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Syllabus Content

No. Topics

Chapter 1 :The World of Organizational Behavior

1.1 Introduction Definition

1.2 The Importance of OB
1.3 Perspectives of Organizational Effectiveness
1.3.1 Open System Perspective
1.3.2 Organizational Learning Perspective
1.3.3 HPWP Perspective
1.4 Contemporary Challenges Organizations
1.4.1 Globalization
1.4.2 Diversity

Chapter 2: Key to Individual Behavior

2.1 MARS Model of Behavior and Performance

2.2 Types of Individual Behavior
2.3 Personality in Organizations
2.3.1 Personality determinants:
Nature versus Nurture
2.3.2 Five Factor Model Personality
2.4 Values in the Workplace
2.4.1 Types of Value Schwartzs Value Theory
2.4.2 Values and Individual Behavior
2.4.3 Values Congruence

Chapter 3: Perceiving Ourselves and Others

3.1 Perceive Ourselves

3.1.1 Self-Concept- (Complexity, Consistency & Clarity)
3.1.2 Self-Enhancement
3.1.3 Self-Verification
3.1.4 Self-Evaluation
3.1.5 The Social Self
3.2 Perceiving the World around us
3.2.1 Model of the Perception Process
3.2.2 Specific Perceptual Processes and Problems (Errors/Distortions in
3.3 Improving Errors in Perception
Chapter 4: Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, & Stress

4.1 Emotions in the Work Place

4.1.1 Types of Emotions
4.1.2 Circumplex Model of Emotions
4.1.3 Model of Emotions, Attitudes and Behavior
4.1.4 Emotional Dissonance
4.2 Emotional Intelligence
4.2.1 Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence
4.3 Job Satisfaction-
4.3.1 Job Satisfaction and Work Behavior
4.3.2 Job Satisfaction and Performance
4.3.4 Consequences of Job dissatisfaction and ELVN Model
4.4 Organizational Commitment
4.5 Work-related Stress
4.5.1 General Adaption Syndrome
4.5.2 Types of Stress
4.5.3 Stressors: The Causes of Stress
4.5.4 Consequences of Stress
4.5.5 Managing Stress

Chapter 5: Foundations of Motivation

5.1 Introduction to Motivation

5.2 Employee Drives and Needs
5.3 Theories of Motivation & Practical Application
5.3.1 The Content Theories Maslows Needs Hierarchy Theory Alderfers ERG Theory McClellands Need Theory
5.3.2 The Process Theories Expectancy Theory Equity Theory Four Drive Theory Goal Setting Theory

Chapter 6: Groups and Social Processes

6.1 Introduction to Group and Team

6.1.1 Types of Group/Team
6.1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams
6.2 A model of Team Effectiveness
6.2.1 Effects Team Environment Elements
6.2.2 Effects of Team Design Elements
6.2.3 Effects of Team Processes Elements
6.3 Team Decision Making

Chapter 7: Managing Conflict

7.1 Introduction to Conflict

7.2 Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict
7.3 Model of Conflict Process
7.3.1 Sources of Conflict
7.3.2 Managing Conflict
7.4. Interpersonal Conflict Management Styles
7.5 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in organizational setting

Chapter 8: Power and Leadership

8.1 Introduction to Leadership

8.2 Introduction to Power
8.2.1 Types of Power
8.2.2 Empowerment and Delegation
8.3 Leadership Theories
8.3.1 Competency/Traits/The Great Man Approach
8.3.2 Behavior Approach Ohio State University Studies Managerial Grid (Leadership Grid)
8.3.3 Contingencies Approach Path Goal Life Cycle/Situational Theory
8.3.4 Contemporary Approach Transformational and transactional Theory

Chapter 9: Organizational Change

9.1 Organizational Change

9.1.1 Introduction to Change
9.1.2 Importance of Change
9.1.3 Model of Change Types of Change Lewins Force Field Analysis
9.1.4 Forces of Change
9.1.5 Resistance to Change
9.1.6 Managing Resistance to Change

Teaching Methodology

Active Learning


a) Continuous Assessment 50%

Grades will be based on:

2 Tests 20%
Assignments (Quizzes/Participation/ etc) 10%
Group Project (Individual/group/Presentation) 20%

b) Final Exam 50%

TOTAL 100%
Recommended Text

McShane & Von Glinow, Organizational Behavior- Emerging Knowledge, Global Reality,
McGraw- Hill, 7th edition, 2015.


1. Kreitner and Kinicki, Organizational Behavior (International Student Edition),

McGraw Hill, 9th edition, 2011.
2. Robbins, Stephen P., Judge, Timothy A., Organizational Behavior, Pearson, 16th
edition, 2016.
3. Arrifin, Zainal, Surienty, Lilis et al, Understanding Organizational Behaviour, Oxford
University Press, 1st edition, 2009.
4. George, J.M., Jones, G.R., Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior,
Addison Wesley, Global edition, 2014.
5. Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, Organizational Behavior, Wiley, 12th Edition.2011.

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