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PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA MADRE Y MAESTRA. SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES FACULTY APPLIED LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENTS FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA. ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP) COURSES GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATIONS ‘The final project in the course is meant to give you the opportunity to further explore an aspect that interests you; to give you the experience of formulating, carrying out, and presenting an interesting, short-term independent research project. ‘As part of the work assigned for this course, you are required to complete a project based on the course material. The argument of the project should be closely related to some aspect of the course. Many different types of projects are possible. You may choose to do an experimental project, an innovation project or a study project. Final Project Presentation: To be presented orally as well as written, > Topic and group members must be presented to the professor on > A first draft must be shown to the professor on__. | > Due date for final written paper and presentation: You are encouraged to submit the paper earlier than the deadline. The Oral Presentation: * Projects can be done individually, in pairs, or in groups of three or four. * Depending on the group size, the time allowed for presentations is as follows: ~ Groups of three to four: 12 minutes. - Individual presentation: 4-5 minutes. - Pair presentation: 8 minutes. - 2-4 minutes for questions following the presentation. = You will be given a1 minute warning when you reach your time limit * Visuals must be used and students are encouraged to do Power-Point/ Prezi presentations. + Reading your presentation will negatively affect your score. Make sure to follow 8s P gatively y guidelines for a successful presentation. «Each team member must actively participate in the presentation. Group members should plan to share presentation responsibilities and field questions equally. + Students are expected to give a quality presentation. The focus of this category is on the clarity, organization, preparedness and smoothness of oral presentation. The actions, words and dress (business casual) of the group should reflect professionalism at all times. Grading Criteria for Oral Presentations (15%) Group Presentation (7.5%) 1. The topic of the presentation was clearly identified. 2. Technical vocabulary usage is proper and well-integrated. 3, Exhibits knowledge of, interest in, and connection to material and audience. 4, Appropriate use of time, 5. The presentation was well organized, with a clear purpose, a logical sequence and cohesive flow of information. Individual Presentation (7.5%) 1. Contents are articulated and conveyed in an understandable way. 2. Effective delivery of presentation: pronunciation, voice pitch and speed, non-verbal communication. 3, Language use (vocabulary and grammar). 4, The speaker's posture, gestures, intonation were appropriate. 5. Appropriate use of time. Wr fen Paper (5%) ‘The paper is the main document which completely describes your project. General directions: ‘The length of the written paper must be from 5 to 10 pages. Type your paper using a 12 point font (Times New Roman), double-spaced and use 1-inch margins on all sides of the paper. Flush left to left margin (ie. do not justify the right margin) and insert page numbers. Format must be presented in APA style, Proofread your work before submitting it Only one paper should be submitted per team: + Submit a paper describing your completed project. The paper should motivate your research questions and results, explain how the project fits into the course content of previous work (if any), justify the methodology, and present it in a creative manner. (Naturally, the form will differ depending on the type of project) + References: Refers to any source you have used for investigating, such as books, articles, papers, and/or the internet. ‘+ Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and will negatively affect final grades. The following suggestions will help teams gather accurate information: Brainstorm for ideas as a group. Decide who will be responsible for gathering what information. Establish deadlines for collecting information. Discuss ways to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information collected. ‘You must cite all your sources. Editing and Evaluating Gradins Before the document is submitted, complete these steps: All of you should take responsibility for finding and correcting grammatical and mechanical errors. ‘Meet to evaluate the final document. Does it follow the required guidelines? It helps tremendously to rehearse your presentation: what you are going to say for each slide, teria_for the written report (5%) 1. The organization of the paper is consistently logical and coherent. 2. The purpose is clearly expressed. 3, Proper use of technical vocabulary and grammar, 4, The paper fulfills all requirements of the assignment (according to guidelines). 5, Academic format required is followed, and APA style is used. PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA MADRE Y MAESTRA ‘SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES FACULTY ‘APPLIED LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA English for Specifle Purposes (ESP) Courses Oral Presentations Checklist for the teacher Grade: 1= Poor 2s Fair 3=Good 4= Very Good 3 Excellent Group Presentation 25 x 2 ~ $0% Individual Presentation 25 x 2= 50%. Grand total 100% ‘Title: eee I. Group Presentation (30%: 1. The topic of the presentation was clearly identified. 2, Technical vocabulary usage is proper and well-integrated, 3. Exhibits knowledge of, interest in, and connection to material and audience, 4, Appropriate use of time, 5. The presentation was well organized, with a clear purpose, a logical sequence and cohesive flow of information, Grade: Il, Individual Presentation (50%) 1. Contents are articulated and conveyed in an understandable way. 2, Effective delivery of presentation: pronunciation, voice pitch and speed, non-verbal communication, 3, Language use (vocabulary and grammar), ee 4, The speaker's posture, gestures, intonation were appropriate, ae 5. Appropriate use of time, aoe Grade It: Name Grade It | A cece tea eee sg rece eee eee B, Seeeee 1 2 3 4, 3 © 1 2. RB 4 5 D. 1 2 3 4 5 Grand Total = Grade I+ Grade II A B. c. D. December 2014 PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA MADRE Y MAESTRA. SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES FACULTY APPLIED LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT , FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA. (ESP) | ESP COURSES EVALUATION CRITERIA, ‘COURSE ‘TEACHER STUDENT DATE |. MID-TERM EVALUATION |] END OF COURSE EVALUATION APPROPRIATE PARTICIPATION AND QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE (5%) ; Comes to lass on tine wy 3. Brings required matenals Yo ols fo participate appropriately. (1) Sys atentive and respectful to teacher and classmates, (I) Works well with partners in small groups. o 5, Shows inerest motivation, abd contributes to the class experienve ina positive manner, (0) EVALUATION FORM TO DOCUMENT STUDENT'S ATTAINMENT OF COMPETENCIES TO PERFORM IN-CONTEXT SPECIBIC SITUATIONS AND USE OF APPROPRIATE LEXICON. (45%) ana 'LDeironsratas ats Wo communion eTotively win profesional contents (0) ariipetasapproprissly in smlaied situations of he related eld Wo Uses appropriately te Texion and concept required in the profession ® | ‘adersands und cesses curren fete trom diferent professional sours. o Waites diferent iypes oF documents rated 1 Be Ted o Interprets data related othe Fld © | QUALITY OF HOMEWORK TASKS (10%) f T, Follow trough with sieved materal Z_Ontine completion ad submission. —C@) 73._Depth and development of work (4) a 5 “Apoles information Feared within the cass. (&Y Evidence and reflection of integration of material discussed to elas (4) re RINAL PROJECT (ORAL PRESENTATION) (15%) Groups Presentation 0.5%) nie T:The toni of te presertaion was early Henied 2 Teshnialvoebilig wk prope and well-ntgraved “TEND knowlege of fret, and sonnetion o mata and alice Appropriate use of tie The preston was wil aanized, wi lear prpose, agi sequence wd cohesive Tow a afernaton Individual Presentation (7.5%) 1: Contents ave areulaied and conveyed in an understandable wa 2. Effective delivery of presentation: pronunciation, voce pitch and speed, non-verbal J, Language use (vocabulary and grami 4. The speaker's posure, gestures, intonation were appropriate 5, Appropriate use of time PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA MADRE ¥ MAESTRA CAMPUS SANTO TOMAS DE AQUINO DEPARTAMENTO DE LINGUISTICA APLIACADA ILE AREA DE INGLES NORMAS DEL SALON DE CLASE Puntualidad ‘Las clases de inglés comienzan puntualmente a Ja hora sefialada. Los estudiantes deberdn, estar en el aula al comienzo de la clase. Pase de lista ‘La lista se pasaré 10 minutos después del comienzo de la hora. Cualquier estudiante que egue después del pase de lista estard ausente por esa hora, sin embargo, podri estar presente en la siguiente hora. Materiales Los estudiantes deberdn asistir a las clases con los materiales adecuados para el buen desarrollo de las clases y con una actitud positiva para aprender y crear un ambiente de aprendizaje en el aula. Salidas del Aula ‘Una vez comenzada la clase Jas salidas del salén estén probibidas. Comidas y Bebidas Las mismas estén terminantemente prohibidas en el salén de clases. Teléfonos celulares y otros dispositivos electrénicos Eluso de estos dispositivos electronicos est prohibido durante el periodo de clase. El ‘mico momento en que podrén utilizarse es cuando los profesores lo consideren necesario para el desarrollo de una actividad. Ausencias El mimero de ausencias permitido para los cursos de ILE-101 hasta ILE-302 es de 7 HORAS, Para los cursos de Conversacién Avanzada (ILE 311), Redaccién Académica (LE 322) y de ESP es de 6 HORAS, Los estudiantes que sobrepasen el mimero de ausencias establecido caerén en FN, lo que significa reprobar la materia por ausencias excesivas, Visitantes No se permite la presencia de estudiantes que no estén inscritos en el curso. Examen Final ‘Tomar el examen final o realizar el trabajo de asignacién final es obligatorio para todos los estudiantes.

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