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What is a healthy life style?
A healthy lifestyle is the set of habits and costumes that allow a
person, maintain the correct funtion of the body. As teenagers it
is important to acquire healthy habits from now to have a great
performance in our life.

What habits have our predecessors in the

In the past our predecessors had a healthy
lifestyle,they brushed your theet at least two
times a day. They ate healthy food such as fruits
and vegetables. They didnt eat lot of fast food.
They used the bike and public transport to help
the planet. They planted trees and recycle
water, plastic and paper. In their free times they
read books. When they were sick, they usually
took home remedies. &tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=1oQLWpysIsygjwPgqYqACw&q=ha

Why we have differents habits?

Our habits are different from our predecessors
because now there is more technology there are
more innovations. We are also more creative.
Now there are more sports like soccer,
basketball, ice skating, etc, and many of us do
them by that we like.
Also there are different types of food, and we
eat fast food more.

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