o enviar una factura por correo a cualquier Llame al IRS al 800-829-1040. Los
tafas por correo electrnico cuyo blanco son negocio, tal como cuando un contribuyente contribuyente que adeuda impuestos. operadores del IRS le podrn ayudar.
los profesionales de impuestos, profesionales tiene una deuda tributaria vencida, o para
de nmina y personal de recursos humanos, asegurar una declaracin de impuestos que
as como contribuyentes individuales. no se ha presentado a tiempo, un pago de AHORA 1 SUBASTA SEMANAL!
En intentos de phishing por medio impuestos atrasado de empleador, para hacer
de correo electrnico, los criminales se un recorrido de su negocio como parte de una
hacen pasar por una persona u organizacin
en la cual el contribuyente confa y que
reconoce. Puede que logren hackear una
auditora o durante investigaciones criminales.
An entonces, los contribuyentes
usualmente primero recibirn varias cartas
cuenta de correo electrnico y enven correos
electrnicos masivos en nombre de otra
persona. Puede que se hagan pasar por un
(mejor conocidas como avisos) del IRS
por correo postal.
banco, una compaa de tarjeta de crdito,
proveedor de software de impuestos o
Fraude de reembolso tributario
Robo de identidad VENGA A LA SUBASTA
agencia gubernamental. Si una persona hace El robo de identidad relacionado con
clic en uno de estos emails, ste los lleva a
sitios web falsos creado por los estafadores
los impuestos ocurre cuando alguien usa
un nmero de seguro social robado o un
que parecen autnticos, pero que contienen
pginas falsas de ingreso. Estos criminales
nmero de identificacin del contribuyente
(ITIN) para presentar una declaracin SBADOS A LAS 11 AM
esperan que las vctimas muerdan el anzuelo de impuestos en la cual se reclama un
y proporcionen dinero, contraseas, nmeros reembolso fraudulento.
de seguro social, y otra informacin que En 2015, el IRS se uni con representantes INSPECCIONES 2 HORAS ANTES
pueda resultar en el robo de identidad. de la industria de software de impuestos,
Correos electrnicos que tienen como agencias de preparacin de impuestos, DE LA SUBASTA
motivo estafar a los dems, as como sitios procesadores de productos de nmina y
web, tambin pueden infectar computadoras finanzas y administradores de agencias EL NICO LUGAR EN TODO EL REA CON
con malware sin que el usuario se d cuenta. tributarias estatales para combatir el robo de SUBASTAS DE AUTOS ABIERTAS AL PBLICO
El malware puede darle al criminal acceso identidad relacionado al fraude de reembolso
al aparato, permitindole acceder archivos y proteger a los contribuyentes del pas. Este COMPRE DONDE LOS VENDEDORES COMPRAN!
con informacin personal o trazar el orden grupo la Cumbre de Seguridad ha llevado
de los teclados presionados para exponer a cabo una serie de campaas pblicas de CIENTOS DE VEHCULOS: NO HAY OFERTA MNIMA!
informacin de ingreso. concienciacin dirigidas a los contribuyentes PRECIOS MUY REDUCIDOS: LA MAYORA DE LOS AUTOS
Si algn contribuyente recibe un correo bajo el esfuerzo de Impuestos. Seguridad.
no solicitado que aparenta ser del IRS o de Unidos. Para los profesionales de impuestos,
un programa vinculado al IRS, tal como las campaas Proteja a sus clientes; protjase
el Sistema Electrnico de Pago Tributario
Federal (EFTPS por sus siglas en ingls),
a s mismo y No muerda el anzuelo animan
a la comunidad tributaria a tomar los pasos CAPITAL AUTO AUCTION
reprtelo envindolo a para protegerse de los ladrones de identidad La Subasta de Autos Oficial del Salvation Army
Aprenda ms en la pgina Reporte prctica y criminales cibernticos. 190 Londonderry Turnpike (28 Bypass)
fraudulenta de pesca de informacin. Manchester, NH 03104
El IRS generalmente no inicia Recordatorios de seguridad para Salida 1 de la Rt. 101 Este
comunicacin con los contribuyentes para los contribuyentes (603) 622-9058
solicitar informacin personal o financiera. El IRS y sus socios les recuerdan a
18 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017

NECC Partners with Merrimack for Turks Plays for NECC Knights
Popular Bachelor Completion Programs
After playing basketball for
Two local colleges, Northern Essex Northern Essex Community College
Community College and Merrimack playing for a professional basketball
College, are partnering to offer non- in Turkey should be a slam dunk for
traditional students an affordable route to a Guney Kilitcioglu and Emir Alagoz.
bachelors degree. The two Turkish natives, who
Students who complete an associate have studied English since the first
degree at Northern Essex can complete grade, are in their first semester at
their bachelors degrees in psychology or Northern Essex. Both are members
child, family & community studies (CFC) of the 10-man, Knights basketball
at Merrimack in 24 months. The Merrimack team under the tutelage of longtime
courses are offered evenings and every NECC basketball coach Joe Tardif.
other Saturday so students can work while "It is a pleasure to have both
attending college. The tuition includes Guney and Emir on the basketball
books and meals. team this year. They both bring a
Students love the special treatment by work ethic to the classroom and the
the Merrimack staff, says Grace Young, dean basketball court that many of the
of academic and career advising, articulation American players do not have, said
and transfer. Students with busy schedules Tardiff. They are a great addition to
receive a great education. After earning her the team.
associate degree at Northern Essex, Elysha The young men are among the
Heymans of Andover, was eager to enroll in more than two dozen international
a bachelor degree completion program that students enrolled at NECC.
was accessible and convenient. She found Guney and Emir have integrated
what she was looking for in Merrimacks NECC alumna Elysha Heymans of Andover
very well on campus, both in the
bachelors degree completion program. is one of the many NECC graduates to
classroom and with their teammates,
Merrimack accepts all of the NECC take advantage of the partnership between
" said Daniel Blair, NECCs director Emir Alagoz and Guney Kilitcioglu of Turkey are
associate degree credits. Northern Essex and Merrimack College to
of NECCs athletics. "Regardless members of NECCs growing international student
Like many of the nearly 400 non- offer evening bachelor degree completion
of the sport, international students body and play for the Knights basketball team.
traditional students who have attended these programs.
bring a unique style of play and have
completion programs over the last 5 years, always brought an added sense of
Heymans works days and attends school a than she could have imagined. You get the maturity to their teams on the court. to pursue their bachelor degrees and
night. The programs are designed as six, opportunity to bond with your classmates, Kilitcioglu, 18, arrived in the states just continue shooting hoops.
15-week semesters to be completed in 24 motivate and support each other, and create this past summer to play Amateur Athletic They credit Tardif with being helpful
months. Hybrid courses combine on-campus a network of professional contacts in your Union (AAU) Basketball in California. and patient with them. It has taken some
classes with online learning. The cohort field as well. Alagoz, 19, has been here for two years time for them to learn the American
schedule includes three courses during the While Heymans is enrolled in the having attended The Phelps School in approach to basketball.
fall and spring terms, and two courses during psychology completion program, its Pennsylvania and Victory Rock Prep in In Europe it is more of a team sport,
the summer terms. the CFC program that is most popular. Florida. He also attended the California said Kilitcioglu. And it is much more
There are other benefits to this evening Students interested in pursuing careers AAU program this past summer. physical playing defenseyou cant touch
program as well. in teaching at the early childhood and The two aspiring professional basketball here or you get fouled.
Another benefit is that your advisors elementary education level, education players shared an academic advisor. They At six foot three inches, Kilitcioglu
take all the stress away by signing you up administration, human services, and became accidental roommates when it was plays shooting guard or point guard. Alagoz,
for your classes and getting your books community advocacy can enroll in this recommended they both attend NECC and at six feet two inches, is also a point guard.
for you it has allowed me to stay stress program which has several tracks including play basketball. American college basketball Haverhills suburban setting has taken some
free and stay focused on my schoolwork, teacher preparation leading to licensure, is unlike college basketball in Turkey, they getting used to, they said. With no car and
Heymans said. family and community engagement, and explain. In Europe college teams are not no license, they rely on public transportation
Merrimack uses a cohort model in leadership and administration. supported by the schools. The club teams to travel from their downtown Haverhill
which students begin classes and graduate For additional information on how to are instead where the competition lies. Time apartment. Both were raised in Istanbul, the
with the same group of classmates. Classes transfer in a bachelor completion program spent on an American college or universitys most populated city in Turkey, so Haverhill
are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Merrimack College from Northern Essex, parquet, they said, is certain to give them and its environs seems a little sleepy. The
and every other Saturday. This has made contact Grace Young, at gyoung@necc. credibility in the EuroLeague where, they lack of local flavorful Turkish fare has been
Heymans experience at Merrimack better or call 978-556-3449. noted, Turkey currently has the best team challenging. They are eager to return to
in the league. It is their goal to be playing Turkey during the semester break.

Home Health Foundation honors in that league within the next few years. For more information on the basketball
Kilitcioglu, a business transfer major, team or other NECC sports, contact Daniel

RiseHi Employees of the Month

and Alagoz, a psychology major, intend to Blair, director of NECC's athletics at
transfer to a four-year college or university

for October

The agencies of the Home Health employees are: Responsible, Innovative,
Foundation are pleased to honor the Supportive, Enthusiastic, Humble and have
following individuals as our October RiseHi Integrity. Through their exceptional work
Employees of the Month: ethic, dedication and attitude, our October
Employees of the Month demonstrate
Linda Ritchie their commitment to a productive and
Physical Therapist at Home Health VNA collaborative work environment within the
agencies of Home Health Foundation.
Judy Anderson Home Health Foundation, the leader in
Hospital Liaison at Home Health Foundation home health care, is comprised of affiliate
agencies Home Health VNA, Merrimack
Jessica Boyle Valley Hospice and HomeCare, Inc.
Hospice Nurse at Merrimack Valley Hospice Together the three agencies serve more than
110 communities throughout the Merrimack
Karen Loring Valley, Northeastern Massachusetts, and
Home Health Aide at HomeCare, Inc. Southern New Hampshire. Merrimack
Valley Hospice also serves the Southern
These employees are recognized Maine region as York Hospital Hospice
for exemplifying the qualities of RiseHi, in partnership with York Hospital. For
an initiative to foster a supportive and more information, visit our website at
positive culture in the workplace. RiseHi

Commonwealth Commitment College

Affordability Program Expanded
Massachusetts college students enrolled ing the number of majors available through many states have begun experimenting accessibility to higher education, which
in the Commonwealth Commitment the Commonwealth Commitment program, with ways to reduce college costs, the are keys to building a well-educated 21st-
program will now be able to choose from our administration believes more students will Commonwealth Commitment is unique in century workforce, said James C. Mabry,
more than 40 majors, up from the initial six be encouraged to pursue an affordable degree creating incentives for students to earn two President of Middlesex Community College.
offered last year, to qualify for the discounts and transition into strong career opportunities degrees in four years. We're hoping that This is exciting news from the Baker
and rebates aimed at making a bachelors right here in Massachusetts. students who may not have thought they could administration and will go a long way toward
degree more affordable. The Commonwealth Commitment afford a bachelor's degree will be convinced meeting the noble goal we all have of keeping
With the programs expansion, greater program is designed to reduce cost and to continue on with their education. college affordable for our students, said
numbers of students will be able to save increase completion and graduation rates In the spring of 2016, the Baker-Polito James J. Campbell, Chairman of the MCC
an average 40 percent off the cost of a for students moving from the community Administration launched the Commonwealth Board of Trustees. At Middlesex, we strive
traditional bachelors degree by starting colleges to state universities and UMass Commitment to provide Massachusetts to keep an education both affordable and
their course of study at one of the states 15 campuses, said Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito. By students with discounts on tuition through accessible to our students and communities,
community colleges including Middlesex opening this program to more majors, we transfer. Students first earn an associate degree and I am proud to see the college play a pivotal
Community College and then transferring expect more students to take advantage of this at one of the states 15 community colleges role in helping chart a pathway to success
to a state university or University of college affordability program, so they can go and then complete bachelors degree at any through the Commonwealth Commitment.
Massachusetts campus. to school full-time and complete on-time. public four-year institution. Once enrolled, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,
Students will have significantly more All majors offered by the Massachusetts students tuition and mandatory fees are one of the largest Fortune 500 companies
options to choose from in the MassTransfer College of Art and Design, as well as frozen; they also receive rebates up to 10 based in Boston, recently launched a
A2B Associates to Bachelors degree- six specialty programs offered by the percent at the end of each semester and a Commonwealth Commitment scholarship
mapped programs which guarantee that course Massachusetts Maritime Academy will tuition waiver or credit during their junior and program for students worth $2,500 a year
credits transfer between community colleges also now be eligible for Commonwealth senior years. Students are required to go to for four years. The first winners of the
and the states public four-year universities. Commitment discounts. school full-time and maintain a 3.0 grade point scholarship will be announced this fall.
Students who sign up for the We know that students who do not ("B") average. Students can realize savings For more information on the Com-
Commonwealth Commitment can choose go to college full-time, largely because of 40 percent or more off the typical sticker monwealth Commitments expanded list of
from a wide range of majors that collectively they cannot afford to, are less likely than price for a four-year degree, depending on degree programs and interactive cost calcula-
represent 75 percent of the majors chosen their peers to complete their degrees, the colleges they chose to attend, before other tor, please visit
by current public college and university Education Secretary James Peyser said. state and federal financial aid is factored in. Middlesex Community College is your
students. The programs include computer The Commonwealth Commitment is a Students who enrolled in the pathway to success. As one of the largest,
science, business, criminal justice, new pathway we developed to make college Commonwealth Commitment program most comprehensive community colleges in
architectural, industrial and graphic design, completion a reality for more students by last year reported using their rebates to buy the state, we educate, engage and empower a
communications and early education, as making it more affordable. textbooks, pay the interest on student loans diverse community of learners. MCC offers
well as liberal arts and sciences. What began as a small pilot program or receive credits toward next semesters bill. more than 70 degree and certificate programs,
This program is designed to make col- is now poised to expand dramatically to I fully support the efforts to expand the plus hundreds of noncredit courses, on our
lege more affordable for students and make it serve more students in the 2017-18 academic Commonwealth Commitment's programs of campuses in Bedford and Lowell, as well
easier to earn a college degree in the Common- year, said Carlos E. Santiago, Massachusetts study and majors. This move will strengthen as online. Middlesex Community College:
wealth, said Gov. Charlie Baker. By expand- Commissioner of Higher Education. While the program by increasing affordability and Student success starts here!
20 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017


Jazz pianist Laszlo Gardony to Nashua history
perform at Winter Holiday Stroll Buy two books for just $25
Jazz pianist Laszlo Gardony will bring released in July, received four-star reviews
his jazz trio to the Nashua Public Library in Downbeat and Jazz Journal. Many people have asked the Nashua
on Saturday, November 25. The free JazzTimes Magazine says, Gardony, Public Library if they can buy copies of The
performance is sponsored by the Friends of the 1987 winner of the Great American Jazz Nashua Experience: History in the Making,
the Library and is part of the Winter Holiday Piano Competition, is one of contemporary 16731978, written by a committee of
Stroll. The group will play two sets, at 5:45 musics truly original voices. As a sideman, Nashuans headed up by former Library
p.m. and 7:10 p.m. Gardony has recorded and toured extensively Director Clarke S. Davis. Unfortunately,
Joining Gardony will be Yoron Israel on with Yoron Israel's High Standards Quartet the book is out of print, and the library has
drums and John Lockwood on bass. The trio and with Matt Glaser's Wayfaring Strangers. no new copies on hand. However, until
performs and records regularly, exploring He has collaborated with David Fathead December 30, when you buy the books
Gardonys extensive book of original pieces Newman, Dave Liebman, Mick Goodrick, sequel, The Nashua Experience: A Three-
as well as standards and jazz classics by the John Abercrombie, John Scofield, Mike Decade Upgrade, 19782008, at the library
likes of Horace Silver and Billy Strayhorn. Stern, and Garrison Fewell. for $25, you will receive a gently used copy
Its heaven playing with such great The library is located at 2 Court of the earlier book free, while supplies last.
musicians, Gardony says. John and Yoron Street, Nashua. For directions and parking
hear the music around them so well. If I give information go to
them charts they immediately understand directions. For other information contact
what Im trying to do. Carol at or
Gardonys latest CD, Serious Play, (603) 589-4610.
The second book was written by three
Nashua librarians. Its story begins in the

Sign up for Health Insurance mayoral administration of Maurice Arel and

ends with that of Donnalee Lozeau, the city's

at Nashua Library first female mayor. Richly complemented

by dozens of photographs, the book is a
keepsake and invaluable resource for anyone
If you need health insurance, come to are 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., but you should arrive who loves Nashua, from those who called
the Nashua Public Library on the following by 7 p.m. to allow enough time to complete it home from 1978 to 2008, to the newest
Thursdays. Harbor Homes Certified Assisters your application before the library closes at residents who want to better know their new
will be available to give you one-on-one 9 p.m. hometown.
help in signing up for insurance through the What to bring: Evidence of your last
Health Insurance Marketplace (Obamacare) four weeks' pay (paystub or a printout); The library accepts cash and checks
on November 30, December 7 and December Social Security numbers and birthdates for only as payment.
14 everyone in your household
You can make an appointment by calling The library is located at 2 Court Street,
Harbor Homes at (603) 882-3616 x4015 or Nashua. For directions and parking information Film Series Return to Nashua Public Library
x1132. Walk-ins are also accepted. Hours go to
After a break for the summer, the Nashua Public Librarys weekly film
series have resumed.

As of November 1, Cinema Cabaret films for adults are shown on

Tuesday nights at a new time: 6:30 p.m. Family Films are screened on
Saturdays at 2 p.m.

For a schedule that lists the titles, ratings, and descriptions of the films,
go to

All the movie screenings are free and open to the public. They are
sponsored by the Friends of the Nashua Public Library.




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22 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017



THE NEW YORK TIMES says a First-person,
funny domestic tales and retro stand-up comedy
based on The New York Times best-seller.

Tickets On Sale Friday, November 10!

Lowell, MA - The Off-Broadway hit are From MarsWomen are From Venus
comedy Men Are From Mars Women Are LIVE! has been seen by more than one
From Venus LIVE!, is a one-man fusion of million people around Europe. It debuted
theatre and stand-up, and is a light-hearted in the United States in February 2013 in
theatrical comedy based on the New York Raleigh, North Carolina and will be playing
Times #1 best-selling book of the last decade to audiences around the United States and
by John Gray. Moving swiftly through Canada throughout the year.
a series of vignettes, the show covers This hysterical show will have couples
everything from dating and marriage to elbowing each other all evening as they see
the bedroom. This show will play Lowell themselves on stage. Sexy and fast paced,
Memorial Auditorium, on Valentines Day, this show is definitely for adults, but will
Wednesday, February 14. Tickets go on leave audiences laughing and giggling like
sale exclusively at LowellAuditiorium. little kids!
com on Monday, November 13 at 12 noon. When Mars and Venus collide, the adventures
For tickets or more information, visit are earth-shatteringly hysterical. It's a great
lowellauditorium .com. recipe for a night out: a little storytelling
Men Are From Mars Women Are blended with some comedy and a dash of
From Venus LIVE! is more than just the sage wisdom from the book. A delicious
book. evening of entertainment!
After beginning in Paris in 2007, Men

If your dreams dont scare you, they are not big enough.
Si tus sueos no te asustan, entonces no son lo suficientemente elevados.
- Muhammad Ali

180 Thrift Shoppe $4.00 LOCAL

Enva usted cajas a la Repblica Dominicana u HASTA 3
otros paises? Venga y tendr un precio especial.
Immigration and Family Law
Toda la ganancia de esta Airport Service $50.00
organizacin sin fines 256 Essex St., 1st Floor Viaje cmodo y seguro
lucrativos ayuda a Blueskies
Wellness, Inc. la cual provee Lawrence, MA 01840 Ms barato que UBER
programas de prevencin
contra el acoso escolar en el Servicio local y larga distancia
Lunes a sbado de 10 a 6pm y Valle de Merrimack.
(978) 361-0529 Buscamos choferes

domingo de 10 a 3pm.
436 Broadway, Methuen, MA 01844 - (978) 208-1138 email:


Comenzando un Negocio? Comprando un Negocio?
Haciendo Crecer su Negocio?
Sesiones de Consejeras jueves de 10:00 AM a 2:30 PM
Excepto el 3er jueves de cada mes
Por favor, llame al 978-686-0900 para una cita con Lawrence SCORE
Learn About Assistive Hearing Devices 264 ESSEX ST.
LAWRENCE, MA 01840-1516
On Thursday, December 7, at 7 p.m., Joan Marcoux will present Beyond
the Hearing Aid at the Nashua Public Library.

Come learn about the many devicesaside from hearing aidsavailable

to help people with hearing impairments. Among them are vibrating
alarm clocks, phones with captioning, visual and tactile smoke detectors,
and iPad apps.

Marcoux is a hearing, speech, and vision specialist with the New

Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.

The library is located at 2 Court Street, Nashua. For directions and

parking information go to


SUDOKU Respuestas/Answers

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(978) 794-5360

24 : Rumbo :. AO 22 LAWRENCE, MA EDICIN 604 DICIEMBRE 1, 2017

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