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Grade 2 unit test

Subject: Mathematics

State: District of Columbia

Student Name:

Teacher Name:

School Name:
1 (a) What number is 1 more than 99?

(b) What number is 1 less than 600?

(c) What number is 10 more than 90?

(d) What number is 10 less than 300?

(e) What number is 100 more than 570?

(f) What number is 100 less than 149?

2 a. Does the picture below show an even or an odd number of teddy bears? Explain your thinking using
pictures, numbers, or words in the box on the right.

b. Explain how you know if a number is even.

3 a. What number represents the same amount as 2 tens + 7 ones?

b. What number represents the same amount as 4 tens + 0 ones?

c. What number represents the same amount as 5 tens + 12 ones?

d. What number represents the same amount as 3 hundreds + 18 tens + 5 ones?

e. What number represents the same amount as 7 hundreds + 19 tens?

4 Mrs. Ortiz has 21 students in her second grade class. All of them have 10 toes and 10 fingers.

One day, three students are absent. How many students are in Mrs. Ortizs class that day? Skip-count to
show the number of their toes. Explain using words, pictures, or numbers
5 A number is shown on the number line.

Write it as a three-digit number.

Write it as a sum of 100's, 10's, and 1's.
Write its name in words.
Draw a picture to represent the number.
6 Compare each pair of numbers. Write your comparison using <, =, or >and in words. Explain your
answer with a picture.

a. 99 and 100

b. 154 and 231

c. 453 and 428

d. 351 and 354

7 23 + 46 + 12 = ____

(A) 69

(B) 71

(C) 81
8 There are 36 birds in the park. Then 25 more birds arrive. How many birds are there now? Solve the
problem, show your work, and explain why you strategy is correct.

9 Nolan has 16 pennies in one jar and 94 pennies in another jar.

He uses some of the pennies to buy a pencil that costs 25 cents. What is the total number of pennies Nolan
has left after he buys the pencil?

Be sure to show all work.

10 For each of the following number sentences, choose YES or NO to indicate whether the sentence is
equal to the number of dots in the picture.

YES or NO (a) 3 + 3 + 3

YES or NO (b) 3 + 4

YES or NO (c) 4 + 4 + 4

YES or NO (d) 4 + 4 + 4 + 4

YES or NO (e) 3 + 3 + 3 + 3

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