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Name Active Mechanism Dosage Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities

PITOCIN, Oxytotic: synthetic Stimulation of labor: 1. Antepartum: to Significant CV: Cardiac arrhythmias, PVCs, HT, 1. Ensure fetal position and size and
SYNTOCINON form of an initial dose of no more initiate or to improve cephalopelvic subarachnoid hemorrhage absence of complications that are
endogenous than 0.5-2 milliunits by IV uterine contractions; disproportion, Fetal effects: Fetal bradycardia, contraindicated with oxytocin before
hormone produced infusion. abortion unfavorable fetal neonatal jaundice, low Apgar scores therapy.
severe toxemia, GI: Nausea, vomiting 2. Ensure continuous observation of
in the hypothalamus 2. Postpartum: to
Control of postpartum uterine inertia, GU: Postpartum hemorrhage, uterine patient receiving IV oxytocin for
and stored in the uterine bleeding: produce uterine hypertonic uterine rupture, pelvic hemaroma, uterine induction or stimulation of labor; fetal
posterior pituitary, IV: add 10-40 units to contractions during the patterns, hypertonicity, spasm, titanic monitoring is preferred.
stimulates the 1,000ml of a 3rd stage of labor and to contraindication for contraction 3. Regulate rate of oxytocin delivery to
uterus, especially nonhydrating diluent control postpartum vaginal delivery, Others: Anaphylaxis, maternal death establish uterine contractions similar to
the gravid uterus IM: Administer 10 units bleeding previous cesarean normal labor.
just before after the delivery of the 3. Lactation deficiency section, pregnancy. 4. Monitor maternal BP during oxytocin
parturition, and placenta. 4. Unlabled use: Use cautiously: administration.
causes oxytocin challenge test Renal impairment 5. Discontinue: uterine hyperactivity, any
positions or sign of hypertensive emergency.
mycepithelium of
presentations, 6. Render health teachings.
the lacteal glands to
obstetric emergencies
contract, which that favor surgical
results to milk intervention,
ejection in lactating prolonged use in
METHERGINE Oxytotic: acts as a IM: 0.2mg after delivery 1. Routine management Contraindicated: CNS: Dizziness, headache, tinnitus, 1. Monitor postpartum women for BP
Methylergo- partial agonist or of the placenta, after after delivery of Allergy to diaphoresis changes and amt. and character of
novine maleate antagonist at alpha delivery of the anterior placenta methylergonovine, CV: Hypertension, palpitations, vaginal bleeding.
receptors; as a result shoulder, or during 2. Treatment of hypertension, chest pain, dyspnea 2. Discontinue if toxicity occur.
it increases the puerperium. Maybe 3. Instruct the patient that the drug
postpartum atony and toxemia, lactation, GI: Nausea, vomiting
strength, duration, repeated q2-4 hr. should not be needed for longer than 1
IV: 0.2mg; infuse slowly hemorrhage; pregnancy. week.
and frequency of subinvolution of the Use cautiously:
uterine contractions. over at least 60 sec. 4. Tell patient about the side effects she
Monitor BP very carefully uterus Sepsis, obliterative may experience: nausea, vomiting,
Methylergonovine is
as severe hypertensive 3. Uterine stimulation vascular disease, dizziness, headache, ringing into the ears.
used just after a baby
reaction may occur, during the 2nd stage of hepatic or renal Instruct the patient to report difficulty in
is born, to help
reserve this route for labor, following delivery impairment. breathing, headache, numb or cold
deliver the placenta emergency situations. extremities, severe abd cramping.
(also called the of anterior shoulder
Oral: 0.2mg PO tid or qid
"afterbirth"). It is also in the puerperium for up
used to help control
bleeding and other to 1 wk.
uterine problems
after childbirth.
XYLOCAINE Type 1 Local anesthesia: 1. Antiarrhytmic: Contraindicated: Antiarrhytmic 1. Check drug concentration carefully,
Lidocaine HCl antiarrhythmic. Management of Allergy to lidocaine CNS: Dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, many concentrations are available.
Decrease diastolic Spinal anesthesia: 5% ventricular arryhtmias or amide type local unconsciousness, tremors, twitching, 2. Continuously monitor response.
depolarization, sol’n with glucose during cardiac surgery anesthetics, heart vision change, seizures 3. Keep life-support equipment and
CV: Cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac vasopressors readily available in case of
decreasing and MI. failure, cardiogenic
Low spinal “saddle block” arrest, vasodilation, hypotension severe adverse reaction.
automaticity of anesthesia: 2. Anesthetic: shock, 2nd to 3rd GI: nausea, vomiting 4. Have diazepam or short-acting
ventricular cells, 1.5% sol’n with dextrose infiltration anesthesia, degree heart block, Respi: Respiratory depression/arrest barbiturate in case of seizures.
increases ventricular peripheral and Stokes-Adams Other: rash, anaphylactoid rxn, 5. Have patients who have received
fibrillation sympathetic nerve syndrome, Wolff- malignant hyperthermia, fever lidocaine as a spinal anesthesia remain
threshold. blocks, spinal and caudal Parkinson-White Injectable local anesthetic for lying flat for 6-12 hr afterward; ensure
Local anesthetic: anesthesia, retrobulbar syndrome. epidural or caudal anesthesia: adequate hydration to minimize
Blocks the and transtracheal Use Cautiously: CNS: Headache, backache, septic headache.
generation and injection; topical hepatic or renal dse, meningitis, persistent sensory, motor, 6. Use cautiously to prevent checking
or autonomic deficit of lower spinal when administered as oral topical
conduction of action anesthetic for skin inflammation or
segments, incomplete recovery anesthetic.
potentials in sensory disorders and accessible sepsis in the region
CV: Hypotension 7. Apply to gauze or bandage before
nerves by reducing mucous membrane. of injection, labor Derma: Urticaria, pruritus, erythema, applying to skin.
sodium and delivery, edema Instruct patient not to eat or drink for 1
permeability, lactation. GU: Urinary retention, urinary or fecal hr after using oral lidocaine to prevent
reducing height and incontinence. biting the inside of the mouth or tongue
rate of rise of the Topical local anesthesia: and choking.
action potential, Derma: contact dermatitis, urticaria, 8. Tell patient that he/she may
increasing excitation cutaneous lesions experience drowsiness, dizziness,
threshold, and Local: Burning, stinging, tenderness, numbness, double-vision, nausea,
swelling, tissue irritation, sloughing or vomiting, stinging, burning, local
slowing conduction
necrosis irritation.
Other: anaphylactoid rxn, seizures 9. Encourage patient to report thick
tounge, numbness, pain or numbness at
IV site, swelling, or pain at site of local
anesthetic use.
10. Assess patient for difficulty in
speaking and breathing.

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