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-Hi Ana

Hi Claudia,
- How are you?
Fine, and you?
Bien tambin.
-Fine too
Cuntame,como te fue en tu viaje a arequipa, te divertiste?
Tell me, How was your trip to Arequipa? Did you have fun?
Si, fue incredible. Arequipa es un lugar muy hermoso.
Yeah, it was amazing. Arequipa is a very beautiful place.
OHH Eenserio, y que lugares visitaste?
Oh really?, What places did you visit?
-Conoci el volcn misti ,visite muchos centros comerciales
I met the Misti Volcano and I visited a lot of malls.
Y que comidas te gustaron mas?
And What dish did you like more?
-Pues todo es muy delicioso ah,pero lo que mas me gusto fue,el rocoto relleno
Well, all dishes I tasted were very delicious there but my favorite one was stuffed hot
Me imagino, muchas personas dicen que la comida ah es deliciosa
I imagine, many people say that the food is very Delicious there.
-Pue si,es todo muy sabroso.
Well yeah, all is very tasty there.
Y que mas hiciste en tu viaje?
And what else did you do there?
-Sali de compras y conoci a muchas personas
I went to shopping and I met a lot of new people.
Ohh que bueno,creo que debera visitar arequipa tmb!
Oh that is awesome, I think I should visit Arequipa too!
-Si, es un lugar fantstico
Yes, It is a fantastic place.
Seguro que si! , bueno me voy ana
Of course it is! Well I think I should go Ana.
-Adis Claudia
Bye Claudia.

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